Final Instruction To Bidders (061621)

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iH Del Pilor St., Son Jose, Occidentol Mindoro
Occidental Mirudoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for SlwrT-Term Potuer Suppla

A GENERAL. .....3
ITB 1 Scope of Bids .3
ITB 2 Source of Funds.... .4
ITB 3 Definition of Terms .4
ITB 4 Transaction Schedule.......... ,9

B DOCUMENTS.............
BTDDING .........10
ITB 5 Constituent Documents .. ...........10
ITB 6 Clarification and Amendment of Bidding Documents .,.....10
ITB 7 Pre-Bid Conferences................ .....................11


ITB I Eligible Bidders .........,.,....11

ITB I Fraudulent and Corrupt Practices. ...,.,..,...'...13
ITB 10 Bidder's Responsibilities ......,.... ......."........14
ITB 11 DueDiligence.............. ... ...... 15
ITB 12 Disqualification of Bidder........ .. ...... ... ..16
ITB 13 Conflict of lnterest ................17

ITB Documents Comprising the Bid
14 ...17
ITB 15 Eligibility Requirements for Bidders.....
ITB 16 Bid Security .21
ITB 17 Financial Proposal.... .22
ITB 18 Technical Proposal. . . . .....28
ITB 19 Alternative Bids ........ ",. .....29
ITB 20 Bid Validity .......29
ITB 21 Format and Signing of Bids. .....29
ITB22 Sealing and Marking of Bids .....30


ITB 23 Deadline for Submission of Bids...... .......32
ITB 24 Modification and Withdrawal of Bids .......32
ITB 25 Opening of Bids....... .......33


ITB 26 Examination of Eligibility Requirements............... .34
ITB 27 Evaluation of Compliance with Bid Requirement, Single Outage Contingency,
Dependable Capacity and Monthly Available Energy Supply....... .35

EVALUATION OF BID .............37
ITB 28 Evaluation Methodology....-........... ......".........37


7 I-
O ccident al Mindoro Electric Coop eratiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Stnrt-Term Power Suppla

ITB 29 Lowest Calculated Bid.................... .45

-r;^-t trlir^
ITB 30 I t(ir.r LJ t\lo .45
ITB 31 Evaluation of Technical Proposal ... .45
ITB 32 Post Qualification -46


ITB 33 Award of Power Supply Agreement .47
ITB 34 Performance Security.. .47
ITB 35 Signing of the PSA........... .48

ITB 36 Clarification of Bids .............48
ITB 37 Reservation Clause....... ..49
ITB 38 Process to be Confidential ......... ..............50
ITB 39 Failure of Bidding ...50
ITB 40 Protest Mechanism and Dispute Resolution ...50


ANNEX B - BID FORMS...... ...72



ANNEX D-1: Omnibus Sworn Statement.. ........126

ANNEX D-2: Acceptance of the Bidding Documents ........129

ANNEX D-3: Confidentiality Agreement and Undertaking ........131

ANNEX D-4: Certification of Submission of Original or CTC... ........134

ANNEX D-5: Certification Regarding Relationship and Against Conflict of lnterest ........1 35

ANNEX D4: Certification Against Blacklisting and Graft and Corrupt Practices.... ........137

r I

Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Slwrt-Term Power Supplg


This lnstructions to Bidders is issued in compliance with Section of the "Policy
for the Competitive Selection Process in the Procurement by the Distribution Utilities
of Power Supply Agreement for the Captive Market" (2018 CSP Policy) issued under
Department of Energy Circular No. DC2018-02-0003, and derived from the standard
Philippine Bid Documents (PBD) issued by the Government Procurement Policy Board.


ITB 1 Scope of Bids

1.1 The Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperative, lnc. (OMECO), through its Third-
Party Bids and Awards Committee (TPBAC), is conducting a Competitive
Selection Process (CSP) for its New Power Provider/s (NPP/s) with a
Dependable Capacity that will meet Single Outage Contingency reliability
criteria as indicated in Table 1 for the years 2422 - 2426. The generating unit
to meet Single Outage Contingency shall be installed in SAMARICA area only
which shall also serye as contingency reserve for Sablayan and MAPSA area.

Table 1: Net Dependable Capacity Under Single Outage Contingency (MW

Lot Areas
2422 2023 2424 2425 2026
I SAMARICA 19 21 22 23
lt 5 5 ,1 6
ilt MAPSA 7 8 I I I
1.2 The Winning Bidder/s shall deliver the annual requirement of OMECO from 26
December 2A21 to 25 December 2026 in accordance with the dispatch of
OMECO or System Operator.

Table 2: Annual Energy Requirement (MWh)

2024 2A25 2A26
I SAMARICA 1A4,2A9 111,008 1 17,935 124,995 132,185

It SABLAYAN 23,837 25,392 26,975 28,589 30,234

lil MAPSA 38,651 41,175 43,743 46,360 49,029

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Occiderfial Mindoro Eleetric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Proccss for Slwrt-Term Pawer Stppla

1.3 This transaction will be on a per lot basis where a Bidder can bid on any single
lot or all lots as shown in Table 1. OMECO considered two (2) scenarios for
SAIvIARICA area (Lot l), Seenario is where the existing power plant at
SAMARIOA area is part of the power supply while Scenario 2 is where the
existing power plant at SAMARICA area is not part of the power supply of the
Winning Bidder.

1.4 The generating capacity may come from any type of power plant and the site on
which the new power plants or transfer of existing power plants wili be located
may be acquired or leased by NPP/s. OMECO shall provide assistance in
arranging and securing sitels for the power plants.

1.5 OMECO will sign a Power Supply Agreement (PSA) with the NPPIs for Short-
Term Power Supply whose Commercial Operation Date (COD) shall be on 26
December 2021 or Ninety (90) Days upon issuance of the ERC of Provisional
Authority (PA) or Final Approval (FA) of the PSA.

1.6 The details and specifications of the requirements of this CSP are contained in
the Terms of Reference (TOR) in ANNEX A.

ITB 2 Source of Funds

2.1 Payments to NPP shall be made by OMECO from the collection of generation
charges from its member-consumers, according to the Subsidized Approved
Generation Rate (SAGR) approved by the Energy Regulatory Commission
(ERC). Further, subsidy shall be disbursed by the Power Sector Assets and
Liabilities Management Corporation (PSALM) for the NPP to recover its costs
according to the True Cost Generation Rate (TCGR), in accordance with Section
4 of the "Guidelines for the Setting and Approval of Electricity Generation Rates
and Subsidies for Missionary Electrification Areas" adopted under ERC
Resolution No. 1 1, Series of 2005.

ITB 3 Definition of Terms

Allowed Outage - or Outage Allowance refers to the maximum number of Scheduled

and Unscheduled Outage Hours per year that Bidder stipulates in its Bid Proposal
provided for in ITB 17 forwhich the NPP/s, if accepted by TPBAC as reasonable outage
hours, will be excused under the PSA from penalties for the outages of its generating
and interconnection facilities.

Availability factor - refers to the amount of time that it is able to produce electricity
over a certain period, divided by the amount of the time in the period.

Base Price - refers to the total bid price based on February 2021 reference market
prices submitted by the Bidder as financial proposal comprising fixed costs for capital
recovery and fixed O&tvl and variable costs for variable O&tvl and fuel. lt is the NPP's
TCGR for the month of February 2021 which shall be reflected in the PSA and which
shall indexed in the future except for capital recovery rate using indexation factors
specified in the TOR and in this lTB.

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Occidental Mindoro Electric Coop eratiu e, Inc.
Competitiue Selectian Process for SLnrt-Tenn Power Supplg

Bid - refers to the complete set of documents submitted by the Bidder in response to,
and in accordance with the Bidding Documents, including the Eligibili$ Requirements
(Legal Documents, Technical Documents, Financial Documents, and Class "8"
Documents), the Technical and Financial Proposal, including the USB flash drives
containing said Proposals, the Bid Security and the agreementslcertifications required
to be accomplished and submitted by the Biddefs authorized representative.

Bid Bulletin - refers to an official @mmunication bearing additional information that

clarify, modify and/or amend provisions of and/or related to the lnstruction to Bidders
(lTB) and the procurement process.

Bidder - refers to an entity competing for the award of the Power Supply Agreement
who paid the Bid participation fees ("purchased Bidding Documents') and submitted a
Bid on or before the scheduled Bid Submission.

Bidding Documents -refer to documents issued by the TPBAC as basis for Bids and
furnishing all information necessary for prospective Bidders to prepare a Bid.

Bid Proposal - refer to the Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal, collectively,
of the Bidder.

Bid Security - refers to the amount described in ITB 16 put up by the Bidder to ensure
that Bidder will complete the Bidding Process.

Board of Directors (BOD) - refers as Head of Procuring Entity (HoPE) empowered

and responsible to ratify and confirm all previous actions of the TPBAC. lt is also
mandated to declare the final winner of the bidding conducted and approve the Notice
of Award endorsed by the TPBAC.

Capacity Credit Factor (CCF) * refers to the factor that is applied to the Dependable
Capacity of the generating unit to determine its Credited Capacity.

Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF) - refers to the level of utilization of the Contracted
Capacity which is measured by the energy consumption of OMECO drawn from the
dispatchable plant expressed as a percentage of the total energy that could have been
supplied if the Dependable Capacity was fully utilized for the total number of hours of
the billing month in accordance with ITB 17.3.

Capital Recovery Rate (CRR) -

or Fixed Cost 1 (FC1) refers to the fixed costs
component of the price to recover the capital or investment of the New Power Provider

Commercial Operation Date (COD) - refers to the date whereby the NPP/s is
obligated to supply the Dependable Capacity which is December 26,2021 or Ninety
(90) Days upon issuance of the ERC of Provisional Authority (PA) or Final Approval
(FA) of the PSA.

Gompetitive Selection Process {CSP) - refers to the process where OMECO

implement a competitive bidding and contracting of its power supply in accordance with
the policies and regulations issued by government agencies including DOE, ERC and

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Occident al Mindoro Electric Coop erattu e, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for SLwrt-Term Patuer Supply

Conditions Precedent - refers to the requirements and conditions that must have
been satisfied to achieve the Effective Date including, but not limited to, provisional
approval or final approval of PSA by the ERC, power plant sitels land conversion
requirements and Connection Agreement with NPC.

Confidentiality Agreement - refers to an agreement through which the parties agree

not to disclose information relating to the submissions of Bidders and the EC
lnformation for Due Diligence provided to the Bidders. This applies to the members of
the OMECO BOD, TPBAC, TPBAC-TWG, management, and consultants/advisors as
well as the Bidders and their owners, management, employees and

Connection Agreement refers to an agreement between NPC and NPP/s, which
specifies the terms and conditions pertaining to the connection of the Small Grid User
System or Equipment to a new Connection Point in the Small Grid.

Connection Point - refers to the location prescribed by OMECO where the NPP
Dependable Capacity and generation shall be supplied and measured. It also refers to
the location of the circuit breaker (switchgear)to be controlled by the System Operator
to operationally connect and disconnect the power facilities of the NPP/s in accordance
with the Philippine Distribution Code.

Cooperation Period - the period commencing on the Commercial Operation Date and
will terminate on 25th of December 2A26.

Credited Capacity - refers to the ability of (or the capacity credited to) the power plant
to supply power during peak periods. lt is equal to the Total Dependable Capacity of
the generating units multiplied by the applicable Capacity Credit Factor of the power
plant technology.

Dependable Capacity - the capacity of the generating unit guaranteed to be

dependable and delivered at the connection point.

Effective Date - refers to the effectivity of the power supply agreement which shall
take effect upon the date of signing by both Parties.

Electric Cooperative (EC) - refers to a distribution utility organized under Presidential

Decree No. 269 or as othenrise provided under EPIRA. Unless othenrvise qualified,
this particularly refers to Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperative, lnc. (OMECO).

ERC Notification Date - refers to the date of ERC publication in its website or the date
that the NPP and/or OMECO received the notification of ERC's final approval of the
PSA whichever comes first.

Final lnstructions to Bidders -

refers to the last and final lnstructions to Bidders
issued by the TPBAC through a Bid Bulletin before the submission and opening of the
Bids and which supersedes all previous inconsistent directives relative to the Bidding
Documents and the Bidding Process.

Financial Proposal - refers to the price offer of the Bidder in aceordance with the
requirements in ITB 17.

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Occidental Mindaro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competittue Seleetion Process far S?wrt-Term Pawer Supply

Fixed Operation & Maintenance Rate (FOMR) - or Fixed Cost 2 (FC2) refers to the
flxed operation and maintenance costs component of the price which do not vary with
changes in energy generation or supply.

Fuel Rate (FR) - or Variable Cost 2 (VCz) refers to the variable cost component of the
price for the fuel of the power plant including taxes, other government dues, and
transport from fuel supplier site and the power plant site/s.

Generation Company (GENCO) - refers to a juridical entity authorized by the ERC to

operate a facility used in the generation of the electricity or a company that owns and
operates a power generating plant that produces electricity.

lnstruction to Bidders {lTB) - refers to the bidding procedures and requirements set
up by the OMECO TPBAC for the purpose of conducting this CSP for prospective

Lowest Calculated Bid (LCB) - refers to the Bid Proposal with the lowest Levelized
Price as determined and calculated hased on the Evaluation Methodology set forth in
ITB 28 of this lTB.

Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid (LCRB) refers to the Bid which was
determined to be the LCB and is found to be responsive to all the requirements and
conditions for eligibility and bidding after post-qualification evaluation.

Net Dependable Capacity - the guaranteed capacity that is available at the

Connection Point,

Net Dependable Capacity under Single Outage Contingency - the guaranteed

capacity that is available at the Connection Point under the condition where largest
generating unit is on outage.

New Power Provider (NPP) -refers to the Generation Companyiies awarded to

supply electric power requirements of OMECO as a result of the CSP.

Notice of Award - refers to the official written communication issued by the OMECO
Board of Directors awarding the Power Supply Agreement to the Bidder with the
Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid (LCRB).

Operating Year - refers to the 365 days starting from the COD whereby the Annual
Operating and Maintenance Program, which contains the approved Scheduled Outage
of the NPP, are set.

Power Supply Agreement (PSA) * refers to a contract between the NPPis (the
Winning Biddels) and OMECO that provides the commercial terms and conditions for
the supply of electricity by the NPP/s to OMECO as approved by the ERC.

Pre-Bid Conference - refers to the meeting/s organized by the TPBAC and attended
by the prospective Bidders prior to the date of Bidding for the purpose of clarifying
provisions in the lnstruction to Bidders and other matters related to the Bidding.

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Oecidentat Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Campetitiue Selection Process for Stwrt-Term Power SlqplA

Rated Capacity - refers to the capacity of generating unit or power plant based on the
nameplate of the generating equipment.

Scheduled Outage - refers to the outage of the plant generating units and equipment
planned by the NPP for preventive maintenance as approved by the System Operator
prior to the Operating Year in accordance with the PSA.

Scheduled Outage Hours - the number of hours that the Dependable Capacity is not
available totally or partially due to the Scheduled Outage of the NPP's power plant.

Single Outage Contingency - the generation system reliability criteria that ensure
availability of power supply under the outage of largest generating unit also referred to
as R-1 redundancy reliability criteria.

System Operator - refers to the entity who is authorized to operate and control in real-
time the Island Grid of Mainland Occiciental Mindoro in accordance with the Philippine
Distribution Code and/or other applicable codes and guidelines. The System Operator
shall prepare the Annual Operating and Maintenance Program of the Island Grid of
Mainland Occidental Mindoro and shall be responsible to schedule and dispatch the
generating units of the NPP in accordance with the PSA and applicable codes and
guidelines issued by the government.

Third Party Bids and Awards Committee {TPBAC) - refers to the special committee
organized by OI\/ECO in accordance with the Department Circular issued by the DOE
to conduct the competitive selection or bidding process or the CSP for NPP/s and acts
as a recommendatory body to the OMECO Board of Directors.

TPBAC-TechnicalWorking Group (TBAC-TWG) - refers to the selected institutional,

technical and financial personnel of OMECO authorized to formulate its least cost
power supply plan and provide technical support to the TPBAC in the conduct of the
CSP for NPP/s.

Technical Proposal * refers to the part of the Bid containing the technical details of
the Bidder's offer as required in ITB 18.

Transaction - refers to the Competitive Selection Process (CSP) for a New Power
Provider (NPP) of OMECO to Supply Power in Mainland Occidental Mindoro through
S ho rt-Te rm Power S u pply Ag reeme n t QA22-2026).

True Cost Generation Rate (TCGR) - refers to the total price approved by the ERC
comprising GRR, FOMR, VOMR, and FR to cover the total cost of the NPP/s for the
development, construction, operation and maintenance of the power plant(s) and
generation and supply of electricity to OMECO.

Unrestricted Net Worth - the financial capability of the Bidder referred to in ITB 8.6.

Unscheduled Outage refers to the forced outages and short-term unplanned
outages for repairs that are not part of the approved Scheduled Outage.

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Oecidental Mindora Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Stwrt-Term Power Suppla

Unscheduled Outage Houts - the number of hours that the Guaranteed Delivered
Capacity is not available totally or partially due to Unscheduled Outage of the NPP's
power planus.

Variable Operation and Maintenance Rate (VOMR) - or Variable Cost 1 (VC1) refers
to the operation and maintenance costs component of the price, excluding fuel, which
vary with the amount of energy generated or supplied by the NPP/s to Otr/ECO.

Winning Bidder/s - refers to the Bidder determined by TPBAC as having the Lowest
Calculated Responsive Bid for approval by the Board of Directors.

TB 4 Transaction Schedule
4.1 This Competitive Selection Process for New Power Provider (the "Transaction")
shall follow the schedule listed in Table 3. The TPBAC reserves the right to
change any of these schedules. The TPBAC shall give appropriate and timely
notice to participating Bidders in the event of changes in schedule.

Table 3. Transaction Schedule

No. Activities Schedule

ii Fublication of lnvitation to bid in newspaper of ji

general eirculation and posting to DOE web

1 1i
portal and NEA website and in Govemment
ii i:

il Offices /Public Places 'l sepG;beiz-6ctoGT2l


ll Z il tssuance of Bidding Documents :_ sqls -:=-_

3 i first Pre-Bid Conference
October 03, 20'Ng
4 ]l Due Diligence ffi
!t 5,2019 1

5 i Second Pre-Bid Conference November 05, 2019

6 ll lssuance of Revised CSP tsidding Documents August 13,2AZA
ll Last day of Submission of Comments on the


Revised Documents
i Third Pre-Bid Conference
AUgust 25,242*

August 27,2AZA
il n i l*.uance of Revised CSP Bidciing Documents :Jelryu3Jg::i j

ii,, ;l@iT;v:67ffi ission@-

i; ii Revised CSp e1glQ11_g Docqmqqts
11 i: Fourth and Last Pre-Bid Conference ii February 24,2021

1'z _-_,,_ll
F;;-ffiJ l---;ffcro'z1

13 ll ts financiai Evaluation Modeling Workshop March 1?,2A21

14 ]l Z*d financial Evaiuation Modeling Workshop March 19,2A21

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Occidental Mindoro Electric Coop eratiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Stwrt-Term Power Suppla

15 3d Financial Evaluation Modeling Workshop March 30,2421

16 4th Financial Evaluation Mlodeling Workshop April 12,2021
17 Final Pre-Bid Conference June 23, 2021
18 Submission and Opening of Bids July 07 ,2021

19 lssuance of Notice of Award July 26, ?021

Signing of Power Supply Agreement August 17,2421
(Submission of Performan@ Security)
21 Joint Application of PSA for ERC Approval September 17,2021


ITB 5 Constituent Documents

5.1 For the purposes of this CSP, the following comprise the Bidding Documents:

(a) lnformation Memorandum;

(b) lnvitation to Bid;
(c) Terms of Reference (Annex A);
(d) this lnstructions to Bidders;
(e) Bid Forms (Annex B); and
(f) Draft PSA.
ITB 6 Clarification and Amendment of Bidding Documents

6.1 Bidders may request for clarification(s) on any part of the Bidding Documents or
for an interpretation of the ITB during the pre-bid conference.

6.2 OMECO TPBAC shall respond to the said request by issuing a Bid Bulletin to
be made available to all Bidders.

6,3 Bid Bulletins may also be issued upon OMECO TPBAC's initiative for purposes
of clarifying or modiffing any provision of the Bidding Documents. Any
modiflcation to the Bidding Documents shall be identified as an amendment.

6.4 Any Bid Bulletin issued by OMECO TPBAC shall also be posted at the websites
of OMECO, NEA, and DOE and at any conspicuous place in the premises of
OMECO's office. lt shall be the responsibility of all Bidders who have properly
secured the Bidding Documents to inquire about and secure Bid Bulletins that
may be issued by OMECO TPBAC. However, Bidders who have submifted Bids
before the issuance of the Bid Bulletin must be informed and allowed to modify
or withdraw their Bids.

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Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Campetitiue Selectiort Pracess for Short-Term Pouer Supply

ITB 7 Pre-Bid Conferences

7.1 Pre-bid conferences shall be held at the venue and on the dates indicated in the
Bid Bulletins to clarifu and address the Bidders' questions on the pertinent
technical and financialcomponents of this CSP. Only bidders who have paid the
participation fee shall be allowed to participate in the pre-bid conferences.

v"2 Due to the uncertainties brought by the current public health crisis (COVID-19),
the TPBAC may opt to conduct the pre-bid conference via virtual conference
using ZOOM or other virtual meeting application.

7.3 The TPBAC will be hosting the conference, and the Bidders are allowed to enroll
only one {1} authorized representative. Bidders shafl be allowed additional
participants as Observers {i.e., will not have speaking privileges).

7.4 Bidders shall conflrm their attendance by submitting a Secretary's Certificate

with a corresponding scanned copies of two (2) valid lDs to the TPBAC
Secretariat through email at !.:lj.$.r,,i,r:..1r,:,ll;j.l.i:ti.i;l",l jljlj !,,t,1j..i-i hruo (2,1 days prior to
the scheduled pre-bid conference. Valid lDs refer to the company-issued and
government-issued I Ds.

7.5 The TPBAC will be providing all Bidders a Virtual Meeting lD Number and
Password which will be sent through Bidders' official email address.

7 .6 To ensure the transparency of the bidding proce$s, Observers are invited to join
the virtual conference. The public may also witness the pre-bid conference via
Facebook l-ive by accessing the official Facebook page of OMECO IEC and
OIVIECO CSPNEWS. CSP Observers shall not participate in the proceedings
and have no right to vote.

7.7 The minutes or notes of the Pre-Bid Conference shall be made available to all
Bidders three (3) days after the Pre-Bid Conference upon written request and
payment of PHP 100.00lpage to recover cost of materials. Bidders may send
comments on the minutes or notes of the Pre-Bid Conference.

Given the difficulties and delays in the transmittal of hardcopies due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, the TPBAC will provide Bidders a PDF copy of the
minutes at no cost to the Bidders through authorize Bidder's email address upon

7.8 The decisions of the TPBAC amending any provision of the Bidding Documents
shall be issued in writing through a Bid Bulletin.


ITB I Eligible Bidders

8.1 The following entities shall be eligible to participate in this bidding:

(a) Duly licensed individuals or sole proprietorships;

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Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Shart-Term Power SupplA

(b) Partnerships duly organized under the laws of the Philippines;

(c) Corporations duly organized under the laws of the Philippines; and
(d) JointVentures and Consortiums to be duly organized under the laws of the
Philippines, provided they have submitted duly notarized Joint Venture or
Consortium Agreement, backed by Board Resolutions of parties' mother
companies guaranteeing full support to the JV/Consortium and clearly
stating JV/Consortium or a Project Company and the level of participation
of partners/parties. The JV or Consortium Agreement shall also indicate
that their rights and obligations, including liabilities in this Bidding and the
resulting PSA are solidary;

8.2 Bidders who will build, own, and operate renewable energy power plants shall
comply with the ownership requirements of the RE Law and the Philippine

8.3 Bidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent
practices issued by any government or other entity in accordance with ITB 9

8.4 The Bidders shall have an aggregate generation portfolio of at least 5 MW

regardless of technology at the time of submission of Bid and has track record
of two (2) years in power plant operation.

8.5 ln case the required years of experience and aggregate capacity are not met,
the bidders may opt to submit a detailed plan on how it intents to operate and
maintain the generating facilities in accordance with the Philippine Grid and
Distribution Codes, existing industry standards and applicable Philippine Laws.
The detailed plan must state how the Bidder shall operate and maintain the
Genderating Facilities as well as the experience and technical capability of the
person, whether natural or juridical, who will operate and maintain the
generating facilities. The detailed plan must contain the following:

(a) Executive Summary;

(b) Description of the Plan for the operation and maintainance of generating
(c) Proposed table of organization including job descriptions, technical
qualifications and experience of the management of technical team; and
(d) Environmental and social obligation compliance programs.

Provided that the proposed personnel in table of organization shall be committed

obligation of the NPP and non fulfillment of this obligation shall be ground for
the termination of the PSA.

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Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for S?wrt-Tenn Power Supply

8.6 The Bidder must have a Unrestricted Net Worth of at least 3Ao/o of the
investment requirement of each power plant including the cost of point-to-point
connection. The value of the Bidder's Unrestricted Net Worth shall be based on
the latest Audited Financial Statements (AFS) submitted to the Bureau of
lnternal Revenue (BlR) forthe lasttwo (2) years. "Unrestricted NetWor"th'refers
to the sum of subscribed and paid up equity, including additional paid-in capital,
and unrestricted retained earnings, preferred shares, perpetual shares less
treasury shares of common, preferred, and perpetual shares. Unrestricted
retained earnings means the amount of accumulated proflts and gains realized
out of the normal and continuous operations of the company after deducting
therefrom distributions to stockholders and transfers to capital stock or other
accounts, and which is: (i) not appropriated by the Board of Directors for
corporate expansion projects or programs; (ii) not covered by a restriction for
dividend declaration under a loan agreement; (iii) not required to be retained
under special circumstances obtaining in the corporation such as when there is
a need for a special reserve for probable contingencies (as defrned in SEC
Memorandum Circular No. 11-08 dated December 5,2008); and (iv) not
otherwise covered by any other legal restriction on the ability of the company to
distribute or otherwise apply its equity.

8.7 For the purpose of confirmation, the Bidder must provide copies of its
Certificates of Compliance (COCs) or Provisional Authori$ to Operate (PAO)
provided they shall submit copy of its application for COC issued by the ERC,
copies of its Generation Company Information Sheet (GCIS) and Generation
Company Management Report (GCMR) submitted to ERC. ln case of
renewable energy providers, minimum of two years of the above certificates and
reports shall be allowed. Where the power plant operation experience is not
covered by COCs and GCMRs of ERC, the Bidder shall provide a certification
from third parties such as contracted customer/s (e.9,, NPC-SPUG) and the
operational and/or performance repods received, prepared or recorded by the

8.8 ln case of JV or Consortium, the qualification of the Bidder may be obtained by

pooling the qualification of each member of the JV or Consortium. Provided that
the member of the JV or Consortium with the longest track record shall be taken
as the track record of the Bidder (i.e., the number of operating years of each
member shall not be added).

ITB I Fraudulent and Corrupt Practices

9.1 The HOPE, the TPBAC, the TWG, and the Bidders shall observe the highest
standard of ethics for the duration of the Transaction and during the execution
of all agreements. ln pursuance of this policy, the following deflnitions shall

(a) "Corrupt practice" means behavior on the part of officials in the public or
private sectors by which they improperly and unlawfully enrich themselves
and/or others, or induce others to do so, by misusing the position in which
they are placed, and it includes the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting
of anything of value to influence the action of any such official involved in
this Transaction or in contract execution; entering into any agreement or

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transaction manifestly and grossly disadvantageous to the OMECO,

whether or not any person profited or will profit thereby.
(b) "Fraudulent practice" means a misrepresentation of facts in order to
influence the process or outcome of this Transaction or the execution of an
agreement to the detriment of the OMECO, and includes collusive
practices among Bidders (prior to or after Bid submission) designed to
establish Bid prices at artificial, non-competitive levels and to deprive the
OMECO of the benefits of free and open competition.
(c) "Col/usive practices" means a scheme or arrangement between hruo or
more Bidders, with or without the knowledge of the OMECO, designed to
establish Bid prices at artificial, non-competitive levels.
(d) "Coercive practice,s" means harming or threatening to harm, directly or
indirectly, persons, or their property to influence their participation in this
Transaction, or affect the execution of an agreement.

9.2 The TPBAC will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder
recommended for award has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive and
coercive practices in competing for the Power Supply Agreement (PSA).

9.3 The TPBAC will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period
of time, to be awarded the PSA if it, at any time, determines that the firm has
engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing or, or in executing the

9.4 The OMECO, through the TPBAC or through independent auditors, reserves
the right to inspect and audit records and accounts of any Bidder or contractor
involved in the Bidding.

ITB 10 Bidder's Responsibilities

10.1 The Bidder is responsible for the following

(a) Having taken steps to carefully examine all the Bidding Documents;
(b) Having acknowledged all conditions, local or otherwise, affecting the
implementation of the PSA;
(c) Having made an estimate of the facilities and equipment available and
needed to implement the PSA;
(d) Having complied with its responsibility to inquire about or secure Bid
(e) Ensuring that each of the documents submitted is in satisfaction of the CSP
requirements, is an authentic copy of the original, complete, and all
statements and information provided therein are true and correct;
(0 Authorizing OMECO TPBAC to verify all the documents submitted;
(g) Ensuring that the signatory is the duly authorized representative of the
Bidder and granted full power and authority to do, execute, and perform
any and all acts necessary to participate, submit the Bid, and to sign and
execute the ensuing PSA, accompanied by the duly notarized Special
Power of Attorney, Board/Partnership Resolution, or Secretary's
Certificate, whichever is applicable;
(h) Complying with existing labor laws and standards;

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(i) Ensuring that it did not give or pay, directly or indirectly, any commission,
amount, fee, or any form of consideration, pecuniary or otherwise, to any
person or official, personnel or representative of OfulECO, Ot\rECO TPBAC
and CSP Advisors; and
fi) Bidder bears the risk for failure to observe any of the above responsibilities.

10.2 The Bidder, by the act of submitting its Bid, shall be deemed to have inspected
relevant sites, determlned the general characteristics and conditions of the PSA,
and examined all instructions, forms, terms, and requirements in the Bidding

10.3 OMECO TPBAC will not assume any responsibility regarding erroneous
interpretations or conclusions by Bidders out of the Bidding Documents.

10.4 Before submitting their Bids, the Bidders are deemed to have become familiar
with all existing laws, decrees, ordinances, acts, and regulations of the Republic
of the Philippines which may affect the PSA in any way.

10.5 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission
of its Bid. OMECO TPBAC shall in no case be responsible or liable for those
costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the CSP.

10.6 The Bidder should note that OMECO TPBAC will accept Bids only from those
that have paid the applicable fee for the Bidding Documents at the office
indicated in the lnvitation to Bid.

10.7 The Bidder, by the act of submitting its Bid, shall be deemed to have accepted
and will abide to all procedures, requirements, rules and reguiations issued by
the TPBAC through the Bidding Documents.

