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bulletin of the
North American Cartographic Information Society

Number 2, Summer 1989

Editors' notes
in this issue
ou may have noticed that CP's
2 Y numbering scheme has
changed. "Volume 1 number 1
March 1989" has been superceded
FEATURED ARTICLE 7 by "Number 2, Summer 1989." Ed
The Librarian's Dilemma: A Map Librarian's Access Dahl, early cartography specialist
to Machine-Readable Information with the National Archives of
Patrick McGlamery Canada, swayed us with ample
(and amusing) evidence of the
CARTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES 14 shortcomings of the volume/
SOFTWARE REVIEW 14 number scheme. As long as we
PC-Globe+ and Electromap Sona K. Andrews were adjusting things, we thou ght
and Chris Baruth that dating by season rather than
CART LAB BULLETIN BOARD 16 by month would be better too
The Best o f Both Worlds Iden Rosenthal (under the former scheme, this
issue would have been dated
FUGITIVE CARTOGRAPHIC LITERATURE 18 "June," which would not have
Blaut, J.M. (1987). Notes toward a theory of mapping behavior 18 been quite true).
Jeffrey C. Patton We do promise, however, that
Ottosson, Torgny (1988). What does it take to read a map? 19 " Number 3, Fall 1989" will reach
Jeremy Crampton most of our readers in advance of
Miller, D. & Mod ell, J. (1988). Teaching United States history 19 the Annual Meeting (October
with the Great American Historv Machine Karl Proehl 11-14, Ann Arbor, Michigan). We
Kingsley, Mary (1897). Travels in West Africa 19 invite all who may wish to contrib-
excerpted by Pat Gilmartin ute a software review, events
Schiff, Barry (1989). Aeronautical charts; portraits of the earth 20 report, "fugitive cartographic
Claudette Dellon literature" review, maps-in-the-
news clipping, or cart lab bulletin
CARTOGRAPHIC ARTIFACTS 20 board notice to contact us soon; to
MAP LIBRARIANSHIP 21 fulfill our promise, the deadline for
submissions must be August 20!
CARTOGRAPHIC EVENTS 22 We do hope you find the current
issue useful, and as always, we
NACIS NEWS 25 welcome your comments.

David DiBiase & Karl Proehl

2 cartogrllpl1ic perspcct il'£'S NumbL·r 2, Summer 1989

cartographic perspecti'oes An impressive variety of remote sensing technique known

on the news schemes has been proposed or by the acronym SLAR (Side-
attempted, ranging from nuclear Looking Airborne Radar), which is
ICE ALERT! explosives, depth charges and able to penetrate the persistent fog
Just after midnight on June 20 the torpedoes (the Brute Force ap- that shrouds the area, has made
Soviet cruise liner Maxim Gorky proach), to laser beams (the Star airborne surveillance possible.
struck an iceberg in the Norwegian Wars approach), acid sprays (the SLAR involves the pulsed
Sea about 180 miles west of the Chemical Warfare approach), even transmission of long-wavelength
Spitsbergen Islands. The liner's giant lassos and gargantuan "microwave" energy from an
hull suffered two large gashes-30 suction cups (the Gary Larson antenna mounted to the underside
inches by 8 feet and 2 inches by 19 approach). Yet the only really of an aircraft. Owing to d iffer-
feet-forcing 575 West German effective way to deal with icebergs, ences in the reflectance characteris-
passengers to take to the sea in says specialist Chris Woodworth- tics of materials on the ground or
Lifeboats. At least 90 passengers Linas of Memorial University, St. the ocean surface, the energy is
alighted on sea ice when one Johns, Newfoundland, "is just to returned to the aircraft at different
lifeboat was damaged. Fortu- leave them do what they want to intensities. These signals are
nately, the foggy, twilit arctic night do." subsequently converted to images
was calm and the temperature just In 1914, the Coast Guard in which varying reflectance
above freezing. The Norwegian fnternational Ice Patrol was appears as tonal variation from
Coast Guard vessel Senja arrived charged with the responsibility of light to dark.
on the scene about four hours tracking and reporting icebergs As is the case with most remotely
later. A helicopter was dispatched that threaten shipping lanes in a sensed information, interpretation
and all passengers were rescued 700 square mile area of the North is a problem. "It is sometimes
without casualties. The 120 crew Atlantic. 'This used to be done quite difficult to spot icebergs
members who remained onboard with ships out there doing patrols when they are in the middle of sea
somehow managed to keep the every spring," explains ice patrol ice," explained ice patrol scientist
vessel afloat. senior observer Mike Alfultis. Donald Murphy. "Reading these
Icebergs continue to be perilous ''They would sail around and look films is still something of an art."
obstacles to high-latitude ocean for the southernmost iceberg and The interpreted SLAR imagery is
navigation even now, 77 years then basically park next to it and used to produce daily maps de-
after the Maxim Gorky's most warn ships to stay away. Not picting the locations and drift
famous predecessor. exactly high tech, but it worked." patterns of known and suspected
On April 14, 1912, the maiden Indeed it did. So well, in fact, icebergs. Iceberg alerts are also
voyage of the British steamer ////tmw"- that Commander Steve broadcast to ships navigating the
Titanic was tragically cut Osmer, chief of the ice area.
short when it struck patrol, was able (adapted from the Philadelphia
recently to state Inquirer, 6/11/89 and 6/21/89)
that ''There
The May 28 edition of Peter H.
Lewis' New York Times column
''The Executive Computer'' is
entitled "When Maps are Tied to
Data Bases." Lewis discusses
several commercial and govem-
claiming been a mental applications of mapping
1,503 lives. The ship that col- software, from Pizza Hut franchise
state of the art of lided with an iceberg location decisions to urban utilities
iceberg avoidance in that day was inside our limits since we started management to analysing the
to periodically lower a thermo- in 1914" (what went wrong in the effects of development strategies at
meter overboard, with the expecta- Norwegian Sea has yet to be told the World Bank to vehicle naviga-
tion that the ship wouJd be warned as this goes to press). tion systems in GM cars.
of impending danger by a sudden Since 1984, however, the lee The article begins with a general
drop of ocean temperature. A Patrol has been able to meet its description of GIS, which Lewis
more reliable solution has been responsibilities far more efficiently notes is "one of the fastest-growing
sought ever since. through airborne surveillance. A applications of personal comput-
Number 2, Summer 1989 cartograp/1ic perspectives 3

ers." "Geographic information and mapping, for citizens and The Time piece includes an
systems merge conventional data consumers it may be cause for amusing account of an abandoned
bases, which consist of rows and ambivalence. So long as only attempt to rename the Philippines:
columns of numbers and words, maps (not minds) are tied to data "Filipinos have long bristled at the
with spatial data bases of maps bases, the proliferation of compu- colonialistic implications of calling
and diagrams." The article terized geographical analysis their country the Philippines, in
subsequently drifts from GIS to seems likely to be a welcome honor of Philip II of Spain. During
AM/FM to desktop mapping trend. the regime of Ferdinand Marcos,
applications, ignoring the admit- there was a campaign to rename
tedly fuzzy boundaries between
different classes of computer-
assisted geographic information
lewis interviewed several G1S/
mapping software vendors and
users for the piece. Stephen
Poizner of Strategic Locations
Planning (purveyor of the desktop
mapping stalwart Atlas*Graphics)
explains that "If you have informa-
tion that includes geographic data,
it makes sense to analyse it in map
form; otherwise you lose the
spatial sense." Lewis credits
Steward Nazzaro of the Dallas
consultants Peat Marwick Main &
Co. with the statement that "fewer
than 10 percent of the country's
governmental bodies now use
geographic information systems.
But it is inevitable that virtually all
of them will be using computer- Prospective new members of a prominent professional association con-
ized maps by the year 2000." Les cerned with surveying and mapping are currently receiving promotional
Barker of the World Bank stresses literature which includes the map-like artifact shown above. Notice that
that "There's a night-and-day this "new world"- apparently constructed from an interrupted projection
difference between what we were of the old-includes twin Greenlands, lcelands, and Aleutian Island
doing before, using pen and ink archipelagoes. How ironic that this illustration (which will likely be
and mechanical production, and presented to generations of cartography students as a dubious example)
what we' re doing now with represents an organization that continues to do such good work to promote
computers .. .. In the past 18 to 22 better understanding of map projections.
months we've saved half a million
dollars in printing and pre-press
Lewis concludes by anticipating THE NAMES THEY ARE A- the country Maharlika, a native
the effect on computer-assisted CHANGING word meaning noble and aristo-
geographic information analysis of Time (June 19, 1989) recently ran a cratic. Plans for rechristening
the 1990 Census. "When the feature on the ephemeral nature of proceeded until an academic
United States Census figures begin geographic names. Time notes that pointed out that the word proba-
rolling in after April 1, 1990, Burma has renamed itself bly derived from Sanskrit. Fine,
companies and government Myanma, and that Cambodia (nee the proponents said, Sanskrit is a
agencies with geographic informa- Kampuchea) has changed its name non-imperialist language. Yes,
tion systems will have unprece- five times in the past 20 years. replied the scholar, but Maharlika
dented access to information about "No international laws govern the was most likely derived from the
their customers and citizens." christening of countries: the label words ma/ta lingam, meaning 'great
While this statement is certainly that sticks is determined by the phallus.' That was the end of the
cause for excitement among tastes or even the sanitv of its campaign."
professionals who deal with maps rulers."
4 cartograpltic paspectives Number 2, Summer 1989

NATION AL INVENTORIES O F purchased for $22 each from the capabilities, hardware and operat-
DIGITAL SPATIAL DATA Earth Science [nformation Center, ing system requirements, licensing
AND CART O G RAPHIC 507 National Center, Reston, VA terms, and price. Elliott notes that
APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE 22092. Orders must be prepaid by "the quality of responses varied
It may seem odd tlrat tlris i11formatio11 check, money order, Mastercard, from very detailed specifications to
is presented 11nder the heading "news" Visa, or government order. Cus- generic sales pitches." Though the
- after all, these inventories have tom searches are also available; responses have been edited, they
been available since October, 1986. It call (703) 860-6045 for information. remain somewhat uneven in
seems to CP, however, that many of The National lnventory project format and content.
011r readers may not be familiar with was implemented as the result of a
the background of this major effort, 1983 "monitored bureau objective"
which we suspect will be 111teresting. of the Office of Information and
No doubt there are some for whom the Data Services, National Mapping
existence of these val11able resources is Division, United States Geological
indeed news. Since the inventories are Survey. The objective called for "a
continuously updated and expanded clearinghouse function for collec-
as new information is received, this tion and dissemination of informa-
news is by no means out ofdate (no tion on federal and state holdings
matter how slow bulk rate mail may of spatial data," and was later
be). expanded to include cartographic
appHcatfons software and holdings
As a result of the National Invento- of private industry.
ries project, two documents, The monitored bureau objective
Sources for Digital Spatial Data and followed from a Survey of Digital 1"21-11 1maa

Sources for Software for Computer Activities conducted by the

Mapping and Related Disciplines Federal Interagency Coordinating
Figure 1: Trends in data references
have been made available. Sources Committee on Digital Cartogra-
for Digital Spatial Data (489 pages phy. Keith Elliott was hired to
as of June, 1989) includes brief implement the objective. He began
descriptions of 687 spatial data sets by analyzing some 2500 pages of
that are available from various responses to the initial survey,
Federal, State, and local govern- compiling a list of about 130
ment agencies, and from the government contacts. The initial
private sector. The data sets are contacts were approached through
indexed by area of coverage direct telephone and mail cam-
(world, U.S. or region, and project paigns.
areas by State), and cross-refer- Elliott's survey methodology
enced by 16 data types (adminis- involved modifying an existing
trative, base mapping, biological, NTIS software information form
cadastral, etc.). The Sources for and designing an original database
Software catalog (582 pages) description form. Concerned that
provides 885 mapping software response rates were likely to drop
descriptions indexed by ten off rapidly if complex responses Figure 2: Trends in software
categories (coordinate conversion, were required, he decided to references
data modeling/ analysis, geodetic/ request brief and fairly general
cadastral, geographic information descriptions. Contributors to The accompanying diagrams
systems, image processing and Sources for Digital Spatial Data were illustrate trends in the contribu-
analysis, map and chart plotting queried about database subject, tions of data and software refer-
and construction, microcomputer area of coverage, method of spatial ences by producer sector in the
software, photogrammetry, referencing, currency, source, scale two year period since the docu-
physical sciences related to map- of digitized -sources, accuracy, ments became available. Figure 1
ping, and data format conversion). database size, structure and demonstrates that the source of the
The documents are laser printed medium, as well as availability majority (61 percent) of data
directly from a database as orders and price. So11rct>s for Software is references continues to be the
are received on 8.5" by 11" paper compiled from responses to Federal government. The nu mber
and are velo-bound. They can be queries on application area, of records overall has increased by
Number 2, Summer 1989 cartograpl1ic perspectives 5

