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Epic Martial Disciplines

Epic martial disciplines are the fighting styles of the most powerful warriors and swordsmen in all
creation. Powerful secret techniques wielded by gods, archfiends, and epic heroes, they represent the
absolute pinnacle of the Sublime Way.

Learning Epic Martial Disciplines

Every epic discipline has an epic feat associated with it, called an initiation feat. Once an epic character
has taken the initiation feat of a discipline, he gains the ability to learn the maneuvers of that epic
discipline. Unlike normal maneuvers, epic maneuvers must be learned individually–each one has a
unique XP cost and training time to learn. Learning even a single epic maneuver is an arduous quest for
the mightiest of heroes, as they must seek out a master of the discipline to learn it from. Such beings
include deities, demon princes, and things far more strange. Without such a mentor, the training time
required to learn an epic maneuver is doubled–and even then, the pinnacle maneuver of an epic
discipline can never be learned without a mentor. As with normal martial maneuvers, a martial adept
must meet certain prerequisite number of maneuvers known from the same discipline to learn epic
maneuvers. Each discipline has a single “pinnacle” maneuver, one that requires all other maneuvers of
the discipline to be learned before it can be mastered.

Using Epic Maneuvers

Epic maneuvers are readied and initiated differently than normal maneuvers. Whenever a martial adept
readies his maneuvers, he may choose a single epic martial discipline to ready for that day. Doing so
readies all epic maneuvers of that discipline that he has learned. They do not count towards his normal
maneuvers readied. Each readied epic maneuver can be initiated once per encounter–they cannot be
recovered by any means. The martial adept may enter epic stances of his readied discipline as if they
were normal martial stances, save that no ability or effect can ever allow him to gain the benefits of any
other or second stance at the same time as he gains the benefits of an epic stance. Epic maneuvers do
not have a level, but are treated as being of 10th level for all purposes. The saving throw against an epic
maneuver has a DC of 20 + the listed ability modifier, although many epic maneuvers list ways in which
their DC can be increased. All epic maneuvers are extraordinary abilities, unless otherwise listed.


Invincible Sword Princess

The first Invincible Sword Princess was a warrior goddess of unsurpassed prowess, an angelic battle-
maiden who took up arms against any who earned her wrath. When the arch-devils and demon princes
marshaled their unholy armies to march on the world, she smote them down–and when the tyranny of
the gods angered her, she made war on heaven itself. But before the dawn of history, she left this world,
seeking out some answer to her unconquerable blade. And yet her invincible fighting arts are not yet
lost, their secrets carved into the very firmaments of heaven and hell themselves when the Invincible
Sword Princess turned her blade against them, and they are not forgotten by the lords of hell she
conquered, nor the angelic hosts who desperately tried to save the gods from her wrath. Only the most
powerful of epic heroes can take up the mantle of the Invincible Sword Princess once more, and turn
their own blades against all who oppose them. The associated weapons of the Invincible Sword Princess
discipline are the bastard sword, the greatsword, and the longsword.
Unconquered Sword [Epic, Initiation]
You have begun learning the secrets of the Invincible Sword Princess discipline.
Prerequisites: Martial Lore 24 ranks, must be capable of initiating 9th-level maneuvers of any discipline
Benefits: You may fight defensively without taking any penalties on your attack roll to do so. In addition,
whenever you are attacked, you may parry, adding your Strength modifier in place of your Dexterity to
your AC. Doing so counts as an attack of opportunity for this round. You must be wielding a weapon
which you are proficient with in order to parry. Characters with this feat may learn maneuvers from the
Invincible Sword Princess discipline.

Heavenly Bulwark
Invincible Sword Princess (Counter)
Initiation Action: Immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instant
XP Cost: 20,000 XP
Training Time: 10 days

The Invincible Sword Princess cannot be wounded, cannot be slain. Blades shatter against her skin,
flames wash over her without scorching, and even the wrath of the gods is turned aside. You can initiate
this maneuver whenever you would be dealt damage by any single source. All damage that would be
dealt to you is prevented, and you gain damage reduction equal to your initiator level until the end of
your next action. This damage reduction cannot be overcome by any damage.