ITB 11 Due Diligence

11.1 The Bidders shall be given the following pertinent technical and financial
information of OMECO:

(a) Directory of OMECO;

(b) Demand and Energy Forecast of OMECO (2022-2039);
(c) 8760 Load Curve of OMECO {2019);
(d) Utility Statistics and Operational (Technical and Financial) Performance;
(e) Audited Financial Statements (2015-2019);
(0 Payment Performance Certifications from Power Suppliers, PSALM, NEA,
and other Financial lnstitutions;
(g) Pre-Grid lmpact Study (GlS); and
(h) OMECO Single Line Diagram (SLD).

11.2 The Bidders may conduct due diligence until February 24,2021

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11.3 lf the Bidder desires to conduct on-site due diligence on OMECO, they may
coordinate with the TPBAC, who shall coordinate the schedule. The Bidder must
request the TPBAC in writing with the specific agenda and proposed schedule
of visit. The TPBAC has the right to reject request for visits if the data needed
have already been provided to Bidders and/CIr the agenda is deemed not
relevant to this Transaction.

11.4 Any cost associated with the conduct of due diligence shall be for the sole
account of the Bidders.

11.5 All OMECO lnformation for Due Diligence provided to the Bidders are
confidential. Bidders are prohibited from distributing these information to
persons or entities other than the Bidder or its official representatives.

11.6 The Bidder, by the act of submitting its Bid, shall be deemed to have done due
diligence on the subject of this Transaction.

ITB 12 Disqualification of Bidder

12.1 The Bidder or any member of the Partnership, JV or Consortium must have no
record of Unsatisfactory Performance as Generator or Power Plant Operator.
For this purpose, "Unsatisfactory Performance" means any of the following
within two (2) years prior to the Deadline of Bid Submission:

(a) the failure by the Bidder to satisfactorily perform any of its material
obligations in a power plant project, power plant operation contract, or
power supply contract as evidenced by the imposition of a judicial
pronouncement or arbitration award;
(b) the expulsion of the bidder from any power plant project, power plant
operation contract, or power supply contract, due to the bidder's fault;
(c) the termination or suspension of any such project, operation or contract,
due to the fault of the bidder;
(d) material violation of laws and/or regulations by the Bidder to any power
plant projects or contracts, including but not limited to environmental,
health, safety, labor and social welfare laws and regulations, as evidenced
by the findings of the relevant competent authori$.

12.2 The Bidder or any member of the Partnership, JV or Consortium must not be
included in a blacklist issued by any governmental agency of the Philippines or
in the Debarred and Cross-Debarred Firms & lndividuals list posted in the World
Bank website (, whether as an individual contractor,
partnership or corporation or as a member of a joint venture or consortium.

12.3 ln addition to the grounds specified in ITB 16.7, the following are also grounds
for the rejection of the Bids and/or the disqualification of the Bidders:

(a) Failure to submit all the requirements in accordance with and as provided
for in ITB 15, ITB 15, ITB 17 and ITB 1$;
(b) Failure to submit a Bid Security as provided for in ITB 16;
(c) Bidders with conflict of interest as provided for in ITB 13.1 and ITB 14.2;
(d) ln the event of collusion as provided for in ITB g; and

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(e) Commission of any of the conupt practices listed in ITB 9.

ITB 13 Conflict of Interest

13.1 All Bidders found to have conflicting interests shall be disqualified to participate
in this CSP, without prejudice to the imposition of appropriate administrative,
civil, and criminal sanctions. A Bidder may be considered to have conflicting
interests with another Bidder in any of the events described in paragraphs (a)
through (c), and a general conflict of interest in any of the circumstances set out
in paragraphs (d) through (g) below:

(a) A Bidder has controlling shareholders in common with another Bidder;

(b) A Bidder receives or has received any direct or indirect subsidy from any
other Bidder;
(c) A Bidder has the same legal representative as that of another Bidder for
purposes of this CSP;
(d) A Bidder has a relationship, directly or through third parties, that puts it in
a position to have access to information about or influence on the Bid of
another Bidderor influence the decisions of OMECO TPBAC regarding this
(e) A Bidder submits more than one Bid in this CSP;
(f1 A Bidder participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design or
technical specifications of this CSP; and
(g)A Bidder lends, or temporarily seconds, its personnel to firms or
organizations which are engaged in consulting services for this CSP, if the
personnelwould be involved in any capacity on the same project.


ITB 14 Documents Gomprising the Bid

14.1 The Bid shall consist of the following

(a) Eligibility Requirements as enumerated in ITB 15;

(b) Bid Security as required in ITB 16;
(c) Financial Proposal in accordance with ITB f 7; and
(d) Technical Proposal in accordance with ITB {8.

14.2 The Bid shall be accompanied by a sworn affidavit of the Bidder's Authorized
Representative that he/she, Bidder's otficers, directors, and controlling
stoekholders are not related to the members of OMECO's Board of Directors,
General Manager and officers, members of OMECO TPBAC, members of
OMECO TPBAC-TWG, members of OMECO TPBAC Secretariat, and OMECO
consultants for this CSP, by consanguinity or affinity up to the third civil degree
(ANNEX D-5), Such relationships will result in the automatic disqualification of
a Bidder.

14.3 Bids not addressing or providing all of the required items shall be considered
non-responsive and, thus, automatically disquatified.

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ITB 15 Eligibility Requirements for Bidders

15.1 The Bidder shall submit Class 'A" and Class "8" documents detailed in ITB 15.2
and ITB {5.3 for the TPBAC to ascertain its eligibility for the Bid:

The Bidder and each member of the Partnership, JV or Consortium as

Generator or Power Plant Operator must submit eligibility requirements.

15.2 Class "A" Documents

(a) Legal Documents

(a) Registration certificate from Securities and Exchange Commission

(SEC). ln case of foreign Bidders equivalent Certification allowed by
Philippine Laws may be required;
(b) Articles of lncorporation and By-Laws or a Memorandum of
Association or Partnership duly certified by the concerned
authorities, as may be applicable,
(c) Valid and current Mayor's Permit or municipal license where the
principal place of business of the prospective Bidder is located. In
cases of recently expired Mayor's/Business permits, it shall be
accepted together with the official receipt as proof that the Bidder
has applied for renewal within the period prescribed by the
concerned local government unit, provided that the renewed permit
shall be submitted as a post-qualification requirement;
(d) Taxpayer's ldentification Number (TlN) [BlR
reg istration/certifi cationl ;
(e) Documentary proof of Bidder's compliance with Tax obligations,
such as:
i. BIR VAT Registration (Form 2303);
ii. Proof of VAT payments for the months of November 2020 lo
April 2421 must be submitted;
iii. Tax Clearance from the BIR to prove bidder's full and timely
payment of taxes to the government. ln consideration of the
COVID pandemic, in cases of expired Tax clearance, it shall
be submitted together with the official receipt as proof that
the Bidder has applied for renewal or awaiting the release of
certificate from the BIR; and
iv. A certification under oath from Bidder's responsible officers
that the Bidder is free and clear of all liabilities with the
(f) General lnformation Sheet submitted to SEC.

(b) TechnicalDocuments

(a) Company profile highlighting experiences and expertise of the

company and key officers in power plant operation;
(b) Matrix of the Biddefs ongoing projects and generation portfolio with
the following minimum information for each power plant:
i. The name of the power plant;
ii. installed and dependable capacity of the power plant;
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iii. Type of power plant according to fuel or energy resource;

iv. Location (address) of the power plant;
v. Year the power plant was built and commissioned; and
vi. Number and average duration of scheduled and
un$cheduled outages for the last two (2) years or the actual
outage data for new power plants operating for less than two
years supported by a certification issued by the System
Operator or client distribution utility.
(c) Matrix of Bidder's customers with whom the Bidder have power
plant operation, rental or supply contracts. The statement shall
include, for each customer, the following:
i. Name and address of company;
ii. Telephone, cellphone and fax numbers, website URL, and e-
mail address of the company;
iii. Name and position of authorized contact person(s),
iv. Telephone and cellphone number and e-mail address of
contact person(s); and
v. Number and average duration ofscheduled and
unscheduled outages for the last two (2) years or the actual
outage data for new power plants operating for less than two
years supported by a certification issued by the System
Operator or client distribution utility.
(d) Copy of Certificate of Compliance issued by ERC or Service
Contracts from the DOE as well as copies of its Generation
Company lnformation Sheet (GCIS) and Generation Company
Management Report (GCMR) submissions to ERC for the last two
(2) years. For Bidders where the power plant operation experience
is not covered by COCs and GCMRs of ERC, a certification from
third parties such as contracted customerls (e.9,, NPC-SPUG) and
the operational reports received or recorded by the customerls shall
be submitted.
(e) In case the required years of experience and aggregate capacity
are not met, the bidders may opt to submit a detailed plan on how it
intents to operate and maintain the generating facilities in
accordance with the Philippine Grid and Distribution Codes, existing
industry standards and applicable Philippine Laws. The detailed
plan must state how the Bidder shall operate and maintain the
Genderating Facilities as well as the experience and technical
capability of the person, whether natural or juridical, who will operate
and maintain the generating facilities. The detailed plan must
contain the following:
i. Executive Summary;
ii. Description of the Plan for the operation and maintainance of
generating facilities;
iii. Proposed table of organization including job descriptions,
technical qualifications and experience of the management
of technical team; and
iv. Environmental and social obligation compliance programs.

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(c) FinancialDocuments

(a) The Bidder's Audited Financial Statements, stamped "received" by

the Bureau of lnternal Revenue (BlR) for the last two (2) years (i.e.,
for years 2019 and 2020), showing, among others, the Bidder's total
and current assets and liabilities. Complete set of financial
statement includes the following:
i. Balance Sheet;
ii. lncome Statement;
iii. Statement of Changes in Equity;
iv. Cash Flow Statement,
v. Notes to Financial Statement;
vi. Statement of Management Responsibility for Financial
Statement; and
vii. Financial Ratios indicating liquidity measurement ratio, debt
ratio, profitability ratio and operating performance ratio.
(b) Calculation sheet of the Unrestricted Net Worth of the Bidder
certified by the Finance Manager or Officer of the Bidder.

15.3 Class "B" Documents

(a) Secretary's Certificate designating the

Bidder's authorized
representative/s who will sign (a) the documents required in this Bid, and
(b) the Power Supply Agreement (PSA), bearing certified sheets containing
at least three (3) specimens of full signature and three (3) initials of the
designated representative/s;
(b) A document containing the name, address and contact details, including
telephone number/s, fax number/s and email address/es, of Bidder duly
signed by the authorized representative/s;
(c) Omnibus Sworn Statement in accordance with (ANNEX D-1) of this ITB;
(d) Acceptance of the Bidding Documents (ANNEX D-2);
(e) Confidentiality Agreement and Undertaking (ANNEX D-3);
(0 A certification issued by Bidder or its authorized representative that each
of the documents submitted in satisfaction of the lnstructions to Bidders is
an original or a true and faithful reproduction or copy of the original
(ANNEX D-a);
(g) Affidavit of Disclosure of Relations in accordance with ITB 13 and (ANNEX
(h) Certificate of No Unsatisfactory Performance from its contracted
customer in accordance with ITB 12;
(i) Statement that the Bidder is not banned or blacklisted from bidding by the
government or any of its agencies and other private corporations or electric
cooperatives and LGUs including its non-inclusion in the Consolidated
BlacKisting Report issued by the Government of the Philippines (GOP)
(ANNEX D-5);
O A letter authorizing the TPBAC or its duly authorized representative/s to
verify all of the documents submitted; and
(k) Any other document, in support of documents already submitted, that may
be required by the TPBAC for clarification purposes during post-

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15.4 The Bidder shall indicate "N/A" for requirements that are not applicable to them

15.5 To be considered eligible and qualified for contract award, a Bidder must comply
with the requirements indicated in ITB 14. Only the Proposalfrom Bidders that
are complete based on the Eligibility Requirements listed in ITB 15, shall be
opened. Otheruvise, said Proposals shall be returned unopened.

15.6 Failure to submit all the requirements in ITB 14.1 is ground for rejection of the
Bid and/or the disqualification of the Bidder.

16.1 The Bidder shall submit a Bid Security equivalent to the amount shown in Table
4 in the form of cash or cashier's/manager's check or an irrevocable standby
letter of credit in favor of OMECO issued by any Universal or Commercial Bank
with branch/es in Occidental Mindoro. PNB, LBP, MBTC and China Bank are
the Universal or Commercial Banks in the Province of Occidental Mindoro.

Table 4: Required Bid Security

Required Bid
Lot Areas Security
I SAMARICA 7,500,000.00
lt Sablayan 1,600,000.00
ilt MAPSA 2,600,000.00

16.2 Submission of a Bid Security is understood to mean that the Bidder shall enter
into a PSA with OMECO and turnish the required Performance Security within
thirty-five (35) calendar days from receipt of the Notice of Award and commits
to pay the corresponding amount as fine in the event it violates any of the
conditions stated therein. Should the Winning Bidder needed additional time to
complete the arrangement with the bank for a Letter of Credit, a bank
certification indicating that the NPP is arranging for an LC in compliance with
the Performance Security requirements of the OMECO CSP. The NPP shall be
given maximum of additional ten (10) days to submit Performance Security and
sign the PSA,

16.3 Any Bid not accompanied by an acceptable Bid Security shall be rejected by

16.4 Bid Securities shall not be returned to Bidders after the opening of Bids and
before the PSA signing, except to those that failed to comply with the Eligibility
Requirements in accordance with the preliminary examination in ITB 26 and
subsequently the Bid was not opened.

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16.5 For Bidders whose Bid were not disqualified, their Bid Securig shall be returned
only after the Winning Bidder has signed the PSA and complied with the
Performance Security requirements in ITB 34 and ITB 35.

16.6 Upon signing and execution of the PSA and the posting of the Performance
Security, the successful Bidder's Bid Security will be returned.

16.7 The Bid Security may be forfeited under any of the following conditions.

(a) A Bidderwithdraws its Bid after bid opening during the period of Bid vatidity
which shall be for at least 120 days;
(b) A Bidder has a finding against the veracity of the post-qualification
(c) A Bidder submits eligibility requirements containing false information or
falsified documents;
(d) A Biddersubmits Bids that contain false information orfalsified documents,
or conceals such information in the Bids in order to influence the outcome
of eligibility screening or any other stage of the CSP;
(e) A Bidder allows the use of one's name, or used the name of another for
the purposes of this CSP;
(f) A Bidder withdraws a Bid, or refuses to accept an award, or enter into the
PSA with OMECO, after the Bidder had been adjudged as having
submitted the LCRB;
(g) A Bidder refuses or fails to post the required Performance Security within
the preseribed time;
(h) A Bidder refuses to clarify or validate in writing its Bid during post-
qualification within a period of seven (7) calendar days from receipt of the
request for clarification;
(i) A Bidder attempts to unduly influence the outcome of the CSP in its favor;
fi) The Wnning Bidder fails to sign the PSA;
(k) ln the event that the TPBAC finds the Bidder to have committed Fraudulent
and Corrupt Practices as specified in ITB g; or
(l) ln case the Bidder is disqualified at any stage of the Bidding process as
provided for in ITB 13.{, ITB 16.3 and ITB 37.

ITB 17 Financial Proposal

17.1 The Financial component of the Bid shall be accomplished and submitted using
the Financial Bid Forms prescribed in ANNEX B.

17.2 The Financial Proposal of the Bidder shall detail the following bid variables for
each power plant technology that may affect the calculated Levelized Price
detailed in ITB 28:

(a) Price components

i. Fixed Cost 1 (FC1) for Capital Recovery Rate
ii. Fixed Cost 2 (FC2) for Fixed O&M Rate
iii. Variable Cost 1 (VC1) forVariable O&M Rate
iv. Variable Cost 2 (VCz) for Fuel Rate

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(b) Allowed Outage

i" Scheduled Outage Hours
ii. Unscheduled Outage Hours

17.3 OMECO shall enter into a PSA with the NPP with the following price structure:


reesPjfifi"h - IFC Lmonth t FC2mo,th +vc 7mont7 *vcz^ontn1x Q';ff!;"'n


reeffiff1,L - Total charges for a billing month in PHP

FC l,nsnsn- Applicable Price of the fixed capital recovery cost component for the
billing month

FCZnxsnTn - Applicable Price of the fixed O&M cost component for the billing

VC 1,n6n.,- - Applicable Price of the variable O&lt/ cost component for the billing

VC2month - Applicable Price of the fuel cost component for the billing month

Q'X::tr"n - Quantity in kWh delivered by the NPP/s power plant

The applicable prices for the billing month shall be calculated as follows:


FC 77n6n17: FC lLyff; (CIlFmonth)

rIIp .. - Qmonth
""' mon.n TDCC x (Hr-Hr"o - Hro*)


FC ilErt!;(CIJFpsnsn) - the bid price of local flxed capacity recovery cost (FClf)
at a given CUF in the bilting month

CUFmonth- Capacity utilization factor in the billing month

TDCC - Total Dependable Contracted Capacity

H7 -Total number of hours of the billing month

Hra- Equivalent Outage Hours for the billing month

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Hrrm - Equivalent Hours of Outages due to Forced-Majeure for the billing month


Fclmonth: kfcz x FC2LPBtt#t(CUFmonth) (r - nfrr) * rczLfifStlcuF*ontn)

+ klcz x r c zFSfrlr 7cu F*on n,
"T#W "W
+ (r,- tF,') * FCZFg:?tt(cuFmontn)
q Plant
t q'se
r c zfrfyj 1cu F-ontn) = -u


cr tcPlant
r c zr [[72t 1c u Fmontn) = #u I naonth


FCZLPBLT#(CIJFmonth) - is the value of local fixed O&M cost component {FCZL)

at a given CUF in the billing month

FC2L#3!: - the bid price of local fixed O&M cost component (FCZL) at 100%

f CZfEHtt(ClJFmanth) - is the value of foreign fixed cost component(FCZF) ata

given CUF

FCZr;X:t - the bid price of foreign fixed cost component(FCZF) at 100% CUF

1 This formula will be simplied

in the PSA if the Winning Bidder will opt for k = L00%o (i.e., the whole price
component will be indexedJ. The value k allows Bidders to offer a reduced portion of price component to be

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vc 1s6,11n - tlvct x vc lt:;ff: "WW+ (1 - ky'\ x vc fip;t{:

+ k[r, x vc lFgffi' *Y!!*:*ll xFoRgxmonth-1

uscPIss52621 F0REXFebzozl

+ (1 - kY,\ x vc tF::*:t
'Base "xFoREXmonth*1


vclmonLh = kY" xvc1LPBtt!: (1- ky") *vcZLpBL"!:


VC lLgt# - is the value of bid price of local variable cost component for O & M

vC lFik?t - is the value of bid price of foreign variable cost component for O &

vCZIlBtXlt - is the value of bid price for local fuel cost component

- iS the value of the Philippine Consumer Price lndex on the
month preceeding the billing month

PHCPIFebzoz, - is the base value of the Philippine Consumer Price lndex QA12-
100) of All lncome Households of All ltems for the reference month February
2021, equai to
128.100, pubiished by Philippine Statistics Authority.

USCPImonth*l -
is the value of the US Consumer Pfice lndex on the month
preceeding the billing month

USCPIFebzoer- is the average of the US Consumer Price lndex for All Urban
Consumers (CPI-U) (1982-84=100), by expenditure category, for the reference
month February 2A21, equal to 263.014, published by US Bureau of Labor
$tatistics. www. bls.oov

Fuellndex,nanth-7 is the value of applicable fuel index on the month

preceeding the billing month (e.9. if the bilting month is May 2A23, the fuelindex
shall be taken for the month of April 2023)

z This formula will be simplied in the PSA if the Winning Bidder will
opt for k = 1000/o [i.e., the whole price
cornponent wili be indexed). The value k allows Bidders to offer a reduced portion of prlce component to be

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For Diesel (LFO) - the calculated average of LowiHi of all weeks of all
stations in Occidental Mindoro published by DOE (DOE Price Watch,
South Luzon Prevailing Retail Pump Prices, Occidental Mindoro).
https :/lwww" doe. qov. phloil-monitor?q=retai l-pu mp-prices-south-l uzon

For Bunker Diesel - the Monthly Average of Daily Prices of Singapore -

lFO3B0 published by Ship&Bunker. httos:/iwww.shipand

For Biodiesel- Monthly prices for coconut oil in nominal U.S. dollars per
metric ton published by Statista.

For l-?tlG - the World Bank Commodities Price Data (The Pink Sheet),
Natural Gas, LNG Japan published by World Bank.
http :// ban k. org

Fuellndexpeb2y2l -
is the base value of applicable fuel index for the reference
month February 2021

For Diesel (LfO)

- the calculated average of LowiHi of all weeks of all
stations in
Occidental Mindoro on February 2021, equal to
PHP3B.89IL|TER, published by DOE (DOE Price Watch, South Luzon
Prevailing Retail Pump Prices, Occidental tt/indoro).'Zq=jetail-pump:prices_ s_quth-luzon

For Bunker Diesel - the lVlonthly Average of Daily Prices of Singapore -

lFO380 on February 2A21, equal to US$ 381.80/mt, published by
Ship&BUnker. ,'ti1L1-1r.::l..ih'!:::,,ii1_l i"r.-littrilitj,i.i--_,.... ., ..

For Biodiesel- Monthly prices for coconut oil in nominal U.S. dollars per
metric ton on February 2A21, equal to US$ 1,438/mt, published by
cocon ut-oil-worldwide/

For LNG - the World Bank Commodities Price Data {The Pink Sheet),
Natural Gas, LNG Japan on February 2A7, equalto USD9.88IMMBTU,
published by World Bank, http ://www.worldbank. orct

FOREXmonth-t- is the value of tt/onthly Average of Daily Pesos per US Dollar

Rate on the month preceeding the billing month published by Bangko Sentral
ng Pilipinas ua

FOREXps62oz, - is the value of Monthly Average of Daily Pesos per US Dollar

Rate for the reference month February 2A21, equal to PHP48.2042IUSD,
published by Bangko Sentral ng Filipinas.

k{cz - is the indexation parameter in percent with an effective value between 0

(for no inriexation) to 1 (for fuii inciexation) for iocal fixed O&M {FCZL)

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Occidental Mindoro Etectic Cooperatiue, Inc,
Competitiue Selection Process for Shart-Term Pawer SupplA

kfcz - is the indexation parameter in percent with an effective value between 0

(for no indexation) to 1 (for full indexation) for foreign fixed O&M (FC24

k[ct - is the indexation parameter in percent with an effective value between 0

(for no indexation) to 1 (for tull indexation) for local variable O&M (VC lL)

k[ct - is the indexation parameter in percent with an effective value between 0

(for no indexation) to 1 (for full indexation) for foreign variable A&M tVC lF)

klcz - is the indexation parameter in percent with an effective value between 0

(for no indexation) to 1 (for tull indexation) for local fuel cost (VC2L)

17.4 The Bid Price for each power plant technology offered by the Bidder shall be
based on February 2A21 reference mdrket prices and indexeS that will be
reflected in the PSA as indicated in Table 5. This shall be referred to as the
"Base Price" or TCGR for the month of February 2021.

Table 5: Reference Market Price and FOREX (February 2021)

lndex Base Value Source

Consumer Price lndex (2012-100), All lncome
PHCPI 128.100 Households, All ltems for February 2021
Consumer Price Index Urban for AII
Consumers (CP|-U) (1982-84=100): U.S. city
USCPI 263.014
average, by expenditure category, February
2021 www.bls.qov
Ship&Bunker Mlonthly Average of Daily Prices
BUNKER US$ 381.80/mt Singapore - lFO380, February 2A21
https //www,
: sh teream
ipan dbu n

DOE Price Watch, South Luzon Prevailing

RetailPump Prices, Occidental MindoroAve. of
LoMHi of all weeks of all stations in February
DIESEL PHP38.89/liter
https ://vwvw. d oe. q ov. p h/o i l-m on ito r?q = reta i -

Monthly prices for coconut oil in nominal U.S.
dollars per metric ton, February 2421
BIODIESEL US$ 1,438/mt
hltBE/www.statista.cqmlst 6T3$Zlmo
nth ly-p rices-fo r-cocon ut-o i I-worl dwid
World Bank Commodities Price Data {The Pink
LNG US$ 9.88/mmhtu Sheet), Natural Gas, LNG Japan, for February
202 1 www.worldbank.orq
Daily Pesos per U.S. Dollar Rate, Monthly Ave
FOREX PHP 48.20421US$
for February ZAX

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Competitiue Selection Process for Short-Term Potuer SupplU

17.5 With no exception, Bidder's proposal for all unbundled rates shall be quoted in
Philippine Pesos per kilowatt-hour (PHP/kWh) and shall be express in exactly
four (4) decimal places as specified in ANNEX B.

17.6 The Base Prices shall have local and foreign components that may or may not
be indexed to applicable inflation and fuel indexations, except for the Capital
Recovery Rate (FC1). lf indexed, whether partially or fully, it shall be indexed to
the Philippine Consumer Price lndex (PHCPI) and United States Consumer
Price lndex (USCPI).

17.7 The Bidder shall provide the price of FC1 and FC2 in PHP/kWh corresponding
to the Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF) ranging from 1o/o to IOAYo in increments
of 1o/o in accordance with the Bid Forms in ANNEX B.

17.8 Costs for lubricating oil and biomass fuel shall be included in VC1

ITB 18 Technical Proposal

18.1 The Technical Proposal shall detail the plan on how the Bidder will carry out the
development, flnancing, construction, connection to grid, operation, and
maintenance of the power plant(s) to supply the Dependable Capacity Under
Single Outage Contingency from 26 December 2021 to 25 December 2026 and
the committed Project Milestones. The plan shall include as applicable, but not
necessarily be limited to, the following:

(a) Timeline of Activities presented in PERT/CPM Chart, including but not

limited to, the following:
i. Project financial closing with lenders;
ii. Processing of Government permits;
iii. Commencementofconstruction;
iv. Completion of site preparation, foundation, and civil works;
v. lnstallation of generating units and other key components of the
vi. Testing and commissioning; and
vii. Commercialoperation.
(b) Development and Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC)
Plan describing the methodology, process, and schedule that shows the
feasibility and credibility that proposed power plant(s) will be available on
the scheduled Commercial Operation Date;
(c) Typical Annual Operating and Maintenance Program for an Operating
Year including, but not limited to dispatch schedule and outage schedule
of generating units and power plants;
(d) Fuel Supply Plan indicating:
i. Fuel supply contract equivalent to the cooperation period of the
power supply agreement;
ii. Contingency supply for at least fifteen (15) days of sufficient fuel
stock at any point in time; and

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Competitiue Selection Process for Shori-Term Power SupplU

iii. Key terms of the Fuel Supply Agreement.

(e) Financing Plan including, but not limited to, detailed description of where
the funds will originate (debt financing and equity financing) and
expenditures according to project milestones;
(0 Risk Management Plan from development to operations including, but not
limited to, pertinent information on project insurance and bonding program
to be put in place; and
(g) Organizational structure and Technical Capability of Key Personnel and
Manpower requirements.

ITB 19 Alternative Bids

19.1 Bidders shall submit offers that comply with the requirements of the Bidding
Documents. Alternative Bids shall not be accepted. For this purpose, an
Alternative Bid is an offer made by a Bidder in addition or as a substitute to its
original Bid which may be included as part of its original Bid or submitted
separately therewith for purposes of bidding. Alternative Bids such as Build,
Operate, and Transfer (BOT) Schemes shall not be accepted. The GENCO shall
assume responsibility in construction, operations and maintenance of the power
plants. A Bid with options is considered an Alternative Bid regardless of whether
said Bid proposal is contained in a single envelope or submitted in two (2) or
more separate Bid envelopes.

ITB 20 Bid Validity

20.1 Bids shall remain valid for a period of at least one hundred twenty (120) calendar
days from the Deadline of Submission and Opening of Bids.

20.2 The TPBAC may request the Bidder to extend the validity of Bid to a longer
period if the PSA has not been awarded after 120 days from Deadline of
Submission and Opening of Bids.

ITB 21 Format and Signing of Bids

21.1 The Bidder shall provide two (2) copies of the Bid, one (1) original and one (1)
photocopy. The Bid shall be printed or written in black or colored indelible ink.
ln the event of any discrepancy between the original and the copies, the original
shall prevail.

21.2 Except for pages where the signature of the authorized representative is
specifically required, all pages of each document submitted and all pages and
all portions of the pages where corrections and/or amendments have been
made, shall be initialed by the Bidder's authorized representative. Failure to do
so shall be a ground for the rejection of the Bid..

21.3 Any interlineations, erasures, or ovenivriting shatl be valid only if they are signed
or initialed by the duly authorized representative of the Bidder.

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21.4 The Financial Proposal shall be presented in the official Bid Form both in hard
and sofUelectronic copy. The sofUelectronic copy shall be submitted in a USB
Flash drive placed in a sealed envelope marked "Financial Proposal (Electronic
Copy)". The excel file shall be password-protected to avoid inadvertent
modification of the Bid. ln case of discrepancy between the hard and soft copy,
the original hard copy shall prevail.

21.5 The Bidder shall be responsible for keeping the password until requested during
the Bid Opening. The TPBAC shall not be accountable for the electronic file that
may be corrupted during bid opening.

21.6 The electronic copy of documents, comprising the Eligibility Requirements,

Technicai Proposai anci Financial Proposal shall be in PDF format with
filenames descriptive of the content. The flles shall be organized and sequenced
in the same order prescribed in ITB 14.1 and the Checklist of Eligibility and Bid
Requirements (ANNEX C) saved in three USB flash drives. These PDF files are
separate from the Excel file format for the Financial Proposal (Bid Form).

ITB 22 Sealing and Marking of Bids

22.1 The Bids shall be submitted in one (1) sealed main Bid envelope (or box)
bearing the signature of the authorized representative/s to secure the seal and
labelled as follows:

Name of Bidder
Address of Bidder


Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperatlve, lnc. (OMECO)



OMECO Main Office, San Jose, OccidentalMindoro


22.2 The main Bid envelope (or box) shall contain two (2) non-transparent sealed
envelopes bearing the name and address of the Bidder, signed by the
authorized representative to secure the seal and marked as follows:



which, in turn, shall each contain three (3) separate non-transparent sealed
envelopes bearing the name and address of the Bidder, signed by the
authorized representative to secure the seal and labelled as follows:

ENVELOPE 1: Bid Security and Eligibility Requirements,

ENVELOPE 2: Technical and Financial Proposal

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E NvE Lo P E g' us:T,;'r:;:"*:;ffi::'J#::;-;' r:::;

(Eligibility Requirements, Technical Proposal, Financial
Proposal and Excel Bid Form)

The specific contents of ENVELOPE 1 are listed in ITB 15 and ITB 16 and
summarized in the Checklist of Eligibility and Bid Requirements (ANNEX C).
The Bidder shall strictly adhere to the requirements listed to avoid

ENVELOPE 1 shallenclose two (2) envelopes:

a) one (1) envelope enclosing one (1) folder containing the Bid Security to
be labelled as follows.