48 percent. Elliott is convinced wildlife habitat data as well as port, Rhode Island in Narraganset
that a great many more data sets aerial and ground surveys, ADEC Bay-have fouled U.S. waters. As
could be Listed, but "some people has been able to produce daily expensive environmental insults
don't have a mechanism for maps of the spill's extent for public continue to recur, the value of GIS
responding to people who may be and private spill authorities, as analysis and desktop mapping is
interested." well as for Exxon itself. The GIS sure to grow.
The largest proportion of was implemented on "two Com-
software references come from the paq 386/20s, a portable and a LANDSAT PROGRAM STATUS
private sector (59 percent). While desktop, with a 300Mb hard drive In its first issue, CP reported on the
the number of records associated and VGA graphics. E-size plots funding crisis that threatened to
with the Federal government has are coming off a Calcomp 1043GT shut down the Landsat program.
been static since 1986, the number pen plotter" in a makeshift office The following status report is
associated with private industry in a Valdez courthouse. culled from Landsat World Update
has increased by 76 percent (Figure The National Oceanic and (Volume 2, Number 5, May 16, and
2). Overall, the number of soft- Atmospheric Administration Number 6, June 12), a newsletter
ware references has increased 35 (NOAA) has also been active in published by the Earth Observa-
percent. using GIS to monitor the spill. tion Satellite Company (EOSAT),
The entire Inventory currently Commenting that "NOAA, as an the company that operates Landsat
consists of 1572 records that are agency, however, apparently has archives and data processing
imbedded in the Cartographic some technical catchlng up to do," equipment.
Catalog, a bibliographic database GIS World describes how hardcopy
of some 82,000 records maintained "sensitivity maps" of the Prince May16
in the GIPSY data management William Sound area "were being "Landsats 4 and 5 continue to
system. faxed in to Washington and then operate nominally. Landsat 6
According to Elliott, when the digitized for use in SPANS." development continues towards a
Inventories were first made The military has been using June, 1991 launch.
available to NCIC State offices in special purpose desktop mapping "The National Space Council,
1986, the agency "never expected it software to track the disaster. led by Vice President Dan Quayle,
to take off like it has." Although From a command post at Elmen- has reaffirmed a long-term com-
he has since been detailed as dorf Air Force Base near Anchor- mitment to the Landsat program
Acting Chief of ESIC and no longer age, the Air Force's Oil Spill by a unanimous decision. Early
is able to devote as much time to Computer Aided Response announcements indicate that
updating the Inventories, Elliott software was engaged on a net- Landsat 4 and 5 will be continued
stresses that maintaining this work of "120 Macintosh Us" to for the next two years, and support
service continues to be an impor- compile and relay graphlc infor- for the Landsat 6 mission will also
tant ES.IC objective. mation to the Pentagon. be continued.
Timely, effective responses to "The recommendations of the
regional environmental crises like Council have been submitted to
GIS INSTRUMENTAL IN OIL oil spills involve analyses of large, President Bush for his approval.
SPILL CLEANUP complex spatial data sets. The Upon approval, Landsat 4/5
The May issue of GJS World potential of GIS may be greatest in operations funding of $5 million
reports on the use of GIS technol- the context of such problems. The will be made available for the
ogy in response to the discharge of Alaskan oil spill may be the largest completion of fiscal 1989, and $20
some 240,000 barrels of crude oil in in U.S. history (estimated at 38,000 million for fiscal 1990.
Prince William Sound from the tons), but it is not even among the "Landsat funding was also the
Exxon tanker Valdez. According top ten internationally. The largest subject of a Congressional markup
to GJS World, the Alaska Depart- oil spills on record involved the held May 11 by the Natural
ment of Environmental Conserva- lxtoc I well in the southern Gulf of Resources, Agricultural Research
tion (ADEC) was able to integrate Mexico (1979) and the Nowruz and Environmental Subcommittee
its standard environmental data- well in the Persian Gulf (1983). (NRARE) of the House Committee
base with the GEOREF GIS and a Each spill amounted to approxi- on Science, Space and Technology.
recently completed database of the mately 600,000 tons. Since the [n NOAA budget authorization
Prince William Sound shoreline supertanker Valdez ran aground activity for fiscal 1990/91, the
created by E-Tech of Narragansett, on March 24, two more spills-in Subcommittee provided Landsat
Rhode Island. Drawing on ocean the Delaware River south of 4/5 operations funding, and
current, depth, and sensitive Philadelphia and south of New- Landsat 6 development and launch
6 cartograpliic perspectil1cs Number 2, Summer 1989

funding. June 12 students. All students in these

"U.S. prospects and policy "EOSAT is continuing with the programs are required to complete
options for future U.S. civil remote transition of satellite command a common core of five courses and
sensing programs was addressed and control, and data processing a seminar.
at a joint hearing convened May 9 facilities form NASA Goddard Beyond the mapping and
by the International Scientific Space Right Center to EOSAT disciplinary cores, one may pursue
Cooperation (ISC) and the NRARE Headquarters in Lanham, Mary- course work and research in such
Subcommittees. The hearing is the land. The move is expected to be areas as automated cartography,
first of two on the issue. Accord- completed by October, when facilities management, geographic
ing to NRARE Subcommittee NASA will replace Landsat information systems, operations
chairman Rep. James Scheuer facilities with support systems for research, and telecommunications.
(0-NY), 'the near-termination of the Space Station project. There is sufficient flexibility in the
Landsats 4 and 5 last March "On June 1 President George disciplinary programs to enable
vividly illustrated our lack of a Bush announced from London that the student to select valuable
coherent, stable, long-term policy he had approved funding for the electives in math, computer and
for U.S. remote sensing satellites.' continued operations of Landsats 4 information science, electrical
According to Scheuer, the hearings and 5, and for completion and engineering, geology, geophysics,
will explore options 'for putting launch of Landsat 6. According to mineralogy, statistics, and survey-
Landsat back on track.' Rep. Ron a statement by press secretary ing.
Packard (R-CA), Ranking Minority Marvin Fitzwater, the President For further information, contact
Member of the TSC Subcommittee, has also instructed the National the Graduate Studies Committee,
said 'we need to look at the techno- Space Council and the Office of Center for Mapping, The Ohio
logical and scientific importance of Management and Budget to State University, 412 Cocl<ins Hall,
Landsat in understanding the review options for the continu- 1958 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH
planet on which we live. We are ation of Landsat-type data collec- 43210-1247; (614) 292-6642.
spending billions of dollars on tions after Landsat 6. Funding for
expeditions to our sister planets in Landsat 6 is currently included in
the solar system, but we continue the Department of Commerce
to neglect our own back yard of budget." NEW GIS SOFTWARE SURVEY
planet Earth.' DUE
"Witnesses representing French, For further information on the GIS World has completed its
Soviet and Japanese remote Landsat program, contact EOSAT Second Annual GIS Software
sensing programs dfacussed their Public Affairs Office, 4300 Forbes Survey. Expanded to more than
current status, as well as the Boulevard, Lanham, MD 20706, twice the size of the original
commercial potential and possible (301) 552-0547 or (800) 344-9933 survey, it compares 62 GIS and
future international cooperation ext 547. similar systems in over 100 catego-
for remote sensing systems. The ries. The 16-page survey report
pros and cons of international was mailed to GIS World subscrib-
satellite consortia were addressed ers with the July issue, and will be
by a second panel, including Dr. NEW COOPERATIVE shipped free as a premium to new
John McElroy, Dean of Engineer- MASTER'S PROGRAM AT subscribers until the supply is
ing, University of Texas at Arling- OHIO STATE exhausted.
ton, and Jerry Caseman of the The cooperative master's programs The survey results will also be
Harris Corporation. Both wit- are offered jointly by the depart- available in the new GIS World
nesses stated that prior to partici- ments of Computer and Informa- So11rcebook, to be published in
pating in any international consor- tion Science, Geography, and August. With over 50 pages of
tium, the U.S. would '11ave to put Geodetic Science and Surveying. reference information on GIS
its own house in order," to estab- They are designed for students technology, data sources, and
lish a strong position in the who want to develop a broad base definitions, the So11rcebook will be
international remote sensing arena. of understanding of mapping priced at 529.95 for subscribers,
The commercial potential for civil science, technology, and applica- 576.95 for others. Prepublication
remote sensing was addressed by a tions but also want to receive a orders are being accepted now,
third panel, whose studies about disciplinary degree. Other depart- and descriptive information is
future land remote sensing efforts ments are planning to join the available from the publisher.
were recently released by the U.S. cooperative master's programs, Contact GIS World, P.O. Box 8090,
Department of Commerce." increasing the options avai lable to Fort Collins, CO 80526.
Number 2, Summer 1989 cartographic perspectives 7

featured article

The paper addresses how a map librarian gains entree to the fast track
world of computer cartography. The history of machine-readable
The Librarian's
information in libraries has been rocky. As information resides more Dilemma:
frequently on tape or disk, libraries will need to embrace the technol-
ogy. By obtaining seed money from a Federal Library Services and A Map Librarian's
Construction Act grant, the Map Library at the University of Connecti-
cut, procured hardware, software and boundary files. With the aid of a Access to
research assistant, the librarian wrote a SAS program, PTOLEMY, which
allows users to map their data. PTOLEMY is a me:nued environment Machine-Readable
running on the mainframe. Users may access the mapping system from
remote sites.
ibraries have always been ready to embrace technological innovations.
L Incandescent lighting and xerographic copying were seen by librari-
ans as provocative enhancements to the access of information. Computers
Patrick McGlamery
made early entre into libraries as tools for storing and manipulating
bibliographic records. As early as 1957, York Lucci and Stein Rokkan
proposed a library center of machine-readable survey research data in a
project sponsored by the School of Library Service at Columbia Univer-
sity. But machine-readable data files (MRDF), as a format, have not
succeeded in library collections. To date relatively few libraries have
developed an awareness of machine-readable data files beyond a collec-
tion of codebooks and referral directories, often times working within an
informal relationship with campus computing facilities and the campus'
Inter-University Consortium for Political Science Resea.r ch (ICPSR) node.
It is a common misconception among computer specialists that a library
is a book storehouse rather than a dynamic access point to information.
Unfortunately, this misconception is often reinforced by the library's
reluctance to collect the "book" tools of the computer trade, i.e. manuals,
codebooks and documentation.
In a recent article, William Arm (1984) points out that "for many years
librarians have been asking computing specialists for assistance. Unfortu-
nately, assistance has not been forthcoming." At the same time the com-
puting systems of our universities have become enormous collections of
poorly indexed tools and resources. In the days when computing was
restricted to a few specialists this was not important. When computer Patrick McGlamen;
users were concentrated into terminal dusters, with many users sitting is Map Librarinnof the
side by side, word of mouth was still an effective way of disseminating Homer Babbidge Library,
information. Now that computing has become widely distributed across University cf Connecticut,
campus, some better way is needed for scholars to learn of the riches at Storrs, CN 06268
their fingertips.
The computing community is in need of the skills and experience the
library profession can offer. The duplication of materials and effort in the
computing community is a recognized problem. Computing specialists
have failed to take the long term "research view" of the growing core of
machine-readable information. Librarians have either failed to consider
machine-readable information significant enough to acquire and control,
or we have underestimated our ability and responsibility to handle it.
Our dilemma, the Librarian's Dilemma, is the almost total transference
of information from paper to electronic format. Joseph Raben (1979) has
observed that "After five hundred years as the sole basis of printing
technology, metal type is joining the spinning wheel, the '"'ater wheel, the
cotton gin, the steam engine and now the propeiler-driven airplane as
8 cartographic perspectil1es :'\umber 2, Summer 1989

exemplars of mechanisms that were vast improvements over those they

replaced but that s till had to yield to even superior ones." Paper, as a
medium for storing and disseminating information, falls short of machine-
readable information. Ironically, in 1989 much information exists in
machine-readable form from author, through the editor, publisher and
printer, until it is finally printed and distributed on paper.

