Class III ELA 1 (II) Test WS Date-1.07.21

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Online Classes Worksheet

1. Children should do the worksheet in their ELA 1 test notebook.
2. Children should write in join handwriting.

Class III ELA 1(II) Worksheet Topic: Revision Test Date: 01.07.2021

Q1 Fill in the blanks with the plurals of the nouns given in the brackets:

a. The _____________ (girl) are having _____________ (orange).

b. I have to brush my _____________ (tooth) and comb my _____________(hair).

c. The _____________ (sheep) are eating grass and _____________(leaf).

d. I put my _____________(book) on the _____________(shelf).

e. The _____________(baby) wanted to eat the crispy _____________(fry).

Q2 Change the gender in the following sentences:

a. My father helped a little boy and an old man to cross the road.


b. The lion attacked the tiger.


c. The policeman shouted at the waiter.


d. The old hen scratched in the earth for worms.


e. I gave my son and nephew Rs 100.


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