Envelope 1-1:
Folder 1-1: Bid Security;

b) one (1) envelope enclosing four (4) folders containing the Eligibility
Requirements as listed in ITB 15 and in Checklist of Eligibility and Bid
Requirements to be labelled as follows:

Envelope 1-2:
Folder 1-1: Class "A" Documents - Legal Documents
Folder 1-2: Class "A" Documents - Technical Documents
Folder 1-3: Class "A" Documents - Financial Documents
Folder 14: Class "B" Documents

ENVELOPE 2 shall enclose two (2) folders containing hard copies of the
Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal (Bid Form);

Folder 2-1: Technical Proposal

Folder 2-2: Financial Proposal (Bid Forms)

ENVELOPE 3 shall enclose one (1) envelope containing the electronic copy of
the Bid in USB flash drive to be labelled as follows:

Envelope 3-1: Electronic Copy of the Bid

22.3 The Bidder shall properly accomplish and completely fill up all forms and
documents submitted with the Bid. All documents shall be properly organized
and sequenced in the same order they appear in ITB 14.{ and the Checklist of
Eligibility and Bid Requirements (ANNEX C). The first page of individual
documents shall be properly labelled with a document tab or separator for easy
distinction of individual documents.

22.4 The Bidder shall strictly adhere to the foregoing requirements to avoid
disqualification. lf all envelopes are not sealed, securely signed and marked as
required, the TPBAC will not assume responsibility for the misplacement or
premature opening of the Bid and shall be rejected outright.

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ITB 23 Deadline for Submission of Bids

23.1 Bids must be received by OMECO TPBAC on or before 12'.A0 PM (Philippine

Standard Time) of July 7,2021 at the venue in ltletro Manila to be announced
by TPBAC.3 The Bid is considered received by the TPBAC the moment it is
dropped into the Bid submission drop box. Any Bid submitted thereafter shall be
declared "Late" and shall not be accepted by OMECO TPBAC.

23.2 The TPBAC and the Bidders shall synchronize their time pieces with the
Philippine Standard Time (as provided for in RA 10535 or the Philippine
Standard Time Act at 2A13) of the exact time schedule of Bid Submission and
Opening. The Philippine Standard Time shall be displayed prominently on the
venue hall for Bid Submission on the Bid Submission date.

23.3 ln case of fortuitous events such as typhoon, earthquake and other similar
calamities, the TPBAC shall have the right to postpone the submission and
opening of bids and inform all prospective bidders through issuance of Bid

ITB 24 Modification and Yllithdrawal of Bids

24.1 The Bidder may modify its Bid after it has been submitted, provided that the
modification is received by OMECO TPBAC prior to 12:AA PI\l deadline of
submission of bids. The Bidder shall not be allowed to retrieve its original Bid
but shall be allowed to submit another Bid equally sealed and properly identified,
stamped "received" by OMECO TPBAC. Bid modifications received after 12:00
PM of deadline of submission of bids shall not be considered and shall be
returned to the concerned Bidders unopened.

24.2 A Bidder may, through a Letter of Withdrawal, withdraw its Bid after it has been
submitted for valid and justifiable reasons, provided that the Letter of Withdrawal
is received by OMECO TPBAC priorto 12:00 PIt/ deadline of submission of bids.
The Letter of Withdrawal must be executed by the duly authorized
representative of the Bidder identified in the Omnibus Sworn Statement, a copy
of which should be attached to the letter,

24.3 The Bidder may withdraw its Bid prior to the deadline for submission and receipt
of Bids, provided that the corresponding letter of withdrawal contains a valid
authorization requesting for such withdrawal.

3 In consideration with the COVID-19 Pandemic and Community Quarantine, the venue of submission and
opening of bids will be held in Metro Manila.

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24.4 A Bidder who has acquired the Bidding Documents may also express its
intention not to participate in the CSP through a letter which should reach and
be stamped by OMECO TPBAC before 12.00 PIII deadline of submission of
bids. A Bidder that withdraws its Bid shall not be permitted to submit another
Bid, directly or indirectly, for the same CSP.

24.5 No Bid may be modified after 12:00 PM deadline of submission of bids. No Bid
may be withdrawn in the interval between 12:0A PM deadline of submission of
bids and the expiration of the period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder on
the Financial Bid Form. Withdrawal of a Bid during this interval shall result in the
forfeiture of the Bidder's Bid Security.

ITB 25 Opening of Bids

25.1 OMECO TPBAC shall open in public the Bids at 1:00 PM of July 7, 2021 at the
OMECO Main Office San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. ln case the Bids cannot be
opened as scheduled due to justifiable reasons, OMECO TPBAC shall take
custody of the Bids submitted and reschedule the opening of Bids on the next
working day or at the soonest possible time through the issuance of a Notice of
Postponement to be posted at the websites of OMECO, NEA, and DOE.

25.2 Due to the uncertainties brought by the current public health crisis (COVID-19),
the venue of submission and opening of bids shall be held in Metro lt/anila. Final
schedule and venue will be announced through a Bid Bulletin.

25"3 Bidder's duly authorized representative/s may be present at the time, date and
place when the Bid Proposals will be opened. Otherwise, Bidder shall be
considered to have waived its right to witness said opening. Representatives of
the Bidders who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance.

25.4 ln order to ensure the transparency and integrity of the bidding process
Observers are invited to witness the Submission and Opening of Bids while at
the same time keeping Bidder's confidential information, Observers may witness
via Facebook Live or may go to OMECO APEC Hall, Main Office, San Jose,
Occidental Mindoro for the live free viewing.

The following process and mechanism shall be observed during the opening of

i. The electronic copy of the Financial Proposal in Excel format saved in a

USB will be opened and read by the computer of the TPBAC for
evaluation of bid. The screen of this computer can be seen only by the
TPBAC, TPBAC-TWG, the Authorized Representative of the Bidder
whose bid is being evaluated, and the lndependent Observer.
ii. The TPBAC, the TPBAC-TWG, the Authorized Representative of the
Bidder and the lndependent Observer shall verify whether the information
in the computer screen and the hard copy of the financial bid form are
exact replica.
iii. The computer program for the evaluation of the bid shall calculate the
levelized price of the Bidder and will flash to the computer and the large
screen that can be viewed by the public. The TPBAC, the TPBAC-TWG,

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for Slnrt-Term Power Suppla
C-ompetitiue Selection Process

the Authorized Representative of the Bidder and the lndependent

Observer shall attest to the fact that the calculated levelized prlce of the
Bidder as it appear in the computer screen and the calculated levelized
price that is flashed in the large screen are one and the same.
iv The submitted financial proposal shall also indicate the Bidder's
calculated levelized price. This part of the hard copy of the bid form shall
also be flashed to the large screen.
V It is expected that the evaluation computer program of the TPBAC and
the Bidder's bid form will give the same calculated levelized price
following the equations in the Evaluation Methodology ITB 28. ln the
event that the results are different, the TPBAC shall use the output of the
evaluation computer program as final evaluation of the bid.

25.5 Letters of Withdrawal shall be read out and recorded during Bid opening, and
the envelope containing the corresponding withdrawn Bid shall be returned to
the Bidder unopened. lf the withdrawing Bidder's representative is in
attendance the original Bid and all copies thereof shall be returned to the
representative during the Bid opening. lf the representative is not in attendance,
the Bid shall be returned unopened by registered mail.


ITB 26 Examination of Eligibility Requirements

26.1 The TPBAC shall open ENVELOPE 1

(Bid Security and Eligibility
Requirements) first, to determine the compliance with Bid Security and eligibility
of the Bidder. The documents in ENVELOPE 1 submitted by each Bidder shall
be examined and checked using a non-discretionary "pass/fail" criterion. lf a
required document is present, the Bid shallbe rated "PASSED" forthat particular
requirement. lf the amount and form of Bid Security and all the documents listed
in ITB 14 and ANNEX C hereof are rated "PASSED", the Bid shall be rated
Otherwise, it shall be rated "FAILED".

26.2 ENVELOPE2 and 3 of Bidders who failed the Eligibility and Bid Security check
shall no longer be opened and shall be returned to the Bidder.

26.3 The TPBAC shall open ENVELOPE 2 and 3 of each Bidder that was rated
"PASSED" for eligibility.

26.4 The TPBAC shall prepare the minutes or notes of the proceedings of the Bid
opening that shall include, as a minimum: (a) Abstract of Bids as read including
names of Bidders, presence of Bid Security, and findings of preliminary
examination; and (b) attendance sheet. The TPBAC members, Bidders, and
Observers shall sign the abstract of Bids as read.

26.5 The TPBAC shall ensure the integrity, security, and confidentiality of all
submitted bids. The Abstract of Bids as read and the minutes of the Bid Opening
shall be made available to the public upon written request and payment of PHP
100.00/page to recover cost of materials.

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Competitiue Selection Process for Short-Term Power Supplg

ITB 27 Evaluation of Compliance with Bid Requirement, Single Outage

Contingency, Dependable Capacity and Monthly Available Energy

27.1 The Financial Proposal (Bid Form) shall be examined for compliance to the Bid

(a) Financial Bid is presented in the official Bid Form (hardcopy); and
(b) Presence of electronic copy of Financial Bid (in Ms Excel format).

27 .2 Before the evaluation of bid price, the Bid shall be examined for compliance with
the following requirements:

(a) Single Outage Contingency Unit for SAMARICA;

(b) Dependable Capacity at each power plant location; and
(c) Monthly Available Energy Supply at each power plant location

27.3 The TPBAC-TWG shall open the electronic copy of the Financial Bid Form to
ascertain compliance to the minimum Net Dependable Capacity Under Single
Outage Contingency and the Dependable Capacity indicated in Table 1 and
Annual Energy Requirement indicated in Table 2.

27.4 The Net Dependable Capacity Under Single Outage Contingency at SAMARICA
shall be calculated as follows:

N- 1o rp rndoble s sp agi1y
: Ta tal p ro endable o, orrrn - M ax ro ading
6 Lar g e st u nit

T o tolp s *p,si6y =I (J nitI n, nn4ab Ie6 oo"

", "nd.abte


N-7n"p"ndobte6oro,is, - the Net Dependable Capacity Under Single Outage


Totale"r"rdabte5oro"il, - the Total Guaranteed Capacity that will be available at

the Connection Point

Unitprorn6abte6orn,;s, - the capaclty of the generating unit after adjusting the

rated capacity by factors including environmental conditions, allocation of own-
use and system losses

The applicable Capacity Credit Factor for the power plant technology is provided
in Table 6.

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Competitiue Selectian Process for Slwrt-Term Power SupplA

Table 6: Capacig Credit Factor Per Plant Technology

Capacity Credit Factor

Power Plant Type
{ce F}
Solar without Storage AYa
Solar with Staraqe 8 -2541* per A ufonCI my H a u r
Hydro 7^aL
Biomass 80%
Biodiesel 100%
LNG 104%
Bunker C 1CIo%
LFO Diesel 100%

For Solar with Storage, the AutonomyHourwill be calculated as:

storage capacity inMWh

AutctnamyHour - Rated Capacity tn MW

27.5 The Annual Total Dependable Capacity shall be evaluated by calculating the
sum of the Unit Dependable Capacity.

T o t a tp : {l ni t9 ur rngab
"o "nd.ab
Ie s 6p ori yy annu at I Ies no nr;s,

27.6 The Monthly Available Energy Supply shall be evaluated by summing up the
monthly expected generation of all plants offered in the bid. The monthly
available energy of the ptant shall be calculated by multiplying the dependable
capacity of plant to the Availability Factors for the $pe of technology shown in
Table 7 and number of hours for the month.

tner g yfi'oiitabt
e sup o
- l{rn", ny#:::;,,^)

Energyffifd'"h - available energy supply of plant in a month

capac*yff!{fd'"h - Dependable Capacity of plant in a month
AuailabilityFactorPtantrech * Availability Factor of plant provided in Table 7

HR*antn - No. of hours in the month

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a ccidental Mindoro Electric Coop eratiu e, Inc.
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Table 7: Availability Factor of Power Plant

Availability Factor
Power Plant
Solar 15o/o
Hydro 60%
Biomass 724/o
Biodiesel 85o/"
LNG 85%
Bunker-C Diesel 85%
LFO Diesel 85%

27.7 lf a Bid does not comply with the Bid Form requirements, the minirnum
Dependable Capacity Under Single Outage Contingency in SAMARICA, the
Dependable Capacity in Sablayan and MAPSA and Monthly Available Energy
Supply, its Bid Price shall not be calculated anymore, and the Bid Offer shall be
deemed disqualified.


ITB 28 Evaluation Methodology

28.1 The Financial Proposal of Bidders shall be evaluated by calculating the

Levelized Price over a five-year period. Considering the applicable inflation of
indexable components of the Bid Price and incremental price addition due to
Outage Allowance.

28.2 lnflated Bid Prices After Tax. For purposes of evaluating the Bid, the
consumer price index and fuel price inflation provided in Table 8 shall be used
to inflate the Base Price offered by the Bidder (Bid Price for reference month
February 2021).

Table 8: Consumer Price and Fuel lnflation

Parameter Value Source

PHCPI 2.694/o p.a Summary lnflation Report Consumer Prices lndex
lnflation (2012-100), Year-on-Year lnflation Rates in the
Philippines, All ltems, Jan 2013-Dec 2019,
http //wwr,v.
: p sa. g ov. p hib us i ness/p ri ce-i nd&eEi
USCPI 1.54% p.a Historical Consumer Price lndex for All Urban
lnflation Consumer (CP!-U): U..S. city average, all items,
index average [1982-84=100], annual average and
percent change, 2013-2019, Modified Date: March
fi , 2021 https://www. bls. q ov/cp i/

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Cnmpetitiue Selection Process for Shoft-Term Power Supplg

Fuel Oil 3.744/o p.a. World Bank Commodity Price Data (The Pink
(Dieset & Sheet), annual prices, 2009 to 2019, nominal US
Bunker) dollars for Duhai Crude Oil, release date April 2021
lnflation :;r-'.',,:.;, j'j'..'1; ;:( r: :';
LNG Fuel 4,16% p.a, World Bank Comrnodity Price Data (The Fink
Inflation Sheet), annual prices, 2009 to 2019, nominal US
dollars for Japan LNG, release date April 2021
1,. r,iui-: i j
ij i:;; il ir. ;l l i;
Biodiesel 4.72n/a p.a. https:l/www. statista. com/statistics/675808/ave raqe-
Fuel p rices-cocon ut-oi l-worldwid el

The applicable taxes in Table 9 shall be applied to the Bid Price depending on
the type of technology.

Table 9: Applicable Taxes (VAT)

Type of Power Plant

Renewable Enerqv o%
Non-Renewable 12%

The Fixed Cost 1 tFC 1) for the Capital Recovery shall not be inflated but subject
to taxation.

The following formula shall be used to calculate the price after tax of each price
components of the Bid Price or Base Price for 2022to2026:

FC Tyear = FC 72s21x {1 + VAT)

FCZyear = (k1," x FCZLzanx (l + pHCplinf)vear-7'027 + U - kf,") x FCZLror) x (1

+ vAT) + (kF" x FCZF2s21x (t + uscplinr)veal'*2o21
+ (1 * *{.,,) * FC ZFzozl) x (i + vAT)

vclyear = {ky," xvc1L2s2l x (7+ pHcpl)vear*ZjzL + u - kY,"}xVClLror)x (1

+ vAT) +(k{" x vc lFrol,l x (1 + USCpl\tear-zozr
+ (1- k[") xvc 1F202) x (1+ VAT)

VCZyea., = (.kY," xVCZLrorrx (r + ayunL-iny)v'(tr-202t +U - lrY'\ xvCZL.rorr) x (1

+ vAT)

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FC Tyear - the price after tax (not inflated) of Fixed Cost 1 {FC 4 component of
the Bid Price for a given year (2022 to 2026)

FC Zyear - the inflated price after tax of Fixed Cost 2 (F C 4 component of the Bid
Price for a given year (2A22 b 2026)

VC lyea, - the inflated price after tax of Variable Cost 1 (VC 1) eomponent of the
Bid Price for a given year (2022 to 2026)

VC Zyea, the inflated price after tax of Variable Cost 2 VC A component of the
Bid Price for a given yeat (2022 to 2026)

FCZL,FC2F,VC1L,VClF andVC2L - are the components of the Bid Prices. The

L and F represent the price that is local and foreign, while the subscripts denote
the value of that price for the given year.

PHCPIinf- equal lo 2.690/o per annum is the inflatlon value to be used for the
local components, based on the average inflation rates for past 5 years from
Philippine Consumer Price lndex, all items, found in
http 11ulalru.psa.q ov p h/b u siness/price-indices

USCPIinf - equal to 1.54olo per annum is the inflation value to be used for the
foreign components, based on the average inflation rates for past 5 years from
US Consumer Price lndex, all items, found in https://www.bls.qov/cpi/.

afuet-inf - is the annual inflation for the applicable fuel type. For diesel (LFO)
and Bunker-C (lFO or HFO) the inflation rate is 3.74%, for LNG is 4.16% and
for Biodieselis0.T2%.

kf" , kF", kY,", k|c', kY" - are the indexation parameter in percent for local
and foreign bid components with an effective value between 0 (for no indexation)
to 1 (for full indexation).

28.3 Levelized Bid Price ai100% CUF. The levelized bid price at 100% CUF per
technology per year shall be calculated as follows:

cenr*eff{{{{;;[, - FC 7yea, + FC 2yea, + VC 7yea, + VC Zy"a,

c enc os tlt#.'di"{rr,, u, = r n, gy
l},|?,!;;f!o x G enpr ic e\{{i;:; l,

PW G enc osr";ff:;:;;, : Wffi

Leue *!::r":!t-
ti z e d p r i c'"@LOO!/oCUF
e :'ff/ P w c e nc os
#i;;{:; I F
- Plantr--u
,G, Lfler 9! ororni iiy"o,

Page 39 of 13a
3 agt to O? a6od {
IU! r:' li.r, t9f Iil:J ar lt9t 1 !)l t !rr.) a t:
I lo ?(L
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Io i i1J I i*.it { t[] t. i ta { at r !lrl
ii'a t)4 2
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q3ee oI polecolle eq r{6:eue r{;qluour lE}o} eLll '0[ olqel ul u^ oqs ete eere
.red Eurqcledsrp ro1 {Sleue Alq1uor.u eL{I 'salqe/v\aual alqeuen lol MBI IU lo sln.r
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ro] puB 3y qcledslg ftt.ror.r6 lol slqel raptg luafl oleledeg ' Durpuecse
ur peIuBJ lnC %001,1e 1ue1d lerrnod eLllJo ecud pezr;ene1 pelnduroc oql rxoll
peredeid eq rJ3lr..U\A elqel JepJO luaru uo paseq aq slueld lervrod aL{} Jo
qcledsrp eql pue g'&, Ail L{it^ ocueplooce ut palelnolec se aq 11eqs iueld ierrnod
Lloee trtor] d6leu3 alqelte^V ,{;q1uoy1 eq1 'qcledslq pue l6.reu3 atqelte^V ?'gV,
A0olouqcel red 3613 %OOl le oeud poztle^ol eL{i -'fi,'r"rt"tJ,?nlrdpazqaaaT
ld3Hd o] lenbe eler lunocslcl - /
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; Ie I I I -'"' E
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d6olouqcei iueld
E jo jn3 %AOr le ecud uorle:aua6 xel relle pelegur oL{} - 't?ffiflrt1rdua3
fi1ddng raffLod uJaJ-UalS nt ssacot1 uoq)alas aa44aduo3
'cuJ 'an4otadooS cuycelg otopu?W loluapoJo
Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Frocess for Short-Term Power SupplU

2024 ,
Hoath IIom PGat (l[Wl
Etrcrgy PEa* (Uwl
Enerry Pdluw| End8y Pcet (Mwl EErrs Pd(irwl Encrgy
IMWHT aulwl ru,lmr
71+ 'HItr'EI 7\7 I ilo 3 ?nA
?J] :l nn7 6 13 3 637 3 4011 .1 606 736 3 At.l
'O3 3 110
; )t) 1 1] :1 747 ;6+ :lqql A 1) -i ).lll
1.tJ .i oel f, 317
Irrlr /)a) 5tl ) qo1 :10q1
a1q :1 +{O (1ql i hlll /.ll

7.]..t {lf :t s), 73i :r, .J3{; 179 { .t-ti ar+ -1.-167
7 17 4 tAti

28.5 Priority Dispatch RE. The monthly energy dispatch for RE technologies shall
be equal to the Dependable Capacity offered in the Bid multiplied by the
corresponding Availability Factor for the technology type shown in Table 7
multiplied by number of hours for the month calculated as.

! o ispatch1 EnergyYo,
E r"r ur rrrmonrn = Ui, I
l,cap acityPrioritv D]Fpatcht X A1)eilabitity F qctorPtio' it! oispatcr.t X H R^ontn

priorityDispatch" t uax(energyfl:#l^- t""rgy';;';;r/ornatctrr,g)

Energy^on'nJu',Pa'e"t = MinI I
capacityPtiorit!oispatch2 xAvatlabiLityFactorP'io'tt!o*pot,nz xHR^rngx)

n.. -.. _..p.torttyDispatch3

Lnergymonth (tnergyfiffl| - energyo-'":,:iitvDispatctlL - enugy'*'":,:ii'no '0"'n',0) ,1
= MirlMax
"""1 ,or)rrtyPrioritv'orotcb x AuailabiLityFactorPrtorltvpl'oo1'1', * un*onrnf


--- --_ -_-Priof ityDispatcht

bnergyrnonrh- n-- --- ___Priority6iroolrlr,
---'*--'-' , bnergymonth n-_ ^-_ ^-.Prioritygisps16tl.
', Lnergymonth rL
dispatch energy in a month of Rank 1, Rank 2 and Rank 3 RE Plant, respectively

CapacttyPriorityp6po6rn, , CapacityPrioritvpispatchz , CapaciTyPrioritvo' spa.tch,. the

dependable capacity of Rank 1, Rank 2 and Rank 3 RE Plant, respectively

fnerfi*jio -the energy requirement for the month

AuailabttityFactorP'ioritvpi,ros,7" - Availability Factor of Rank n RE Plant

provided in Table 7

HRmontn - No. of hours in the month

28.6 Dispatchable Plants. For this CSP, Biodiesel plant shall be considered
dispatchable because the technology allows to store fuel, hence, not variable
renewable energy resource. The expected monthly dispatch of dispatchable
plants shall be allocated in accordance with the merit order table for Non-RE
and Biodiesel and shall be computed as the total monthly energy requirement
less the energy dispatch of all the RE plants according to the following

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Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperattue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Slart-Term Power Srtppla

,",(rnrrotffi,-[ unugy!;"i!^*"'"n ,o),

rnergylflilchobrer = Min
LC ap ac it y D t to at ch ab te 1 x Av ailab ility F ac t svD itt "t c hab te 7 x HR o n 1

rner gyflffilchab
t ez : Min (nnersy';ii,r-lur*nr'))nltroisPatchi-rnergyD;!,:;"n'u'"',r)
r c ap ac i ty D iso at chab te 2 x Av aitab ili ty F ac t or D isp at c hab t e 2 y HR

- Disoatchable"
| / 2 ohtn, \t
- rn*gy*"ilDispatchi -\rnrrsv';X:;*""" ,o)'l
= MiniMo,
\nrrrol,^, I
L CopociTyDisoatcnatt"'xAvqilabilttyFactorDispatchabtesxHR-oo61, J

- Dis?otchoble.
uo*(nnergy',;Jio-\nn",ot^o,rj|to*w'nt-\rn*gy';,::;'n"o*' 0
= Min
\ i=, i=
tp at c hab a x
c ap ac ity D isp at ch*b t e 4 x Av ail ebiltty F act or D i Ie
H R mont h


^ Dispatcllablei
Energy-',ith"''*""-t - the dispatch energy in a month of Rank j Dispatchable

CopacttyDtspatchable.i- the dependable capacity of Rank j Dispatchable Plant

AvaitabitityFactorDi"patchabtei - Availability Factor of Rank j Dispachable Plant

provided in Table 7

28.7 CUF and Dispatch Price. The Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF) for the
Dispatchable Plant for each month shall then be calculated as the ratio of the
energy dispatch of the month and the total energy production of the power plant
if the capacity is fully utilized (i.e., 100% utilization) which is the product of
Dependable Capacity and the numberof hours in the month subjectto maximum
availability based on Available Factor in Table 7.
Capactty x HR*on1n
cuF::::ff'habte - AvailabtlityF'
D isp atchab te
D t sp atchP r tc ePjfflf "h = G enP r tc ePrb"t"'n 75 U F )


CUFi:Tff'hable - Capacity Utilization Factor of the dispatchable power plant in

a month

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Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Slwrt-Term Power Supplg

DispatchPrtcePjffi"'e Generation price for the plant technology applicable for

the month based on the level of CUF as dispatched

Genprice[!i!',",n(curffjfffcttabtel - tnflated after tax generation price as a

function of CUF

fnergyfl::fffchabte - Energy dispatch of the dispatchabte power plant for the


CapacttyDispatchabte - Dependable Capacity of the dispatchable power plant

AuailabilttyFactorDi'?atch&bte- Availability Factor of the dispatchable power


HR*ong - No. of Hours in a month

28.8 Annual Generation Gosts. The total annual generation cost shall be the sum
of the annual generation costs for each of the priority and dispatchable power

Pjffff"'h * ot
cencostf,tfftrech - (D is p at c hP r tce x E ne r g y]' "
"'""" "'n

GenCostl,![fL =I *Plant7s67
GenCos Lyear


cencostl,t"fftrech - the annual generation cost per plant technolgy

n"urgy:tffilchPtant7".1, - the monthly energy dispatch per plant technology

GenCosS![!'- the annual total generation cost of all power plants

28.9 Average Generation Price. The Average Generation Price (or the blended
price from all types of power plants at the level of their respective dispatch) is
calculated by dividing the total annual generation costs in ITB 28.8 by the annual
energy dispatch.

u- G enc osqg[f'
G enPrtcef;,n zar-sS@

cenPrtce!{E - the average generation price per year

cencostlS[ir - the annual total generation cost of all power plants

r I
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Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Seiection Process for Short-Term Power Supply

Energy{!ff'- the annual total energy requirement

2814 Adjusted Generation Price due to Allowed Outage. The Outage Allo\iyance
is a Bid variable to encourage operationalefficiency and reliability (i.e., the lower
the Allowed Outage proposed, the more efficient the NPP is and the more
reliable its power plants are). For purposes of evaluation, the calculated Average
Generation Price in ITB 28.9 shall be adjusted to take into account the Outage
Allowance proposed by the Bidder. The adjusted generation price shall be
calculated by substituting an lnflated Operating Reserve Price (the penalty
price) to the Average Generation Price for the equivalent energy of all the
Scheduled Outage Hours and Unscheduled Outage Hours of all power plants
according to the following equations:

n ^--n--, ^^ADt
cenPrtce${i, x nnergyf!ff*tase + outagepric€year x Energy${{rAcE
Uenfrlceye;r =

rner gyffji,tese - Ener gy{!;TlL - Ener syf;!ruGl

outagePriceyear = GenPricef3""7"' x {1+ PHCPI)vear-2o2L


Energy$ld/r - the annual total energy requirement

Energy$!ffcE - the annualenergy outage allowance

tuergyf!ffutase -annual energy net of outage allowance

GenPrtceflj,- Adjusted Generation Price due to Allowed Outage

GenPricef{fi, -Average Generation Price prior to adjustment

outagePric€year - lnflated Operating Reserve Price to be apptied to energy that

correspond to Outage Allowance

cenPrtce{STerve -
Substitute Operating Reserve Priee (penalty price) for the
equivalent annual energy of Outage Allowance. For purpose of evaluation, a
Operating Reserve Price of PHP21.6319/kWh shall be used to adjust the
generation pricea

28.11 Adjusted Generation Costs. The Adjusted Generation Costs are calculated by
applying the Adjusted Generation Price to TotalAnnual Energy.

G enc o stl!!, = G enPr tcrill, Ener gyf !;/L

4 Estimate for a LFO Diesel as Operating Reserve with annual generation atL0-1,50/o capacity factor [Adopted

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Competitiue Selectian Process for Slwrt-Term Power SupptU

28.12 Discounted Adjusted Generation Cost. The adjusted annualgeneration costs

from 2A22 to 2026 shall be discounted lo 2021 value using Present Worth
Factors (PWF) usingPHCPl as discount rate.5

(L + PHcPl)tear-zozt
28.13 Levelized Price. The Levelized Price shall be calculated by adding the annual
discounted value of the Adjusted Generation Cost, divided by the total energy
forecast for the S-year period.
2026 t 2026

Levelized.Price= PWGenCostrro,/ Energyf!ff"t

year=ZOZZ I
I year=2822


ITB 29 Lowest Calculated Bid

29.1 The Bid with the lowest calculated Levelized Price for Short-Term Power Supply
will be deemed the Lowest Calculated Bid (LCBi and shall be subjected to the
next stage of evaluation, which is Post Qualification and Detailed Evaluation of
Technical Proposal.

ITB 30 Tied Bids

30.1 ln case of tied Bids, that is, if multiple Bidders have the same calculated
Levelized Price, tied Bidders shall be required to submit a new Financial
Proposal to compete with each other. The new financial proposal shall undergo
the same process of evaluation detailed in ITB 28.

lTts 31 Evaluation of Technical Proposal

31.1 The Technical Proposal shall be evaluated based on the requirements detailed
in ITB 18. The planned power plant projects of the Bidder shall exhibit technical
feasibility and credibility that power plant(s) will be available to supply the
Guaranteed Delivered Capacity on Commercial Operation Date. The following
plans must provide details and exhibit the technical feasibility and soundness of
the project from development, engineering and business operation points of

(a) Development Plan;

(b) Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) Plan;
(c) Operating and Maintenance Plan;
(d) Fuel Supply Plan;
(e) Financing Plan; and

s PHCPI was used to discount to present day value [PW) to take the perspective of consumers (not

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Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Stwrt-Term Power SupplA

(0 Risk Management Plan from development to operations;

ITB 32 Post Qualification

32.1 OMECO TPBAC shall determine to its satisfaction whether the Bidder that is
evaluated as having submitted the Lowest Calculated Bid complies with and is
responsive to allthe requirements and conditions specified in ITB 8, ITB 15, ITB
16, ITB 17 and ITB 18.