THE ORIGINS OF At a backyard barbecue in Alexandria, Virginia in 1983, I got my first

whiff that things in the Map Library profession were about to change radi-
PTOLEMY cally. A friend, working at the Bureau of the Census, was discussing the
1980 decennial census and all the problems the Bureau was having getting
its information out. He mentioned TIGER (Topologically Integrated
Geographic Encoding and Referencing), the Bureau's redesigned Geo-
graphic Support System that consolidated the address coding, mapping
and geographic inventory functions into a single database. When I got
back to the University of Connecticut I began to gather bits and pieces of
information about TIGER. There wasn't much. What there was indicated
a thrust by two major mapping agencies to automate their mapping
programs. It was disturbing to a paper Map Librarian.
A year later, attending my first National Cartographic Information
Center (NCIC) State Affiliate meeting at the U.S. Geological Survey in
Reston, Virginia, my counterpart from the Connecticut Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP) was scurrying around the Survey like
crazy acquiring Digital Elevation Models and Digital Line Graphs of the
state. The DEP was working cooperatively with the Survey to develop a
State Geographical Information System (GIS). When we went home at the
end of the week the digital maps went with us.
I began to hear rumors of a planned coordination between UConn's
Natural Renewable Resources Department and DEP. Then, in a time of
little growth at the University, the Department of Geography managed to
get the go-ahead for a graduate program in GlS. A half-million dollar
High Tech Grant was awarded for a GIS Lab and an lmage Analysis Lab.
Electronic mapping was getting close to home. r quietly endured an
anxiety attack ...
When a Medical Anthropologist walked in and started talking about
mapping epidemiological research in Hartford's Hispanic population the
whole thing sort of came to roost right there in the Map Library. Those
guys that ask questions five years ahead of anyone else ... you've got to
admire-and listen-to them.
Certainly, m y greatest fear as a Map Librarian came when r realized
how readily convertible to math maps are. How inherently Descartian
t11ey are. How nicely geographers have developed the ideas of XYZ, arcs,
nodes, polygons, et al, and then raster scanners. Can they make it any
easier? I was ternfied that my paper Map Library would become an
anachronism in a decade. l resolved to develop a plan.

DEVELOPING Contrary to popular belief, Map Libraries are not resource havens in most
university research libraries. Reference desks, systems operations, cata-
A PLAN OF ACTION loging departments, preservation/ conservation laboratories, even Art
FOR THE Libraries always seem to be able to make a better case for resources.
Always in need of equipment, 111011ey, space, money, personnel, money; map
INFORMATION AGE libraries are a lot of fun if you thrive on challenge. I think a s uccessful
Map Librarian has to be a cross between a scrounger, raconteur, hail-
fellow-well-met, a good scout, a Radar O'Reilly kind of guy. Kind of a
sneaky, manipulative, evil genius behind the beard who is working hard
to slice out an empire before anyone notices.
Number 2. Summer 1989 cartographic perspectives 9

In 1984 the Map Library got an Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
M300, a rebuilt IBM PC. OCLC is an international library network and
shared database of some 13 million bibliographic records. In 1984, OCLC
began to replace its dedicated dumb terminals with IBM PC's to which it
added a board and replaced the standard fBM keyboard ·with an OCLC
keyboard. I used the M300 to catalog maps. It had no graphics capabili-
ties, but it was a computer and it made me begin to think.
With the M300 l got OCLC terminal software, which, when I logged
onto OCLC gave me as stupid a terminal as you can get. Ln order to play
on the PC I had to use DOS. It's amazing what you can do using EDLIN
and batch commands. It wasn't long before I got a version of PC-Write,
File Express and other shareware. I made an acquisitions list. I remember
thinking I'd never have any need of DBase because as a librarian what
would I need a sophisticated database manager for?
But then a germ of an idea began to form in my mind: what if I didn't use
the computer j11st as a bibliographic tool? What if I used the computer to do what
it was meant for . .. computing!
What did I need to make the TIGER roar in the Map Library, to tap into
a Connecticut GIS and let Geography grad students convert paper maps to
digital code? Mo11ey! One thing about computers, you can do almost
anything you want if you have enough money.
I figured, correctly as it turns out, that the library administrators were
not about to give me the $20,000 I might need to build and configure a
cartographic workstation in the Map Library. I needed to find money
from non-standard sources. I needed to write a grant.
To get a grant funded, of course, you are competing with others who
think their ideas are better than yours. I needed to find that special
something, a gimmick that made my grant better than theirs. This is
about when that Medical Anthropology student sauntered into the map
library and asked for some maps of Hartford to digitize. He described his
idea to me and I put him in touch with the right people and thereby
discovered my gimmick.
What's special about my Map Library is that it is at the University of
Connecticut and also at the University is the Roper Center, the archive of
public opinion data. The Roper Center is affiliated with the Institute of
Social Inquiry. And the Institute is a Census Data Users State Affiliate.
The Institute has the Census' summary tape files for Connecticut and the
expertise to tailor the information.
I wrote all this up in a memo to my boss: RE: NCIC. ISI, Roper Center,
IBM, digitizing data, TIGER I gave it to him and let him simmer with the
alphabet stew. J waited about a week and then, like Radar O'Reilly, I
came in with a plan of action. He signed it. What he signed wasn't worth
a cent, but it gave him the idea I was going to pursue a plan of action.
And it sanctioned the pursuit of that action.
I began to make the case for getting at "primary information on tape." I began to talk to people
began to talk to people about cataloging data fiJes. Now that's radical.
Make a bibliographic record for a data file. I pulled out all the old librar- about cataloging data files.
ian arguments: freedom of information, rights of the citizen. information Now that's radical.
rich getting richer, information poor getting poorer, censorship through
equipment costs. J began to de,·eJop into a librarian who sees the focus on
cartographic information, regardless of its format; map, tape, image,
One day, one of the library muckety-mucks was mucking through the
halls of the administrative suite asking if anyone knew of a grant idea
because she had this notice of .free Libra,-y Service and Co11str11ction Act
(]SCA) money. My boss, Colonel Potter, having signed the plan of action,
10 carto~rapl1ic pcrspcctiz1cs NumbC'r 2, SummC'r 1989

suggested me. It probably went something like this: "McGlamery's got an

idea he trots out every now and then. Give it to him and see if it shuts
him up." She did.

THE GRANT I wrote a grant, "Maps for the Future: Computer-assisted Cartography for
the Community." I agonized over that title. It has every soft, fuzzy,
PROPOSAL hugable, cartographic word I could think of! I submitted it on April Fools
Day, of course.
l wrote the LSCA grant as a research and implementation grant. My
proposal was to create a facility to serve as a library cartographic work
station. A library tool designed to access information in a cartographic
format. It is not a geography department workstation nor a cartographic
laboratory. The map librarian's job is not map making. It's providing
access to machine readable information in a cartographic format.
The primary part of the grant involves generating maps of demographic
data from distributed sites. I am interested in providing accessibility to as
broad a user group as possible. I decided to design a system to be put on
the university's mainframe computer using the mapping capabilities of
SAS/Graph rather than a PC-based system in the Map Library. A couple
of good reasons for a distributed network come to mind:

1. As a map librarian I have been an information node for social scientists

trying to map their data. Typically they use SAS/Graph to make some-
thing that looks like a map, but usually doesn' t act like a map.

2. There are users who have data, know nothing about SAS/Graph, or
maps, or computers, but who want to map their information.

3. For many of these users, purchasing a mapping package and graphic

hardware for the few maps they need to make is not feasible.

4. There is an extended group of SAS users in the state who meet on

an irregular basis and who keep in touch with a newsletter and via elec-
tronic mail.

Figure 1: Model of a research library Figure 2: Model of a computer Figure 3: Model of computer
program applications m a research library

IMPLEMENTATION About June 20th r pulled out the manuscript and brushed it off. For sure
it hadn't stood a chance against ramps for the handicapped or record con-
version for a special collection of 18th century German economic treatises.
Two days later I got a call that it had been accepted with full funding
($17,600). Great idea. Good luck. Anxiety attack ...
Computers are tricky. They seem really complex, but are really very
simple. Libraries are also tricky. They seem very simple but are really
Number 2, Summer 1989 cartograplzic perspectives 11

very complex.
Computer programs are d esigned with a single function in mind. As
that function is attained, another is added, and so on, and so on. An
effective program is a model of logical progression. I saw it as an inverted
pyramid, functional point at the bottom and building toward complexity
(Figure 1).
Libraries, on the other hand, aie
big, broad-based pyramids (Figure =
2). Ponderous storehouses of infor- WELCO ME TO P TOLEM Y ::

mation, described and accessed

through card catalogs. The idea of a
An Interac tiv e M ~ pp in g Package De veloped
research collection is, ideally, that
anyonecancomein,atanytime,and At Th e M ~ p Lib rary Of
ask any question, at any level, and
expect to get an answer. Maybe they The Ho mer Babbid g e Li brary =
will ...
Now, how was I to apply that T h o Un i v e rsi ty Of Co nnecticu t
pivotal computer pyramid to the =
ponderous library pyramid? The
answer lay in the opposite of what Please ente r c:i l on th e Com man d line to con t i n u e
maps do. Maps tend to be format
specific, not subject specific. Topo- Figure 4: PTOLEMY title screen
graphic quadrangles, for example,
answer all kinds of questions, from hiking to civil engineering to historical
geography. Computer programs, on the other hand, are subject specific. I
guessed, then, that this library comp uter-assisted cartographic workstation
was going to be a multifaceted, subject specific station. I imagined
it as a lot of little inverted pyramids lined up inthe ponderous, squat pyra-
mid , each facet pointing to a different type of map need: demograp hic,
base map, geologic, topographic, image analysis and so on (Figure 3).
With the grant I hired a
Research Assistant from the Geo-
graphy Department. I purchased Du r in g y our P TOLE MY sess i o n yo u wi l l be cr e ating
computer equipment: a high-reso- a SAS/G r aoh pro g r a m wh i c h ca n be v i ewed and
lution graphics monitor, an EGA p r inte d . You wi ll be aske d to s up ply i nf o rma tion
i n a p r escrib ed sequ e nce . I n or der to "b ac k - up"
graphics card, a CD-ROM reader,
t hr o u gh t h e p r ogram h i t t h e PF3 k ey . Th e s e -
20Mb Bernoulli disk drive, digitiz- ri ue nc e is :
ing tablet and a color inkjet printer. 1. Name y our t e rmina l t ype. Yo u may o n l y
I acquired software: Tektronix emu- vi ~w fr o m ~ g ra p hics t e r mi n al o r a PC with a
lation software, and Windows and g r ap hi cs car d r unn ing Y- T e r m.
SAS Manuals. I also procured data
z . Na me yo u r d at a set . PrOL EMY s u p p lies a
19 8 0 Cen sus da t a se t . Yo u r data set mu s t b e i n
files: a tailored version of the GBF SAS fo r m ~ t. s~ ~ the HEL P se l ec t i o n o n th e menu
DIME Files of the tracts of Connecti- if y ou h av e any ques t io ns .
cut from Geographic Data Technol- 3 . Cho o se your patte rn . Y-Te rm o nly views
Bl a c k -o n - Wh ite, b u t yo u c an n ame a co l o r p rinter.
ogy, Chadwick-Healey's SUPER-
MAP, and the National Atlas on CD- ANY QUC STI ONS CALL : P. Mc Gl a me ry; 48 6 -45 89
ROM from GEOVision. With these I == ==~=====~====== :::=========~== = =•: = ==~==== = =~ ~ = == ===

have put together a SAS/ P leas e e nt e r a 1 on t he Co mmand l ine t o begin

Graph- SAS/ AF program we call Figure 5: PTOLEMY explanation screen
PTOLEMY is a menued mapping facility. The user enters cued informa-
tion at the appropriate points in the session and PTOLEMY bu ild s a SAS/
Graph program that utilizes DIME boundary files, either user supplied or
"canned" data sets, and appropriate output devices. I've tried to make it
as much like a PC program as possible.
What PTOLEMY does is sequentially build a SAS/Graph program. The
12 cartograplzic perspectives :\umtil·r 2. ~ummer t<Js<J

