Wellington High School

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Wellington High School

Te Kura Tuarua o Taraika ki Pukeahu

End of Year Report 2020


Year 9
McKelvey Whānau
Wellington High School
Te Kura Tuarua o Taraika ki Pukeahu
End of Year Report 2020
Conory Gulow
Groups, Activities and Awards for this year
Rōpū teacher comment:
Conory has developed some good friendships within our Herengatahi group. He has joined D&D club, but could
consider trying other cocurricular activities as well next year to broaden his connections. Conory said that his
highlight of the year was lockdown, which indicates he enjoys working independently away from the distractions of
the classroom. In 2021, Conory should focus on developing his group work skills.

Rōpū teacher: H Paton-Smith

Dean: E Meredith, H Paton-Smith

SOLO taxonomy and NCEA

Solo Taxonomy stands for Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes. Much of the thinking behind the NCEA
Achievement Standards is modelled on the same scaffolding SOLO taxonomy offers. The SOLO taxonomy has
been used to describe the different levels of thinking in the standards. The stages in the SOLO taxonomy are
increasing in quantity and quality of thought.
• Achieved level often relates to the multistructural stage where students need to know or use more than one
piece of given information, fact, or idea, but do not integrate their ideas.
• Merit often relates to relational thinking where students see the significance of how the various pieces of
information relate to one another.  ‘Questions’ that provide evidence for relational thinking will require students to
integrate more than one piece of given knowledge, information, fact or idea.
• Excellence often relates to extended abstract thinking where students can make connections beyond the
scope of the problem or question, to generalise or transfer learning into a new situation.  Going beyond the given
information, knowledge or ideas, or deducing a more general rule or proof that applies to all cases are examples
of extended abstract thinking.
We hope that by introducing students to SOLO taxonomy in the junior school students will be better equipped to
unpack exactly what is expected of them in the senior school and demystify how to approach Achievement
Standards. In addition, they should be able to express their level of understanding about a topic, discuss how to
progress their understanding and track their own progress.
Year 9
Term 4 Progress Report 2020
Name: Conory Gulow Teacher: C Hill Attendance: 92/102

Assessment Level of Achievement

Writing Portfolio #1
Students select writing that shows their ability to use language and structural techniques
to communicate ideas for an audience and purpose. Relational

Close Reading
Close Reading
Not Submitted

Response to Text
Students express in essay form an understanding of how texts are shaped to
communicate ideas, with supporting evidence. Relational

Writing Portfolio #2
Students select writing that shows their ability to use language and structural techniques
to communicate ideas for an audience and purpose. Not Submitted

Subject Comment
Conory showed his skills most when we were studying film. He has a deep and sophisticated understanding of film.
His next step will be to share that understanding so that it can be acknowledged. Conory tends to only engage in work
that he likes. I would encourage him to develop the discipline and self-management skills to give everything a go.
Who knows what other talents and interests he might find if he does?
Health & Physical Education
Year 9
Term 4 Progress Report 2020
Name: Conory Gulow Teacher: W Pinckney Attendance: 90/102

Assessment Level of Achievement

Major WHS Sports

This unit is designed to expose students to the skills and rules of the most popular
sports played at Wellington High School. Students will be assessed on their ability to Relational
use the skills learnt in game contexts and their attitude towards their participation and
Resilience Skills
This unit is designed to develop personal and interpersonal skills which promote
resilience and well being. Multistructural

Community Awareness
Researching a need in the local community and as a group work to address the issues
identified. Prestructural

Interpersonal Skills
The student will be able to describe and demonstrate a range of assertive
communication skills and processes to be able to interact with other people. Relational

Dance and Movement

Demonstrate an understanding of how social and cultural practices are expressed
through movement. Multistructural

Subject Comment
Conory has good hand-eye coordination and always looks to improve in skill based and game situations. He
communicates well and has tactical nous. In Health lessons, Conory completes class work in a timely manner and
happily shares his opinion during class discussion. Going forward, he needs to make sure to finish and turn in all
Year 9
Term 4 Progress Report 2020
Name: Conory Gulow Teacher: S Henry Attendance: 47/50

Assessment Level of Achievement

Language Knowledge - Profile

Produce information that uses simple vocabulary and everyday expressions.
Recognise that Japanese is organised in particular ways. Relational

Subject Comment
Conory is polite and enthusiastic. He works independently and collaborates well in group activities. He can
understand and use familiar expressions and everyday vocabulary and interact appropriately in supported situations.
To embed and retain language for later recall, Conory should set aside time for regular out of class practice and
endeavour to use as much Japanese as possible in class. I hope Conory has enjoyed the course and I look forward to
seeing further progress from him in Year 10.
Te Ao Māori
Year 9
Term 4 Progress Report 2020
Name: Conory Gulow Teacher: W Chadwick, J Duckworth Attendance: 59/66

Assessment Level of Achievement

Communicate meaning that is conveyed in cultural contexts and compare and contrast
these practices. Relational

Students can produce information in Te Reo Māori that uses simple vocabulary and
everyday expressions. Relational

