Week12 02411940000179 D Muhammad Ardhan Anshari

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Muhammad Ardhan Anshari

Kelas D

Please answer the following questions and include the references.

1. Explain the following:
(a) ) The definition and benefit/purpose of Intelligent Manufacturing System (IMS)
(b) Please read “The Intelligent Manufacturing Systems” research article by Holubek and
Kostal (provided in the drive) then explain:
i. Explain the basic system needed to apply machine intelligence (explain as detailed
as possible).
ii. Explain the purpose of the intelligent manufacturing process control.
iii. Explain what the information which are needed to plan the best manufacturing
process control.
2. Explain thoroughly the following (Use appropriate references):
(a ) The definition of Virtual Manufacturing
(b) The scope of Virtual Manufacturing
(c) The benefits contributed by Virtual Manufacturing
(d) The usage of Virtual Manufacturing in different business sectors (implementation of
VM) min. 2 examples.
3. Please give a brief explanation of what is reconfigurable manufacturing system (RMS) is and
draw an example of a reconfigurable manufacturing line based on 6 cores characteristic of
RMS (Scalability, Convertibility, Diagnosability, Customization, Modularity, Integrability).

Muhammad Ardhan Anshari
Kelas D


a) Intelligent Manufacturing System (IMS) is a type of contemporary manufacturing that combines the
ability of humans, machines, and all other processes to produce the best possible product. The use of these
technologies will result in the elimination of all labor. IMS's objectives are to maximize value while
satisfying customer requests by maximizing resource usage, minimizing waste, and maximizing value.
b) i. To apply machine intelligence, a basic system is required.
Monitoring is a fundamental mechanism for achieving machine intelligence in manufacturing since it can
track the system's internal state as well as changes in the environment. Sensors are placed in strategic
locations throughout the system to determine the parameters that will be utilized as control system input
data. The information will be valuable for a variety of technological and other purposes related to the
production process. Shortening the production run time, increasing production productivity, economic
policy, and eliminating worker intervention are the four key criteria of an intelligent production system.
ii. The goal of intelligent manufacturing process control is to ensure that the production process is as
efficient as possible.
Intelligent manufacturing process control is used to keep a process operating in a state of dynamical
stability and replace it with one that is in an equilibrium state. This approach is also used to analyze the
manufacturing process in terms of a series of sequential operational motions that result in the
accomplishment of the desired end state.
iii. Data required to plan the most effective manufacturing process control
Feedback is an important component of every control system. Before the information can be used for
manufacturing process control, the described model of system behavior must first be understood. By
specifying the purpose, the control algorithm and technological system may be designed for its
implementation. The desired end state must be real, attainable, and attainable. In addition, the material
must be presented in a pleasant manner.

a) The definition of Virtual Manufacturing
In the design stage, virtual manufacturing is a computer-based technique for designing, simulating, and
visualizing production processes. It is possible to discover and fix the underlying production issue.
Before the actual creation of the product, the simulated models can predict potential difficulties with
b) The scope of Virtual Manufacturing
Product, procedures, and resources are all part of virtual manufacturing's scope, which includes cost,
weight, investment, timing, and quality restrictions.
c) The benefits contributed by Virtual Manufacturing.
Virtual manufacturing provides some advantages in terms of product development. It can cut time-to-
market, reduce the number of prototype models, and increase product quality. It will reduce material
waste and tooling costs from a production standpoint. Through consumer participation in the integrated
product development process, virtual manufacturing can also optimize manufacturing operations and
strengthen customer relations.
d) The usage of Virtual Manufacturing in different business sectors (implementation of VM) min. 2
The application of virtual prototype technology in loaded design optimization is a virtual
manufacturing implementation in the automotive industry, such as American Caterpillar Co. The
modeling data can be utilized to develop, simulate, and process stamping tools directly. Robot-assisted
surgery, multi-modality picture fusion, and virtual colonoscopy are examples of further applications in
the medical field.
3. A reconfigurable manufacturing system (RMS) is one that can change its configuration. It has the ability to
alter production capacity and functionality by reconfiguring hardware, software, and control resources. RMS
has six distinct characteristics:

a. Scalability : The system has the ability to alter the product's volume scale as needed.
b. Convertibility : The capacity to quickly adapt existing systems, equipment, and control software to meet
new production needs.
c. Integrability : Through a set of mechanical and control interfaces that enable integration, the ability to
swiftly and accurately integrate components.
d. Modularity : All of the components, including software and hardware, are modular.
e. Customization : Because part family products can be made, machining and system costs can be reduced.
f. Diagnosability : The ability to automatically read the present state of the system As a result, the root cause
of production flaws can be easily detected and diagnosed.

Chablat, D. C., Depince, P., Noel, E. & Woelk, P.-O., 2006. The Virtual Manufacturing Concept: Scope, Socio-
Economic Aspects and Future Trends.
Deif, A. M. & Elmaraghy, W. H., 2006. A Systematic Design Approach for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems.
Advances in Design.
Chang, K., 2015. Virtual Machining. e-Design, pp.599-646.
Koren, Y., Gu, X. and Guo, W., 2021. Reconfigurable manufacturing systems: Principles, design, and future trends.

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