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Gujarat Power Engineering and Research Institute, Mehsana Quest! Detine Sart Computions. Coxpluin 448 Tenpowlernee. How $5 soe+ (7 (ong) i Compuyinad a QY& rey Aras ll Sas com Liing fig the se of apyxo simute Colculations +n Psovide cipproximate Soiviwavis 4o tomplesc computational psobjems. — 291 Tnpoy tence of Soci Loom puis, = @) Shovid provide paecise Salusion @)_Coarira) cictiom Shou id be Umnerm bigumes —omd_cceuaede. Q Suldeble i cout eomatircell y >| _ditiaent oF Safe seus | A_Wond Computing. GB Sota Hy i. fs i hvandan mind ~ theme Fury fogi. , und _yse Gujarat Power Engineering and Research Institute, Mehsana Qldatr rompuline com he evalve iss _Oubn Peagnbat und hurd Computing quizes Paogetma + be oni item, @) | Sores computing allows pereuilel computing saul huzd _tomputsnng Hows sequentiul (Ompuirag [fact wmpui'ny con cleul wits mnaity deka» Give Oppo vimade omswens and needs qo business. ‘whore ened. ming een oly clerel tat He Crct dates Yive, eccart emsusen and it yweds OceUmeCd Uith tu Suiiuble cose ercpiain cippiicatiom OF of4 Comm putin in detail. ee cigpaoximnidtion method imcluding Seorsch method Ss. Saft | compuing. techmiayess cme Use in diffaent Ffelde Such as twiteless Com municuhoN , Duty amining » | coat wvinkiom SYster +Tzunipontetion , Healy cure e ium Robasira , Covsumen pppliumees ete, PP Wireless oC aammiatenitinn 2 “Applicudione af siesta Gneaeons Gujarat Power Engineering and Research Institute, Mehsana Poulos comion\ . Prediction ett. 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