first steps are introductory: a title screen (Figure 4) and explanation of

what will be asked of the user (Figure 5). The program begins by instruct-
ing the user to select an output device, then asks whether the data set is
user-supplied or PTOLEi\1Y-supplied (The PTOLEMY data set menu is
shown in Figure 6). After the data has been determined the base map is
selected. The grant provided funding for the purchase of tailored DIME
boundary files. We groomed them a bit by replacing the state code with a
town code that was derived from the alphabetical listing of the towns and
mounted them on the mainframe. The user can select a variety of configu-
rations of town and tract level maps of Connecticut. Two lines of title are
supplied. Finally the user is asked
to selected hatched or solid fill and
color choice. The output (Figure 7)
P l c~ ~c Enter Th u Plul~mY Nam~ Wh ic h Corres ponds To appears on the screen or is picked
Tho Desi r ed Data Se t up in the Computer Centers
Data Set OescrJpt1on Output Room, depending on the
user's choice.
1' Tntnl Pooulation - POP
The program attempts to effect
2) Percent Of Population Jn Professiona l dear cartographic communication
Occupat1on-: - PROCC by following fundamental carto-
3 > Percent 01 Popul~tion Wtth Htgn Sc hool
DP-gree - HIGH graphic principles. By limiting
4l Hean Family Income - INCOME choices and sequencing decisions,
5 > Hean Ho~~ Value - Owner Occupied - HOHE the user is not overwhelmed with
6) He~n Contr~ct Rent - R\;NT
7> Pe rc ent Population Below Age 18 - CHI LD choices. The cartographer will
8) Pers o ns Per Household - POPHOU systematically work through
9) Fe r tility Rate - FERT
JO) Per cent Sin gle Fa•1ly Housing - SHOUS notions of map purpose and map
11> Percent Of Population Non - Wh1~e - l'IWHITE type. The user, however, will
"' 121 Percent Sin gle - Parent tlouseholds - SPRNT often approach computer cartogra-
PTO LE HY NAHE: &varnm phy like a kid in a candy store and
end up with something that Looks
like a map, but doesn't act like a
map because it is illegible or
Press th e PF~ key to continue misleading. PTOLEMY provides
Figure 6: PTOLEMY dnta set menu the user with a simplified decision
tree: it will be a choropleth map,
the hatching will be thus and so,
the color will be your choice of red,
blue, green, and so on.
What PTOLEMY The choice of which data classification techniques should be provided
for users was a major difficulty. Since many statisticians seem to prefer
attempts to do is provide quartiles, I decided to make quartile classification the default for PTOL-
a staightforward tool EMY. I \Vill, however, work with users to produce the classification that
for illustrating isrepresents their data most appropriately. What PTOLEMY attempts to do
provide a straightforward tool for illustrating statistical information car-
statistical information tographically.
PTOLEMY, the hardware purchased to support it. and most importantly
the lessons learned while developing it, have brought the Map Library
significantly closer to dealing with the problems of providing the user
with machine-readable information. As we enter the next decade with
TIGER, Mark II, enhanced demographic information, high-volume storage
media, educated users and increased demands, the libranan will inevita-
bly have to deal with the 'new' information formats. I' m looking forward
to the rest of the story.
!\umber 2, Summer 1989 cartographic perspcctiiics l3

Arms, William Y. (1984) "Scholarly information," College and Research REFERENCES

Libraries, May, pp. 165-169.

Raben, Joseph (1979) "The electronic revolution and the world just
around the comer," Scholarly Publislting, April, pp. 195-209.

Editor's 11ote: lnformation about the

TIGER data format and proposed prod-
ucts was distributed by representatives CONN:CITICUT
of the Bureau of the Census at tlze Den-
ver NACIS meeting. Tiie following
persons were responsible for a report
entitled "Tlze TIGER File: Proposed
Products": Robert A. LAMaccl1ia. Geo-
graplty Division, (301) 763-4708; Silla
G. Tomasi, Geography Division, (301)
763-4700; and Sheldon K. Piepenburg,
Data User Services Division, (301) 763-
1808. The best description of TIGER's
data structure issued tit us far is proba-
bly a paper distributed by Frederick R.
Broom, Geograplty Division, entitled:
"TIGER Preliminary Design and Struc-
ture Overview: T1ie Core of the Geo-
graphic Support System for 1990." In-
formation on obtaining a sample proto-
type TIGER file for Boo11eC011nty, Mis-
souri is included in tlze Cartographic
Techniques section of this issue. SAS is
a statistical package produced and mar- QUARTILES LOW QUARTILE
keted by tlze SAS Institute, Inc., Box D§§§§f 3RD QUARTILE
8000, Cary. NY 27511-8000.

Figure 7: Sample PTOLEMY output

Este articulo trata sobre c6mo un bibliotecario de mapas consigui6 entrar

al versatil mundo de la cartografia por computador. Aunque la evolu-
ci6n de informaci6n computarizada en bibliotecas ha sido intermitente, a
medida que mas informaci6n es almacenada en cinta odisco las bibliote- El dilema del biblioteccario
cas tendran que asimilar la tecnologia e incorporarla en sus operaciones. de mapas: su acceso a la in-
Atravez de una subvenci6n del Acta Federal de Servicios y Construcci6n formaci6n compu tarizado
de Bibliotecas, la biblioteca de mapas de la Universidad de Connecticut
obtuvo equipos de computad or, paquetes y programas, y archivos de Extracto
frontera. Con la ayuda de un asistente de investigaci6n, el bibliotecario
escribi6 un programa en SAS, llamado PTOLEMY, que permite a usuar-
ios trazar mapas con sus datos. PTOLEMY funciona a base de menus en
el "mainframe," y los usuarios pueden entrar al programa desde puntos
14 cartographic perspectives Number 2, Summer 1989

cartographic techniques Zalaquett of NSI Technology qualified to purchase annual

Services Corp., Research Triangle upgrades at minimal cost. The
Park, NC. NSI uses the Geovision program supports EGA, CGA,
THE DESKTOP MAPPING system to map the locations of Hercules Monochrome, or VGA
MARKET (continued) environmental monitoring sites. displays for the IBM PC/XTI AT,
The April 17, 1989 issue of PC Week Doug Taylor of Yellow Freight PS/2 or compatible with a mem-
features a pair of articles by Jon System Inc. of Overland Park, KN ory of 384Kb RAM, MS.DOS 2.0 or
Pepper entitled "Desktop Mapping uses Atlas*Graphics to locate later (Macintosh and Apple Il
Gains Corporate Recognition" and service terminals. Taylor ex- versions wilJ be available later this
"Users Praise Mapping Software's plained to PC Week that "We year). The output support is
Potential." Also featured is a wanted to be able to draw maps as through an IBM Proprinter, the HP
"vendor profile" of 16 purveyors well as generate overlays that Laserjet Series II, the IBM Color
of mapping software for IBM-PC could be zoomed to fit an existing Printer and compatibles. PC-
and compatible microcomputers, map ... Price was important, but GLOBE+ has four 5.25" disks (it is
as well as a chart that outlines we wanted the flexibility even also available in 3.5" format) and a
hardware requirements, capabili- more than the price ...". Pepper 28 page user manual. The soft-
ties, color and text features, output reports that "Yellow Freight spent ware is operated with pull-down
options, and prices of the profiled about $20,000 for its hardware/ menus controlled by a mouse or
vendor's products. According to software setup, plus about 53000 arrow keys. There are seven main
PC Week,"The products listed serve for additional data files." menu options: Help, World,
a wide range of purposes, includ- Concern for PC-to-mainframe Region, Country, Database,
ing general map making, driving file compatibility is voiced by Tom Utilities, and Quit. World, re-
directions and calculations, and Link, an environmental protection gional, and country boundary
weather tracking and forecas ting. specialist with the EPA. Link maps can be accesses through all
All information was supplied by downloads EPA air poJlution data menus, whereas country elevation
the vendors." in ASCII form, edits it with a word and physical features maps are
Pepper points out that "A processor, and maps spatial only accessible through the
number of factors are converging variations in air quality on a PC country sub-menus.
to produce demand for PC map- (his choice of mapping software is The sub-menus for the Database
ping software. First, the hardware not mentioned in the PC Week option include statistics on Popula-
platforms have advanced so that article-perhaps EPA is reluctant tion; Age; Language, Ethnic
'286 and '386 computers are fairly to make endorsements). Groups, and Religion; Health
commonplace in corporate settings Statistics; City Information (popu-
... Second, the corporate market is lations, phone codes, time zones,
only now beginning to appreciate latitude and longitude coordinates,
what mapping software can do, and country's Western Union telex
Software reviews will normallv be solicited
which is attracting more vendors by the editors, but unsolicited reviews are access codes and ham radio
to the marketplace." According to invited for consideration. If you are using prefixes); GNP for 1987, 1988 and
Ken Shain of Geovision Software a piece of software useful m working with 1989; Resources, Agriculture and
Corporation, the appeal of map- map information, and are interested in
Industry; Imports and Exports;
contnbuting a rev1ew, please communicate
ping systems to the corporate this interest to the editors. Government; and Culture and
market lies in their use as "a Tourism. This information can be
management-information tool," displayed in bar charts and tables
rather than as tools to produce PC-Globe+ and Electromap for an individual country or up to
finished goods for sale. Therefore, reviewed by Sona Knre11tz. Andnrrvs ten countries of the user's choosing
the market was "stifled until the and Chris Baruth, U11iversity of to compare statistics. Since alJ the
cost dropped down dramatically Wisco11si11-Milwn11kee data in the data base files is
to the PC level." aggregated by country, it is not
Four principal concerns emerge PC-GLOBE+ possible to map the information at
from Pepper's discussions with Cornwell Systems, Inc., 2100 S. the country sca le. Regional and
desktop mapping system users: Rural Road, Suite 2, Tempe, global scale maps of the data are,
ease of use, price, flexibility, and Arizona 85282. PC-GLOBE+ is an however; easily displayed.
compatibility. electronic software package The utilities options include
"We wanted the average user to containing maps and information changing map parameters (shifting
be able to produce something on 177 countries. The list price is world center, change color, delete
immediately," said George $69.95. Registered owners are country boundaries), calculation of
Number 2, Summer 1989 cartogrnp/1 ic pcrspec fives 15

distances and bearings between electronic atlas software package but takes considerable time to do
two cities in the program or two containing 238 country, regional, so and requires 6Mb of space on
latitude and longitude points of topographic, and statistical maps. the hard disk. The menus are self-
the user's choosing, currency The list price is $129 ($159 after explanatory and the user manual
conversions, time zone informa- September 1). The program only needs to be consulted to
tion, print screen and view text supports EGA or VGA displays for determine the limitations of the
files, and a save map display. the IBM PC or PS/2 or compatibles sothvare. The maps displayed in
PC-GLOBE+ is easy to install with a memory of 640Kb RAM, ELECTROMAP are lovely. They
onto a hard disk and uses 1.5 Mb MS.DOS 3.1 or later. The output contain substantial detail (there-
of disk space. The menus are self· can be printed with screen dump fore the large amount of disk
explanatory and there is little need or screen capture software. space) and use subtle colors and
to follow the directions in the user ELECTROMAP uses five 5.25" hypsometric shading for elevation.
manual in order to understand disks (it is also available in CD- One cannot help but to be very
how to operate the program. ROM version) and a 20 page user impressed when the first map
Virtually all the map displays use manual. The software is operated appears on the screen. The pro-
Miller's Cylindrical projection. with a top menu bar and clicking gram is, however, very limited in
This does not present a major areas on index maps with a mouse the number of maps it contains
problem at the global scale, but at or arrow keys. The World index and the data base it supports. The
the higher latitudes distortions of map is used to access one of user wiJl surely be disappointed
scale and shape are significant. fourteen regional index maps, by these limits.
The maps in PC-GLOBE+ look which in turn allow you to access
very simple and are highly gener- country maps. Map access is also There are a number of differences
alized. This is especially the case possible using an alphabetical between PC-GLOBE+ and
with the country maps, since they drop-down index of all countries, ELECTROMAP. PC-GLOBE+
show a limited number of features cities, and physical featu res listed con tains many more statistical data
using iconic symbols to represent in the program. that can be graphed and/ or
the general locations of mountains, Fourteen maps are available on a mapped. PC-GLOBE+ allows you
rivers, deserts, and forests; or the pseudo-cylindrical equal-area to generate a large number of
country maps of cities which projection at the World scale. world maps whereas ELECTRO-
always include eight cities- These include; Topography, MAP has only fourteen world map
regardless of the size of the January Temperature, July Tem- options. The maps of less than the
country or city populations. perature, Precipitation, Agricul- entire world as displayed on PC-
One of the nicest features of the tural Labor, Electricity, Income Per GLOBE+ are mostly enlarged
program is the large database. Capita, Income Growth, Tnfant portions of the world map on the
You can choose to map the infor- Mortality, lnflation Rate, Life Miller's Cylindrical projection,
mation for select countries or for Expectancy, Literacy Rate, Popula- w hereas regional and country
all countries. The data base format tion Density, and Population displays on ELECTROMAP consist
is flexible and allows the user to Growth. A text option allows you of a series of independen tly
add data. The graphics and text to display lists of statistics alpha- projected maps, providing for a
from the program can be exported betically by country or by numeri- more satisfactory effect. One
to other programs such as cal rank in page format. shouJd keep in mind that although
WordPerfect, PageMaker, PC- The regional maps are limited to PC-GLOBE+ offers the user more
Paintbrush, Lotus 123, Ventura, displaying country boundaries flexibility, both programs are
and others (we did not try any of with topographic information. electronic atlases and neither one
these options and are unable The country maps display either is intended to be mapping soft-
comment on how well the pro- cities and rivers or topography. A ware.
gram performs in this regard). The text option allows you to display a The ELECTROMAP maps are by
shift world center option and drop-down menu for text informa- far more detailed and more
calculation of distances and tion on the Geography, People, attractive than those of PC-
bearings utilities options add some Government, Economy, and GLOBE+, however, at this scale the
I flexibility to the program. Communications of the selected map displays can, in no way, be
country. The information is compared favorably to even a
ELECTROMAP overlayed in page form. A flip mediocre printed atlas-the
ELECTROMAP, Inc., P.O. Box option allows you to change from resolution of the medium will not
1153, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702- the printed text back to the map. supply nor permit it. Both pro-
1153. ELECTROMAP is another The program is easy to install grams contain, at best, a level and
16 cartograpltic pcrspecti'l•es '.\;umber 2, Summer 198'1

