11th Economics Teachers Manual - English-28-31

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Introduction relating to Ambedkar, Amartiya sen, Ghandi and

This chapter provides an overview of the Indian
Economy and its importance. It helps us to Motivation
familiarize the factors that led to the under
In order to understand Indian economy, Teacher
development and stagnation of our country and
starts the class by asking questions on demographic
also features of an Indian economy. It’s a snapshot
trends and features of local area /district where the
of the Economic Infrastructure, nature and
school is located. Teacher collects the details of
meaning of the concepts of economic growth and
natural resources availability, agricultural activity
development of the basic characteristics of (UDCS)
if any, industries located in their area, standard
and also deals with Indian Economic thinkers to
of living etc., from the students. After replying
contribution in Indian Economy.
the students, teacher starts explaining Indian
economy by comparing the development of their
Learning Objectives
local area with the development of India. Teacher
1. Understand the contributions of major must explain the difference between growth and
Indian Economic Thinkers. development by saying a simple example that is how
2. Know the current status of the Indian a child grow from birth physically and mentally
Economy in terms of features, natural till certain age ; likewise a country will also move
resources, infrastructure facilities etc., in a continuous positive direction in all sectors
till its achievements. This stage is called growth.
Learning Outcome: After reaching certain age, a person must maintain
1. Enable students to analyse the features their development physically and mentally to get
of Indian Economy and its strengths, good health and wealth; like this, after attaining
demographic trends in India. the maximum growth in all the sectors with the
2. Understood the various concepts of growth help of technology and innovation(Ex. Developed
and development and also found the nations), a country must maintain the growth level.
contribution to Economic Thinkers in an This stage is development. Example for growth is
Indian Economy. developing countries (India, Mexico, South Africa
etc.,) and for development is developed country
Teaching – Learning materials: (USA, France Germany etc.,).Teacher explains
Black Board to highlight the points, flow chart, the contribution of Indian leaders to our Indian
Power point presentation for features of Indian economic development.
economy and its demographic trends and video


11th Economics Teachers Manual_Sample.indd 22 10-06-2018 15:31:41

Lesson Plan
Scheme of Work - Process / Activity/ Assessment - Outcomes - Time Plan

Topics to be Covered Process / Activity/ Assessment Outcome Plan

7.1 Meaning of Growth and Understanding the

Development Discussion on growth and development - meaning of growth
Ask the students to speak about the local and development 3
7.2 Indian Economy
area and India’s development - Knowing the
7.3 Features of Indian Economy demographic factors

Understanding the
Ask the students to list out major natural
importance of major
resources - Interactive discussion on
natural resources in
7.4 Natural Resources available mineral resources in their 4
India - Enriching
area and India and tell them to collect
the knowledge of the
minerals information
mineral resources

Tell the students to write down the

benefits of using solar, wind and tidel Understanding the
7.5 Infrastructure energy - Make aware about the meaning classification of energy
7.6 Economic Infrastructure of infrastructure by showing charts and resources and also 4
the use of power point slides - Interactive their importance in
discussion on the need for using our daily life.
renewable energy resources

Knowing the
Tell the students to collect information
importance of
about the educational system in India -
7.7 Social Infrastructure education and health 4
Defining and stating the factors affecting
for the upliftment of
the education and health in India
standard of living

Familiarizing various
Economic Thinkers
Stating the Economic Thinkers of
- Understanding
Tamil Nadu and India - Use Power
7.8 Contributions of Indian the achievements
Economic Thinkers
Point slides to explain the ideas of 3
of the Thinkers and
various economic thinkers with their
their contribution in
Indian Economy and
in world

Total hours of Teaching 18


11th Economics Teachers Manual_Sample.indd 23 10-06-2018 15:31:41

ICT Corner Usage
Activity 3: Exercise / Group
Teacher can prepare power point slides and QR Discussion
codes relating to features of Indian Economy,
weakness of Indian Economy, demographic trends All news related to the development activities
and Economic Thinkers to show the students of India published within 10 days in selected
visually. QR codes provided in the text book can newspaper may be identified and collected.
be shown to the students. Information collected from the newspaper
and magazines must be cut and grouped
Teacher Professional Development under different categories (GSDP, agriculture,
Teachers must be exposed to listening, reading, industry, banking, education, tourism etc.,).
writing and speaking skills related to the latest This can be treated as an individual or group
developments in the Indian Economy. Teacher exercise.
must aware about the latest information like GDP,
sectoral development, demographic features and
economic Thinkers from the text books, magazines Activity 4: Seminar
like Economist, Business Line, India Today, Front A Teacher plans a seminar on various topics
line and Economic and Political Weekly. such as mineral resources, highlights of Indian
Economy, Contributions of Amartya Kumar
Activity 1: Case Study Sen, Thiruvalluvar, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr.B.R.
Ambedkar and Jawaharlal Nehru. Based on
Teacher can divide the class into four or five
these topics, groups may be formed with a
groups. Assigns topic to each group. topics
team leader. Students may be asked to prepare
like demographic features, health centers,
for a presentation in the class for 10 minutes
education, transport and economic ideas of
per topic.
Gandhi, Nehru, Ambedkar, Thiruvalluvar etc.,

Activity 2: Field Visit

Take the students to a agricultural field or any one industry or any one service sector (Bank,
Transport) which is nearer to the school. Ask the students to observe the selected field’s activities.
Observe and collect the information from the selected field (like farmers activities and their problems,
firms activities, bank activities (collecting empty chellans)) to analyse how the development is achieved
in India.

Written Examination- Components: Tests (both short answer and long answer), Quiz


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Concept Map

The quality of life measurement

Human National
Development Physical Happiness
Index quality of Index
(HDI) Life Index (GNHI)

Biogas Solar
Energy Energy

Energy Wind
Natural Energy
Tidal Geothermal
Non- Energy Energy



11th Economics Teachers Manual_Sample.indd 25 10-06-2018 15:31:42

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