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Assignment Brief

BTEC Level 4-5 HNC/HND Diploma (QCF)

To be filled by the Student

Name of the Student :

Edexcel No : Registration No: Batch No:

Unit Assessment Information

Qualification : Higher National Diploma in Computing and Systems Development

Unit Code & Title : K/601/1510– Unit 35 - WEB APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT (WAD)

Assessment Title & No’s : Health Care Hospital - (WAD – 16 – 001)

Learning outcomes and grading opportunities:

LO 01: Understand the concepts of web application development
Learning Outcomes LO 1.1 LO 1.2 LO 1.3
Be able to design web applications
Learning Outcomes LO 2.1 LO 2.2 LO 2.3 LO 2.4
LO 03: Be able to implement web applications
Learning Outcomes LO 3.1 LO 3.2 LO 3.3
LO 03: Be able to test web applications.
Learning Outcomes LO 4.1 LO 4.2 LO 4.3 LO 4.4 LO4.5

Merit and Distinction Descriptor

M1 M2 M3 D1 D2 D3

Date Issued : Date Due :

Date of Submission:

Assessor : Date Assessed:

Internal Verifier (IV): Date of IV:

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General Guidelines
1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment.
Use previous page as your cover sheet and be sure to fill the details correctly.
2. This entire brief should be attached in first before you start answering.
3. All the assignments should prepare using word processing software.
4. All the assignments should print in A4 sized paper, and make sure to only use one side
5. Allow 1” margin on each side of the paper. But on the left side you will need to leave
room for binging.
6. Ensure that your assignment is stapled or secured together in a binder of some sort
and attach the Softcopy (CD) of your final document, system on last page.

Word Processing Rules

1. Use a font type that will make easy for your examiner to read. The font size should be
12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5-line word-processing. Left justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all headings are consistent in terms of size and font style.
4. Use footer function on the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment
No, and Page Number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets become
detached for any reason.
5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help edit
your assignment.
6. Ensure that your printer’s output is of a good quality and that you have enough ink to
print your entire assignment.

Important Points:
1. Check carefully the hand in date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late
submissions will not be accepted.
2. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
3. Don’t leave things such as printing to the last minute – excuses of this nature will not be
accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
4. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
5. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness,
you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
6. Failure to achieve at least a PASS grade will result in a REFERRAL grade being given.
7. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic REFERRAL. You will
then be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
8. Take great care that if you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, you properly
reference them, using the HARVARD referencing system, in you text and any bibliography,
otherwise you may be guilty of plagiarism.
9. If you are caught plagiarizing, you could have your grade reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst
you could be excluded from the course.

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Statement of Originality and Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to
present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand
what it means to copy another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of the Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiaries or copy another’s work in any of
the assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will
be my own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source
in the correct way.
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a
binding agreement between myself and Edexcel UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document
is not attached to the attached.

Student’s Signature: …………………………… Date: .………………

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Assignment Brief
Health Care hospital currently uses a manual system for the management and maintenance
of critical information. The current system requires numerous paper forms, with data stores
spread throughout the hospital management infrastructure. Often information (on forms) is
incomplete, or does not follow management standards. Multiple copies of the same
information exist in the hospital and may lead to inconsistencies in data in various data
stores. There are number of documents to be maintained in the Health Care hospital and this
information typically involves; patient personal information and medical history, staff
information, room and ward scheduling, staff scheduling, operating theater scheduling and
various facilities waiting lists. All of this information must be managed in an efficient and cost
wise fashion so that the resources can be managed effectively. The reception module
handles various inquiries about the patient's admission and discharge details, and the
patient's movements within the hospital.

Assume that you are the web developer hired by the Health Care Hospital, to propose, and
engineer a low cost but yet powerful and complete Hospital Management System (HMS) for
the scenario given above. Suggest and implement important functionalities and features to
the system by identifying system functionalities.

The new system is to control the following information

 patient information
 room availability
 staff and operating room schedules
 patient invoices

These services are to be provided in an efficient, cost effective manner, with the goal of
reducing the time and resources currently required for such tasks.

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TASK 1. Understand the concepts of web application development

1.1. Critically evaluate the functions and advantages of web applications, and hence
justify, by giving reasons, why a web application is suitable for the given scenario. (LO
1.2. Critically compare different types of server-side and client-side scripting languages
and select a server-side and a client-side scripting language which is suitable to
implement the proposed system. (LO 1.2) (M1.1)
1.3. Examine web security concerns that should be considered while implementing a web
application and make recommendations for security improvements of the proposed
system. (LO 1.3). (M2.7)
Consider Followings:
User accounts, account restrictions, procedures for granting and revoking access,
terms of use, system monitoring, prevention techniques from hacking, viruses, and
date theft

TASK 2. Design a web application to meet requirements of the given scenario

2.1. Design a suitable web application solution suite for the given scenario. Provide
evidences of the design. Evidences should include Authentication levels,
Functionalities allowed for different users, development timescales, cost benefit
analysis, web layout design etc. (LO 2.1)
2.2. Synthesize client and the server-side functionalities in the proposed design. (LO 2.2)
2.3. Apply a database design for the proposed system and provide the well normalized
database design of the proposed system. (LO 2.3)
2.4. Evaluate alternative designs similar to the proposed system and enhance the system
design. Focus on features, UI design layouts, navigation scheme, color schemes, form
validations & feedbacks and hints to the user etc. Provide justifications and reasons
why you select the mentioned alternative system and its features. (LO 2.4)

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TASK 3. Implement the designed web application

3.1. Implement the designed system using PHP, JS and MySQL. Screenshots of important
code lines with proper comments and user interfaces filled with sample data must be
attached to the documentation. (LO 3.1)
3.2. Implement the designed database using a DBMS (MySQL) and provide screenshots of
the database tables with sample data and SQL queries used in the implementation
(Create, Select, Insert, Delete, Update etc.) (LO 3.2)
3.3. Identify and implement opportunities for error handling and reporting to minimize
the errors that might occur. Provide evidences of the implemented techniques used
to handle the errors. (LO 3.3)
Note: Using a try-catch block is one of them and there are many more.

TASK 4. Test the implemented web application

4.1. Critically review and test the implemented web application using a web-enabled
database management system and provide the identified discrepancies, if any, of the
application through an analysis of actual test results against expected. (LO 4.1 & LO
Note: Should provide test cases including screenshots of the actual results and

mention how you fix the discrepancies identified.

4.2. Critically evaluate independent feedback of the users to identify the limitations of
the implemented web application and make recommendations for further
improvements to overcome the limitations identified. (LO 4.3)
Note: Select the best suited fact finding method(s) to gather user feedbacks and
should be justified the reason for the selection with own opinions and evidences.
4.3. Prepare a user documentation to properly guide the users of the implemented
system. (LO 4.4)
Note: User documentation should be simple and understandable by anyone. Use
screenshots and provide stepwise guidance.

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Observation Sheet

Activity Activity Learning Feedback

No Outcome (LO) (Pass/ Redo)
1 Present and demonstrate the LO4.1
implemented program features
to the audience.
2 Test run the application with LO4.1
sample data
3 Explain the discrepancies LO4.2
between actual test results and
expected results during Activity 2.
4 Perform a minor modification to LO4.2
the source code to alter the
functionality of the system.
5 Both client-side and server-side LO2.2
functionalities have been
implemented together.
6 System is fully functional, no D3.4
semantic errors and System has
proved with all required function.


Assessor Name :…………………………………………….

Date :…………………………………………….

Assessor Signature :…………………………………………….

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Assessment Criteria (Students are not authorized to modify or write anything on below)

Outcomes/Criteria for PASS Evidenc Page Feedback
1.1 critically evaluate the functions and Task 1.1
advantages of web applications

1.2 critically compare different types of Task 1.2

server-side and client-side scripting languages

1.3 examine web security concerns and make Task 1.3

recommendations for security improvements

2.1 design a web application to meet a given Task

requirement 2.1

2.2 synthesize client-side and server-side Task

functionality in a web application 2.2

2.3 apply a database design for use in a web Task

application 2.3

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2.4 evaluate alternative designs and solutions Task
to meet a given requirement 2.4

3.1 implement a web application to a Task

prepared design using client-side and server- 3.1
side scripting languages

3.2 implement a web-enabled database Task

management system to store, retrieve and
manipulate data in a web application 3.2

3.3 identify and implement opportunities for Task

error handling and reporting

4.1 critically review and test a web application Task

using a web enabled database management 4.1
4.2 analyze actual test results against Task
expected results to identify discrepancies 4.1
4.3 critically evaluate independent feedback Task
on a developed web application and make 4.2
recommendations for improvements
4.4 create user documentation for a Task
developed web application. 4.3

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Grade Descriptor for MERIT Possible evidence Feedback
M1 Identify and apply strategies to - Reasons why the selected client-
find appropriate solutions side and server-side languages are
the best.
M1.1 effective judgment have been - Provide leaner opinions.
made Task 1.2
M2 Select / design appropriate - Implement the system properly
methods / techniques (apply proper techniques)
M2.7 appropriate learning - Web security concerns should have
methods/techniques have been applied been properly explained using a
range of sources.
M3 Present and communicate - Well-structured documentation
appropriate findings - Proper academic writing
- Adhered to the documentation
M3.3 A range of methods of formatting guidelines.
presentation have been used and - Non-overlapping facts.
technical language has been - Accurate, reliable and consistent
accurately used data.

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Grade Descriptor for DISTINCTION Possible evidence Feedback
M4 Use critical reflection to evaluate - Proper conclusions and justifications
own work and justify valid should be provided

- D1.1 conclusion have been arrived at

through synthesis of ideas and have
been justified

D1 Take responsibility for managing - On time submission of the

and organizing activities assignment.
- Complete System has been
- D2.2 substantial activities, projects or submitted
investigations have been planned, - Activities from 1-4 have been
managed and organized managed during observation.