amount of information comparable the U.S. Census Bureau on a single in thematic mapmaking. The DTP
to the most elementary type of reel of tape (at either low or high market appeared in response to
school atlases, leading us to the density) for $175. The prototype the introduction-in 1985-of
assessment that their best use is product offers more than 4.6 Mb of Apple Computer's Laserwriter,
probably at the secondary school information on roads, railroads, Adobe System's PostScript page
level. rivers, and other features, along description language, and Aldus
How different are these elec- with names and classification Corporation's PageMaker, the first
tronic atlases than their printed codes; State, county, census tract, personal page layout program.
counterparts? Given their current block, and other area codes; The second generation of Post-
costs and limited number of maps feature shapes; address ranges and Script output devices (such as the
and specific hardware require- ZIP codes. Contact: Customer Linotronic Irnagesetter) coupled
ments, they are not competitive Services, Bureau of the Census, with advanced d rawing programs
with printed atlases. And turning Washington, DC 20233; (301) like Adobe's Illustrator and Aldus'
pages is not much different than 763-4100. FreeHand make it possible to
clicking through menus. Elec- generate real typography, fine dot
tronic atlas creators have not yet AAG MICROCOMPUTER screens, and color separations
taken full advantage of the me- SPECIALTY GROUP direct to film. The prospect of
dium they are working in, but The AAG/MSG is offering a creating high-quality thematic
rather have attempted to make the demonstration program by James maps without sticking-up letter-
electronic atlas a software clone of Taylor that displays the Boone ing, etching and peeling, and
the printed atlas. In this respect, County prototype TIGER file. The compositing negatives is enticing
PC-GLOBE+, with its broad data program is distributed on two high to many thematic map producers.
base and choices of what to density diskettes at a cost of $5, PostScript's unprecedented
display where has the potential to including "the Boone County data power to describe pages that has
move in that direction, however, which the Census sells for $60." made it a de facto industry stan-
both programs have a long way to Requires EGA graphics. Request dard. PostScript became accessible
go. diskette G16 from Robert Sechrist, to a large, previously untapped
Department of Geography, Indiana market through the intuitive
University of Pennsylvania, graphic interface of Apple's
Indiana, PA 15705. Make checks Macintosh microcomputer. Mar-
payable to the AAG Microcom- ket forces have led IBM and the
CP is planning an annual compila-
puter Specialty Group. clone-makers to find a way for
tion of mapping software review
their machines to work more like
references for publication in the
the Mac, at least for graphics
Winter issue. We are seeking
purposes. Although the Mac was
individuals willing to compile
designed with graphics central to
references from a wide range of cart lab its method of user interaction, and
sources and to submit a list in
digital form by December 1, 1989. bulletin board thus has an inherent advantage,
there are twice as many MS-DOS
Several individuals might share This forum is offered to encourage
systems being used for DTP. For
the responsibility. One could con- communication among practitioners at a
time of rapid technolog1cal transition. what it's worth, my opinion on the
centrate on software reviews for
Questions, comments, and announcements issue of Macintosh vs. MS-DOS is
IBM-PCs and compatibles, another are invited. this: if you've got them, it's best
on software for the Apple Mac-
to mix both machines in the same
intosh, another on software for THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS: workplace, passing files back and
workstations, minicomputers, or Linking the WORLD projections forth via cable o r networking.
mainframes. For more information package with Macintosh drawing With the Macintosh vou run into
please contact David DiBiase at programs fewer frustrating co~figuration
(814) 863-4562; Bitnet: DvVD1 at Iden Rosenthal and compatibility hang-ups and
PSUVM. Maximum Use Software (at least to date) the drawing
programs are faster, easier to learn ':>
PROTOTYPE TIGER FILES Desktop publishing (OTP) tech- and use, more powerful, and better
AVAILABLE nologies have profoundly altered tailored to production concerns.
U.S. CENSUS BUREAU the balance of power between the On the other hand, many people
The TIGER/LINE file for Boone technical pen and the microcom- are already set up to table digitize
County, Missouri is available from puter in the graphic arts, as well as base maps on a PC running
Number 2, Summer 1989 cartograpltic pcrspectitics 17

AutoCAD or some other CAD can be used to edit it. In fact, ruse will choke mustrator. There has to
program. Furthermore, many a WordPerfect macro to accom- be a space between the 47.324 and
programs that are important for plish the conversion. ff one the -235.763. Another problem
cartographers have yet to be wanted to make routine use of this may arise if the x,y coordinates in
ported from MS-DOS to the Apple procedure, however, I' d recom- your converted WLOOUT file
operating system. Perhaps the mend writing a Turbo Pascal aren't close to the x,y coordinates
best example is the WORLD map utility for the speed of it. The from the illustrator file you
projections package. conversion consists of the follow- harvested your prolog from (as
WORLD is widely regarded as ing search and replace sequences: found in the line of the prolog that
the best at what it does, and there begins "%%BoundingBox:"). If the
is no equivalent in the Macintosh 1) Replace everything (in the coordinate systems don' t happen
environment. Fortunately, the WLOOUT file WORLD creates) up to nearly match, you won't see
option of saving output to disk as to and including the first line anything on the page when you
a PostScript file has recently been ending with "moveto" with the open up the file after conversion.
added. Unfortunately, the Post- prolog from any other functional The map is still there, you just
Script files generated by WORLD illustrator file. The prolog starts at can' t see it. Try this sequence of
are incompatible with Illustrator the beginning of the file and ends com mands: Fit to View, Select All,
and FreeHand. PostScript may be with the line "%%EndSetup:". Cut, Paste. The map should then
something of a standard, but it is a be centered on your page.
very broad one. The litany of 2) Change all occurrences of
PostScript subformats (Illustrator "moveto" in the file to " m". •r•t•~-..-~-­
PostScript vs. FreeHand PostScript lMPORT ANT: Make sure after this
vs. Encapsulated PostScript) goes that no two consecutive lines end
on at length. What follows is an with an "m." If they do, get rid of
outline of a procedure that con- all but one of them. This happens
verts the PostScript that WORLD when WORLD is asked to general-
generates into a form that Illustra- ize or to break a polygon off on the
tor and FreeHand can manipulate edge of the page. If your text
(FreeHand can import Illustrator editor can' t handle this double-'m'
files, though IUustrator does not search procedure you may have to
return the favor). resort to some minimal program- Adobe Illustrator 88 desktop showing
ming. a converted WORLD Postscript file
What you need to understand for witli pnths selected
this operation is that an Illustrator 3) Change all occurrences of
file is comprised of three sections: "lineto" in the file to "I"
a prolog, a body, and a trailer. The I continue to be intrigued by the
prolog and trailer sections are 4) Change all occurrences of creative problem-solving process
virtually identical for every file so "stroke" to "S" that is required to push the limits
you can just copy them from a of desktop mapping. The same
dummy file and combine them 5) Replace the last two lines in the practical issues are being tackled
with whatever x,y coordinates you WLOOUT file with the trailer from simultaneously in many different
like in the body section. For simple a functional lllustrator 1.1 file. The kinds of mapmaking environ-
line strings the format is: trailer starts with the line ments. By offering this informa-
"%%Trailer:" and runs to the end tion to the cartographic commu-
xl yl m of the file. nity, l hope to tum a few more
x2y2 I heads in the direction of desktop
x3 y3 I Congratulations, you are done! mapping and encourage others to
You can now open the file you share their thoughts and problem-
xnyn have created using either Illustra- solving efforts in this area. My
s tor 88 or FreeHand and start company, Maximum Use Software,
adding data and design. consults on desktop mapping and
A polygon has the same form One thing to be aware of is that publishes a utility that creates
except that xl y1 =xn yn. WORLD sometimes creates graphs directly in Adobe illustra-
PostScript w ith lines like "47.324- tor file format. I am always happy
PostScript is written in standard 235.763 lineto", i.e., no space to talk Macintosh cartography and
ASCH text so any word processor between the x and y values. This can be reached at (215) 878-9364.

- - - - - - - - -----· -- --
18 cartogrnpliic perspectives Number 2, Summer 1989

fugi:tive cartographic
cognitive maps and that learning of oldest known map from Cata!
literature "p lace" by either adults or chi!- Huyuk is over 8000 years old
Interesting articles about cartographic dren requires a communication while the oldest written language
mfonnation often appear m unexpected
outlets. The goal of this section 1s to bring
system be utilized. As ordinary appears to be only 6000 years old
those publications to the attention of ou r language is insufficient to meet the (those languages utilizing an
readership. We mv1te synop-;es of papers needs of communicating macroen- alphabet are significantly
appeanng m journals other than those vironmental information, mapping younger}. Blaut suggests that this
devoted to cartography. geography. and
map libriansh1p. evolved in all cultures. is the case because mapping
For the reasons given above behavior "buds off" from basic
Blaut hypothesizes the following: linguistic behavior at a much
Blaut, J.M. (1987). Notes toward a lower level than writing and that
theory of mapping behavior. I. Mapping is a limited and written language may be a deriva-
Children's £11vironme11tal Quarterly, specialized linguistic form. tive of mapping.
4:4 (Winter), pp. 27-34.
reviewed by Jeffrey C. Patto11, U11iver- 2. Mapping emerged from the In concluding Blaut makes several
sity of North Carolina at Greensboro same root process as natural suggestions for map learning and
language. reading:
Blaut begins by stating that the
process of mapping is "a normal 3. Mapping and maps are older I. Map skills can be taught at
activity in human beings of all than written language. school entering age or before.
ages and aJl cultures, ak in to
language behavior and perhaps 4. Mapping abilities emerges 2. Natural mapping in young
equally primitive and basic". naturally in young children children employs a downward
Blaut and others have long held independent of training. eye-in-the-sky perspective. This
that mapping behavior is analo- can be deveJoped by placing large
gous to linguistic behavior in both S. Mapping is a cultural universal. maps on the floor or even incorpo-
development and practice. This rating maps into the flooring.
paper explores the evidence for To support these hypotheses Blaut
and the implications of this presents evidence that mapping 3. Contrary to some structuralist
position . behavior is homologous to ordi- views young children can gain the
As a starting point for theorizing nary written language, having most from and enjoy complicated
about mapping behavior Blaut both syntax (a set of ordering maps the most. He explains that
differentiates between macroenvi- rules) and is semiotic. While he this may be due to the fact that
ronmental behavior (place behav- freely admits that maps may be children are more sophisticated
ior) and microenvironmental limited as a language form in map readers than previously
behavior (behavior directed at terms of what they can easily thought or simply that more
individuals or objects). He makes communicate, mapping is clearly a complicated maps are more
the argument that the human language. exciting even if they are not fully
sensory and motor modalities Evidence of early mapping understood.
function differently in each case. behavior in children is well
Exteroceptor are more critical in documented with several ex- 4. As mapping has common roots
place behavior while propriocep- amples presented detailing how with written language this link
tors are more important in micro- toy play may mimic the macroen- shouJd be utilized to promote not
environmental situations. For vironmental world and "accus- only better mapping skills but also
example in understanding and tom" children to a map-like reading and writing skilJs.
remembering objects the hands (rotated and red uced) perspective
and manipulation are used while of the world. The successful Blaut's rather informal paper
comprehension of a larger environ- interpretation and use of black and makes a compelling case that
ment may require the use of feet white vertical aerial photographs mapping behavior is a fundamen-
and walking. In speaking of by five year old children is given taJ activity of all human beings and
mapping behavior Blaut deals as evidence of the development of of all cultures. It has important .>

specifically with rnacroenviron- sophisticated cognitive maps. ramifications for anyone interested
mental behavior. He points out Archeological and anthropologi- in natural language, map design
that the comprehension and cal finds are reported which for children, or geographic educa-
organization of macroenviron- indicate that mapping is indeed ti on.
ments relies on the development of very old in human culture. The
Number 2, Summer 1989 cartogrnpliic perspectives 19