Subject Comment
Connory is generally on task and engaged with course content. He demonstrates a proficient understanding of Te
Reo and tikanga Māori, and is able to recognise everyday vocabulary and sentence structures. We have enjoyed
teaching your rangatahi this year and hope they continue to learn Te Reo in the future. Kia kaha!
Year 9
Term 4 Progress Report 2020
Name: Conory Gulow Teacher: B Pancha Attendance: 89/103

Assessment Level of Achievement

Probability SOLO task

Using basic probability with numbered balls to determine whether a game was fair or
not Extended Abstract

Statistics SOLO task

Using the PPDAC cycle to complete a bivariate investigation using the Golden Ratio

Number skills test

Rounding and place value, decimals, fractions, percentages, BEDMAS and powers,
multiples, factors and primes. Level 5 Proficient

Algebra SOLO task

Using algebra to explore sequences in various forms i.e. tables, equations and graphs.
Extended Abstract

Algebra skills test

Simplifying, substitution, expanding, factorising and solving equations.
Level 5 Proficient

Subject Comment
Conory is very able in Mathematics, but I would like him to actively seek more advanced work. He is very capable of
doing the work I set in class and is very interested in topics that have appeal. An example was the latest elections in
America where the counting and complexity was something that Conory excelled in.
Year 9
Term 4 Progress Report 2020
Name: Conory Gulow Teacher: D Weatherley-Libeau Attendance: 87/100

Assessment Level of Achievement

Working as a Scientist
Introduction to working safely in the lab.

Mixing and Separating

Apply knowledge of the particle nature of matter to explain everyday phenomena and to
separate constituents from mixtures and solutions. Extended Abstract

Food and digestion

Investigate structural, physiological and behavioural adaptations that enable living
things to obtain the nutrients they require Extended Abstract

Investigate living things and the interaction between them and the environment
Extended Abstract

Investigate how physical devices transform and transfer energy in our everyday world.
Extended Abstract

Subject Comment
Conory has a shown a great ability in Science this year and is capable of conducting practical experiments sensibly
and responsibly. He can discuss the properties of both Sound and Light waves and use these to predict how they will
behave in everyday situations. I have enjoyed his willingness to contribute to class discussion, answer questions and
share insights on a range of scientific topics.
Social Studies
Year 9
Term 4 Progress Report 2020
Name: Conory Gulow Teacher: H Paton-Smith Attendance: 88/100

Assessment Level of Achievement

Conceptual Understanding
Students use concepts to demonstrate their own knowledge and understandings of a
social issue. Concepts are surface or deep ideas that relate to a social issue. Extended Abstract

Exploring Values and Perspectives

Students gain an understanding of their own values and the values of others in relation
to issues in society. Values can be in the in the form of viewpoints, beliefs or Extended Abstract

Considering Response and Decisions

Students consider the response that individuals and/or groups have made to ideas
about society and social issues. Not Submitted

Subject Comment
Conory has been an active contributor to Social Studies this year. He works well individually, but also thrives in a
group setting. Conory can be distracted by the people around him, and in 2021 managing his distractions in class is
something he needs to focus on.
Introductory Courses
Year 9
Name: Conory Gulow Rōpū 9PHH

Art A Gordon
Assessment Level of Achievement
Developing Practical Knowledge
Students explore and use art-making conventions, applying knowledge of elements and Topic Not Yet
selected principles through the use of materials and processes. Assessed

Communicating and Interpreting

Students explore and describe ways in which meaning can be communicated and interpreted Topic Not Yet
in their own and others' work. Assessed

Design & Visual Communication E Howell

Assessment Level of Achievement

Design Technology Workshop P Macdougall

Assessment Level of Achievement
Technology Knowledge and Systems
Students will understand how to investigate different techniques and apply these using
control and sequence Multistructural

Digital Technology B Viggers

Assessment Level of Achievement
Python Project
Students demonstrate understanding of programming principals by building a programming
project in Python. Relational

Final Project
Students show developed understanding of computing principals through an open ended
project. Not Submitted
Introductory Courses
Year 9
Name: Conory Gulow Rōpū 9PHH

Drama A Hodge
Assessment Level of Achievement
Interpreting and Incorporating
Students initiate ideas and make individual and collective decisions in order to plan and
develop drama. Extended Abstract

Practical Skills
Students combine elements and techniques and a range of conventions to extend drama
practice through a variety of activities Extended Abstract

Students present and respond to drama and identify ways in which dramatic elements,
techniques, and conventions combine to create meaning. Extended Abstract

Fashion and Product A Hodge

Assessment Level of Achievement

Financial Literacy D Weatherley-Libeau

Assessment Level of Achievement
Financial Literacy Budgeting Assessment
Complete a budget based on a given scenario and identify a surplus or deficit
Extended Abstract

Food Technology N Randall

Assessment Level of Achievement
Characteristics of Technology - Outcome
Students will understand that technological outcomes can be interpreted in terms of how they
might be used and by whom and that each has a proper function as well as possible Relational
alternative functions.
Introductory Courses
Year 9
Name: Conory Gulow Rōpū 9PHH

Music Studies F Wollner

Assessment Level of Achievement
Composing Skills
Students use musical elements, instruments and technologies to develop their own
compositions and improvisations. Relational

Music Literacy
Students will apply knowledge of the language of music using musical signs and symbols.
Extended Abstract

Playing Skills
Students will prepare, rehearse and present performance using music skills and techniques.
Extended Abstract

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