D2 Demonstrate convergent / lateral / - Additional functions have been

creative thinking added
- D 3.4 problems have been solved - Security features have been added
- D 3.5 innovation and creative thought - Fully featured and error free
have been applied solution has been submitted

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Strengths: Weaknesses:

Future Improvements & Assessor Comment:

Assessor: Signature: Date: ____/____/______

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Internal Verifier: Signature: Date: ____/____/______

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
Table of Figures------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
List of Tables---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Acknowledgement---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
TASK 1 Understand the concepts of web application development--------------------------------------------18
1.1 WEB Application Advantages--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
1.1.1 Identify and explain manual process of Health Care Pvt Ltd-------------------------------------19
1.1.2 Disadvantages of manual process-----------------------------------------------------------------------19
1.1.3 Explain features of proposed web system-------------------------------------------------------------20
1.1.4 Explain advantages of proposed web system---------------------------------------------------------21
1.2. Critically compare different types of server-side and client-side scripting languages and select a
server-side and a client-side scripting language which is suitable to implement the proposed system--23
1.2.1 Briefly clarify highlights or reasonableness' of above precedents-------------------------------------25
1.2.2 Client side scripting language--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
1.2.3 Server side scripting language---------------------------------------------------------------------------------26
1.2.4 Selected Client Side Language and server side Language----------------------------------------------28
1.2.5 Justification-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
1.3 Examine web security concerns that should be considered while implementing a web application
and make recommendations for security improvements of the proposed system----------------------------31
1.3.1 Web security concerns------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31
1.3.2 Procedures for conceding and denying access-------------------------------------------------------------32
1.3.3 Prevention methods from hacking, infections, and date burglary-------------------------------------33
TASK 2. Design a web application to meet requirements of the given scenario-------------------------34
2.1 Authentication levels-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
2.1.1 Functionalities allowed for different users-----------------------------------------------------------------34
2.1.2 Developmental timescales-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
2.1.3 Visibility on web search tools--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
2.1.4 Explain highlights of web search tool-----------------------------------------------------------------------39
2.1.5 Cost benefit analysis--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41

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2.1.6 Web creating instruments-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
2.1.7 Justification for choosing Web Authoring Tools----------------------------------------------------------45
2.1.8 Design your layout----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
2.2 Synthesize client and the server-side functionalities in the proposed design-----------------------------51
2.3. Apply a database design for the proposed system and provide the well normalized database
design of the proposed system------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53
2.4 Evaluate alternative designs similar to the proposed system and enhance the system design. Focus
on features, UI design layouts, navigation scheme, color schemes, form validations & feedbacks and
hints to the user etc. Provide justifications and reasons why you select the mentioned alternative system
and its features--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
TASK 3. Implement the designed web application--------------------------------------------------------------56
3.1. Implement the designed system using PHP, JS and MySQL. Screenshots of important code
lines with proper comments and user interfaces filled with sample data must be attached to the
documentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 56
3.2. Implement the designed database using a DBMS (MySQL) and provide screenshots of the
database tables with sample data and SQL queries used in the implementation (Create, Select, Insert,
Delete, Update etc.)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
3.2.1 Create Database Tables-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
3.3 Identify and implement opportunities for error handling and reporting to minimize the errors that
might occur. Provide evidences of the implemented techniques used to handle the errors-------------69
TASK 4. Test the implemented web application-----------------------------------------------------------------71
4.1. Critically review and test the implemented web application using a web-enabled database
management system and provide the identified discrepancies, if any, of the application through an
analysis of actual test results against expected--------------------------------------------------------------------71
4.2. Critically evaluate independent feedback of the users to identify the limitations of the
implemented web application and make recommendations for further improvements to overcome the
limitations identified.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75
4.2.1 Feedback-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75
4.2.2 Analyzed Feedback------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76
4.2.3 Further recommendations----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76
4.3 Prepare a user documentation to properly guide the users of the implemented system.---------77
Gantt chart-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81
Self-Criticism---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82
Executive Summary-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83
Conclusion------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83

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Further Recommendations------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 83
References-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84
Indexes------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 86
Glossary----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87

Table of Figures

Figure 1 Client Server Architecture--------------------------------------------------------------------22

Figure 2 Client Side--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23
Figure 3 Server Side--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23
Figure 4 System Gantt Chart----------------------------------------------------------------------------36
Figure 5 Search Engines Instances---------------------------------------------------------------------37
Figure 6 Cost Benefit Analysis-------------------------------------------------------------------------41
Figure 7 Login--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45
Figure 8 Dashboard---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------46
Figure 9 Menu For Staff---------------------------------------------------------------------------------46
Figure 10 Menu For Admin-----------------------------------------------------------------------------47
Figure 11 Employee Information-----------------------------------------------------------------------47
Figure 12 Doctor Information---------------------------------------------------------------------------48
Figure 13 Patient Admission----------------------------------------------------------------------------48
Figure 14 Outpatient Channeling-----------------------------------------------------------------------48
Figure 15 Doctor Channeling---------------------------------------------------------------------------49
Figure 16 Discharge Patient-----------------------------------------------------------------------------49
Figure 17 Erd Diagram - Hospital----------------------------------------------------------------------52
Figure 18 Employee Information-----------------------------------------------------------------------55
Figure 19 Doctor Information---------------------------------------------------------------------------55
Figure 20 Allocate Patient-------------------------------------------------------------------------------56
Figure 21 Discharge Patient-----------------------------------------------------------------------------56
Figure 22 Select From Database------------------------------------------------------------------------66
Figure 23 Insert Query-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------67
Figure 24 Update Query---------------------------------------------------------------------------------67

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Figure 25 Delete Query----------------------------------------------------------------------------------67
Figure 26 Syntax Code-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------68
Figure 27 Semantic Error--------------------------------------------------------------------------------69
Figure 28 Analyzed Feedback--------------------------------------------------------------------------75
Figure 29 User Manual - Login-------------------------------------------------------------------------77
Figure 30 User Manual - Menu-------------------------------------------------------------------------77
Figure 31 User Manual Employee Registration------------------------------------------------------77
Figure 32 User Manual Doctor Registration----------------------------------------------------------78
Figure 33 User Manual Patient Registration----------------------------------------------------------78
Figure 34 Gantt Chart------------------------------------------------------------------------------------80

List of Tables

Table 1 Test Case-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------71

Table 2 Incorrect Username-----------------------------------------------------------------------------72
Table 3 Invalid Password--------------------------------------------------------------------------------72
Table 4 Menu----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------73
Table 5 Employee Details-------------------------------------------------------------------------------73
Table 6 Doctor Details-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------73
Table 7 Patient Details-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------74
Table 8 Technical Requirements-----------------------------------------------------------------------80

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First of all, I would like to express my sincere thoughts and gratitude to our
lecturer________________ who has always been there for us. But most importantly teaching
us on how to make a site has been a new experience to us.

There are no words to express but we appreciate or the great support that you have given us,
not only that but the strength to overcome this assignment on time. We are glad to have you as
our lecturer, because you are of great assistance in every possible way. It is a great pleasure
knowing you and it is certainly a great pleasure studying under your guidance

It is our opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude for the valuable guidance and
constant encouragement as well as immense motivation that has helped sustain our efforts in
achieving the completion of this assignment

I have worked extremely hard in completing this assignment and I’m proud to convey that I
have put all the effort and energy in completing this assignment. Most of all we have gained
an immense knowledge on something that we have never learnt before

[Author has kept this space blank on purpose]

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TASK 1 Understand the concepts of web application development
Critically evaluate the functions and advantages of web applications, and hence justify,
by giving reasons, why a web application is suitable for the given scenario.

1.1 WEB Application Advantages

Web applications go through an internet browser like Internet Explorer. The program sits on a
web server, instead of the PC or neighborhood server that is used for customary applications.
On an essential site, pages are static. They associate with clients asking for and reacting to
clients. The most well-known model is a web based hospital management system. Web
applications regularly utilize a database to store changeless data, for example, item portrayals
and expenses as well as client orders. Web applications convey numerous business benefits
contrasted with office based arrangements

 Zero introduce – all PC’s have a program

 Reduce business costs – less time spent
 Centralized information is secure and simple to reinforcement
 Quick and simple updates
 Reach anyone, anyplace on the planet
 Available 24 hours per day, 7 days
 Low spec PCs or advanced cells
 Online preparing
 Direct access
 Always forward-thinking

Web applications have turned out to be such as universal wonder. In any case their
exceptionally specialized and complex nature are generally obscure and terribly misconstrued
installation in our regular digital life. From a specialized view-point, the web is an exceedingly
programmable condition that permits mass customization through the prompt sending of a
substantial and assorted scope of utilizations, to a large number of worldwide clients. Two
essential parts of a cutting edge site are adaptable internet browsers and web applications; both
accessible to one and all to no detriment.

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1.1.1 Identify and explain manual process of Health Care Pvt Ltd

Emergency clinics as of now utilize a manual framework for the administration and
upkeep of basic data. The present framework requires various paper shapes, with
information stores spread all through the medical clinic the board foundation. Regularly
data is deficient or does not pursue the board measures. Structures are regularly lost in
travel between offices requiring an extensive reviewing procedure to guarantee that no
essential data is lost. Numerous duplicates of a similar data exist in the emergency clinic
and may prompt irregularities in information in different information stores.

1.1.2 Disadvantages of manual process

The hindrances of manual procedure would incorporate the accompanying: Manual

frameworks put weight on individuals to be right in all subtleties of their work
consistently, the issue being that individuals aren't immaculate, anyway much every one
of us wishes we were. With manual frameworks the dimension of administration is reliant
on people and this puts a prerequisite on the board to run preparing constantly for staff to
keep them propelled and to guarantee they are following the right systems. It very well
may be all too simple to coincidentally switch subtleties and end up with irregularity in
information passage or in transcribed requests. This has the impact of causing issues with
client administration as well as making data incapable be utilized for revealing or
discovering patterns with information disclosure. Announcing and watching that
information is hearty can be convenient and costly. This is regularly a region where
noteworthy cash can be spared via robotization. It requires more exertion and physical
space to monitor paper archives, to discover data and to keep subtleties secure. At the
point when botches are made or changes or rectifications are required, regularly a manual
exchange must be totally revamped instead of just refreshed. With manual or mostly
mechanized frameworks data regularly must be recorded and duplicated or entered more
than once. Systemization can lessen the measure of duplication of information section.
Another effect of manual frameworks is on Customer administration. Client questions can
be hard to react to as data is put away in better places and may even necessitate that you

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locate the correct individual before having the capacity to react. This is nothing more than
a bad memory in the event that they are out to lunch or just work low maintenance.

