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Mighty Guide Home Training Routine

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The information provided in this book is for educational purposes only.
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The advice and tips given in this course are meant for healthy adults only. You should
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Welcome to the Mighty Guide Home Training Protocol. For this
routine you will need absolutely no equipment but your own willpower
and your body. This unisex program will help yourself develop a
stronger & sexier body so that you can show off during summer and
wear your favorite cosplays at conventions. Also, just making you feel
much more confident in yourself since you are using your body to get
the body you desire. Matter of Fact Take a Before picture when you
first start and monitor how far you improve.

Here how it works. Choose your Main Goal which can be broken
down into 3 parts.
Building Muscle & Getting Stronger
Getting Leaner & Getting Stronger
Getting Fit & Getting Stronger
(Mix of both just to get you healthier)
Now I highly suggest going through various phases for each one of
the main goals listed above for over the next 12 weeks but If you feel
one particular thing works better for you by all means stick with it.
As you are only using your Body the program is pretty simple and
something you can do in your room.


The most important thing to remember for building
muscle is this. Muscles grow from Time under tension.

so, if you’re really trying to make your muscles grow, slow down the
reps and really concentrate on the form of the exercise and the muscle
contraction. Now everybody is different and reacts differently but on
average there are certain rep ranges to choose from depending on your
To Add more size to your frame, pick an exercise that lets you do
between 6-12 reps. When I say 6-12 reps that means you hit between
6-12 reps doing an exercise and going for 7-13 would be impossible or
you can’t do it without good form and that can lead to injuries my
friends and you don’t want that. There are ways to make yourself
fatigue faster by either adding weight, switching hand positions, or
making yourself feel heavier by going extra slow and controlled. So, for
example if you want to make a simple pushup more challenging for
mass ​here’s a quick fit tip.
Do 1 pushup and while lowering yourself down to the ground
count from 20-1 until your chest hits the floor. This works for ANY
exercise and You’ll be burning like crazy in a good way. Also lifting your
leg into the air or performing one arm pushups can increase the
progressive overload in your muscles so that you constantly improve.
Now if you want to build strength pick an exercise that only allows you
to do between 1-5 reps and if you want to get a Mix of Strength and
Size for health choose an exercise that lets you do between 6-8 reps.
Then of course if you are focused primarily on shedding fat with
DON’T COUNT REPS. Count how many you can do with good form
and take note of it and watch those numbers go up over the months.

Standard Warmup Example Routine

Jogging in place 4 minutes

Followed by
2 minutes of jumping jacks

2 minutes of Arm circles

Then 10 burpees just to get the blood everywhere

Bodyweight Muscle Building Example

Calisthenics are great for helping you build muscular endurance and
becoming a leaner, stronger, more athletic individual. But when it
comes to Building straight muscle that becomes an issue because you’ll
eventually become so strong at doing these bodyweight exercises you
will have to increase the intensity by adding weight or making them
more difficult. An easy way to do this is through isometric holds and
really focusing on the reps. Not just BATTING them out one after
another but really focusing on the contraction of the muscle when
going down and up.
​ ith Tuck Jumps 3 x
Spider-man Pushups 3 x 15-20 reps​ Supersetted w
20 reps

With the Tuck Jumps remember to land softly so you don’t damage your
​ ith Alternating Lunges
Diamond Pushups 4 sets of 12-15 ​Supersetted w
4 sets of 16 (8 each leg)
Isometric Hold Pushups 4 x Failure (so when your muscles give out,
this help build muscular endurance and stamina, TIME YOURSELF AND

Body Squat try to get 100 with minimal rest

Chair Dips 4 sets of 10 Supersetted with Crunches 4 sets of 20
Rest is Key!
So many folks don’t time their rest and they are leaving GAINZ on
the table. Use your cellphone timer and time yourself with each
exercise you perform.
If you are Building Muscle: rest between 60-90 seconds.
If you are Interested in Strength: rest 2-3 minutes.
If you want Both: rest 90 seconds.
If you want to Lose Fat: rest less than 45 seconds

