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Digital marketing during the Pandemic



Digital marketing during the Pandemic

Changes were activated by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as encouraging digital networking
and marketing campaigns. The goal of this paper is to analyses the possible benefits and
implications of digital marketing within the growing epidemic timeframe and to develop the
concept of digital marketing. A descriptive methodology will be used in the analysis process
used in the article by researching various digital marketing literature. The research shows that IT
has had a major effect on digital marketing, particularly during the outbreak of Covid19. From
the previous study, an examination of digital marketing will have significant consequences for
academics. This paper advances digital marketing by presenting observational studies into digital
marketing. Companies will look for innovative marketing strategies in the future by integrating
new innovations.

Keywords: Digital Marketing, COVID 19, Turkey


List of Tables................................................................................................................................................4
List of Figures...............................................................................................................................................4
1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................5
2 Literature Review................................................................................................................................7
2.1 Digital Marketing Concept...........................................................................................................7
2.2 Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing...............................................................................10
2.3 Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Behavior..............................................................................11
2.4 COVID-19: Impact on Ecommerce Transactions........................................................................12
2.5 How has COVID-19 affected shopping?.....................................................................................12
2.6 How Covid-19 impacts digital marketing background................................................................13
2.7 Previous Studies.........................................................................................................................14
3 Research Methodology......................................................................................................................16
3.1 Data collection...........................................................................................................................16
3.2 Results.......................................................................................................................................16
3.2.1 Demographic Data.............................................................................................................16
3.2.2 Descriptive Statistics..........................................................................................................18
3.2.3 Correlation.........................................................................................................................19
3.2.4 Regression Analysis............................................................................................................20
4 Discussion & Conclusion....................................................................................................................22
4.1 Limitations of the study.............................................................................................................23
5 References.........................................................................................................................................24

List of Tables

Table 1:Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing....................................................................10

Table 2: demographic variables.....................................................................................................17
Table 3: Measurement scale of variable........................................................................................18
Table 4: Reliability of variable......................................................................................................18
Table 5: Descriptive statistics........................................................................................................19
Table 6: Correlation.......................................................................................................................19
Table 7: Model Summary..............................................................................................................20
Table 8: ANOVA...........................................................................................................................21

List of Figures

Figure 1 Ecommerce Activity Overview.........................................................................................9

Figure 2: Digital Transformation Digitalization..............................................................................9
Figure 3: Covid 19; Impact of Ecommerce Transactions..............................................................12
Figure 4: How has COVID - 19 (coronavirus) affected your shopping........................................13
Figure 5: Conceptual model...........................................................................................................15

1 Introduction
Coronavirus is a novel illness produced by the COVID-19 virus that is presently harming the
joints of people all over the globe, particularly in the developing countries. The COVID-19
pandemic is one of the world's most serious health problems, and its occurrence could not have
been anticipated in recent years. Coronavirus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, is a virus that causes heart disease, blesses irresistible and dangerous infection. In the
United States, the quantity of individuals tainted and passing on from COVID-19 contaminations
is expanding quickly, so steps are expected to moderate the spread of the pandemic infection all
around the world (Fernandez & Shaw, 2020). Coronavirus pandemic has influenced the joints of
life. In the business world, a novel COVID-19 as far as friendly distance conditions powers
organizations all throughout the planet to request millions from laborers to telecommute (Acter,
et al., 2020).

In any event 316 million individuals in 42 US states have been approached to remain at home,
and later, organizations have been defenseless against the change to virtual work environments
or laying off representatives (Kim, 2020). Numerous workers are rapidly changing in accordance
with computerized alteration, according to a Zoom study, the company's online video
conferencing software has seen an increase of 78 percent in benefits, while a Google Meet study
shows a 60 percent increase in client traffic, with people spending 2 billion minutes meeting on
the internet each day (Kim, 2020). Workers may not have any desire to get back to the actual
office after the pandemic has died down. The administrator appraises that a portion of the
impacts of Coronavirus on the work environment may keep going long, where adaptable working
hours and computerized gatherings are relied upon to supplant conventional corporate culture
progressively (Kim, 2020).