Blossoming Steel
Invincible Sword Princess (Counter)
Prerequisite: 1 Invincible Sword Princess maneuver
Initiation Action: One immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: One encounter
XP Cost: 30,000 XP
Training Time: 15 days

To take up arms against the Invincible Sword Princess is to invite her wrath. You can initiate this
maneuver whenever you are attacked. For the rest of the encounter, any enemy who attacks you
provokes an attack of opportunity from you if they are within your melee reach. You gain a +5 morale
bonus on all attack rolls and a +10 morale bonus on all damage rolls made as an attack of opportunity.

Dancing with Victory

Invincible Sword Princess (Counter)
Prerequisites: 1 Invincible Sword Princess maneuver
Initiation Action: One immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: One encounter
XP Cost: 30,000 XP
Training Time: 15 days

The world weeps with each drop of the Invincible Sword Princess’s blood that is shed–and so, she does
not permit herself to bleed. You can initiate this maneuver whenever you are attacked. For the rest of
the encounter, you may ignore all penalties to your AC. You apply your full AC against touch attacks and
attacks that would deny you your Dexterity bonus to AC.

God-Smiting Outrage
Invincible Sword Princess (Boost)
Prerequisites: 1 Invincible Sword Princess maneuver
Initiation Action: One swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: One encounter
XP Cost: 30,000 XP
Training Time: 15 days

The gods of heaven and the arch-fiends of hell thought to stand against the Invincible Sword Princess. By
her fury, they were first taught humility. For the rest of the encounter, all attacks you make deal an
additional +25 damage. On a critical hit, this increases to +50 damage.

Soft Blade Kiss

Invincible Sword Princess (Boost)
Prerequisite: 1 Invincible Sword Princess maneuver
Initiation Action: One swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instant
XP Cost: 30,000 XP
Training Time: 15 days

Even the slightest touch of the Invincible Sword Princess’s blade is enough to slay her foes. Until the end
of your turn, all melee attacks you make are touch attacks, rather than standard melee attacks. Attacks
that hit deal standard melee damage.

Lightning Stroke
Invincible Sword Princess (Strike)
Prerequisites: 2 Invincible Sword Princess maneuvers
Initiation Action: One standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
XP Cost: 45,000 XP
Training Time: 20 days

Every motion, every strike of the Invincible Sword Princess knows perfection. You make a single melee
attack, which automatically hits, regardless of your target’s AC or any other effects, save those which
explicitly cause all attacks to fail. The attack deals an additional +20d6 damage.

Shining Adamant Defense

Invincible Sword Princess (Counter)
Prerequisites: 2 Invincible Sword Princess maneuver
Initiation Action: One immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: One encounter
XP Cost: 45,000 XP
Training Time: 20 days

The Invincible Sword Princess declares her own destiny. You can initiate this maneuver whenever you
make a saving throw. For the rest of the encounter, you gain your choice of a +20 resistance bonus to
saving throws of a single type, or a +10 resistance bonus on all saving throws.

Victory Over All

Invincible Sword Princess (Stance)
Prerequisite: 2 Invincible Sword Princess maneuvers
Initiation Action: One swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
XP Cost: 45,000 XP
Training Time: 20 days

Moving with grace beyond words and skill beyond awareness, the Invincible Sword Princess gently
brushes aside the foolish attacks of any who would dare attack her. While in this stance, you add your
Strength modifier to your AC in addition to your Dexterity, rather than in place of it, whenever you parry
an attack. In addition, whenever you are attacked, you may choose to perfectly block it, as an immediate
action. If you do, the attack automatically misses, regardless of the result of the roll or your AC.
Cosmos-Slaying Glory Blade
Invincible Sword Princess (Strike) [Pinnacle]
Prerequisite: 8 Invincible Sword Princess maneuvers
Initiation Action: One standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
XP Cost: 100,000 XP
Training Time: 50 days

The limitless power of the Invincible Sword Maiden surpasses the gods themselves. If she smites the
mountains, they are toppled. If she stands against armies, they fall. Should she turn her blade on the sky
itself, then the heavens would be pierced. You make a single melee attack, your weapon weeping golden
fire to mourn the devastation it must unleash. If the strike hits and would successfully deal any damage
to its target after damage reduction and similar effects have been applied, then your foe is utterly
destroyed. The attack deals effectively unlimited damage, automatically reducing your enemy to -10 hp.
A merciful martial adept may spare their victim, leaving them alive at 0 hp.


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