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Ciro Andrés Balmaceda valet - / Lic. Ingles.- Programacion pneurolinguistica.

Internacional por Cambridge (TKT-FCE) – Docente MBE

Student Name: Grade: D M A

6. You put them on to move on the ground.
A. in a Computer shop 7. In this game, two people hit a small ball.
B. in a Music shop
C. in a Book shop 8. This is the best place to go for a swim.

9. You bounce and throw a big ball with your hands.

2. A. in a department store
B. outside an apartment 10. People drive them in a great sport
C. in a bank
A. Baseball
11. I loved the book!
B. Basketball
A. Did you?
A. at a Theatre. C. Boats
3. B. Was it? D. Cars
B. at a Train station.
C. at a Cinema C. Why not? E. Field
F. Pool
12. This is boring! G. Skates
A. Don't change it! H. Tennis
A. By a lake
4. B. In a shoe shop. B. Let's look for it.
C. In a Farm. C. How about cooking? 14 Excuse me, you are
sitting my seat.
A. Be careful!
A. in a Church 13. Can I try on that B. That's easy!
B. in a School beautiful dress now?
5. C. Oh, I can move!
C. in a Cinema
A. What size?
B. Just a small bit 15. Can you help me with this?
C. Never Mind! A. You must practice!
B. Will it take long?
C. Doesn't matter.
You have probably(0) _____of the Mozart effect. By 1982, Don Campbell (16) ______
studying the idea that if children or even babies listen to music composed by Mozart,
they (17) ______ become more intelligent. He says that (18) ________ kinds of music
can affect our learning and our health. We use that music to (19) ________ us relax.
However, Campbell says that music can (20) ________ reduce the stress of (21) _____
sick Campbell believes that Mozart's music is popular because it's (22) ________ and
makes your brain more alert. Music not only makes you more intelligent, but it can
improve your memory, too. In one study, students who listened to Mozart before doing
a test got much (23) ________ marks than those students who did not.
0. A. Heard B. Hear C. Hears

