Gateway Today July 2021

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Gateway Today Introducing Our New Client Services

Director - Laura Ahmed

July 2021 ‘God is
through whom
Life changing were called
decisions into fellowship
with His Son,
"I tell you that in the same way, there will be Jesus Christ
more joy in heaven over one sinner who
our Lord.’
repents than over ninety-nine righteous
persons who need no repentance. Luke 15:7 I Corinthians
Deciding not to abort - Carla came to our Elizabeth center,
but was inclined not to have her baby. Ruth discussed with her
the sanctity of life and what God says about abortion. She We thank the Lord for His faithfulness in Laura’s life and for
changed her mind and had her baby! Ruth remarked about the preparing her to be our next Client Services Director. We are
many women she sees who have carried to term and given thrilled that God has called her to minister full time by directing
their newborns a Biblical name. ‘I find this awesome !’. the counseling ministry and the volunteers at both of our locations.
Please keep her in prayer as she serves Him. In reading her
Hearing about Christ - Gabina* is a Muslim woman who testimony, you see both God’s grace and His faithfulness.
tested negative. Ruth shared with her about Christ and
salvation only thru repentance and the sacrifice of Christ on
the Cross of Calvary. She said she respects all beliefs. Ruth
writes ‘I asked her if she would allow me to pray for her and
she accepted. I thanked God for her life and the opportunity of In her words:
meeting her that day. I handed tracts in her language as well My journey with Gateway Pregnancy Center began in 2008 when
as the Bible; she accepted. Later on, we found them thrown on I was eighteen years old and pregnant with my daughter Layla. Through that
the floor in the elevator. Ruth continues, ‘Nevertheless, I was journey, I have learned many lessons and acquired certain values that I
grateful that God gave her and me the opportunity to intend to bring with me as I begin my new position as Client Services
meet.’. Quote from Campus Crusade for Christ (now Cru) – Director.
‘Witnessing is simply sharing Christ in the power of the Holy My mother had heard about Gateway through our church and
Spirit and leaving the results to God’. reached out to them for assistance. Although I had always believed in God, I
did not have a personal relationship with Christ and struggled with
Trusting Christ - Tina* was sexually abused by her uncle and depression from a young age. My mother, however, had a very intimate
stopped going to church. She was very bitter with her relationship with the Lord. I have many memories of my mother sitting at
grandmother because she didn't believe her. Silvana consoled our kitchen table with her Bible opened and her head bowed in prayer. As I
her and shared the gospel. Tina prayed to give her life to Jesus grappled with feeling that all hope was lost, my mother persisted with her
and also to forgive her grandmother and her uncle. great commitment to prayer and to me. She never wavered in her love.
================================= Through my mother’s interaction with Gateway, I was eventually
connected to another ministry called Grace Initiatives which was formerly
located in Forked River, NJ. I participated in their program on a weekly
basis to acquire life skills, gain peer support, and attend Bible studies. I
greatly enjoyed my time there but was struggling with the meaning of life
and an ongoing battle with depression. For me, depression manifested itself
as sadness, irritability, and lack of motivation. In my personal instance, I
believe that the depression was more spiritual than clinical in nature.
As the birth of my daughter was approaching, I felt consumed by
thoughts of inadequacy and deeply doubted my ability to provide her with a
good life. I have a vivid memory of crying out to the Lord during my
pregnancy for help in becoming a good mother. I was desperate for wisdom
and knew that it was going to take a miracle for my situation to be turned
around. Shortly after my daughter was born in August of 2009, and
subsequent to many failed attempts at self-sufficiency, I surrendered my life
(l) Laura, Ovais and Layla in 2019 (r) The Ahmed’s to the Lord. continued on page 2
enjoying family time
Introducing Our New Client Services Director – Laura Ahmed - continued from page 1
I specifically remember pleading with God and telling Him that I needed assurance that everything was going to be okay.
Approximately one week later, I went to my job in the mall feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. There was a woman who came into
the store where I was working and walked straight to the back where I was standing, almost as though she was there to see me.

She approached me and said that it was placed on her heart to tell me that everything was going to be okay. Immediately following this encounter,
the Lord lifted my depression and replaced it with His joy. I distinctly remember feeling as though a physical burden was lifted from me. Years of
depression were gone in what seemed like an instant; it was truly miraculous.
At that time, I instantly gained a desire to read the Word of God and attend church. The Lord was so gracious in providing me with
incredible support in raising my daughter through my parents, family, close friends, and church community. Shortly after returning to church, I
returned to Gateway, but this time as a volunteer. It was through my time volunteering at Gateway that I decided to pursue and complete a formal
education in the areas of counseling and social work. I have currently completed my bachelors, masters, and licensure. I also have over three years
of experience with providing therapy and case management to individuals, couples, and families who have experienced sexual abuse and/or
Moreover, the Lord has immensely used my daughter Layla to teach me about Himself. It was through her life that He graciously
helped me to see my need for Him, and in all of my limitations, He equipped me for the role of being her mother. It is only by His grace that I
have been able to learn and grow in ways that I never could have imagined. Everyone who knows Layla sees that she is full of life, wonder, and
joy. She is an absolute gift to me even on my hardest days. Additionally, in May of 2019, I married a wonderful, godly man named Ovais who I
met through my church. He came to Christ approximately the same time that I did from a background in Islam. Ovais has truly been a beautiful
complement to the wholeness that I have come to know in Jesus Christ.
For those looking on from the outside, it may appear that the change which took place in my life was swift and dramatic. However,
while in part this is true, I now know that the Lord was present in my life from the very beginning. I can trace His sovereign hand all throughout
my life journey. He has interconnected all of these seemingly “random” events in order to reveal Himself to me and bring about His divine
purposes. I am in awe whenever I reflect on all that God has redeemed and restored, so that I would know Him more intimately.

As a result of God orchestrating my life, I have learned many valuable lessons that have become treasures to me.
From my mother’s persistence and dedication, I have learned the value of prayer.
From the support of my family, close friends, and church community, I have learned the value of relationship.
From my personal experience with ministries such as Gateway and Grace Initiatives, I have learned the value of good counsel.
From the Lord’s meeting with me in my helpless estate, I have learned the value of hope.
Prayer, relationship, good counsel, and hope are all values that I will take with me as I begin the position of Client Services Director at Gateway
Pregnancy Center. My prayer is that my story will be used for the glory of God and the expansion of His kingdom.
Finally, I ask for your prayers and support as I embark on this new stage of my life. I am looking forward to the many lessons and godly
values that I will obtain through my journey at Gateway Pregnancy Center, and to the tremendous opportunity to comfort others with the same
comfort that I myself have received from God (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

Warmly, Laura Ahmed

2021 Upcoming Counselor Training

July 15, 17, 22 and 24,

Male and female volunteer counselors needed,
especially bi-lingual (Spanish & Creole) (l) Laura, and Layla raising support at the 2011 Gateway
------------------------------------------------------------ Walk for Life (middle) September 2016 celebrating Jorja’s
Other Upcoming Dates 1st birthday (r) Laura and Layla celebrate graduation from
Pillar College in 2015
22, 24, 29 and 31 Gateway Volunteer Training Gateway Pregnancy Centers, Inc.
via Zoom P.O. Box 1793, Union, NJ 07083
24 Virtual Walk-for-Life Kickoff in Elizabeth (908) 353-0604 (973) 399-8378
25 Riverside Community Church, Nutley
22 First Baptist Church, Millburn
28 Last day of Virtual Walk for Life
12 First Baptist Church, Union
28 36th. Anniversary Stewardship Banquet (in-person Like, Follow & Share Us Today!
and Live via Facebook)

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