• Inconsistency in information passage, space for mistakes, miscopying data.

• Large progressing staff preparing cost.
• System is reliant on great people.
• Reduction in sharing data and client administrations.
• Time expending and exorbitant to deliver reports.
• Lack of security.
• Duplication of information section.

Which brings up the issue if systemization has such advantages, for what reason isn't all
business running completely incorporated frameworks? There is dependably the
undeniable equalization of cost versus advantage, as an association develops and includes
individuals and capacities the advantages of frameworks increments. Frequently when an
association is developing the time they have to put in another framework, anyway this is
additionally the time that there is critical weight on existing assets and it's the hardest
time to roll out an improvement. These is another factor to be considered before
robotizing your business and this is great procedures should as of now be set up. Putting
in a framework by and large won't effectively apply a procedure where one hasn't existed
previously. The best method to get rate of profitability from another framework is the
place a decent manual activity exists and your new frameworks mechanize these. There is
additionally minimal budgetary advantage in putting in a framework that is excessively
basic and requires a lot of outside manual work.

1.1.3 Explain features of proposed web system

Electronic framework is a data framework that utilizes Internet web advances to convey
data and administrations, to clients or other data frameworks/applications. It is a product
framework whose fundamental reason for existing is to distribute and keep up information
by utilizing hypertext-based standards. Building a framework for the brand enables us to
satisfy the needs of various media while it displays a strong personality. Planning a site
just permits a set number of text style decisions however that doesn't imply that you ought

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to have a corporate typeface for printed promoting materials As we build up more
components, as the essential look, we feel that the varieties won't influence our image
personality to crumble. Picking an area name says to such an extent. It needs to precisely
mirror your image's voice. It's crucial to think about the idea of the site. One essential
thing to recollect amid the procedure of the online framework is to make a perfect,
engaging structure, where it's alluring and simple to peruse. It centers on the estimation of
the brand. Thus a perfect plan is indispensable in giving a positive client experience that
urges clients to return

1.1.4 Explain advantages of proposed web system

Medicinal services office is today imagined as the wealthiest area that is having the assets
for doing beneficial business. This acknowledgment is in certainty pressurizing the
requirement for inculpating a type of robotized bolster that can help the patient's
appropriate calendar with exclusive expectation, without being a lot arranged on material
advantages as it were. The improved application dependent on Information innovation is
facilitating the weight on the board just as patients; encourage nonstop data sharing, basic
leadership with no topographical confinement. For getting more insights about the
advantages of the product, look at the accompanying focuses:

 The principle goal of the electronic emergency clinic the board framework is to
facilitate the administration weight on the human services field alongside improving the
ROI to an obvious status.
 Right to Information, for the most part identified with patients self-profile is one
of the profoundly propelling choices that are accessible with this product. The patient
becomes more acquainted with every single test reports, charge installments and even the
specialists refreshing in regards to the illness, all through the online stage with approved
 The robotized inception of works which has been before dealt with physically is a
standout amongst the most alluring highlights of this application. This thus
unquestionably lessens the work weight on the representatives and furthermore causes
them in going to the patients with greater duty and obligation.

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 Even however the workforce necessity gets limited, the emergency clinic the board
assignments and the pace of the work execution get augmented coming about to the best
ever execution than previously.
 In a large portion of the cases the administration will be in an issue in regards to
how the product gets to know the working example of the association. Be that as it may,
the best piece of this product is that it very well may be tweaked effectively absent much
complexity as per the prerequisite and needs of the association.
 The usage of this product is nearly moderate and on the off chance that in the
event that it is by all accounts costly in the underlying stage, the later stages and the
upgrade in the work example will remunerate the cash you spend.
 This can be executed effectively without making much change the current
framework thus client can play out the capacities absent much problem, which in a way
makes it easy to use.
 Generally the product capacities are separated into modules thus this can be
worked effectively by the representatives.
 As the application deals with the online stage information security can be a greater
matter of concern. In any case, with this administration framework the issue is flawlessly
cleared thus just approved section is permitted.
 The most refreshing element of this product is improved patient consideration
which is particularly better when contrasted and the before manual arrangement of
activity. In each regard this application can be utilized for the improvement of the social
insurance foundations which is by all accounts profitable in each layer of authoritative
capacities. The innovative investigation of this application can be very fulfilling as each
component is by all accounts modernized and in the meantime advantageous for the client
to deal with the capacities. (Author stream, 2019)

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1.2. Critically compare different types of server-side and client-side scripting
languages and select a server-side and a client-side scripting language which is suitable
to implement the proposed system

Customer server design is organize engineering in which every PC or procedure on the system
is either a customer or a server. Servers are ground-breaking PCs or procedures committed to
overseeing plate drives or system traffic. Customers are PC's or workstations on which clients
run applications. Customers depend on servers for assets, for example, documents, gadgets,
and notwithstanding handling force. Customer server designs are now and again called two-
level models (Webopedia, 2019)

Diagram of Client Server

Figure 1 Client Server architecture

Server side scripting dialects – implies that the majority of the code is executed on the server,
hence it is extremely another word for a program. It is known as a lot of guidelines that
happen naturally when you run the content making it to work. Server side implies that the
control of the content is dealt with by the Web. Intersection server as opposed to running a
content on every client's PC. Web crossing runs the contents and sends standard HTML (site
pages) to every client's program

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Diagrams of Client and Server side scripting language

Figure 2 client side

Figure 3 Server side

Instances of customer side scripting dialects

 JavaScript
 Ajax
 jQuery
 Action Script
 Type Script

Instances of server side scripting dialects

 ASP.Net
 Ruby
 Python
 Adobe Cold Fusion

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1.2.1 Briefly clarify highlights or reasonableness' of above precedents
As we look at about the two sorts of scripting dialects, right off the bat we could make
reference to about customer side scripting dialects. The most famous dialects that are been
utilized are jQuery and JavaScript.

1.2.2 Client side scripting language

JavaScript - It is an abnormal state, dynamic, untyped and deciphered programming
language. It was initially created by Netscape as a way to add dynamic and intelligent
components to sites. It is known as a customer side scripting language, which implies the
source code is prepared by the customer's internet browser as opposed to on the web server. In
JavaScript capacities can pursue a site page has been stacked without speaking with the server.
Subsequently the JavaScript code can create a blunder message before any data is really
transmitted to the server

Ajax - is a strategy for structure intuitive applications for the Web that forms client asks for
right away. It joins of a few programming apparatuses which explicitly incorporates
JavaScript and XML, etc. It enables content on Web pages to refresh promptly when a client
plays out an activity. Ajax is anything but a restrictive innovation or a bundled item. It is a
customer side content that imparts to and from a server/database without the requirement for a
post back or a total page revive

JQuery - is a brief and quick JavaScript library that can be utilized to rearrange occasion
taking care of. It offers usefulness that enables designers to fabricate modules. It is intended to
improve the customer side scripting of HTML it is known to be the most prominent. It's
additionally a free and open source that is utilized chiefly by Web designers to explore
through HTML archives, where they handle occasions, perform livelinesss.

Activity Script - is an item arranged programming (OOP) language that is planned explicitly
for Web website liveliness. Activity Script is an advanced variant of the content language
presented in Flash 3. Activity Script makes it feasible for engineers to make onscreen
conditions, (for example, diversions, instructional exercises, and web based business
applications) that can react to client contribution through the console or mouse. Activity Script

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is an occasion based language: similarly just like the case, all things considered, activities are
activated by occasions.

Type Script - Type content is an open-source language made by Microsoft, reported in

October 2012. Type Script is in indistinguishable line from Coffee Script or Dart for instance.
Discretionary static composing and class-based POO, TypeScript is intended for advancement
of vast applications and transcript it to JavaScript. The diverse highlights look like what you
have in C# with Primitive kind (number, bool, string,), generics or the item language structure.
The language has the key highlights of item with Modules, classes, interface, however doesn't
have secured and unique watchword. (Techopedia, 2019)

1.2.3 Server side scripting language

PHP - is known as a recursive abbreviation for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor". It is a server

side scripting language that is installed in HTML; it is utilized to oversee dynamic substance,
databases, session following and notwithstanding building whole internet business locales. It
is coordinated with various prominent databases which incorporates MySQL, Oracle, etc. It is
known to be pleasingly zippy in its execution. Once begun it executes even exceptionally
complex questions with colossal outcome sets in record setting time. It performs framework
capacities, for example from records on a framework it can make, open, read, compose and
close them. Utilizing PHP it handles shapes just as include, erase and alter components inside
your database through the assistance of PHP. Utilizing PHP it causes us limit clients to get to
certain pages of the specific site. It likewise encodes information

ASP.NET - is a web application system that is created to enable developers to manufacture

dynamic sites. It enables you to utilize a full highlighted programming language, for example,
C# and VB.Net to assemble web applications effectively. It is otherwise called a web
advancement stage which gives a programming model and an extensive programming
foundation and the different administrations that are required to develop strong web
applications for PC. It deals with best of the HTTP convention. The utilizations of ASP.NET
are accumulated codes, composed utilizing the extensible and reusable segments or articles
present in .Net system. ASP.Net is utilized to deliver intelligent, information driven web
applications over the web. It comprises of a substantial number of controls, for example,

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content boxes, catches, and marks for gathering, arranging, and controlling code to make
HTML pages.

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RUBY - is a scripting language that is structured by Yukihiro Matsumoto. It keeps running
on an assortment of stages. It is an unadulterated article arranged programming language.
It is known as a software engineer's closest companion. Ruby is an open source and it is
uninhibitedly accessible on the Web. Be that as it may, it is liable to a permit. It is a
universally useful translated programming language. Ruby is an incredible, adaptable
programming language that you can use in Web/Internet improvement. At the end of the
day to determine about Ruby we comprehend that it is exceedingly leveled, very much
deciphered, object situated, and simple to utilize.

