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1. Participants will be able to express appreciation on OSH &

recognize the importance of various data and legislation
relating to OSH.
2. Participants will be able to understand, learn and discuss basic
concepts of OSH towards an effective OSH implementation in
the workplace.
3. Participants will be able to recognize safety and health
hazards and appropriate safety measures in their workplace
4. Participants will be able to know how to respond in workplace
emergencies & participate during conduct of emergency drills

5. Participants will be able to identify the prescribed
administrative requirements & express commitment to OSH.


I. Overview
a. What is OSH & Why we need Osh?
b. Benefits, Company OSH Measures, Policies &

Basic Occupational Safety II. Understanding of OSH

a. General Concepts to OSH

and Health
b. Definition of Risk and Hazards, Safety and Health
Hazards & Accident, unsafe act & unsafe condition
c. Classification of Hazards
III. Recognizing hazards & appropriate control measures
IV. Application of Hazards Identification, Risk Assessment &
Control (HIRAC)
V. Workplace Emergency Preparedness
VI. Compliance to Administrative OSH Requirements
a. Administrative OSH requirements
i. Reportorial Requirements and perspective
period of submission
ii. Penalties and Violations

OVERVIEW: Cost Saving: To avoid Accident Human cost, economical
and/or penalties, violations from Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE)
Occupational Safety & Health- are a discipline with a broad
Benefit of Workplace OSH Practices
scope involving three major fields- Occupational Safety,
Occupational Health, and Industrial Hygiene. 1. Keep you Healthy
2. Identify the risk
Occupational Safety- concerned with protecting the
3. Good Production
Safety, Health & Welfare of people engaged in work or
Employment. 4. Prevent Accident
Occupational Health- is a broad concept which explains COMPANY OSH MEASURES, POLICIES & PROGRAMS
How the different hazards and risk at work may cause an
illness & emphasizes that health program are essential in Top 5 Preventive & Control Measures Activities Conducted
Controlling work-related and/or occupational disease.
1. Posting of Safety Signages and Warnings
Industrial Hygiene- discusses the identification,
evaluation & control of physical, chemical, biological and 2. Smoke- Free Workplace
ergonomic hazards. 3. Emergency Response Preparedness Activities
4. Appointed Safety Officer
In its broadest sense, OSH aims to (1) Preventing workers from getting sick 5. Regular Inspection & Maintenance of Equipment
(2) Protecting workers from Health risks & (3) Placing workers in tasks
Top 5 Occupational Safety & Health Policies/Programs
adapted to his ability
1. Fire Prevention and Control
2. Drug-Free Workplace Policy Program
1. (Moral Reasons) 3. Emergency Response Preparedness Program
4. Accident Prevention Program
Duty of Care: We need to secure the safety and welfare
5. Monitoring/Surveillance of Occupational and Work
of each employee. Preventing to Occupational Accidents,
Related-Injuries and Illnesses.
Injuries, or worse Fatal cases in a Workplace.
2. (Legal Reasons)
General Concepts of OSH
This Eight (8)-hour Basic Occupational Safety and Health
Training for Workers is a mandatory training course in Republic Act 11058 “An Act strengthening compliance with
Pursuance with Republic Act 11058 & Section 3 of DOLE Occupational Safety and Heath Standards and Providing
Department Order 198 s. 2018. Penalties for Violations thereof”
3. (Economic Reasons)
 What is a Safety Officer? Refers to any employee of Risk- Combination of Likelihood of an event to happen & the
officer of the Company trained by DOLE or DOLE severity of that event. Risk= Likelihood x Severity
accredited training organization & tasked by the employer
Safety Hazards- Something that has potential for injury. It
to implement OSH program, & ensure that it is in
increases the risk level to which a person is exposed and can
accordance with the provisions of OSH standards.
bring about delayed results. (Example: Working Falling from
Roles of Safety Officer ladder & injuring his skull since he did not used the prescribed
safety helmet)
 Overall Management of OSH program in coordination
with OSH Committee Classification of Safety Hazards
 Monitoring and Inspection of Health or Safety aspect of 1. Physical Hazards- Heights, noise, radiation, vibration
operation 2. Mechanical Hazards- Sharp points & Edges
 Assist government inspectors in conduct inspection. 3. Electrical Hazards- Insulation damaged, cover broker,
 Issue of work stoppage order (WSO) when necessary. overloading of sockets
4. Poor House Keeping and proper lifting
Health Hazards- Something that has potential to cause illness.
And it usually affects a person’s health and bring about delayed
results. (Example. Person working on a coal mines is at
increased risk & developing lung related disease in the future.
Classification of Health Hazards
1. Ergonomics- expose to unnatural postures resulting to
backpain, stiff neck or carpal syndrome
2. Environmental Hazards- Temperature, weather condition
3. Biological Hazards- Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Insects,
4. Chemical Hazards-arise from excessive airborne
concentration of vapors, mists, fumes, gases & Dusts.
Hazards Identification, Risk Assessment & Control 5. Psychosocial Hazards- All sources of stress.
(HIRAC)/Definition and Examples
Self-Activity: Look at the picture, list down the possible hazards
Hazard- Anything (source, situation, or act) with the potential to you see at in the picture
cause harm or injury and illnesses.

