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ME 65





Gonzales, Jannine C.
Yandug, Jude
Malayo, Juneiver S.
Babanto Rhey Cris E.
Cena Lanie Jane
Ybanez, Jefryl
Viason, Darwin
Balinas, Eugenio Jr.
Advincula, Arthuro
Mirafilez. Emmanuel

Natural Sciences Research Center Building 2nd Floor:

Molecular Bio/Tech Lab

Electrical Components: Wattage

1 unit Biofreezer (-80℃) 1200 Watts

4 units of Laptop 320 Watts

20 units of 20W fluorescent lamps 400 Watts

5 units of 5W Light Bulbs 25 Watts

Dimensions: Area

Floor Area 8m x 8m

Roof Area 8m x 8m

Height 3m

Rear Door facing SW 1.55 m2

Front Door facing NW 3.15 m2

¼ thick 33’’ x 36’’ glass 0.764 m2

8 sets of ¼ thick of 14’’ x 16’’ glass 1.16 m2

16 sets of ¼ thick of 10’’ x 16’’ glass 1.65


¼ thick glass window 4.7 m2

Micro Technic Lab:

Electical Components: Wattage

4 units of Laptop 320 Watts

4 units of 20W Fluorescent lamps 120 Watts

Dimensions: Area

Floor Area 4m x 4m

Roof Area 4m x 4m

Height 3m

1 Door 1.55 m2

4 sets of 14’’ x 16’’ glass 0.578 m2

8 sets of 12’’ x 16’’ glass 0.991 m2

Chemicals Room:

Electrical Components: Wattage

4 units of Laptop 320 Watts

8 units of 20W fluorescent lamps 160 Watts

Dimensions: Area

Floor 8m x 4m

Roof 8m x 4m

Height 3m

Front Door facing NW 3.15 m2

16 sets of ¼ thick of 10’’ x 16’’ glass

1.65 m2

8 sets of ¼ thick of 14’’ x 16’’ glass 1.16 m2

Equipments Room:

Electrical Components: Wattage

7 units of Laptop 560 Watts

1 unit of 200W Personal Computer 200 Watts

1 unit Printer 150 Watts

1 unit Sonicator 920 Watts

2 units of Rotary Evaporator w/ Complete Accessories 3500 Watts

1 unit Microplate Reader w/ Fluorometer 288 Watts

1 unit CO2 Chamber 1800 Watts

1 unit Thermal Cycler 640 Watts

1 unit Gel Documentation System 192 Watts

1 unit Refrigerated Centrifuge 700 Watts

1 unit Agarose Gel Electrophoresis 45 Watts

1 unit Real Time PCR Machine 700 Watts

1 unit fluorescence/inverted Microscope 150 Watts

1 Biological Safety Cabinet 520 Watts

12 units of 20W fluorescent lamps 240 Watts

Dimensions: Area

Floor 12m x 4m

Roof 12m x 4m

16 sets of 10’’ x 16’’ glass 1.65 m2

Height 3m

Rear Door facing SW 1.55 m2

¼ thick 33’’ x 36’’ glass 0.764 m2

Natural Science Laboratory

Electrical Components: Wattage

4 units of Laptop 320 Watts

1 unit HPLC with fraction Collector 288 Watts

20 units of 20W fluorescent lamps 400 Watts

5 units of 5W Light Bulbs 25 Watts

Dimensions: Area

Floor 8m x 8m

Roof 8m x 8m

Height 3m

Rear Door facing SW 1.55 m2

Front Door facing NW 3.15 m2

¼ thick 33’’ x 36’’ glass 0.764 m2

8 sets of ¼ thick of 14’’ x 16’’ glass 1.16 m2

16 sets of ¼ thick of 10’’ x 16’’ glass 1.65


¼ thick glass window 4.7 m2

Cooling Load Calculations:

A. From Occupants:

1. Molecular Bio/Tech Laboratory

Assume 7 hours of operation and all non smoking and standing. Sensible

heat QS , and latent heat QL per occupant is taken from the book “Refrigeration

and Air-conditioning” by Stoeker and Jones, table 4-7, page 73, heat gain

from occupants is 150W and from table 4-9, page 74 CLF = 0.84.

Taking the average person inside is 7.

Heat gain
Qs = × number of occupants× CLF

Assuming maximum number of people inside is 15.

150 w
Qs = × 15 occupants× 0.84

QS = 1,890 Watts

2. Micro Technic Lab

Assume all seated and quiet, heat gain = 100 w

Assuming maximum number of people inside is 10.

100 w
Qs = × 10 occupants× 0.84

QS = 840 Watts
3. Chemicals Room

Assume all standing, heat gain = 150 w

Assuming maximum number of people inside is 10.

150 w
Qs = × 10 occupants× 0.84

QS = 1,260 Watts

4. Equipments Room

Assume all standing, heat gain from occupants = 150W

Assuming maximum number of people inside is 15.

150 w
Qs = × 15 occupants× 0.84

QS = 1,890 Watts

5. Natural Science Laboratory

Assume all standing, heat gain = 150 w

Assuming maximum number of people inside is 15.

