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1. Familiarize yourself with your data.

2. Assign preliminary codes to your data to describe the content.

3. Search for patterns or themes in your codes across the different interviews.
4. Review themes.
5. Define and name themes.
6. Produce your report.

Responses to Interview Questions

Responses to Question 1

Do you think the legal restrictions on 501(c)(3) nonprofit status are fair? Why or why not?
• ASN 1: “Yes. As a 501c3, we are able to provide a public service to members in our
community free of taxes. We are allowed to advocate (not lobby) for policy changes at
the local, State and Federal levels as well as to advocate for funding.”
• ROCKBlue 1: “Yes, otherwise there would be abuses of those not interested in what
nonprofits normally do for social benefits.”
• SLDM 1: “Not being very familiar with these restrictions myself, I cannot comment too
much on their fairness.”
• SLDM 2: “I don’t know what legal restrictions they have.”
• ASN 2: “Yes - I do believe that the restrictions are fair. A non profit is supposed to be an
charitable organization. One that was started because of need that was not met or a
something that stirred an individual or people to get involved... to make something
happen. So without these restrictions and guidelines, the money could be used in ways
that would not meet the organizations purpose.”

Responses to Question 2

How do you think your organization’s activities would change if there were fewer legal

restrictions on commercial activities with respect to its 501(c)(3) nonprofit status?

• ASN 1: “One restriction legally is that we, as a non-profit is that we can not conduct

raffles as a fundraiser without registering with the State.”

• ROCKBlue 1: “We would not change anything. We're happy operating as we do with our

without the restrictions”

• SLDM 2: “I don’t know how the restrictions affect the organization.”

• SLDM 1: “Again, cannot really speak to this.”

• ASN 2: “If there were fewer restrictions, I would hope that we would stay the way we

are... It is a fine line on bringing awareness and actively being political. I can see that as

being a negative aspect if you lean too far in either direction. I believe that's why

nonprofits should be more neutral - we need to attract supporters from all walks of life. If

we were to be more political or lobby in a direction that did not serve our clients, I

believe, that it could affect the organization as a whole.”

Responses to Question 3

How willing is your organization to learn new technologies? What are you, your staff, and/or

your clients willing to adopt?

• SLDM 1: “Adoption of new technologies within the organization really comes down to

being able to demonstrate a way that the technology will benefit those the organization

serves. I would not call our staff the most high-tech group, but we have made strides in

areas such as livestream (even before COVID-19) because it was apparent how this

would benefit our parishioners. Other technologies that have definite uses and would

make general day to day operations easier (such as using our Office365 account for more

than basic email functionality) have not gained as much traction because the broader

benefits were not as apparent.”

• ASN 1: “The Access Support Network is always open to new technologies that can

provide improved efficiencies in our service delivery and required deliverables.”

• ROCKBlue 1: “Very willing as long as it's to make us more efficient. Anything such as

applications of Salesforce, Trello, Clockify, Google Suite, Slack”

• SLDM 2: “They are willing to learn new technologies especially ways to increase

communication and promote events.”

• ASN 2: “I believe that our board and our staff are open to new ideas and new

technologies. We have always been open to new change but sometimes making those

changes are slow and depending on the time, money and man or people power, they don't

always happen in a timely fashion.”

Responses to Question 4

Does your organization use social media? Has it ever negatively affected your organization's

ability to get volunteers?

• SLDM 1: “Yes, we primarily use Facebook for sharing information. Would not say that

we are heavy users of the platform, but mostly see it as a way to reach people in a similar

way to our website. I do not think that the use of social media has hurt our ability to get

volunteers...though I might be missing some of the context behind the question! Mostly,

our volunteers are people who are already involved with our organization as parishioners,

so our case might be different from other non-profit organizations that have to pull

volunteers from the community at large.”

• ASN 1: “ASN uses social media and is constantly looking at ways of improving our

outreach to further our mission and recruit volunteers. To my knowledge, we have had no

negative effects or responses.”

• SLDM 2: “I don’t think it has an official social media account, but individuals on staff

have used it to communicate personal involvement in events.”

• ROCKBlue 1: “We use social media extensively and it only increases our ability to

attract volunteers”
• ASN 2: “Yes we do use social media. It does have the ability to affect us negatively - if

someone has a bad experience - be it a prior volunteer, staff member or client, they could

post a review or share their experience on social media and it could have an effect.”

Responses to Question 5

Have you ever used technology training in your organization? How?

• ASN 1: “Absolutely. We utilize Zoom daily in connecting staff to training opportunities,

to conduct staff meetings, connect with clients for case management. We also have

implemented telemedicine as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and clients not able to

see physicians in person.”

• SLDM 1: “If by technology training this just means the general training of our staff to use

specific technologies, then yes. We have done this type of training both internally (which

I have led) and with reps from outside companies as their products are adopted.”

• SLDM 2: “I have had some training for the Microsoft meeting app (I don’t remember the

name of the program I only used it once. I switched to Zoom)”

• ROCKBlue 1: “No”

• ASN 2: “I am sure we have but I am not in the office on a daily basis so this is a question

best answered by the executive director”

Responses to Question 6

Could your organization benefit from gaining clearer data?

• ASN 1: “Data is what drives our program development and evaluates our programs.

Accessing data from our technology and software is always challenging. I'm not

completely sure of what this question is asking.”

• SLDM 1: “Clearer data is of course always better...but to be more specific I would need

to know more about what kind of data this is referring to!”

• SLDM 2: “I’m not involved with anything related to data. I don’t know the answer to


• ROCKBlue 1: “Always”

• ASN 2: “Absolutely ! It would help in all areas of our organization - board training &

recruitment, staff training, gaining new income sources etc”

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