Training and Education Program 2011: Welding Technology

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Training and education program 2011

Welding Technology
Training and education are the keys to our success

Our success depends on our employees and business partners. With their knowledge, abilities, attitude
and motivation, they represent the potential and the energy behind our growth. Therefore their personal
and professional development is very important.

At Fronius, training and education is a crucial long-term tool. Particularly in a sector such as welding
technology, providing local service and skills is increasingly becoming the decisive factor behind a
company's success. Premium products demand premium skills. So Fronius offers its employees and
business partners a training and education program for the acquisition and development of skills in
welding application technology, system technology and sales support.

Experienced trainers pass on their knowledge in theory and practice. As a result highly-skilled
employees and business partners allow us to shift the limits.

Wolfgang Lattner Vinzenz Jank

Divisional Manager for Welding Technology Head of TechSupport International
Welding Technology Division
General information

The development of our employees' know-how and skills is supported as follows:


Employees and business


Lectures Workshops

... used to impart and broaden knowledge about defined subjects in the area of
welding, especially with regard to developments in Fronius products and technologies.
In addition to the lectures, training also sets itself apart by its intensive
interaction between participants and trainers as well as bringing practical applications
in first place.

Our training sessions run at three levels, from beginners to experts: Basic, Advanced and Expert.
If you have not completed the previous levels, prior knowledge is required.

Each participant receives a confirmation after the trainings.

Dates and times for our standard trainings in German (de) and English (en) can be found in this
training and education program. On request we may also offer trainings adjusted to your
... are a way of delivering compressed information about subjects that tell the listeners about
new products and technologies within the welding sector. A lecture can be given either by
Fronius employees or by external lecturers.

Further information and current dates can be found in the events calendar on our

... are organised to encourage the participants to work on specific subjects and represent a
step up from the pure imparting of knowledge to enable further developements.

Further information and current dates can be found in the events calendar on our homepage

Explanation of the different training areas

AWT – Application technology trainings

These trainings address the operation and possible uses of a particular welding system.

NEW – Product News

In these trainings you will receive Information over new products, operation, Operational areas
Function and maintenance

SYS – System technology trainings

In these trainings you will learn the mode of operation and maintenance of different welding systems.

SUP – Support (Sales support trainings)

In these trainings you will receive an introduction to the Devision of Welding Technology and for
example you learn how to use our price list.

AUT - Automation
This will give you an introduction into Fronius welding automation and orbital welding.

REP - Repair
These trainings teach you the correct way to repair various welding torches and welding systems.
Useful information

Registration and location

You should register at least two weeks prior to the training. We kindly ask Fronius
employees to register online at the Fronius Trainingsportal (

Fronius customers should contact their Fronius sales consultant, distributor or representative.
For an easier organisation please use the registration form attached.

Trainings generally take place at our sales location in Wels, Buxbaumstraße 2.

Only the trainings REP10 – REP15 take place in Pettenbach.

Training documents
Each participant will receive training documentation, which are included in the price of the training.

With regard to costs we recommend that you get in touch with your contact at Fronius
(prices can be found in the relevant training description). Hotel and travel costs have to be
paid by the training participant. Prices and information are accurate at the time of printing.

Important note!
For the “Application Technology" trainings, flame retardant clothing and
appropriate footwear should be worn.

Attached you will find a list of recommended hotels. We will gladly reserve a room for you. Prices and
information are accurate at the time of printing.

Fronius International GmbH
TechSupport International
Buxbaumstraße 2
A-4600 Wels
Tel.: 0043 (0) 7242 241-6710
Fax.: 0043 (0) 7242 241-95 3930
Table of contents

TECHNICAL APPLICATION TRAININGS .........................................................................................8

AWT01 BASIC WELDING TECHNOLOGY ................................................................................................................... 9

AWT02 ADVANCED TUNGSTEN INERT GAS WELDING .............................................................................................. 10
AWT03 ADVANCED GAS METAL ARC WELDING ....................................................................................................... 11
AWT04 ADVANCED MANUAL ARC WELDING ........................................................................................................... 12
AWT05 ADVANCED DELTASPOT .......................................................................................................................... 13
AWT16 ADVANCED WELDING TORCHES ............................................................................................................... 14
AWT08 EXPERT PLASMA ..................................................................................................................................... 15
AWT09 EXPERT RCU OPERATION ....................................................................................................................... 16
AWT10 EXPERT RCU SYNERGIC LINES ................................................................................................................ 17
AWT11 EXPERT CMT ......................................................................................................................................... 18
AWT12 EXPERT T.I.M.E...................................................................................................................................... 19
AWT13 EXPERT TIMETWIN .................................................................................................................................. 20
AWT14 EXPERT DELTASPOT ............................................................................................................................... 21
AWT15 EXPERT LASERHYBRID ............................................................................................................................ 22

SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY TRAININGS ............................................................................................23

