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The Bank is the second oldest central bank in the world after the Swedish Riskbank, which was
founded in 1668.Founded in 1694, the Bank of England, known as the old lady of Thread needle
Street, is the government's bank and the UK's central bank.

Here have the details of the event by the year:

Year: Events:
1694 Foundation of the bank and a loan to the government
1696 Suspension of payments
 Renewal of charter, loan to the government
 Limited liability privilege
 Extension of note issue
 Monopoly cashier of payments to the government

 Renewal of charter and a loan

 Monopoly on joint stock banking with more than six partners
1713 Renewal of charter and a loan
1742 Renewal of charter, loan to the government without interest
1751 Monopoly administrator of the public debt
1764 Renewal of charter for a fee paid to the government
1781 Renewal of charter and a loan to the government
Legalization of short-term loans to government beyond statutory limitations, loan to the
1795 Authorization of £5 notes
 Authorization of £1 and £2 notes
 Run on the bank, suspension of payments, a loan to the government
1800 Renewal of charter and a loan to the government
Bank of England notes are legal tender, further loans to the government
1821 Resumption of payments in gold after wars with France
1825 Lending to country banks in crisis, re-issue of £1 notes
 Joint stock banks permitted outside of London
1826  Bank of England authorized to set up branches
 Prohibited issue of notes lower than £5
1833 Bank of England notes become legal tender for sums above £5
Liquidity crisis, received credits from the Banque de France (£2,000,000) and from the Hamburger
Bank (£900,000);
1844 Peel Act, monopoly of note issue in Great Britain, loan to the government

1914–  Bank of England notes are legal tender

25  Suspension of payments, loans to the government
1931 Abandonment of the Gold standard

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