Employee may not have any desire to get back to the actual office after the pandemic has died
down. The chief gauges that a portion of the impacts of Coronavirus on the working environment
may keep going long, where it is expected that flexible working hours and sophisticated
gatherings would gradually replace traditional business culture. The company is investigating
several options in terms of decentralized dynamic and new programming in order to make the
new advanced work culture as appealing and beneficial as working in a traditional office

environment. Even though organizations need to make this progress as successfully and as fast as
could really be expected, a few different outcomes that are vital for business congruity are
frequently neglected to be specific the effect of Coronavirus on shopper and market conduct. As
of late administration specialists and scholastics researched in reaction to Coronavirus,
principally zeroing in on the advanced change of the work environment (Kim, 2020). As per the
"Mere Urgency Effect" individuals will in general distribute a large portion of their assets and
time to issues (Zhu et al., 2018).

As per a new overview of 304 organizations, 42% are stressed over income; nonetheless, most
administrators adopt a strategy to sit back and watch instead of making a move to advance the
circumstance (Kim, 2020). Directors may expect that deals will just recuperate as utilization
increments after the pandemic passes However, this pandemic also affects the way of life of the
spot, the way of life of purchasers and may happen changing the construction of the market.
Pandemics additionally impact advanced change as far as shopper conduct and how
organizations may adjust to computerized advertising. Subsequently the motivation behind this
article is the way is the business opportunity with computerized advertising during the pandemic
and how is the viewpoint of the Islamic showcasing point of view. Buyer understanding during
the pandemic shows that the market is going to advanced promoting. The ascent of online
exchanges gives new freedoms to promoting accomplishment after Coronavirus.

The primary goal is to raise awareness of the brand via the use of different kinds of digital
media. Cohesive networks and excellent customer service are more important than ever in the
present environment, as non-essential businesses close their doors to prevent the spread of
COVID-19. As a result, both merchants and customers were forced to adapt to digital reality on
an almost instantaneous basis. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of digital
media on brand recognition and business sales during a pandemic outbreak.

2 Literature Review

2.1 Digital Marketing Concept

So, Indonesia ranks as one of the ten nations with the greatest number of internet users in the
world are as follows: With 143 million internet users in March 2019, Indonesia is the sixth most
populous country in the world. As compared to Brazil's 5.8 million internet users, this figure is
much smaller. In 2013, China had a total of 829 million internet users. Jordan has slightly fewer
Internet users than China with 269 million to China's 560 million. As many as 292, 89 million
internet users in the US follow. Internet users in 2013 totaled about 3.49 billion. East Asia is
packed with internet users with high percentage of utilization. According to Statists 2019, in
2018 there were 95.2 million internet users in Indonesia, a rise of 13.3 percent from 2017 when it
was 84 million users. With an average growth of 10.2 percent, Indonesians will be spending time
more on the internet. The number of internet users in Indonesia grew by a significant margin in
2018 by 12.6 percent as compared to 2017. It is anticipated that Indonesian Internet users will
cross 150 million by 2023. Indonesia has the highest number of people on the Internet.

A study shows that 96% of all internet users are shopping online nowadays. 91% of total internet
users have gone online shopping. Consumers are paying 90 percent for their products on the
Internet. 79% and 29% respectively have the access to online knowledge about healthcare from
their cell phones and laptops or computers. The usage is not consistent in Indonesia's e-
commerce industry. Since consumers of Indonesia are relatively poor compared to other
countries of the world, each resident spends around $89 dollars in e-commerce, which is less
than $63 dollars a year. There will be a huge number of online purchases in the future. This will
grow to 25.1 trillion in 2018. The average spending on shopping sites in Indonesia is US $228. In
2018, Indonesia became the world's strongest e-commerce market with the highest growth rate in
recent history. The number of internet users in Indonesia is certainly a game-changer. The
findings also shown that internet marketing will be the future of marketing. Online marketing
involves using Internet to offer products and services (2010).