150 w
Qs = × 15 occupants× 0.84

QS = 1,890 Watts
B. From Lighting (assume all lighting is turned on 12 hours)

1. Molecular Bio/Tech Lab

Qe = W x Fu x Fb x CLF


Qe = heat gain

W = total light wattage

Fu = lighting use factor = 1.0, turned on 12 hours per day

Fb = ballast factor = 1.2, for most common fluorescent lamp fixtures

CLF = 0.91, from table 4-6, for 16 hours of operation

Qe = 425w (1.0)(1.2)(0.91)

Qe = 464.1 watts

2. Micro Technic Lab

Qe = W x Fu x Fb x CLF

Qe = 80w (1.0)(1.2)(0.91)

Qe = 87.36 watts

3. Chemicals Room

Qe = W x Fu x Fb x CLF

Qe = 160w (1.0)(1.2)(0.91)

Qe = 174.72 watts
4. Equipments Room

Qe = W x Fu x Fb x CLF

Qe = 240w (1.0)(1.2)(0.91)

Qe = 262.08 watts

5. Natural Science Laboratory

Qe = W x Fu x Fb x CLF

Qe = 425w (1.0)(1.2)(0.91)

Qe = 464.1watts
C. From Infiltration:

Molecular Bio/Tech Lab, Micro Technic Lab, Chemicals Room,

Equipments Room and Natural Science Laboratory.


a. Doors are always closed; it opens only if there is someone

who enters/exit.

q = 1.23Q (To – Ti)


q = heat gain due to infiltration

Q = volumetric flow rate of outside air, L/s

To = 30℃, outside temperature

Ti = 24℃, inside temperature

From the same book, Q = 31 L/s, most common volumetric

flow rate of outside air.

q = 1.23(31 L/s)(30-24) ℃

q = 228.78 watts (each)

D. From Solar Heat Gain Through Window:

1. Molecular Bio/Tech Lab

Qsg = Aw(SHGF)max(SC)(CLF)


Qsg = solar energy passing through the window

Aw = window area

SHGFmax = maximum solar heat gain factor

SC = shading coefficient

CLF = cooling load factor

From table 4-11, “Refrigeration and Air-conditioning”, by Stoeker and Jones,

SC = 0.70 (Single glass, Heat-absorbing, No indoor shading). Assume peak

load loading may occur at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm

Front Windows

CLF = 0.37

For NE facing window at 10:00 am 3:00 pm, the windows are shaded and

does not hit by the sunlight, therefore, there is no need to compute solar heat


Rear Windows
For SW facing window at 10:00 am, the windows are shaded and does not hit

by the sunlight, therefore, there is no need to compute solar heat gain.

For SW facing window at 3:00 pm

CLF = 0.83

From table 4-10

Assume maximum heat gain factor may occur in May and July

SHGFmax = SE/SW = 480 W/m2

Qsg = 5.464 m2 (480 W/m2) (0.70)(0.83)

Qsg = 1,523.8 Watts

2. Micro Technic Lab

For NE facing window at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm, the windows are shaded

and does not hit by the sunlight, therefore, there is no need to compute solar

heat gain. Therefore there is no solar heat gain from windows.

3. Chemicals Room

For NE facing window at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm, the windows are

shaded and does not hit by the sunlight, therefore, there is no need to compute

solar heat gain. Therefore there is no solar heat gain from windows.

4. Equipments Room

Qsg = Aw(SHGF)max(SC)(CLF)
From table 4-11, “Refrigeration and Air-conditioning”, by Stoeker and

Jones, SC = 0.70 (Single glass, Heat-absorbing, No indoor shading). Assume

peak load loading may occur at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm

For SW facing window at 10:00 am, the windows are shaded and does not hit

by the sunlight, therefore, there is no need to compute solar heat gain.

Rear Window

For SW facing window at 3:00 pm

CLF = 0.83

From table 4-10

Assume maximum heat gain factor may occur in May and July

SHGFmax = SE/SW = 480 W/m2

Qsg = 5.464 (480 W/m2) (0.70)(0.83)

Qsg = 1,523.8 Watts

5. Natural Science Laboratory

Qsg = Aw(SHGF)max(SC)(CLF)

From table 4-11, “Refrigeration and Air-conditioning”, by Stoeker and Jones,

SC = 0.70 (Single glass, Heat-absorbing, No indoor shading). Assume peak

load loading may occur at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm

Front Windows

CLF = 0.37
For NE facing window at 10:00 am 3:00 pm, the windows are shaded and

does not hit by the sunlight, therefore, there is no need to compute solar heat


Rear Windows

For SW facing window at 10:00 am, the windows are shaded and does not hit

by the sunlight, therefore, there is no need to compute solar heat gain.

For SW facing window at 3:00 pm

CLF = 0.83

From table 4-10

Assume maximum heat gain factor may occur in May and July

SHGFmax = SE/SW = 480 W/m2

Qsg = 5.464 m2 (480 W/m2) (0.70)(0.83)

Qsg = 1,523.8 Watts

E. Heat Gain by Thermal Transmission

1. Molecular Bio/Tech Lab

a) From wall:

q = UA(To – Ti)


q = heat gain by thermal transmission

U = overall heat transfer coefficient

A = surface area/wall area

To = 30℃, outside temperature

Ti = 24℃, inside temperature

From table 4-4, same book

R = 0.18 m2K/W (for concrete block, sand and gravel

aggregate, 200 mm)

U = 1/R = 1/0.18

U = 5.56 W/m2K

For NE facing wall

A = (Total Area of the wall) – (Window Area) – (Door Area)

A = 24 m2 – 1.16 m2 – 3.15 m2

A = 19.69 m2

q = 5.56 W/m2K (19.69 m2)(30-24)

q = 656.858 Watts

For NW facing wall

A = (Total Area of the wall) – (Window Area) – (Door Area)

