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Media Studies
OCR Advanced GCE H540 Advanced Portfolio in Media Unit G324
Coursework Cover Sheet

Please read the instructions printed overleaf before completing this form. One of these cover
sheets, suitably completed, should be attached to the assessed work of each candidate in the
moderation sample.
Examination session January Year 2010

Centre name The Latymer School

Centre number 12540

Candidate name T. Deason Candidate number 5245

Teacher name N. Blackborow


Chosen Set Brief (please indicate brief from the specification as well as describing the
A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following
three options:

a website homepage for the band;

a cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package);

a magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package).

Skill Area Mark

Planning (max 20) 20
Construction (max 60) 57
Main Task (max 40) 39

Ancillary 1 (max 10) 10

Ancillary 2 (max 10) 8

Evaluation (max 20) 17

Total (max 100) 94
CCS334 Revised September 2009 CCS/G324
Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

Teachers are reminded that all coursework marking and internal standardisation must be
completed before external moderation can take place.

Internal Standardisation

Where more than one teacher in the Centre has marked the work for a particular coursework unit,
the Centre must standardise the marking in order to ensure that candidates who have
demonstrated the same level of attainment receive the same mark and that the rank order of the
coursework marks for the Centre as a whole is appropriate.

One Coursework Cover Sheet must be completed for each candidate.

Please ensure that all the boxes on the front of the form are completed.

Comments on each skill (Planning, Construction, Evaluation) together with the marks awarded for
each skill should be recorded in the boxes on the back of the Coursework Cover Sheet.

The marks awarded for each skill should be recorded in the appropriate small box on the front of
the Coursework Cover Sheet.

The marks for each skill should be added together to give a total coursework mark out of 100. The
total mark should be entered in the Total box on the front of the Coursework Cover Sheet.

Internal Assessment Mark Sheet (MS1)

The total marks awarded to each candidate must be transferred to the computer printed Internal
Assessment Mark Sheet (MS1) which will be sent to Centres by OCR. Care must be taken to
ensure that all mark calculations and transfers are correct. OCR cannot accept responsibility for
the submission of incorrect total marks on form MS1.

Once complete, the Board Copy of form MS1 should be despatched to OCR no later than 10th
January (for the January assessment session) or 15th May (for the June assessment session).

The Moderator Copy should be despatched to the Moderator using the Moderator’s address label
supplied by OCR by 10th January (for the January assessment session) or 15th May (for the June
assessment session). The completed CCS160 must accompany the MS1 when it is sent to the

The Centre Copy should be retained at the Centre.

Samples of Work

If the Centre has entered ten or fewer candidates for the unit in an assessment session, the
coursework for all candidates should be sent to the Moderator (along with the Moderator Copy of
the MS1 and CCS160 form) by the appropriate deadline (10th January for January session or 15th
May for the June assessment session).

Where there are more than ten candidates entered for the unit, the Centre should despatch the
Moderator’s Copy of the MS1 and CCS160 form to the Moderator, but should retain all coursework
within the Centre. The centre will receive email instructions from OCR
requesting sample of work. Centres should respond promptly to requests for work.

Please note that when submitting work to the Moderator, it is essential that a Coursework Cover
Sheet be attached to the work of each candidate. In order to aid identification, it is useful if every
piece of work that comprises the candidate’s submission is marked with the Centre’s name and

CCS334 Revised September 2009 CCS/G324

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
number, the candidate’s name and number and the unit number and title (i.e. G324 Advanced
Portfolio in Media).

Samples of work should be packed securely to ensure safe delivery. Bulky covers should be
removed as they will increase significantly the cost of postage.

Please note the acceptable formats for coursework set out in the GCE AS/A Level Media Studies
specification (4th edition).

Centres are advised to obtain a Certificate of Posting for samples sent to the Moderator.

Should the Moderator request further samples of work, Centres should respond with the minimum
of delay.

Centres are strongly advised to make copies of any coursework submitted to the Moderator
as part of the sample, since some material may be retained by OCR.

Teachers are recommended to retain coursework in the Centre until after the results of the unit
have been issued.

A report on the outcome of the external moderation process will be sent to Centres at the time that
the results are issued.

General Coursework Regulations and Procedures

General coursework regulations and procedures, including those concerning lost or incomplete
coursework, are detailed in the OCR Administrative Guide and Entry Procedures Folder 2008.