Online marketing is rising at a rapid rate (2017). Online marketing means promoting goods and
services via the Internet (Tan et al., 2013). Digital marketing provides benefits such as cost
savings, increased control, customer service enhancements, and competitive advantages.
Businesses need to ensure that their approaches are harmonized with present technology. It may
cause a deterioration in rivalry, sales and communication because the benefits of internet
marketing are not understood (Cheng & Liu, 2017). In order to ensure excellence, businesses
need to retain updated technical designs in order to meet customer demands and ensure their
continued use (Cheng & Liu, 2017).

As part of a digital marketing strategy aimed at informing the customer that develops
communication strategies to increase customer attention in relation to the company and its
products, to help attract buy-in options and make him or her loyal to the company's product. In
addition, digital marketing mainly involves building trust and loyalty relationships with the
customer and inbound marketing becomes a key component of digital marketing (Loredana,
2016, p. 62). There is another name for digital marketing online marketing. Recent research
shows that online marketing is the process of performing online marketing activities and its tools
are online products, price, location, and promotions (Hossain & Rahman, 2017, p. 2).

According to a recent study by Longo (2017) There is defined an effective digital marketing
system based on customer-based strategies and establishing authority lines and providing key
accountability frameworks that help reduce conflict and ensure efficient resource allocation.
Some research suggests that Digital Marketing is referred to as achieving marketing objectives
using digital technology that can help achieve marketing goals and has an external and internal
perspective that includes managing internal and external digital communications (Chaffey, 2014,
p. 5). Author Desai (2019, p. 196) makes a variety of digital marketing initiatives including all
electronic or online marketing efforts with digital channels such as search engines, social media,
email and their websites to communicate with current and potential customers can also be called
'online marketing'. ',' online marketing 'or' web marketing '. According to Ryan's new idea (2014,
p. 23), to understand digital marketing and transformation, firms can use only two keys to help
determine whether a business needs a digital marketing strategy as an online audience or not,
product / service firms / products are suitable for the digital market or not. Digital marketing has

a major impact on the business world between COVID-19. A study by Hootsuite & We Are
Social (2020) shows e-commerce activity from any highly visible device thanks to COVID-19.

Figure 1 Ecommerce Activity Overview

Hootsuite & We Are Social (2020)

1.1. Digital Transformation

According to the new research of FinTech (2017), (2019), McRac, H. (2015), shows that
Facebook, Airbnb, Uber, and overwhelming growth of the contents creators has no own
property, own cars are given in the below figure.

Figure 2: Digital Transformation Digitalization

Source: FinTech (2017), (2019), McRac, H. (2015

2.2 Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing

According to the new research of Das and Lall (2016), Bailey (2020) and Bhayani & Vachhani
(2014) shows some major difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing.

Table 1:Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing

Area Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing

Focus Audience Simpler to an Touch the aimed audience
extent with local consumers globally from all over the
Marketing Tactic Having more a person-to- The physical attendance of
person connection to notify the marketers is not at all
brand. mandatory.
Documentation Delivering the hard copy of Delivering the description in
products, services description softcopy over the internet.
Consumer Interface Very less interaction is More interaction in digital
involved marketing through a digital
Marketing Budget Involved printing, radio, TV Less costly because all is
ads which create more cost online.
Communication Involving one-way Involving two-way
communication communication
Product and service price Negotiated with each Set by the seller for all
customer customers

2.3 Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Behavior

Research suggests that almost every disease has been listed as one of the greatest risks to the
economy (P. W. Smith et al., 2007). Well before the pandemic, electronic meetings were widely
introduced, and digital transformation was relatively hassled-free. Thus, this has also resulted in
more effective functioning of small businesses. The recession will lead to long term changes in
the economy. In a recent survey, 46% of respondents said that they were researching ways to
reduce their pandemic spending (Bhargav, 2020). This is something that needs to be kept in mind
as demand for resources is growing. The answer of pandemic will be dependent on the
willingness of developers to adapt to a consumer culture in the post pandemic climate (Bhargav,

In a future survey conducted by 2,200 US adults in 2020, 37 percent of respondents replied that
they considered shopping online at the first place. In this way, there is a method to shop online
for those who have never used internet before. With Covid 20, the economy joined the game of
online shopping. Of those surveyed, 11 percent of Generation Z (Gen Z), 10 percent of
Millennial, and 12 percent of Generation X (Gen X), and 5 percent of Boomers reported buying
something from an ecommerce site due to a pandemic. With the advent of online shopping sites,
it appeared inevitable that there would be an increase in it sales (Kim, 2020).

