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Date: JULY 6, 2021

Instructor: ESTILLORE, JOHN, O Rating:




The rationale of the webinar was introduced to CITTE students through the
collaborative efforts of the instructor and select students with the motivation that the
“College of Industrial Technology and Teacher Education is gearing towards an
outcome base education. Learners are expected to be more productive and excellent
when it comes to teaching and industry skills immersion that prepare them to face the
demand of the industry”. Thus, 2 motivational speakers were invited to share best
practices of Singapore’s nanotechnology in student’s perspective and emphasize the
importance of electrical and air conditioning technology in business perspective.
The webinar was held dated July 2, 2021 and was scheduled at 8:00 am in the
morning. The webinar was be joined by students enrolled in Commercial and Domestic
Refrigeration and Applied and Fundamentals of Electricity. The webinar was entitled A
PERSPECTIVE. I was privileged to host and moderate the webinar and was given the
opportunity to introduce both speakers.
The first speaker was Nurul Fatimah Binti Iskandar. Her topic was about
Singapore’s Best Practices in Nanotechnology Electricity, Electronics, and Air
Conditioning. Her presence in general was a feast to behold. Despite Muslim roots she
was very charming, interactive, engaging and most of all inspiring. Her topic was
focused in sharing her best practices and experiences as a student in National
University of Singapore. I love her energy providing facts about her alma mater. It was
really engaging and jaw-dropping situation. I realized that Singapore is indeed one of
the first world countries in the world and gives emphasis on how important education is.
She even added that students have the liberty to choose what their projects are and are
provided for free in the state-of-the-art facilities of the university. Another realization was
that the Philippines is so behind in terms of the education system, its support from the
govt and how we fare in terms of producing globally competitive graduates. We have a
lot of things to do as a country. All I can say is that the speaker exceeded my
expectations in terms of her preparations for the webinar. She has easy to follow
PowerPoint presentation. She has a very a great personality even just in Zoom session
and most importantly she inspired students to choose their path and passion to strive
and succeed in this diverse and competitive world. She was a gem to behold. All
positive thoughts for Nurul.
The second speaker was a great addition to the session. Her topic was focused
on business perspective, how can a student take advantage of her potential after
graduating from college. Her topic was entitled Business Perspective of electrical and
Air Conditioning Technology research base approach. Her approach was of different
strategy. She wanted to interact more with the students which was good because it
engages the students to join the conversation. Another positive thing that she did was
she was able to present facts and motivation for students to try once immersed in the
real world. It’s a boost of confidence for everyone that despite what you have finished
as long as you are hardworking and dedicated you will succeed. The opportunities that I
think the speaker can work on is more of providing other avenues (business
perspective) associated with her assigned topic, for her to be able to give more options
for the students and have better interactive discussion with the rest of the participants.
All in all the speaker was able to address all the questions raised and also presented a
very good aura and personality during the session. She was motivational and inspiring
at the same time. Two thumbs up for the speaker.
Without a doubt the session was a success. There might be challenges in terms
of internet connection and the time the session started but program went smooth, on
goal and productive and most importantly it left a huge mark in each one of us.


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