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Methods of data


Rejeena Subedi

Rejeena subedi / M.Sc Nursing 2017 1

At the end of the session participants will be able to:
• Explain the Observation method of data collection.
• Explain the Biophysiologic method of data collection.

Rejeena subedi / M.Sc Nursing 2017 2

 A way of gathering data by watching
behavior, events, skill , procedure or
physical characteristics in their
natural settings.

 A direct way of collecting primary


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• Observation is a technique for collecting all the

data and acquiring information through
occurrences that can be observed through
senses with or without mechanical devices.

• It is a two part process to collect data for study

that includes an observer and the observed.

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• It is most commonly used in qualitative research.
• It is helpful for things or behavior which cannot be
observed/ record by using other method of data collection

behavior pattern of autistic children

Sleep—wake state of patients
Nonverbal communication
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Uses of Observational Method
• To understand the ongoing process or situation.

• To gather data on individual behaviors and interaction between


• To know about a physical setting.

• Data collection where other methods are not possible.

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Types of Observation
It can be classified in 2 board categories:
A. On the basis of tools:
Structured observation
Unstructured observation
B. On the basis of researcher’s participation:
Participant’s observation method (Overt)
Non-Participant’s observation method (Covert)

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A. On the basis of tools
1. Structured observation
• The observation in which observation is
guided by the pre planned structured or
semi structured instruments.

• Here the researcher prepares a structured or

semi structured tool in advance to observe the
phenomena under study.

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1. Structured observation cont…

Structured observation is generally carried out

by using following tools:

1. Checklist
2. Rating scale
3. Category system

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2. Unstructured Observation

• When observation is to take place without

structured guideline of observation, without
any thought before observation then it is
unstructured observation.

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2. Unstructured Observation cont…

 It is used for non-specific observation of phenomenon, which is

well known by the researcher.

 The main advantage of this method is that the observer has

chance to observe the important behavior which is not planned

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2. Unstructured Observation cont…

• The major drawback of this method

is observer may go outside the tract
as there is no any structured

• It is generally used in Qualitative


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2. Unstructured Observation cont…

• Unstructured Observation is carried out by

unstructured tool and following tools are
generally used by the researcher:

1. Log and Field notes

2. Anecdotes
3. Field Dairy
4. Video Recording
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B. On the basis of researcher participation
1.Participant Observation Method
It refers to an approach whereby the
investigator becomes, to a greater or
lesser extent, an active functioning
member of the study.

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1.Participant Observation Method
(overt) cont…
• The observer makes himself a member of the
group so that he can experience what the
members of the group experience.

• People being observed are aware of the

researcher’s presence and usually know that
the purpose of the researcher’s presence is to
learn about their way of life.

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Participant Observation Method

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Participant Observation Method (overt) cont…
• It is useful when context is new or not well known and
when the topic of interest is complex.

• How ever the participant behavior may be unnatural

when they are aware about being watched by

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2.Non participant observation (covert)

• In this method, the observer stands apart and does not

participate in the phenomenon.

• The observer can observe what the respondents do in real

situation without any artificial manipulation.

• The observed people do not know that they are being observed.

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2.Non participant observation (covert) cont…

• This method calls for skill in

recording observations in an
unnoticed manner.

• However this method posses

ethical problems due to
observation of people without their

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Rejeena subedi / M.Sc Nursing 2017 20
Steps in developing observation schedule

1. Selecting: It is not possible to notice and record everything

that happens, so to carryout systematic observation, it is
essential to select certain aspects of categories of behavior
to be observed.

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Steps in developing observation schedule
2. Defining: The categories must be specified so that there is no
question in the mind of the observer as to whether the particulate
behavior is occurring or not.

3. Training observer: To minimize the biases and perceptual errors

and to increase the objectivity of the observation, training of
observer is essential. The observer needs to practice observing
until the desired skill is developed

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Steps in developing observation schedule
4. Quatifying observation: It is necessary to provide certain
measurement on behaviors during the period of observation.

5. Developing procedures to facilitate appropriate recording: It

is needed to have adequate account of, what was observed
during observation, it should be done either during observation
or as soon as the observation is completed.