SYS01 BASIC ELECTRONICS ................................................................................................................................ 24

SYS03 ADVANCED DIGITAL WELDING MACHINES .................................................................................................... 25
SYS04 ADVANCED RESONANT WELDING MACHINES ............................................................................................... 26
SYS05 ADVANCED MAINTENANCE, SAFETY AND CALIBRATION TECHNOLOGY ........................................................... 27
SYS06 ADVANCED DELTASPOT ........................................................................................................................... 28
SYS07 EXPERT DIGITAL WELDING SYSTEM ROBOT INTERFACES ......................................................................... 29
SYS08 EXPERT FRONIUS XPLORER ..................................................................................................................... 30
SYS09 EXPERT DELTASPOT ................................................................................................................................ 31

PRODUCT NEWS ............................................................................................................................32

NEW 02 HIGH PERFORMANCE WELDING .............................................................................................................. 33

SALES SUPPORT TRAININGS.......................................................................................................34

SUP02 BASIC PRICE LIST ..................................................................................................................................... 35

SUP03 BASIC INTERNATIONAL WELDING ACCESSORIES ......................................................................................... 36
SUP06 SPARTENMARKETING ............................................................................................................................... 37
SUP07 VIRTUAL WELDING ................................................................................................................................... 38

AUTOMATION TRAININGS .............................................................................................................39

AUT01 BASIC WELDING AUTOMATION PRODUCT RANGE ......................................................................................... 40

AUT02 ADVANCED ORBITAL WELDING ................................................................................................................... 41
REPAIR TRAININGS........................................................................................................................42

REP10 BASIC MANUAL WELDING TORCH REPAIR.................................................................................................... 43

REP11 ADVANCED MANUAL WELDING TORCHES .................................................................................................... 44
REP12 ADVANCED PUSH PULL MANUAL WELDING TORCH REPAIR .......................................................................... 45
REP13 ADVANCED ROBOT HOSEPACK REPAIR ...................................................................................................... 46
REP14 ADVANCED CMT ROBOT HOSEPACK REPAIR .............................................................................................. 47
REP15 ADVANCED ROBOT TORCH BODY REPAIR ................................................................................................... 48



TRAINING REGISTRATION ............................................................................................................55

Technical application trainings
AWT01 Basic welding technology

Manual welding, MIG/MAG and TIG welding systems

You will

- get basic knowledge about welding technology.

- get an introduction to arc welding, using the relevant Fronius
welding systems MMAW, GMAW and GTAW.
- What part does the welding process play in the joining process?
- Functional principle of welding
- Principle, structure, operation and application areas for:
o Manual electrode welding with the TransPocket
o GTAW welding systems with the MagicWave
o GMAW welding systems with the TPS
- Comparison of the welding processes and conclusions
- Overview of special and high-performance welding processes
- Application Technician
Target group
- Service Technician
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients

Number of participants max. 8

Duration 2 days

Date DE: 24.01.2011 – 25.01.2011 11.07.2011– 12.07.2011

21.02.2011 – 22.02.2011 08.08.2011– 09.08.2011
21.03.2011– 22.03.2011 05.09.2011– 06.09.2011
18.04.2011– 19.04.2011 03.10.2011– 04.10.2011
16.05.2011– 17.05.2011 02.11.2011– 03.11.2011
14.06.2011– 15.06.2011 05.12.2011– 06.12.2011

EN: on request

Costs € 594 per person

Technical application 9
AWT02 Advanced tungsten
inert gas welding

TransTig MagicWave
You will

- get detailed information about Fronius GTAW systems and their

- learn how to operate the power source correctly and get to know its
application areas.
- Basics of the welding process
- Structure, system components and wearing parts
- GTAW torches and accessories
- Parameter settings (operation)
- Welding system updates
- Options (cold wire system components, remote controls, etc.)
- Filler metals and shielding gases
- Forming
- Welding practice in AC and DC mode
- Plasma principles
- Application Technician
Target group
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients

Requirements AWT01 Basic welding technology

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 2 days

Date DE: 14.02.2011 – 15.02.2011 16.08.2011 – 17.8.2011

23.05.2011 – 24.05.2011 24.10.2011 – 25.10.2011

EN: on request

Costs € 594 per person

Technical application 10
AWT03 Advanced gas metal
arc welding

VarioStar VarioSynergic TransSynergic TransPulsSynergic TransSteel

You will

- get detailed information about Fronius GMAW systems.