A = 24 m2 – 0 – 0

A = 24 m2


q = 5.56 W/m2K (24 m2)(30-24)

q = 800.64 Watts

For SW facing wall

A = (Total Area of the wall) – (Window Area) – (Door Area)

A = 24 m2 – 4.7 m2 – 1.55 m2

A = 17.75 m2


q = 5.56 W/m2K (17.75 m2)(30-24)

q = 592.14 Watts

b) From glass

q = UA(To – Ti)

From table 4-4, same book, Flat glass, single glass, summer

U = 5.9 W/m2K
q = 5.9 W/m2K(8.274 m2)(30-24)

q = 292.9 Watts

c) From roof:

q = UwAr(Te – Ti) or q = UAr(CLTD)


q = heat gain from roof

Uw = overall heat transfer coefficient

Te = sol-air temperature

Ti = inside room temperature

Ar = roof area

CLTD = Te + (Tave – 29), Tave = the average

outdoor dry bulb temperature

From table 4-14, same book, roofs with suspended ceilings with

solar time of 2 pm, roof type 1

Te = 43℃ and R = 1.2 m2K/W

U = 1/R = 1/1.2

U= 0.83 W/m2K

CLTD = 43℃ + (30 – 29) = 44

q = UAr(CLTD) = 0.83 W/m2K(64 m2)(44)

q = 2,337.28 Watts

2. Micro Technic Lab

a) From wall:

q = UA(To – Ti)

From table 4-4, same book

R = 0.18 m2K/W (for concrete block, sand and gravel

aggregate, 200 mm)

U = 1/R = 1/0.18

U = 5.56 W/m2K

For NE facing wall

A = (Total Area of the wall) – (Window Area) – (Door Area)

A = 12 m2 – 1.569 m2 – 1.55 m2

A = 8.881 m2


q = 5.56 W/m2K (8.881 m2)(30-24)

q = 296.27 Watts

b) From glass

q = UA(To – Ti)

From table 4-4, same book, Flat glass, single glass, summer

U = 5.9 W/m2K

q = 5.9 W/m2K(1.569 m2)(30-24)

q = 55.543 Watts
c) From roof:

q = UwAr(Te – Ti) or q = UAr(CLTD)

From table 4-14, same book, roofs with suspended ceilings with

solar time of 2 pm, roof type 1

Te = 43℃ and R = 1.2 m2K/W

U = 1/R = 1/1.2

U= 0.83 W/m2K

CLTD = 43℃ + (30 – 29) = 44

q = UAr(CLTD) = 0.83 W/m2K(16 m2)(44)

q = 548.32 Watts

3. Chemicals Room

a) From wall:

q = UA(To – Ti)

From table 4-4, same book

R = 0.18 m2K/W (for concrete block, sand and gravel

aggregate, 200 mm)

U = 1/R = 1/0.18

U = 5.56 W/m2K

For NE facing wall

A = (Total Area of the wall) – (Window Area) – (Door Area)

A = 24 m2 – 1.16 m2 - 3.15 m2
A = 19.69 m2


q = 5.56 W/m2K (19.69 m2)(30-24)

q = 656.858 Watts

b) From glass

q = UA(To – Ti)

From table 4-4, same book, Flat glass, single glass, summer

U = 5.9 W/m2K

q = 5.9 W/m2K(2.81 m2)(30-24)

q = 99.305 Watts

c) From roof:

q = UwAr(Te – Ti) or q = UAr(CLTD)

From table 4-14, same book, roofs with suspended ceilings with

solar time of 2 pm, roof type 1

Te = 43℃ and R = 1.2 m2K/W

U = 1/R = 1/1.2

U= 0.83 W/m2K

CLTD = 43℃ + (30 – 29) = 44

q = UAr(CLTD) = 0.83 W/m2K(16 m2)(44)

q = 548.32 Watts
4. Equipments Room

a) From wall:

q = UA(To – Ti)

From table 4-4, same book

R = 0.18 m2K/W (for concrete block, sand and gravel

aggregate, 200 mm)

U = 1/R = 1/0.18

U = 5.56 W/m2K

For SW facing wall

A = (Total Area of the wall) – (Area of the window)

A = 36 m2 – 4.7 m2 – 1.55 m2

A = 29.75 m2


q = 5.56 W/m2K (29.75 m2)(30-24)

q = 992.46 Watts

b) From glass

q = UA(To – Ti)

From table 4-4, same book, Flat glass, single glass, summer

U = 5.9 W/m2K
q = 5.9 W/m2K(8.274 m2)(30-24)

q = 292.9 Watts

c) From roof:

q = UwAr(Te – Ti) or q = UAr(CLTD)

From table 4-14, same book, roofs with suspended ceilings with

solar time of 2 pm, roof type 1

Te = 43℃ and R = 1.2 m2K/W

U = 1/R = 1/1.2

U= 0.83 W/m2K

CLTD = 43℃ + (30 – 29) = 44

q = UAr(CLTD) = 0.83 W/m2K(48 m2)(44)

q = 1,752 Watts

5. Natural Science Laboratory

a) From wall:

q = UA(To – Ti)

From table 4-4, same book

R = 0.18 m2K/W (for concrete block, sand and gravel

aggregate, 200 mm)