32.2 For the Eligibility Requirements, the Bidder shall show proof of technical and
financial capacity to develop, construct, operate and maintain the proposed
power plants through the following:

(a) Track record as generating company. List of similar projects owned,

developed, constructed, and operated by the Bidder in the last two (2)
years, indicating and describing the project type, key project features and
location. Provide convincing evidence of the Bidder's good track record
and performance in the power generation business;
(b) Committed srfe for the proposed power planf($. Convincing evidence that
Bidder will be able to acquire ownership of right, title, or interest in the
proposed site(s), a fetter from the land owner or appropriate government
agency indicating that Bidder will be able to acquire such right if the Bidder
is awarded the PSA under this Transaction. ln case of land lease, letter
from the landowner of their commitment to lease the land for the plant site
should the Bidder be awarded the PSA will suffiee;
(c) EPC arrangemenf. Convincing evidence that Bidder can successfully
develop and construct the power plant(s) such as letter from prospective
EPC contractorwith reputable track record with whom the Bidder has been
arranging for the p@ect in response to this Bid. lnclude a list of power
plant EPC projects of the contractor(s) in the last two (2) years and the
contact details (persons, address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and
email addresses) of the clients of the EPC Contractor; and
(d) Fuel supply arrangemenf. Convincing evidence that Bidder has been
arranging with prospective fuel supplier for the cooperation period, if
applicable, Bidder shall have received sufficient assurances that a reliable
supply of fuel will be available under competitive price and supply terms as
evidenced by letters from prospective fuel suppliers.

32.3 The Bidder shall show proof of financial capacity to develop, construct, operate
and maintain the proposed power plants, if awarded the PSA, through the

(a) Company proflle and history, including:

i.Current and Previous experience with financing (equity and debt) of
projects of the type and size being proposed,
ii.Brief narrative highlighting the key financial performance and
history, for the last two (2) years or as many as exist if less than two

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Occidentat Mindaro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Seledion Process for S?nrt-Term Pouser SupplA

(2), together with supporting documents, business license number,

and tax identification number among others,
(b) Statement of the Bidder's Unrestricted Net Worth which must be supported
by the two (2) latestAudited Financial Statements (Balance Sheet, lncome
Statement, and Statement of Cash Flows) stamped "received" by the BlR,
for the preceding calendar year which should not be earlier than two (2)
years from the date of bid submission.
{c) Convincing evidence that the Bidder can finance the equity component of
the investment such as Board resolutions and commitment letrers from
investors and partners; and
(d) Convincing evidence that Bidder has strong credit backing and can
successfully arrange financing for the project such a$ letter from
prospective project fi nancers.

32.4 A negative determination shall result in rejection of the Bidder's Bid, in which
event OIIECO TPBAC shall proceed to the next Lowest Calculated Bid, with a
fresh period to make a similar determination of that Bidder's capabilities to
perform satisfactorily. lf the second Bidder, however, fails the post qualiflcation,
the procedure for post qualification shall be repeated for the Bidder with the next
Lowest Calculated Bid, and so on until the LCRB is determined for
recommendation of PSA award. lf the Bidder with the Lowest Calculated Bid
fails the criteria for post qualification, the TPBAC shall immediately notify in
writing of its post disqualification and the grounds for it.

32.5 A positive determination shall result in the declaration of the Bidder as the Bidder
with the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid (LCRB).


ITffi 3S Award of Power Supply Agreement

33.1 OMECO shall award the PSA to the Bidder whose Bid has been determined to
be the Lowest Calcu[ated Responsive Bid (LCRB).

33.2 Notwithstanding the issuance of the Notice of Award, award of PSA shall be
subject to the posting of the Performance Security and signing of the PSA.

ITB 34 Perfomance Security

34.1 To guarantee the faithful performance by the successful Bidder of its obligations
under the PSA, posting of Performance Security shalt be maximum thirty-five
(35) days from issuance of Notice of Award. Should the Winning Bidder needed
additional time to complete the arrangement with the bank for a Letter of Credit,
a bank certification indicating that the NPP is arranging for an LC in compliance
with the Performance Security requirements of the OMECO CSP. The NPP shall
be given maximum of additional ten (10) days to submit Performance Security
and sign the PSA.

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Competitiue Selection Process for Slnrt-Term Power Srypla

34.2 Performance Security shall be equivalent to the amount indicated in Table 11 in

the form of cashier's check or manager's check issued by a Universal or
Commercial Bank in favor of OMECO; or Bank Guarantee or lrrevocable
Standby Letter of Credit issued by a Universal or Commercial Bank with a
branch in Occidental Mindoro in favor of OMECO. PNB, LBP, MBTC and China
Bank are the Universal or Commercial Banks in the Province of Occidental

Table 11: Performance Security

Required Performance
Lot Areas Security
I SAMARICA 74,500,000.00
il Sablayan 16,000,000.00
m MAPSA 25,800,000.00

34.3 Failure of the Winning Bidder/s to comply with the above-mentioned

requirement shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award
and forfeiture of the Bid Security, in which event OMECO TPBAC shall have a
fresh period to initiate and complete the post-qualification of the second Lowest
Calculated Bid. The procedure shall be repeated until Lowest Calculated
Responsive Bid is identified and selected for recommendation of PSA award.
However, should no Bidder pass post-qualification, OMECO TPBAC shall
declare the CSP a failure.

ITB 35 Signing of the PSA

35.1 OMECO shall enter into a PSA with the Winning Bidder/s upon posting of the
Performance Security.

35.2 The following documents shall form part of the PSA:

(a) The PSA itself;

(b) Bidding Documents;
(c) The Winning Bidder's Bid and all other documents submitted;
(d) Performance Security; and
(e) Notice of Award of PSA.


ITB 36 Clarification of Bids

36.1 To assist in the evaluation, comparison and post-qualification of the Bids,

OMECO TPBAC may ask in writing any Bidder for a clarification of its Bid. All
responses to requests for clariflcation shall be in writing. Any clarification
submitted by a Bidder in respect to its Bid that is not in response to a request
by OMECO TPBAC shall not be considered.

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Competitiue Selection Process for Slwri-Term Pou-ter SupplU

ITB 37 Reservation Clause

37 "1 Notwithstanding the eligibility or post-qualification of a Bidder, OITIECO TPBAC

reserves the right to review its qualifications at any stage of this CSP if it has
reasonable grounds to believe that a misrepresentation has been made by the
said Bidder, or that there has been a change in the Bidder's capability to
undertake the project from the time it submitted its eligibitity requirements.
Should such review uncover any misrepresentation made in the eligibility and
CSP requirements, statements or documents, or any changes in the situation of
the Bidder which will affect its capability to undertake the project so that it fails
the preset eligibility or Bid evaluation criteria, OMECO TPBAC shall consider
the said Bidder as ineligible and shall disqualify it from submitting a Bid or from
obtaining an award or PSA.

37.2 The HoPE reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, declare a failure of
bidding, or not award the contract in the following situations.

(a) lf there is prima facie evidence of collusion between appropriate public

officers or employees of the OMECO, or between the TPBAC and any of
the Bidders, or if the collusion is between or among the Bidders
themselves, or between a Bidder and a third party, including any act which
restricts, suppresses or nullifies or tends to restrict, suppress or nullify
(b) lf the TPBAC is found to have failed in following the prescribed bidding
(c) For any justifiable and reasonable ground where the award of the contract
will not redound to the benefit of the OMECO as follows: (i) if the physical
and economic conditions have significantly changed so as to render the
project no longer economically, financially or technically feasible as
determined by the HoPE; (ii) if the project is no longer necessary as
determined by the HoPE.
(d) lf the bidder is found to have engaged in any anti-competitive behaviour
including but not limited to, cross-subsidization, price or market
manipulation, or other unfair trade practices detrimental to the
encouragement and protection of contestable markets under Section 45 of
R.A. 9136.
(e) lf the bidder is found to have engaged in any Anti-Competitive Behavior
and Other Unfair Trade Practices stated in Section 8, Rule 11 of the IRR
of R.A. No. 9136.
(fl lf the bidder is found to have a "confllct of interest" as a competitor
consistent with the intent of Section 26-A (g) of PD.269, an amendment to
PD.269 by R.A. 10531.

37.3 The TPBAC does not assume any obligation to compensate or indemnify parties
for any expense or loss that they may incur as a result of their participation in
the Bidding nor does it guarantee that an award will be made.

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Arcidental Mindaro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Campetitiue Sele&ian Process for Slwrt-Term Power SupplA

37.4 The TPBAC reserves the right to modify, supplement, or change the Bidding
Procedures and other aspects of the Bidding Process at any time, including the
schedule end the venue provided herein, for any reason whatsoever and without
giving priqr notice. lnterested parties andlor Bidders shall be notified
subsequently of such modifications, supplernents, or changes.

37.5 ln any of the foregoing circumstances, the Bidder shall be notified in writing of
the rejection of its Bid and/or its disqualification and shall be given an opportunity
to be heard and/or respond in writing. Thereafter, the HoPE shall notify the
Bidder in writing of its determination whether or not to reject the Bid and/or
disqualify the Bidder with finality.

ITB 38 Process to be Confidential

38.1 The HOPE, members of the TPBAC, including its staff and personnel, as well
as its Secretariat and TWG, are prohibited from making or accepting any kind
of communication with any Bidder regarding the evaluation of their Bids until the
issuance of the Notice of Award.

38.2 All OMECO lnformation for Due Diligence Studies provided to the Bidders is
confidential. Bidders are prohibited from distributing this information to other
persons or entities other than the Bidder or its official representatives.

ITB 39 Failure of Bidding

39.1 OMECO TPBAC may declare a failure of CSP under any of the foltowing

(a) Only one (1) or No Bids are received;

(b) All prospective Bidders are declared ineiigible;
(c) All Bids that comply with allthe CSP requirements fail post-qualification;
(d) The Bidder with the LCRB refuses, without justifiable cause, to accept the
award of PSA, and no award is made.

40 Protest Mechanism and Dispute Resolution


AAi Decisions of the TPBAC at any stage of the procurement process may be
questioned by filing a request for reconsideration within three (3) calendar days
upon receipt of written notice. The TPBAC shall decide on the request for
reconsideration within seven (7) calendar days from receipt thereof. The bidder
shall not be allowed to submit additional documents to correct any defects in the
bid submitted.

lf a failed bidder signifies his intent to file a request for reconsideration, the
TPBAC shall keep the bid envelopes of the said failed bidder unopened and/or
duly sealed until such time that the request for reconsideration has been

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Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Seledion Process for Shart-Term Potuer Supply

4A-2 ln the event that the request for reconsideration is denied, decisions of the
TPBAC may be protested in writing to the HoPE: Provided, however, That a
prior request for reconsideration should have been filed by the party concerned
in accordance with the preceding Section, and the same has been resolved.

40.3 The protest must be filed within seven (7) calendar days from receipt by the
party concerned of the resolution of the TPBAC denying its request for
reconsideration. A protest shall be made by filing a verified position paper with
the HoPE concerned, accompanied by the payment of a non-refundable protest
fee, which shall be paid in cash in accordance with the following schedule:


F50 million and below 0.75o/o of the lnvestment Cost

More than P50 million to P100
More than F100 million to P500 0.5% of the lnvestment Cost
More than F500 million to F1 billion F2,500,000.00
More than F1 billion Io?2 billion A.254/o of the lnvestment Cost
More than P2 billion to F5 billion F5,000,000.00
More than P5 billion A"1 of the lnvestment Cost

4A.4 The verified position paper shall contain the following information
(a) The name of bidder;
(b) The office address of the bidder;
(c) The name of projecUcontract;
(d) The implementing office/agency or Procuring Entity;
(e) A brief statement of facts;
(0 The issue to be resolved; and
(g) Such other matters and information pertinent and relevant to the proper
resoiution of the protest.

The position paper is verified by an affidavit that the affiant has read and
understood the contents thereof and that the allegations therein are true and
correct of his personal knowledge or based on authentic records. An unverified
position paper shall be considered unsigned, produces no legal effect, and results
to the outright dismissal of the protest.

ln addition, the bidder shall likewise certify under oath that:

(a) he has not theretofore commenced any action or filed any claim involving
the same issues in any court, tribunal or quasi-judicial agency and, to the
best of his knowledge, no such other action or c[aim is pending therein;

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Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Seledion Process for Slwrt-Term Power SupplA

(b) if there is such other pending action or claim, he is including a complete

statement of the present status thereof; and
(c) if he should thereafter learn that the same or similar action or claim ha$
been filed or is pending, he shall report that fact within five (5) days
therefrom to the HoPE wherein his protest is filed.

Failure to comply with the foregoing requirements shall not be curable by mere
amendment of the verified position paper.

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Accidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitive Selection Pracess for S\wrt-Term Power SupplA



Competitive Selection Process (CSP)

for a New Power Providerls (NPP/s) of OMECO
to Supply Power in Mainland Occidental Mindoro
through Short-Term Power Supply Agreement (PSA)


OMECO is conducting Competitive Selection Process for a New Power Provider/s

(NPP/s) for Short-Term Power Supply from 26 December 2021 to 25 December
2026 of the Mainland Occidental Mindoro pursuant to the private sector participation
in the generation sector under the Electric Power lndustry Reform Act of 2001 (R.A.
9136) in Missionary Areas referred to as NPC-SPUG Areas,

This transaction has three (3) Lots that corresponds to the three (3) power supply
areas in Occidental Mindoro where a Bidder can bid on any single Lot or all Lots as

Lot I - Short-Term Power Suppy QA21-2O26) for SAMARICA Area

Lot ll - Short-Term Power Suppy QA21-2A2\ for Sablayan Area
Lot lll * Short-Term Power Suppy {2A21-2026) for MAPSA Area

Upon signing of Power Supply Agreement (PSA), the NPP/s shall submit to
OMECO a Work Plan with details of Tasks including Timeline of Activities that
clearly provides all works that are necessary to be able to perform its obligations as
Generator in place of NPC-SPUG.

OMECO, NPC-SPUG, and the NPPis will sign a Tripartite Phase-ln Phase-Out
(PIPO) Agreement so NPC-SPUG can schedule the redeployment of its remaining
power generation facilities to other Missionary Areas.

This TOR is issued in compliance with Section 8.4.1 of the "Policy for the
Competitive Selection Process in the Procurement by the Distribution Utilities of
Power Supply Agreement for the Captive fvlarket" issued under DOE Circular No.
DC2018-02-0003 and Section 2 of ERC Resolution No. 13, Series of 2015, "A
Resolution Directing all Distribution Utilities to Conduct a Competitive Selection
Process in the Procurement of their Supply to the Captive Market".


2.1. SupplyRequirements

2.1.1. The Winning Bidder/s, herein referred to as NPP/s shall deliver the
annual power supply requirements of OMECO from 26 December 2A21

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Accidental Mtndoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.

to 25 Decem'., :;:::::;:::;-:;ff
Outage Contingency reliability criteria.
*, * ::;y:;
2.1.2 Under the outage of the generating unit with the largest load, the Net
Dependabte Capacity that must be available for power generatlon in the
three (3) areas (load centers) are shown in Table 1. The generating unit
for the additional capacity to meet the System Single Outage
Contingency shall be installed in SAhIIARICA area only which shall also
serye as contingency reserve for Sablayan and MAPSA area.

Table 1: Net Dependable Capacity Under Single Outage Contingency (MW)


I SAMARICA 18 19 21 22 /-\) 24
lt SABLAYAN tr 5 5 E f,
tIl MAPSA '7
, 7 a
U I g g

2.1.3. For the avoidance of doubt, if from the supply in SAMARICA area is from
the existing power plant in San Jose with three {3) units at 7fulW
maximum loading per unit, the 14MW remaining capacity shall be
augmented by additional 4tt/W Dependable Capacity to meet the 18MW
Net Dependable Capacity Under Single Outage Contingency in 2021. lf
power supply will come from modular units with 2MW Dependable
Capacity per unit, the Total Dependable Capacity in2021shall be 20tvlw
(i.e., 18MW + 2MW contingency reserve).

2.2. Supply Gontract and Gooperation Period

2"2.1 OMECO will sign a Power Supply Agreement (PSA) with the NPP/s, for
Short-Term Power Supply whose Commercial Operation Date (COD)
shall be on 26 December 2021 subject to ERC approval.

2.2.2. The Short-Term Power Supply shall terminate on 25 December 2026

2.2.3 The NPP/s shall notify OMECO in writing its committed COD three (3)
months before the COD.

2.2.4. If the NPP/s will fail to deliver the requirements on COD, the NPP/s or
OMECO shall arrange alternative supply for a maximum period of six (6)
months only. The difference between the cost of the alternative supply
and the cost of power supply under the signed PSA shall be to the
account of the NPP/s who failed to deliver. OMECO has also the right to
terminate the PSA. The alternative supply may come from Orientai
Mindoro as may be arranged by the NPP provided all incidental costs
such as metering and system losses (if any) from source/s to delivery
points at Occcidental Mindoro shall be to the account of NPPls.

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Competitiue Seiectiort Process for Short-Term Power Suppiy


3.1. Power Plants

3.1.1. The power plant shall be completed and ready for operation on
Commercial Operation Date.

3.1.2 The generating facilities and equipment of the NPP/s shall comply with
all the requirements for Embedded Generators inciuding the capabilities
of generating units prescribed by the latest edition of the Philippine
Distribution Code.

3.1,3. The power plant(s) shall be capable of delivering the minimum required
Dependable Capacity at the Connection Point as shown in Table 2 that
will be dispatched by the System Operator.

Table 2: Guaranteed Delivered Voltage

System Voltage Guaranteed Delivered Voltage

69 kV 67 kV to 73.7 kV
13.2 kV 13.2 kV to 14,5 kV

3.1.4. The generating units shall be connected to the Occidental Mindoro Grid
through an isolation transformer. The impedance of the transformer shall
be sized to properly coordinate the protection system of the power plant
and the distribution lines of OMECO. The NPPis shall provide OMECO a
copy of the power system coordination study, which inclucies the
appropriate impedance of the isolation transformer(s).

3.1.5 The generating units and the power plants must be capable of being
synchronized with the Occidental Mindoro Grid. There shall be
synchronizing equipment and synchronizing relay or synchronism check

3.1.6. The generating units and the power plants must be capable of load

3.1.7. The generating units must be able to operate at 0.9 po\ryer factor (PF)
leading to 0.85 PF lagging.

3.1.8. Each power plant in the three (3) locations shall be capable of black

3.1.9. Each power plant in the three (3) locations shall be capable of operating
in island mode.

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Occidental Mindora Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Seleetion Process for Stnrt-Term Power StpplA

3.1.10. The NPFIs shall install k!\ft meters and data loggers for all generating
units and totalizer for the power plant and submit metering data as
required by OMECO andlor the System Operator.

3.1.11. The NPP/s shall provide SCADA for its plants with Remote Terminal Unit
that wili be linked to System Operatols SCADA once it is in place. The
NPPis SCADA shall support fiber optic and radio communications, using
at least DNP3 and IEC 60870-5-1A1nA4 SCADA communications

3.1.12- The NPF/s shall provide access to and allow inspection of plant
equipment by OMECO as needed. Likewise, the NPP/s shall provide
access to DOE, NEA and ERC personnel in the discharge of oversight
and regulatory functions.

3.2. Plant Location and lnterconnection

3.2.1. The Single Line Diagram of the existing Occidental Mlindoro Power Grid
is shown in Figure 1.

3.2.2. The NPP/s shall deliver the Dependable Capacity of OMECO in three (3)
areas with connection and metering points as shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Connection and Metering Psints


Pulang Lupa, Brgy. Central, San Jose
SAMARICA (Figure 2)
Brgy. Magbay, San Jo*e {Figure 3)
il SABLAYAN Sto. Nifio, Sablayan (Figure 2 and 3)
ill Brgy. Tayamaan, Mamburao
{Figure 2 and 3}

3.2.3. The NPP/s power plants shall be interconnected to the NPC's 69kV line
and/or to the 13.2kV line of OMECO as illustrated in Figure 2 (for the
case where the existing plant in San Jose will supply SAMARICA)
otherwise the interconnection scheme in Figure 3 shall apply

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7 h
Occtdental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, lnc.
Competitiue Selection Process iar Shart-Term Power Supply

hIFC RE?{T}\15

10 rlir'4 ipe

a a AREA
hfrbr.Es ShiS:!.4

oeEeo 69 rv

To 6s!&9m

5 T'UA
- Pi* s,3

3 T
rraMss lhe
oHEC* S*V S!+?rffii# Lft
nfid S{**tadqi

*-$,* t lrt.ll{t{

--fr1- artm: C*ae Ra:iw


--fi1- &rea Gua areare"

Figure 1: Single Line Diagram - Existing Occidental Mindoro Power Grid

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7 L
a ccidental Mindoro Electrtc Co op eratiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Shoti-Term Power Supplg



s xvi SIIAf$A
FB"As35 PragcdSJS
6 $lr- &E A&Ert

10 t"&€ t{Pc


E sa

A*f.f E

wco69 Fi Npp
gub -k6r.dsis Li6

Sa -F* 5rS Frnfq+Ed $rS ia

RFC-€PUA 49&V Tt@**6, L@
SptrI,MliG 6MEaO
------ erEC$ F Wd $*Y *TEn*tu SAtL{Rt{_..1
LiE aid $rHntlr! L+a
- .1Rti.:\
-''El- AxFrI*h c{rutl 64e6ry


--fi1- oeu" cn* aunr*

Figure 2: lnterconnection of NPP Power Plants with Existing OMCPC Plant at


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accidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Slwrt-Term Power SupplA

HPC A3 fil


rt tl's,\
Propd SIS
P€-AsSE in Sb. Cruz

10 MVA Nrc



Ol,lECO 6* k1i NPP


ii! a:


LEGETID: ti.\\t,\HtC,\
n NFP forCSP ,rltL,1
fl'd SH6t@
OrrECO prqasd 69lV Su&T,mm€ion
----r- kdSuebr
-crdEco8*vg@r@*ds e


Figure 3: lnterconnection of NPP Power Plants without OMCPC Plant at SAMARICA

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Occidental Mindoro Electic Coaperatiue, Inc.
Campetitiae Selectioru Process for Stnft-Term Potter SupplA

3.2.4 The interconnection of the power plants shall comply with all the
requirements for Embedded Generators and all requirements at the
Connection Point prescribed by the latest edition of the Philippine
Distribution Code.

3.2.5 The NPP/s shall provide and install the interconnection switchgears,
outdoor motorized isolating and earthing switches, and lightning arresters
at Pulang Lupa or Magbay SiS, Eco-Park SiS, and NPC Tayamaan SiS
for the interconnection of the NPP/s power plants and OMECO
distribution feeders" The NPP/s shall also provide and install sufficient
storage battery and battery charger for the switchgears.

3.2.6. The NPP/s shall also install the Revenue Metering Equipment or
Totalizer at all Connection Points.

3.2.7. The cost of all electrical equipment and interconnection line as well as
construction/installation costs shali be borne by the NPPis.

3.2.8. The operation and maintenance cost and system loss of all power plant
and interconnection facilities up to the Metering Point (the Delivery Point)
shall also be to the account of the NPP/s.

3.3. Outage Allowance

3.3.1 The NPPIs shall be allowed limited scheduled and unscheduled outages
of the power plants. The NPPis shall indicate in its Bid the proposed
annual Scheduled Outage Hours and Unscheduled Outage Hours.
Scheduled Outages are those outages planned by the NPP/s as
approved by the System Operator prior to the Operating Year.

3.3.2. Unutilized outage allowance shall not be carried fonryard to subsequent

contract year. Allowance forScheduled Outage cannot be borrowed from
the Ailowance for the Unscheduled Outage and vice-versa.

3.3.3. Should either Scheduled Outage Hours or Unscheduled Outage Hours

exceed the Allowed Outages for any year, the fixed cost components of
the price shall be reduced proportionately to the undelivered capacity and
shall be returned to OMECO through reduction of power rates in the
succeeding year.

3.3.4. The NPP/s on its own account must provide Replacement Capacity when
the generating unit is unavailable to produce power due to unexpected
breakdown in excess of allowed Unscheduled Outages. Failure to
provide replacement capacity shall be penalized by computing the
undelivered energy multiplied by the penalty price of PHP21.6319/kwh

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Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, krc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Shafl-Tenn Power Suppiy


3.4.1 At least three (3) months prior to COD, the NPP/s shall secure a fuel
supply contract equivalent to the cooperation period of the power supply
agreement, and provide a copy thereof to OMECO.

3.4.2. The NPPis shall design the power planUs and arrange for the delivery of
fuel to the power plant such that there is at least fifteen (15) days of
sufficient fuel stock at any point in time. Sufficient fuel stock means there
will be no plant outage, whether partial or total, due to lack of fuel.

3,4.3. The NPP/s shallallow inspection of fuelstores by OMECO upon request.

4. Payments and Price

4.1. Payments

4.1 .1. Payment for power bills shall be on or before the 25th day of the following

4.1.2. All payments shall be in Philippine Pesos (PHP)

4.2. Price Components

4.2.1. The Price shall be broken down to the following components

a) Capital Recovery Rate (CRR)

b) Fixed Operation and Maintenance Rate {FOMR)
c) Variable Operation and Maintenance Rate (VOMRi, including
lube oil {if any)
d) Fuel Rate (FR), including transport (if any)

4.2.2. Currencies of each price component shall only be local or PHP/lrWh

4.2"3 Except for Value-Added Taxes (VAT) which shall be a pass-through

component of the price, all other taxes and government dues including
ER 1-94 (Benefits to Host Community), shall be to the account of the
NPP/s (i.e., to be internalized in the Bid Price).

4.2.4, CRR shall not be indexed. FOMR and VOMR shall be indexed according
to monthly Philippine CPI for local component or US CPI for foreign
component using February 2021 values as base.

4.2.5 Fuel shall be irrdexed to the monthly average pump prices of petroleum
fuel in Occidental Mindoro published by the Department of Energy in its
website or to fuel prices published by a reference market to be finalized
prior to the bid submission.

r I
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Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Slnrt-Term Pauter SupplA

4.3. Price Structure

4.3.1 OMECO shall enter into a PSA with the NPP/s with the following price

Feesfflj! =
f- eesmonti'""

r ee sPjfffff'"n : lF C 7^onth * Fc Zmsnsx + VC Lmont7 * V C Zlonrni * Q'rrlffli'"n


reesffiff1l - Total charges for a billing month in PHP

FC lpsn1n- Applicable Price of the fixed capital recovery cost component for the
billing month

FCZ,nonl., * Applicable Price of the fixed O&M cost component for the billing

VC 7,,,snln - Applicable Price of the variable O&h/l cost component for the billing

VC 26ens1, - Applicable Price of the fuel cost component for the billing month

Q';#:i,'"' - Quantity in kWh delivered by the NPP/s power plant

The applicable prices for the billing month shall be calculated as follows:


FC lnlsnsn = FC ilP;t:: (CUFrnsnn)

rtrF Qmonth
- TDCCx(Hr-H7s-Hreu)


FC ilPBtt:;(CUF,,snyn) the bid price of localfixed capacity recovery cost (FCII)

at a given CUF in the bitting month

CUF16n71- Capacity utilization factor in the billing month

TDCC - Total Dependable Contracted Capacity

Hy -Total number of hours of the billing month

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7 I 6-
Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperattue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for StwrT-Term Pouter $ryplA

Hro- Equivalent Outage Hours for the billing month

Hrou - Equivalent Hours of Outages due to Forced-Majeure for the

billing month


FCZ^,n11, = kf" x FCZLP;:!:(c[JF,n,nth) *P!!!]r""tn-'

t rt!!t tFeb2ozl
+ (1- k{") x FCZLPB.!!:(cIJFo,o,,11,}

+ kF" x rc?.Flffi' qcu F*on ol

"W " W
+ (1 - kir\ x rczr[fft1cuF,nanth)

r cz frL;;j 1c u F*rntn) = YW

t p1-'1
wb' sPtant 1711p \ F'CZF;lZ[t
Base \uur mo?irh, -


FCZLP*I:{:{C{JFmonth)- is the value of local fixed O&M cost component TFCZL)

at a given CUF in the billing month

FCZLP;t!: - the bid price of local fixed O&M cost component (FCZL) at 100%

FCZFg*tt{ClJFmo*h) - is the value of foreign fixed cost component {FCZF} ata

given CUF

FCZFimt - the bid price of foreign fixed cost componenl(FCZF) at 100%


6 This formula will be simplied in the PSA if the Winning Bidder will opt for k = 1000/o [i.e., the whole
price component will be indexecll. The value k allows Bidders to offer a reduced portion of price
component to be indexed.

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7 I G
Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Stwrt-Term Pouser Suppta

FOR VCi :7

vc l*on1n: kY" x vc lLPBtt#

"'#W+ (1 - kY'\ xvc ruPrlgg

uscPlmonth*a FOREXTnsysT-1
+ kY" xVC1F$ffit x X
USCPIFebzo2l FOREXpsy2s2l

+ (1 - k[rr) * vc lF:lq\t
',cse *FoREXmontn-r
" FoREXFebzozr


vc2^on17 = kY" xvclLPutfli

"ffi#+ (1 - kY',\ xvcZLPBt::':


VC ILPBL::: - is the value of bid price of local variable cost component for O & M
VC lFgfitt - is the value of bid price of foreign variable cost component for O &

- is the value of bid price for local fuel cost component


PHCPImonth-7 * is the value of the Philippine Consumer Price lndex on the

month preceeding the billing month

PHCPIFebzor, - is the base value of the Philippine Consumer Price lndex (2012-
100) of All lncome Households of All ltems for the reference month February
2021, equai to
128.100, published by Phiiippine Statistics Authority.

USCPImontl-1 -
is the value of the US Consumer Price lndex on the month
preceeding the billing month

USCPlFeb2oz1- is the average of the US Consumer Price lndex for All Urban
Consumers (CPI-U) {1982-84=100), by expenditure category, for the reference
month February 2A21, equal to 263.014, published by US Bureau of Labor
Statistics. vrrvvw. bls. gov

Fuellndex*onth-l is the value of applicable fuel index on the month

preceeding the bitling month (e.9. if the billing month is May 2A23, the fuelindex
shall be taken for the month of April zA?3)

7 This formula will be simplied in the PSA if the Winning Bidder will opt for k
= 100016 [i.e., the whole
price component will be indexed). The value k allows Bidders to offer a reduced portion of price
component to be indexed.