- learn how to operate the power source correctly and get to know its
application areas.
- Basics of the welding process
- Structure, system components and wearing parts
- GMAW torches and accessories
- Parameter settings (operation)
- Welding system updates
- Options (remote controls, cooling circuits, wire-feed units, etc.)
- Filler metals and shielding gases
- Welding practice with carbon steel, aluminium, CrNi and brazing in
standard and pulsed mode
- Application Technician
Target group
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients

Requirements AWT01 Basic welding technology

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 3 days

Date DE: 31.01.2011– 02.02. 2011 04.07.2011– 06.07.2011

26.04.2011– 28.04.2011 18.10.2011– 20.10.2011

EN: on request

Costs € 891 per person

Technical application 11
AWT04 Advanced manual arc

You will

- get detailed information about the TransPocket series an its

- learn how to operate the power source correctly and get to know its
application areas.
- Basics of the welding process
- Parameter settings and features
- Electrode types and coating types
- Welding practice with various electrode types
- Arc air gouging
- Application Technician
Target group
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients

Requirements AWT01 Basic welding technology

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 1 day

Date DE: 14.03.2011


EN: on request

Costs € 297 per person

Technical application 12
AWT05 Advanced DeltaSpot

You will

- get basic knowledge about resistance spot welding.

- learn how to adjust parameters with a configured system, to
operate DeltaSpot and to check the results.
- Basics of the welding process
- Structure and functional principle of a DeltaSpot system
- Selecting and fitting wearing parts for the application
- Setting parameters (Fronius Xplorer skills required)
- Operation
- Application areas and potential for DeltaSpot
- Welding practice with aluminium, high-strength steel, three-sheet
and dissimilar material joints
- Checking the results, testing methods and QMaster
- Application Technician
Target group
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients

Requirements Skills in resistance spot welding

Number of participants max. 4

Duration 1.5 days

Date DE: 11.04.2011 – 12.04.2011

10.10.2011 – 11.10.2011
EN: on request

Costs € 445.50 per person

We recommend that this training is taken in combination with AWT14,

SYS06 and SYS09.

Technical application 13
AWT16 Advanced Welding Torches

Welding Torches
You will

- get detailed information about the Fronius TIG and MSG welding
- learn the difference and get to know its application areas.
- TIG and MSG Welding Torches
- manual.-, automatic.- and robot welding tourch
- wear parts and spare parts
- options and accessories
- Application Technician
Target group
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients
AWT01 Basic welding technology
max. 8
Number of participants
1 day
DE: 03.03.2011 07.07.2011
31.05.2011 22.09.2011

EN: on request
€ 297 per person

Technical application 14
AWT08 Expert plasma

Plasma module
You will

- get detailed information about the plasma welding process, its

setup and the configurations offered by Fronius.
- learn how to operate the Fronius plasma module, in combination
with our GTAW systems, correctly and how to set up simple
- Basics of plasma welding
- Different versions: micro, soft and keyhole plasma welding
- Device configuration
- Gases and forming
- Plasma torches
- Parameter settings
- Manual and mechanised welding practice
- Application Technician
Target group
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients

Requirements AWT02 Advanced tungsten inert gas welding

Number of participants max. 8

Duration 2 days

Date on request

Costs € 594 per person

Technical application 15
AWT09 Expert RCU operation

RCU 5000i
You will

- get detailed information how to use the RCU 5000i.

- get to know the hardware and software requirements and be able
to understand and program the functions.
- Navigation and functions
- GMAW synergic welding menu option
- GMAW standard manual welding menu option
- MMA welding menu option
- GTAW welding menu option
- Job welding menu option, optimising and managing jobs
- RCU update
- Application area and requirement (1 RCU per device)
- User management
- Application Technician
Target group
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients

Requirements AWT03 Advanced gas metal arc welding

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 1 day

Date DE: 28.02.2011 07.11.2011


EN: on request

Costs € 297 per person

Technical application 16
AWT10 Expert RCU synergic lines

RCU 5000i record synergic lines

You will

- get detailed information how to record synergic lines with the RCU
- get to know the connection between the pulsed and standard.
parameters, learn how to create synergic lines for special uses and
to adjust parameters.
- Setup of a synergic line
- Creating a pulsed/standard synergic line
- Pulsed/standard parameters
- Optimising and managing synergic lines
- Application Technician
Target group
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients

Requirements AWT09 Expert RCU operation

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 2 days

Date DE: 29.03.2011 – 30.03.2011

08.11.2011 – 09.11.2011

EN: on request

Costs € 594 per person

Technical application 17
AWT11 Expert CMT

You will

- get detailed information about the Fronius GMAW system CMT

(cold metal transfer) and its features.
- get to know the advantages of this process.
- learn how to operate the power source and get to know its
application areas.
- CMT process, basics and new information, manual CMT
- Device configuration
- Parameter settings
- CMT welding and brazing practice
- The possibilities of the CMT process
- Configuring the welding system
- Selecting and changing synergic lines
- Application Technician
Target group
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients
AWT03 Advanced gas metal arc welding
AWT09 Expert RCU operation