U = 1/R = 1/0.18

U = 5.56 W/m2K

For NE facing wall

A = (Total Area of the wall) – (Window Area) – (Door Area)

A = 24 m2 – 1.16 m2 – 3.15 m2

A = 19.69 m2


q = 5.56 W/m2K (19.69 m2)(30-24)

q = 656.858 Watts

For SE facing wall

A = (Total Area of the wall) – (Window Area) – (Door Area)

A = 24 m2 – 0 – 0

A = 24 m2


q = 5.56 W/m2K (24 m2)(30-24)

q = 800.64 Watts

For SW facing wall

A = (Total Area of the wall) – (Window Area) – (Door Area)

A = 24 m2 – 4.7 m2 – 1.55 m2

A = 17.75 m2


q = 5.56 W/m2K (17.75 m2)(30-24)

q = 592.14 Watts
b) From glass

q = UA(To – Ti)

From table 4-4, same book, Flat glass, single glass, summer

U = 5.9 W/m2K

q = 5.9 W/m2K(8.274 m2)(30-24)

q = 292.9 Watts

c) From roof:

q = UwAr(Te – Ti) or q = UAr(CLTD)

From table 4-14, same book, roofs with suspended ceilings with

solar time of 2 pm, roof type 1

Te = 43℃ and R = 1.2 m2K/W

U = 1/R = 1/1.2

U= 0.83 W/m2K

CLTD = 43℃ + (30 – 29) = 44

q = UAr(CLTD) = 0.83 W/m2K(64 m2)(44)

q = 2,337.28 Watts
F. Heat Gain from Equipment

1. Molecular Bio/Tech Lab

1 unit Biofreezer (-80℃) 1200 Watts

4 units of Laptop 320 Watts

20 units of 20W fluorescent lamps 400 Watts

5 units of 5W Light Bulbs 25 Watts

2. Micro Technic Lab

4 units of Laptop 320 Watts

4 units of 20W Fluorescent lamps 120 Watts

3. Chemicals Room

4 units of Laptop 320 Watts

8 units of 20W fluorescent lamps 160 Watts

4. Equipments Room

7 units of Laptop 560 Watts

1 unit of 200W Personal Computer 200 Watts

1 unit Printer 150 Watts

1 unit Sonicator 920 Watts

2 units of Rotary Evaporator w/ Complete Accessories 3500 Watts

1 unit Microplate Reader w/ Fluorometer 288 Watts

1 unit CO2 Chamber 1800 Watts

1 unit Thermal Cycler 640 Watts

1 unit Gel Documentation System 192 Watts

1 unit Refrigerated Centrifuge 700 Watts

1 unit Agarose Gel Electrophoresis 45 Watts

1 unit Real Time PCR Machine 700 Watts

1 unit fluorescence/inverted Microscope 150 Watts

1 Biological Safety Cabinet 520 Watts

12 units of 20W fluorescent lamps 240 Watts

5. Natural Science Laboratory

4 units of Laptop 320 Watts

1 unit HPLC with fraction Collector 288 Watts

20 units of 20W fluorescent lamps 400 Watts

5 units of 5W Light Bulbs 25 Watts

G. Solving for the volume flow rate of air needed every room:

1. Molecular Bio/Tech Lab

Qt = maCp(∆T)

Qt = ma [1.0 + 1.88(W1)](T2 – T1)

Va = maѵf


Qt = total heat gain for every room

Ti = temperature of air before entering the room

T2 = temperature of the room

W1 = humidity ratio of air at Ti

Va = Volume flow rate of air

ma = mass of air

ѵf = specific volume of air at Ti

Assume temperature of air before entering the room, Ti = 17℃,

from table A-2, same book @Ti = 17℃, W1 = 0.01218 kg of water/kg of

dry air, ѵf = 0.8377 m3/kg.

Then solving for the total heat gain in the room

Qt = 1,890 + 464.1 + 228.78 + 1,523.8 + 4,679.818 + 1,945

Qt = 10,731.498 Watts = 10.732 kW

ma ¿
[1.0+ 1.88 ( 0.01218 ) ]( 24−17)
ma = 1.5 kg / s
Va = ma ѵf = 1.5 kg/s(0.8377 m3/kg)

Va = 1.257 m3/s

2. Micro Technic Lab

Qt = maCp(∆T)

Qt = ma [1.0 + 1.88(W1)](T2 – T1)

Va = maѵf

Qt = 840 + 87.36 + 228.78 + 900.133 + 440

Qt = 2,456.273 Watts = 2.46 kW

ma ¿
[1.0+ 1.88 ( 0.01218 ) ]( 24−17)
ma = 0.344 kg/s

Va = ma ѵf = 0.344 kg/s(0.8377 m3/kg)

Va = 0.288 m3/s

3. Chemicals Room

Qt = maCp(∆T)

Qt = ma [1.0 + 1.88(W1)](T2 – T1)

Va = maѵf

Qt = 1,260 + 174.72 + 228.78 + 1,304.483 + 480

Qt = 3,447.983 Watts = 3.48 kW

ma ¿
[1.0+ 1.88 ( 0.01218 ) ]( 24−17)
ma = 0.486 kg/s

Va = ma ѵf = 0.486 kg/s(0.8377 m3/kg)

Va = 0.407 m3/s

4. Equipments Room

Qt = maCp(∆T)

Qt = ma [1.0 + 1.88(W1)](T2 – T1)