There will be a huge number of online purchases in the future. This will grow to 25.1 trillion in
2018. The average spending on shopping sites in Indonesia is US $228. In 2018, Indonesia
became the world's strongest e-commerce market with the highest growth rate in recent history.
The number of internet users in Indonesia is certainly a game-changer.

E-commerce is just a normal business; it is a buying and selling venture like any other. E-
commerce includes financial transfers. E-commerce is restricted to sale transactions that enable
the sale and purchase to include physical products. Sellers and buyers in online transactions do
not meet in person, rather they meet online via the items shown in the catalogue. For both buyers
and sellers, this is a very lucrative occurrence. Customers will enjoy their favorite items by
placing order in shopping apps from smartphones. The vendor opens an online store, awaits an
order, processes the goods, and collects the proceeds from the sale. In this framework, the selling
and purchase process of business contract is controlled.

2.4 COVID-19: Impact on Ecommerce Transactions

In research of Hootsuite & We Are Social (2020) shows Comparing Pre-Coronavirus levels to
the current ones, e-commerce transactions have risen in every category, with sports equipment
companies and supermarkets showing especially significant increases. However, tourist
transactions continue to be adversely impacted as a result of continuing safety concerns and
travel restrictions in place.

Figure 3: Covid 19; Impact of Ecommerce Transactions

by Hootsuite & We Are Social (2020)

2.5 How has COVID-19 affected shopping?

Recent research of Rigby (2020) shows that the aftermath of the outbreak, more than three-
quarters (78 percent) of respondents said they were shopping for groceries online to the same
extent as they had been previously; 14 % said they were doing more of their grocery shopping
online; 3.8 percent said they were shopping less; and 4 percent said they had stopped shopping
entirely. Approximately 86 percent of those who purchase electrical equipment online do so in
the same amount, while 7 percent buy more, 5 percent buy less, and 3 percent do not buy at all.
The vast majority (83 percent) of people continue to purchase clothing online at the same level as
they did before, with 10 percent purchasing more, 5 percent purchasing less, and 3 percent
ceasing altogether. Just under three-quarters (73 percent) are continuing to purchase takeout food
at the same level, 7 percent are purchasing more, 11 percent are purchasing less, and 7.5 percent
have ceased purchasing takeout food.

Figure 4: How has COVID - 19 (coronavirus) affected your shopping.

By Rigby (2020)

2.6 How Covid-19 impacts digital marketing background

The Financial Express (2020) shows due to COVID-19, all activities of a business are going
online and emphasizing on website design and development to run the business. The study of
Kim (2020) According to the findings, the most important two reasons for buying in physical
shops rather than online are instant possessions and social connections, with more convenient
and economical. Digital marketing reduces the distance between firms and their employees. The
study of Kim (2020) according to the report, at least 316 million individuals in 42 states have
been advised to remain at home to limit the spread of the epidemic. Businesses have been
particularly vulnerable to undergoing significant changes in this area. Researcher Mathradas
(2020) according to the data, the epidemic may have already disrupted the supply lines of almost
75% of all U.S. corporations. In the same way that internal labor shortages may influence your
operations, external delivery systems such as the United States Postal Service, UPS, and FedEx
may have an effect as well. Recently, in United Nations conference on trade and development,
UNCTAD (2020) said when the new coronavirus spreads, it poses a significant threat to the
macroeconomic stability of the country due to the suspension of industrial operations and the
interruption of supply networks. The Financial Express (2020) shows some businesses are
seriously stopped due to COVID-19 like restaurants, boutiques, salons for insufficient clients.