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l' 6
Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Proc.ess for SLnrt-Term Power Supply

For Diesel (LFO) - the calculated average of LodHi of all weeks of all
stations in Occidental ltlindoro published by DOE (DOE Price Watch,
South Luzon Prevailing Retail Pump Prices, Occidental Mindoro).
https :i/www. d oe. gov. ph/oil-m onito r?q =retai l-pu m g-pri ces-south-l uzon

For Bunker Diesel - the tvlonthly Average of Daily Prices of Singapore -

FO380 published by Ship&Bunker. https://www. sh pand bun ke r. com
I i

For Biodiesel- Monthly prices for coconut oil in nominal U.S, dollars per
metric ton published by
htps / ryu ry-gtatista
: qff tr/statlsti cs/6 7 3 3 7 2 1m o n t

For LIrIG - the World Bank Cornrnodities Price Data (The Pink Sheet),
Natural Gas, LNG Japan published by World Bank.
http :l/ bank. orS

Fuellnd.exFebzozt- is the base value of applicable fuel index for the reference
month February 2021

For Diesel (LFO) * the calculated

average of LoMHi of all weeks of all
stations in
Occidental Mindoro on February 2A21, equal to
PHP38.89/L|TER, published by DOE (DOE Price Watch, South Luzon
Prevailing Retail Pump Prices, Occidental Mindoro).
https.//www. doe. gov. ph/oil-m onito r?q =reta l-pu mp-prices-south-l uzon

For Bunker Diesel * the Monthly Average of Daily Prices of Singapore -

IFO380 on February 2A21, equal to US$ 381.80/mt, published by
Ship&Bunker. https //www. sh pa nd b un ker. com
: i

For Biodiesel- Monthly prices for coconut oil in nominal U.S. dollars per
metric ton on February 2021, equal to US$ 1,438/mt, published by
coconut-o il-worldwide{

For LNG - the World Bank Commodities Price Data fihe Pink Sheeti,
Natural Gas, LNG Japan on February 2A21, equal to USD9"88/MMBTU,
published by World Bank. http./iwww.wo rld bank. org

FOREXmanth-a- is the value of Monthly Average of Daily Pesos per US Dollar

Rate on the month preceeding the billing month published by Bangko Sentral
ng Pilipinas. unrvvv. ph

FOREXps62nz, - is the value of Monthly Average of Daily Pesos per US Dollar

Rate for the reference month February 2021, equal to PHP48.2A42NSD,
published by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

kfcz - is the indexation parameter in percent with an effective value between 0

(for no indexation) to 1 (for full indexation) for local fixed O&M {FCZL)

r I
Page 65 of 734

Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Shaft-Term Power SupplA

k{cz - is the indexation parameter in percent with an effective value between 0

(for no indexation) to 1 (for full indexation) for foreign fixed O&M (FC2n

k[ct - is the indexation parameter in percent with an effective value between 0

(fbr no indexation) to 1 (for full indexation) for local variable O&M tVC lll
k$cr - is the indexation parameter in percent with an effective value between 0
(for no indexation) to 1 (for full indexation) for foreign variable OAM tVC lFl

k[cz * is the indexation parameter in percentwith an effective value between 0

(for no indexation) to 1 (for full indexation) for locai fuei cost (VC2L)

The Bid Price for each power plant technology offered by the Bidder shall be
based on February 2421 reference market prices and indexes that will be
reflected in the PSA as indicated in Table 4. This shall be referred to as the
"Base Price" or TCGR for the month of February 2021.

Table 4: Reference Market Price and FOREX (February 2A21)

lndex Base Value Source
Consumer Price lndex QA12-100). All lncome
PH CPI 128.100 Households, All ltems for February 2}21ll
:tl{:J-ty*[J$B-"ii"ff e,ili]
Consunner Price lndex for All Urban
Consumers (CPI-U) (1982-84=100): U.S. city
US CPI 263.014
average, by expenditure category, February

Ship&Bunker Monthly Average of Daily Prices

rr**=* ll
,rs Singapore lFO380, February 2021

381 80/mt
httns //www. sh i pan d bu n ker. com

RetailPump Prices, Occidental MindoroAve. Of

LcwiHi of all weeks of all stations in February
DI ESE L PHP38"89/liter
https://www. doe.q ov. ph/oil-monitor? q=retail-
Monthly prices for coconut oil in n
dollars per metric ton, February 2A21
BIODIESEL US$ 1,4381mt
https://www. statista. com/slatistics/67337 Zlmo
__- _tL
It Woild Ba;[ Commolfltres priEffiffiti'prn('
LNG US$ 9.88lmmbtu-l; LNG Japan, for February
Dollar Rate, Monthly Ave"
PHP 48.2042iUS$
['"l1___]t for Febru ary 2421 www.bso.oov.oh

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Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Stnrt-Term Power Supptg

5. Defaults and Force Majeure

5.1" Events of Default

5.1.1 Events of Default shall mean as minimal or substantial violations of the

terms and conditions of the PSA prejudicial to the parties. Events of
Default shall lead to early Termination of PSA, Payment of Liquidated
Damages, and Forfeiture of Performance Security.

a) Defaults for the NPPIs

Failure or inability to deliver the required energy supply on

the stipulated COD;
ii Bankruptcy or lnsolvency. Bankruptcy or lnsolvency shall
mean More Liabilities than its Assets leading to the
disruption or inability to do normal business operation; and
iii Violation of terms and conditions of the PSA prejudicial to
the OMECO.

b) Defaults for the OMECO

i. Failure to pay any obligation due to the NPP/s;

ii. Failure to receive the stipulated supply energy for any
reason attributable to its own fault; and
iii. Violation of any terms and conditions of the PSA prejudicial
to the NPP/s.

5,2. Force Majeure

5.2.1 Force majeure are events beyond the control of both parties or
unforeseeable circumstances that prevent parties from fulfilling a
contract. Parties shall notify and give details on the Force Majeure
events to be excused. Period for remedy shall be defined during the
finalization of the PSA. However, prolonged Force Majeure for more than
180 days may lead to termination of the agreement.

5.2.2. From PSA signing, substantial delay determined as a negative slippage

af 15o/o based on the submitted Timeline of Activities in PERT/CPUI Chart
that is not due to Force Majeure events shall be sufficient grounds for
unilateral termination of the PSA by OMECO.

5^2.3. Fuel supply shortage is justifiable only if caused by Force Majeure


5.2.4. OMECO and the NPP/s shall jointly establish plans for operating the
power plant during Force Majeure. Such plan shall include recovery from
local or widespread electrical blackout. The NPP/s shall comply with the
Emergency Procedures and provide contingency plan in the event of
Force majeure.

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7 h d-
AccidentaL Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Slwrt-Term Power SUpplA


6.1. Qualification of Bidder

6.1 .1 . Prospective Bidders to qualify shall have an aggregate generation

portfolio of at least 5 MW regardless of technology at the time of
submission of Bid and has track record of two (2) years in power plant

6.1.2. Prospective Bidders must have a Unrestricted Net Worth of at least 30%
of the investment requirement of each power plant including the cost of
point-to-point connection. The value of the Bidder's Unrestricted Net
Worth shall be based on the latest Audited Financial Statements (AFS)
submitted to the Bureau of lnternal Revenue (BlR) for the last two (2)
years. "Unrestricted Net Worth" refers to the sum of subscribed and paid
up equity, including additional paid-in capital, and unrestricted retained
earnings, preferred shares, perpetual shares less treasury shares of
common, preierred, and perpetual sha res. Unrestricted reta ned earni ngs

means the amount of accumulated profits and gains realized out of the
normal and continuous operations of the company after deducting
therefrom distributions to stockholders and transfers to capital stock or
other accounts, and which is: (i) not appropriated by the Board of
Directors for corporate expansion projects or programs; (ii) not covered
by a restriction for dividend declaration under a loan agreement; (iii) not
required to be retained under special circumstances obtaining in the
corporation such as when there is a need for a special reserve for
probable contingencies (as defined in SEC Memorandum Circular No.
11-08 dated December 5, 2008); and (iv) not otherwise covered by any
other legal restriction on the ability of the company to distribute or
othenrvise apply its equity.

6.1.3. Corporations, Joint Ventures, Consortia and Partnerships can join

provided they comply with all the requirements such as submission of
JointVenture agreement, among others. Qualification of members of joint
venture, consortium, or partnership may complement to fulfill all required
qualifications in this Bid. All members of the joint venture, consortium, or
partnership shall be jointly and severally liable for the Power Supply
Agreement that will be entered into with OMECO.

6 1.4. ln case the required years of experience and aggregate capacity are not
met, the bidders may opt to submit a detailed plan on how it intents to
operate anci maintain the generating facilities in accordance with the
Philippine Grid and Distribution Codes, existing industry standards and
applicable Philippine Laws. The detailed plan must state how the Bidder
shall operate and maintain the Genderating Facilities as well as the
experience and technical capability of the person, whether natural or
juridical, who will operate and maintain the generating facilities. The
detailed plan must contain the following:

a. Executive Summary;

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7 I h
Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Short-Term Pouter SupplU

b. Description of the Plan for the operation and maintainance of

generating facilities;
c. Proposed table of organization including job descriptions, technical
qualifications and experience of the rnanagement of technical team;
d. Environmental and social obligation compliance programs.

Provided that the proposed personnel in table of organization shall be

committed obligation of the NPP and non fulfillment of this obligation shall
be ground for the termination of the PSA.

6.2. Selection of NPPIs

6.2.1 The Bidder with the Lowest Calculated Levelized Price (LCLP) in
accordance with the Evaluation Ivlethodology specified in the lnstruction
to Bidders shall be selected as the Lowest Calculated Bid and shall be
subjected to Post Qualification.

6.2.2. The Bidder with the next LCLP shall be subjected to post-qualification
evaluation in case the Bidder with the LCLP failed the post qualification.
This process shall be repeated until a qualified Bidder is selected as


Other terms and conditions including assignabili$, events of default, dispute

resolution, change in law and other pertinent provisions shall be defined during the
finalization of the PSA.

7 .1. Assignability

7 .1.1 Assignment of rights or obligations are not allowed, except when required
by Lenders if the NPP/s shall construct new power plant to fulfill its
obligations under the PSA, and must have a written consent of OMECO.

7.2. Dispute

7.2.1 Any Dispute that is not settled amicably shall be brought for resolution to
the ERC, which is vested by law with excluslve and originaljurisdiction to
settle such Dispute. Any dispute not falling within the exclusive and
originaljurisdiction of ERC, the aggrieved party may initiate action before
the court of competent jurisdiction in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro to the
exclusion of any other courts or trlbunals.

7 "3. Change in Applicable Law

7.3.1. Any changes in applicable law, OMECO and NPPis shall exercise their
best efforts to negotiate, finalize and execute an amendment in
accordance with the rules and guidelines issued by the Government.

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7 $.
Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Shnrt-Term Power Suppla


COD Commercial Operations Date

CPI Consumer Price lndex

CRR Capital Recovery Rate

CSP Competitive Selection Process

CUF Capacity Utilization Factor

ERC Energy Regulatory Commission

FOI\IIR Fixed Operation and Maintenance Rate

LCLP Lowest Calculated Levelized Price

I\IIAPSA Mamburao, Paluan, Sta. Cruz, Abra de llog

NPC-SPUG National Power Corporation - Small Power Utilities Group

NPP New Power Provider

OMECO Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperative, lnc.

PIPO Phase-in, Phase-out

PSA Power Supply Agreement

SAMARICA San Jose, Magsaysay, Rizal, Calintaan

TCGR True Cost Generation Rate

TOR Terms of Reference

VOMR Variable Operation and Maintenance Rate


Commercial Operation Date the date whereby the NPP/s is obligated to
supply the Net Dependable Capacity which is December 26, 2021.

Cooperation Period - the period commencing on the Commercial Operation

Date and wiil terminate on 25th of December 2A26.

Dependable Capacity - the capacity of the generating unit guaranteed to be

dependable and delivered at the connection point.

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r L F
Ocadental Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Pracess for Short-Term Power Supplg

Force Majeure - the events beyond the control of both parties or unforeseeable
circumstances that prevent parties from fulfilling a contract.

Net Dependable Capacity - the guaranteed capacity that is available at the

Connection Point.

Single Outage Contingency -

the generation system reliability criteria that
ensure availability of power supply under the outage of largest generating unit
also referred to as N-1 redundancy reliability criteria.

System Operator - the entity who is authorized to operate and control in real-
time the Island Grid of Mainland Occidental Mindoro or the lnterconnected
Oriental and Occidental Mindoro (Mindoro lsland Grid) in accordance with the
Philippine Distribution Code and/or other applicable codes and guidelines. The
System Operator shall prepare the Annual Operating and Maintenance Program
of the lsland Grid of Mainland Occidental Mlindoro and shall be responsible to
schedule and dispatch the generating units of the NPP in accordance with the
PSA and applicable codes and guidelines issued by the government.

Unrestricted Net Worth - the sum of subscribed and paid up equity, including
additional paid-in capital, and unrestricted retained earnings, preferred shares,
perpetual shares less treasury shares of common, preferred, and perpetual
shares. Unrestricted retained earnings means the amount of accumulated
profits and gains realized out of the normal and continuous operations of the
company after deducting therefrom distributions to stockholders and transfers
to capital stock or other accounts, and which is: (i) not appropriated by the Board
of Directors for corporate expansion projects or programs; (ii) not covered by a
restriction for dividend declaration under a loan agreement; (iii) not required to
be retained under special circumstances obtaining in the corporation such as
when there is a need for a special reserve for probable contingencies (as
defined in SEC Memorandum Circular No. 11-08 dated December 5, 2008); and
(iv) not othenrise covered by any other legal reshiction on the ability of the
company to distribute or otherwise apply its equity.


Page 71 of 738

7 1.
accidental Mindoro Electnc Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Short-Term Power Supply


Financial Proposal
Form 2: HYDRO
Form 3: SOLAR
Form 6: LNG
Form 7: BUNKER C

Page 72 of 73a

Occidental Mindora Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Short-Term Power Sqplg

occmp$tA.L $t!$soft$ D!"DcrEIc aosPEaSTIvE, il{c.

at tlt ,r S{r,;o+. ll..i.irrrtai l"lirr.JoD


Unit kbd Uoit
WmCAPwcttut kpaeity &p.drblc no. of Bit!
(url fthcdElcd suchcddcit
tHwl (uwl outagc lhr!) odrgc {hE)
1.t *rrDRo

1.2 sot-An i


alo&reI 2023

1.5 LXG
na I


o.{x, o"oo o"m o.oo o.oo
0"00 o.o0 o.oo o"{x} o.m
2023 o,m o.oo *,oo 0^& 0"ffi
1.8 TOT&6
2014 o.& o.@ o.00 o.o0 o,m o,m
o.m o.m o.s o.m o.s o.s
o.m o.o o,s o.s &m o-m

Uoit k&d
STOMCE SO,a cdpacity
'OR {uw)
,ot r

ffi aad SkGturt Df Authodzrd ReprcitEtnthr I).tc

Page 78 of 138
f h
Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Campetitiue Selection Process for Shott-Tenn Pouer Supply


2,3 s10ilAst

2.6 mc ,6%

2d11 om o.oo o,tr o.m

o.@ o-os o.@ [& o"m
2023 0.m o-m o-m o,ax, o"{x}
2024 0-m 0m a-oo 0-s om
do25 6-m o-oo G-&
s-o0 o-m

w2r i

?,ty2a i

?.aziJ i

2gz4 i

Ifeec sd Sigetle of &rthori*8 Repse*htle Date

Page 74 of 138
? L
Occiderutal Mindoro Etectic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Seleetion Process for Stwrt-Term power Suppla

Unit Rated Utrit Plant Plant

MAFSA P@er Plant Capacity Dependable No. of uaits Scheduled Urecheduled
{Murl Capacity (MWl Outage (hrsl Outage {hrsl

3.1 grDno 2043



'IODIEA&I, x)24

3.5 HG ?o23


4.7 LTO DIT^SE[,

2021 o.& o.@ o.m o.m o.@ o.o

2M2 o.oo o.oo o.m o.oo 6-OO o,oo
o.oo o.00 o-m 0,oo o.m 0_m
o,@ o,m o.m &m o.m a,m
202s o.oo o.oc o-& ,.oo o.m o.8
o-oo o.oo o-oo o-m 6.O

Unit Rated Storage

STORAGE FOR SOLAR Year Capacity Capacity No, of units

l{aae and SigBtu.e of Authori*d B€preseatative Date

Page 75 of 73a
7 L
Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selectian Process ior Short-Term Power Supplg


sai Jo*, o$ld.-r*l ML,


Sbort-Tm Po?q Sap!{y

A,1 k ia Perce.t
IilDEXATIOH (kfior of Hc€ CoEpmcnt that wtU bc tddeEdl

1.1 FLre,-) Co.rt I. 1 iF( l r aill'irnl u...r.

Lh Fived Cost No- 2 Local (FC:L} - Fi\ed o&L{
t. !'L\crr {losi i\d .l ForeiH,i i['{)Fj ]r;i.1 rI\M
l.3a \rrrr:riili('',,;1 l:. 1 l-)riil l',1 lLi \inii,l: r)sirl
l,3b 1 enablc iilsi i\o Mrrjtr l\ l ]r') . \'arinl,lLr ()i\ltl
1.4 \';uuLtle Cost l{o..1 i1'Cll .lirct, rrlE.iilig Tran$p,rd

,1-! 2 faelgn
Fied o&M

Vsiablc C6t Variable Cct

ro. 2 (vc2)
A3 tto- I leel llo. I Foroigtr
VARIABLE COSTS {Pebrwy 2O2I nefereace Price} fvclr,l |vcrFl hcludhg
Veiable O&M Variable &M
(PHP/kwh) {l'lIP.i kwhl iPllt,/kwht

Nme a.d dgetBc of AdhorirBd nlp*teilrtive Dat€

8.1 k in PerceLt
MDEXATIOH {Portior ol kic€ Componeilt thet FiIl be tndeedl
1.1 FL\ed Cosl No- I lFC1l 'Capitl Recorry
l.2a Fixed Co5t No, 2 lrcd (FC?L) - Fix€d o&M
t.2b Fixed Cost No. 2 Forcip {FC2F) - Fixed O&M
1,& tadable Cost lio. 1 Loca) n'f 1Li - iiarialle o&M
1.3b Vtriable aosr lio. I ForeEn lt'C 1Fl - ttr;ab1e O&M
t-4 Irnillii frst ti(i. I (\{:r, r ilrl. 1!{ins l'&rrfotr

FiEdc*t ro
B2 ',Tr,slllf;' "T";':tJ"
FIXID COSTS Ecbrury 2O2l neferemo Prlee) FiEd o&M
":::l'S "#:1?*

Veriable C6t Verlible C6t

B,iJ ilo, 1 lncel Ito, I FoBlgo
2 {vc2l
fvcrLl (vcrFl .

Vdrble O&M vulablc &M haluding

tPHP/kwn !PHP/kwhr rPllP /ku'h!

ilaBB add signatrs€ otAuthorirfd Rep+scqtatim DetE

Page 76 of 138

t G
Occident al Mindaro Electric Co o p erati ue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Pracess "ior Shart-Term Power Supply

1.1 fi{.d Cost r'.Jo. i in-C I } - Capie.l L.lerolery (i.ix*.1
L.2a Ir.ift{i Co$l No. 2 i,ocai it}Cjl-i - Firi.l al&lvl
12}r tsi\,.d l-usr ll,) I Ii)m19n rfC2FJ ,:11;ed Ot\Nl
1.3a YaJiiiirie a-rrst i{o 1 l-Lrcirl lVCl!,} - Varj|h1r t)&Ir!
1 -31, Vflr{ri}le Ccst lio. I froreign {VC1F} - \rariable O&!vl
1.4 Variahle Cosl No. 2 {VC2} FueJ, inclu(iiiq Tro1spa( O.{X)e,i



Naae ard Sig@ture of Artheized Eepreeeatstive Date

Page 77 of 138

7 h
Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Shor-t-Term Power Supplg

occlD$t{rAl. }flIrDoBo ELgcTBIe eooPEBATM, IilC.

:l I? lr
Sarr Jose, Occideutal L{ir:doro

colrPETrrrYE sD,.Ec"Tror PRocEss {csPl

Short-Tsm Poser Sqgply

L ln Percoat
ntDEfAlIo[ (Portion of Prle CoEtmat that sirl be tDdeEdl

1.1 rl i{::.
L. l* ,1, ,,. \ 1,.,,,1 1i: :'. ir:.-, r '.r\l
l.3a i-'ie
1.3b aLlr: Olrll
1.4 ng Trusport


Vdebl€ Cdt Vetabr€ Cct

}{o. 2 (VC2l
t{o. 1 l,eat No. 1 Forcign
(vc1l) Fuel,
VARIABII mffi (Fcbflrrrr 2@1 tuftElr H6) NcrFl iacludig
veriable O&U Vari&bl€ &Ilt
{PUP/kwhl (1'HPlk$',h)

r.m. ad Si#turc of Autlloriz.d kpEi.ntatia ht.

&1 k ta Pedent
ItrDEhTION {Podion of kie CooIDErt tt.. will b H.Ed] t%l
t-l Fix.d Cost iio. 1 {F(:1) -Capilal Re.or=n
Fixed Cost No. 2 Ircal (FC2U - Fixed O&M
FL\ed Co* l{o. 2 Forei8n {FC2FJ - FL\ed o&M
t-& -t;riable cost No. I t-;;ii iVCIL) VariBble o&-M-- --
\arilbl.,C.):.1 ii) I toriI,) {\rtlIiij-Vaiiabl: ()$.\{

Fixed Cost No. Co* tro.

Fhd Cost ilo. Fkd
FIXED COSTS {FebnEry 2021 R.fereme Pricel ji*t ifi""'ff;'' .,tr,J;

Vsiable C€t Vuhble CGt lade6le Cet

Ho- 2 ryczl
Ito. I L@l !Io. 1 Foreig!
(vclF} Fne1,
VMLE @ffi {FebearJr 2@I Refecfte ltie} {vcll} ieluditrg
VartableO&M V.rLble &n[
{PHP/k\\tl PrrP/ku,i,
3.1 I 0.

Ncmr and Sigiutu.€ ol Authorircd !atc

Page 7E of L38

O ccidental Mindoro Ele ctric Coop eratiu e, Inc.
Cornpetitiue Selection Pracess for Slwrt-Term Pawer *tpply

F'ired Cast 11.r" 1 iF{ll i Clapi{al Recoven, i.]"{x}l

l.2a ,ti\eii a}rsl No. :l l-ocari iICti,l - trixcr,1 0&M
r!1....r i ,.\. \., ''1., . i.i\dL!,,,\1,
t.2b 'r1 F J' r. r
13r \a.irh:f, COSI NL) I Lofal lVL t ! r - \"'nLirlrl,. {)&Nl
1-3h Veiabl€ Cost No. 1 Fore igll lvc1tri'| - Veiable 0&,M
14 trreiable Cost No. 2 {VC2! - !'ue1, includiig Trospc,rt o.(x)!


21 Bi{i Pd0i

I/ARIABLE COSTS (Febru4ry Reference Price)

3-1 Biii fdr:e o.00{x

Name ald Skutute of Authqizeil Relreseatative Date

Pase 79 of 138

r I 6
Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Iruc,
Competitiue Selectioru Process for Short-Term Pouer Supplg


,* San Jose, Oc<idetttal Miridoro


Sbort"T$m PoB.r Supply

Namr ofthc Biddet

th&t will iadeEdl

t it Perefr
INDETATION lPortbn of Pric6 C@FEnt bG

l l.ix l

- Fired lr&\4
I Ll vrrirllr Oati{
!'{lIf ) \I.tnnirlr Od.Nl
:'!r(l rrr:lttriug I rar:p0rl
Fhd cod No. Fhd cct N6-
Fimd co* No.
FDGD COATS lFebroaly 2021 Refeterde Priccl
r {Fcrr ;-;;";;;;;; -r;iijti' 2 Fmeisn

0arPlkwhi (PHP/kwhl "s'"?,,

Veriable Cost Vsieble Cod

ilo. I Leal ilo. 2 (Vc2)
VARJABLE COSTS lFetrruary 2o21 Refer€d PricGl (vc 1Ll i\( ii i

Vrrisbl+ O&it
LJil ljnce

N.m€ ind BigetEc of Afrh6ir.d Rep*


\nrl.tlJL" (,,:tft! I ioririn i\.Cil r \'n:rnLl. !)iiiU

"*,";f, * Iri l:*Y: "T"""',fi J"

FIXED COaIA lFebrury 2{)21 Rererencc Priel

Vadabl€ C6t
V{risbte CGt Vrrtrbtc Cct
No. 2 (vc2l
l{o. I L@&l ilo, 1 foEign
(vclF, tr'uel,
VARI.ABLE CO{ITS (FebBatjr m2l Referem Pric.l {vcll,} lncludtrg
VariabteO&M Vdiabl€ &M
(PrlP,/kwhl (PHP/kwh) (PHP/k\'',h)

lilemo and 8igna1u6 of .{uthqrirld Bcpresantetiv€ Dato

Page 8O of 73a

r L
Occidental Mindora Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Shaft-Tenn Pawer Supply

(hsr N*. 1

lta&e and EtgEtEe cf Autb@tzcd llepEertative Date

Page 87 of 738

7 f I
O ccidental Mindoro Electric Coap eratiue, Inc,

Competitiue Selection Process for Short-Term Power Supplg


San Jose. 0ccidental Mindoro


Short-Term Fcver $upply

INDE,(ATION {poltioa of Price Coeponeqt that will be indeed) k ll Perc€nt (7ol

1- 1 Fi\ecl Cost No. 1 {FC1} - Capital Recovetr

l.2i !'ixc(i ('o6t N().2 Lc,crii iF('21,) - !'ixt,d 0&"M
t. f ixr(l (:os{ i\o. 2 f'okigit (li'('2F} - Fixed (.)&M
1-3a Vuiable Ccst No. I Local (VCIL) - Variable O&M
1-3h Variable Cost No. 1 Foreign (VCIF] - Variable O&M
74 litriabl{: (lrsii No. I (VC2) - F'tkrl, kt.lLl(lilrg l'riLl)rl}$r1

Fixed c6t !lo. Ftred CGt Fied CGt No.

tr'XIIED COSTS (f'ebrwry 2O21 R6ferencc Price) 1{r'c1} Ito.2Lmal 2Fc€igF
Capttal {Fc2L} (Fc2r}
Recovery rired O&U Flred O&U
at IP[{ p/ kurhl lPHP/kMr) {PHP/kWh}
DFafit: 1offid
2,OUz r)90,t 0.00Llt!
2.O03 9Aok o.ooooi o.oooc
2.O()4 97% O.r)Otlt) o.o00(
2.OO5 9riqh o.orlOii i r:.oorx;
2.006 95010 o.0000 0.ou{n
2.Oor7 9+ok 0.0000 o.ooo0
2.OOa oii96 0.0000 {t.oOt}tl
2-Oor, g 2ryn
o^0000 0.r-10fi1
2.O10 9 lo/. o_oooo 0-or)ry)
2.O11 9O9/o o-00ff1 0.{x-{Jo
2.O12 lrq'I1, 0.o00rj 0.0000
2.O13 8A% 0,0000 {-).('!(X$
2.O14 t]70,!a o.orloo o-co{x)
2.O1!; 86'10 0.0000 o.o{xlo
2.O16 85ry,, 0.0t)0c ll lYYf)
2.O11 849iJ 0.oocx) 0,ooc{
.{ o.ooooi
a l9'o o.uoo
2.O21 80% o.ooool 0.oofro
2,O22 79o/o o.0000 0.oooc
2.O23 78% o.o0o0l 0.000(
2.Or-4 'i'7')tt
0.000{t rrr t

2.O25 7 69ro 0_000(} (i ococ

2.026 TSti o.oooo o.ocroc
2.O27 o.fll)tr
2,O24 7:\n/o 0.oiln 0-00{x)
2.O29 0.00,00 o.{}000
2.O3.() 7 lo/o 0.0000 o {r{{

lla&e and SiEmt*e of Authorized Rcpteneatatire bate

Page 82 of rca

7 F
Occidental Mindaro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selectton F'r"ocess for Slnrt-Term Power Supplg


tid Priee at Caoacitv Utilization Factor. CUF fYol lI,HP/kWir)

2-031 700..a o.ooocti 0.0000
2.O32 69-qo 0.artx$i 0_{xxx)
6A--eo o-t}]{*l i).0(}1i0
2.O3,4 679r o.c*ci-ri B.{X}JO
2 ()35 {rir':i, ().L\-\ra,l o_00${
55% 0-{x}fxtl 0.0rj0{_)

2_O37 6rllr
6316 o.D00ol 0.ooco
2:439 b)".j
2.O40 r) oou'i C.GL'D]J

2.O42 5ilc,; {1.00{x)i t].0ix}c
581.,! o.ooml o.o00c
2.O44 Sf9r o.ouftli 0_t){xlc
2.O45 561)o (r Or)l0l o.oo(*
2-04.6 0.1$lr01 o.otxxi
2-O47 o.ft}rci 0.{}000
2-O4a 539.a;tr{)i {1"{)arxl

2.O49 52')i' o.{xlix}} il.0GX)

o/o o.ot,c{,
2.O50 5l $.H)o[ii
5LF;. o.{.I1{x)i i].Oc{x)

l tYto0i
2.O54 4'.lta rr.{}xEi o.00tx)
4f:$.t u.{irxrrl o.{l(}{}D
c, (}16 4 5-',o 0.ilrlx)l 0.00{lti
2-06Z 441L fl.{xx.xi)i 0.*il\lt)
2.O5a 43tfi,
.t 2":o o.0{]0it{ o"i{$o
2.060 4tYt il-(.{)tx}l o.ootxj
2-061 40...1, e.ixrc$l o.L100{l
2_f)62 3Ll9/b {r.00ixli 0.otrJ0
2-063 3B?,0 O.{'ir}0ci 0.01M{
2"064 r].001J0 0.o{xB
2.O6s 369r" 0.oo00l 0.0{$c
2-A66 o"o{}fi{)1 o_oooo
2.067 34{}i 0.r]0(}01 c).{xlco
2.0,6A rr.iX)rx')i 0.orl}]
, r}69 o.ixrfx]i 0.0000
2 rt'ro 319b 0.{8ff}i o.r}fixr

I{me and Slgmtue of Auth6ized Represeotatiye Date

r Page 83 of 734

Occidentol Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Pracess for Stusrt-Tenn Power Supply


Name ofthe Bidder


l ltd Price at Capacitv Utilizatiotr Factor, CUF {o/o}

2.O71 il096 o.000( s.000c

2i-r:i, 0.o0{x o.otxxl
z.aiis 289r
2,O',?4 27!!,, o.00G
2{)7t 0.o${} *.00rX,
2-O76 t!.i!l{t_ a.og{}c

2.O?7 24 .eb o.oo00

2.O'.74 239( o.{_i(xxl O.H)(]1

2-O79 2 )',1i) o.0tlrx o.oux

2-OaO I i1! 0.{xxx 0.000{-

2.Oat {,._(}l}axl il.o{xx

2.a82 {l.r}}r}c 0.00st
I 8_o,; {}.o00fl *,000t
2-OA4 o-{x}rJC 0.ilc)cd
i69a o.otxxr 0.0t3O{

2.046 o"00{xl o.o{}tx

14ya O"(xRX,

2_OAa O.Lx){X 0.{xxr

8.00rx. 0.{.ifi
oqn 0.0m {l.o{x{
2 ost o.tloo{ o.oo{x
2.O92 99b o.ltoLY o.o#)t
2.O93 f{01; 0"{{){K r.).{}{ltx

2.O94 7lti al-tx}{]a t)_0txxl


2.096 5qo il.000{ 0.{r0tr

2-O5',7 4cta o_t{}N o_scl{lc

2.o9 0.txxlc o.o&x

2.100 19h 0.{x}0t o.ofix
2-t oI 0?'slPi-lPl
,lot8: Zero pq{{.tit. CLi{ pti{E dldli r4tptg ott!11 uien t}rc llurcratitg utt*. is auaiktble bu! ttot diqatul#ci bg th<t SlisterrL Ctperator,

variable cct Variable cGt

No. 2 (VC2)
No. 1 L@al No. 1 Poreig[
(vclrl Fuel,
VARIAELE COSTS {February 2021 Reference Price} {vc1L)
Variable O&M Variable &M including
(PlrP/kwh) {PrlPi kwh j (i'l lPikWtt)

lfare aad Slgmtare of Authryized RepreseltativG Date

r I
Page 84 of 138

a ccideri al Mindoro Electric Coop eratiu e, Inc.
Competitiue Selection -&i:cess.for Short-Term Pow et' Supplg


1-1 i:*e.i alost lio. 1 {irtl i } - flaprtal tr+:covery {l.Llffii

l.2a i'ixed i_os1 lir" 2 Lccai iticjl,) - i,'isc{i 0&,ltl
t.2b Fiariii dj*sl- I";o. I F-.itie11 {FC: a} - Fi::eri 0&!rl
1,3a ia.iaillg lJr. I Ljj'c"1 lvalLi - Yitnrbir {)&M
'l -3h Yarablc Co:it No. 1 !-frrig,n i\rc1f l - tan:ibl. U&i'll
Variafrie Cosl llo. 2 {vC2} F*e l, iflciuding Tftrslli}rx


I id Price at Caoacitv Utilization Factor- CUF lolol ir-]tr,/,wht

2-OO1 1rfl9,n
2.OO2 0.t$[:0 0.0&L
93nr 0.0ccc f.ixx!}
2.OO4 !ii.ii o.o{x}t o.ffo{i
2.OO5 q5?i $.{x]fi0 t,.{-.xx}ij
2-006 s5"" (!.{${xi
2.OO7 {14{; 0.c&m LT-O{XX
glll!, o.00ix o,0Occ
2.OO9 o 1q- 3.{S8C $.o${x)
2.O10 <,) 11% & 0.{xxxl r).tltx,{
2-Otl 0.sJ{x) 0.o{xxl
2-O12 89?b 0.(}0{}c o-rL*-{
2.O13 ti8% 0.o{xx 0.O[YX]
2.OL4 87.1n 0.{x}f}l c.0&l(
2_Ot 5 36!. 0-iJlir.]L {l.otxE
2.Ot6 8:li.; I i t/rJtA,
2.O17 84'.-iJ

2.OtA 839ia o-r)fixl (]-1xr{l{l

2.OL9 82l'," o.oofil

2.O2A o.lxnrL i).fixlo
,_ o21 8{"rin 0.t}{.ulj u.ixi}
2_O22 ?go.t fi.1){:}{ 0.otrlc
2.O23 784/s o.0t{xi o.0txxl
2.O24 77rd i).0$0ti r]-0ilNl
2.O25 7 L-et, {,.ffKX t).t]{l{xl
2_r}26 7 50ti o.oililu 0,0000
2.O2'.7 ?4si *.ixx)( o"ai{.100
73% il ( rY-

2.O29 7 Zo:'a {} {x}{x fi.8txxl

2_O3() 7 1'r/; o.cxl0s t].tx)i]0

I{aBG aad SigratEe o,f Autheized Repr6eltatfue Dat€

r I Page 85 af 738

Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Cornpetitiue Selection Frocess for Shaft-Term Pou;er Supply


Fixed Cct No. Fixed C6t Fixed c6t No.

