GE Lighting Systems M-400A Cutoff Powr-Door Series Roadway Cobrahead Spec Sheet 5-75

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GE liqhtina

" GEA-10197A

General Electric rnakes"the



Reduced Glare: with a unique new

shielded optical system that incor-
porates a specially-desiqned ref lec-
tor f or use with f lat-glass ref ractors
and clear'arc light sources such as

Fast Access to all Maior Elec-

trical Componentsr G E'5 e\clus ve
PowR/MoDtlL E@ bat asr aiiem
bly expedites change-out and main-

3. Easy Relampins and Optical As-

semblv Servicing: one latch opens
captive door for access to the
entirely sealed reflector svstem.
Minimal Light Loss from Contaminants: charcoalJiltered and lnternal Photosl€ctric Control Protectsd from Damag€: Astro-
gasketed optical assembly greatly reduces light oss which results Aome@contro (optional), located inside the housing, isprotected
from gaseous and particulate materials . . . and is factory-installed from o!tside dangers such as rocks, tree and common main-
for hish quality sealing. tenance headaches.

Simpli{ied Assembly on the Ground or in the Air| two,bolt sllp- 1. Optimum Lighting Efficiencyr The patented Alglas@ treated
fltter al o,"!s line crews to install the uminaire on its bracket on reflector is precision formed for optimurn lighting efflciency. The
the ground, or to mount bracket and luminaire on th€ pole in the Alq as silicate film is chemical v bonded to the alurninurn interior
air with minirnurn effort and time. and exterior to seal the surface. Alglas is lightweight, non-
breakable, and yet as smooth and easy to clean as glass,

cErERAr @ rrrcrnrc
ihe umLnaire shall be a Genera Electl c Lumin.ire Type M.4O0A
CLrtoff Cat. No. (Specify) suitnble for use on mu iiple circuits.
The umina re s to be precislon d e cast aluminum and is to be fur
nished complete with Powr/Mo.]u e ass€mbly, to wh ch are mounted
the .najor electric€ components for multlple operatlon incl!ding bal
asi, capacitors, (and Astrodome conlro, when specifled). Acc€ss to
the ternrinal board and bal ast assemb y shal be accomplished by the
oosening of a single captlve screw on the power door. The lumina re
sha I contain an internal ba last of the (regulator, auto regulator) type
capi]b e of operating from a mu riple (specily vo tage) clrcuit. The
bailasr sha be prewired Lo rhe amp socket ancl termina board, requir
ing on y connection of the powe. supply eacls 1o the 1-orminn board.
The entire Powr/ e .ssemb y sh: I be qu ck y ancl easily remov.
able rnd replrceab e throu.lh the !se ol quick disconnect plugs. Lum.
narres wth pholoeectric receptaces shall lre in.ccordance with
EEI-NEMA st.n.l;lrcls Th-" receptacle shB be prewlred to the term na
bo.rd.nd q!ick d sconnect p uqs.
Thes ipfitter sha I b€ capab e of a.laptlng to 1 1/4 inch through 2-inch
pipe-size rnountinq brack€ts without the need ot separate rnounting
parts or rearrangernent of moLrnting components. Leveling and c amp-
in! of tha u'ninaire to the brackei shall be accomplished by the tight
en ng of two boLts accesslble both external yand nternally.
The optica assembly shall provid€ true 90o cutoff and shie dlng ancl
sha consist of: a clie cast a umlnurn lens holder with an alum nLrr.
ALGLAS@ flnished, hydroformed, gasksted reflector' a heat and
lmpact reslstant, flat stippled glass lens; a porc€lain enclosed mogu
rnu 1p e screw shel socket with amp grips. The adjLrstab e socket
hoLder shal have two vertical and !wo hori2onta posltions. The optic!l
assemblv shall contain an activirled charcoal li t€r which prevents
parl cLr ate and qaseous contam nation.
For electrica safety, rhe optica ass€mb y shall automatica ly and vis-
lbly disconnect the socket eads when opened for relamping. The opti-
cal assernbly shal nc ude . removable si icone gasketed socket cannis-
ter for ease of relamping and cl€an ng. (No too s requir€d.) The
rei ector shall be spec fically clesisned 11] produce an ANSI, I ES med'
um cutoff rype ll or type llL llqht cl str bution when used with a 400
wait Hilh Pressure Sodium Lamp.


c667G506 724 2 M-C rl

c667G507 244 M-C-tl
250W 120 2 MC
c667G524 l50w 120 2 5C
40 ow 12 0x240'
t2Ox24ar 4 S-C- ll


c667G500 40 0w 120 2 M-C-
c667G50t 204 2 M C L!
c667G5o? 240 2 M-C
c667G503 277 2 MC I

c667G504 MC I

250!! I2A 2 MC I

c667G5tO 208 2 M.C- r

c667G511 24.] 2 M C lt
c667G512 2/1 2 M.C.t!
c66 7G51:l 440 MCI
c667G518 rsow Re!u ator 2 J c-ll
c667G519 2 s-c-ll
c667G520 2 sc
c667G521 277 5 C.
c667G001 4 o0w
c66 7G004
4oow r:o"Z,lO'
204 i
c667(jO0!.1 i
OPTIONS: l.Aslrodome Photoe ectr c Contro
2.Co or Siandrrd is lrav A lab e n 8 decorator colors.
' l20x240vo tun rsirre faclory wi,ccl for I20vots


Lighting Systems Business Department, Hendersonville, N. C.
5/75 (20M)

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