Number of participants max. 4

Duration 2 days

Date DE: 20.04.2011 – 21.04.2011 20.09.2011– 21.09.2011

28.06.2011 – 29.06.2011 15.11.2011– 16.11.2011

EN: on request

Costs € 594 per person

Technical application 18
AWT12 Expert T.I.M.E

You will

- get detailed information about the Fronius single-wire high-

performance welding process T.I.M.E. and its features.
- learn how to operate the power source correctly and get to know its
application areas.
- Recognising the application areas of the TIME process
- Choosing the right protective gas shield
- Setting optimum welding parameters
- Differences compared with conventional GMAW welding
- Recognising possible applications
- Material conditions, weld preparation, layer formation
- Gases
- Calculating deposition rate and welding speed
- References
- Application Technician
Target group
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients

Requirements AWT03 Advanced gas metal arc welding

Number of participants max. 4

Duration 1 day

Date DE: 15.03.2011


EN: on request

Costs € 297 per person

Technical application 19
AWT13 Expert TimeTwin

You will

- get detailed information about the Fronius tandem high-

performance welding process TimeTwin and its features.
- learn how to operate the power source correctly and get to know its
application areas.
- Setting the device defaults
- Setting optimum welding parameters
- Basics of the process (filler metal, shielding gases)
- Limits and potential of the process
- Configuration (system components)
- Device configuration
- Working with different arc types
- Creating and editing jobs
- Parameter settings, parameter selection
- Welding practice using various materials
- Application Technician
Target group
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients
AWT03 Advanced gas metal arc welding
AWT09 Expert RCU operation

Number of participants max. 4

Duration 2 days

Date DE: 16.02.2011 – 17.02.2011

05.10.2011 – 06.10.2011

EN: on request

Costs € 594 per person

Technical application 20
AWT14 Expert DeltaSpot

You will

- get detailed information about the communication between robot

and DeltaSpot control.
- learn the implementation and get an overview of interfaces,
signalling and description.
- Signalling and description
- Overview of interfaces
- Practical application
- Application Technician
Target group
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients

Requirements AWT05 Advanced DeltaSpot

Number of participants max. 4

Duration 0,5 days

Date DE: 12.04.2011


EN: on request

Costs € 148.50 per person

We recommend that this training is taken in combination with AWT05,

SYS06 and SYS09

Technical application 21
AWT15 Expert LaserHybrid

You will

- get detailed information about the Fronius LaserHybrid process.

- get to know the application areas and functions.
- Basics of LaserHybrid welding
- System configuration
- Details about the LaserHybrid welding head
- Demonstration of the LaserHybrid welding system
- Limits and potential of the process
- Pro and cons of the process
- Employees and business partners
Target group
- Clients

Requirements AWT03 Advanced gas metal arc welding

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 0.5 days

Date DE: 19.05.2011


EN: on request

Costs 148,50 € / TeilnehmerIn

Technical application 22
System technology trainings

Technical application 23
SYS01 Basic electronics

electrical components Vario Star Vario Synergic

As a basic training for further trainings you will get

- information about the functions of important components in power

- basic electrical engineering knowledge.
- basic knowledge about setup and functions of Fronius inverter
power sources and stage-switched devices.
- Electrical engineering basics geared towards Fronius power
- Introduction and simple explanation of components in Fronius
power sources (transformers, diodes, etc.)
- How the components work (coils, heat conductive paste, etc.)
- Overview of the electrical components used
- Application Technician
Target group
- Service Technician
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients

Requirements AWT01 Basic welding technology

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 1 day

Date DE: 23.02.2011 13.07.2011

20.04.2011 07.09.2011
16.06.2011 03.11.2011

EN: on request

Costs € 297 per person

System technology 24
SYS03 Advanced digital
welding machines

TransSynergic TransPulsSynergic TransSteel Magic Wave Trans Tig

You will

- get to know the digital Fronius product line.

- know setup and principle of analogue power sources.
- be able to carry out repair and maintenance work.
- Operation/setup/function and repair instructions
- Operation/handling the various Fronius digital power sources and
how updates work
- Technical setup and function of the TS, TPS, MW and TT series,
including circuit diagrams
- Working with the service manual for the TT/MW
- Troubleshooting, error codes
- Options (accessories, cold wire-feed unit, cooling circuit)
- Service Technician
Target group
- Employees and clients
SYS01 Basic electronics
AWT01 Basic welding technology

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 2 days

Date DE: 26.01.2011 – 27.01.2011 10.08.2011 – 11.08.2011

23.03.2011 – 24.03.2011 19.10.2011 – 20.10.2011
18.05.2011 – 19.05.2011 23.11.2011 – 24.11.2011

EN: on request

Costs € 594 per person

System technology 25
SYS04 Advanced resonant
welding machines

You will

- get detailed information about the resonant Fronius product line

- learn how to operate the TransPocket-series.
- be able to carry out repair and maintenance work.
- Basics of resonant technology
- Components and options (accessories, cold wire-feed unit, cooling
- Practical exercises (e.g. changing components)
- TP 1500/2500/3000 series information
- Repair and maintenance tips
- Explanation of the setup and function using a circuit diagram
- Identifying measuring points
- Troubleshooting/analysis, error reports
- Service Technician
Target group
- Employees and clients
SYS01 Basic electronics
AWT01 Basic welding technology

