Bs-El-344 - Lecture-04 - P3

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BS- EL-344- LECTURE-04 – P3

Half- Wave Uncontrolled Rectifiers
 Example:03 : An a.c. supply of 230 V is applied to a half-wave rectifier
circuit through a transformer of turn ratio 10 : 1. Find (i) the output d.c.
voltage and (ii) the peak inverse voltage. Assume the diode to be ideal.
 Primary to secondary turns is

Max. secondary voltage is

 (i)

 (ii) During the negative half-cycle of a.c. supply, the

diode is reverse biased and hence conducts no current.
Therefore, the maximum secondary voltage appears
across the diode.

Half- Wave Uncontrolled Rectifiers
 Example 4:
A half-wave rectifier is used to supply 50V d.c. to a resistive load of 800 Ω.
The diode has a resistance of 25 Ω. Calculate a.c. voltage required.

Half- Wave Uncontrolled Rectifiers[with capacitor]
 When rectification is used to provide a direct voltage (DC)
power supply from an alternating (AC) source, the amount of
ripple voltage can be further reduced by using larger value
capacitors but there are limits both on cost and size to the types
of smoothing capacitors used

Full- Wave Uncontrolled Rectifiers
 To use every half cycle of input, instead of using one half, a full-
wave rectifier is used.
 Full wave rectifiers have some fundamental advantages over their
half wave rectifier counterparts. The average (DC) output voltage is
higher than for half wave, the output of the full wave rectifier has
much less ripple than that of the half wave rectifier producing a
smoother output voltage.
 In a Full Wave Rectifier circuit two diodes are now used, one for
each half of the cycle. A multiple winding transformer is used whose
secondary winding is split equally into two halves with a common
centre tapped connection, (C). This configuration results in each
diode conducting in turn when its anode terminal is positive with
respect to the transformer centre point C producing an output during
both half-cycles, twice that for the half wave rectifier so it is 100%

Full- Wave Uncontrolled Rectifiers
 Working:

Full- Wave Uncontrolled Rectifiers
 Working:
 The step-down transformer in rectifier circuit converts high voltage
AC into low voltage AC.
 When the positive half cycle of AC voltage is applied to the rectifier,
the top of secondary winding becomes positive while the bottom of
the secondary winding is negative with respect to the top of the
 Thus, the diode D1 will conduct during the positive half of the cycle,
and diode D2 will not conduct during the positive half of AC signal.
 When the negative half cycle of the AC signal is applied to the
rectifier circuitry the top of secondary winding becomes negative,
and the lower half of the secondary winding becomes positive.
 Thus, the diode D1 is reversed biased, and diode D2 is forward
 Therefore, in full wave rectifiers, DC voltage is obtained for positive
half AC as well as negative half AC.

Full- Wave Uncontrolled Rectifiers
 Advantages of Full Wave Rectifiers
 The rectification efficiency of full wave rectifier is much
higher than that of half wave rectifier. It is approximately
double to that of half wave rectifier.
 The filtering circuit required in full wave rectifier is
simple because ripple factor in the case of full wave
rectifier is very low as compared to that of half wave
 The output voltage and output power obtained in full wave
rectifiers are much more than that of half wave rectifiers.

Full- Wave Uncontrolled Rectifiers
 Example: o1
A full-wave rectifier uses two diodes, the internal
resistance of each diode may be assumed constant at 20
Ω. The transformer r.m.s. secondary voltage from centre
tap to each end of secondary is 50 V and load resistance
is 980 Ω. Find : (i) the mean load current (ii) the r.m.s.
value of load current.

Example 1 solution

Full- Wave Uncontrolled Rectifiers
 Example: o2:
In the centre-tap circuit shown in Fig. 2, the diodes are assumed
to be ideal
i.e. having zero internal resistance. Find :(i) d.c. output voltage(ii)
peak inverse voltage

Full- Wave Uncontrolled Rectifiers
 Example :02

Full- Wave Uncontrolled Rectifiers
 Example :02


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