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Strawberry 🍓 shortcake 🍰 was the best ♂️ ‍ thing 📴 ever ‍️I 😁 mean 😏 were

👶 else 🏿😩 could ❌😈 a show 📺 about 🤔 characters that 😐 despite 🚫

most 💯😃 of the cast ✨👾🤖 is named 🧨 after 👀 cake 🍰 like 🥰 pastries most
👉 of their 🧏 world 🌎 is made 🥱🥱🥱🥱 of lolly pops and the best 🤪 thing 📴
about 👈👈📝is that 🤢 us 🇺🇸 doesn't 😚 promote communism 🇨🇳 unlike
every ☝🏼 other 🙅 tv 📺 show 📺 out 🤟 there 🦧 those 🐥🐥 poor 💸 children 👶
being 😑🙄corrupted 😥 won't 🚫 someone 👤😒 please 😩🙏🥺think 🤔❓ of
the children? 👧🧒👦 Like 👬 the damn ⌚😳 carebears promoting communism
🇨🇳 under 🌝 the dogwhistle of sharing is caring and most 🦁 shows 📺
meant 👀 to promote toy lines 💨 it is so caplatialistic it wraps around 🔃 to
being 😮 communism 🇨🇳 propaganda 😞 again 🔄 will 🤴 someone 👤 think
🤔 the children??? 👧🧒👦 And before 👏🔈 you 🤫 ask 😩🤗about 🤔 *insert
show 📺 here* 📌 IT IS LIKELY 💟 PROPAGANDA 😞 for 💰 example 🔥 in 🛌
Pokemon 🐭🐦🐒their 🎉 mascot has 👏💹 the communist 👻 flag 🇧🇦 colors 🌈
they 💁 also ➕ promote piece 🧩 this is a common 😍 dog 🐶 whistle (also
➕😛 👨😛 while 😂 were 😫🏻at it pikachu is affiliated with Satan 😈 because 👄
his ✋👉 tail 🏃🏻🚨 is looking 👀👀 kinda 🍕🙅 sussy) 😓😓😨😳 🙊😨 🎵 😳 🎵 it also 👨 a
scientific fact 📕 that 😐❗ the color ️‍️‍red 🔻 and yellow 😚 has 🛒 special 👁️
👄👁️communist 👻 brain 🧠 washing 🚿 propitiates to make 💃 people 👫
communist 👻 that's 😿 why 🤔 the simpions are yellow 🔰 and before 👨🏼
you 😔‍♂️"It was business 💯 decision to make 💘 recognizable" that 😳
excuse is again 😬 so capitalistic it wraps around 🔃⭕ to being 😮
communist 👻 long ⌛⌛⌛ story 🔦 short 🩳 any 🤣 show 📦 with the colors 🌈
red 🔻 and yellow 😚 is propaganda 😞 and before 🤔 you 😊 point 👇 out
😜🚪Strawberry 🍓 short 🩳 cake 🎂 is red 🔻 and she 👉 has 💤 that 😐 lemon
🍋 friend 👬👬 they 🏾 are different 🈯👱 because 📝 they 👥 came 😏 to me 👉‍‍♂️
‍ a bad 👿 trip 🚞 and told 🤪 of apolitical communism 🇨🇳 future 📅 and
on ♀️
told 👄 me 👀 that 😐 when 😂🕕 it happens 👀😱🍃she 💁 will 🏻 ascend and
save 💾 those 👉👞 who 👿 believe 🌈 her 👩 and leave 🍃🍁 the non ❌
believers and that 🚟 is why 🧚👑🌸 I'm 💘 telling 😍 you 👆 this to try 😥 to
save 🦎 you ☹️all 💯 from 💥💰 communism! 🇨🇳 Also ➕ Celeste Ricmod
Aiza if you 😾😾 are reading 📗 this, YOU 💗 STILL 😏 OWE ME 😳 MONEY

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