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 0.5 days

Date DE: 28.01.2011 21.10.2011


EN: on request

Costs € 148.50 per person

System technology 26
SYS05 Advanced maintenance,
safety and calibration technology

Calibration station
You will

- get to know the importance of maintenance, safety and calibration

- get an overview of relevant standards, test-records and working
- be able to calibrate Fronius power sources, make a safety-check
and complete test-records.
- Importance (awareness of responsibility)
- Maintenance sequence
- Understanding safety technology
- Analogue/digital implementations according to instructions
- Safety and calibration techniques using practical examples
- Demonstrating the consequences of errors when safety aspects
are ignored
- Service Technician
Target group
- Employees and clients
SYS01 Basic electronics
AWT01 Basic welding technology

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 1 day

Date DE: 20.01.2011 14.07.2011

10.03.2011 15.09.2011
26.05.2011 17.11.2011

EN: on request

Costs € 297 per person

System technology 27
SYS06 Advanced DeltaSpot

You will

- get to know all DeltaSpot system components.

- be able to put a DeltaSpot system into operation.
- be able to carry out calibration, repair and maintenance work.
- Starting up and Calibrating the system
- Setting basic parameters
- Knowledge of all components (control, inverter, transformer, gun,
- Installing and monitoring options (bus, robot interfaces, power and
current, actual value display, interface)
- Maintenance and troubleshooting, QMaster and communication
- Changing components (grouping components)
- Signalling (checking signals) and description
- Service Technician
Target group
- Employees and clients
SYS01 Basic electronics
AWT01 Basic welding technology

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 2 days

Date DE: 13.04.2011 – 14.04.2011

12.10.2011 – 13.10.2011

EN: on request

Costs € 594 per person

We recommend that this training is taken in combination with AWT05,

AWT14 and SYS09.

System technology 28
SYS07 Expert digital welding system
robot interfaces

Robot interfaces
You will

- know several possibilities of connecting a power source to a robot.

- get to know according robot configurations.
- get an overview of several options.
- Interface variants
- Signal description interfaces
- Field bus systems
- Robot-power source interface options
- Configurations
- Options
- Service Technician
Target group
- Employees and clients

Requirements SYS03 Advanced digital welding machines

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 2 days

Date DE: 18.01.2010 – 19.01.2011 28.09.2010 – 29.09.2011

04.05.2010 – 05.05.2011 29.11.2010 – 30.11.2011
27.07.2010 – 28.07.2011

EN: on request

Costs € 594 per person

System technology 29
SYS08 Expert Fronius Xplorer

You will

- get an overview of usual Fronius Xplorer functions.

- be able to set up and maintain a power source network.
- Tools used to communicate with the power source (LocalNet
- Xplorer
- Backing up the power source
- Jobs
- Firewall
- User management
- Building and maintaining a network using Xplorer
- Welding data documentation
- Service Technician
Target group
- Employees and clients
Basic skills in PC, power source and RCU 5000i knowledge
Preferable: bring a laptop with a LocalNet converter

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 1 day

Date DE: 24.02.2011 08.09.2011

25.05.2011 16.11.2011

EN: on request

Costs € 297 per person

System technology 30
SYS09 Expert DeltaSpot

You will

- learn how to dimension system components.

- be able to set up a system using the product configurator.
- System configuration
- Design and configuration of a resistance spot welding system
- Product configurator
- Service Technician
Target group
- Employees and clients
SYS06 Advanced DeltaSpot
Basic skills with product configurator

Number of participants max. 4

Duration 0.5 days

Date DE: 15.04.2011


EN: on request

Costs € 148.50 per person

We recommend that this training is taken in combination with AWT05,

AWT14 and SYS06.

System technology 31
Product News

System technology 32
NEW 02 High Performance Welding

You will

- get information about the GMAW high performance welding

- learn the Fronius power source for high performance welding and
get to know its application areas.
- Principle of the T.I.M.E. welding process
- Principle of the TIME TWIN welding process
- Structure, system components
- configurate with product configurator
- Welding practice on carbon steel
- Application Technician
Target group
- Service Technician
- Sales Man
- Employees

Requirements AWT01 Basic welding technology

Number of participants max. 10

Duration 1 day

Date DE: 07.02.2011 22.08.2011

07.03.2011 19.09.2011
04.04.2011 17.10.2011
30.05.2011 14.11.2011
27.06.2011 19.12.2011

EN: on request

Costs € 297 per person

Product news 33
Sales support trainings

Product news 34
SUP02 Basic price list


- will be familiar with the structure and content of the price list.
- will use the price list as a tool to advise clients.
- will use the price list as a reference for product configurations,
replacement parts and services.
- will know the products and services offered by the Welding
Technology Division.