Python - is a translator, object-situated programming language like PERL, which has

picked up ubiquity on account of its unmistakable sentence structure and meaningfulness.
Python is said to be generally simple to learn and versatile, which means its
announcements can be translated in various working frameworks, including UNIX-based
frameworks, Mac OS, MS-DOS, OS/2, and different adaptations of Microsoft Windows
98. The source code is unreservedly accessible and open for alteration and reuse. Python
has countless. Python offers dynamic information type, instant class, and interfaces to
numerous framework calls and libraries. It tends to be expanded, utilizing the C or C++

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Cold Fusion - an item from Macromedia, is a prominent and advanced arrangement of
items for structure Web locales and serving pages to clients. With ColdFusion, an
organization can fabricate a substance database utilizing input formats and consolidate
these with application projects to make a Web webpage in which pages are grown
progressively as they are served. ColdFusion comprises of ColdFusion Studio, which is
utilized to assemble a site, and ColdFusion Server, which serves the pages to clients.
ColdFusion Studio is depicted as "a total incorporated improvement condition (IDE)" and
ColdFusion Server as "an organization stage." The most profitable element for some
organizations that utilization ColdFusion is the capacity to fabricate Web locales as "piece
parts" that can be put away in a database and afterward reassembled for Web pages, email
pamphlets, and different employments. ColdFusion gives a visual interface to building
Web pages specifically or for structure the "piece parts." For instance, a paper with a Web
webpage can have a correspondent enter a story, dateline, creator, and other data, utilizing
a content section structure free of all Web page organizing and structure subtleties or
language labels. (The paper utilizes ColdFusion to plan the structures and to characterize
the database.) The substance entered by the correspondent is later accumulated and
designed into a Web page when it is asked. The columnist is free from understanding
HTML and different subtleties. ColdFusion is additionally a famous device for structure
web based business locales. (Tutorial point, TechTarget, 2019)

1.2.4 Selected Client Side Language and server side Language

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The accompanying customer side scripting language that is been utilized or that has been
chosen is known as JavaScript. As we notice about this particular language it is known as a
scripting language that is been made by Netscape Communications which is been intended
for creating customer and server side applications It is most generally utilized, which
implies that the Java Script code is composed into a html page when a client asks for a
HTML page with JavaScript in it, the content is sent to the program and it's dependent
upon the program to accomplish something with it. The way that the content is in the
HTML page implies that your contents can be seen and replicated by whoever sees your
page. Regardless, to my mind this receptiveness is an incredible favorable position, in light
of the fact that the other side is that you can view, study and utilize any JavaScript you
experience on the WWW. It tends to be utilized in different settings as opposed to an
internet browser. JavaScript isn't a programming language in strict sense. Rather, it is a
scripting language since it utilizes the program to do the filthy work. On the off chance that
you order a picture to be supplanted by another, JavaScript advises the program to go do it.
Since the program really takes every necessary step, you just need to pull a few strings by
thinking of some moderately simple lines of code. That is the thing that makes JavaScript a
simple language to begin with. JavaScript can be quite troublesome, as well. As a matter of
first importance, regardless of its basic appearance it is a completely fledged programming
language: it is conceivable to compose very mind boggling programs in JavaScript. This is
once in a while fundamental when managing website pages, however it is conceivable.
This implies there are some unpredictable programming structures that you'll just
comprehend after extended examinations. Also, and all the more significantly, there are the
program contrasts. Despite the fact that cutting edge internet browsers all help JavaScript,
there is no consecrated law that says they should bolster precisely the equivalent
JavaScript. An expansive piece of this site is given to investigating and clarifying these
program contrasts and discovering approaches to adapt to them. So fundamental JavaScript
is anything but difficult to adapt, however when you begin composing propelled contents
program contrasts (and once in a while syntactic issues) will crawl up. (Quirks mode, 2019)

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The other scripting side language that I have chosen is PHP, which is a server side
scripting language. PHP is viewed as an amazing language, in this way the translator who
could be incorporated into a web server can go about as a module or it is executed as a
different CGI paired which can get to records, and execute directions and opens organize
associations on the server. In this way these properties make anything keep running on a
web server which could be unreliable as a matter of course. This language is structured
explicitly to be a more secure language for composing programs as opposed to Perl or C,
accordingly it has a right determination of order time and runtime arrangement choices
which incorporates legitimate coding rehearses, it additionally gives us precisely the blend
of opportunity and security we need. Phpgroup, 2019

1.2.5 Justification

As we take a gander at both these two dialects, we can separate between these two. As we
take a gander at JavaScript we comprehend it is utilized to make site pages. There are a
few favorable circumstances that we could make reference to about JavaScript. It's easy to
learn, the language structure is very clear while the aftereffect of scripting is easy. It is
anything but difficult to create since it doesn't require accumulation steps. It has the ability
to be translated altogether by the program. It is viewed as quick since the handling depends
completely on the undertaking. There are numerous favorable circumstances that could
portray JavaScript. One point would be that it is stage free implying that it doesn't require a
specific equipment and could be comprehended by any program that is JavaScript
empowered. It is favored on account of the case in investigating and finding blunders in
addition to it offers high intuitiveness alternatives. Another preferred standpoint is that it
gives better web structuring choices and simple route, therefore the designer can make the
site all the more engaging and easy to understand Justification contd

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Contrasted with JavaScript we could make reference to that the present dynamic and
intuitive website pages are for the most part made utilizing PHP. PHP is the best decision
to perform programming capacities. It bolsters in excess of 700 highlights which
eventually lessens the multifaceted nature of programming. PHP additionally bolsters
numerous databases, for example, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server and MS Access. For what
reason is open source, PHP web improvement does not include a great deal of expenses.
PHP sites are anything but difficult to alter and developers can control it to their entry.
There are numerous gatherings and gatherings to examine the normal and unusual blunder
while doing web advancement. PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor is a universally useful
language, the contents commonly utilized for web creating applications and dynamic sites.
Numerous capacities in the field of web improvement without breaking a sweat and
wellbeing of useful frameworks are created by the PHP server applications. Organizations
around the globe, regardless of whether they want to re-appropriate their web improvement
ventures identified with PHP.PHP designers capable in India, or contract PHP web
engineers in their organizations. It additionally helps that India has defeated in the web
improvement of PHP site and the procuring of HR in India will help include a ton of
dynamic highlights on the sites of your organization. It has turned out to be significantly
more satisfactory and to make sites and applications that are utilized to a great extent in a
profoundly innovative. PHP is considered the most perfect with HTML. In this way, it
remains the first of the exceedingly favored programming language code acknowledged all
through the world for web application web improvement. Utilizing PHP and MySQL are a
need over other web programming dialects, for example, VB.NET, ASP.NET, Java, and so
forth on account of the points of interest related with it.

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1.3 Examine web security concerns that should be considered while implementing a
web application and make recommendations for security improvements of the
proposed system
1.3.1 Web security concerns

As we notice about sites we understand that they are lamentably inclined to security
dangers, as are any systems in which web servers are associated. Web Services work on a
similar structure utilized by typical web applications. The start of the chain is a demand
sent by an application saw in an internet browser. As we recognize noteworthy
vulnerabilities which results as an answer from insufficient programming advancement
rehearses. The reason for ill-advised programming arrangement and inability to introduce
framework refreshes in a convenient way. Sites are defenseless against known
shortcomings which implies we are possibly permitting trade off of the information that is
put away on the application and on the PCs of the clients. Back-end databases are not
legitimately arranged clarifying it conceivably allows an assailant access to touchy
information. Another point would be web applications that are living on unbound
programming which in this way expands the danger of being undermined.

Client accounts
A gathering of information that is related with a specific client of a multiuser PC
framework. Consequently each record includes a username and secret key. It characterizes
security get to, plate storage room and so on.

Record limitations
It expresses that the client will have the limitations as long as they don't commit any errors.
Conceivable reasons are that clear passwords are not permitted or generally arrangement
limitation has been authorized. Record limitations may lead because of client accounts,
content available to be purchased or classified information (Beyond security, 2019)

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1.3.2 Procedures for conceding and denying access

Article gets to consents by controlling the utilization of specific directions that get to
certain database objects. Article consents are conceded and disavowed by the item
proprietor (and System Administrators), who can give them to different clients. You may
just allow and disavow consents on items in the present database. On the off chance that
few clients allow access to an article to a specific client, the client's entrance stays until
access is disavowed by every one of the individuals who conceded get to or until a System
Administrator repudiates the entrance. That is, if a System Administrator disavows, the
client is denied despite the fact that different clients have allowed to pass it through

Terms of utilization
A Terms of Use understanding can be utilized for any sites, and the sky is the limit from
there. The motivation behind a Terms of Use is to set the tenets to which your clients must
consent to so as to utilize your site, and so forth. The tenets that you write in this
understanding can be of any sort: rules against spamming different clients of your site,
proviso to educate clients that your substance, logo, and so on is your own protected
innovation, decides that records can be shut or ended if damaging conduct is identified, and
so on. A Terms of Use understanding is equivalent to Terms and Conditions or a Terms of
Service assentation. These assentation’s have comparable provisions, contingent upon the

Framework observing
Framework observing is a basic however frequently disregarded piece of generation
programming organization - it's as basic as security, yet infrequently given a similar
consideration. In light of the size, multifaceted nature, and criticality of the present
endeavor IT activities, the test for IT experts is to almost certainly keep up elevated
amounts of segment accessibility and execution for the two applications and all parts that
make up the application's innovation stack. Checking the execution of these parts and
rapidly amending issues before they can affect business tasks is vital. framework observing
highlights give expanded out-of-box esteem, computerization, and network checking
backing to empower IT associations to boost operational efficiencies and give brilliant
administrations (terms feed, 2019)

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1.3.3 Prevention methods from hacking, infections, and date burglary

The present registering innovation has opened up numerous entryways for remote access to
your server's work areas, telephones, tablets and other processing gadgets. Individual
"spyware" is effectively bought, on different sites; be that as it may, the dominant parts of
these product bundles are distinguished by against infection programs and are anything but
difficult to evacuate. Solidify your frameworks (additionally called "lock-down" or
"security fixing") by

• Configuring essential programming for better security, deactivating superfluous

programming – cripple any daemons that aren't required or only here and there
utilized, similar to the most helpless against assaults. Arranging the base
working framework for expanded security

It presents helpful strategies for contamination, identification and avoidance to be

embraced by associations or people in light of the potential risk that is presented by PC
infections. In this way to adapt to the issue, antiviral projects are presented and are as of
now being utilized by numerous individuals as a solid type of first line protection against
infections. It gives a decent method for the most part identifying or avoiding PC infections.
The sorts of infections in addition to the kinds of anticipation projects to adapt to them are
laid out. Complete insurance from viral disease isn't achievable. None of the proposed
insurance plans can totally stop PC infections. Most associations keep some delicate data
in their documents: names, addresses, telephone numbers, government disability numbers,
or records of how customers utilize your association's administrations.

