Phraseology: Step Phraseologies: Pick The Phone Before The 3 Ring As You Say

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Reservation information to confirm

Some information that may be confirmed with the customer may include:
 Status of the reservation – confirmed or cancelled
 Name of booking
 Number of persons
 Expected time of arrival
 Any special requests
 Confirm existing requests.

Restaurant Reservation Script:

1. Greet the caller and offer assistance. Pick the phone before the 3rd ring as you say:

“Good Taste Restaurant, Good morning.

This is (your name) speaking. May I help

2. Ask the expected date and time of “When will be the date of your reservation
reservation. Sir/Maam? May I know the time of your
reservation Sir/Maam?”

“Excuse me Sir/Ma’am, May I just check

and verify the availability of those dates?”

“Thank for waiting, Sir/Ma’am, those dates

are available.”

3. Ask the name who will use the “May I know your name Sir/Maam? (Spell
reservation and the customer’s out the name or you may ask the spelling of
contact number. the name)

“Is this your reservation Sir/Maam or you

are reserving for someone else?”

May I know your contact number

Sir/Maam?” (Repeat the contact no.)

4. Ask the number of pax. “How many are we expecting Sir/Maam?” or

“For how many pax Sir/Maam?”

5. Ask the area/table of preference “Sir/Ma’am, where do you prefer Smoking

Area or Non-smoking Area?”

6. Ask the customer’s order. “Do you want to have a pre-order Sir/Maam;
or you will just order upon your arrival?”

7. Ask for special requirements. “Do you have any special requirements

8. Confirm or repeat the conversation. “Mr./Ms. ______________, you have reserved a

table for (number of pax) on (Date and time).
You have a pre-order of (list of the
customer’s order) / You will order upon
your arrival. Is everything clear Sir/Maam?

9. Inform the 30-minutes rule. “Mr./Ms. _______________, this is to inform

you if you are 30 minutes late or more from
your reserved time of arrival, the restaurant
will give the table to our waitlisted

10. En “Thank you for calling us Mr./Ms.

d the call and thank the customer. ______________. We hope of seeing you on
(Date). Have a nice day. Good bye.”

Table Service with Reservation

Receptionist: Good morning Sir/Maam! Welcome to Good Taste Restaurant. May I help
Guest: May I dine in?
Receptionist: Do you have any reservation Sir/Maam?
Guest: Yes, I do have.
Receptionist: May I know under what name Sir/Maam?
Guest: Under Mr./Ms. _____________________, please.
Receptionist: Would you mind to stay at the lounge Sir/Maam and I’ll just verify your
Guest: Alright! Thank you.
Receptionist: Sir/Maam, you have a reservation for two. This way to your table, please
follow me. (Lead the customer towards his/her table.)

Receptionist: (Assist the customer in seating.) This is Juff, he will be your waiter for the
rest of your service Sir/Maam.
Waiter: Good morning Sir/Maam. May I open the table napkin for you Sir/Maam?
Guest: Ok. Thanks!
Waiter: (Do the water service). May I serve you a glass of water Sir/Maam?
Guest: Ok!
Waiter: Excuse me for a while Sir/Maam, I’ll just get the menu for you.
Guest: (Nodded)
Waiter: Here is the menu Sir/Maam for your selection. You may call my attention once
you are ready for your orders Sir/Maam.
Guest: No problem. Thank you!
Waiter: May I now take your order Sir/Maam?
Guest: Can I have this…..?
Waiter: Ok Sir/Maam. (Do suggestive selling.)
Guest: (Depends on the customer’s response.)
Waiter: You have order the following Sir/Maam, …………. (Repeat the order)
Guest: Ok! That’s all!
Waiter: May I get back the menu Sir/Maam?

Waiter: (Place the orders in the kitchen and bar. Announce it to notify the staff on-post.)
Waiter: Excuse me Sir/Maam, May I just adjust the set-up? (Correct the table set-up
according to the orders of the customer. Either your adjust or add table appointments in
each cover.)
Guest: (Nodded.)
Waiter: (Do the Wine Service.)

Waiter: Here is your appetizer Sir/Maam, a fresh serving of Prawn and Mango Cocktail.
Enjoy! (Serve food according to the sequence standard.)
Guest: Ok! Thanks!
Waiter: (Once the guest is done, clear the customer’s table.) Are you done with your dish
Sir/Maam? How was the food Sir/Maam? May I know clear your soiled dishes Sir/Maam?
Guest: Ok! Thanks!
-(continue the service until the last order is served. Serve the beverage before the service
of the main course.)
Waiter: Do you like to end your meal with a cup of coffee or tea Sir/Maam?
Guest: Yes, please! Can I have a cup of coffee?
Waiter: What type of coffee do you prefer Sir/Maam? Brewed coffee, Cappuccino,
Macchiato or Iced coffee?
Guest: Brewed coffee, please.
Waiter: Ok Sir/Maam.
(Do the crumbling/brushing down method)
Waiter: (Serve the after-dinner drinks.)

Waiter: How will you settle your bill Sir/Maam?

Guest: Cash!
Waiter: May I now get your bill Sir/Maam?
Guest: Ok!
Waiter: Here is your bill Sir/Maam.
Guest: No prob.
Waiter: I received ………… Sir/Maam.
Guest: (Nodded.)
Waiter: Here is your change Sir/Maam. (If the customer has a change.)

Waiter: May I accompany you to the door Sir/Maam? Thank you for your patronage. I
hope of seeing you soon. Good day!

Table Service without Reservation

Receptionist: Good morning Sir/Maam! Welcome to Good Taste Restaurant. May I help
Guest: May I dine in?
Receptionist: Do you have any reservation Sir/Maam?
Guest: None!
Receptionist: A table for how many Sir/Maam?
Guest: Table for four please.
Receptionist: Smoking or non-smoking area Sir/Maam?
Guest: Non-smoking area please.
Receptionist: Ok Sir/Maam, this way to your table, please follow me. (Lead the customer
towards his/her table.)
Guest: Alright! Thank you.