- Structure: "Where do I find that?"
- Basics of FMP and OK point quality
- Explanation of torch projects
- Basics of services

Target group
This training has been specifically designed for new sales employees
- Office Coordinator
- Sales Man
- Application Technician

Number of participants max. 8

Duration 2 hours

Date DE: 13.01.2011 11.08.2011

12.05.2011 15.12.2011

EN: on request

Sales support 35
SUP03 Basic international welding


- will be able to distinguish between national and international

available welding accessories and will know the relevant contact
- will know where to find saleable documents on the intranet.
- will know the application areas and potential of the products.
- will be able to present the product range to a client and provide
arguments in favour of it.

- Internal structure of the welding accessories
- Welding helmets
- Welding gloves
- Chemical products
- System-related welding accessories (pressure regulators, magnets,

Target group
- Sales Man
- Office Coordinator
- Employees and Fronius business partners who want to get to know
these products

Number of participants max. 8

Duration 0.5 days

Date DE: 07.04.2011


EN: on request

We recommend that this training is taken in combination with SUP04 Basic
welding education.

Sales support 36
SUP06 Spartenmarketing

You know ...

- the task priorities of division marketing WT

- the 3 groups of division marketing WT:
Product marketing, Communication & PR, Sales marketing
- the responsibilities and tasks in the different marketing groups
- the international marketing-process.

- organization and constitution of division marketing WT
- positioning and interfaces of division marketing in the Fronius
- responsibilities and projects in the different marketing groups
- international marketing-process
- discussion and questions

Target group
- employees of Fronius International

- employees of Fronius subsidiaries

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 1,5 hours

Date DE: 04.03.2011 02.09.2011

10.06.2011 02.12.2011

EN: on request


Sales support 37
SUP07 Virtual Welding


- will get to know the Virtual Welding functions

- will receive informations about advantages and prospects

- Construction of Virtual Welding
- Handling and settings
- Net compliants of the Virtual Welding
- Saving resources (shielding gas, welding current, ...)
- Online-Services
- Options

Target group - sales man

- Employees who would like to get to know these products

Number of participants max. 8

Duration 3 hours

Date DE: 18.02.2011 21.10.2011


EN: on request


Sales support 38
Automation trainings

Sales support 39
AUT01 Basic welding
automation product range

You …

- will get to know the Fronius welding automation product program

(standard products).

- Basics of welding automation components
- Standard equipment
- Options

Target group
- Application Technician
- Service Technician
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients who would like to get to know the standard
products in the Fronius welding automation range

- Practical experience of a welding process
- Basic knowledge of automation technology

Number of participants max. 8

Duration 0.5 days

Date on request

Automation 40
AUT02 Advanced orbital welding


- will be familiar with the basic details of the requirements, potential

and configurations of orbital welding.
- will be in a position to advise clients about the pros and cons and to
inform them about general requirements.

- Basics of orbital welding
- Configuration
- Joint preparation
- Material types
- Shielding gases
- Parameter settings
- Welding demonstration

Target group
- Application Technician
- Service Technician
- Sales Man
- Employees and clients who would like an overview of the orbital
welding process

Requirements Professional experience in GTAW and GMAW welding processes

Number of participants max. 6

Duration 1 day

Date on request

Automation 41
Repair trainings

Repair 42
REP10 Basic manual welding
torch repair


- will be familiar with the structure of welding torches and hosepacks.

- will be able to replace parts correctly.

- Structure of gas-cooled and water-cooled welding torches and
- Instruction to change wearing parts
- Changing components such as welding torch bodies, buttons, etc.
- Tool requirements

Target group
- Service Technician
- Sales Man
- Clients who would like to be able to change wearing parts and
spare parts themselves

Requirements Basic knowledge of welding torches

Number of participants min. 2, max. 4

Duration 0.5 days

Date on request

Costs € 148.50 per person

This training takes place in Pettenbach/plant 92. If you need a hotel, we
can recommend the Landhotel Ranklleiten (for details see hotel

Repair 43
REP11 Advanced manual
welding torches


- will be familiar with the structure of welding torches and hosepacks.