Ottosson, Torgny (1988). What environment (skills which are then Machine (GAHM) is a computer-
does it take to read a map? somehow applied to map compre- based tool used at Carnegie-
Scientific foumal of Orienteering, 4, hension). Environmental compre- Mellon University for interactively
97-106. hension is a worthy goal, but the accessing and exploring county-
reviewed by Jeremy Crampton, Penn overalJ impression gained from level census and election data
State University this type of argument is that maps through a map interface. GAHM
are just reflections of reality that was designed as a teaching appli-
Can children understand maps do not involve human creativity or cation to be used for generating
"early and easily," or do they find categorization. and exploring hypotheses rather
maps difficult, not at alJ "transpar- Other parts of the article are than for formally testing them.
ent"? This is the main question concerned with showing that map On the basis of field testing
addressed by Ottosson in his projection (i.e., perspective), GAHM, the authors belive that this
review of a briei selection of symbolization, and scale are not software opens up new possibili-
literature on the topic. And it is problematic for young children. ties for enabling students to
certainly an important question in Ottosson presents some results approach historical problems
this time of geographic ignorance. from an experiment he did involv- empirically and analytically. A
U children readily understand ing five year old children who sensible way to use computers in
maps, geographic education need were asked to describe "a rather introductory history courses is to
not devote much effort to them, complex road map." Although facilitate the search for patterns in
and could possibly even ignore there were errors (which seem to large bodies of data. GAHM is
them. On the other hand, if map reflect the child's reification of designed to make data accessible
understanding is an effortful symbols, consistent with Piagetian through a medium that invites the
process, explicit formal training theory), Ottosson nevertheless search for patterns-the choro-
may be necessary. claims that symbolization is not a pleth map.
Ottosson largely accepts the crucial problem. Six exercises were mentioned
former position. Since "most Although there is no doubt that along with a series of maps. The
spatial relationships on many children can learn spatial relations authors found that students in this
maps are the same as the relation- (such as proximity) early on, it is course were much more engaged
ships between the corresponding misleading to claim that this with the material than is normally
real-world features" (p. 101 ), it is means map understanding follows the case in introductory history
possible for children to have a naturally because "in essence ... courses.
basic understanding of maps. A map understanding is spatial
large number of his references are understanding" (p. 102). It ignores
from the Sheffield Research the fact that maps are creative An excerpt from Mary Kingsley,
Program (UK), one conclusion of realizations, not degraded pictures Travels in West Africa, London:
which is that young children can of reality. Ottosson's teaching 1897.
easily use maps. examples depend on showing Submitted by Pat Gilmartin, Univer-
However, this kind of position literal similarities behveen the sity of South Carolina.
has been repeatedly criticized. environment (a road bend) and the
Piagetian as well as cartographic map. This is not necessarily Mary Kingsley was an English
theory would argue that map "incorrect," but as he admits explorer who explored the Ogowe and
understanding does not come himself, it takes attention away Rembe rivers of West Africa in the late
"early and easily." There are also from the map's role, it's form and 1900's. During her forays there, she
empirical problems with such also the active participation of the collected specimens of fish for the
arguments. Ottosson appears to child. British Museum and continued her
be aware of these criticisms, but father's studies of the religions and
rather too easily dismisses them laws of primitive societies. She
(in a single sentence) before going Miller, David; and Modell, John travelled alone, mostly by canoe,
on to make the assertion quoted (1988). Teaching United States hiring native guides along the way.
above. The trouble with this history with the Great American One afternoon, she and her party
position is that it merely pushes History Machine. Historical stopped at a village of the Fan canni-
the problem backwards; instead of Methods, summer 1988; pp. 121- bal tribe to ask about villages further
striving to understand how 134. upstream. Tile following is Kingsley's
children comprehend maps, the reviewed by Knrl Proeltl description of the map which the Fans
task instead is to understand created for them.
spatial comprehension of the The Great American History
20 cartogrnpllic perspectives Number 2, Summer 1989

" ... when we reached a large value of a chart, pilots must learn OMA produces visual jet naviga-
village on the north bank, we as much as they can about chart tion charts (JNCs) at 1:2,000,000
seemed to have a lot of daylight symbology. Schiff feels this can scale. Only 122 JNCs are required
still at hand, and thought it better best be accomplished by reviewing to cover the entire world, with
to stay at la village] higher up, so the National Oceanic and Atmos- three covering the continental U.S.
as to make a shorter day's work for pheric Administration (NOAA) The kings of visual charts are the
to-morrow, when we wanted to 112-page booklet, Aeronautical global navigation char ts (scale
reach Kondo Kondo; so we went Chart Users Guide. To help remem- 1:5,000,000') developed for very
up against the bank just to ask ber the differences among large- long range aircraft navigating at
about the situation and character and smaJ1-sca1e charts, he points very high altitudes. For a free
of the up-river villages ... One out that one inch on a VFR termi- catalog of these and other charts,
chief ... took a piece of plantain nal area chart (scale 1:250,000), a contact the OMA Combat Support
leaf and tore it up into five differ- sectional chart (scale 1:500,000), Center, ATIN: PMA, Washington,
ent-sized bits. These he laid along and a world aeronautical chart, or DC 20315-0020.
the edge of our canoe at different WAC (scale 1:1,000,000) equals 4, Schiff is also fascinated by charts
intervals of space, while he told 8, and 16 statute miles respec- produced by foreign governments.
M'bo things, mainly scandalous, tively. He considers some to be real
about the characters of the villages Covered also is a history of works of art. The excitement this
these bits of leaf represented ... "navigational maps," dating back collector and art lover feels for
The interval between the bits was to 1807 when President Thomas aeronautical charts is contagious.
proportional to the interval Jefferson established the Survey of
between the villages, and the size the Coast to map our nation's
of the bits was proportional to the coasts. The Air Commerce Act of
size of the village ... 1926 assigned the task of creating cartograph.i c artifacts
"Now there is no doubt that that charts for air navigation. The first
chief's plantain-leaf chart was an aeronautical chart was published
ingenious idea and a credit to him. in 1927, the year of Lindbergh's
There is also no doubt that the Fan historic flight. By 1930, sectional
USGS Professional Paper 1453
mile is a bit Irish, a matter of nine aeronautical charts were devel-
entitled "An Album of Map
or so of those of ordinary mortals, oped to provide coverage for the
Projections" by John Synder and
but I am bound to say I don' t entire country. Sectionals, at
Philip Voxland has been prepared
think, even allowing for this, that 1:500,000 scale, provide detail
to acquaint those in the carto-
he put those pieces far enough needed for visual navigation of
graphic profession with the wide
apart ..." slow- to medium-speed aircraft.
range of map projections that have
Those who fly faster and higher
been developed during the past
don' t need as much detail, and this
few centuries. Ninety basic
Schiff, Barry (1989). Aeronau tical led to the development of regional
projections are presented with
charts; portraits of the earth. aeronautical charts (RACs),
consistent and concise textural
AOPAPilot, March, pp. 78-80, 82. followed by WACs, and finally, in
descriptions and are accompanied
reviewed by Claudette Dellon, the 1960's, operational navigation
by standarized, visual portrayals.
Aeronautical Clzarting Division, charts (ONCs) published by the
NOS/NOAA Defense Mapping Agency (OMA).
Schiff, a pilot, has written a produced at 1:1,000,000 scale. The USGS/GPO cooperative map
humorous and touching article on In 1970 the name of the Survey project has been operating for over
his long-standing love affair with was changed to NOAA, of which four years since its inauguration in
aeronautical charts. He views the National Ocean Service (NOS) October 1984. USGS consolidated
them as pieces of art, portraits of is charged with publishing and its eastern and western map
the earth, with which a pilot can distributing aeronautical charts. distribution facilities into Building
"window-shop the world." Chart products are described in 810 in the Denver Center in 1986 in
A chart is a map modified for NOS's free catalog, Aeronautical order to realize an annual cost
use in aerial or maritime naviga- Charts and Related Products, avail- savings of over $1 million. During
tion and is meant to work on able from NOAA Distribution the consolidation, 3700 tons of
rather than to look at (though Branch, N / CG33, NOS, Riverdale, maps and books were delivered to
some, like Schiff, like to look as MD20737. Denver in 185 truckloads.
well as to work). To maximize the In addition to producing ONCs, Building 810 offers some seven-
Number 2, Summer 1989 rnrtograplzic perspectives 21

teen acres of floor space. About 86-3 COUNTY COORDINATES 88-2 Vick, Nancy. MAGERT
10,500 linear feet of shelving - (4 corner latitude/longitude; alphabetical membership list.
with 2500 linear feet reaching l 6 degrees and minutes): February 1988. 20 leaves. $2.00
feet high-holds approximately -CA Robertson, R. Bruce. Califor- (This ORF will be updated biannu-
100 million sheets representing nia County coordinates. 1984. 4 ally).
70,000 different map titles. leaves. $0.40.
USGS maps are currently -Hl Baldwin, James A. Hawaii 88-3 Lorrain, Janice, and Jim
produced at the Reston printing County coordinates: including Coombs (with a " tip o' the hat" to
facility. Both flat and folded maps major islands and National Parks. Charles A. Seavey). A map to the
are printed in a variety of quanti- 1987. 4 leaves. $0.40. LC "G" schedule. 1988. 18 leaves.
ties. Printed materials are stacked -IL Wenner, Alex, and Marian $1.80. (a new, expanded, and
three fee t high, then strapped to Hunter. lllinois County coordi- improved set of base maps show-
pallets. The pallets wait in a nates. [1985) 5 leaves. $0.50. ing place names and "G" schedule
loading area until 40,000 pounds -MO Wilson, Allen P. Missouri 4-digit area numbers).
are accumulated-one truck load. County coordinates. 1988. 6
At least twice a month, a truck leaves. $0.60.
departs Reston for Denver. -UT Robertson, R. Bruce. Utah MAP LIBRARIANSHIP
Adapted form Administrative Notes, County coordinates. 1984. 3
April 1989. leaves. $0.30. "Take a map and travel with it"
-WY Walsh, Jim. Wyoming - that was Clara Egli LeGear's
County coordinates: including response to Librarian of Congress
National Parks and Monuments, James H . Billington when he asked
Titles in this series are generally of
and Wind River Indian Reserva- her what advice she would give
an ephemeral nature or are too
tion. 1986. 3 leaves. $0.30. young people interested in maps
specialized to warrant general
and geography.
d istribution as formal publications.
86-4 Vick, Nancy J. Latin America Billington, John Wolter (chief,
They are available as on-demand
Cutter list: first and second order Geography and Map Division) and
photocopies, as a service to the
administrative divisions. August other staff members paid tribute to
map library community. All
1988. 30 leaves. (An expansion of Mrs. LeGear for her 74 years of
orders must be prepaid with a
the Library of Congress "G" service to the Library at the
check or money order made
classification schedule; excludes division's Christmas party in
payable to Jim Coombs, MAGERT
Mexico) $3.00. December.
Open File Reports Production
Mrs. LeGear, now 92, has spent
Manager. There is a minimum
86·5 Cobb, David A. United States a lifetime involved in almost all
charge of $3.00 per order. Prices
State coordinates. 1986. 4 leaves. aspects of map Librarianship -
include postage and handling.
(4-comer latitude/longitude for cataloging, reference, acquisitions,
Orders should be sent to: Map
each state; degrees and minutes) bibliography, and administra-
Library, duane G. Meyer Library,
$0.40. tion-in the Library's Geography
Southwest Missouri State Univer-
and Map Division. Soon to be
sity, Box 175, Springfield, MO
86-6 U.S. National Parks and publish ed by the Library of
Forests Cutter list. 1986. 11 Congress is Mrs. LeGear's "Com-
leaves. (Library of Congress prehensive Author List," Volume 9
86-1 Vick, Nancy J. Guide to
expansion of "G" classification in the List of Geographical Atlases in
U.S. map resources: a personal
schedule) $1.10. the Library of Congress.
name index. 1986. 16 leaves.
Clara LeGear joined the Library
86-7 Sample map workfonns for of Congress as a typist and clerical
M.A.R.C. input. 1986. 8 sheets assistant in December 1914.
86-2 Sunnen, Linda, and Daniel
(some printed on both sides) Eleven months later she trans-
0. Holmes. Map room acquisition
(Locally d evised OCLC, RUN, and ferred to the Division of Maps.
procedures: University of Cali-
UTLAS input workforms) $1.50. During her first 35 years, Mrs.
fornia, Berkeley: a systems
LeGear served in a variety of
analysis. 1984. 36 leaves. (an
88-1 Kandoian, Nancy. An positions, induding cataloger,
introductory examination of then
English translation of words reference librarian, assistant chief
current problems w ith some
abbreviated in Ritter's Lexikon. (1931-1945), and librarian in charge
suggested solutions) $3.60.
1988. 4 leaves. $0.40. of cartographic acquisitions.
22 cartograp/1ic pcrspcctil'CS :\umbl'r 2, Summer J'IH'I

