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Labs Day 02

Lab 04 - Configure Disk Storage Server

I- Configure Disk
1- Open Backup Exec Console.
2- Go to storage tab.
3- Select configure storage Option on the ribbons tab.
4- Select the Disk-based Storage option.
5- Select the Disk storage type.
6- Create the name for the disk storage STOR-LABXX. (XX your lab Number)
7- Select drive F: storage creation.
8- Configure 2 concurrent write Operations.
9- Review the configuration.
10- Select Finish.
II- Modify Disk Properties
1- Select newly create disk storage.
2- Double click for Properties.
3- Modify low disk warning to 20%
4- Modify Concurrent write operations to 5.
5- Modify Disk space reserve for Non backup Exec Operations to 1024MB.
6- Apply changes and review.
III- Create Storage Pool
1- Select configure storage Option on the ribbons tab.
2- Select the storage Pools option.
3- Select the storage device pool option.
4- Create the name for the disk storage pool STOR-POOL-LABXX. (XX your lab Number)
5- Select the disk Storage Option for the Pool.
6- Select your previously created disk storage.
7- Review and click finish.
8- Review newly created storage Pool.

Lab 05 – Tape Devices and Tape Management

I- Define Clean Slot

1- Go to Storage Tab.
2- Expand Robotic Library 0001.
3- Select Slots and double click.
4- Select slot 1 and double click.
5- Modify cleaning Option to Yes.
6- Apply changes.
II- Inventory Library tapes.
1- Go to Storage Tab.
2- Select slots option.
3- Right click and select scan.
4- Select scan now.
III- Create Media Sets.
1- Select all tape media.
2- Right click and select create Media Set.
3- Select name Active_Directory.
4- Select overwrite Protection to 2 Weeks.
5- Select 3 days to append data.
6- Review and Finish.
7- Repeat and create 2 more media sets for SQL and Hyper-V.
8- Review Media Sets Properties.
IV- Associate Tapes to media Set
1- Go to Tape Library and select slots.
2- Select tape 02 and right click.
3- Select the option associate with media Set.
4- Select media set for active directory and click ok.
5- Review the tape slot for changes.
6- Repeat for Tape 03 to Hyper-V.
7- Repeat for Tape 04 to SQL.

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