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Global Business Environment: Assignment Task

Assignment title

LO1: Analyze the key factors which drive globalization.

LO2: Determine the strategic complexities associated with operating in a global environment.

LO3 Evaluate how operating in global market influences an organization’s structure,

culture and functions.

LO4 Evaluate the influence of globalization on organizational decision making and strategy.

Assume you are hired as a Market Analyst by LUA You are required to access the website and
understand the company profile and its range of concept products. Assuming that you recently
interviewed the co-founders of LUA who expressed the company’s interest to enter the UAE
Market, you are required to present a compelling Market Entry Strategy for the company

1. Critically evaluate the scope of smart planter like LUA for the UAE market. Analyse the
market with examples and data in form of graphs/charts/tables highlighting market size,
CAGR, top players, consumer trends, investments opportunities etc. to support the analysis.

2. Critically evaluate the market attractiveness in terms of complexities of cost, market,

environment, and competition, benefits/opportunities and risks/challenges for LUA with the
use and application of the PESTLE, Porter’s 5 Forces and SWOT. Give specific examples of
the analysis on the challenges involved in the supply chain for LUA.

3. Critically justify the market entry strategy for LUA with the application of the Ansoff
Growth Matrix, and further critique the various market entry modes LUA can adopt for its
plan. Compare and contrast the modes by specifically highlighting barriers of each entry
mode- Trade, Import-Export, Venturing, Partnering, Franchising, Direct Investments etc.
Determine in what way your choice/suggestion of decision can affect Cacao 70 with the
application of the Bartlett and Ghosal’s Model with the AAA Framework.

4. Apply the Hofstede’s Culture Model to LUA and critically evaluate what influence would
the UAE market have on LUA’s organizational governance, leadership, structure, culture

and functions.

5. Evaluate the influence of ethical and sustainable considerations for LUA and explain what
ethical and sustainable initiatives the company would have to consider while operating in the
UAE market.

6. Make valid recommendations for LUA to overcome prominent barriers and be successful in
the UAE market.

Note This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size
12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs, and subsections as appropriate, and all
work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please
also provide a bibliography using the Harvard Referencing System. The recommended word limit is
3200 words, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit.

Global Business Environment (GBE)

Introduce the company

Critically evaluate the scope of smart planter like LUA for the UAE market. 
Analyse the market with examples and data in form of graphs/charts/tables highlighting
market size, compound annual growth rate (CAGR), top players, consumer trends,
investments opportunities etc. to support the analysis. 

LO1 Analyze the key factors which drive globalization.

Analyze key factors of cost, market, environment and competition that drive global
commerce and trade for LUA in the UAE.

Critically evaluate and analyze the impact that key factors have upon the global business
environment in terms of opportunities and challenges.
This has to be general

Critically analyze the impact of the above factors in terms of opportunities and
challenges for LUA in the UAE market.
This company specific

LO2 Determine the strategic complexities associated with operating in a global

Explain the complexity of strategic challenges for operating that could be faced by LUA
in the UAE.
Critically evaluate the challenges wrt supply chain.
First discuss global challenges and then bring the attention to the UAE.

LO3 Evaluate how operating in global market influences an organization’s structure,

culture and functions.

LO4 Evaluate the influence of globalization on organizational decision making and


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