2.7 Previous Studies

Currently, the shift in communication channels is a challenge for all businesses, but it is
especially difficult for those in the interchange and exhibiting industries. Rangaswami and Gupta
(2000) said that "showcasing digitization is a time of development throughout the whole life of
communication." They went on to say that according to (Jung, 2009), changes in innovation and
customer behavior have continuously been the primary drivers of advancement in marketing
methodology. "The importance, relevance, and complexity of these components become critical
in the current altering advanced environment," according to the authors (Jung, 2009). To be
absolutely clear on what "digital marketing" is, it is necessary to first define the term. There has
been a great lot of research done on Digital Marketing or online advertising, and the term has
come to signify different things to different people. In accordance with Kotler and Armstrong
(2009), advanced advertising is a type of direct marketing that connects consumers with
merchants electronically through the use of intelligent innovations such as email and websites,
online forums and newsgroups, intuitive television, cell phone communications, and other
similar technologies. According to (Pieiro-Otero and Martnez-Rolán, 2016), computerized
advertising may be defined as a projection of traditional showcasing, apparatuses, and processes
onto the Internet. The advancement of technology and its application to marketing have fueled
the development of new channels, arrangements, and languages that have resulted in the
development of new advertising gadgets and systems.

A computerized marketing approach, according to the Digital Marketing Institute (DMI), is

defined as "the use of digital technology to produce integrated, targeted, and measurable
communications that assist to acquire and keep consumers while establishing deeper connections
with consumers" (Royle & Laing, 2014). "Digital marketing is a conventional marketing branch
that utilizes new digital means to put goods, such as downloadable music to communicate with
stakeholders, for example consumers and investors on brands, goods and company
development." " Both these definitions are useful, first because they highlight the need of the
fundamental setup for any advertising approach to estimate and connect, and highlights
connections and correspondence. The following defining capacity of sound methods and good
communication; any use of advanced publicity in advanced products or administrations should
be feasible (Royle and Laing, 2014). So it tends to be inferred that computerized promoting is

showcasing items or administrations utilizing advanced channels to arrive at shoppers. The
principal objective is to advance the brand through different types of computerized media.

Computerized showcasing has become another wonder that joins mass advertisement justment
and dissemination to accomplish promoting objectives. The intermingling of advancements and
gadget duplication has prompted the kickoff of the way we consider advertising on the Internet
and has pushed the limits towards new ideas of computerized promoting that are client focused,
more versatile, pervasive, and intelligent. The improvement of advanced promoting techniques
offers a great deal of potential for associations. Advanced showcasing gives freedoms to
organizations to acquire monetary worth through coordinated effort with partners, clients and
workers (Purkayastha and Sharma, 2016). Business pioneers should join advanced promoting
techniques into their marketable strategies to lessen the probability of disappointment, develop
their business, and be more beneficial. The advantages of internet marketing include (1) low
prices, (2) the ability to target multiple demographics at the same time, (3) the ability to provide
products and services comfortably, and (4) the ability for customers to easily research products
and services in order to expedite purchasing decisions (Durmaz and Efendioglu, 2016).
Innovative advances offer freedoms for finance managers to assess information and utilize the
data to build their usefulness (Keegan and Rowley, 2017). The down to earth utilization of
different online instruments by money managers prompts new freedoms (Gaikwad and Kate,
2016). This paper proposes a method to define the Digital Media Relationship and mitigate
(COVID-19) pandemic in Turkey.

Digital Media COVID-19 pandemic

Figure 5: Conceptual model

3 Research Methodology

3.1 Data collection

An online survey was developed and distributed to consumers in Istanbul, Turkey. 60 Randomly
selected respondents obtained and submitted the questionnaire after completion. 96% of the
questionnaires obtained from respondents (equal to 58) were deemed useful from a research
perspective. The remaining 4% (2) questionnaires had missing values and were refused. Useful
questionnaires were reviewed later. Since the sample size adequacy is verified and the sample
size is considered appropriate, we can now validate the structural equation modelling (Chuan &
Penyelidikan, 2006) and even test the hypotheses. Snowball sampling will be used as the sample
method in this study. In order to do the analysis, descriptive statistics, ANOVA, independent
sample t test, and regression will be used. The remainder of the study will demonstrate, via the
use of pie charts, what customers believe about their own purchasing habits.

