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Applications of Game playing.

i. Games are well-defined problems that are generally interpreted as requiring intelligence to play
ii. Games usually are well-defined, repeatable in nature, fully observable and have limited
iii. Game playing can help directly compare humans and computers.
iv. It is a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more
persons who play according to a set of rules and require decision making within limited time.
v. Some real-world competitive situations like missile defense, sales price wars for new cars,
energy regulation, auditing tax payers, terrorism, labor-management negotiations, military
conflicts, bidding at auction, arbitration, advertising, elections and voting, agricultural crop
selection, conflict resolution, stock market, insurance, and telecommunications etc. are some
areas that make use of game playing concepts and can be counted as a few applications of game
playing in real world.
vi. For instance after learning how to play the game tick-tack-toe, one probably discovers a strategy
of play and sticking to that strategy ensures that he will not lose. Similarly, the aspects of all the
above cited areas have been subjected to analysis using the techniques of game playing.
vii. So choosing the best or optimal strategy or a mixture of strategies along with some
Mathematical analysis can help one to master the various fields he/she is in.

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