You can take measures to ensure your association against information robbery by
annihilating information from the hard drives of every single PC you intend to give or
reuse. From most to least verify, the techniques for annihilating information on a hard
drive are: physically pulverizing the drive or degaussing, utilizing plate cleaning
programming, reformatting the drive, and erasing documents. Reformatting or erasing
records are not verified alternatives and ought not to be depended on for forestalling
information burglary. (Ieeexplore, 2019)

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TASK 2. Design a web application to meet requirements of the
given scenario
Design a suitable web application solution suite for the given scenario. Provide
evidences of the design. Evidences should include Authentication levels,
Functionalities allowed for different users, development timescales, cost benefit
analysis, web layout design etc.

2.1 Authentication levels

The executives- has the ability to make client profile both for patients and specialists.
They will be in charge of affirming arrangements and screen through pending test reports.
They will have the most imperative activities. The same number of critical things will rely
upon their activity.

Persistent - Patients are typical clients like us. We will most likely peruse through
accessible specialists and request arrangements. We can likewise check our past history.
The patient's usefulness is restricted dependent on their need. They may most likely change
their own data and different things. Clearly they can search for their ideal specialists to ask
for an arrangement.

Specialist - can check arrangements and furthermore set arrangement by their own. They
can begin recommending their patients by tapping the arrangement list. It will specifically
lean them for the medicine page. The medicine page has a ton of computerized highlights
for the specialist to set things and relegate to their patients. Each field that is essential for a
specialist to make an ideal solution is accessible. Which will clearly decrease the
outstanding task at hand of specialists and they can give appropriate time to patients. There
will be few ticks for them to make an appropriate solutions.

2.1.1 Functionalities allowed for different users

Enrollment - On the framework the client can enlist as per its chain of importance, so that
a username and secret word will be given to the client so as to login to the framework. The
client database and records are kept up by the framework and furthermore you can include,
refresh and erase the records from the framework with appropriate benefits. (Depending of
the client for example gathering, stores, and so forth).

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Persistent Check In/Check Out - For In-Patient (IPD): If the new patient gets admitted to
the framework then a one of a kind record is produced for every patient and patient
subtleties alongside the room reservation and its case papers and different subtleties will be
put away in the framework. And furthermore room Allotment is taken consideration. When
persistent gets a release then his look at from clinic alongside the charging subtleties will
be dealt with by the framework.

For Out-Patient (OPD) - If the new patient visits the Doctor in OPD, the framework at
that point produce a one of a kind record for every patient and patient subtleties alongside
the its case papers and different subtleties are put away in the framework. Charging
subtleties are additionally dealt with by the framework.

Stock System - The framework monitors all the stock of the emergency clinic, which may
incorporate different divisions, for example, pharmaceuticals, nourishment and clothing.
Stock and seller subtleties are kept up by the framework. The receipt, buy orders, buy
demands is produced by the framework and detail reports of every exchange will be kept

Prescription - The pharmaceutical division is a vital piece of the emergency clinic. The
framework monitors the stock. The patient solution subtleties and the data about the
category? Wise drugs are put away. The framework will illuminate the client ahead of time
if there should arise an occurrence of the capacity refreshing and stock upkeep. The
records for every patient and its bill will be kept up by the framework and it will be added
to the patient bill when he will be released.

Understanding Record Maintenance - The framework keeps up a detail record of every

patient will's identity admitted to the clinic. The patient case papers will be produced
consequently and will be kept up in appropriate organization. At whatever point a standard
patient will visit medical clinic his total determination diagram alongside case papers will
be given by the framework. Likewise patient will almost certainly see his data and
determination subtleties online by signing on to the framework on the web which will be of
incredible help to persist.

Staff Record Maintenance - The framework monitors the whole staff of the medical
clinic. The subtleties of every single staff (User) will be kept up on the web and a
username and secret word will be given to concern clients with the goal that they can sign

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on to the framework and perform exercises identified with their concern division. Likewise
a client with legitimate access and rights is given and can include, erase and adjust records
of the current clients to the framework.

Staff Payroll System - The framework keeps up the whole finance arrangement of the
medical clinic. The staffs pay slips just as expansion and derivation to their compensations
are kept up by the framework. The framework additionally monitor the staff’s paid and
unpaid leaves.

ICU Maintenance - The framework monitors the distinctive basic patients and activity
performed. Uncommon reports will be kept up for the patients in ICU and the records of
the activities performed on them will be kept up. The additional charges and extraordinary
remittances charged to patients in this classification will likewise be dealt with.

In-house Mailing System - This is an uncommon component given by the framework.

Since the framework is program based it makes it that a lot easier to monitor diverse
substances on the web. An exceptional mail server, which will be committed to the
framework, will be kept up on through which the absolute mailing framework will work.
The mailing framework will help specialists and different clients to impart each other
online just as monitor there occupied timetable. They can likewise assemble online
conferences and will probably visit online with one another through their claim
personality. (Caloris Planitia, 2019)

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2.1.2 Developmental timescales

Figure 4 System Gantt chart

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2.1.3 Visibility on web search tools

Web search tools - are programs that look archives for determined catchphrases and return
a rundown of the records where the watchwords were found. It is really a general class of
projects. There are a large number of various web indexes that are accessible on the
Internet each with their very own capacities and highlights. It alludes to an enormous
database of web assets, for example, pages, newsgroups, programs, pictures and so forth. It
finds data on World Wide Web. Client can scan for any data by passing inquiry in type of
watchwords or expression. It at that point looks for applicable data in its database and
come back to the client.

Uses of Search engine - Web indexes have turned into the most vital devices in finding
this data, so it is imperative to realize how to utilize them successfully. Inquiry abilities can
be created through training in utilizing the web indexes and by perusing the assistance
pages given by the web crawlers themselves. After some time, we will realize which web
index is useful for pulling up what sort of data. Most web search tools work a similar
essential way. You type into a pursuit box the data you're searching for. The web crawler
records Web destinations that contain this data. These outcomes are known as "hits." The
words you type into the hunt box are classified "watchwords." The catchphrases you use
will incredibly influence your outcomes.

Instances of Search engine

Search Description
Google It was initially called Backrub. It is the most prominent internet searcher all
Bing It was propelled in 2009 by Microsoft. It is the most recent electronic web
search tool that likewise conveys Yahoo's outcomes.
Ask It was propelled in 1996 and was initially known as Ask Jeeves. It
incorporates support for match, word reference, and discussion question
AOL.Searc It is fueled by Google. (fact monster, 2019)
Figure 5 search engines instances

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2.1.4 Explain highlights of web search tool

Site design improvement - Web optimization is short for site design improvement, Search
motor streamlining is a system of procedures, methods and strategies. Site improvement
(SEO) includes structuring, composing, and coding a site such that improves the volume
and nature of traffic to your site from individuals utilizing web indexes. Usually practice
for Internet clients to not navigate pages and pages of query items, so where a website
positions in a scan is basic for coordinating more traffic toward the webpage. The higher a
site normally positions in natural aftereffects of a hunt, the more noteworthy the shot that
that site will be visited by a client. Website optimization guarantees that a webpage is
available to an internet searcher and improves the odds that the webpage will be found by
the web crawler. Web optimization is normally a lot of "white cap" best practices that
website admins and Web content makers pursue to enable them to accomplish a superior
positioning in internet searcher results.

Website streamlining procedures - Search engine optimization includes a wide scope of

procedures, some of which you might almost certainly do yourself as well as other people
that will require web advancement mastery. Methods incorporate expanding joins from
different sites to your site pages, altering the substance of the site, revamping the structure
and association of our site, along these lines coding changes. It additionally includes
tending to issues that may avoid web indexes, from completely slithering to a site.

• Optimize your title labels

Each page on your site ought to have its own extraordinary title tag. Anyway not all title
labels are made similarly. From a SEO point of view a decent title ought to incorporate
both item and administration related catchphrases in addition to the organization's image

• Create convincing depictions

Alongside the title labels, the segment of each page on your site ought to contain an altered
depiction. (Homestead, 2019)

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• Utilize watchword rich headings

Both the title tag and depiction ought to be incorporated into the segment of each page on
your site. Not exclusively do the web search tools place included weight the words found
in these specific labels, accordingly the visual alleviation they give to the site pursuers will
positively assist them with moving all the more productively through the website's

• Add Alt labels to your pictures

On the off chance that you add pictures to your pages try to add Alt labels to them too. It
initially came to give outwardly disabled site guests utilizing content to discourse gadgets
with extra data about the substance on their screens. Accordingly the substance that is
found in these fields is additionally essential with regards to SEO.

• Create a sitemap

In the realm of SEO, the web crawlers ordering programs that are ordinarily alluded to as
"arachnids" they assume an imperative job of breaking down new sites or generally the
substance that is added to existing sites. Along these lines adding their substance to the
rundown of pages that can be shown because of client inquiries. A standout amongst the
best things that we can do is by making a sitemap.

• Build inner connections between pages

Another approach to help the web crawler is to inventory the majority of the destinations
pages and make inside connections that interface your better places of substance. Doing
this is an extraordinary method to enable your guests to discover the data they're searching
for, along these lines notwithstanding giving a noteworthy SEO lift to our site's substance

• Update your site routinely

The last SEO procedure that we need to actualize is to refresh the site occasionally. Since
the internet searcher's best need is presenting the outcomes that will best address their
client's issues. They like to share sites that contain the most recent, most state-of-the-art

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data. Furthermore, the more substance you post to your webpage, the more watchwords the
site will incorporate – expanding the chances of producing web index traffic. The most
straightforward approach to make an ordinary refreshing in the piece of the SEO system is
to make an organization blog or news segment (homestead, 2019)

2.1.5 Cost benefit analysis

To evaluate monetary practicality, the board needs to investigate expenses and advantages
related with the proposed venture. The capital expense of an undertaking influences the
monetary assessment. Cost evaluating is basically an instinctive procedure that endeavors
to foresee the ultimate result of a future capital consumption. Despite the fact that it appear
to be difficult to think of the precise number of expenses and benefits for a specific task
amid this underlying period of the improvement procedure.