3.2 Results
Demographic Data

Table 1 displays personal/demographic data evaluation findings. The findings showed 78.3%
female participants and 21.7% male participants. Considering the age, the number of respondents
aged between 18 and 29 years was 56.6%, while the percentage of those aged 30, was 43.4%. In
terms of academic history, 40% of respondents preferred Corporate Administration while 20%
chose Humanities and Social Sciences, 30% chose Engineering and Information Technology,
40% chose General Education. According to (Al-Emran&Salloum, 2017), the study used
purposeful sampling methodology as respondents provided voluntary involvement in the
analysis. Demographic data of respondents was calculated by IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 23 and
recorded in Table 2.

Table 2: demographic variables

Criterion Factor Frequency Percentage

Gender Female 47 78.3

Male 13 21.7

Age Between 18 to 29 34 56.6

Between 30 to 39 26 43.4

Between 40 to 49 0 0

Between 50 to 59 0 0

Education Bachelor 24 40
Master 12 20

Doctorate 24 40

Total 60 100

The theory was tested using the research instrument declared earlier. The 2 structures in the
questionnaire were calculated using 5 items in the sample. Construction references are shown in
Table 3. To increase the applicability of science, numerous changes were made in previous
study-derived issues.

Table 3: Measurement scale of variable

Variables Items Source

Digital Media Advertising 3 (Bhaskaran et al., 2017; İnci, et al., 2017;

Lapointe et al., 2014)

COVID-19 2 (Cinelli et al., 2020; Depoux et al., 2020)

The questionnaire elements were tested for reliability in a pilot study involving 50 randomly
chosen respondents from a population. The pilot analysis required a sample size of 10% of the
initial sample size meeting research guidelines. The results of the pilot study were evaluated in
terms of internal reliability, calculated by using SPSS. Each pilot study calculation item
demonstrated a reasonable value. Provided social science studies, the acceptable reliability
coefficient is 0.7 (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1978). Table 4 recorded Cronbach's alpha values
obtained for measurement scale (Amjad et. al., 2021).

Table 4: Reliability of variable

Construct Cronbach’s Alpha

Digital Media Advertising 0.891

COVID-19-19 0.783

3.2.1 Descriptive Statistics

For each variable, the mean and default variances have been calculated and the results are shown
in Table 5 below. The average was calculated primarily for each variable by calculating all items
for a given structure or metric in their total value. The term "maximum, minimum, average and
standard deviation" is the maximum and the minimum value of answering questions on a
particular framework given by participants as mentioned above in Table 4. Two variables with a
minimum, max, medium and standard deviation are thus present in the table below.

Table 5: Descriptive statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Digital media
60 1.00 5.00 2.4768 .80322

COVID-19 impact 60 1.00 5.00 2.4573 .71060

Valid N (listwise) 60
3.2.2 Correlation

The interaction effects between variables are shown in Table 6. The relationship between two
and more variables is technically a measure of the relationship. Correlations can range from
-1.00 to +1.00. The value of –1.00 is totally negative, and the value of +1.00 is totally positive
(Altmann, Cristadoro, & Degli Esposti, 2012).