Va = maѵf

Qt = 1,890 + 262.08 + 228.78 + 1,523.8 + 3,037.36 + 9,860

Qt = 16,802.02 Watts = 16.802 kW

ma ¿
[1.0+ 1.88 ( 0.01218 ) ]( 24−17)
ma = 2.347 kg/s

Va = ma ѵf = 2.347(0.8377 m3/kg)

Va = 1.97 m3/s

5. Natural Science Laboratory

Qt = maCp(∆T)

Qt = ma [1.0 + 1.88(W1)](T2 – T1)

Va = maѵf

Qt = 1,890 + 464.1 + 228.78 + 1,523.8 + 4,679.818 + 1,033

Qt = 9,819.498 Watts = 9.82 kW

ma ¿
[1.0+ 1.88 ( 0.01218 ) ]( 24−17)
ma = 1.37 kg/s
Va = ma ѵf = 1.37 kg/s(0.8377 m3/kg)

Va = 1.15 m3/s

H. Solving for TOR needed in each room

1. Molecular Bio/Tech Lab

Qt ¿ × area of airconditioned space
total area

Assume the total area of the room was fully air-conditioned, and it is turned

on 8 hours daily:

Qt = 10.732 kW

Q t ×total number∨hours the unit wasturned on

Refrigeration Capacity =
24 hrs

10.732× 8 hrs TOR

Ref. Capacity = =3.58 (1 )
24 hrs 3.516 kw

Ref. Capacity = 1.02 TOR

2. Micro Technic Lab

Qt ¿ × area of airconditioned space
total area

Assume the total area of the room was fully air-conditioned, and it is turned

on 8 hours daily:

Qt = 2.48 kW

Q t ×total number∨hours the unit wasturned on

Refrigeration Capacity =
24 hrs
2.48× 8 hrs TOR
Ref. Capacity = =0.827(1 )
24 hrs 3.516 kw

Ref. Capacity = 0.235 TOR

3. Chemicals Room

Qt ¿ × area of airconditioned space
total area

Assume the total area of the room was fully air-conditioned, and it is turned

on 8 hours daily:

Qt = 3.48 kW

Q t ×total number∨hours the unit wasturned on

Refrigeration Capacity =
24 hrs

3.48× 8 hrs TOR

Ref. Capacity = =1.16(1 )
24 hrs 3.516 kw

Ref. Capacity = 0.33 TOR

4. Equipments Room

Qt ¿ × area of airconditioned space
total area

Assume the total area of the room was fully air-conditioned, and it is turned

on 8 hours daily:

Qt = 16.802 kW

Q t ×total number∨hours the unit wasturned on

Refrigeration Capacity =
24 hrs

16.802× 8 hrs TOR

Ref. Capacity = =5.601(1 )
24 hrs 3.516 kw

Ref. Capacity = 1.593

5. Natural Science Laboratory

Qt ¿ × area of airconditioned space
total area

Assume the total area of the room was fully air-conditioned, and it is turned

on 8 hours daily: Qt = 9.82 kW

Q t ×total number∨hours the unit wasturned on

Refrigeration Capacity =
24 hrs

9.82× 8 hrs TOR

Ref. Capacity = =3.273(1 )
24 hrs 3.516 kw

Ref. Capacity = 0.931 TOR

I. Number of Air-conditioning units required:

 Molecular Bio/Tech Lab

Unit = Split type (Ceiling mounted)

o Koppel

o 9.0 kJ/h EER

o 42dBA

o 1,007 mm width x 670 mm depth x 271 mm height

o 48 kg

Cooling load per unit = 18,990 KJ/h = 5.28 kW

Motor = 2 Hp

Ref .Capacity
Number of units required =
Cooling load per unit

3.58 kW
Number of units required = = 0.678
5.28 kW

Number of unit(s) = 1
 Micro Technic Lab, Chemicals Room and Equipment Room

Base on the floor plan, to fit and economize the design the Micro Technic

Lab, Chemicals Room and Equipment Room should have Variable

Refrigerant Flow (VRF) system.

 Micro Technic Lab

Unit = VRF split system (wall mounted)

o LG

o 39 dBA

o 895 mm width x 165 mm depth x 282 mm height

o 9 kg

Cooling load per unit = 9,600 kJ/h = 2.67 kW

Motor = 1 Hp

Ref .Capacity
Number of units required =
Cooling load per unit

0.827 kW
Number of units required = = 0.31
2.67 kW

Number of unit(s) = 1

 Chemicals Room

Unit = VRF split system (wall mounted)

o LG

o 39 dBA

o 895 mm width x 165 mm depth x 282 mm height

o 9 kg

Cooling load per unit = 9,600 kJ/h = 2.67 kW

Motor = 1 Hp

Ref .Capacity
Number of units required =
Cooling load per unit

1.16 kW
Number of units required = = 0.434
2.67 kW

Number of unit(s) = 1

 Equipments Room

Unit = VRF split system (Ceiling mounted)

o LG

o 43 dBA

o 1,090 mm width x 178 mm depth x 300 mm height

o 12 kg

Cooling load per unit = 24,200 kJ/h = 6.72 kW

Motor = 3 Hp

Ref .Capacity
Number of units required =
Cooling load per unit

Number of units required = = 0.8335

Number of unit(s) = 1

 Natural Science Laboratory

Unit = Split type (wall mounted)

