Dll-Rpms Taon 2021 CO - ORAL COM

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12 SCHOOL 11
DAILY Teacher Learning
Teaching Dates and Quarter

A. Content Standard The learner recognizes that communicative competence requires understanding of speech
context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy
B. Performance Standard The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech
C. Learning Competency/Objectives 1. The learners identify the various types of speech context. (EN11/12OC-Ifj-15)
Write the LC code for each. 2. The learners exhibit appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior in each speech
context. (EN11/12OC-Ifj-16)
3. The learners distinguish the types of speech style.

II. CONTENT Types of Speech Context and Speech Styles

A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages 18-24
2. Learner’s Materials pages 29-39
3. Textbook pages None
4. Additional Materials from Video clip, pictures, powerpoint presentation
Learning Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource www.google.com
A. Reviewing previous lesson or ACTIVITY 1. ACT IT OUT!
presenting the new lesson Work in groups of eight and read the following scenes.

 Scene 1: Someone making an announcement to the public

 Scene 2: Two small groups of people discussing something separately
 Scene 3: One person talking to himself
 Scene 4: Two people speaking with each other on the phone
 Scene 5: A reporter appearing live on screen

Weave the scenes together into a story. Students are free to

interchange the order of the scenes.

Act out the story and present it to the class within five minutes.

B. Establishing a purpose for the ACTIVITY 2: GROUP ACTIVITY (SAME GROUP)

Discuss in three minutes what information can be contained in each of the
following types of communication.

Fill in each box with the information needed.

between two
with self

Communication Communication
in small group to the public

Tell the students to imagine a scenario in which each type of communication

is used.

Encourage them to freely share their ideas with their group mates.

Afterwards, ask each group to assign one representative who will present
their sharing within two minutes.

Synthesize the answers of the students and use it to segue to the

discussion on the types of speech contexts.

C. Presenting examples/Instances of Teacher will flash 5 pictures that the students needs to determine the type
the new lesson of speech.

D. Discussing new concepts and Types of Speech Context

practicing new skills # 1 1. Intrapersonal
2. Interpersonal

Types of Interpersonal Context

1. Dyad Communication
2. Small Group
3. Public
4. Mass Communication

Have students give their personal examples for each type of context.
The teacher can also refer to the scenes the students performed earlier.

After the discussion, have students work with their seatmates and answer
Exercise II on page 34 to review the topic discussed. Remind students to
give three (3) real-life examples for each type.

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills # 2
F. Developing mastery With similar group, provide symbols to agree or disagree on the ideas that
(leads to Formative Assessment shall be flash by the teacher. Afterwards, each group shall explain why they
3) agree or disagree about the idea.

Example: In public communication, the channels are more exaggerated.

G. Finding practical application of As a student, how will you know the appropriate language that should be
concepts and skills in daily living observed in each speech context?

H. Making generalizations and With the same group, use facial and body gestures to create a tableau of
abstractions about the lesson the following:

a. First day of class

b. Examination week

c. Effects of Facebook addiction
d. Class suspension
e. Weekends

After creating the tableaux, let the students come up with three topics which
characterize the modern Filipino youth in the home, school and community.
Create a tableau for each of the topics.

Take group pictures of the tableaux. Show the photos to class and have
them guess the topic.

The group which guesses the most of tableaux gets the highest score.

I. Evaluating learning Determine the type of speech context in the following examples:

1. Mary Claire offered a feedback on the answer of her friend in her

2. Medelyn is assigned to deliver the graduation speech.
3. The group of Kathlyn are gathering data through given
questionnaires to their community.
4. Lyana entered an oratorical competition watched by several people.
5. Clarissa interviewed people on the street about their opinion on
current issues that shall be published through their school paper.
J. Additional activities for application Answer the exercise on Interpersonal and Interpersonal Communication
or remediation Refer to the link on the Other Sources Used



A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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