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Legendary Investor Richard Feynman
What can he teach us about Investment Analysis?
Some readers of the first
issue of the BFBV
newsletter have sent me
remarks about how much
they loved reading it etc
etc… Thank you for writing
to me. I appreciate it.
Here is the second issue
of the newsletter. I don’t
know how this is going to
evolve. It might take the
form of supplementary
notes to my lectures, or it
might become something
else. It really doesn’t matter!
I do know that at this
time I am enjoying writing
this and I hope that you will
continue to enjoy reading it!
This one is dedicated to
Richard Feynman, one the
As far as I know, Richard while fooling around with my
greatest investment minds
Feynman never bought a stock in girlfriend.
that the world never saw…
his life. If he did, he never talked But my kid brother was
about it or about his “investmentstudying science in school and
acumen.” But he should have... one day I saw this book on his Thank you,
Feynman was not only a great bed: “Surely You're Joking, Mr. -Sanjay Bakshi
physicist, he was also a great Feynman!”
teacher. I picked it up and started
Many of you in my class are reading it. I could not put it
Engineers and would have heard down. And I could not stop
of Feynman and read about him laughing as I read it. Oh yes that
in your Engineering college or was a very good book by a very
perhaps even your School. And funny man!
those of you who are not Fast forward 20 years. In
Engineers might have also learnt October 2004, when I was
about him. teaching the first batch of BFBV
I discovered Feynman in at MDI, Punit Sanwalani, a
1984, when I was in College student in my class, sent me one
pretending to study commerce of Feynman’s famous lectures
“Cargo Cult Science.”


If you haven’t read Cargo Cult Science, do it scenarios are the functional equivalents of “groping
today. And if you have, then do it again. in the dark”? And does it not further bother you
Punit might have related that famous lecture that the investment community
to the BFBV class discussions or typically values a stock based on
maybe there was another various future scenarios by
reason — in any case, I applying subjective probabilities
was hooked by Feynman all to those scenarios and then
over again. Thank you computing the “expected value”
Punit if you’re reading this! by simply taking the weighted
average thereby becoming
Since then, whenever I functional equivalents of the
read Feynman, and watched statistician who forgot about
his videos, I was stuck by two ranges of depth (2 feet to 10
things: (1) How similar were his feet) and drowned in a river
mental habits to those I talk which was, on average, only
about in the classroom; and (2) 4 feet deep?
how naive are some of the
investment research reports that Does it not bother you
come across my table created by that a man of science can
analysts who seem to know more dare to say “I don’t know”
about the world from a social science while investment
perspective than even the greatest analysts almost never
scientists know about the world say that?
from a science perspective! Surely, the Feynman once said, “ The
degree of certainty about the first principle is that you must not fool yourself
worldview of a great scientist should — and you are the easiest person to fool.”
be more than the degree of certainty exhibited by How true! How we analysts fool ourselves so
social “scientists”? often! How often we just believe what we are told
Let me illustrate this. Go and by companies and their self-
watch this video clip — Feynman interested agents and
on Uncertainty and Doubt. convert that nonsense into
Does it not bother you that very nice-looking reports
one of the greatest men of science with plenty of pie charts and
that the world has seen is quite tables which make the whole
happy to accept uncertainty (“I thing look so believable!
have approximate answers, and In one of his famous lectures,
possible beliefs, and different degrees Feynman was talking about
of certainty about different things, the scientific method of
but I’m not absolutely sure of inquiry. He said, “Looking back
anything, and there are many things at the worst times, it always seems
I don’t know anything about.”), that they were times in which
while you are studying how to there were people who believed
use the DCF model to value with absolute faith and absolute
businesses? That’s a model dogmatism in something. And they
which requires you to predict were so serious in this matter that
cash flows more than thirty they insisted that the rest of the
years out requiring “degrees of world agree with them. And then
certainty” that Feynman would they would do things that were
have laughed at. directly inconsistent with their own
Does it not bother you that DCF models use beliefs in order to maintain that what they said was
“scenario analysis” where all sometimes all true.”


Are we sure that Feynman was referring to the Feynman knew what it meant when he said, “
worst scientific practices of the past instead of It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't
current “best” practices in investment analysis? matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with
After all, that particular excerpt was from a lecture experiment, it's wrong.”
titled “The Uncertainty of Values.” You already know of my skepticism about the
Earlier I mentioned that Feynman had a great utility of using Microsoft Excel in
sense of humor, and once when he was talking of creating elaborate models of
rare events he said: “You know, the most amazing valuation using DCF.
thing happened to me tonight. I was We discussed that
coming here, on the some time ago. Part
way to the lecture, of the reason for my
and I came in through skepticism arises
the parking lot. And you from the biases of
won't believe what human nature
happened. I saw a car which have a
with the license plate tendency to find
ARW 357. Can you their way into
imagine? Of a) the the models thru
mi)ions of license plates in the biased man
the state, what was the creating an
chance that I would see that illusion of
particular one tonight? precision. Man is not
Amazing!” a rational animal, but a rationalizing
Feynman, of course, one — there I said it again
was having fun at the — many of you
expense of people who think will be pulling
that rare things don’t happen your hair by
very often. Yet the world of now!
finance is full of models of risk Feynman was
like VAR and models of aware of this
capital allocation like the problem when he
CAPM which are based on wrote: “There is a
the assumption that rare computer disease that
events are so rare that they anybody who works
can virtually be ignored. with computers knows
Four sigma? Six about. It's a very serious
sigma? Seven sigma? Do disease and it interferes
you realize that if the completely with the work.
world is best described The trouble with
by a bell curve then, a computers is that you ‘play’
seven sigma event is with them!”
likely to happen once Feynman had “The
every 3 billion years? Pleasure of Finding Things
And do you realize Out” by having the very
that the world in same mental habits that you
the past few need to develop to have the
decades has pleasure of becoming a great
experienced many analyst.
more seven sigma
events than those models can
explain? What can this mean?


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