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Self-Assessment Name: Kathie Tait-Rayner

Tool Registration #:17777

Date: 2019
Part 1: Reflection Questions
Answer all of the statements and questions below.
1. Reflect on your practice and think broadly about what impacts your work.
Think about your: Consider:
• role • new opportunities
• responsibilities • challenges
• daily practice • changes in the sector or in your work
• new experiences setting
• ongoing concerns or questions • leadership development
Brainstorm and make a list of things that impact your work.

-community college expectations

-needs of the students

-changes within the early years community

-changes in legislation

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College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Cycle | Self-Assessment Tool | 2019 1
Self-Assessment Registration #: 17777
2. Think about the role of others in your professional practice. How do you seek, offer and
consider feedback from others? What have you learned from others? What do others learn
from you?

Meetings with fellow professors

Attend professional development offered in community
Offer PD
Participate in Pedagogical Forums

3. Based on your professional practice and notes above, what additional knowledge, skills or
resources do you need to support your strengths, areas for growth, leadership development
or professional learning interests?

-Truth and Reconciliation information to enhance my teaching and to enhance the learning of
the ECE student

-getting more comfortable with thinking about our practice, and not jumping into
action….learning about the role of the pedagogist to support early years programs

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Part 2: Reviewing the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice


1. Before you begin Part 2, read the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
2. Indicate, by ticking the corresponding boxes below, that you have read both the Code of
Ethics and each of the Standards of Practice.
3. Respond to the statement that accompanies each standard and reference the standards.
When responding, consider your reflections from Part 1.

Code of Ethics

☒ I have read the Code of Ethics on page 7 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

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Self-Assessment Registration #: 17777


Standard I: Caring and Responsive Relationships

☒ I have read Standard I: A – C on pages 8-9 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard I. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard I: C.4).


-topics of quality relationships strongly emphasized within teaching of ECE courses

-work well with ECE team

Leadership Development:

-continue to work with ECE team and support ECE students (creation of study skills
presentations, and work with ECE club)

Standard II: Curriculum and Pedagogy

☒ I have read Standard II: A – C on pages 10-11 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard II. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard II: B.3).

Strengths: good background in the importance of observation

Leadership development: continue to use technology and revise the forms that the students
use for documenting their observations and subsequent planning

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Self-Assessment Registration #: 17777


Standard III: Safety, Health and Well-Being in the Learning Environment

☒ I have read Standard III: A – C on pages 12-13 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard III. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard III: C.8).

Have taught preschool development and have set up course to include emphasis on play,
outside learning, etc.

Leadership development…will be teaching infant and toddler development more, and need to
revamp the course and increase my knowledge for this area…

Standard IV: Professionalism and Leadership

☒ I have read Standard IV: A – C on pages 14-15 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard IV. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard IV: C.7).

Strengths…have continued to work with students with ECE club (6), and engage with
members of the child care community

Leadership Development: continue to work with the community

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Self-Assessment Registration #:17777


Standard V: Professional Boundaries, Dual Relationships and Conflicts of Interest

☒ I have read Standard V: A – C on pages 16-18 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard V. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard V: C.6).

Strengths: continue to work and role model as a professional

Leadership development: Continue to learn about people.

Standard VI: Confidentiality, Release of Information and Duty to Report

☒ I have read Standard VI: A – C on pages 19-20 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional
learning interests from Standard VI. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard VI: C.2).

Strengths: continue to maintain confidentiality for students

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Self-Assessment Registration #: 17777


Part 3: Professional Learning Goals


1. Begin by reviewing your responses in Part 1 and 2.

2. Complete the chart below by identifying three goals for your professional learning over the
next two years.

3. For each goal, indicate the related Standard(s) of Practice.

4. You will work towards these three goals during this two-year portfolio cycle.

Professional Learning Goals Related Standard(s) of Practice

1. Increase my knowledge of indigenous Standard V
issues in Canada.

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Self-Assessment Registration #:17777

Professional Learning Goals Related Standard(s) of Practice

Revise observation formats used by the Standard II
students on placement to increase their
understanding of observational practices.

Increase my working knowledge of working with Standard III
infants and toddlers

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