o Koppel

o 13.7 kJ/h EER

o 790 mm width x 195 mm depth x 265 mm height

o 9 kg

Cooling load per unit = 12,600 KJ/h = 3.5 kW

Motor = 1.5 Hp

Ref .Capacity
Number of units required =
Cooling load per unit

3.273 kW
Number of units required = = 0.935
3.5 kW

Number of unit(s) = 1


This part is the design of Air Conditioning Ducts for the 2nd Floor Natural Science
Research Center Building.
Figure below shows a typical duct layout of the building. Design the duct system uses
Velocity method for the calculation of Fan Total Pressure.
For design purposes, the assumptions and conditions below are to be considered:
 Assume that the velocity if the main and branch ducts are 8 m/s and 5 m/s
 The duct is to be a rectangular duct having an aspect ratio of 1:8 for the very
purpose that the height of the duct should not exceed to more than 0.3 meter as
the clearance between the roof and ceiling of the building is only 0.3 meters.
 Assume a dynamic loss coefficient of 0.3 for upstream to downstream and 0.8 for
upstream to branch and for the elbow. The dynamic loss coefficients for the
outlets may be taken as 1.0.
 A velocity method of duct design is to be taken.

a.) Calculation of dimensions of rectangular duct:

@ Segment A
Q = 7.479
V =8
Q 0 .749
A= = =0. 9349
V 8
Solving for a and b (a/b = 1/8):
Thus, b = 8a
A=ab=8 a
A 0 .934875
√ √
= 0 . 3418 m

b=8 a=2. 7348 m

@ Segment B
Q = 1.257 V =5
Q 1. 257
A= = =0 . 2514
V 5
Solving for a and b (a/b = 1/8):
Thus, b = 8a
A 0 .2514
√ √
= 0. 1773 m
b=8 a=1. 4182 m

@ Segment C
Q = 6.222
V =5
Q 6 .222
A= = =1 .2444
V 5
Solving for a and b (a/b = 1/8):
Thus, b = 8a
A 1. 2444
√ √
= 0 .3944 m
b=8 a=3. 1552 m

@ Segment D
Q = 1.257
V =5
Q 1. 257
A= = =0 . 2514
V 5
Solving for a and b (a/b = 1/8):
Thus, b = 8a
A 0 .2514
√ √
= 0. 1773 m
b=8 a=1. 4182 m
@ Segment E
Q = 4.96
V =5
Q 4 . 965
A= = =0. 993
V 5
Solving for a and b (a/b = 1/8):
Thus, b = 8a
A 0 .993
√ √
= 0 . 3523 m
b=8 a=2. 8185 m

@ Segment F
Q = 0.288
V =5
Q 0 .288
A= = =0. 0576
V 5
Solving for a and b (a/b = 1/8):
Thus, b = 8a
A 0 .0576
√ √
= 0 . 0849 m
b=8 a=0 .6788 m
@ Segment G
Q = 4.667
V =5
Q 4 . 667
A= = =0. 9334
V 5
Solving for a and b (a/b = 1/8):
Thus, b = 8a
A 0 .9334
√ √
= 0. 3416 m
b=8 a=2. 7326 m
@ Segment H
Q = 1.97
V =5
Q 1. 97
A= = =0. 394
V 5
Solving for a and b (a/b = 1/8):
Thus, b = 8a
A 0 .394
√ √
= 0 . 2219 m
b=8 a=1. 7754 m
@ Segment I
Q = 2.707
V =5
Q 2. 707
A= = =0 . 5414
V 5
Solving for a and b (a/b = 1/8):
Thus, b = 8a
A 0 .5414
√ √
= 0 . 2601 m
b=8 a=2. 0812 m
@ Segment J
Q = 0.407
V =5
Q 0 . 407
A= = =0 . 0814
V 5
Solving for a and b (a/b = 1/8):
Thus, b = 8a
A 0 .0814
√ √
= 0. 1009 m
b=8 a=0 .807 m
@ Segment K
Q = 2.3
V =5
Q 2. 3
A= = =0 . 46
V 5
Solving for a and b (a/b = 1/8):
Thus, b = 8a
A 0 . 46
√ √
= 0 .2398 m
b=8 a=1. 9183 m
@ Segment L
Q = 1.15
V =5
Q 1. 15
A= = =0 . 23
V 5
Solving for a and b (a/b = 1/8):
Thus, b = 8a
A 0 .23
√ √
= 0 . 1696 m
b=8 a=1. 3565 m
@ Segment M
Q = 1.15
V =5
Q 1. 15
A= = =0 . 23
V 5
Solving for a and b (a/b = 1/8):
Thus, b = 8a
A 0 .23
√ √
= 0 . 1696
b=8 a=1. 3565
b.) Calculation of Equivalent Diameter for Rectangular Ducts:

