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Worksheet/Assignment –

Name of the Student:

Subject: Chemistry Year: 5
Unit Impact of chemical Industries

Topic Acids , bases theories


Key Concept

Related Concepts
Globalization and sustainability

Global Context
Chemical industries have brought about changes that affect
global interactions with positive and negative environmental

Statement of Inquiry
Critical thinking , communication , transfer

ATL Category, Cluster, Strand

Assessment Criteria In this activity you are practicing skills that are assessed using
criterion A
Learning Objective To understand the theories of acids and bases as proposed by
different scientists
Task Clarification Students to research to explore the damages incurred at
industrial and domestic levels due to usage of waters which are
unsuitable for the environment due to their high levels of acidity
or basicity . They are to answer the questions based on the
conceptual understanding they have developed over the unit.
State is defined as “to give a specific name, value or other ​brief
answer​ without explanation or calculation.”
Describe is defined as “to give a ​detailed​ account”
Command Term - Explanation Explain is defined as “to give a ​clear​ account including ​causes
and reasons​ or ​mechanisms.”
Discuss is defined as “to give an account including, where
possible, ​a range of arguments​ for and against, the ​relative
importance​ of various factors and ​comparisons​ of alternative
Evaluate: is defined as “to assess the implications and
limitations”; making ​an informed judgement​ or ​assessment

For Level 7-8, you should be looking to ​Explain​. ​Discuss​ and


Section A
Part 1: Basic Information about Acids and Bases
Classify as an acid or a base
1 Tastes bitter
2 Tastes sour
3 Feels slimy or slippery
4 Turns litmus paper blue.
5 Turns litmus paper red .
6 Gives off hydrogen gas when it reacts with some metals.

Part 2: Acids and Bases in everyday use

Complete these paragraphs by filling in or circling the appropriate
information based on the information that you know about acids and
bases. You may have to use google to find the answers.

When most people think of chemistry the first terms that come to mind
are acids and bases. Many of the chemicals that people run across have
some connection to acids and bases. For instance many people take
medicine every day to cure heart burn. These medicines are
(acids/bases). ​One of these comes in a blue bottle and is known as​ ​“Dr.
MOM”. The common​ ​name for this is ​M​ilk​ ​O​f​ ​M​agnesia​ , the chemical
name is ​__________________​ and the chemical formula is

Another product claims that it is better for us to use because it contains

calcium. So in addition to helping relieve the heartburn, it also provides
us with needed calcium. This product is called ​Tums​ and its chemical
name is __________________ and its chemical formula is

Another product that is used all the time is ​Draino​. Draino is a(n)
(acid/base)​ and it has the common name of “lye” the chemical name is
_____________________, and the chemical formula is
___________________. This chemical is more dangerous than the ones
used for heartburn and can cause blindness or burns. ​(Acids/Bases)​ are
also commonly used to produce soaps and have a ​(bitter/sour)​ taste.

Seltzer water and all sodas contain a very mild ​(acid/base)​ known as
_____________________. This is formed by dissolving carbon dioxide in
water. The chemical formula for this substance is .

Vinegar is a(n) ​(acid/base)​ finds its way into our diet in ketchup and
most salad dressings. The chemical name for vinegar is
___________________. The chemical formula for this
substance is ___________________.

Part 3: Arrhenius definition of an acid or base

The Arrhenius definition of acids and bases is one of the oldest. An
Arrhenius acid​ is a substance that when added to water increases the
concentration of H​+​ ions present. The chemical formulas of Arrhenius
acids are written with the acidic hydrogens first. An ​Arrhenius​ ​base ​is a
substance that when added to water increases the concentration of OH​-
ions​ ​present. HCl is an example of an Arrhenius acid and NaOH is an
example of an Arrhenius base.
HCl H​+​ + Cl​-
NaOH Na​+​ + OH​-

Classify the following as an acid or base using the Arrhenius definition of

an acid or base.
1 HNO​3​ is an Arrhenius ______________ and increases the concentration
of __________ when added to water.

2 KOH is an Arrhenius ______________ and increases the concentration

of __________ when added to water.
3 Ca(OH)​2​ is an Arrhenius ______________ and increases the
concentration of __________ when added to water.