• Building up an IT application is a speculation. Since subsequent to building up

that application it gives the association with benefits. Benefits can be money
related or as an improved working condition. Notwithstanding, it conveys
dangers, in light of the fact that now and again a gauge cannot be right. What's
more, the task may not really end up being helpful.
• Money saving advantage examination gives the executives an image of the cost,
advantages and dangers. It more often than not includes contrasting substitute
• Money saving advantage decides the advantages and funds that are normal from
the framework and looks at them with the normal expenses.

In performing cost and advantage examination it is vital to distinguish cost and advantages
factors. Cost also, advantages can be classified into the accompanying classifications:

• Advancement Costs – Development costs is the costs that are acquired amid
the improvement of the framework. It is one time venture.
• Working Costs – Operating Costs are the costs required for the everyday
running of the framework. Instances of Operating Costs are Wages, Supplies
and Overheads.
• Equipment/Software Costs – It incorporates the expense of acquiring or
renting of PCs and its peripherals. Programming costs includes required S/W
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• Work force Costs – It is the cash spent on the general population engaged with
the advancement of the framework.

• Office Costs – Expenses that are brought about amid the arrangement of the
physical site where the framework will be operational. These can be wiring,
flooring, acoustics, lightning, and cooling.

Tangible Cost

Item Description Quantity Amount

Domain Domain for a www.healthcare.com LKR 9000.00


Intangible Cost

Development Developers
Skills skills

Tangible Benefits

Market Shares Demands of this 10% from annual

service income (around

Intangible Benefits

Customer  Easy to use


Total Benefits 109000.00

• Supply Costs – These are variable costs that are in all respects proportionately
with the measure of utilization of paper, strips, plates, and so forth.

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2.1.6 Web creating instruments

Web composing instruments are utilized to make Web substance, and spread a wide scope
of programming programs you can download to your PC or access on the web. A
classification of programming that empowers the client to build up a Web webpage in a
work area distributing group. The product will create the required HTML coding for the
format of the Web pages dependent on what the client structures. Regularly, the client can
flip forward and backward between the graphical structure and the HTML code and make
changes to the Web page in either the plan of the going with code. To plan and make a
Web webpage, from composing the destinations hidden code to composing the content to
dealing with the website's upkeep. Dreamweaver

A far reaching Web webpage composing program for Windows and Mac from Adobe.
Dreamweaver empowers the HTML developer to assemble complex Web locales utilizing
HTML, JavaScript and server-side programming dialects. It quickly renders the code in a
structure window. The program gives a what-you-see-is-the thing that you-get
(WYSIWYG) interface for clients to make and alter website pages in a more easy to use
condition. Dreamweaver bolsters various web and programming dialects including HTML,
C#, Visual Basic (VB), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Active Server Pages (ASP),
Extensible Markup Language (XML) and others. Home page

A landing page is a page that fills in as the beginning stage of site. It is the default website
page that heaps when you visit a web address that just contains a space name. The landing
page is situated in the root catalog of a site. Most web server enables the landing page to
have one of a few distinct filenames, for instance index.html, etc. The default filename of a
site's landing page can be altered on both Apache and IIS servers. Since the landing page
document is stacked consequently from the root registry, the landing page URL does not
have to incorporate the filename. There is no standard landing page format, however most
home pages incorporate a route bar that gives connects to various areas inside the site.

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Other regular components found on a landing page incorporate a hunt bar, data about the
site, and late news or updates. A few sites incorporate data that changes each day. In this
manner the fundamental page of a site gives itemized data on its proprietor and gives
connects to its different parts. Normally it is the principal page that is seen by each guest,
yet a few destinations show a crisp page that is uniquely custom fitted to the individual
guest's inclinations. The landing page is utilized to encourage route to different pages on
the site, by giving connects to critical and late articles and pages and perhaps a hunt box.

There are some after focuses that satisfy its motivation, they are as per the following:

• Embrace effortlessness

To characterize a web understanding with respect to what they are searching for. As far as
possible, to abstain from jumbling of the landing page with over the top content, catches,
pictures and recordings. Expelling all the pointless diversions and concentrating on a basic
plan that obviously recount guests a straightforward story concentrating on vision, effect or
it gives direction on taking further commitment or more profound importance to their

• Focus on your personas

The focal point of the landing page ought not to be a procession of the items that your
organization offers, yet the administrations that you give, or how dependable or successful
your organization perhaps. The landing page is absolutely not a spot to discuss ourselves,
yet to discuss clients. Encircling the message will grasp their necessities and interests,
which unmistakably conveys on how the item or administration will improve

• End your reliance on sliders

A slider is a plan include at the highest point of the landing page that turns each second to
exhibit an alternate picture and feature blend. The main issue is that sliders don't change
over, in light of the fact that they are time delicate and change naturally, while the guest
doesn't get the chance to splash up the data time permitting, bringing about a baffling client
experience, rather than utilizing sliders on your landing page. (Iron paper, 2019)

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2.1.7 Justification for choosing Web Authoring Tools

With regards to making your very own site, a few people utilize a web-creating application
as opposed to depending on HTML or other programming dialects. It is less demanding
than at any other time to make a Web webpage with a HTML supervisor, as programming
designers keep on including devices that let you create propelled highlights with style. The
present Web composing devices can give the ability to fabricate an intuitive, energized,
cutting edge Web website appropriate for anything from an individual Web page to a
medium size business webpage. New Web originators don't have to realize HTML to make
talk gatherings, spring up windows, route bars, enlivened page advances, Dynamic HTML,
or twelve other propelled includes so as to coordinate them into a webpage with an
exquisite and predictable plan. As we look at about composing devices there are a few
focal points and inconveniences. There are as per the following:

• Easy to Use

One of the significant preferences of a web-writing application is its straightforwardness.

Anybody with some fundamental specialized aptitudes can make sense of how to make a
site page with this sort of hardware - you don't need to invest energy learning HTML or
some other programming language to make a completely practical site. Rather, you
essentially point and snap your approach to making a website page.

• Save Time

Another advantage of utilizing this sort of use is that it can spare you a generous measure
of time. With most WYSIWYG editors, you essentially need to browse a couple of various
choices with regards to the things to put in your pages. You make some substance and set
up the design and graphical components of your page. If you somehow happened to do a
portion of these things by hand-coding HTML, it would take any longer.

[Author has kept this space blank on purpose]

WAD Reg No: Page 47 of 111

• Limited Options

One of the potential issues with utilizing a web-writing application is that it confines your
alternatives as a fashioner. Commonly, such projects depend on layouts, with constrained
alternatives for the look and feel of the site. Along these lines, you will be unable to make
a site that looks proficient or unique. Contingent upon the sort of program, you will most
likely be unable to execute Flash, video or other basic website architecture components.

• Reliance on the Program

Another issue with utilizing web-creating instruments is that they make you totally
dependent on them. Along these lines, if the program all of a sudden ends up inaccessible
for reasons unknown, you can't make a site. By examination, in the event that you know
HTML, you can configuration website pages, paying little heed to what programs you have
available to you - a basic content tool will take care of business.

2.1.8 Design your layout

Login Form

Figure 7 Login

WAD Reg No: Page 48 of 111


Figure 8 Dashboard

Figure 9 Menu for Staff

WAD Reg No: Page 49 of 111

Figure 10 Menu for Admin

Figure 11 Employee information

WAD Reg No: Page 50 of 111

Figure 12 Doctor Information

Figure 13 Patient admission

Figure 14 outpatient channeling

WAD Reg No: Page 51 of 111

Figure 15 doctor channeling

Figure 16 Discharge patient

[Author has kept this space blank on purpose]

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2.2 Synthesize client and the server-side functionalities in the proposed design

• Customer side
Backings communication inside a page customer side scripting empowers association
inside a site page. The code required to process client input is downloaded and aggregated
by the program or module. A case of a customer side connection is a rollover (normally
activated while picking a route choice).

• Customer side scripting dialects incorporate JavaScript

The customer is the framework on which the Web program is running. JavaScript is the
principle customer side scripting language for the Web. Customer side contents are
deciphered by the program. The procedure with customer side scripting is:

• The client asks for a Web page from the server

• The server finds the page and sends it to the client
• The page is shown on the program with any contents pursuing amid or show

So customer side scripting is utilized to make Web pages change after Health Care clinic
touch base at the program. It is helpful for making pages more intriguing and easy to use. It
can likewise give valuable devices, for example, number crunchers, tickers and so forth yet
all in all is utilized for appearance and collaboration. Customer side contents depend on the
client's PC. On the off chance that that PC is moderate Health Care emergency clinic may
run gradually. Medicinal services emergency clinic may not keep running at all if the
program does not comprehend the scripting language.

With server-side scripting, finishing an action includes sending data to another PC (server)
over the web. The server at that point runs a program that forms the data and returns the
outcomes, commonly a page. Web indexes use server-side handling. At the point when a
catchphrase is sent, a program on a server coordinates the word or expression entered
against a record of site content. (To finish indistinguishable pursuit from a customer side
procedure would require the program to download the whole web index program and

WAD Reg No: Page 53 of 111

Server-side scripting dialects incorporate ASP and PHP. The server is the place the Web
page and other substance lives. The server sends pages to the client/customer on demand.
The procedure is:

• the client asks for a Web page from the server

• the content in the page is deciphered by the server making or changing the page
substance to suit the client and the event as well as passing information around
• the page in its last structure is sent to the client and afterward can't be changed
utilizing server-side scripting
• The utilization of HTML frames or cunning connections enable information to
be sent to the server and handled. The outcomes may return as a second Web

Server-side scripting will in general be utilized for enabling clients to have singular records
and giving information from databases. It permits a dimension of security, personalization
and arrangement of data that is extremely ground-breaking. Internet business, MMORPGs
and interpersonal interaction locales all depend vigorously on server-side scripting.