Table 6: Correlation

Digital media COVID-19

marketing impact

Digital media marketing Pearson Correlation 1

Sig. (2-tailed)

N 60

COVID-19 impact Pearson Correlation .875** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 60 60

3.2.3 Regression Analysis

To ensure that the data can be analyzed by multiple regressions, part of the process must first be
used before multiple regressions. We used multiple regressions with below four assumptions
(Poole, & O'Farrell, 1971; Osborne, & Waters, 2002; Williams, Grajales, & Kurkiewicz, 2013).
Below table show the final finding of this study:

Table 7: Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the Durbin-Watson

Square Estimate

1 .862a .892 .784 .45332 1.342

a. Predictors: (Constant), Digital media marketing

b. Dependent Variable: COVID-19 impact

Table 7 displays the model description explaining the marketing considerations for customer
relations in conjunction with Digital media marketing. A multiple correlation coefficient can be
used as the COVID-19 impact prediction norm (R). In the study sample the value indicates a
high degree of prediction (R=0.842). The resolution coefficient (R2) (DV) also displays the
variance ratio (IV). According to Anova's table, the value of (R2 = 0.892) indicates that Digital
media marketing reflect the percentage of variance in COVID-19 impact.

Table 8: ANOVA

Model Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.


1 Regression 133.341 5 64.543 421.541 .000b

Residual 32.421 212 .033

Total 165.762 217

a. Dependent Variable: COVID-19 impact

b. Predictors: (Constant), Digital media marketing

The AN OVA model test identifies customer satisfaction according to trust, dispute management,
communication, and interaction in accordance with Table 8. ANOVA says about the overall
health of the model. Model F statistics are 421.541 and are good and in the table of coefficients
the column Sig shows what variables are relevant.

Model Unstandardize Standardize T Sig. 95.0% Confidence

d Coefficients d Interval for B

B Std. Beta Lower Upper

Error Bound Bound

1 (Constant) .554 .072 6.532 .000 .342 .673

Digital .452 .053 .023 .543 .054 .056 .67


a. Dependent Variable: COVID-19 impact

The findings shows that Digital media marketing have a positive and substantive relationship in
this regard.

4 Discussion & Conclusion

Digital marketing has developed quickly. Advances in data innovation have changed numerous
parts of business, marketing exercises, and brought forth online exchange strategies. During the
Coronavirus pandemic 19, organizations have changed exchanges through computerized
advertising. At the hour of the pandemic has sped up the development of digital marketing
which affects changing customer conduct towards on the web exchanges. There are many
applications of digital marketing in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic for the purpose of
promoting company start-ups, all of which have been discussed in this research. People all over
the world are connected via digital marketing, allowing them to stay in touch and share their
experiences. This is made feasible because to the digital environment in place. The numerous
digital marketing platforms each have their own set of capabilities that may be accessed by their
respective members and users. People have also found it simpler to do business as a result of
digital marketing. Because it opens up the worldwide market and makes advertising more
affordable, this is mostly due to the fact that it is more convenient. When it comes to the use of
digital marketing, both the government and the private sector have been at the forefront of the
movement. This is apparent from the responses that have been received as part of the research.

The ability to maintain a strong online presence is one of the most important factors that define
the success of businesses in the private sector. This is mostly due to the fact that the majority of
consumers depend on customer reviews to determine whether or not a business is capable of
meeting the requirements of its consumers. This is the primary reason why most businesses
have a customer relations department division, which is primarily tasked with the duty of
reacting to consumer comments received via different internet channels. As a result, it is
essential for a business to be familiar with some of the underlying technologies that enable the
usage and operation of digital marketing. The information system is used by the digital
marketing business in order to function properly. This allows it to store and depict information

on individuals, as well as maintain a record of the activities that its members participate in. The
digital ecosystem is critical in helping a company or organization in efficiently managing its
workers, inventory, data, and customers. This method makes use of hardware and software to
gather and store data, and then processes that data to provide information that aids in the
decision-making process.

In contrast, the greatest number of system breaches was due to failure and corruption during the
intense involvement of digital marketing during the COVID-19 epidemic, since most
companies had robust firewalls and antivirus, as well as passwords to access their databases.
This implies that the majority of the most successful cyber-attacks begin inside the business. As
a result, it is critical that the company be able to educate its workers on how to protect the
information contained inside the databases. This is the only way that the company will be able
to prevent unauthorized people from gaining access to some of the most sensitive information
in the company.

4.1 Limitations of the study

Based on this research, digital marketing methods can be compared to the specific and efficient
digital marketing in relation to various companies may be evaluated.

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