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Agnosticism is the belief thet nothing can be preven without eveidence people who
are agnostic do not believe in any god or religion ebcuase they do not see any
evidence for them but are still open to religion if there is evidence
Both agnosticism and fundementalism are absolute beliefs beliefs that people
believe cannot be changed.
They both believe In the power of evidence to support their claims
They both think there right no matter what
They are on opposite ends on the belief spectrum
agnostics believe in hard evidence while fundementalists believe in substantial
The majority of agnostics are secularist which is the opposite of fundementalist
Agnostics believe that sacred texts arent hard evidence because they were written
by people while fundemetnalidsts beleive that they are the hardest evidence
Fundementalism is the absolute belief in a sacred text or prophet of a religion
that this belief can never be changed and is always right and because this belief
is right the fundementalist must spread it.

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