PHP and ASP.net are the two principle advances for server-side scripting. The content is
translated by the server implying that it will dependably work a similar way. Server-side
contents are never observed by the client (so Health Care emergency clinic can't duplicate
Health Care medical clinic code). Social insurance clinic keep running on the server and
create results which are sent to the client. Running every one of these contents puts a great
deal of burden onto a server yet none on the client's framework. (Authors work)

[Author has kept this space blank on purpose]

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2.3. Apply a database design for the proposed system and provide the well
normalized database design of the proposed system

Figure 17 Erd diagram - hospital

[Author has kept this space blank on purpose]

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2.4 Evaluate alternative designs similar to the proposed system and enhance the system design. Focus on features, UI design layouts,
navigation scheme, color schemes, form validations & feedbacks and hints to the user etc. Provide justifications and reasons why you
select the mentioned alternative system and its features
Link User Interface Navigation Color Features Validatio Feedback
Scheme n System

http://www.durdans. The search A mixture Every The whole According

com/ menu is of blue and facilities form is to my
available. jade green are validated decision this
has been available by the site is user
Social used for the help of friendly but
networks white JavaScript the color
connectivity background combination
is available. is certainly
suitable for
this kind of

WAD Reg No: Page 56 of 111

http://www.hemasho The search They are Navigatio The According
spital.com menu is using n is validation to my point
available. orange and available is done by of view this
yellow for the means site’s color
the white of combination
background JavaScript. matches
well with
http://www.brownsh The search They are Navigator The From my
ospital.com menu is using sea is validation point of view
available. blue for available. of forms is I would
white done by mention that
Social background using the color
network JavaScript combination
connectivity is perfect
is available. because it is
based on

WAD Reg No: Page 57 of 111

TASK 3. Implement the designed web application

3.1. Implement the designed system using PHP, JS and MySQL. Screenshots of important code lines with proper comments and user
interfaces filled with sample data must be attached to the documentation

Figure 18 Employee information

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Figure 19 Doctor Information

WAD Reg No: Page 59 of 111

Figure 20 Allocate Patient

WAD Reg No: Page 60 of 111

Figure 21 Discharge patient

Source code
<body class="login">
<div class="row">
WAD Reg No: Page 61 of 111
<div class="main-login col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-4 col-md-offset-4">
<div class="logo margin-top-30">
<h2> HMS | Patient Login</h2>
<div class="box-login">
<form class="form-login" method="post">
Sign in to your account
Please enter your name and password to log in.<br />
<div class="form-group">
<span class="input-icon">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="username" placeholder="Username">
<i class="fa fa-user"></i> </span>
<div class="form-group form-actions">
WAD Reg No: Page 62 of 111
<span class="input-icon">
<input type="password" class="form-control password" name="password" placeholder="Password">
<i class="fa fa-lock"></i>
<div class="form-actions">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary pull-right" name="submit">
Login <i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>
<div class="new-account">
Don't have an account yet?
<a href="registration.php">
Create an account
<div class="copyright">
WAD Reg No: Page 63 of 111
&copy; <span class="current-year"></span><span class="text-bold text-uppercase"> HMS</span>. <span>All rights reserved</span>











WAD Reg No: Page 64 of 111

$query=mysql_query("insert into users(fullname,address,city,gender,email,password)


echo "<script>alert('Successfully Registered. You can login now');</script>";



<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<title>User Registration</title>


<body class="login">

WAD Reg No: Page 65 of 111

<!-- start: REGISTRATION -->

<div class="row">

<div class="main-login col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-4 col-md-offset-4">

<div class="logo margin-top-30">

<h2>Patient Registration</h2>


<!-- start: REGISTER BOX -->

<div class="box-register">

<form name="registration" id="registration" method="post">



Sign Up



Enter your personal details below:

WAD Reg No: Page 66 of 111


<div class="form-group">

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="full_name" placeholder="Full Name" required>


<div class="form-group">

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="address" placeholder="Address" required>


<div class="form-group">

<input type="text" class="form-control" name="city" placeholder="City" required>


<div class="form-group">

<label class="block">



<div class="clip-radio radio-primary">

WAD Reg No: Page 67 of 111

<input type="radio" id="rg-female" name="gender" value="female" >

<label for="rg-female">



<input type="radio" id="rg-male" name="gender" value="male">

<label for="rg-male">






Enter your account details below:


<div class="form-group">

<span class="input-icon">

WAD Reg No: Page 68 of 111

<input type="email" class="form-control" name="email" id="email" onBlur="userAvailability()" placeholder="Email" required>

<i class="fa fa-envelope"></i> </span>

<span id="user-availability-status1" style="font-size:12px;"></span>


<div class="form-group">

<span class="input-icon">

<input type="password" class="form-control" id="password" name="password" placeholder="Password" required>

Get Doctor Code




$sql=mysql_query("select doctorName,id from doctors where specilization='".$_POST['specilizationid']."'");?>

WAD Reg No: Page 69 of 111

<option selected="selected">Select Doctor </option>




<option value="<?php echo htmlentities($row['id']); ?>"><?php echo htmlentities($row['doctorName']); ?></option>



$sql=mysql_query("select docFees from doctors where id='".$_POST['doctor']."'");



<option value="<?php echo htmlentities($row['docFees']); ?>"><?php echo htmlentities($row['docFees']); ?></option>


WAD Reg No: Page 70 of 111



Add Appointment

<?php require('connection.php');?>



<title>Add Appointments</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css"/>



<table class="table table-bordered">

<tr bgcolor=blue><td align=center><font SIZE=6 color=white>HOSPITAL

MANAGEMENT SYSTEM</font></td></tr>

<tr><td><table align=center width=750 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>

WAD Reg No: Page 71 of 111

<tr><td align=center><a href=dlist.php>Doctors</td><td align=center><a

href=plist.php>Patients</td><td align=center><a



<tr bgcolor=red><td ><font size=4 color=white>Add Appointments</font></td></tr>

<form name=fdadd method=post action=asave.php>

<tr><td><table width=750 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>

<tr><td>Patient Id</td><td><select name=pat style="width:230px">


$rs1=mysql_query("SELECT * from patient where pshow='Y' order by




<option selected="selected" disabled="disabled">Patient Id</option>


WAD Reg No: Page 72 of 111

while( $row=mysql_fetch_array($rs1)) {




<option value="<?php echo $patient_id ?>"><?php echo $patient_id." : ".$patient ?></option>






<tr><td>Doctor Id</td><td><select name=doc style="width:230px">

<option selected="selected" disabled="disabled">Doctor Id</option>


WAD Reg No: Page 73 of 111

$rs2=mysql_query("SELECT * from doct where dshow='Y' order by



while($row1=mysql_fetch_array($rs2)) {




<option value="<?php echo $doctor_id ?>"><?php echo $doctor_id." : ".$doctor ?></option>






<tr><td>Time</td><td><input type=text name=tim placeholder="hh:mm" size=30

WAD Reg No: Page 74 of 111


<tr><td>Date</td><td><input type=text name=dat placeholder="yy/dd/mm" size=30



<tr><td align=center><input type=submit value=Submit></td></tr>





[Author has kept this space blank on purpose]

3.2. Implement the designed database using a DBMS (MySQL) and provide screenshots of the database tables with sample data and
SQL queries used in the implementation (Create, Select, Insert, Delete, Update etc.)
3.2.1 Create Database Tables

create table Admin (

username varchar (15),

WAD Reg No: Page 75 of 111

password varchar (15),

create table Employee (

Emp_ID int,
Fname varchar (15),
Lname varchar (15),
Nic int,
Gender varchar (15),
Mobile int,
Address varchar (15),
Department varchar (15),

create table Doctor (

Doc_ID int,
Doc_name varchar (15),
Gender varchar (15),
Speciality varchar (15),
Mobile int,
Status varchar (15),

create table Patient (

Patient_ID int,
Fname varchar (15),
Lname varchar (15),
Nic int,
Gender varchar (15),
Address varchar (15),

Select from Database

WAD Reg No: Page 76 of 111

Figure 22 Select from Database

Insert into Database

Figure 23 insert query

WAD Reg No: Page 77 of 111

Update into Database

Figure 24 Update query

Delete from Database

Figure 25 Delete query

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3.3 Identify and implement opportunities for error handling and reporting to minimize the errors that might occur. Provide evidences of
the implemented techniques used to handle the errors
Linguistic structure
A linguistic structure blunder is a mistake in the source code of a program. Since PC programs must pursue severe sentence structure to arrange
accurately, any parts of the code that don't fit in with the punctuation of the programming language will deliver a linguistic structure mistake. In
contrast to rationale blunders, which are blunders in the stream or rationale of a program, language structure mistakes are little syntactic missteps,
some of the time constrained to a solitary character. The error in the following code is an extra bracket

WAD Reg No: Page 79 of 111

Figure 26 syntax code

WAD Reg No: Page 80 of 111
Composing invalid program rationale that produces off base outcomes when the guidelines are executed. The sentence structure of the source
code might be legitimate, however the calculation being utilized isn't. A semantic blunder is likewise called a "rationale mistake;" be that as it
may, a few software engineers trust a rationale blunder produces wrong information, while a semantic mistake yields nothing significant by any

Figure 27 Semantic error

WAD Reg No: Page 81 of 111

[Author has kept this space blank on purpose]

TASK 4. Test the implemented web application

4.1. Critically review and test the implemented web application using a web-enabled database management system and
provide the identified discrepancies, if any, of the application through an analysis of actual test results against expected

Test Case Test Case Description Expected Outcome


1 Login to the system with the incorrect Try and login to the It displays an error
username system with incorrect message

WAD Reg No: Page 82 of 111

2 Login to the system with correct user Try and login to the Successfully displays the
name system with correct system modules

3 Login to the system with incorrect Try to login to the system It displays an error
password with incorrect password message

4 Login to the system with correct Try to login to the system Successfully displays the
password with correct password system modules

5 Register an Employee Try and register Successfully registered

6 Allocate Doctor Try and allocate Successfully allocated

7 Add Patient Try and add Successfully added

8 Discharge Patient Try and discharge Successfully discharged

9 Update Doctor details Try and update Successfully


10 Delete Patient details Try and delete Successfully deleted

Table 1 Test cas

WAD Reg No: Page 83 of 111

Test Case Description Try to login to the system with the incorrect username
Test Case ID 1