After the Second World War especially... for the very gracious (Special Interest Grou p on Com-
Mrs. LeGear relinquished her modesty with which all of these puter Graphics), Association for
administrative duties in order to things have [been! accomplished." Computing Machinery Annual
devote fuJI time to writing and Two years after her retirement Conference, Boston, MA. Contact:
bibliographic activities. Her first from the Library of Congress, in SIGGRAPH Confere nce Office, 111
major publication was a manual on 1963, Mrs. LeCear received the East Walker Drive, Chicago, IL
the care and preservation of Library's highest honor, the 60601.
cartographic materials, Maps: Distinguished Service Award.
Tlieir Care, Repnir nnd Preservation Mrs. LeGear was accompanied August 6-10: URISA 27th Annual
in Libraries (1949), which quickly at the Geography and Map Divi- Conference, Boston Marriot
became a standard reference work s ion Christmas party by her Copley Place, Boston, MA Con-
in the field of map Librarianship. husband of 50 years, Russell tact: Tom Palmerlee, Executive
With the offidaJ designation of LeGear, who retired from the Director, URISA, 319 C Street SE,
bibliographer, she resumed work Library himself after 34 years as a Washington, DC 20003; (202)
on a bibliography of atlases in the descriptive cataloger. 543-7141.
Library of Congress that had been LC lnformat1011 8111/etin,April 1989
s tarted by her former chief, Philip August 17-24: ICA International
Lee Phillips, completing Volume 5 Cartographic Confe rence 1989,
of A List of Geographical Atlases in UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Budapest, Hungary. Contact: Erno
the Library of Congress in 1958. O FFERS D UAL MASTERS Csati, Institute of Geodesy, Cartog-
Earlier she produced a two- CURRICULUM raphy, and Remote Sensing,
volume work, United States Atlases, The Geography / library Sciences H-1373, Budapest, POB 546,
1950-1953. She also continued (GELS) curriculum of the Univer- Hungary.
work on the division's card file of sity of Maryland is a full offering
bibliographic citations to carto- in computer-based spatial analysis September 15-16: GIS: Database
graphic literature, which was and information management- and Ma pping A pplications,
eventually published by G.K. Hall one of the few programs in the sponsored by Lincoln Institute of
as The Bibliograplly of Cartography (5 United States. Land Policy (LlLP), San Francisco,
volumes, 1973). Students earn a Master of CA. Contact: LILP, (800) LAN-
Retirement from the Library Library Science and Master of Arts DUSE.
after 47 years of service in 1961 did in Geography on completion of a
not put an end to her productivity. minimum of fifty-six graduate September 17-22: A CSM/ASPRS
Appointed library of Congress hours. Applicants must be ac- Fall Convention, Cleveland, OH.
honorary consultant in historical cepted by both departments. Contact: John E. Daily, Suite 100,
cartography, she went on to Those who already hold a related The HoneyweJI Building, 925
complete volumes 6,7, and 8 of A graduate degree may be eligible Keynote Circle, Cleveland, OH
List of Geographical Atlases and for advanced standing in the 44131.
continued compiling the Bibliogra- program.
phy of Cartography until a full- Contact Dr. Anne S. Macleod, September 18-19: ERIM Fall
time bibliographer was appointed College of Library and Information Conference, "Options for the
in 1969. As a result of her ex- Services, Hornbake Library Federal Agenda for Earth Observa-
tremely long and productive Bldg.-Room 41 llE, University of tions m the Global Change Era,"
career, Mrs. LeGear has received Maryland, College Park, MD Washington, DC. Contact: Dr.
extensive national and interna- 20742, (301) 454-3590; or Dr. Robert H. Rogers, ERIM, Box 8618,
tional recognition and numerous Kenneth E. Corey, Department of Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8618; (313)
awards from professional and Geography, 1113 Lefrak Hall, 994-1200 ext. 323; FAX (313)
cartographic organizations. When University of Maryland, College 994-1575; Telex 4940991 ERl-
she received the Honors Award of Park, MD 20742, (301) 454-22-l 1. MARB.
the Special Libraries Association's
Geography and Map Division in September 20-23: International
1957, the citation recognized her M a p Dealers Association Annual
"as patron saint to anyone inter- cartographic events Confere nce and Trade Show,
ested in historical cartography; as a Kansas City, MO. Contact: Nancy
source of advice and counsel to all; Edwards, Office Manager, Interna-
as author of many of the bibles of EVENTS CA LENDAR tional Map Dealers Association,
the profession ...; and July 31-August 4: SIGGRAPH '89 P.O. Box 1789, Kankakee, IL 60901.
Number 2, Summer 1989 cartograplzic 11crspectives 23




The Ninth Annual NACIS meeting will feature papers on various aspects of cartographic infor-
mation and, in particular, those papers which relate to the theme of this year's meeting: New Per-
spectives. Topics include:

• Atlases--Concepts to Production • GIS •Marketing Cartographic Tnformation

• Canadian Cartography •Geological Mapping • Navigation
• Cartographic Design •Government Mapping Programs• Remote Sensing
• Cartographic Educatation • Historical Cartography • Statistical Mapping
• Cartographic Software • Latin American Cartography •Techniques in Map Production
•Cognitive Cartography • Map Librarianship •The Cart Lab: Issues and Problems
• Computer Mapping •Mapping Water Resources

The N ACIS IX conference site will be the Ann Arbor Inn in the heart of the city's business district. 1t provides easy
access to over 40 restaurants, shops and the University of Michigan. Various cultural activities such as museums,
galleries, gardens and libraries are also close by. Known as the "City of Trees", Ann Arbor displays a wide array
of colorful leaves in October. Temperatures are mild and range between 40 and 60 degrees. Registration and
accommodations information will be made available soon.

Conference i11fon11atio11: Poster Session infonnation: Exlribit i11fonnatio11:

Diana Rivera Craig Remington Charles E. Harrington
University Libraries Department of Geography NOAA/NOS
Michigan State University University of Alabama 6001 Executive Boulevard
East Lansing, MI 48824-1048 University, AL 35486 Rockville, MD 20872
(517) 353-4737 (205) 348-1536 (301) 443-8360
24 cartograpliic perspectives Number 2, Summer 1989

October 11-14: North American tion information will be available style requirements, please refer to
Cartographic Information Society this fall. the July, 1989 issue of T/1e American
Ninth Annual Meeting, Ann Cartographer. Please send a one
Arbor, Ml. Contact: Diana Rivera, July 1990: 4th lntem ation aJ page prospectus to the guest editor
University Libraries, Michigan Symposium on Spatial Data if you are interested in writing an
State University, East Lansing, MI Handling, Zurich, Switzerland. article.
48824-1048; (517) 353-1737 ext. Contact: Dr. Duane Marble, Dept.
4593. of Geography, 103 Bricker Hall, GUEST EDITOR
The Ohio State University, Colum- Prof. Harold Moellering
November 12-15: NCGA Map- bus, OH 43210. Dept.ofGeography103 BK
ping & GIS '89, Los Angeles, CA. Ohio State University
Contact: NCGA; (703) 698-9600. Columbus, OH 43210
CALL FOR PAPER S Tel: (614) 292-2608
November 26-30: GIS/U S '89, The editors of The American Bitnet: Ts0215@0HSTVMA
sponsored by AAG, ACSM, Cartographer are soliciting papers
ASPRS, URISA; Orlando, FL. for a special issue on analytical SCHEDULE
Contact: ACSM; (703) 241-2446. cartography to be published in Prospectus due: October 1, 1989
January, 1991. Potential topics Submission of manuscript: Febru-
March 13-16, 1990: GIS '90, include: ary 1, 1990
Vancouver, B.C. Contact: Hugh Notification of review: May 1, 1990
Legg; (604) 664-5922. § The conceptual structure of analytical Revision of manuscript: September
cartography 1, 1990
Spring 1990: Canadian Carto- Planned publication: January, 1991
§Theory of spatial operators in regular/
graphic Association Annual irregular cellular systems
Meeting, Victoria, B.C. Contact:
Dr. C. Peter Keller, Dept. of § Spahal filtering in cartography CONTINUING EDUCATION
Geography, University of Victoria, September 6-8, 1989: Digital
§Spatial data structures
Victoria B.C. Geograph ic Information System s
§ Relational data structures in a carto- George Washington University,
June 22, 1990: A LA Precon ference grapluc setting Washington, DC. Instructors: John
Work sh op on Sate llite Imagery E. Este-: and Jeffrey L. Star,
an d Aerial Photog.r aphy. The § Object oriented data structures
Departm, ·of Geography,
Map and Geography Round Table Univer:. California-Santa
§ Mathematical definition of cartographic
and RTSD/CCS Committee on objects Barbara. • course concentrates
Cataloging: Description and on the requirements and
Access will cosponsor a workshop, § Spatial database systems techniques for managing data
"Remote Sensing Imagery: Identi- within geographic information
fication, Control and Access," on § Numerical terrain analysis/ representa-
tion systems. It introduces concepts of
Friday, June 22, 1990 in Chicago, geographic analysis and
prior to the ALA Annual Confer- § Cartographic query languages emphasizes the need to assess
ence. The workshop will include simultaneously point, polygon,
discussions on identifying the § The use of artificial intelligence in
and raster (image) data. The
special characteristics of remote processing of various data types
sensing images (including satellite §Concepts of vehicle navigation systems and use of data from diverse
images and aerial photographs) as sources is facilitated through the
well as creating and coding catalog § Use of fractals in cartography application of common methods of
records for them. A practicum will geographical referencing and data
follow. Instructors will be Dr. § Concepts of numerical map generaliza-
tion interchange formats. [n a
Helen Jane Armstrong (Univ. of laboratory session, participants
Florida), Mary Larsgaard (U.C., § New work in map projections receive hands-on experience with a
Santa Barbara), Betsy Mangan microcomputer-based
(LC.), and Nancy Vick (Univ. of Please contact the guest editor if geographical information system.
illinois). For more information, you are interested in a topic that is
contact Ellen Caplan (OCLC) at not listed here. All manuscripts For further information, contact
(614) 764-6000 or Nancy Vick at submitted will be peer reviewed Darold Aldridge at (202) 994-8518.
(217) 333-0827. Complete registra- with the normal process. For the
Number 2, Summer 1989 cartographic perspectives 25

NACISnews consin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wl to: Ron Bolton, Room 100, 6010

53201; (414) 229-4865 Executive Blvd., Rockville, MD
20852. Nominations when for-
NACIS OFFICERS, 1988·89 Marsha Selmer, The Library, Map warded should include a letter of
President: Juan Jose Valdes, Section, University of Illinois at acceptance and a short vita for use
Cartographic Division, National Chicago, Chicago Circle, Box 8198, on the annual ballot.
Geographic Society, 1615 M Street, Chicago, fl 60680; Bitnet:
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036; U32718@UICVM
(202) 775-7873 CONGRESS OF CARTO-
Map Librarian, Michigan State Ronald M. Bolton, NACIS, 6010 ORGANIZATIONS
University Libraries, East Lansing, Executive Boulevard, Suite 100, Final Text, as Adopted,
MI 48824; (517) 353-4593 Rockville MD 20852; (301) 443-8075 The Newberry Library, Chicago,
November 10, 1988
Treasurer: Gregory Chu, Depart- BOARD OF DlRECTORS
ment of Geography, University of Johnnie Sutherland (Past Presi- Resolution #1
Minneapolis, MN; (612) 625-0892 dent), Map Collection, Science WHEREAS, WE, THE DELE-
Library, University of Georgi~ GATES to the Congress of Carto-
Secretary: Nancy Kandoian, Map Libraries, Athens, GA 30602; (404) graphic Information Specialists
Division, New York Public Li- 542-0690 Organizations, assembled in
brary, New York, NY; (212) 930- Chicago on November 9th and
0588 Patricia Gilmartin, Department of 10th, 1988, discussed common
Geography, University of South concerns and expressed our hopes
CARTOGRAPHIC Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208; for cooperation among ourselves
PERSPECTIVES (803) 777-2989 and our respective organizations,
Editors: David DiBiase (Depart- and
ment of Geography, 302 Walker *William Schenck, Cartographic
Building, (814) 863-4562; Bitnet: Information Center, Delaware Geo- WHEREAS, WE found those
DWDl@PSUVM) and Karl Proehl, logicaJ Survey, University of Dela- discussions and our social inter-
(C202 Pattee Library, (814) ware, Newark, DE 19716; (302) 415- change to be of mutual benefit,
863-0094), Penn State University, 8262 and
University Park, PA 16802
*Leonard Abrams, Panoramic Stu- WHEREAS, WE learned that there
NACIS PUB LICATIO NS dios, 2243 W. Allegheny Avenue, is great potential for improving
COMMITIEE Philadelphia, PA 19132; (215) 233- our ability to serve better our
Alan MacEachren, Chair, Depart- 4235 members and our patrons, and
ment of Geography, 302 Walker
Building, The Pennsylvania State *Patrick McHaffie, Kentucky Geo- WHEREAS, WE find that a con-
University, University Park, PA logical Survey, U~versity of Ken- tinuing interchange among us and
16802; (814) 865-7491; BITNET: tucky, 311 Breckinridge Hall, Lex- our organizations will promote
NYB@PSUVM ington, KY 40506-0056; (606) 257- cooperation in many areas of
5863 mutual interest, will provide
Claudette Dellon, Aeronautical opportunities for personal growth
Charting Division, NOS/NOAA, Ellen White, Department of Geog- and continuing education, and will
6010 Executive Boulevard, raphy, Michigan State University, strengthen our collective voice,
Rockville, MD 20852; (301) 443- East Lansing, Ml 48824, (517) 366-
return these sentiments to our
Jeffrey Patton, Department of Ge- Those positions marked by an respective organizations with a
ography, University of North asterisk are open for nomination request that they individually
Carolina, Greensboro, NC 27412; for 1989-90. appoint one member, by February
(919) 334-5864 Three Directors-at-Large, The Vice 15, 1989, to a Planning & Coordi-
President and Secretary must be nating Committee to plan and
Donna Schenstrom, Department elected by our next annual meet- conduct the first International
of Geography, University of Wis- ing. Please forward nominations Conference of Cartographic
26 cnrtogmpllic pcrs11ectil1cs 'umber 2, Summer 198'1