Receptionist: (Assist the customer in seating.) This is Juff, he will be your waiter for the
rest of your service Sir/Maam.
Waiter: Good morning Sir/Maam. May I open the table napkin for you Sir/Maam?
Guest: Ok. Thanks!
Waiter: (Do the water service). May I serve you a glass of water Sir/Maam?
Guest: Ok!
Waiter: Excuse me for a while Sir/Maam, I’ll just get the menu for you.
Guest: (Nodded)
Waiter: Here is the menu Sir/Maam for your selection. You may call my attention once
you are ready for your orders Sir/Maam.
Guest: No problem. Thank you!
Waiter: May I now take your order Sir/Maam?
Guest: Can I have this…..?
Waiter: Ok Sir/Maam. (Do suggestive selling.)
Guest: (Depends on the customer’s response.)
Waiter: You have order the following Sir/Maam, …………. (Repeat the order)
Guest: Ok! That’s all!
Waiter: May I get back the menu Sir/Maam?

Waiter: (Place the orders in the kitchen and bar. Announce it to notify the staff on-post.)
Waiter: Excuse me Sir/Maam, May I just adjust the set-up? (Correct the table set-up
according to the orders of the customer. Either your adjust or add table appointments in
each cover.)
Guest: (Nodded.)
Waiter: (Do the Wine Service.)

Waiter: Here is your appetizer Sir/Maam, a fresh serving of Prawn and Mango Cocktail.
Enjoy! (Serve food according to the sequence standard.)
Guest: Ok! Thanks!
Waiter: (Once the guest is done, clear the customer’s table.) Are you done with your dish
Sir/Maam? How was the food Sir/Maam? May I know clear your soiled dishes Sir/Maam?
Guest: Ok! Thanks!
-(continue the service until the last order is served. Serve the beverage before the service
of the main course.)
Waiter: Do you like to end your meal with a cup of coffee or tea Sir/Maam?
Guest: Yes, please! Can I have a cup of coffee?
Waiter: What type of coffee do you prefer Sir/Maam? Brewed coffee, Cappuccino,
Macchiato or Iced coffee?
Guest: Brewed coffee, please.
Waiter: Ok Sir/Maam? (Serve the after-dinner drinks.)

Waiter: How will you settle your bill Sir/Maam?

Guest: Cash!
Waiter: May I now get your bill Sir/Maam?
Guest: Ok!
Waiter: Here is your bill Sir/Maam.
Guest: No prob.
Waiter: I received ………… Sir/Maam.
Guest: (Nodded.)
Waiter: Here is your change Sir/Maam. (If the customer has a change.)

Waiter: May I accompany you to the door Sir/Maam? Thank you for your patronage. I
hope of seeing you soon. Good day!

Room service script:

Room Service Request or Call:
1. Greet the caller and offer Pick the phone before the 3rd ring as you say:
“Room Service, Good morning. This is (your
name) speaking. May I help you?”

2. Ask the room service order. “May I have your orders Ma’am/Sir?”

3. Ask the name who is asking “May I know your name Sir/Maam? (Spell out
for a room service and the the name or you may ask the spelling of the
room he/she is staying at. name)

May I know your room number Sir/Maam?”

4. Ask the time of delivery. “What time we will deliver your orders

5. Ask for special requirements. “Do you have any special requirements

6. Confirm or repeat the “Mr./Ms. ______________, you have ordered the

conversation. following __________________. It will be delivered
on (time of delivery) at (room number of the
guest). Is everything clear Ma’am/Sir?

7. End the call and thank the “Thank you for calling us Mr./Ms.
customer. ______________. Have a nice day. Good bye.”

Room Service Delivery

*RSW- Room Service Waiter
*G- Guest

RSW: (Knock 3 times) Room Service!

(Once the door is open) Good morning! I am (name of the room service waiter)
your room service waiter, here are your room service orders. May I come in?
G: Ok!
RSW: (Locate or find the nearest table) Where would you like me to set-up your
orders Ma’am/Sir, on the table or I’ll just leave it on the tray?
G: On the table please!
RSW: (Set it on the table) May I set it on the table Ma’am/Sir?
G: Yes please.
RSW: May I now serve your orders Ma’am/Sir?
G: Ok.
RSW: (Serve the dishes. Open the plate cover and announce the dish. Open the
coaster and announce the beverage order. Serve water.)
G: Thank you!
RSW: (Do some extra service.)
- Would you like me to open the curtains to brighten up you’re your room
- Would like me to lower down the thermostat of the air-conditioning unit to warm
up your room Ma’am/Sir?
- Would you like me to adjust the volume of your television?
- Would you like me to arrange your things?
RSW: Is there anything else I can do for you Ma’am/Sir?
G: None.
RSW: Here is your bill Ma’am/Sir?
G: Here!
RSW: When will I come back to clear your soiled dishes?
G: Around 1:00 PM.
RSW: Ok Maam/Sir. Enjoy your meal. Have a nice day. Goodbye.

Clearing service:
*RSW- Room Service Waiter
*G- Guest
RSW: (Knock 3 times) Room Service!
(Once the door is open) Good morning! I am (name of the room service waiter) your
room service waiter, here are your room service orders. May I now clear your soiled dishes
G: Ok!
RSW: (Arrange the things in the tray) Is there anything else I can do for you Maam/Sir?
G: On the table please!
RSW: (Set it on the table) May I set it on the table Ma’am/Sir?
G: None
RSW: Ok Maam/Sir. Have a nice day. Goodbye.

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