Why Identify Hazards?
1. To keep workplace safe and healthy
2. Employers should make sure there are no hazards to
which employees could be exposed
3. Employers should look for hazards in advance as part of
their risk management plan to prevent potential hazards.
Definition of Terms
Accident- is unexpected, unforeseen, unplanned, and
unwanted occurrence or event that causes damage or loss of
materials properties, injury of death
Near Miss- is an incident which no injury or damage results.
Unsafe acts- any human action that violates a commonly
accepted safe work procedure or standard operation procedure
(Answer) More examples of Safety & Health Hazards
Unsafe condition: Hazards include erroneous safety
Safety Hazards procedures, malfunctioning equipment tools
1. Boxes on walkways blocking to exit
2. Octopus connection
3. Extension to extension
4. Damage Swivel Chair
5. Fire extinguisher use as door stopper
6. Removal of machine guard
Health Hazards
1. Chemical storage
2. Overflowing of wastebaskets
3. Unlabeled chemical on top of chemical storage cabinet
4. Flammable chemicals found on walkway
5. Mixed waste at waste bin or hazardous waste
6. Spillage of chemical/ water

III. Recognizing Hazards & Appropriate Control Measures of 3. Isolate the Hazard from the people: This involves
Hazards physically separating the source of harm from people by
distance or using barriers (Ex. By providing division like
The Hierarchy of Control
plastic cover esp. in receiving area)
4. Use of Engineering controls: An engineering control is
a control measure that is physical in nature, including a
mechanical device or process. (Ex. Providing UV Light
box for receiving documents or providing a shuttle to
5. Administrative Controls: are work methods or
procedures that are designed to minimize exposure to a
Hazard. Established appropriate procedures & safe work.
(Ex. Provide symposiums to lessen the stigma on
vaccination program from LGU)
6. Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Provide
suitable and properly maintained PPE. (Ex. Proper
wearing of PPEs like face mask and/or face shield)
IV. Application of Hazards Identification, Risk
Assessment & Control (HIRAC)
5 Steps of Risk Assessment
6 Steps to determine the most effective measures to control
workplace hazards & to minimize risk. 1. Identify the Hazards
2. Decide who might be harmed and how
1. Eliminate the Hazards: It is often cheaper & more 3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
practical to eliminate hazards at the design or planning 4. Record your findings and implement them
stage of a product, process or place used of work. 5. Review your risk assessment and update it if necessary
(Ex. Covid 19 Virus- Biological Hazard, Eliminate it
through Handwashing)
2. Substitute the Hazard with something safer: If it is not
reasonably practicable to eliminate the Hazards and
associated the risk, you should minimize the risk (Ex.
Work from Home Set up)

Evaluate the risk: V. Workplace Emergency Preparedness

Practice: Try to see the Hazards in this Picture and

proposed control measures.

Things to do in a bombing event
COVID 19 Monitoring Employee Health
5. Leave the area immediately
6. Avoid Crowds. Crowds of people may be targeted 1. Start with the obvious & focus on it
for a second attack. 2. Questioning employees (Answering Health Symptoms
7. Avoid unattended cars & Trucks as this could Questionnaire prior to start at work and entering to a
contain explosives premises)
8. Stay away from damaged buildings to avoid falling 3. Taking Temperature
glass & bricks. 4. Encourage Employee to register on www.STAYSAFE.PH
9. Follow direction from people with authority
4 ways on Covid 19 Social Distancing
10. Help others who are hurt or need assistance to
leave the area if you are able. If you see someone 1. Stay home & avoid contact with others. Avoid non-
who is seriously injured, seek help. Do not try to essential socialization
manage the situation alone. 2. Take necessary precautions when riding public transport
if you cannot avoid using it
3. Avoid crowded places and limit activities in public if
Control and Management of COVID 19 in the Workplace
COVID 19- are large family of viruses that are common in many 4. Keep your distance from others (about 6 ft or 2 meters)
different species of animals. The Virus has been named “SARS-
COV-2” and the disease it causes has been named “Corona
disease 2019.
 Fever Headache
 Sore throat Runny Nose
 Breathing Difficulties Shaking Chills
 Dry Cough