Coursework Enquires

Coursework enquires for Media Studies should be sent to OCR at the following address:

Administrative Officer for Art, Media, Life And Work Team

Progress House
Westwood Way

Correspondence should be marked ‘Coursework Enquiry’.

This form may be photocopied and used as required.

CCS334 Revised September 2009 CCS/G324

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
Planning – comments and mark out of 20
Extremely high quality work. Your individual blog demonstrates evidence of a range of pre-production
research into genre, similar bands and artists, locations, mise-en-scene and music video production
technique, including animation and other post-production ideas. You have demonstrated clearly how your
research has contributed to the overall production. Your involvement in, and dedication to this project are
obvious and your blog provides genuine evidence of the processes you followed. In terms of planning, you
have been involved in all stages from the outset. This is clearly evidenced in both the group and your
individual blog. This included developing ideas for different tracks, visiting potential locations, test
shooting, drawing up shot ideas and so on. Throughout the project you worked extremely hard, showed
teamwork skills, the ability to problem solve and excellent communication skills. You were a key player
and one third of a delightful group to work with, who showed vision and creativity from the outset. 20 /20

Construction – Main Task – comments and mark out of 40

Your music video has been produced to an extremely high standard. You have demonstrated excellence
in all areas of production. Your camera work includes some great moving shots - particularly your hand
held work. Your artist is really engaging and you exploit some well chosen London streets to get that
'urban-arty', slightly retro feel to your mise-en-scene. Your artists costumes really look the part and the
overall look is alternative-indie with a 60s vibe. The cutaways which focus on the attentions of the male
passers-by add a voyeuristic feel, and therefore another layer of meaning in what is a fairly simple video.
Overall the video is highly watchable, and your feedback has been extremely positive. Your individual
contribution was outstanding. You are a natural with the camera, and you are at your best behind a
camera. Although you all planned and tested out the ideas together, you shot much of the final footage
yourself, and were in complete control of the look you wanted. Technically, you are very talented and you
show off good use of sfx and other interesting post-production techniques. My criticism is that you could
have pushed yourselves further with this track and gone for more variety in your video. You played it a
little safe, hence the mark deduction. Nonetheless, an excellent outcome - well done.

Construction – Ancillary Task 1 – comments and mark out of 10

Your album cover is extremely impressive. The overall concept is imaginative and original and superbly
constructed. The four panels work well together - there is a strong sense of colour, design and style
running through the entire product .Your promo shots are excellent and complement the graphic style
perfectly. The style of your music and your retro musical influences are represented through your choice
of colours, typeface and vinyl imagery. The choice of track titles works well too. You were fully
instrumental in the design and development work. Your photoshop skills are impressive and you have a
strong sense of the visual and an eye for detail. An engaging, stylish and appropriate album cover.
10 /10

Construction – Ancillary Task 2 – comments and mark out of 10

Your website homepage is visually very striking, and the banner at the top is a really impressive feature,
as is the animated banner advert for the debut single release. Your artist profile is personal and fun, and
the promotional shots of her are excellent.You follow conventions by including influences and behind the
scenes photos from the shoot, but institutional contact information and appearance dates would have
been appropriate too. You include some opportunities for audience interactivity such as the blog and the
live Twitter link, both of which work really well, but further opportunities for interactivity, to promote
merchandising or to develop a more synergetic approach to marketing your artist were not taken. Your
website looks effective, but I would say has suffered from a rushed approach at the end of the project. 8 /10

Evaluation – comments and mark out of 20

Your evaluation is very thorough and as a group, you cover all the questions well. You include references
to actual media throughout, providing contextual detail and comparison. You explore theories and
concepts discussed in class to a very good standard including genre, music video codes and conventions,
targeting the audience and marketing and promotion. You are able to explore these through close
reference to your own work. You are very strong on band identity and the construction of this. You explore
the ways your products appeal to their audience and you look in detail at the way audiences respond to
your music video and album cover. At times you gloss over the detail, and there is not always a balance in
terms of your contributions throughout the discussion, although you do justify this clearly in your
evaluation reflections on your blog. You also provide evidence of the clips, links and images chosen to
illustrate your points. You use specialist terminology well to explore your ideas. Overall, excellent work. 17 /20

CCS334 Revised September 2009 CCS/G324

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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