Information Specialists to be held improve the quality of communj- ate the organizational and eco-
in 1990 or as soon as practicable; cations between the members of nomic motivations that led to this
cartographic information specialist duplication, it seems to us a less
BE 1T RESOLVED, FURTHER- organizations, and than ideal situation given the size
MORE, that the Planning & of the map library community, the
Coordinating Committee should WHEREAS, there is a desire to restricted budgets of libraries, and
proceed with reference to the eliminate unnecessary duplication the palpable lack of harmony it
following guidelines, which have of effort in accomplishing the presents to observers of the map
been discussed and are considered above objective, library scene.
worthy of further consjderation:
NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the The Congress discussed several
1. The Conference should include delegates to the Congress of possible solutions, including
lectures, workshops, exhibits, and Cartographic Information Special-
time for each sponsoring organiza- ists Organizations, request that l. Unilateral suspension of one or
tion to have at least one meeting of each member o rganization desig- more publications,
its own members for the conduct nate a member, by February
of business. 15,1989, to act as the Information 2. Further specialization of infor-
Coordinator for that organization. mation to make the directories
2. That successive Conferences, if more distinctive (for instance, one
any, should be held at intervals of The Information Coordinators, in specializing in descriptions of
no greater than five years. cooperation with each other, collections, including, perhaps,
should attempt to accomplish the ARL profiles by class number;
3. The focus of the Conference following objectives: another in personal addresses and
should be on map curatorship and phone numbers),
librarianship, as compared to Develop a mechanism for pooling
cartographic production. and dissemmating information on 3. A totally cooperative effort,
the following: involving several groups, using a
4. The Conference should not be uniform questionnaire, and
designed to take the place of the Calendar dates for meetings, published by a nuetral publisher,
annual meeting or other meetings exhibits and other events such as Bowker,
of the sponsoring organUations,
but if a sponsoring organjzation Job announcements, retirements, 4. A two-volume directory, one
finds if advantageous to forego vacancies, and any other employ- for the U.S., and the other for
one of its meetings in exchange for ment related information Canada, to be sold separately or as
the Conference, or hold one of its a set, and
meetings in conjunction with the Awards, prizes, grants, and other
Conference, it is encouraged to do opportunities for professional 5. Staggered publication dates to
so. advancement maximize the currency of informa-
tion promoted while minimizing
5. The Conference should not Lists of publications as sources of overlap (two directories, for
diminjsh the quality of regular information and as disseminators instance, might each have five-year
programming by the parent of information revision cycles, with a new direc-
organization, but rather the tory appearing every two and one-
Conference should supplement the and, half years).
continuing education and
strengthen the information ex- Matters of common interest to all.
change between organjzations and NEW APPOINTMENTS
their members. NACIS Preident Juan Jose Valdes
Resolution #3 announces the following
6. The Planning & Coordinating The Congress regrets the expendi- appointments: Diana Rivera and
Committee shall elect its own ture of time, effort, and money Karl Proehl will represent NACIS
Chair from among those appointed represented by the produchon of in the planning of the first Interna-
to the Committee. three overlapping or competing tion al Con fe rence of Cartographic
d irectories of map libraries (by Info nnation Specialists to be held ·
Resolution #2 SLA GMD, ALA MAGERT, and in 1990 or as soon as practicable.
WHEREAS, there is a need to ACMLA). While we can appreci- Diana will serve on the Planning &
Number 2, Summer 1989 cartograpliic pcrspcctil'CS 27

Coordinating Committee and Karl the newsletter western correspon- tion, it is particularly important that papers
are carefully structured with ideas
will represent NACIS as an dent.
presented succinctly. The editors reserve
Information Coordinator. Given the multiplying number the right to make editorial changes to
of meetings in cartography and ensure clanty and consistency of style.
GIS, and the difficulties of attend- Papers ranging from the theoretical /
philosophical to methodological/ applied
EXCHANGE PUBLICATIONS ing all such meetings, we could at topics will be considered providing that
Cartographic PrrSpt!clit't.'S gratefully some point perhaps consider the ideas are presented in a manner that will
acknowledges the publications listed possibility of a joint annual interest more than a narrow spectrum of
below, with which we enjoy exchange meeting at some border crossing of members.
agreements. We continue to seek agree- To be considered for the paper competi·
well placed city, e.g. Seattle, tion, papers should be prepared exclu-
ments with other publications.
Buffa lo, Toronto etc.. We have sively for NACIS, with no major portion
gained much from recent joint previously published elsewhere.
Canadian Cartographic Association
meetings with like minded organi·
Newsletter. A quarterly publication
zations, which helps foster contin- TECHNICAL GUIDELI NES
offering news and announcements
ued co-operation, al though their Cartograplric l'erspectives is designed and
to members of the CCA. Contact:
set-up can be complex. produced m a microcomputer environ-
Canadian Cartographic Associa- ment. Therefore, contnbutions to CP
Anyway the exchange of news-
tion, c/o Department of Geogra- should be submitted in digital form on 3.5"
letters is extremely useful. or 5.25" diskettes. Please send paper copy
phy, Memorial University of
along with the disk, in case it is damaged
Newfoundland, St. John's, New- in transit.
Yours sincerely,
foundland, A1B 3X9; (709) Text documents processed with Macin·
Roger D. Wheate
737-8988; Bitnet: CHWood@MUN tosh software such as WriteNow, WordPer-
University of Calgary fect, MindWrite, Word, and MacWrite are
preferred, as well as documents generated
Cartomania. This quarterly news· on IBM PCs and compatibles using
letter of the Association of Map WordPerfect or Word. ASCil text files are
Memorabilia Collectors offers a also acceptable.
unique mix of feature articles, Graphics generated with Adobe
Illustrator or Aldus FreeHand for the
news, puzzles, and announce- instructions Macintosh are most preferred, but generic
ments of interest to cartophiles. PICT or TIFF format graphics files are
to contributors
Contact: Siegfried Feller, pub- usually compatible as well. Certain
lisherI editor, 8 Amherst Road, graphics formats for the PC may also be
submitted (for example, HPGL (.PLT),
Pelham, MA 01002; (413) 253-3115. CGM, EPS. and TIF).
AU featured papers will be solrcrttd by the For those lacking access to microcompu·
GIS World. Published six times NACIS Publications Committee. The goals ters, typed submissions will be tolerated.
Manually produced graphics should be no
annually, this newsmagazine of of the solicitation procedure will be to
select high quality papers that provide a larger than 11 by 17 inches, designed for
Geographic Information Systems scanning at 300 dpi resolution (avoid fine-
balanced representrahon of the divers
technology offers news, features, interests of the membership. The pnmary grained tint screens). Continuous-tone
and coverage of events pertinent to mechanism for soliciting featured papers photographs will also be scanned.
Submissions may be sent to: David
GIS. Contact: Debbie Parker, will be a paper competition held in conjuc-
DiBiase, Department of Geography, 302
Subscription Manager, GIS World, tlon with the Annual Meeting. All papers
prepared for the meeting and submitted in Walker Building, Pennsylvania State
lnc., P.O. Box 8090, Fort Collins, wntten and/or digital form will be consid-
University, University Park, PA 16802;
co 80526; (303) 484-1973. ered. Three of these will be selected to (814) 863-4562.
appear m Cartographic Perspt!Ctives during
the next year. COLOPHON
ln addition to the competition winners, This document was desktop-published at
LEITER TO THE EDITORS the Publications Committee (in consulta- the Deasy GeoCraphics Laboratory,
April26, 1989 tion with the editors) will solicit one or Department of Geography, Penn State
more papers each year from other sources. University, usmg an Apple Macintosh llx.
The goal here is to ensure that all aspects of Word processing was accomplished with
Dear David, Write1\ow 2.0; page layout with Page-
the membership are served and to attract
some thought-provoking ideas from Maker 3.01. Graphics not rendered with
Many thanks for your very snappy authors who may not be able to attend the Aldus FreeHand 2.0 were scanned from
looking first edition of Cartograpltic Annual Meeting. paper onginals using an HP 9190 Scanjet
Authors of selected papers will be given desktop scanner. The PageMaker
Perspectives. In return, I enclose an opportunity to respond to suggestions document was output by a Linotromc 300
our most recent CCA Newsletter, of the Publications Committee or meeting at PSU Printing Services. The bulletin was
and look forward to your future participants before -;ubm1tting a!> final printed b~· offset lithography on Warren
issues. It looks like I will be version. The wntmg quality must adhere Patina 70i# text stock. The type face JS
to high professional standards. Due to the Palatino. designed by Herman Z.apf.
incoming CCA manager as well as interdisciplinary nature of the orgamza-
28 cartograplric perspectives Number 2, Summer 1989

NACIS membership form

North American Cartographic Information Society

Sociedad de lnformacion Cartografica Norte Americana

Name/ Nombre:

Address/ Direcdon:

Organization I Afiliadon profesional:

Your position/ Posicion:

Cartographic interests/ Intereses cartografico:

Professional memberships/ Socio de organizacion:

Membership Fees for the Calendar Year/

Valor de nomina de socios para el afio:
Individual/ Regular: $15.00 U.S./E.U.
Students/Estudiantes: $ 5.00 U.S./E.U.
Institutional/Miembros institucionales:
$35.00 U.S. / E.U.

Make all checks payable to/

Hagan sus cheques a:
6010 Executive Boulevard, Suite 100 '•
Rockville, MD 20852
The North American Cartographic Information Society
(NAGS) was founded in 1980 in response to the need for a multidisciplinary
organization to facilitate communication in the map information commu-
nity. Principal objectives of NACIS are:
§to promote communication, coordination, and cooperation
among the producers, disseminators, curators,
and users of cartographic information;

§ to support and coordinate activities with other professional

organizations and institutions involved with
cartographic information;

§to improve the use of cartographic materials through

education and to promote graphicacy;

§to promote and coordinate the acquisition, preservation,

and automated retrieval of all types of cartographic material;

§to influence government policy

on cartographic information.

NACIS is a professional society open to specialists from private, academic,

and government organizations throughout North America. The society
provides an opportunity for Map Makers, Map Keepers, Map Users, Map
Educators, and Map Distributors to exchange ideas, coordinate activities, and
improve map materials and map use. Cartographic Perspectives, the
organization's Bulletin, provides a mechanism to facilitate timely
dissemination of cartographic information to this diverse constituency. It
includes solicited feature articles, synopses of articles appearing in obscure
or non-cartographic publications, software reviews, news features, reports
(conferences, map exhibits, new map series, government policy, new degree
programs, etc.), and listings of published maps and atlases, new computer
software, and software reviews.

Department of Geography NONPROFIT ORG.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee U.S. POSTAGE
Milwaukee, WI 53201 MILWAUKEE, WI

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