1 (Fc1l No. 2 Leal 2 Foreign
FIXED COSTS (l'ebruary 2O21 Refereoce Price)
Capital (rc2Ll (rc2F)
Recove!y Fixed O&M l'ixed O&M
Bid Price at Capacity Utilization Factor, CUF lpl:tt,rtrrvni iI,l lPlk\ /hj
2.031 7{tl,ir.

2.033 6*!6 u.!)LrLt)i il.Oia?t
2.O34 f)74.i' o.r)f$ci rl.0c${
tnas {>b":t

l- 559;l 0.01(ltJi il.L\nx

II m
2.O39 62".t; r].cc(iDl 0.$ts{
2.A40 6i?i
2.442 i:9',i, *"e.ift]i 0.00ix
2.O44 5?q: 0 00r))l c.0{vJd
2..94! o.i}llfloj r).tlGX
]:919 549,o
2.O44 bJ'/o
2.051 5{}1.b 0.r}Ilrta 0.&,]&.
2:o?2 .1{19! 0.00coi o.oor{
2.O53 48o.h o rYxloi o,00(x
2.O54 47./a
'16o/b 0.c(}{al 0.tlux
4S_qn u.fJr)ix)l i].tx)tx
:1:l! e 0.i(]ool o,oottr
2.059 429'" 0.0{}0ci 0.{xhl(
2.060 4 i'ri)
2.O6!. 4i lr!,o o.cry}}i *.o{}0r:
2.062 39''rn t).Dtlrrci o"o{xx
,.063 o.ooQ0 j 0.000(
2-064,tx.)1 0.ft}x
2.,061 36% c.txlLrol 0"0{lfit
?:99! o_il{ilOi o.00{Y
2.067 o.ff)G)l o.o{}x
2.064 339,6 t].ff]rxJi 0.uttrr
2.O70 31?',8 0.Lr000i o.00{

Nme aad Signature of Authorized Represeatative Dat6

Page 86 of 138

f 6
Occidental Mindoro Dlectic Coaperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selectiott Process for Strort-Tenn Power Supply


Name ofthe Bidder

Fixed.Cost Fixed Cost No.

No.2Local 2Foreign
FIX-ED CoSTS (February 2O21 Reference Price) (rc2l,) , (Fc2F)
Fixed O&M Fixed O&M
id Price at Capacity Utilization Factor, cUF (%)
2.O71 38t,3 o.e000l *.o00r
)<.)1b o.rx.x ()i fJ.+0t{
2_O73 2A_q; 0.c,aflol il.o$0{
2-O74 r)"{xx]{}i i].ii{x}
2-O7S 26t!n 0.ffX}]i 0.e0o
2,476 250ri
2.O77 2.|'ril o.u,a\81 0.ri{x{
2.O74 239t
2-O79 224/n o.orHJol o_txrix

2.O43 I A3; {l.aiv}'ir $.{xjlxl
2.O44 i 7"r'
2.085 169r+ d.tl0txir U.rJrlOC
2.046 5q; 0.exri,i o.0oilil
2.O47 c.co00l *.oOffi
2-Oa8 139,; u.{v.{tr}l o-o{K}
2.O49 o.{}r-Efli o.or',*t

3:9e\ 10_"/"

2.O92 0.r-t.Jililt o.ilool

2-O93 a-od 0.{x}Grl o.o00
2.A54 7*,/* 0.00c(): $.0txll
2-O95 {19,'o

, oqrt 59/"

2.100 1,,/b

2 1rI1 {P.r'P}{Pi
trlotp: i.kro ?)eftetul tlLJ$' prie *nl! appill ottlu *lze-tt the geterat;itg z!?tit is auaila,e bt t tloi dilpatthed bA the S!$efi. a4.,e/alo{.

Variable Cct Variable Cost

No. 2 {VC2}
s-3 No. 1 Local No. 1 Foreign
VARIABLE COSTS (February 2021 Reference Pricei {vclL} (vclF)
Variable O&M Variable &M
lPi l|'rl1Wh) (PHP/kwhl (P11P/kwlr)
3.1 ririi

l{ue ard Flig[ature otrAuth6izcd Repr6etrtativc Date

Page 87 of 73A

Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Shaft-Term Power Supply

{losi l\io. I iFC1} - CnpiBi Recoler1.

l:! !r.L{rai
Iii\{j(1 {.iosi:Nc. 2 Lli:a1 1FC!1,} - Iri\cd lJ&},{
Fir!{:d C$si- l!o- I l'ffiig[ iFL::ili - i:i:;..i O&!!
1.3a \aa:.,'li(,.\! \,'- 1 I.r",rl 1'.Lli j \!i,lrlpr):1..\/
1.3b Vir:.io3iir ijDst 1,1.,. I Foirigi lV{l I Fi Variable {-!iirll{
1A lrariabfe CostNo- 2 {VCt}) - l.r1ci, includirgTmEsps-rt

Fixed Cct No.


2.OOL i 009r;
991i' o.ootxl
2.OO3 ?fiqa,o
2 f)o4 9790 o.{an}O
2-OO5 q6qa 0"isNl $-{{{x
2.006 lls1l {}.0txxl 0,orl]o
2.OO7 q4qi, $.{x}Oc o_0&lo
2.OOE 93?n o.{x}{"}{j o.o{x;t}
2:99 .)2'l'i 0.0000 0.0tx)0
2-O1A rl l.l+, O.GXX
90":s nl-.l,R_ G.T]Cff
2.O12 aJqc," 8.{{xts
2-O13 88qn o.{}01x t].o{x}t}
2.O14 .!7!i; o.{$04 $.oorlo
2-OaE 86".'," o.fi_xi0 u.{.i$(}l
2.016 853r
0.L\)i){i 0.rxx}l
2.O14 83"i; o.{J00il a.oix$
2.O19 8?qn o"{xxx o.otm{
2-O20 g1qi. il.{nx o-ixltlo
80,1t IJ.IX}X o_txhlo
2.O22 7{}":c o.L\-fix 0.0rvJ0
2.O23 o_{xx}] {).{iffIl
3.o31 0.00&]
2.026 75o:b fi,${xlc
2.O27 7 49i c.000
2.O24 ?3% 0.c{xt{l rrnlwr
2.O29 7 )":o {}.tlrltjo
2.030 7 t9i, 0.000Lr 0.{}10{

!la@6 ahd Sigaa*ure of Authorized Represertative Date

of 738

Page 88

Ocidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Shor-t Tenn Pouer Supply

iPrlP/kwh) i ii,lrPlkwhl
2.031 7096 0.0ft))t o.oOir
2.O32 6t?; o.o0{tr
2 (}33 68c:;
2.O34 61?,i, 0_tx){xti 8.A0{
2.(}35 66% o-ix)0$j il.O{xx
2.036 650;i, 0.Llli:)i:-)| o"o{xx
2-O37 64".h
2.O34 63ilc o.{looo' 0.ooff
tt2th O L\LtrUr {}.f-}txl
2,O4A {i i rl! o.flr]{ xll o.{t{x1f
2-O42 i1.&}}.) O.Ot{Xl
581; o.00{})i o.otx)t
2.O44 57Y; 0.oomi i].8&r
2.O45 56.,i: o.oOc{
55q.; o.ixxvli {.i.00ci
2:O47 54.,; 0.0r\1*i o,rx)ot
2.444 53ti
52\t o.crGli {.i.G00t
2-O5(, 5 i?; 0.OLrOLll {.,.o0{J{

2-O51 5{t".6
2.O52 4qreii
2.O54 419o 0.ttrltlo1 o rlO{tr
2 osE 4LrD;
2-O56 4;.h

,+?9; il tli-rtrJi o_0aBt
2-{)6() o.fixlr j B.Oamt
2-061 4*6; B.ixxal {}.oc{x
3q1" o.rlJrlr; o.o0o{
2.063 0.OOi})l 0-0txx
2.064 o.{a{.Rl i {i.tx.N:}i
2-066 35li,
34% o.ierol t).ff10r
2.064 33r:t
?.062 0.rY)00i 0.rx{
2.OlO 0.qxloi 0.offi

NaDe aad Sigmtu:e of Authcized Represe[tativ€ Date

r {

Page 89 af 138
O cciderial Mindora Electric Coop erati ue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process lor Slwrt-Terrn Pouer fttpply


NotB: Zero peftp?tt C!)F prite sizall appliJ ottlg usheti. tlte generalingl uttit is at:a.ii.a1>ie but *o! iiAntchetl bg th*: Sp.*ett {)pe/ator-

Variable Cct Variable c6t

No. I Local No. 2 (VC2)
No. 1 Foreign
VARIABLE COSTS (February 2O21 Reference Priee) (vc1L) Fuel,
{vc1F} including
Variable O&M Variable &M
{},rrP (PHr'/kwh) lI,Hl'/iiWir)
3.1 Blil |'nfc

l{a&e afd Slgnatue of Authorized Repres€ntatiye Date

Page 9O of 13A

7 I Q=
Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Compeiitiue Selection Pracess far Slwrt-Term Potuer Suppiy

4_4r' 1,1r
;l l'|i l:
S:rr : I+;r:, - {l{:ii,:ip t)lill ll{ir:ilot i:


Short-Terrn Fo*er Supply


llase oftLe Bidde!

INDEXATION (Porti,oa ofPrice Component that will be irdexed) k itr Percent

F i-'r!,:l {'osi i{r} I {F C I ) . C;rp.iial Rero|e:r

l.2a tis- I{ ,.., Nr, : L.r:, rl (!:( -ltr Fr\cd Lh^.;
t.2b i:irrd Cosi No f Ii()r"igu {!('J}i') - fixr.l i}i\.}i
1.3a Vfiilabjr (lo-si N(, 1 Locfil il'{l lJ,, '\ionabje t}li,tu1
1"3b Vi{iiiliric (" rsl No. I roFiqlr i\rf 1Fl - VririaLle (ltiM
L.4 \.rrr.rrl, r. \i \,, -: \, .' t',r..t ,tr. ..lirrL i'r !r.\;,.,rr

tr'ixed O&ftI
xed {

2.4U2 (lil'lll
2-O03 1)8iA 1).t)!l
2.O04 97%r o.Oa(x u.00(Y-
l) lloa!
2.O06 r),5ilh 0 0{-t0{: 0.otx
2-OO'r ,) 0-0r.) [J,L{}
2-OOA o a)01.|c o 000t
2.4l(J t)1':';] o.tx)or il.{x xx
2-O11 rlariril {) _(}{.1{')1.

2.4L2 ri9%. i).&){]{ Lr.tYXXl

2.O13 tin!/r o.00ii{ o oOu
2.AlS $h'ti, o.000( 0.o{xx
2.416 c.o00{ 0.oOc

?:at7 8.t9i _, 0.O,:tff,

2.O18 ---0.99-j
0.oot\l o.{loOt
2.O19 0.0t)1tt U"OL\f
2.A24 d1e.r rl.oo0r: il.Ot{x
2,O2r 3{Ili 0.r.x)Oi 0.r-r00c
'i 7.,i
,,_ G
il tnr{.
2,O23 0.o00i: {).(l}t)ix
ERFA 7i',t o.oo0{ Q,OOCC
2.O27 i{!i o.0rxx_
2.4?,4 Tllv) o.o00 0.00m
mril 'i!!tr'
o.(.)0{x_ {t.{}ixY
2.o34 7 I llil o.ft)0c o.ooff

!{ame asd Sigmtue of Authorized Bep{csentatire Date

Page 97 af 738

r f-
Occiderutal Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Short-Tenn Power Suppiy


il'lll-/liU'h r

2.031 70ori, 0.&)otll 0.ixxlo

2.432 {r9;10 0.0fi1r1i 0.iiiH
68!; O.tlooir i o"c*{x}
2.O34 6?".i o,fN)$oi 0.{x}os
2.O35 ar ftl&ii u,l}]{l{l
2.036 65o:i D.Oalco
q. na7 ti'!'\i. i).1[]Gt.]j 0.rlxx)
63% 0.ooDoj tJ"tiloo
2:o?9 62a,/" o.L$oo; c.$oix]
2-O4A fi I o/'! n.O1,fXli o.00lri)
2.O41 {J.{${Xli
2-O42 531! o.oo{r$l o.c{NX)
2.O43 5A;o,i 0.00$ui 0.00{x)
2.O44 5?% c.r,xlOc j {]-(XXX,
2-fi41 0.()rlool o {xxN]
2-046 55.]t i.{i{xx)i o.{i,000
2.O47 5+1'. o.fio00i 0.[rt]L]il
0.oca'Oi O.{XXX}
2.449 37i'r o.{roo0l o.{nxk,1
2-O50 0.00001 0.Offit)
2-05l 5{19'; iJ.{x}t}i}l {i_ulr{l
2.O52 4rla.]i, 0.frlr)01 il.00{Jo
2.O53 48o/i o (()ix)l 0.00{}{}
2.05&$J: o.00fx-1
2_O5S 4b'lo o.mooi o.ryxx)
2.t)56 4i"1, r1.tuGl; o.{10{}1}
2 f}57 4+9.; {.r_000*
2-OSa u.oot{}l 0.tlili){l
2.O59 424/" 0.0rLrli{}
41 9i, O.CXx)l 0"i)o{x)
2-06l 4{ts/a 0.OO{ni c.000t)
2.062 3991, o.ffxroi a.).{xxto
2-063 38%$oi o.&tl0
2.064 37%
2 $65 369; 0.00ty)l ri,0000
2-fl66 0.ixx){li 0.o0Qo
2.067 340..,; o.ftlin); {l.i)o{xl
2-O6a 33+r, (l.{x}fxll {,r-a)i-)t{}
2.069 3J9,; 0"tx )il{li 0.tlogJ
a d,7i 3 1?; 0 {}0{}-li 0.fix})

Name and Stgetue of Arthorized Represeatatire Date

Page 92 of 738

7 {
Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
CorrLpetitiue Selection Process for Shaft-Term Pawer Supplg


2.O71 30%
2.O72 r'1.{xi{X}i C.IYJYX

?473 !tt'it,
2-{J74 27t,,
2.O75 360.( 0.ilofv] j c.oexlt
2-417 24,t" $.GXXIj s.r.xlo{
3.O78 ,13":;
2.O79 ?2","
2 Lin u_tnL$i c.txxx
2-()81 c.L!00d
2.Oa2 19cn
2.Oa3 l8-"/o 0_0oDol o.o{xx
2-Oa6 0.ut}lri o.000t
2-OA7 0.tut'01 0.fflBa
?.9!! o.ft)uol
2.OA9 o.0{}ffi1 il.o.r{x
2.O9L 1G1.i, o.Gtfi]l t].00+
2.O92 9l:o 0.00&1i 0.{x}fd
2_OS3 $-qn o DOr_}]i ()_crl{ti.

2-O94 7?i, {r r}-{ni 0.ffroi

2:O95 6-",i,

2.O99 u.ut'fli {.}_t{xx.
.t o.oo{xji 0.c04{
),1rl1 '-F ll'HPl

Note: ;ailT per{Et?t C{.q} pice slnll applli anlq Ltlhen tlLe fretl€rain1 util Ls awi}a.ble l>i;t nat djYetch.e.d blt t}v St/slafi (4rffitto/.

Variable Cmt Variable Cost

No. 2 {vc2)
A-A No. 1 Local No. 1 Foreign
(vclFl Fuel,
VARIABLE COSTS (February 2O21 Reference Price) fvclLl including
Variable O&M Variable &M
{PlrP liWh) {Plll',{1t\,Vh ) il'}ll lJlirlvh

Name asd Sigmturc of Authorfued R€preseatatiyc Date

Page 9E o, JEA
O ccident al Mindoro Eiectric Coop er atiu e, Inc.
Competitiue Selectian Process /or Shorl-Tenn Pouter Suppl.g

IiiE*{i Cosr li.}. 1 ii:C I i - Capit:il iie toEF O.txlti

i:ire{i ilost No. ? x'qri lF-C2l.i - Irkr{i {)&M
F'irr-rrl Crsf f,Jc, 2 Fore ign iFC2i.'i . l'ir*ri ()&M
V,ixiatrlt CostNo. 1 Lrcill{Yrl1l-j VaraLr:e 0&ltj
l.a]i.thif Cost Ns. I tior,;gt it.t_.1 Iil - )-adalblf ,l)t $l
\riliablc Cost I'lo. 2 {VC2i - irue f. ircluding THnsp$rt


2.OO1 1 00?n
, oo). QCI'lb {i-fi6ix}
2-OO3 !}8?; o"cr(Jor o.{io(tr
2.OO4 Lli{4 o.ooa0 o.6{ae{
2-OO5 Q6+'a u.0(-}00 0-{x}rx.
2.006 95% 0.000{ o.o{j$c
2.4O7 t]4lb o.fix{l 0"uxi
, not q39i, o.01ltlc 0.tlt\x
2 AO0 !2!. o {xirt{l 0,i)axlo
2-O1() qi'.," {i.otKX O.t{}a}*
2.Ott o.{,x}txl 8_0gJ*
2.OLz 899" o-c{]el
2:919 88%
2-O74 a7n/o o.0rxx) tJ.0{xx.)
2.OI5 86% 0.tx.Lxj f;.9ilo0
2.O76 851b rr.tnxtrr 0_il800
2.O17, 0.ff0c s.mOs
83c; o.tl00t) o.oG0ci
2.O19 s2",r ll.o0tlc O"I]{KXJ

2.O2o 8 i1; o.oooi] i.).$ooc)

2-O21 801," (:,.{l{lc{
2.O22 794k, o.rlj{x
2.O23 789i, 0.0{x} 0.i){xx)
2-026 75r'.i. o.t{}t}[ C,$GIX]

{.} otyajc o.$ci]
2.O2A 73!; n tuvv1
2 fl2q 72in 0.{{)8r} 0.o{x}
, n?n riri, t)

I{ame md Sigmtura of Auth6ized Representattue Date

r l
Page 94 af 138
Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Slwrt-Term Power Supplg


6<)9 o

6a_cd o (rnxli o"0008

669; 0.r{}rx}i {}.txx.f

63% o.o0c{)l 0.0fi)c
62-9! o.tll{lol o.$l{}l
571i, o.()0c,!ll 11.0.1)tlc


53% o.rxrooi o.oo{}c
c.Q0rxli rl.tJ0$L

50?i, o.{xxx}l a}.Oly,r{i

49ar/o tt ({}11i.}l O.rli,rou
484.1. s"0L$f

43/* 0_rxl&11 t)_00tx)

'i; 0.oc{xl
4txb ( ). r). itix ) l 0.rxiix.
i6 io
.37':o 0,00rui 0.sJr{j
36v; 0.00001 0,txtfi)
3 2ta 0.rwx]i *.O{}txl
3 i!/;

l{ame and {ligutue of Aut}rorized Represertatiwe Date

Page 95 of 138
r fi
Occid.ental Mindoro Electric Coop eratiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Slwrt-Term Pawer Supply

Fixed Cct
r (Fcu

Variable Cost Vaaiable Cost

No. 1 L@aI No. 1 Foreiga No.2 {vc2)
VARIABLE COSTS (February 2021 Referetrce Priee) {vclLl {vc1F} ineluding
Variable O&M Variable &M
(Ftl lr,rk\t\,h) {PrlP/kwhl (PliP/liwh)

I{ame ud Sigmtuc of AutLorized Rcpresentative Date

af 138

Page 96
O ccident al Mindora ELe ctric Co op eratiue, Inc.
Compehtiue Selection Process for Slwrt-Tenn Power Supplg



1_1 Fired C.ost i{o. I {}.'Cll- Cap,rai RecorcLa e).O0i{

l.2a Iii\rd Ccsl J{o- 2 Lor:at {L'{J21,i - ii'ir.:d a}&I,1
t.2b Firis.i a{rst lrlo- rl Irore igrl i}:Cr:i,:l - i-'i}3d C&N{
i ..: rri,, Lf. \., : .-,r.aj ( :,i I r:, \{
1.3a i :!:r:ir:e
r3}i Ua.iatll.r L--csi No. l !-orcign iVC l Fi - V?fiabi{i ajiirlJ
14 \raria lle Coat No. 2 iYal2l - I,'Iet. ircluding'Trd!$p{}!-t


.d Pfice at CaDacitv Utilizatlon Factor. CUF lY.i {PIl l,i 1{Whl

2 no1 1{Xr,.o
2.OO2 9-t)?; o"LrE0 C-.ff{
2.OO3 981r o.oo{xJ O.tXXXr
2.OO4 o.rtoo o.${xx
2.OO5 96''.\) 0.Lr(X)o *.ixi{xi
q5-q,ii {].llrl0L)
2.006 o.{_{)011

2.OO'7 at4att o.{xxyj 0..L{x?:

2_OOa 0.ralj{l3 o.0000
2.OO9 r)2',i o.0dxm o"{x}0{
q lqi5 ()_tx]{lo s_{x{{
2-Alt 0.o{lrx
2.O12 891r {,.00c\1 c.&)m
a8?.; 0.{$&l
o*tfzt 8?'in 0"ffr]t
2.O15 869.'i, {J.ot'{le rl-{frJ)
2.016 rl.tAlttri \J-rxna l
2.O17 s4 f; o.ii{xa 0.i}llo0
2 rr1* rJ3*,i, $.tNlc{l {].{xxlo
2-Oag ::129: o-oal{}c o.{}J{l{l
2.O20 E l':i 0.000{ o.thxli)
2.OzL 8*5..n o.t$0{]
2-O22 $.{4}{}
ctfiE 78"n 0.000c 0.0.{E
2.O24 7'7\'n 0.{x}t}
2.O25 7li!:i. O-fi}{l'
2.026 1i o-o$fir t].tltx-F
2_O27 t.0Jrx rl-*+txl
2 fl28 n m/! s.{xHx)
u)t*E 7 7a!Q 0_00$( $_ffxlo
2.O30 Tiri! {.}.ot}00 0.o{rc€

I{ame ard Sigmture of Autbclzed Replese[tative Dats

Page 97 af 738
Occidentai ltfindoro El.ectic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Seiectian Process for Shotl-Term Pouer Supply


7{}ei) 0.00{})l o.00rxl

t)8rt O-O0f}Oi o.o0G)

600n s.oooOi o.s$00
5Soi, o.ultxll il.Lxl{d}


5 1"/" e.ftxxil o.LXX,0
4qri u.0L{ol 0_i)00ri
,J.m{sj t.0cfil
1l!)9i, $.rx{rji {;"Lt}LYl

3-1?t cl.t){],{xtr u}.t\1{Nl

il2'r'! ti.Qal{li_}

llaee aad Sigetue of Authctzed Repaesedtatiye Date

Pase 98 af 138
Occidental Mindoro Electric Coop erattue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Slnrt-Term Power SupplU

Fixed C6t No. Fixed Cct No.

Fixed C6t No.
a-2 1 (FcU 2 Foreign
FIXED CosTS (February 2O21 Reference Pricef 2 Local lFC2Ll
Fixed O&M
Recryery Fixed O&M
tid Priee at Capacitv Utilization Factor: CUF lTol (PHP/kWh) fi,HP1kwhl (PIIP/KWhI
2.O71 3096 o.co00 o_00t{
2.O72 29ot'" 0.c0c10 o.000c
2 0,13 28.q; o.oooo o-oooo
2,O'.i4 27o/; o.oooo o.oooc
2-O75 260/0 0.illLYj o_000{
2-O',|6 ?596 {-1.1})0C o-()L!
2-O77 249/o 0.&$1 0"ffx}(
2-O7A '230./o o"&|tx) o.000i.
2.O79 224/" o.cssJ 0.000{)
2.OaO 21"/o o"ooao o.ooffi
2.081 2CP,/o L).lil{Xi o.cos
2.OA2 19o/o o.{1000 o.00ixl
2-Oa3 l8o/o o"or}]
2.O44 179/ 0.{}00* t)_00{x
, o*H 16% c.ii{ic( o.000t
2_0*6 I 3Yd o.orliio 0.oano
2-Oi'7 fi9/o o-m&l o,oom
2-OAa 0.oooo 0.ooo0
2-Oag 12Yo o.mffi 0.00co
2-O90 1i% 0.(]ots o.ffr.x
2 (l0r 109'o o r](lot tl.oooc
2 rJ92 9"k t].ot o.oot)
2-O93 8% o.00ff o.otltlo
2-O94 7o,'o {}.txl€ o.oooo
2.O95 6'/o o.oooo o.0000
2.096 5"/6 c.oooc o.oog
2 .ls'? 4o/o o.0000 0$000
2.Oq* o.&]tx
2-O99 2D,6 0.0Cr0

2.100 .196 o.oc\0{i o.000i)

2.ro1 lPIlPl

I,Wct Ze@ perent CUF pt** dzall appl! onlg uhen tle genqating unit is awilade but not diqatched. bg the Sggem Wfrtor.