 Air by cough/ sneeze
 Personal contact (e.g hand shaking, kiss)
 Contaminated objects
 Animal contact

2. Repeat violation of the same prohibited act shall be
penalized of corresponding fine + 50% of every instance
Salient Features of OSH Legislations (RA 11058 and Its DO
or repeat violation
3. Exposure of worker to IDLF imposable penalty is
Duties and Rights 100,000.00
4. Refuse access to workplace and records, retaliation-
Employer’s Duty additional 100,000.00
1. Provide safe & Healthy Workplace
2. Mandatory Training
3. Provision of information to OSH
4. Use of device/equipment with approved industry standard
5. Compliance to OSH requirements
6. Provide Tested and approved PPE free of charge
Employees Duty
1. Participate in OSH topics & Programs
2. Proper use of safeguards & safety devices
3. Comply with instruction to prevent accident
4. Participate in any disaster drill
5. Observe prescribed steps during emergency
6. Immediate reporting of Hazards
Workers right
1. Know the work hazards
2. Training, education & orientation
3. Refuse work on ground of safety
4. Report accident & dangerous occurrence to DOLE
Penalties Role & Responsibility of DOLE (Art. 168-171 of the Labor
Code of the Philippines)
1. Willful failure or refuse to comply with OSHS shall be
penalized not more than 100,000.00 daily until full 1. Enforce mandatory OSH Standards in all workplaces,
compliance institute new, & update existing programs to ensure safe
& Healthful working condition in all places or employment

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2. Conduct continuing studies & research to develop Compensable disease
innovative methods, techniques, and approaches in
 For the disease & the consequent disability or death to be
dealing with OSH problems
compensable, the disease must be in the ECC’s list of
3. Solely responsible for the administration & enforcement
compensable diseases
of OSH laws, regulations and standards in all
establishments and workplaces wherever they may be Compensable Injuries
4. Develop & implement training programs to increase the  Happened at the workplace
number & competency of personnel in the field of  Happened while performing official function
occupational safety & Industrial Health  Outside of workplace but performing an order of his
Employees Compensation Program (ECP)  When going to or coming from work
 Employers pay for the EC contributions of their  While in company shuttle bus
employees.  During a company sponsored activity
 For a covered employee in the private sector, his  Death of an employee due to assault
employer shall remit to the SSS a monthly contribution in
Exempting Circumstances
accordance with the ff. schedule
 Intoxication
 Notorious negligence
 Willful intent to injure oneself or another
 Granted to employee who gets permanent & totally
Rules: Contribution disabled & has difficulty taking care of basic personal
 Govt Employees- Php 100.00
 From Php 575.00 to Php 1,000.00/ month allowance for
 Employee death or separated from employment-
the private & public sector employees.
employer’s obligation to pay the month of obligation shall
cease on the last day of the month of contingency Medical Benefits
 When employees became disabled during employment,
his employer’s obligation to pay the monthly contribution  Ward services during hospital confinement
shall be suspended during such months that he is not  Surgical expense benefit
receiving his salary or wages  Reimbursement of cost of medicines
Death Benefits
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 Monthly income benefit pension to beneficiary plus 10%
for each dependent child not exceeding five
 Funeral Benefit of Php 30,000.00 for private and public
sector employees,
Rehabilitation Services for ODW
 Physical Therapy
 Rehabilitation appliances (hearing aid, wheelchair etc.)
 Re skilling for re-employment
Availing of ECP Benefits
 Proof of Job Description
 Medical/Hospital records
 Incident/Accident Report
 EC Logbook

Administrative requirements
Consequences of Non-Compliance
 All violations of the provisions of these standards shall be
subject to the applicable penalties provided in the Labor
Code, PD 442 as amended.
 Under new republic Act No. 11058 or “An Act
Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and
Health Standards” an employer who will fail to comply
with the policy will be fined up to Php 100,000.00 per day
until the violation is corrected”

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