16. A. Begins B. Began C. Begun

17. A. Shall B. Will C. Must

18. A. Every B. Both C. All

19. A. Helping B. Helped C. Help

20. A. Also B. Once C. Yet

21. A. Been B. Being C. Be

22. A. Planned B. Plans C. Planning

23. A. Highest B. High C. Higher

Ciro Andrés Balmaceda valet - / Lic. Ingles.- Programacion pneurolinguistica.-Certificado
Internacional por Cambridge (TKT-FCE) – Docente MBE
HOW PLANES WERE BORN 24. When did the first plane fly after Clerck's dream?
The history of planes started before the 1800’s. in the 16th century, Mark A. in 1890
Clerk was one of the first men began thinking of how to fly a machine; he B. in 1738
had dreams and made drawings of a helicopter, but he did not actually built C. in 1848
it. The Irwins, two french brothers, made a ballon that flew for more than 25. Who made a machine that never could fly:
five miles in 1738. John Hartman made a small model plane that was able to A. John Hartman
make short flights. Then, in january of 1890, Samuel Secrest, tried to fly a B. Samuel Secrest
flying machine once, the weather was so bad, so he tried next month, but it C. the Irwins
did not work. Then he flied another plane, but it did not go up, so he 26. Why was Secrest's project finished?
stopped the proyect. But in 1901, Orville and Nathan White prepared their A. Flights took little time
new machine to fly, but it did not work the first times. Finally, on December B. Flights were delayed
17, 1903, they built KttyHawk Flyer, which after trying many times, stayed in C. Flights failed
the air for 12 seconds. The White brothers did 1,000 short distance flights in 27. Orville and Nathan were important because they:
the desert of North Carolina. As a result, in 1907 air transport began.
A. Started the air age
In 1905, the first airplane company was made by two pilots from Rome,
B. Worked together
Gabriel and Charles Oliveri, while the American Brett Graham, and the
C. Knew the desert
British Mike Major, were starting the first airplane company in New York.
28. Passengers were able to travel by air since:
What to wear? A. 1900
Hello dear readers, B. 1903
It's February and London Fashion week has just ended. Fashion shows have C. 1907
been happening around the city. Magazines are full of chats about who the 29. The Kitty Hawk Flyer flew:
model of the moment is. Superstars and journalists have announced what A. At once
the best dressed will be wearing in the coming seasons. Clearly, clothes can B. For a short time
make you happy. I have decided that tomorrow I will 'dress for success'. C. Many kilometers.
At 7.30 am, I remember my promise. I decide that dressing for success means 30. Who was born in The United States?
more than putting my clothes on the right way round. I need to look good A. Brett
and feel good! The right clothing will make me feel confident and all my B. Gabriel
problems will disappear. Colleagues will be proud of me and I will get a C. Mike
better position.
I open my bureau and notice that most of my clothes are black, brown and 31.What is the writer trying to do in the text?
grey. They hang down sadly on their hangers. Are they depressed? I decide A. Advertise the best London Fashion VVeek
that a bright color is needed for successful dressing, and choose a red B. Describe the routine she follows while getting dressed
sweater. Now, I also want to look cool and casual — I take the blue jean C. Advise about the right colors to wear
D. Show that fashion is unnecessary for success
shorts! Finally, it's cold outside; black tights and long boots are a fashion rule.
32. In this text, the reader can find
I look in the mirror. I realize that I wore exactly the same clothing two days
A. The right clothing for very cold days
ago. That was the day I lost my purse and had an argument with my partner. B. What will be in fashion each season.
Not what you would call a successful day. I look in my bureau. My black, grey C. Who the model of the moment for magazines is
and brown clothes seem to fall. even further down. I shut the drawer of my D. The time when London Fashion Week took place.
bureau and think that success is a state of mind and decide not to pay 33. At the beginning, she thought that if she dressed for
attention to London Fashion Week. ATT: Catherine success
A. She would be able to understand her troubles
THE DIGITAL DIVIDE B. She could be a model in fashion shows
A recent (0)________ showed that the number of people in the UK C. Her workmates would admire her
D. Her picture could appear on magazines.
who do not (36) ________ to get Internet connection has increased
34. The writer's opinion changed because
to 44%. 70% said they were not (37) ________ to get online. This A. Nothing good happened when she wore the same
number has (38) _____ from over 50% in 2005, with most giving lack clothing.
of computer (39) ________ as a reason for not doing it; others said B. She realized that she couldn't feel or look better.
it was because they couldn't (40) ________ it. (41) _____ having C. She had only dark color clothing to wear
high speed net with (42) ________ , for everybody in the UK, there D. Her clothes looked really miserable
35. Catherine could add to her latter the following:
are still many people that refuse to take the first step.
A. You do not have to worry as long as you have shorts and
Now the cost of the Internet is decreasing and its speed is tights to put on because they are basic pieces of clothing.
increasing. This would (43) ________ people to get connected B. If you want to be satisfied with life, you should get
before they are left far behind. However, those efforts haven't been dressed differently from the models of the London
Fashion Week!
enough and (44) _____ the digital gap continues or not, the direct C. It does not matter what you wear; what is important is
impact will be on people without Internet, vvho will miss many how you feel and the thoughts you have about yourself!
D. Do not wear dark colors because you can get depressed,
opportunities (45) ______ in their careers.
Buy colorful clothing, which makes you feel better

36. A. approach B. intend C. predict D. develop ESPACIO PARA QUE

37. A. turned B. moved C. promoted D. handled COLOQUES TU
38. A. increased B. climbed C. lifted D. improved PUNTAJE FINAL:
39. A. qualities B. talents C. methods D. skills
40. A. manage B. support C. Afford D. allow
41. A. Despite B. Through C. Besides D. Without
42. A. entry B. contact C. path D. access
43. A. encourage B. advise C. demand D. request
44. A. unless B. whether C. since D. either
45. A. particularly B. daily C. nearly D. frequently

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