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Assignment 1

Giovanni L. Roa


Questions and Answers

Case Study:

Chelsey, a young entrepreneur who has worked in various

restaurants throughout high school and college, has decided to develop

a new type of restaurant that focuses primarily on takeout of home-

cooked meals for busy professionals on their way home from work. The

restaurant would also have a small dining area for customers who wish

to eat the food there. Because this prospective business will have to

compete with national franchises and other traditional local restaurants,

Chelsey wants to ensure that this business will compete on quality and

develop a strong quality reputation. She has asked you to help her

understand the issues that she must address in designing and managing

this restaurant.
Using the six quality perspective and any other concepts

discussed in this chapter to advise Chelsey on what she might consider

to assure high quality for this venture.


In this situation, I would like to suggest first we used all the six

quality perspective. Be Transcendent, Chealsey would likely to

compete national franchises and other traditional local restaurants so

she must a plan about it so I would to conduct some intstrial products

and modified them or creating them as your own so in that way she

would likely be able so make progress for her plan along the future.

Next is, the Product perspective so how much would Chealsey

produced a quality be any means, She must have many resources,

highly recommended the prodcuts would be found in local for less

expenses of transporatation but stays a quality product means She will

be making all of her own product likely buildings his own factory.

Next, User Perspective which the product will be intended to use.

This is maybe a problem when you are not aware who will consume

your product. Basically I would suggest to Chealsey that we had to find

people who is mostly benefit the products or consumes a product. The

fourth one, is Value Perspective which I could that we have a to make a

story of a certain peroducts which people will feel valuable or

beneficial products we will for them. Costumers is always the blood

and sweat of our business and we must make them important to have a

greater goal.

Manufacturing we are using next that would likely we have to

limit in a month which the product we produce to avoid loses of

income. Every business has a limitations for a certain to avoid the over

production o f the products. Lastly, Customer Perpective which is

known as the feedback of the consumer and costumer of our product we

accommodate and it measures how our products are productive and we

could have a good or bad feedback but bad feedback is good for

improvement of our products. Learn from it.

For me, determination is the best medicine to follow a success

becuase most people don’t go beyond their limit. So we must not limit

our capabilities and take a risk for every business we make. We are far

greater than ourselves. Be positive for enthusiastic environment.

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