- will be able to repair manual welding torches correctly with the right

- Structure of gas-cooled or water-cooled welding torches
- Instruction to change wearing parts
- Changing components such as welding torch bodies, buttons, etc.
- Repairing hosepacks and sub-components
- Testing welding torches and hosepacks according to check plans
- Equipment required for the repairer's workbench

Target group
- Service Technician
- Clients who would like to carry out maintenance and repairs

Requirements Basic knowledge of welding torches

Number of participants min. 2, max. 4

Duration 1 day

Date on request

Costs € 297 per person

Please notify us in advance of any special torch types that require
particular consideration.
This training takes place in Pettenbach/plant 92. If you need a hotel, we
can recommend the Landhotel Ranklleiten (for details see hotel

Repair 44
REP12 Advanced Push Pull manual
welding torch repair


- will be familiar with the structure of the Push Pull and PT-Drive
manual welding torches.
- will be able to repair manual welding torches correctly with the right

- Instruction to change wearing parts
- Changing components such as welding torch bodies, buttons, etc.
- Repairing hosepacks and sub-components
- Testing welding torches and hosepacks according to testing
- Equipment required for the repairer's workbench

Target group
- Service Technician
- Clients who would like to carry out repairs themselves

Requirements Basic knowledge of Push Pull welding torches

Number of participants min. 2, max. 4

Duration 1 day

Date on request

Costs € 297 per person

This training takes place in Pettenbach/plant 92. If you need a hotel, we
can recommend the Landhotel Ranklleiten (for details see hotel

Repair 45
REP13 Advanced robot hosepack


- will be familiar with the structure of robot hosepacks.

- will be able to repair robot hosepacks correctly with the right tools.

- Structure of gas-cooled and water-cooled robot hosepacks
- Instruction to change wearing parts
- Changing components such as welding torch bodies, buttons, etc.
- Repairing hosepacks and sub-components
- Testing welding torches and hosepacks according to testing
- Equipment required for the repairer's workbench

Target group
- Service Technician
- Clients who would like to carry out repairs themselves

Requirements Basic knowledge of robot welding torches

Number of participants min. 2, max. 4

Duration 1 day

Date on request

Costs € 297 per person

Please notify us in advance of any special hosepacks that require
particular consideration.
This training takes place in Pettenbach/plant 92. If you need a hotel, we
can recommend the Landhotel Ranklleiten (for details see hotel

Repair 46
REP14 Advanced CMT robot
hosepack repair


- will be familiar with the structure of CMT robot hosepacks.

- will be able to repair CMT robot hosepacks correctly with the right

- Structure of CMT robot hosepacks
- Instruction to change wearing parts
- Changing components such as the drive unit, wire buffer, etc.
- Repairing hosepacks, wire buffer and sub-components
- Testing various components according to testing schedules
- Equipment required for the repairer's workbench

Target group
- Service Technician
- Clients who would like to carry out repairs themselves

Requirements Basic knowledge of robot welding torches

Number of participants min. 2, max. 4

Duration 1 day

Date on request

Costs € 297 per person

This training takes place in Pettenbach/plant 92. If you need a hotel, we
can recommend the Landhotel Ranklleiten (for details see hotel

Repair 47
REP15 Advanced robot torch
body repair


- will be familiar with the structure of robot torch bodies.

- will be able to repair robot torch bodies correctly with the right tools.

- Structure of gas-cooled and water-cooled robot torch bodies
- Instructions to change wearing parts
- Testing and repairing robot torch bodies
- Equipment required for the repairer's workbench

Target group
- Service Technician
- Clients who would like to carry out repairs themselves

Requirements Basic knowledge of robot torch bodies

Number of participants min. 2, max. 4

Duration 0.5 days

Date on request

Costs € 148.50 per person

Please notify us in advance of any special torch bodies that require
particular consideration.
This training takes place in Pettenbach/plants 319. If you need a hotel, we
can recommend the Landhotel Ranklleiten (for details see hotel

Repair 48
Directions plan / hotel recommendations – how to get to us in the fastest way

By car From the North and East (Linz, Vienna)

A1 – junction Linz Î A25 – Exit Wels Nord Î B137
direction Wels centre
From the South (Graz)
A9 – Voralpenkreuz Î A8 Î A25 – Exit Wels Nord Î B137
direction Wels centre
A9 – Voralpenkreuz Î A1 – Exit Sattledt Î B138 direction
Wels centre
From the West (Passau, Salzburg)
A8 Î A25 – Exit Wels Nord Î B137 direction Wels centre
A1 – Voralpenkreuz Î A8 Î A25 – Exit Wels Nord Î B137
direction Wels centre
A1 – Exit Sattledt Î B138 direction Wels centre

By train Main station of Wels (direct trains from Linz, Vienna,

Salzburg, Munich) –

By airplane Airport Linz / Hörsching –

further Information 49
AMEDIA Hotel Wels**** (formerly known as Traunpark)
Adlerstraße 1, 4600 Wels
Tel.: +43 / (0) 7242 / 622 36 0
Fax: +43 / (0) 7242 / 622 36 60

Rooms: 107 double rooms

Equipment: Bath / shower, toilet, non-smoker rooms, cable-
TV, radio, telephone, minibar, Vitality breakfast
buffet, free usage of sauna, restaurant, hotel
bar, conference rooms and lounges
Parking: Underground car park directly below the hotel
Prices: Single room: € 61,-
Double room: € 89,-