( ab )0. 625 ( 0 . 3418 x 2. 7348 )0. 625

D eq , A =1. 3
( a+b )0 .25 ) (
=1. 3
( 0 .3418 + 2 .7348 )0 . 25 )
=0 . 9411 m

( ab )0. 625 ( 0 . 1773 x 1. 4182 )0 .625

Deq , B=1 .3
( ) (
( a+b )0 . 25
=1. 3
( 0 .1773 + 1 . 4182 )0. 25
=0 . 488 m

( ab )0 . 625 ( 0. 3944 x 3 .1552 )0 . 625

D eq ,C =1 . 3
( a+b )0. 25 ) (
=1 . 3
( 0 .3944 +3 . 1552 )0. 25 )=1 . 0858 m

( ab )0 . 625 ( 0. 1773 x 1 . 4182 )0. 625

Deq , D=1 . 3
( a+b )0. 25 ) (
=1 . 3
( 0 .1773 +1 . 4182 )0. 25 )=0 . 488 m

( ab )0 .625 ( 0. 3523 x 2. 8185 )0 . 625

Deq , E=1 .3
( ) (
( a+b )0. 25
=1 .3
( 0. 3523 +2 .8185 )0. 25
=0. 9699 m
( ab )0 . 625 ( 0. 0849 x 0 . 6788 )0. 625
Deq , F=1 . 3
( a+b )0. 25
=1 . 3
) (
( 0 .0849 +0 . 6788 )0 .25
=0 .2336 m
( ab )0. 625 ( 0 .3416 x 2 .7326 )0. 625
Deq ,G =1. 3
( ( a+b )0 .25 ) (
=1. 3
( 0 . 3416 +2 . 7326 )0 .25
=0 . 9404 m
( ab )0. 625 ( 0 . 2219 x 1. 7754 )0 . 625
Deq , H =1 .3
( a+b )0 . 25
=1 .3
) (
( 0 . 2219 +1. 7754 )0. 25
=0. 611 m
( ab )0. 625 ( 0 . 2601 x 2. 0812 )0. 625
Deq , I =1. 3
( ( a+b )0 .25
) (
( 0 . 2601 +2. 0812 )0. 25
=0 .7162 m
( ab )0. 625 ( 0 .1009 x 0 . 807 )0 . 625
D eq , J =1. 3
( a+b )0 .25
=1. 3
) (
( 0 .1009 +0. 807 )0. 25
=0 . 2777 m
( ab )0 . 625 ( 0 .2398 x 1 . 9183 )0. 625
D eq , K =1. 3
( ( a+b )0. 25
) (
. 3
( 0 .2398 +1 . 9183 )0. 25
=0 .6602 m
( ab )0 . 625 ( 0. 1696 x 1. 3565 )0 . 625
D eq , L=1 . 3
( a+b )0. 25
=1 .3
) (
( 0 .1696 +1 .3565 )0 . 25
=0 . 4668 m
( ab )0 . 625 ( 0. 1696 x 1. 3565 )0 . 625
D eq , M =1 . 3
( a+b )0. 25
=1 .3
) (
( 0 .1696 +1 .3565 )0 . 25
=0 . 4668 m
c.) Calculation of Pressure drop in Each Segment

for frictional pressure loss:

0 . 022243 ( Q A )1 .852 ( L A ) 0 . 022243 ( 7 . 479 )

1. 852
(2 )
ΔP Af = 4. 973
( D eq, A ) 0 . 94114 . 973
= 2.4983 Pa
1. 852
0 . 022243 ( Q B ) ( LB ) 0 .022243 ( 1 .257 )
1 . 852
( 4)
ΔP Bf = 4. 973
= =4 . 8145 Pa
( Deq , B ) 0 . 4884 . 973
0. 022243 ( Qc )1. 852 ( LC ) 0. 022243 ( 6 .222 )
1 . 852
( 4)
ΔP Cf = 4 . 973
= =1 .7451Pa
( Deq, c ) 1 .0858 4 .973

0 .022243 ( Q D )1 . 852 ( L D ) 0 . 022243 ( 1 . 257 )

1. 852
(4 )
ΔP Df = 4 . 973
= =4 . 8145 Pa
( D eq, D ) 0 . 488 4. 973

0. 022243 ( Q E )1. 852 ( L B ) 0 . 022243 ( 4 . 965 )

1 .852
(4 )
ΔP Ef = 4 . 973
= =2 .0138 Pa
( D eq, E ) 0 . 96994 . 973

0. 022243 ( Q F )1 .852 ( L F ) 0 . 022243 ( 0 . 288 )

1. 852
ΔP Ff = 4. 973
= =6 .1315 Pa
( Deq , F ) 0 .2336 4 . 973

0 . 022243 ( QG )1. 852 ( LG ) 0 . 022243 ( 4 . 667 )

1. 852
(4 )
ΔP Gf = 4 . 973
= =2. 0945 Pa
( D eq, G ) 0 .9404 4 . 973

1. 852
0 .022243 ( Q H ) ( LH) 0 . 022243 ( 1. 97 )
1 .852
(6 )
ΔP Hf = 4 . 973
= =5 . 4304 Pa
( Deq , H ) 0 .611 4 . 973

0. 022243 ( Q I ) 1. 852 ( LI ) 0. 022243 ( 2 .707 )

1 . 852
ΔP If = 4. 973
= =1 . 4796 Pa
( D eq, I ) 0 .71624 . 973

1. 852
0. 022243 ( Q J ) ( LJ ) 0. 022243 ( 0 . 407 )
1 .852
ΔP Jf = 4 . 973
= =4 .9234 Pa
( Deq , J ) 0 .2777 4 . 973

0 . 022243 ( Q K )1. 852 ( L K ) 0 .022243 ( 2 .3 )

1 . 852
(6 )
ΔP Kf = 4 .973
= =4 . 9222 Pa
( Deq , K ) 0 .6602 4. 973

0 . 022243 ( QL ) 1. 852 ( LL ) 0 . 022243 (1 . 15 )

1. 852
(4 )
ΔP Lf = 4 . 973
= =5 . 0941 Pa
( Deq, L ) 0 . 4668 4. 973

0 . 022243 ( QM ) 1. 852 ( LM ) 0 . 022243 ( 1 .15 )

