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// NoHands.EXE - Class Lists
// 27/12/2020 - T Hyde -

//All comment lines in this config file are preceded with a double forward slash!

//Run using the following command line parameter. -I is the instance no.
//NoHands.exe "-I01" "-TNewTitle" "-pNewStudentInfoFile"
//e.g. NoHands.exe "-I01" "-TMr Hyde - Week A" "-pClassesWeekA.txt"
// or NoHands.exe "-I02" "-TMr Hyde - Week B" "-pClassesWeekB.txt"

//Program Short-cuts;
//CTRL+L Toggle window lock mode.
//CTRL+T Toggle window on top mode (also disables Class selection menu).
//CTRL+C Keyboard shortcut to Class selection menu.
//ALT+F4 Close window using the keyboard (or when in window lock mode).

//Keyboard hook allows a hot-key to be assigned that will select a new name.
//This can be used to enable another device such as a slide clicker. The format
//of this parameter setting is as follows:
// - Key Hook is the label for this parameter.
// - VIRTUAL_KEY_NO is the key ID we want to hook into. This is a number in either
// hexadecimal or decimal i.e. 0x1B (or 27) selects the Escape key
// - SYSTEM_WIDE selects if we want the key to work even if the NoHands utility
// window does not currently have focus. Can be either YES or NO.
// - HANDLED tells the utility to consume the key press so that the application
// currently in focus does not receive it. Can be either YES or NO.
// - BRING_TO_TOP tells the utility to come to the foreground. Can be either YES or
// - DEBUG displays the key being pressed in the title of the main window. Set this
// to find out the correct virtual key code to use. Can be either YES or NO.
//If not defined the Key hook is disabled (defined as 'Key Hook, 0x00, Yes, Yes,
Yes, No').
//e.g. to use the PageDown key, in whatever application has focus to cause NoHands
// to come to the foreground and select a new student use the following:
//Key Hook, 0x22, Yes, Yes, Yes, No

//Adjust the colours used. Each colour is defined as a 24 bit value (8 bits of
each of Red, Green, Blue). e.g. for pure red use 0xFF0000,
//for pure green use 0x00FF00, for pure blue use 0x0000FF, for black 0x000000, and
for white use 0xFFFFFF. Up to four colours can be defined
//to set the colour of the: Text, Text Shadow, Window Background, Window Border
(when locked).
// For example 'Colours, 0x000000, 0xC0C0C0, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0000FF' to use Black,
Silver, White, Blue
// or 'Colours, 0x000000, , , 0x0000FF' to set Black, Default, Default, Blue.

//Adjust for incorrect network time as follows (adjustment in seconds);

//For example 'Adjust Time, -10'
//Multiple classes can be specified. Each block of class information defines the
class name, when
//you teach the class, and who is in the class. These are defined as follows
(examples for two
//classes are also shown below).
//First define the class starting with the 'Class' keyword, followed by a comma,
Your Class Name, a comma, Your Class Label
// For example 'Class, Y11Band1, Design Technology'
//The Class Name is displayed when manually selecting a class as well as in the
window title and on
//the task bar. The Class Label is optional and will be displayed in the window
title area (if specified).
//Next define when you teach the class - use one line for each time you teach the
class in the school timetable.
//Start with the 'Time' keyword, followed by a comma, the Day Of The Week you teach
them, a comma, Lesson Start Time, a comma, Lesson End Time
// For example 'Time, Fri, 14:45, 15:45'
//The Day Of The Week can be in short format i.e. 'Mon' or long format i.e.
'Monday'. The Lesson
//Start/End times must be in 24 hour time format (known as military time in the
// Then list your student names, one student per line.

//################ Examples #################

//First define a class

Class, Y8B1, ICT ☆
//Then the time of each lesson with this class.
Time, Mon, 08:45, 10:05
Time, Tue, 11:45, 12:05
Time, Wed, 08:45, 10:05
Time, Thu, 08:45, 10:05
Time, Fri, 14:45, 15:45
Time, Sat, 08:45, 10:05
Time, Sun, 13:45, 14:45
//And then the names of all the students in the class.

//Then define you next class...

Class, Y8B2 - DT , Design Technology ☆
Time, Monday, 11:10, 12:15
Time, Tuesday, 11:10, 12:15
Time, Wednesday, 11:10, 12:15
Time, Thursday, 11:10, 12:15
Time, Friday, 14:10, 15:15
Time, Saturday, 14:10, 15:15
Time, Sunday, 14:10, 15:15

//Add as many classes as you need!

//If you are experiencing problems then make sure that all the information is comma
//separated exactly as shown in the examples above, and that student names are at
//least 3 characters long! If no student names are displayed, then no class can be
//found for the current day/time - so instead right-click and select a class

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