L&C Assessment Resources

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Student Outcomes Resources1

Cultivate a deeper sense of: Suggested tools you can use for your class
Pre/Post Quant Scale: Claremont Purpose Scale (see page 15)
Pre/Post Assignment: What gives you meaning in your life? What aspects of (this class) are
(example) Purpose
connected to what gives you meaning? How has this class changed your ideas about your
Pre/Post Quant Scale: Faith
Pre/Post Assignment:
How central is your faith to your life? What are the core aspects of your faith life? In what
ways has your faith changed due to this course?
Pre/Post Quant Measure: Perceived Hope Scale

1. In my life hope outweighs anxiety.

2. My hopes are usually fulfilled.
3. I feel hopeful.
4. Hope improves the quality of my life.
5. I am hopeful with regard to my life.
6. Even in difficult times I am able to remain hopeful.

0-5 scale, strongly disagree to strongly agree

Pre/Post Quant Measure: Love subscale of the CIVIC measure of character.

1. I care deeply about certain people in my life.
2. I cherish my close relationships.
3. I know there are people who care deeply for me despite my imperfections.
4. I feel closely connected to certain people in my life.

(on 1-4, very much unlike me to very much like me)

Pre/Post Assignment: How might love be part of creating and maintaining an ethical
Pre/Post Quant Items: Three options
Pre/Post Assignment: What is the role of courage in history and changing its course? What
exemplars can you think of that were courageous during a major historical event? Talk about a
time when you or another person were courageous and it impacted the outcome of an event.
Pre/Post Quant Measures: Perspective-taking and empathy
Pre/Post Assignment: How do you put yourself in another person’s shoes, or try to
Imagination & Empathy understand where they are coming from? When was a time that you did this, and why was it
important for you to understand their perspective? Why might it be important for us to do
this when engaging literature? How does empathy help us learn?
Pre/Post Quant Measure: subscale from CIVIC
1. I constantly generate creative ideas.
2. I am known for my creativity.
Creativity 3. I am a creative thinker.
4. I am able to generate creative solutions to problems.
(on 1-4, very much unlike me to very much like me)
Pre/Post Assignment: What attributes make a successful and compelling artist? Explain
your answer.
Intellectual humility Pre/Post Quant Measures: Intellectual humility
Pre/Post Assignment: What’s your reaction to information that is new, unfamiliar, or that
you don’t understand? How do you learn from those situations? Do you seek out any
resources? If so, what? What is this process when you’re learning math?
Pre/Post Quant Measure: curiosity
Curiosity Pre/Post Assignment: What ideas are you curious to know more about by taking/as a result
of taking this class?
Pre/Post Quant Measure: Peer reports on clarity of writing
Clarity Pre/Post Assignment: Would you consider being a clear communicator a virtue? Why or
why not? Why is it important to communicate with clarity?
Pre/Post Quant Measure: Temperance
Temperance Pre/Post Assignment: What do you associate with temperance? How is temperance
connected to understanding human psychology?
Pre/Post Quant Measure: Justice (see pgs. 84 and 85)
Pre/Post Assignment: What does justice mean to you?
Pre/Post Quant Measure: Patience (see pg. 280)
Pre/Post Assignment: What role does patience play in the writing process?

Note: The suggestions in the PowerPoint and in the Resources section of this sheet are not exhaustive, although they are a sample
of empirically reliable and valid, and some cross-culturally validated, measures. We can provide you with other measures that might
better suit your leadership and character goals, including contextualized or situation-specific measures.

Additional Resources:

For intellectual virtues: https://jasonbaehr.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/e4iv_baehr.pdf

For connecting virtues to content: https://www.francissu.com/post/7-exam-questions-for-a-pandemic-or-any-other-time ;

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