1. 852
( 4)
ΔP Mf = 4 . 973
= =5 . 0941 Pa
( D eq, M ) 0 . 46684 . 973

for dynamic pressure loss:

coefficients of dynamic loss:
C upstream to downstream (Cu-d) = 0.3
C upstream to branch and elbows (Cu-b, Celbow) = 0.8
C outlet or exit (Celbow) = 1.0

ρV 2 1. 2 ( 52 )
ΔP u−d =0. 3 ( ) (
=0 . 3
2 ) =4 .5 Pa

ρV 2 1. 2 ( 52 )
ΔP u−b =0 . 8 ( ) (
=0 . 8
2 ) =12 Pa

ρV 2 1. 2 ( 5 2 )
ΔP elbow =0 . 8 ( ) (
=0 .8
2 )
=12 Pa

ρV 2 1. 2 ( 52 )
( ) (
ΔP exit =1 . 0
=1. 0
2 ) =15 Pa

c.) Calculation of Pressure drop in Each Section

@ Section A-B
∆PA-B = ∆PAf + ∆PBf + ∆Pu-b + ∆Pexit
∆PA-B = 2.4983 + 4 . 8145 + 12 + 15 = 34.313 Pa

@ Section ACD
∆PACD = ∆PAf + ∆PCf + ∆PDf + ∆Pu-d,C + ∆Pu-b,D + ∆Pexit

∆PACD = 2.4983 + 1.7451 + 4.8145 + 4.5 + 12 + 15 = 40.5579 Pa

@ Section ACEF
∆PACEF = ∆PAf + ∆PCf +∆PEf + ∆PFf + ∆Pu-d,C + ∆Pu-d,E + ∆Pu-b,F + ∆Pexit

∆PACEF = 2.4983 + 1.7451 + 2.0138 + 6.1315 + 4.5 + 4.5 + 12 + 15 = 48.389 Pa

@ Section ACEGH
∆PACEGH = ∆PAf + ∆PCf +∆PEf + ∆PGf + ∆PHf + ∆Pu-d,C + ∆Pu-d,E + ∆Pu-d,G + ∆Pu-b,H + ∆Pexit

∆PACEGH = 2.4983 + 1.7451 + 2.0138 + 2.0945 + 5.4304 + 4.5 + 4.5 + 4.5 + 12 + 15 = 54.282 Pa

@ Section ACEGIJ
∆PACEGIJ = ∆PAf + ∆PCf +∆PEf + ∆PGf + ∆PIf + ∆PJf + ∆Pu-d,C + ∆Pu-d,E + ∆Pu-d,G + ∆Pu-d,I +
∆Pu-b,J + ∆Pexit
∆PACEGIJ = 2.4983 + 1.7451+ 2.0138 + .0945 + 1.4796 + 4.9234 +4.5 + 4.5 +4.5 + 4.5 + 12 + 15
∆PACEGIJ = 59.754 Pa

@ Section ACEGIKL
∆PACEGIKL = ∆PAf + ∆PCf +∆PEf + ∆PGf + ∆PIf + ∆PKf + ∆PLf + ∆Pu-d,C + ∆Pu-d,E + ∆Pu-d,G +
∆Pu-d,I ∆Pu-d,K + ∆Pu-b,L + ∆Pexit
= 2.4983 + 1.7451 + 2.0138 + 2.0945 + 1.4796 + 4.9222 + 5.0941 + 4.5 + 4.5 +4.5+
4.5 +4.5 + 12 + 15
∆PACEGIKL = 69.3476 Pa

@ Section ACEGIKM
∆PACEGIKM = ∆PAf + ∆PCf +∆PEf + ∆PGf + ∆PIf + ∆PKf + ∆PMf + ∆Pu-d,C + ∆Pu-d,E + ∆Pu-d,G +
∆Pu-d,I + ∆Pu-d,K + ∆Pu-d,M + ∆Pelbow + ∆Pexit
= 2.4983 + 1.7451 + 2.0138 + 2.0945 + 1.4796 + 4.9222 + 5.0941 + 4.5 + 4.5
+4.5+ 4.5 +4.5 + 4.5 + 12 + 15
∆PACEGIKM = 73.8476 Pa

Thus the run with maximum pressure drop is A-C-E-G-I-K-M is the index run. Hence the FTP
required is:
FTP = ∆PACEGIKM = 73.8476 Pa

d.) Amount of dampering required in each run:

Amount of dampering required at 1:

FTP - ∆ P A −B = 73.8476 Pa – 34.313 Pa = 39.5346 Pa

Amount of dampering required at 2:

FTP - ∆ P A −C−D = 73.8476 Pa – 40.5579 Pa = 33.2897 Pa

Amount of dampering required at 3:

FTP - ∆ P A −C−E −F = 73.8476 Pa – 48.389 Pa = 25.4586 Pa

Amount of dampering required at 4:

FTP - ∆ P A −C−E −G −H = 73.8476 Pa – 54.282 Pa = 19.5656 Pa

Amount of dampering required at 5:

FTP - ∆ P A −C−E −G −I− J = 73.8476 Pa – 59.754 Pa = 14.0936 Pa

Amount of dampering required at 6:

FTP - ∆ P A −C−E −G −I− K− L = 73.8476 Pa – = 69.3476 Pa = 4.5 Pa

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