4 H​2​SO​4​ is an Arrhenius ______________ and increases the concentration

of __________ when added to water.

5 Arrhenius theory is to be used to suggest a chemical reaction equation

to explain the acidic properties of following solutions:
(a) HI (aq)
(b) HOCl (aq)
(c) H​3​PO​4​(aq)

Part 4:​ ​Brønsted -Lowry Definition of an acid or base

A ​Brønsted -Lowry acid is defined as anything that donates H​+ ions; a

Brønsted -Lowry base is defined as anything that accepts H​+ ​ions. This
definition includes all Arrhenius acids and bases but, as you will soon
see, it is a bit more general. The Brønsted -Lowry concept is based on
the​ ​transfer of a proton ​(H​+​) from one substance to another.
Look at the example below:
NH​3​ accepts a proton or H​+​ so it is classified as a base.

H​2​O donates a proton or H​+​ so it is classified as an acid.
Brønsted -Lowry is different than Arrhenius because an acid or a base
does not have to form a H​+​ or OH​-​ ion. An acid has to donate a proton
and a base has to accept a proton.

1. Look at the following reactions and answer the questions below:

-​ +
H​2​SO​4​ + NH​3​ HSO​4​ + NH​4​

A. H​2​SO​4​ becomes ​HSO​4​
a) Did it gain or lose a proton? _________
b) Is it a Brønsted -Lowry acid or base? ___________

B. NH​3​ becomes NH​4​+

a) Did it gain or lose a proton? ___________
b) Is it a Brønsted -Lowry acid or base? _________

-​ -​
HCO​3​ + HCl ​ ​ Cl​ + H​2​CO​3
A. HCO​3​-​ becomes H​2​CO​3
a) Did it gain or lose a proton? _________
b) Is it a Brønsted -Lowry acid or base? ___________

B. HCl becomes Cl​-

a) Did it gain or lose a proton? ___________
b) Is it a Brønsted -Lowry acid or base? __________

2. The following are Brønsted -Lowry acids and bases. Determine what
will form when each one behaves so.
a. HI ____________
b. HNO​3​ ________
c. H​2​O _____________
d. NH​4​+​ ______________
e. CN​–
f. O​-2
g. HSO4​
h. PO​4​-3

Section B
Q1 ​Outline why
a calamine lotion is effective for relieving pain from bee stings .
b heartburn can be treated with milk of magnesia
c quicklime , slaked lime and chalk are useful in agriculture.

Q2 ​In the examples below , the gas is being bubbled through water.
(a) Identify the pairs of acids and bases in the two reactions in accordance
with Bronsted Lowry Theory .

i HCl(g) + H​2​O(l) Cl​-​(aq)​ ​+ H​3​O​+​(aq)

ii NH​3 ​ + H​2​O(l) NH​4 +​​ (aq) + OH​-​ (aq)

(b) Suggest what is happening to the water molecules in the two

reactions. Also we know that Water is a neutral liquid .Describe the fact that
water is neutral.

(c) Imagine 10​20 ​molecules of each of the following pairs of acids were
dissolved in 0.1 dm​3​ water. Deduce which of these pairs has the most
hydrogen ions and why? Also suggest for each pairs of these solutions,
identify which is a better conductor of electricity.
Ethanoic acid and hydrochloric acid
sulphuric acid and citric acid.​about:blank#blocked
(d) HX is a weak monobasic acid. Write an expression for the acid
dissociation constant, Ka, for HX.
(e) Compare the expressions: a concentrated solution of an acid and a
dilute solution of a strong acid. Explain the difference in their meaning with
an example.
(f) Acids and alkalis often have one of these hazard symbols on the
bottle. Write down what they mean next to the symbols.

(g) Universal indicator paper has the following range of colours:

An experiment to find the pH of some substances gave these results:

For each substance, write down its pH, and what the pH means.

(h) Predict the results of interaction between ions , if you mixed equal
volumes and concentrations of each of these pairs of acids and bases .
Complete and balance the equations below to find out ! Identify the pH of
the reaction products.
i HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) ___________ + _____________
ii HNO​3​(aq) + KOH(aq) ___________ + _____________
iii H​2​SO​4​(aq) + Mg(OH)​2​(s) ___________ + _____________

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