Bayrischer Hof ***

Dr. Schauerstraße 21 - 23, 4600 Wels
Tel.: +43 / (0) 7242 / 472 14
Fax: +43 / (0) 7242 / 472 14 55

Rooms: 16 single rooms, 26 double rooms, 2 suites

Equipment: Bath / shower, toilet, cable-TV, telephone,
non-smoker rooms, breakfast buffet, restaurant,
seminar rooms, ale house, outdoor dining area
Parking: Public and hotel parking spaces
charge (max. € 6 / day)
Prices: Single room: € 54,-
Double room: € 79,20
Suites: from € 77,40

further Information 50
Hotel Alexandra****
Dr.-Schauer Strasse 21-23, 4600 Wels
Tel.: +43 / (0) 7242 / 472 14
Fax: +43 / (0) 7242 / 472 14 55

Rooms: 14 double rooms, 3 single rooms, 3 suites

Equipment: stylish comfort-rooms with shower and bath,
hair dryer, cosmetic mirrow, toilet, cable-TV,
Pay-TV, hotel-information system, room safe,
3 suites with whirlpool, extended breakfast
buffet - starting at 06:00 o’clock in the morning

Parking: Public and hotel parking spaces

charge (max. € 6 / day)
Prices: Single room: € 75,-
Double room: € 110,-
Suites: from € 110,-

Best Western Hotel Ploberger (Stadtkrug)****

Kaiser-Josef-Platz 21, 4600 Wels
Tel.: +43 / (0) 7242 / 629 41 0
Fax: +43 / (0) 7242 / 629 41 110

Rooms: 31 single rooms, 51 double rooms

Equipment: Bath / shower, toilet, cable-TV, radio, minibar,
telephone, hair-dryer, non-smoker rooms,
rich breakfast buffet, sauna, conference rooms,
meeting rooms, restaurant, café, Modern
Classic rooms with free broadband internet
Parking: Direct access to the Kaiser-Josef underground
car park (discount for hotel guests)
Prices: Single room (Modern Classic): € 74,50
Double room (Modern Classic): € 89,-
Single room (Bel Etage): € 89,40
Double room (Bel Etage): € 114,-

further Information 51
Hotel Greif****
Kaiser-Josef-Platz 50/51, 4600 Wels
Tel.: +43 / (0) 7242 / 453 61
Fax: +43 / (0) 7242 / 446 29

Rooms: 41 double rooms, 32 single rooms and 5 suites

Equipment: Bathtub/shower, toilet, hair-dryer, telephone,
LCD-TV, radio, wideband-internet connection,
non-smoker rooms, room safe, extended
breakfeast, buffet, conference rooms
Parking: Free hotel parking space for guests of Fronius
(on availability); access to the public Kaiser-
Josef underground car park in front of the hotel
Prices: Single room: on request
Double room: on request
Suites: on request

Kremsmünsterer Hof***
Stadtplatz 62, 4600 Wels
Tel.: +43 / (0) 7242 / 466 23
Fax: +43 / (0) 7242 / 466 23 44

Rooms: 30 Double rooms, 23 shared rooms

Equipment: Bath / shower, toilet, cable-TV, telephone
Parking: free parking at the hotel
Prices: Single room: € 46,-
Double room: € 66,-

further Information 52
Hotel Gösserbräu***
Kaiser-Josef-Platz 27, 4600 Wels
Tel.: +43 / (0) 7242 / 604 60
Fax: +43 / (0) 7242 / 563 12

Rooms: 9 single rooms, 9 double rooms,

3 shared rooms
Equipment: Bath / shower, toilet, TV, telephone, non-
smoker, rooms, breakfast buffet
Parking: Free parking at the hotel (on availability)
Kaiser-Josef-car park nearby
(discount for hotel guests)
Prices: Single room: € 57,-
Double room: € 80,-

further Information 53
Eurohotel Sattledt***
Hauptstraße 1, 4642 Sattledt
Tel.: +43 / (0) 7244 / 20 206-0
Fax: +43 / (0) 7244 / 20 206-200

Rooms: 92 rooms
Equipment: Bathroom with shower, toilet, TV,
desk, internet access
Parking: Free parking at the hotel
Prices: Single room Superior: € 58,-
Double room Superior: € 70,-

further Information 54
Training registration

You should register at least two weeks prior to the training.

We kindly ask Fronius employees to register online at

Fronius customers should send the registration form to their Fronius sales consultant, distributor or

Training title


Company name and


(first name and surname)

Travel ˆ Car Arrival date: . . 2011 at:

ˆ Train Arrival date: . . 2011 at:

ˆ Air Arrival date: . . 2011 at:

Room reservation from: . . 2011 to: . . 2011

First choice hotel ˆ Single ˆ Double Number of rooms:

Second choice hotel (only ˆ Single ˆ Double Number of rooms:

if first choice unavailable)
Important! Hotel and travel costs are borne by the participant

Registration 55

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