Variable Cost vanaDle uosr

Variable Cost
c3 No, 1 Leal No. 1 Foreigo
VARIABLE COSTS (February 2O2l Reference Price)
. (vclL) (vc1F)
Veriable OSaM Varialrle &M
lr,HPll<Whl (l,llP, ir\VhJ (PlrP/kwh)
3. Rid Price

Name and Slgmtue of Authodzed Representative Date

r 6-
Page 99 of 738

O ccidental Mindoro Ele ctric Co op eratiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Short-Tenn Fower Supplg


.il: S;.u t .-1lte, i xl('!(!r:xri i1l Miiyllrtr.t


Short'T*rro Power Supply



{'usi \o-,)
Varl;rLle {'ost Nt-,. i

I FiEd Csst I{o" ? Fied Cost !{o.

tr'ied Cost No.
rD(ED COSTS fFebruary 2021 Refere nce Price] {FCl} Local {f,'Czl,} roreiga {rC2Fl
Capital Recovery Fisd O&M FiEd O&M
Bid, Price at Iltllization Fa.tor, CUF {or'.
2,OO1 1 001ir
2,OO2 ()a'y4 r-].{lol)t
2.O04 i7.+ 0.000t o.000{
2.005 o.uo0t' 0.00
2,006 0 {xi0l
2.OA7 r,.l.t o.i:r(}{}(.
2.OOA r) llsi, ft {)fi{)t
2.AO9 0,1.r,i, t:.(i1 f} {l.rl(}0(
2.O1t} 0.(i{$r at.o(x
2.O11 ql|:ri
2.O12 499: {).Oo0C O,G{}X
2,O13 {.}.00(}1 rl.00t)a
2.4t4 0.o00il
2.O1s o.Orxa.
2.O16 0.0001 li.000(
2.417 iil':'r, il.OLx)(
2.O18 S.l(n o_t'xl{)a {J 0{)i}(
2.q19 .$l% o.ootra
2.O20 B 1,li o.r00rl 0.tI{X}{'
2.O21 Bt](lir
2.O22 ; L),ri
2.423 0.0{X)i-' 0.00(
2.924 77':t.,
2.425 n 0{-11(
2:0?6 ;'i,ii) 0.000c il 0{n(
2.427 0 1,)flou n 000
2.A?A ?.t'ii 0.000 li Ol]d}
2.O29 0.(xxx
0.tioo0 o.ntlrx

Eane asd Signatrre of Auth{ised ReFxesentative Datc

Page lOO af 13A

? 1.
O ccident al Mindaro Electric Co op eratiu e, Inc.
Competitiue Seiection Process -for Stwrt-Term Power Supply


2.rr31 70!t 0_oo00 o.$000

2.A32 (r')a.r o.00tx) 0.oo00
2.O33 {r8l,b 0.rJ{&0 0.acoc
2.O34 67.1,; 0,000Q 0.O0O
6arqi $.{x.}Gl N.i]{J00
2 0?6 !i59., {}.$o/00 o.oc00
2.O37 b-+'l.t 0.0$0il o.ootlo
2.O39 63o,',r o.0000 *.iyJor.
2-O3S 62$* $.00t* 0.o00c
2.O40 0.i]ric* t-0{}c
2.O4\ 6il"i o,0adx $,ilt{xl
2-O42 5!Dr
2.O43 53!.;, o.00tx) o"ollo{i
2.O44 5t$:; o.oooo o.ofl{
3.94s 0.+tx}] t).oo00
2,O46 55eri, {}.0*{{} o.$0i}l
2-O47 5+!o i).OOO[) o.00Oii
2.O44 53q! 0.u}}l o.{}*{M
529{i 0.0000 o.0{}00
2-()5() *,..
5 1 o.oo00 0.c000
2.O51 3C9! o.tlooO c_00{}l
2.OFi2 0,tli$o
2.O53 489.d o.Ory s.n00s
1?9;,, 0.(}{)00 o-our
2-055 0-t}{NX}J o.ooalli
2.()56 45qh 0.ootxi o.cloft)
2.OS'7 ,i
2,()54 43n o 0"fiist) O.r:)txxl
2.O59 42ot'e 0-0&r, o.oo{Jo
4l-!i O-i.1in0 t).$0(l1t
2.061 4l:1'r O.OTXXJ 0.&xn
2-062 3.q.€{ 0,04{]8 o.0000
) n6a :380.o 0.i')0{1$ o.0001)
2.064 :17ilA o.ooot o-oaoo
2-lt6s 3riqi. o.$001) 0.oo0{l
2.066 359. 0.tloo o.oux}
2.064 34S,i){r{{} o.0000
4.9ql o.owl{}
2.()69 3 2'l; n.rJt(x c.oiltx]
2.O7f} i] l,l.; 0.t}){.xll $.00(}

ItlaEe aod Slg@ture of Autlorired Represent.tive Date

Page of 138
Accidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selectian Process.for Short-Term Pourer SupplU


Nabt Zerc FeMt C!)F yice **ll agzhl mlg ule* lhe ge*etttli*g wit is a*uikzbte bul ast diq*lche<t bE tlw Sgdee alwatr,r-

Variable Cost Variable Cost

A-3 Variable Cost No.
No. 1 Foreign No. 2 [vc2]
VARIABLE COSTS (February 2O21 Refererce pricel
I Local (VCli.l
Variable O&M &crF) Fuel, iacluding
Varialrle &M Traosport
{I't1l'/1iWh} {P}rP

I{a&c d{d Elgnattre of Authodzeit nepxasertetivC Diite

Page L02 of 13E

7 L
O ccident al Mindoro Electric Co o p eratiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Pracess for Shart-Term Power Supply


1.1 Fired tosr N* I lltlli a-lap;tai f'-e.oitil 0.{}{.}",r

1 ,2^ Filird tdrt::iri-; l.oi:ai ii-L-f l,; iilaed O&.I!,i
t.2b liir{.:d C{rst ho. 2 Forigrr lac?l:i - i'sed O&,1\t
1.3a "!'anal]le {-losi }io- I l,oeal ln-C i l"i - r,raljaLle iL&1.1
TE' riailrhl€r fl.,st :!$. 1 Forcip iVC i I:1 \ianai:le {}&.tl
7A VadabL' {'rst \o- 1!il2 i - i: url, irrriurlitg Transi:or1


id Price at Capacity Utilizatio! Factor, CUF l%l iii tj, r! iPHP lkl\rhr
2.OOt 1O0f'n
2-OO2 q{jg+ o.rxlo t!.0{.r{.}0

2.OO3 98;...i] i).00tlo a.{.}ooa

2-OO4 g?9r o.oo0{] D.OOOO
2-OO5 q{id'b o.o00r o.ooff
2.OO rl;o.,'o

2.OO7 944/a 0.0OiiC., 0.o00i

2.OO 9.:!3r o.Llo(rt) t.o0{
2.OO9 q2rd o.{no0 o.oou
2.O1rr 9 i9ir 0.i) 0.01]oll
2.O1L 909t 0_s{xx 0-oo0{
2-O12 0.000
2.O13 889b r-I.00(}
2.Or4 o.0{xr{) $.0000
2.O15 &6,110

2-Ot6 851 b {l.olBi} ti.{}t}0{

2-O7a *.ryJ{
2.OL 83'l'o o.0000 n_{x)a{l
2.O19 8:2-c'a o.oo0r o.t)0
8i$.n fl.offf
2.O21 8i.)"rn 0.{xxx} o.tlo00
2.42 799tit 0.otr{ o.o000
?.92? ?&9i o.ofxro
2.O24 774:4 o.o{x}
2-O23 liitl" $.$o{x o.OGo{
7 5q.i1 t).{}YX} 0-a{x{}
3'94 0.{)o[K
?!?1 iI"0000
2.O29 7 29'i

faoe aad SlgMtue of Authorized RepreseEtatlve Dat€

Page 104 of L38

? I
Occidental Mindaro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Campetitiue Selection Pracess for Short-Term- Power Supply


2_OA1 Tt}ln o.ooool o.rlooo
2.O32 09?. o.oi"uij 0.oiloo
2.O43 68?n 0.{}1}ct}: o^i-)0011
2.O34 67qti O.000{}i o.o08rl
2-O3S 66'ri, 0.tlOOO1 F {}"0000
65"r (J.iEtr0i 0.0000
2.O37 6+",'," o.oor{i 0.0000
2 039 63q; o.r:ixxli o.eilo{i
2-Osq 62t'i. G-OO$&l {}-000{

?9&. 0l'ro o"oG-)t!l 0"oo*N

2.O41 tiO96 o.unc0l {.}.o{xx
2.O42 3t:!n ri.iit)tit]i t)"000{}
2.O43 5,3% o.oo0ol 0.oc'orl
2.O44 5 7ori) o.oor-rai {!_o0(}o
2.O45 il ,)oocl {},{lt}L}{)
2.016_ 55e6 o.0000l
2.O4',7 349t o.oooaJ 0-a)0Go
53". e (, {xxxll {}.u0{}c
2.O49 52":r o t;rxnl
2.050 519',$ 0.00t/fii 0.0$sr
2.O51 5rJ-oc {:.axlool o-00{]0
, os2 i'I.ixxnl o.oo${i
2-O53 :+iq!; o.{}ti{"}0; o.ooo0
2.O54 4?d/i tl.{xr{}, o.of,0t
2-()55 4{,',% o ol-rrxll 0.OCtrlO
c nt6 4511i o.o(]{.}$i o.oo00
2-O37 0.ilnool
2-o5A 43fn ().txlriali {i.0{x}$
2.O59 ,Jtr. o.oorxtl o_o00i)
2.f)60 4 i9,a o.ooo0] ti.0txlo
fliFn ii.{}L}{}t}i *.000t
2.1162 3q9a 0.0crl0i 0.01100
2.063 ;8% 0.$0r)rli 0-C'00i1
2.,164 ]7":o 0.00r]*i o.otx}o
2.065 35,r,n 8.OO0Oi 0.{}auo
35qt o.inoo: i).000{i
2-O6',7 a}_{x}txii {}.0{xx)
2 06R ;3!; ii.ryrooi C.O{}:rO
2.069 32!i u.oorxrj {"..$txJfi
2.O70 o.{xrool $-0Ot]a

Itme aad Stgmtue of Antlodred Represeqtatiye Date

Page 7O4 of 738

? h
A ccidental Mindoro El ectric Coop erati ue, lnc.
Competitiue Selechon Frocess for Short-Tenn .Power Supplg

c 041 3$% o.ooooi o.000{

D.O72 )ga i, ,r.ooorrl o.o0o(
)..oua 211"r 0.{){](:l{}1 a!-aftrl
2.474 276,b r.oorn! + o00{
2.O75 ?{iln
2 1"4
- {1.ftlax}t o.{}t}L[
2:oJ9. o.0000i o"ooo{
2 oRn c.0&xj 0.0{](X
2.O41 20q"
2-OA2 i !9r
2.O43 l8il.a o.ooool a.txx)
2.O44 I 70.i, o.ooocll r].ococ
2-O*S 15'1d
2.0a6 l5Tlo
i 4ib 0.{000i o.000{
2.Oaa l3o'
,,.oso 119'6 t]_rlc00i fl.nD{!
2.O91 109;
2-O92 0.00c6i +_{r{}of

o. oooo I 0.o{Jm
2.O9s 6e! 0-o{j0oi il.tloof
59b 0.tr0tFl; o-$o0t
2.094 3qi'
'2nit t).$uoali o.o{}{x
2.100 l1n o fl{xtri O.tlllm
o 1n1 0si tPIJPi
I{ota: Zeruperenr.Cwpri@slwltapplgoalgwlenthegettefrtir\cte.itLsaelabtettula$t&iqetchedbgttesA*eR3!}4t}or.

Variable Cost Variable Cost

Variahle Cost I{o,
E-3 No. 1 Foreiga No. 2 {vc2l
I Local (VC lL)
VARIABLE COSTS {Fet}ruqry 2O21 Reference Prieel {vc 1F} Fuet,:acludidg
Varialrle 6sM Transport

r- ii\\i (PilPi k\\ih)

E*,tre {rd Sigmttre 6f Aut1trladrl Represat*ttfa Dat€

Page 7Q5 of 13a

7 c
Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Frocess for Shoft-Term Pawer Supply

INDEXA?ION (Portion of Price Component that will be indexedl k in Percent (on)

1-I ;41:{ed assl lie- 1 iFC 1l - ia}}iir} l{ri:orery

12^ iiitcij Cosl lio. : i" il'il2i,j - F;r:i.l {]&,M
7 -21t i-ixei {losa }io. 2 l'orign iFCl!'i - Fi:reci,l
1.3a !,a!!1t lr Cosl l{s. I bc:il irrCiLi - Variahle Or&Ll
1.3b larable Cosi i{r:. 1 Fo*:igr iVll Fl - Vadabie t)&}f
1-4 Vuriaur f;"'st iio. f i1;'il2) Fr:r:1, irciud',r:gTran--ix*

Cost No.
Foreigo lFc2F)
Fixed O&M

i ixi9a
2 0n) gq"i 0.0ulxl *.
2.OO3 qSqn 0-008* o^0n0c
2.11f)4 q7q; o.oo00 c.r}oot
2.OO5 r)L)'r" o.fiI)f o.*o(i{r
9it9$ o.rloo0 ri.0000
2.OO7 9.1!.n 0.000Cr
tfifill 93si: 0.{s{x) 0.ooot
929t 0.offxl [i.0000
2.OtO 91 ?o 0.00ilr] {t.0ti0c
2:9.1L !{}9i, 0.i{$lj
2.O12 8cJ9t 0.O$cc
88qir o.{l0cl o-oo0{
B?o.o o.oooo
2:o1! 869a
3ol9 859'o {}.oft){t
?:l]1 s49{
2.O14 8:l96 0.00sfl
2.O19 a:94 0.00$r) o.ooo0
2.O20 8 t".,; {1.00i10 {r.t'}tlO!
, aD1 {i.(il{x o.0000
o.o00t o.*aoo
2 024 "/7ci, {}.o{}tx
2.O25 O.tx$r ()_fE]*{
2 026 75eh {}.&x
2.O27 74ri 0_0rxx
2.O2* ?3qL o.o&x o.oo0i
2.O29 T )!;j 0.0000 {}.oo{x
2 03n 0.txl00 o-{}rxN

l{EDe aad Stgmtue of A[t]rqized Repr66tat{re Date

Page 7O6 af rcA

r L
Acctdental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Iruc.
CorLpetjtiue Selectton Process for Short-Tenn Pauer Supply


) o31 7O'1t o.000( o.ooo0

2.O32 59% o.oooo
2 033 {iBt. ll OLTSGi 8.0${ii
2.O34 67Dl; o.00{x} {} 0{}lo
2_O3S 66}b o.o{[]ll {}"oux}
2,036 f)5% o.00i]0 {1.{xxl{.i
2-OA'r l)4"; o.{looo o.{j000
, o3n 'b3",i' o"000* B.6tlot|
2-o39 62.'; 0"000{l 0"0000
61+.i c.o{,0 0.{}tloo
2-O4t 6s9b o.i)3{}ti t.{noo
2.O42 3c]9t, 0.o0$0 {,}"01}t}t

ET'ZEI 5&ai; o.ooc D.ilofla

2.O44 5 7-q6 0.0000 o-oooo
9)*tzF 56-s5 0.0(xlo $.ooo{}
2.046 550/6 0"co00 o.o$oo
2,O44 3+,]. ii"ooixl
2-O4A & o,o{}&) o.G0$t.)
2-A49 5?9/" o.i)00 o.o00{)
2,O50 5 i9t o.o000 o.oorlc
2-A5l 5*9d o.0u]0 $.$o{x)
2-AS2 0.fijcrl 0.o{xlO
?.o!3 +*-q,l u.oco* o-{x}os
0.OO0! o.{}oo{
2.O55 464,a {}_oso{l o,{.}t}ofl
2.056 .i59b 0_oiio$ o.000{}
2-Osi'r ,_r..le,i

.+39b s,00(a c.al0*0

, ?:o-59-
3oF2 -+29t o.oo{x} o.00tio
e-..)6rl 41!:n
48-sn o.fxi{}lli 0,{looo
,. fi6o SqBri 0_000E 0.00i
2.063 38% 0.004{l o.oooc
2-064 3'f '.t; o.00G)
2-O65 36!( o.000c o.rlt[]{)
;59n 0.Galoo o-sr,4xl
2.067 349a {,.00{x) o.o[Bo
2.068 33ait o.{xx}oi 0.0$G0
2.069 32"..6 o.000c o.tliloo
2.O7,} i].00&] s.tloor

lueand sigeture Date


Page 7O7 of 13a

7 G
Accidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selectian Process far Slwrt-Term Power Supply


Name of the Bidder

,.n71 3Oqa *.000c

2.O7a o.ofi)r] c.oooa
D, 6Aa 2 80,6 fi.{100{ o.ctlilc
2.O74 )7\; 0.oorx {}.$o{}c
2-O7S 26cir 0.00{x
2.O76 ?5% 0.$ottl
2-O77 21tl,o {}.{x}fic
2,O79 22?;* t).0r'){l{r 8.Orx)a
ETiEIi 210,b 0.00{x o.ti*o{t
2.O41 ?o"; o,o0{} s.o00a
2-OA2 1 9"rii 0.00 0.o.Jli
2.O43 I Cq; o-oo0{ o-o{x}c
2.Oa,4 0.o00{ o.000
2_085 I f!6ii c.tx{it o,o{xx
2.O46 l59b o-O{]tli O,{}&X
o.00rlo o_0ofl{
2.088 13$/o o-o00{J {r.otxxi
2.O49 1211, o.000fl
2.O9 I iln *.0a{}
2-O9r .1er:; o.ooi]
3p? 9v$
2 0s2 8-rr" o.f{}G0
7't" o_ffx} o.oooc
2-OgS 5Yn o-oo00 *"00$c
2.O96 5qi,{x 0.tx.](

2.O9A 3qir o.000c

z"k u-n0 o.000ri
2- 1()(l 10,{r o.00f.{
, 101 09'b tPi-lPi
l'I[?2t Ze* gte*efrt CLtF $i@- slw{ awlg oftIg ul@fl lhe genewting anit is awile!4e lel nat diq*lefied b# tlE sl$Serft AIN*tar.

vatialrle cost Varlable Cost

Vaaiatlle Cost No,
No. 1 Fqreign No. 2 {vc2}
1 Local (VCIL)
VARIABLE COSTS (February 2O21 Reference Price) {vc1r.) Fuel, including
Variable O&M
Variable &M Transport
{P}Jr'/kwh} iPI I Pil ii

l{are ald SigffitEe of AlthoEiacd Rapreseltative Date

Page lQE of 738
Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Pracess far Shot-t-Term Power Supply

jia,/ilq. 'l:, occIDBltT,{I" MtrNDOR{3 *:I-SC"RIC CSSp&Fa&?I\.18, I$C.

S:ut . iost. t li'r'idrrrtrl 5di;.:rt,rrlr


Shsrt-Tofr{r troerer Supply


INDEXATION (Portid of Price Codpoaent that will 6e iBdexed) k in Petceot 1.,")

1.1 Fi,Yr,r(i (0$t i,i0. l a:.1 )il f

L.2a F i\.-d ( osr N,, Locrl {Ff 2l,l - i.'r:lrl t)i\Nt
1.2b ! ixrri {'0sf i\r). t'ok ii:ri iI('2F ] - IiHe{1 (-)l!},1
1.3a !rriiaLie (:rs1 Io. I

1-3b i - Vaiil]llc ()*H

1.4 {-10 tt

id Priqe at Capaeitv Utilization Faetor. CUF lgol :;l"ir"r'l

2-OO1 1l){ ili,
2.AO2 o.000(l o.t)a.xx
2.OO3 ,)8,i o.o00c}l(
c] 7ni 0.o1Ju {).ilffx
469l n ni]ft
(iii lil o.ooou
2.OO7 q.i r,i, O.00rX, 0.01x)(
2.OOa o.000{ {l.cit(r
2.O10 , ) 1r\, 0-f-trlrxl (].llaxx
2,O11 9{})il 0.0llt]{i il.Dti
2,OL2 8!','i, 0.000il 0 00tx
2..473 ,i nln 0.o00(
2.Ot4 t1-lN:', il c,0r.x
2.O15 Bilrl1 ll.iic{x
2.4L6 0.alt)oc 0.{XY}
,-dL7 8-{iri. o.{lfxx
2.O1A o {_ra)oL

2.O2(} 8 lriir L).{}0ti
I (.Fl,ll
2.022 ]'it'ri, 0.(i00c) li.{'l{}-)a
2"O23 '; B.t.
o.lltioal o.00()f
'/;'ti, 0.ftio( 0.(xrI
2.O25 7 tili) 0.i_xior
2.026 'i;!i
2-A27 ; 1ttt, 0.()rio
2.O29 0.0{x}f, o.r)fi)f
0 0il0

ilame a4d Sigeatue 6f Authtriecd Ecpreseqtative I}ate

Page 7O9 of 1.38

r L
Occidental Mindora Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Cornpetitiue Selection Process for Slnrt-Tetm Patuer Supply

Fixed O&M
iPHi'/l{\ /hl (Pt tF./liwh)
2.031 7ffla o.0100 o.occxl
2-O32 3lllb D.00rA) ti,i,ltx.lo
2-(}33 681r.;, o.0&10 $,(wx]
2-O34 ir 7o,i, o.tlt}{x.] l).&xi{)
2.(}35 66?t 0.o0{a o"0{x}0
2 (}36 i:5% o_04tr1Q {}.ofti0
ti49i, o.oo00 o.o{}oc
2_03a 53'r'a o.ocr(]0 t)-o&i!:
2_O39 {rf,!* t].0txx] i).i]00c
2-O4r) 6 i9," o.0{y}c
2.O4L 6O!r; 0.000s i].0000
2.O42 59ori 0.00is {}.oooc
2.O43 58.e'i 0_oo&l o.Ofixi
2.O44 i?!; o.offx) o"ol}lc
2-O45 :i6)11. 0.*tsJ o.oaLlc
2-046 0.GCA0
2.O4'7 54";i o.ii{xx) o.o&lt
2.O44 530/o o_oo$o 0.ooOc
2 .)40 52qn o.0{xYl t.ftxlo
2-O5(} o.{xxx) *.o{xJC
2.()51 iLi'ia 0.tltt{xl $.0t10{i
2-o52 491r o.0txlll Ll.tlGll
2.053 4 8c,.r o.0(m o.000r
2-O54 -1?'% *.o{x}J C!.0tl0c
2 {}55 4644 o.0{xi{l o.000c
2.f}56 4 54,:, 0.stm o.{}fi10
2-O5a7 44c,,r o.uaxl0 0.o00il
2_OsA 4tJ't.b o.{}oot
2.d59 42ela 0.o00{ 0_*tx]0
2-r)6.r) 4I _o..!.

2.061 4ffi. o.&h?: 6 e{x}a

2-062 3!r1i 0.{}tx}} a_il({}c
2-063 3,9"i, o.0ffx)
2.064 0.oc0r] {i.000ar
2.065 36?; 0.00(m 0.oo00
2.066 35,qt o.ffff (,.tlL\llc
2 116.2 0.o0cn] 0.{xn0
il3!; o.00ffi)
2.0,69 329!,, 0.o$Gl 0"o00c
2 nao 3 10/" 0.otx{ o.0000

N*me ard Siguture of Authcizcd Representative Dste

Page L7O of L38

O cckiental Mindora Electric Co op eratiue, Inc.

Competitiue Selectian Process for Shoti-Term Pouser Supplg



I'lsta: Zera TxrLYltt /:L.q pti{E sllall applg otzlii uheu tlu 1Se*.erulng i;hif is alnileble bdt ttDt diE)utc})c{l l4l 1ru: [;Asirrn {)pera?rr.

Variable Cost Variable Cost

A.3 No. 2 (Vc2)
No. 1 tocal No. 1 Foreign
(vclL) Fuel,
VARIABLE COSTS (S'ebruary 2O2l Reference Price) {vc1F}
Vadable O&M Variable 8rM including
(PI lP/k\Vh) ,Hl,/kw (PI I P/rkWh)
3.1 ljrfi i"fife

naBe 3Dd. Sigmture o{Autbsized Repre$*tative Date

Page 777 af 738

v L
Occidental Mindora Electric Cooperatiue, IrLc.
Comp etitiue S election Process /or Short-Tetm Potu er Supply

B-l (Portion of Price that will be

1.1 ::'iacd C{rst No. i {i'C1} , CaFiral t+colrln o.0!0.r

7 -2a i-'istid afsl: iilo. 2 l3eai if Li2Li , l;'ir(d {J&M
t-2b ri:,[d L:r'5t I'io" 2 lri;Lrigr lFC2Fj Fi\ed aJI3,]3
1:3a 'laria17i{: C{}st No. I k}cai {V{l 1l"l - Variabln O&i\.]
1.3b i'ariabir: i-:cst No. i lore i$n ll{-l1ir} - Yadahif; O{1.,M
14 yariabie L;osr i\ro. : {Val2j - !uct, iliclu{iingTHxEpofi


2.OO1 1(X)% i

2.OA2 99r; o.0il0c

2.OO3 !49; o-rJ(r{x}i o.1]&}{
2-OO4 973/i. 0.t'){l&-
2-OO.s g{}c,. o_{)f-$
2.OO5 95fi, o.{xx})':
2-OO7 !l-1;qir 0.*ffiO 0.(Erts
2_OO8 ilil"ar
2.OO9 92en o.{{}&l o"orxx
2 (trO ! i9: C rl{}tx}l o-o00t
2.O11 9(F..
2-Ot2 B!]9ir 0.thltxl
8Ssil o.o0o$i r.o(sc
2.OL4 n7?t o.tllm{)
2.O15 6*o..a 0.tlifil
,, .tl6 8Sorn ti-ofix:
2-O1'1 84qi, o.o(noi 0_Oixl
Efitlt 83% o_ofi$l {}"oGl0
2-Otg |i21., o.0sJi
I 1?i 0.o00{i 0.oi)O!
2.O21 si).ri o"G000J 0.oa{x
2.422 799/o 0.&x(i o.00rlr
2-O23 Ttict D.O{Xltl o.0c{]0
2.O24 779,. O.oocr0i r]-o(x]0
2.O25 769b
2.O27 ?4qi {i.{}1xx)i o.{i{*x
2-O29 7-Z!n o {_t{[]oi 0.o{ioc
2.O30 719/0 $,0000 n-OCSI

traee aad Sigmture of AutLorizcd ltepr€s€atative Date

Page 712 of 73A

v L
a ccidental Mindoro Electric Co op eratiue, Inc.
Campetitiue Sel.ection Frocess lfor Shart-Term Power Supply

Bid Price at Capacitv Utilization Factor" CUF (o/.1

2-A?1 ?01i, 0_oOm s.ilixlo

?:9xL 6!l% c.o{Jot} O"{Nit}O
2.O33 6a8,l' o.Glxl o.ixlili,l
2.O34 6'1't:t
2.035 f:6-9t o.otr10 s.tvJ{xl
O J'n o o{)rr0l iJ-l.illrl0
6,t9rs $.orld\l o,o{no
2, A3*, 63% a,{ilrs o"oft)
2-639 620.,i $.*rvx al.L(xx}
2-O4r) 6 1'lr {J,(JIX}O o.0rxlc
2.O41 f).000trJ
2.O42 59;".t 0.uxltl 0.1)0*0
3'9.!] 589; o.0{rilo 0.oil00
2 rt44 o"0mo o.ofilo
2 .}45 Siiti; o.oi}|{ c_tx}}l
2.O47 54"t, o.00{}] o.orx.)t]
2.O44 539.i o.00{x} o"oo0{]
2.:0.19,. 52c; 0.0txlil 0.oOilo
2 oRO 5 in; r'),txx)0 {1.0006
2-()5r 51v, o.{rcLt} {i.{Jl}iX}
2-OS2 49'!." o.o{'$r} o.o(00
EKEE! +8-",b O.OL\JL) rl.ootK)
2-O54 o.01xl0 0.{]o0o
2.Os5 46-'6 $.G()00 o.orloa
2.056 0.Oillo 0.O{txl
q. aR7 {}.illr{xi 0.0000
2 ()s* 430,; 0.o00rl 0.000*
2-O59 o.o0rxl c.otioc
?t"0:60 o.0txx)
2.O6t 4*9.n o-{vJi}c fi.o&)ii
2-062 39% o.L{x)O 3.Oa{
2.f)63 o-0{}{le
2.0,64 o.0$tlil o_0ry10
3*rr. 0_&)o0
2.066 :!.5"r, o,00{xl o..rlo{}c
2_f}6A ti ii.oixrri 0"oslo
anret 32'"r, ().{Xx]fl 0.o00{:l
2-O7fl 3lla 0.0rII1) r].000c

N&e aad Sig@tue of .{uth6ized Represe&tatlve Date

r L
Page 773 of 138

Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperattue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Short-Term Power Supplg

Fixed Cqt No. Fixed cct No.

B-2 Fixed Cost No.
1 (Fc1) 2 Foreign
FIXED COSTS (February 2021 Reference Price) 2 L@al {FC2L)
Fixed O&M
Recwery Fixed O&M
20'f1 il0% 0.0c$0 0.(xx)t]
f (lo';,
2-O72 0.000* 0.0cx)0
2-O73 28% 0.000c o.0o('}6
2-O'74 27+a 0.tlux 0.(xxJO
2.O75 26",.a o.ofiic
2 0at6 ?5o/C 0.(xxxl
2.O',r',| J4t" 0.oixto o.{xo0
2.O74 ?3% o.ouf 0-ooot
2-O79 220/, 0.0000 0.o00c
2-OaO 2 13/; o.0000 0.oou
2.O41 28.!a 0.{xH} 0.ff)o0
2.Oa2 199b 0.oci{x 0.oixlu
, oR3 18qt 0.o00c 0.0000
2.O44 0.o0{B 0.0000
2.08s 169n}oc o.ootlc
2-.!A6 o.oooa 0.0{x){
2-M',7 1 +ri (.).fio( {).tiilo
2.Oaa 0.o0&.) 0.0000
2.O49 1246 0.000t 0.0000
2.O90 1 10..6 0.ffXf, ()ffnc
2.491 1Oe/; 0.ffJ(x o.otx_lt
2.O52 !oa 0.offn 0.0000
2-O93 8q,; 0.00crl 0.0&10
2.O94 o"uxx) 0.o0r}r
2.O95 6?;{ o"0000
2.096 5% 0.0{r,o 0.00c0
,, (\cr,z 4% 0.0cK{l 0.ofixl
2 fiS* o.0fi) 0.0{}},
2-O99 2t! o.0(}00 0.oft)o
, 100 l./i o.ooor 0.000c
2.1()1 ry"PHPI
ti&, krc pemt CUF prie dull awtg onlg whq tJe genoating unit is awilable but not diqatched. bg the Sggem Opqato..

Variable Cost Variable Cct vanaDle uGf

B3 No. 2 (VC2)
No.1 Local No. 1 Foreltn
VARIAELE COSTS (February iO21 Reference lrrtce) (vc1L) (vclFl FueI,
Variable O&M Variable &M including
{Pl1i'/l{Wh) . IPHI'/l(wh) {},1tP/kwh}
3-1 lj1d ttlL-'e

NaBe aod Strgmtue of,Authorized Represeatative Date

Page 774 of 738

? I f,.
O ccident al Mindora Electric Coo p eratiue, Inc.
Cctmpetitiue Selectian Process for Shott-Term Power Suppla

Fiard CosI Nc, i iI.C li aapiral l?€tevcry O.O{Fri

I ir.xi aus! No. 2 jrca: iiiC2L) - t'iacd Uiitlt
t-iauc- C!i!i lio. 2 f,'erclgn iFCIJ:'l , F ired L)&.rld
Varjaillo CosI ltiQ. I Lor:iil tVU1l,1 - fadahlfl t)&\1
i'lifiilDic tirlsl No, 1 l.orr!g1 llrC:tFl - \.a.iabl. OC,NI'
\;tt1*iii+i Csst li.!. J {VC2l '}'xf l, inclildirg llFiEspilr

qi)?; O.Oill*
.]70. 0.o€{l
96$::" *.8{x
ill|-ar {1.O$ot
A!'aa 0.o{x}t)
!; i,'?

36q? 0.L[]x] $.itt{x
85..n O.Oii{'Al 0"M-hli)
a3a; 0^o1)oo
82",; *.ofix i]^0{xx
8 1to il.L{xiti 0.000t)
Il{}9,; r_),0{,oo
78{j o i].{:ra}{lil o.{x.r(}c
7 )e:t a].il{Jiio

Name aad Slgratue of Authorized Represerrtative Date

of 73A

Page L1"5

,fl. f-
Occtdental Mindoro Electnc Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Slnrt-Term Power Suppla

Fixed Cct No-

Fixed cost No.
Fktd c6t No'
c-g 1 (Fc1l 2 Foreign
FIXED COSTS (February 2021 RefereDce Price) 2 Local lFC2Lt
Capital ' (FC2F)
Fixed o&M
Recwery Fixed O&M
(PHP/kwh) IPHP/kwhl {PHP/kwhl
2-O31 7V/$ o.ooml{)
2_O32 6901" o.oooo{ o.0000
2-O33 646/o o.ooool o.oooo
2,O34 670/i ().Oolx)i u.i)0{J(
2.()35 660ta 0.(I r.L)i O"GXX
2.0,3,6 65% u.(xx}ll tl.r)tKl{
2 n3'7 fi49'ir o.r}{xloj 0.oaxx
2-()3a 63q," o.o{xx)i o.ooo0
2-O39 620/0 o.cxlorri o.0000
2.O40 61% 0.oo00l o.0000
2.O4t 6016 o.0000i 0.omO
2.O42 59"/o o.oooo j o.0000
2.O43 58q6 0.OCX)0l o.o{x{
2 r)44 57q6 o_oo(ui 0.cmt
2-O4B 569; o.0a0ol o.Goot
2-046 55?,i, o.offil 0.o(so
2.O47 54o/o o.ooooi o.0000
2-O4a 53".r o.ooool o-o0({)
2-O49 52!ti, o.o{ssl o_fiioo
2 oso 5 1o/" o.oixx); O.0(YJO
2-(l5t 50ori, O.OO{lrli ti.Or})o
2-OS2 490; o.ootx], o.00i)r,
2-053 48o/'o o.oo0oi 0.0000
2.O54 r.,.00Gll 0.00r,0
2.055 46Vo 0.ooooi o.ooo0
2.066 450/o o.ooooj o.oooo
D O3'1 444/o 0.or}rxli o.ff)oo
2-OSA 4 3o/" 0.o{x}ci o.oooo
2.O59 421b o.o{x}"r{ o.r}tior}
,, fr60 4l.oh u.{xxloi iJ.Oul
2.O6L 4fP,/o 0.0r{xil 0.0u0c
2.062 39e',o o o.J3oi o.o(}B0
2_fl63 o.oooo; o.o00(
2-064 370,6 o.mooi 0.ooot
2.06s 360,6 o-osl0i o.oo&)
2.066 359b o.oeroi 0.O(}tx
2.067 3496 o.{)oLro} 0.r$0o
2.064 o"{xl0{ri t}.000c
2_069 320/o o.$0{roi o.oooo
, oao 31o/" o.oomi o.o@c

NaDe and SigBtue of Authoriucd Reprosef,tative Date

Page 776 of 138

7 I h
Occidental Mindoro Electic Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Seiection Process for Short-Term Power Supplg

8: LFO


Fixed Cct No. Fixed Cct No.

