University of Sialkot, Pakistan: Final Term Examination-Fall-2021

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University of Sialkot, Pakistan

Final term Examination- Fall-2021

Course Code MGT-3005 Course Title: Production & Operations Management

Total Time: 2:30 Hours Total Marks: 40 Marks
Department: Business Program: BBA
Instructor Name: Mr. Sheraz Munawar Instructor Sign.:
Student’s Name: Roll No.:

Subjective Section

Black Smith Advertising (Case)

Alfred Satlin sat in his enormous office disregarding Chicago's Michigan Road. As CEO of Black Smith
Advertising, he appeared to consistently be stood up to with some issue. Today was no special case. Albert had
recently emerged from a long gathering with Alastair Gerard, top of the board for the little promoting
organization. Alastair was worried about a developing issue with brought down deals assumptions also, a
diminishing client base. Alastair cautioned Albert that something must be done rapidly or Alastair would need
to go to the board for activity. Albert recognized that deals were down however credited this to general
financial conditions. He guaranteed Alastair that the issues would be tended to right away. As Albert
considered his next game-plan, he admitted to himself that the client base of BSA was gradually diminishing.
The organization didn't exactly comprehend the explanation behind this abatement. Numerous standard clients
were not returning, and the pace of new clients appeared to be gradually declining. BSA's rivals appeared to
progress nicely. Albert didn't comprehend the issue.

What do Customer Wants?

BSA was a Chicago-based publicizing organization that created missions and advancements for little and
medium-sized firms. Its mastery was in the retail territory, yet it worked with a wide scope of firms from the
food administration industry to the clinical field. BSA contended on cost and speed of item improvement.
Publicizing in the retail zone was serious, and cost had consistently been significant. Additionally, since retail
designs change quickly, speed in promoting improvement was believed to be basic.

Albert advised himself that cost and speed had consistently been what clients needed. Presently he felt
confounded that he truly didn't have a clue about his clients. This was simply one more emergency that would
pass, he advised himself. Be that as it may, he expected to manage it right away.

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Case Questions

1. What is wrong with how Black Smith Advertising measures its quality? Explain why Black Smith
Advertising should ask its customers about how they define quality.
2. Offer suggestions to Alfred Satlin on ways of identifying quality dimensions BSA’s customers
consider important.
3. Develop a short questionnaire to be filled out by GCA’s customers that evaluates how customers
define quality.

Question: 2

What are the different types of Quantitative forecasting models? Explain the examples of forecasting
in services. Explain how you could use forecasting to make your life more efficient. (5 marks)

Question: 3

Med-First is a medical facility that offers outpatient medical services. The facility is considering
offering an additional service, mammography screening tests, on-site. The facility estimates the
annual fixed costs of the equipment and skills necessary for the service to be $120,000. Variable costs
of the each patient processed are estimated at $35 per patient. If the clinic plans to charge $55 for
each screening test, how many patients it must process a year in order to break even? (5 marks)

Question: 4

What are the different aspects you consider while making capacity planning decision? Explain the importance
of capacity planning for everyday life. How has poor capacity planning affected your life? (10 marks)

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