Actual test results

Status Pass
Table 2 incorrect username

Test Case Try to login to the system with the incorrect password
Test Case ID 2

WAD Reg No: Page 84 of 111

Actual test

Status Pass
Table 3 invalid password

[Author has kept this space blank on purpose]

Test Case Try to login to the system with the correct username
Test Case ID 3

WAD Reg No: Page 85 of 111

Actual test

Status Pass
Table 4 Menu

Test Case employee details added successfully

Test Case ID 3


Actual test
Status Pass
Table 5 Employee details

WAD Reg No: Page 86 of 111

Test Case Doctor details added successfully
Test Case ID 3


Status Pass
Table 6 doctor details

Test Case Patient details added successfully

Test Case ID 3


Status Pass
Table 7 Patient details

WAD Reg No: Page 87 of 111

[Author has kept this space blank on purpose]

WAD Reg No: Page 88 of 111

4.2. Critically evaluate independent feedback of the users to identify the limitations of the implemented web application and make
recommendations for further improvements to overcome the limitations identified.
4.2.1 Feedback

Interview person : - Irfan Kaleel

Interviewer : - Mohammed Nazurdeen

Date :-

Location :-

Time :-

Excellent Very good Good Weak

User satisfaction

User friendly



Font size

WAD Reg No: Page 89 of 111



………………..…… ……………………
Signature Date

WAD Reg No: Page 90 of 111

4.2.2 Analyzed Feedback

Figure 28 Analyzed Feedback

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4.2.3 Further recommendations

 Improving the system so that it is freely available for all users in a hospital
 Improving system so that is easy to handle all duties
 Improving the interface by the help of J Query as well as bootstrap

[Author has kept this space blank on purpose]

WAD Reg No: Page 92 of 111

4.3 Prepare a user documentation to properly guide the users of the implemented system.

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WAD Reg No: Page 94 of 111

Using the correct username and password, login in to the system

Figure 29 user manual - login

Then after logging in, the menu appears

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Figure 30 user manual - menu

As an administrator they are able to register every single employee that works in a hospital. Therefore firstly it shows how to register an
employee and preview their details

Figure 31 user manual employee registration

WAD Reg No: Page 96 of 111

After the employee has been registered, the administrator has the right to allocate a doctor for a patient, it has been shown below.

Figure 32 user manual doctor registration

After that the administrator should register the patient, it is shown below

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Figure 33 user manual patient registration

4.3.1 Technical Manual for Hospital Management System

Required hardware, software and network equipment list

WAD Reg No: Page 98 of 111
Item Specification Quantity Have to
purchase or

Graphics card DirectX 9 01 Available

graphics device
RAM 4GB 01 Available

Hard disk 500 GB 01 Available

Processor Core i5 01 Available


Operating system Windows 8.1 01 Available

Dreamweaver CC 2015 01 Available

XAMPP 5.6.15-1 01 Available
Photoshop CC (64 Bit) 01 Available

WAD Reg No: Page 99 of 111


Cables 01 Available

Router ZTE 01 Available

Table 8 Technical requirements

WAD Reg No: Page 100 of 111

Gantt chart

Figure 34 Gantt chart

WAD Reg No: Page 101 of 111

[Author has kept this space blank on purpose]


It might frequently help encourage the way toward gaining from one's errors. In addition it can likewise be useful when one endeavors to defeat
territories of shortcoming. The fundamental motivation behind having us view and investigate our very own mix-ups is prognosticated. While it

WAD Reg No: Page 102 of 111

encourages us perceive the qualities and the conceivable zones where improvement is proficient. Amid this period, it offers us the chance to set
up our own target.

By inspecting our self-study, we ought to refine our capacities to fundamentally dissect all angles. We as a whole have certain qualities and
regions that need improvement. By the assistance of self-analysis, it encourages us conquer our quality and shortcomings. As an understudy, we
need to understand the constructive and adverse remarks to improve our work, however we shouldn't accept any antagonistic remarks as an
indication of individual disappointment. Be that as it may, we ought to endeavor to improve our work next time

Improvement unquestionably makes an improvement in our assignments, we need to endeavor hard in what we do. Else we could be a
disappointment. There is a ground-breaking quote that I might want to express. Something that I think makes me effective is the manner by
which I work together with others. As I would see it, nothing incredible is ever the result of one personality. It's dependably an outcome of some
kind of self-basic coordinated effort. From what I've seen of it, PHP isn't so much a language as an irregular accumulation of discretionary stuff,
a virtual blast at the watchword and capacity plant.

To be reasonable, PHP isn't the most mainstream language. PHP is typically the most well-known scripting language. It's anything but difficult to
adapt, every progression of adapting more PHP is similarly as simple. This is vastly different from most different dialects, where you need to
become familiar with a huge amount of ideas just to get the main line of yield.

WAD Reg No: Page 103 of 111

Executive Summary

Finding out about Web applications is positively another thing, it's something that we have never experienced. From this we took in a significant
exercise, which is to make a site. From this particular task which is called WAD or as it were web application improvement, we certainly adapted
new dialects, for example, JavaScript, J Query, and above all PHP. We figured out how to plan a page and from this we figure out how to deal
with these sort of utilizations. Since each application is unique, while we see this sort of use we should focus on the advancement endeavors.
These days’ web applications are quick winding up progressively across the board, bigger, increasingly intelligent, and increasingly basic.


To close I would specify that web applications therefore requires both adaptable structures and proper ideas for simultaneous programming.
Despite the fact that electronic applications have constantly confronted characteristic parallelism, the simultaneousness suggestions for structures
and usage are bit by bit evolving. Expansive scale web applications make the utilization of conveyed database frameworks unavoidable.

Further Recommendations

While suggesting electronic applications, we should think about that they give a scope of business preferences. A decent proposal is that it gives
a decent use of these ideas. It empowers you to recognize the preferences of individual clients inconspicuously and shrewdly. The undertaking of
suggesting another decision dependent on past conduct is one that has expansive uses crosswise over numerous applications and ventures. This is
the thing that I would prescribe.

WAD Reg No: Page 104 of 111


 Pjweb.Com Is For Sale. 2016. Pjweb.Com Is For Sale. [Online] Available At: Http://Www.Pjweb.Com. [Accessed 11 April 2019].
 Webopedia: Online Tech Dictionary for It Professionals. 2016. Webopedia: Online Tech Dictionary for It Professionals. [Online] Available
At: Http://Www.Webopedia.Com. [Accessed 11 April 2019].
 Freedictionary.Com. 2016. Freedictionary.Com. [Online] Available At: Http://Www.Freedictionary.Com. [Accessed 11 April 2019].
 Elliptic. 2016. The Web crossing Product Line | elliptic. [Online] Available At: Http://Www.Webcrossing.Com. [Accessed 11 April 2019].
 Tutorialpoint.Com. 2016. Tutorialpoint.Com. [Online] Available At: Http://Www.Tutorialpoint.Com. [Accessed 11 April 2019].
 TechTarget, Where Serious Technology Buyers Decide. 2016. TechTarget, Where Serious Technology Buyers Decide. [Online] Available At:
Http://Www.Techtarget.Com. [Accessed 11 April 2019].
 . 2016 [Online] Available At: Http://Www.Quirksmode.Com. [[Accessed 11 April 2019].
 Microsoft – Official Home Page. 2016. Microsoft – Official Home Page. [Online] Available At: Http://Www.Microsoft.Com. [Accessed 11
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 Php Group, Inc. 2016. Php Group, Inc. [Online] Available At: Http://Www.Phpgroup.Com. [Accessed 11 April 2019].
 Beyond Security - Vulnerability Assessment And Management. 2016. Beyond Security - Vulnerability Assessment And Management.
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 Techsoup: Power Up Your Social Impact. 2016. Techsoup: Power up Your Social Impact. [Online] Available At:
Http://Www.Techsoup.Com. [Accessed 11 April 2019].
 Sellingcrossing.Com. 2016. Sales Jobs, Jobs in Sales, Sales Manager Jobs, Pharmaceutical Sales Rep Jobs | Sellingcrossing.Com. [Online]
Available At: Http://Www.Sellingcrossing.Com. [Accessed 11 April 2019].
 Fact Monster: Online Almanac, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, And Homework Help. 2016. Fact Monster: Online Almanac, Dictionary,
Encyclopedia, And Homework Help. [Online] Available At: Http://Www.Factmonster.Com. [Accessed 11 April 2019].
 Homestead | Get A Site, Get Found. Get Customers. 2016. Homestead | Get A Site, Get Found. Get Customers. [Online] Available At:
Http://Www.Homestead.Com. [Accessed 11 April 2019].
 The Tech Terms Computer Dictionary. 2016. The Tech Terms Computer Dictionary. [Online] Available At: Http://Www.Techterms.Com.
[Accessed 11 April 2019].
 Nielsen Norman Group: Ux Training, Consulting, & Research. 2016. Nielsen Norman Group: Ux Training, Consulting, & Research. [Online]
Available At: Http://Www.Nngroup.Com. [Accessed 11 April 2019].

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 Marketing + Web Design New York | Iron paper. 2016. Marketing + Web Design New York | Iron paper. [Online] Available At:
Http://Www.Ironpaper.Com. [Accessed 11 April 2019].

[Author has kept this space blank on purpose]

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G PHP, 6, 20, 22, 26, 49, 53, 79, 80

GHz, 77 R
H RAM, 77
HTML, 22, 23, 40, 42, 49 V
I VB.Net, 22
ID, 68 W
M WAD, 80
MySQL, 22 X
P XML, 40
PC, 14, 19, 22, 28, 30, 40, 48, 66

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[Author has kept this space blank on purpose]


PHP – Hypertext Preprocessor

ID – Identity
ERD – Entity Relationship Diagram
HTML – Hypertext Markup Language

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PDF – Portable Document Format
WYSIWYG – What you see is what you get
URL – Uniform Resource Locater
IIS - Internet Information Server
XML - Extensible Markup Language
ASP – Active server page
CSS – Cascading style sheet
VB – Visual Basic
MAC – Macintosh
SEO – Senior Executive Officer
AOL – America Online
PO – Purchase Order
SIO – Stock Issue Officer
SQL – Structured Query Language
WWW – World Wide Web
IDE – Integrated development environment
OOP- Object Oriented Programming
C++ - C plus plus
C# - C sharp
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