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Nelson : Good morning , are you here for tuition in is university?

Frank: yes I´m

Nelson: Good , I need to your personal information,, whats your full name ?

Frank: My full name is frank godoy saveedra .

Nelson : how do you spell your middle name?

Frank: It´s G – E - O – R – G – E

Nelson : ok, lets continue , what´s your house address?

Frank : my house address The campanulas 375

Nelson : It´s Santiago of chile right?

Frank: ohh yeah!!

Nelson : how old are you ?

Frank : I have 19 years old

Nelson : who pays yours school??

Frank: Well, my mother.

Nelson: Good, to continue I need the data of your mother , what’s your mother’s full

Frank: Is Eugenia Godoy

Nelson: are you live whith your mother?

Franck : Yes, I’m

Nelson : how old are you mother?

Frank: she has forty eight years old
Nelson: and , what´s your mother's identification number?
Frank : It ´s Ten dot six seven three dot seven five three script zero

Nelson : can you give me your email and of your mother also?
Frank : It´s saavedrafrank two nine six at gmail dot com and my mother is eugenia dot
godoytoledo at gmail dot com
Nelson: ok, so it´s us $ 111 ( one hundred and eleven ) for inscription to start your
Frank : well here you have, thanks
Nelson : thanks

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