Fixed Cost No.
c-2 FIXED COSTS (February 2021 Reference Pfice)
2 L@al (FCzLI
2 Foreign
Capital (Fc2F)
Fixed O&M
Recwery Fixed O&M
at lPHP/kWh) (PllP/lrwli)
2-O7l 30"4 o.ofixl o.ofi)o
2.O72 2gak o.ooo0 {}.ulo{
2.O79 280/o o.ujoo o.0000
2 0,74 270/; o.00c! i").o000
2_O75 2$o,a 0.000c o.finr
2.O76 0.0(xn o-flxx)
2.O77 249ri1 o.00ra o.otxlo
2 0,72 o.ou)c o-ooo(
2.O79 22qo o.oooo $.oooo
2.O*O 2 1 0.0flc0 o.0{xl0
2 rl91 2tqi 0.Of.xtr 0_{r00{
2-O*2 19orir $.ocsil o"0rxx
2.083 189; 0.000c o.0000
2.O44 o.o0fil o.ol\lc
2.085 16?; o.oclix o.o0(vl
2_1186 0.ooff 0.000t
2, nA'7 ] 4ori, 0.0{xx il.000u
2.Ola 1 3?o 0.cxx-)0 0_0000
2.089 o.0000 0.oooc
2.O90 o.(xxa o.oooc
2 ()()1 1{P/o 0.oofi) o,orfio
2 (92 q".h 0.00tvi t).[xnc
2 0q3 8% 0.o(!lo o"000(
2 {lq4 f,.offn o.0(ac
2-OS5 6o,.; O.(,(Xn o.o(xlc
2.O96 o.0000 o.o@0
2.(87 0.o0fi) o.oclo(
2-GrA 3.1,i' 0.0(n0 u.0000
2-O99 2-9b o.cro00 $.000(
2- 100 0.0000 0.000c
2.10r s,;lPHPl
Xcte: krc pwt CUF prire dwll aplg onlg uha tle gaaating unit is anilable but nat diq>abted by tlw sVstem (\xralor.

Variable Cct Variable Cct

No- 2 {vc2)
c-3 No. 1 Local No.1 Foreign
(vclLl (vclF)
VARIABLE COSTS (February 2O21 Refereace Price) includlng
Variable O&M Variable &M

{PLl i'll{Wh) lPl IP/ l(wh) {PI IPll{Wh)

31 lid Pa:Cr

llame and Sigmtue of Auttorized Rcpreseatative Date

Page 177 of 73a

O cctdental l,Iindoro Electric Coop eratiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Short-Term Potuer Supplg


. Checklist for Contents of Main Envelope
. ehecklist for eontents of Envelopes A and B
, Ghecklist for Contents of Bid Security and Eligibility Requirements
. Checklist for Contents of Technical and Financial Proposal
. Checklist for Contents of Electronic Copy of the Bid

Page 178 of 138

Ocadental Mindoro Electrtc Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for SLwrt-Term Power Supply





a ENVELOPE 1: Bid Security and Eligibilifu Requirements
Envelope 1-1:
Folder 1-1: Bid Security
Envelope 1-2:
Folder 1-1: Class "A" Docutrnents - l-egal Documents
Folder 1-2: Class "A" Dacuments - Technical Documents
Folder 1-3: Class "A" Documents - Financial Documents
Folder 1-4: Class "8" Documents
2 ENVELOPE 2: Technical and Financial Proposal
Folder 2-1: Technical Proposal
Folder 2-2: Financial Proposal (Bid Forms)
3 ENVELOPE 3: USB flash drive containing the electronic copy
of the Bid (EligibilityRequirements, Technical Proposal,
Financial Proposaland Excel Bid Formi
Envelope 3-1: Electronic Copy of the Bid

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Competitiue Selectian Process for Shnrt-Term Pawer fupplU


Folder t-{: Bid S+curity
{a) Bid Security


Folder {-{:Class "A'n Documants - Legal Docurnents
(a) Registration certificate from Securities and Exchange Commission
{SEC}" In case of foreign Bidders equivalent Certificatian allowed by
Philippine Laws may be required;
(bi Articles of lncorporation and By-Laws or a Menrorandum of
Association or Partnership duly certified by the concerned authorities
as may be applicable;
(c) Valid and curent Mayor's Permit or rnunicipal license where the
principal place of business of the prospective Bidder is located. In
cases of recently expired Mayofs/Business permits, it shall be
accepted together with the official receipt as proof that the Bidder has
applied forrenewal within the period prescribed by the concerned lscal
govemment unit, provided that the renewed permit shall be submitted
as a pcst-qualification requirement;
id) T ldentification , tl\ IR
(e) Documentary proof of Bidder's cornpliance with Tax obligations, such
i. BIR VAT Registration (Forrn 2303);
ii. Proof of VA"T payments for the months of November 2020 to
Apr* 2A?1 must be submitted;
iii. Tax Clearance frorn the BIR to prove biddefs full and timely
payment of taxes to the government. ln consideration sf the
COVID pandemic, in cases of expireci Tax clearance, it shall
be submitted togetherwith the official receipt as proof thatthe
Bidder has applied for renewal or awaiting tfie releese 6f
certificate ftom the BIR; and
iv A certification under oath frorn Bidder's responsible officers
that the Bidder is free and clear of all tiabilities with the
General lnformation Sheet subrnitted to SEC

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Competitiue Selection Process for Stnrt-Term Power Suppiy


Folder {-2: Class "4" Documents - Technical Bocurnents
(a) Ccrnpany profile highlighting experiences and expertise of the
company and key o#icers in power plant operation;
Matrix cf the Biddefs ongoing projects and generatio* portfolio with
the following minimum information for each power plant:
The name of the power plant;
ii lnstalled and dependable capacity of the power plant;
iii. Type of power ptant accordirlg to fuel 6r enerqy resource;
iv Lccation {address} of the power plant;
Year the power plant was buitrt and cornmissioned; and
Number and ayerage duration of seheduled and unscheduled
outages for the last two {2} years or the actual outage data for
new power plants operating for less than two years supported
by a certificatiun issued by the System Operator or client
distribution utility.
tu/ Matrix of Bidder's cr.istomers with whorn the Bidder have power plant
operation, rental or supply contracts. The statement shall include, fsr
each customer, the following:
i. Name and addre$s of company;
ii" Telephone, cellphone and fax numbers, website URL, and e-
mail address of the cornpany;
iii. Name and pusition of authorized contact perssn{s};
iv Telephone and cellphone number and e-mail address of
contact person{s}, and
Number and average duration ef seheduled and unscheduled
outages for the last two (2) years sr the actual outage data for
new power plants operating for less than two ye*rs supported
by a certification issued by the System Operator or client
distribution utilfu.
(d) Copy of Certificate of Cornpliance issued by ERC or Service Contracts
from the DOE as wellas copies of its Generation Compa*y lnfarmation
$heet (GCIS) and Generation Company Management Report (GCMR)
submissians to ERC for the last two {2} years. For Bidders where the
power plant operation experience is not ccvered by COCs and GCMRs
of ERC, a certification {rorn third parties such as contracted customerls
(e.9", ttlPG$PUG) and the operational reports received or recorded by
the customer/s shall be surbmitted.
(e) ln case the required years of experience and aggregate capaci$ are
not met, the bidders may opt to suhmit a detailed plan on how it intents
to operate and maintain the generating facilities in accordance with the
Philippine Grid and Disfibution Codes, existing industry standards and
applicable Philippine Laws. The delaibd plan must state hGlrv the
Bidder shali operate and maintain the Genderating Facilities as well as
the experience and technical capabili$ ef the person, whether natural
oi juridieal, who will opeiate and maintain the generating faeitities. The
detailed plan must contain the following:
i Eiefutir/e $Umniary;
ii. Description of the Plan for the operation and rnaintainance of
generating faeilities,
lil Fropcsed table of organization including job descriptions,
technieal qualifications and experience of the management of
technical team; and
iv Enlironmental and social obligation compfianee programs.

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Competitiue Seiection Process for Short-Tenn Power SupplU


Folder 1-3: Class "'A" Documents - Financial Documents
(a) The Bidder's Audited Financial Statements, stamped "received' by
the Bi:reau of lnternal Revenue {BlR} for the last two {2} years (i.e.,
for years 2019 and 2020), showing, arnonE others, the Bidder's total
and current assets and iiabilities, Compiete set of financial statement
includes the followinq :
i. Balance Sheet;
ii. lncome $tatement;
iii. Statement of Chanqes in Equity;
Cash FIow Statenrent;
1/" l{otes to Firrancial Statement;
vi. Statement of Managen"rent Responsibility for Financial
Statement; and
vii" Financial Ratias indicating tiquidity rfieasurement ratio, debt
ratio. profitabilitv ratio and operatinq Derformance ratio"
tp) Calculation sheet of the Unrestricted Net Worth sf the Bidder certified
by the Finance Manaqer or Officer of the Bidder.

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Competitiue Selection Process for Stwrt-Term Pouter $ryplg


Falder 1-4: Glaes "B" Documents
(a) $ecretary's Certificate designating the Bidder's authorized
representativels uvho will sign (a) the docunrents required in this
Bid, and {b) the Power Supply Agreement (PSA}, bearing certified
sheets containing at least three {3} specimens of full signature and
three {3} initials of the designated representativels;
{b} A document containing the narne, address and contact details,
including telephone numberls, fax numberls and email addressles,
cf Bidder duly signed by the authorked representativefs;
(c) Omnibus Sworn Statement in accordance with ANiIEX D-1
{d) Acceptance of Bidding Docurnents ANhIEX O-2
/a\ Confi dentiality Aqreement ANNEX D-3
(0 A certification issued by tsidder or lts authorized representative that
each of the docurnents submitted in satisfactien of the lnstruotions
tc Bidders is an originalor a true and faithful reproduction or copy
of the originalA?,INEX D4
(s) Affidavit of Disclosure of Relations in accordance with ITB 13 and
(hi Certificate of No Unsatisfactcry Perfonnance from its contracted
customer in accordance with CITB t2
(,) ii) Statement thatthe Bidder is not banned or blacklisted frorn
bidding by the govemrnent or any of its agencies and other private
corporations or electric cooperatlves and LGUs including its non-
inclusion in the Consolidated Blacklisting Report issued by the
Government of the Philippines {GOP} AH},IEX t}-6
0) A ietter authorizing the TPBAC or its duly authorized
representative/s to verify all of the documents submitted; and
(k) Any other document, in support of documents already submitted,
that may be required by the TPBAC for clarification purposes
during post-qualification.

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Competitiue Setection Process for Short-Term Power &rypla


Folder 2-'!: Technical Proposal
(a) Timeline of Activities presented in FERTICPM Chart, includlng
but not linnited to. the followinq:
i, Proiect financial ctrosing with lenders;
it. Processing ef Goyernment perrnits;
Iil, Cornrnencement of construction,
iv. Completion of site preparation, foundation, and civil works;
!nstallatlon of generating units and cther keir cornpcnents of
the plant(s);
Testing and csrnmissioning; and
vii. Comrnercial operation-
(b) Development and Engineering, Procurement, and Construction
(EPC} Plan describing the methodology, process, and schedule
that shoius the feasibility and credibility that propcsed power
plant(s) will be available on the scheduled Comrnerciai Operation

Typical Annual Operating and Maintenance Program for an

(c) Operating Year including, but not limked dispatch sclredule and
oubge schedule cf generating units and power plants;
(d) Fuel Supply Plan indicating:
Fuel supply contract equivalent to the cooperation period of
the power supply agreement;
ii. Contingency supply for at least fifteen (15) days of sufficient
fuel stock at any point in time: and
iii. Key terms of the Fuel Supply,{qreernent.
Financing Plan including, but not limibd to, detaited description
cf where the furrds will originate {debt financing and equity
financing) and expenditures according to proiect milestones;
(f) Risk hianagement PIan from developnnent to operations
including, but not limited to, pertinent information on project
insurance and bonding program to he put in place; and
{s) Organizational structure and Technical Capability of Key
Personnel and Manpower requirements.


Folder 2-2: Financial Proposal
(a) tsid Forms


Envelope 3-1: U$B flash driva containing the electronic copy of the
Bid {Eliglbility RequiremenE, Technical Proposal, Financial Proposal
and Excel Bici Forml
(d/ Electronic Copy of the Bid

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': r ' ''lr, .

Annex D-1 - Omnibus Sworn Statement

Annex D-2 - Acceptance of the Bidding Documents

Annex D-3 - Confidentiality Agreement and Undertaking

Annex D-4 - Certification of Submission of Original or CTC
Annex D-5 - Certification Regarding Relationship and Against Conflict of lnterest
Annex D-6 - Certification Against Blacklisting and Graft and Corrupt Practices

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Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, lnc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Slnrt-Term Pouer SupplU

ANNEX D-1: Omnibus Sworn Statement



l, [Name af Affiant], of legal age, [Civil SfafusJ, {Nationality}, and residing at
fAddress of Affiant], after having been duly sworn in accordance with law, do hereby
d.epose and state that:

1. Selecf one, delete the other:

lf a sole proprietorshrp: I am the sole proprietor or authorized representative of
[Name of Bidder] with office address at faddress of Bidder];

lf a power supplier or its affiliate, or consortium/partnership of power suppliers:

I am the duly authorized and designated representative of ffotame of Bidder]with
office address at faddress of Bidderl;

2. Selecf one, delete the other:

lf a sole praprietorshrp: As the owner and sole proprietor, or authorized

representative of {Name of Bidderl, I have full power and authority to do,
execute and perform any and all acts necessary to participate, submit the bid,
and to sign and execute the ensuing contract for the Short-Term Power Supply
Agreement (PSA);

lf a power supplier or its affiliate, or consortium/partnership of power suppliers:

I am granted full power and authority to do, execute and perform any and all
acts necessary to participate, submit the bid, and to sign and execute the
ensuing contract for Short-Term Power Supply Agreement (PSA), as shown in
the attached fsfafe titte of attached document showing proof of authorization
(e.9., duly notarized Secretary's Certificate, Board/Partnership Resalution, or
Specral Pawer of Attorney, whichever is applicable;)l;

3. fName of Bidder] is not "blacklisted" or barred from bidding by the Government

of the Philippines or any of its agencies, offices, corporations, or Local
Government Units, foreign governmenUforeign or international financing
institution whose blacktisting rules have been recognized by the Government
Procurement Policy Board;

4. Each of the documents submitted in satisfaction of the bidding requirements is

an authentic copy of the original, complete, and all statements and information
provided therein are true and correct;

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Competitiue Selectton Process for Shart-Term Power SupplA

5. {Name of Bidderl is authorizing the Third Party Bids and Awards Committee to
verify all the documents submitted;

6. Selecf one, delete fhe resf;

lf a sole proprietorshrp. The owner or sole proprietor is not related to the Head
of the Procuring Entity (HoPE), members of the Third Party Bids and Awards
Committee (TPBAC), the Technical Working Group, and the TPBAC
Secretariat, the head of the Project Management Offlce or the end-user unit,
and the project consultants by consanguinity or affinity up to the third civil

lf a power supplier or its affiliate, or consortium/partnership of power suppliers:

None of the officers and members of fName of Bidder] is related to the Head of
the Procuring Entity (HoPE), members of the Third Party Bids and Awards
Committee (TPBAC), the Technical Working Group, and the TPBAC
Secretariat, the head of the Project Management Office or the end-user unit,
and the project consultants by consanguinity or affinity up to the third civil

lf a corporation or joint venture: None of the officers, directors, and controlling

stockholders of fName of BidderJ is related ts the Head of the Procuring Entity
(HoPE), members of the Third Party Bids and Awards Committee (TPBAC), the
Technical Working Group, and the TPBAC Secretariat, the head of the Project
Management Office or the end-user unit, and the project consultants by
consanguinity or affinity up to the third civil degree;

7. fName of Bidder]complies with existing labor laws and standards; and

8. fName of Bidder] is aware of and has undertaken the following responsibilities

as a Bidder:

a) Carefully examine all of the Bidding Documents;

b) Acknowledge all conditions, local or otherwise, affecting the implementation

of the Gontract;

c) Made an estimate of the facilities available and needed for the contract to
be bid, if any; and

d) lnquire or secure SupplementallBid Bulletin(s) issued for the Competitive

Selection Process (CSP) for a New Power Provider/s (NPP/s) of OMECO to
Supply Power in Mainland Occidental Mindoro through Short-Term Power
Supply Agreement (PSA).

9. {Name of Bidderl did not give or pay directly or indirectly, any commisslon,
amount, fee, or any form of consideration, pecuniary or otherwise, to any person
or official, personnel or representative of the government and OMECO in
relation to any procurement project or activity and that it has not engaged in

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Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Seledion Process for Stwrt-Term Power SupplA

conupt, fraudulent, coercive and collusive practices in competing for the Power
Supply Agreement (PSA).

10.fName of Bidder] or ifs affiliate, or consorfium/partnership of power suppliers

have nat engaged in acts involving the following:

a) If the bidder is found to have engaged in any anti-competitive behavior

including but not limited to, cross-subsidization, price or market
manipulation, or other unfair trade practices detrimental to the
encouragement and protection of contestable markets under Seetion 45
0f R.A. 9136;

b) lf the bidder is found to have engaged in any Anti-Competitive Behavior

and Other Unfair Trade Practices stated in Section 8, Rule 1 1 of the IRR
sf R.A. No. 9136;

c) lf the bidder is found to have a "conflict of interest" as a competitor

consistent with the intent of Section 26-,4 (g) of PD. 259, an amendment
to PD. 269 by R.A. 10531.

lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _ day of _, 20_

at Philippines

Bidder's Representative/Authorized Signatory

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _ day of fmonth] fyear] at

fplace of executionl Philippines. Affiant/s is/are personally known to me and was/were
identified by me through competent evidence of identity as defined in the 2004 Rules
on Notarial Practice (A.M^ No. 02-8-13-SC). AffianUs exhibited to me his/her [insert
type of government identification card usedl, with his/her photograph and signature
appearing thereon, with no. and his/her Community Tax Certificate No.
issued on _ at _.
Witness my hand and seal this _ day of [month] [year].


Serial No. of Commission
Notary Public for _ until
Roll of Attorneys No
PTR No fdate issued], [place rssued/
IBP No. [date issued], [place rssued/
Doc. No.
Page No._
Book No.
Series of 20

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Competitiue Selection Pracess for Shart-Term Pouter Supply

ANNEX D-2: Acceptance of the Bidding Documents



Third Party Bids and Awards Committee
Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperative, lnc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Barangay Poblacion Vl,
San Jose Occidental Mindoro

Subject: Competitive Selection Process (CSP) for a New Power Providerls

(NPP/s) of OMECO to Supply Power in Mainland Occidental Mindoro
through Short-Term Power Supply Agreement (PSA)


We refer to the Bidding Documents issued in relation to the above subject

fBidder's namel hereby declares, represents and wanants that:

1 fBidder's namel has read and understood each and every section and page of
the Bidding Documents, the provisions, terms and conditions thereof and any
amendment, supplement or modification thereto, including the Transaction
Information Memorandum and Supplemental Bid Bulletins, and accepts and
agrees to be bound and to fully abide by and comply with the terms and
conditions thereof and any amendment, supplement or modification thereto as
well as the decisions of the Third Party Bids and Awards Committee (TPBAC);

2" lBidder's name] waives any right it may have to seek and obtain a writ of
injunction or prohibition or restraining order against OMECO and TPBAC to
prevent or restrain this Transaction or any proceeding related thereto, the
holding of any other bidding or any proceeding related thereto, the selection of
the Winning Bidder and the execution of the Power Supply Agreement. Such
waiver shall, however, be without prejudice to the right of the undersigned to
question the lawfulness of any disqualification or the rejection of their Bid by
appropriate administrative or judicial processes not involving the issuance of a
writ of injunction or prohibition or restraining order;

3 lBidder's namel shall, at all times, comply with Philippine Law; and

4 lBidder's name] unconditionally and irrevocably waives any defect, deviation,

fault or infirmity in this Transaction and the whole process conducted by TPBAC.

(sign atu re pag e follows)

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Competitiue Selection Process for Short-Term Power Suppla

lBidder's namel By:

Printed Name

Witnessed by:



tcityl ) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, for and in the above jurisdiction, personally
appeared the following:


known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
Acceptance of the Bidding Documents consisting of two (2) pages including this page
where the acknowledgment is written and they acknowledged to me that the same is
their own free and voluntary act and deed and the corporation represented.

WTNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and at the place first above


Doc No. _:
Page No. _:
Book No. _;
Series of 20-.

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Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Shaft-Term Potuer SupplA

ANNEX D-3: Confidentiality Agreement and Undertaking



Third Party Bids and Awards Committee
Occidental Mindoro Electric Cooperative, lnc.
M.H. Del Pilar St., Barangay Poblacion Vl,
San Jose Occidental Mindoro

Subject: Competitive Selection Process (CSP) for a New Power Provider/s

(NPP/s) of OMECO to Supply Power in Mainland Occidental Mindoro
through Short-Term Power Supply Agreement (PSA)


We refer to the Bidding Documents issued in relation to the above subject.

Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meaning given in the
Bidding Documents.

"Confidential lnformation" as referred herein shall mean and include any and all
information, whether written, oral or othenrvise, concerning the business, operations,
prospects, flnances, or other affairs of the OMECO and the Bidders, their affiliate or
consortiumipartnership. Said information includes, without limitation, documents,
product specifications, data, know-how, compositions, designs, sketches,
photographs, graphs, drawings, past, current, and planned research and development,
current and planned marketing or distribution methods and processes, customer lists,
current and anticipated customer requirements, price lists, market studies, computer
software and programs, database technologies, systems, structures and architectures,
historical financial statements, business plans, financial projections and budgets,
historical and projected sales, capital spending budgets and plans, current or
prospective financing sources, the names and backgrounds of personnel, personnel
training techniques and materials, and any portion or section of, or attachment to, the
Bidding Documents, or other documents and materials prepared in connection with
this Transaction, however such information is documented, that has been or may
hereafter be provided, made available or shown to [Bidder's name] or is otherwise
obtained from the review of the documents or properties of, and discussions with, the
OMECO and the Bidders, their affiliate or consortium/partnership of power suppliers,
by [Bidder's name], irrespective of the form of the communication or reproduction or
storage, and also includes all notes, analysis, compilations, studies, summaries, and
other materials prepared by [Bidder's name] containing or based, in whole or in part,
on any information included in the foregoing.

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Competitiue Selection Process for Short-Term Potuer SupplU

The following information will not constitute "Confidential lnformation" for purposes of
this Undertaking: (a) information which [Bidder's name] can prove was already in its
possession and was available to it on a non-confidential basis prior to disclosure by
the OMECO and/or the disclosing Bidders; (b) information which is obtained by
[Bidder's name] from a third person which, insofar as is known to [Bidder's name], is
not prohibited from disclosing the information under a contractual, legal or fiduciary
obligation to [Bidder's name]; and (c) information which is or becomes generally
available to the public other than as a result of a breach of this Undertaking by [Bidder's

IBidder's name] hereby declares, represents and warrants that.

1 [Bidder's name] acknowledges that, in connection with its receipt and

acceptance of the Bidding Documents, including the Transaction lnformation
Memorandum and Supplemental Bulletins, and its participation in the
Transaction, it will have access to Confidential lnformation.

2 ln consideration of its receipt of Confldential lnformation, [Bidder's name]

warrants and undertakes that all Confidential lnformation shall be held and
treated in strict confidence and shall not communicate, publish, sell, trade or
otherwise disclose to anyone, except to its officers, directors, employees,
advisors and consultants, and subsidiaries and affiliates and the latter's officers,
directors, employees, advisors and consultants who need to know the
Confidential lnformation for purposes of preparation and evaluation of the
[Bidder's name]'s Bid and in connection with its participation in this Transaction
and each of the aforementioned persons will be informed and advised by
[Bidder's name] of the confidential nature of such information and the
obligations under this Undertaking. Prior to making any such disclosures,
however, [Bidder's name] shall obtain an undertaking of conf,dentiality,
substantially in the same form and content as this Confidentiality Agreement
and Undertaking, from each such person.

3 [Bidder's name] further warrants and undertakes that it will use the Confidential
lnformation only to prepare and evaluate its Bid and to decide whether or not it
will proceed with and participate in the Transaction.

4 [Bidder's name] acknowledges that the confidentiality obligations set forth in this
document shall terminate three (3) years after date hereof or on the date on
which disclosure is no longer restricted either under the applicable Philippine
Law or under the terms and conditions specified in the Bidding Documents and
the Power Supply Agreement,

(signature page follows)

[Bidder's name] By:

Printed Name

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O ccidental Mindoro Electric Co operatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Seiectian Process for Short-Term Power Suppiy

Wtnessed by:



[cityl )ss

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, for and in the above jurisdiction, personally
appeared the following:


known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
Confidentiality Agreement and Undertaking consisting of three (3) pages including this
page where the acknowledgment is written and they acknowledged to me that the
same is their own free and voluntary act and deed and the corporation represented.

WTNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and at the place first above


Doc No. _;
Page No"_;
Book No. _;
Series of 20

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accidentol Mindora Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selectian Process for S?wrt-Term Pouer SupplA

ANNEX D-4: Gertification of Submission of Original or CTC



l, (NAME OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE), of (Bidder's Name), with office

address at after having been sworn to according
to law, hereby depose and state that:
I am the authorized representative of (Biddefs name) as per Board Resolution No-
_, dated , submitted in accordance with this

7. (Bidder's name) is a company organized and existing under the laws of the
Republic of the Philippines and is participating as a Bidder in this Transaction;

2. All of the documents submitted by (Bidder's name) in satisfaction of the

lnstructions to Bidders and submitted as part of this Transaction are originals
or certified true and correct copies of the original document(s).

3. (Bidder's name) hereby authorizes the Third-Pafi Bids and Awards

Committee (TPBAC) or its duly authorized representiative/s to verify all of the
documents submitted by (BiddeCs name).


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of 2020 at

City, Philippines, the following who is personally known to me exhibiting to
me the following:

Affiant Competent Evidence of ldentity

Type of lD lD Number and Expiry

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Book No.
series 6f 20

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Competitiue Selectian Process for Short-Temt Pawer Supplg

ANNEX D-5: Certification Regarding Relationship and Against Conflict of




l, (NAIVIE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE), of (Name of BiddeQ with office

address at after having been sworn to according
to law, hereby depose and state that:

1. I am the authorized representative of (Bidder's name) as per Board Resolution

No. _, dated submitted in accordance
with this Transaction;
2. (Bidder's name) is a company organized and existing under the laws of the
Republic of the Philippines and is participating as a Bidder in this Transaction;
3. (Bidder's name) will not submit more than one Bid in this bidding process;
4. (Bidder's Namei:
(i) does not have the same legal representative as any other Bidder in this
Transaction for purposes of this Bid;
(ii) has not participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design or
technical specifications of the subject of the Bid; and
(iii) does not lend, or temporarily second, its personnel to firms or organizations
which are engaged in consulting services for the preparation related to
procurement for or implementation of the project, if the personnel would be
involved in any capacity on the same project.
5. Further, I and none of (Bidder's name)'s Officers, Directors, and Controlling
Stockholders are related to the head of OMECO by consanguinity or affinity up
to the third civil degree or any of their officers or employees having direct access
to information that may substantially affect the result of the Bidding, such as, but
not limited to, the members of the TPBAC-Technical Working Group (TPBAC-
TWG), the members of the Third Party Bids and Awards Committee (TPBAC),
the TPBAC Secretariat, OMECO consultants for this CSP, and OMECO Board
of Directors and Management,
6. (Bidder's name) acknowledges and accepts that relationship of the nature
described above or failure to comply with the foregoing provisions will result in
the rejection of (Bidder's name) Bid-


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acciderttal Mindoro Electric Coop eratiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Slnrl-Term Power Suppla

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of 2020 at

City, Philippines, the following who is personally known to me exhibiting to
me the following:

Affiant Competent Evidence of ldentity

Type of lD lD Number and Expiry Date


Doc. No.
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Book No.
Series of 20-

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Occidental Mindora Electic Cooperattue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Stnrt-Term Power Supply

ANNEX D-6: Certification Against Blacklisting and Graft and Corrupt Practices



l, (NAME OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE), of (Bidder's Name) with office

address at after ha ving been sworn to according
to law, hereby depose and state that:

1. I am the authorized representative of (Bidder's name) as per Board Resolution

No. _, dated , submitted in accordance
with this Transaction;

2. (Bidder's name) is a company organized and existing under the laws of the
Republic of the Philippines and is participating as a Bidder in this Transaction;

3. (Bidde/s name) is

a. Free and clear of all liabilities (including taxes, customs duties, among
others) with the government.

b. Not "blacklisted" or barred from Bidding by the Government or any of

its agencies, offices, corporations or LGUs, including its non-inclusion
in the Consolidated Blacklisting Report issued by the Government of
the Philippines (GOP) and the World Bank.

4. (Bidder's name) has never been engaged in nor will it at any time engage in
corrupt, fraudulent, coercive and/or collusive practices in competing for
contracts including, but not limited to, Power Supply Agreements (PSAs)
beginning from the commencement of the transaction until the complete
execution of all agreements, when appticable.

5. ln accordance herewith, (Bidder's name) acknowledges and aecepts the

applicability to it of Section 39 of the lnstructions to Bidders.

6. (Bidder's name) further understands and accepts that the Third Party Bid and
Awards Committee will reject any Bidder and/or refuse award the PSA to such
Bidder which it determines to have engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, coercive
and/or collusive practices in any stage of this Transaction.

7. Finally, (Bidder's name) understands and accepts that the TPBAC may also
declare a Bidder ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, and
may disqualify the Bidder outright if it determines that the said Bidder has
engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices at any time in the past.

Page 737 of 798

accidental Mindoro Electric Cooperatiue, Inc.
Competitiue Selection Process for Sho*Term Potuer Supplg


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of

20_ at City, Philippines, the following who is personally
known to me exhibiting to me the following:

Affiant Competent Evidence of ldentity

Type of lD lD Number and Expiry


Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 20

Page 138 of 73A

f t G

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