Now one crucial side note is Back Training. In the follow up PDF
Defying Gravity I talk in depth about how to take your training further
and how to get better results with certain equipment. Training the Back
at home without equipment IS POSSIBLE BUT unlike the other exercises
It takes more work to effectively hit it. That’s why I highly suggest going
to a playground park or investing in a pullup bar so that you can
effectively get those Back muscles EXTRA on point. But if you don’t
have those are your disposal just yet I’ll give you some stuff you can do
in your room. So for the back exercises if you have a bar available
switch out those with Pullups, Chin-ups, and Bodyweight Rows on the
straight bar!

TO YOU and YOUR PERSONAL GOALS! Take the exercises in the order I
prescribe them and modify them for your own Personal needs.
Training Routine for Beginners​ (​4 sets per exercise)
Body Dips (though if you have a park available do standard dips)
Alternating Lunges
Back Presses (lie flat on the ground, using your elbows press your
upper torso off the floor and squeeze your upper back for 3 seconds
before slowly lowering yourself) / Pullups & Chin-ups if bar is available
if not do 8 sets for Back Presses.
Plank (1 minute)

Training Routine for Intermediate ​(​4 sets per exercise + Supersets)

Pike/Handstand Pushups superset with Back Presses or Pullups
Pistol Squats superset with Body Dips (though if you have a park
available do standard dips)
Pushups superset with Alternating Jump Lunges
Plank (1 minute) superset with Cobra Back squeeze (get into the
superman position on the floor, raise your chest off the floor
maintaining the superman position and slowly lower yourself down)
Training Routine for Advanced ​(​4 sets per exercise + Triple
Body Dips to Back Presses to Pistol Squat
Clapping Pushups to Cobra Back Squeeze to Alternating jumping
Handstand Pushup to Plank (1 minute) to Foot Elevated Pushups

Note feel free to use any variation of pushups used in the videos to
make this more challenging. Same goes for any exercise.

Now for cardio you can do standard stuff such as running, jump
roping, swimming, cycling etc. Or you can do full body circuits to help
you torch some more body fat. The thing about calisthenics is as long as
you warmup, rest, recover, and stretch properly every day you can do
them more often. Military personnel, gymnasts, and calisthenic
athletes do calisthenics 5-6 days a week because its different than
Weight Training and your body can adapt fast to it. So here are some
circuits you can do at home for fat burning on your days off from your
normal resistance training work.
Aesthetic Fat Loss Routine 1
Burpee 30 seconds

Rest 10 seconds
Jumping alternating lunges 30 seconds

Rest 10 seconds
Bicycle Crunches 30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Mountain Climbers 30 seconds

Rest 10 seconds
(Right Leg) One legged Burpee 30 seconds

Rest 10 seconds
Bicycle Crunches 30 seconds

Rest 10 seconds
(Left Leg) One legged Burpee 30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Alternating Crunches 30 seconds

Rest 10 seconds
Pushups 30 seconds
Aesthetic Fat Loss 2
Handstand kick ups 30 seconds

Rest 10 seconds
Double Kicks 30 seconds

Rest 10 seconds

Squat jump twist 30 seconds

Rest 10 seconds
Lunges 30 seconds

Rest 10 seconds
Pushup 30 seconds

Rest 10 seconds

Jump Ins 60 seconds

Honestly you can make your own Fat burning Circuit you can do on
off days from the exercise given to you in the videos. All you need to do
is find 6 decently challenging exercises (preferably 2 for each body part)
you can do for 30 seconds, then rest 10 seconds, then repeat until you
hit your last exercise in which you rest 60 seconds and repeat 5 more
times. These are phenomenal for really trimming fat and helping you
tone up the body faster and in more fun way than standard cardio.

But remember with every exercise it takes time to build up. Aim to
get 1% better each day and months from now look how far you came.
You’re heading in the right direction and this will give you the punch to
get even better. You got this I believe in you, Good Luck and Train Hard!

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