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Steps in developing observation schedule
6. Testing of observation:

The information obtained regarding the study variable, must

be adequate. The adequacy can be tested through inter rater
reliability and intra rater reliability.

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Advantages of Observation method:

• Very direct method for collecting data or information, best

for the study of human behavior.

• Data collected is very accurate in nature and is also very


• Improves precision of the research results.

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Advantages of Observation method cont…
• By observation, one can identify a problem by making an
in depth analysis of the problems.

• Suitable for studying subjects who are unable to articulate

meaningfully, e.g. studies of children, mothers and patients
of various conditions.

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Disadvantages of Observation:

• Problems of the past cannot be studied by means of

• It is not suitable for studying opinions and attitudes.
• It involves a lot of time as one has to wait for an event
to happen to study that particular event.
• It require some especial instruments or tools and human
observer for effective working, which are very much

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Disadvantages of Observation cont…
• Bias of the observer is common.

• Individuals or group may change their behavior when they

know they are being observed.

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Biophysiologic Measures

• Bio physiologic method involves the

collection of bio physiologic data from
subjects by using the specialized
equipment to determine biological and
physical status of subjects.

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Biophysiologic Measures cont…

• In this, standardized measurement are

used to measure variables. For example,
scientific instruments such as
thermometer to measure temperature.

• This measurement is the important

method of data collection.

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Types of Biophysiologic Methods

• In- vivo bio physiologic methods

• In- vitro bio physiologic methods

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In- vivo bio physiologic methods

• In in-vivo bio physiologic methods,

measurements are directly performed over the
organism or study subject by using
specialized instruments or equipments.

• Performed directly to measure processes

occurring internally within living organisms
through medical or surgical instruments, E.g.
Temperature, oxygen saturation, blood
Rejeena subedi / M.Sc Nursing 2017 32
In- vitro bio physiologic methods
• Here measurement is carried out outside the
organism or study subject by using specialized
• The measurement is carried out through collection
of sample of data related to physical , biochemical,
microbiologic, pathologic and anatomic status by
using some technical instruments and sending them
to laboratory for analysis and interpretation.

• Eg., a blood sample is collected from a patient to

assess the blood electrolyte status of the patient.
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Merits of bio physiologic methods
• More accurate and errorless.

• Easy access to most of the instruments, are easily available

in hospital settings.

• The bio physiologic instruments only measure what they

are supposed to measure.

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Demerits of bio physiologic methods
• Special expertise may be necessary.

• Expensive

• The result produced by the bio physiologic measurement

instrument may be affected by the environment.

• May cause fear and anxiety among some participants.

• May have health risk.

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Selection and
development of Tools

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Tools/ Instruments in research ??

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Tools / instruments for data collection is a

device used to measure the concept of interest in
a research project.

Depending on the nature of the information to

be gathered, different instruments are used to
conduct the assessment.

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Primary consideration in selection of

• Does the instrument correspond to your conceptual

definition of the variable?

• Will the instrument yield high quality data?

 It is better to use the tool that already exist.

Primary consideration in selection of
instrument cont…
• If existing instruments are not suitable for some variables, researcher
may be faced with developing a new one.

• Creating a new instrument should be a last option, especially for

the beginner as it is challenging to develop accurate and valid
measuring tools.

• Once a suitable instrument is identified, written permission is

required to use it.
Types of method and tools of data
Interview Questioning Observation
• Interview • Questionnai • Rating • In vivo bio
schedule re Scale physiologi
• Checklist c methods
• Anecdotes • In vitro bio
• Videotape physiologi
s/Films c methods

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Types of method and tools of data
collection cont…
Others :
 Attitude scale – Likert scale, semantic differential scale
Visual analogue scale,
Vignettes, etc.

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1. Developing Interview Schedule
• Interview should be prefaced by introductory comments
about the nature and purpose of the study.

• Related construct should be clustered into separate modules

or areas of questioning.
• For example, an interview schedule may consist of module on
demographic information, another on health symptoms, third
on stressful life events and fourth on health promoting

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Developing Interview Schedule cont…
• Thoughts need to be given in sequencing the module and
questions within module, to arrive at an order that is
psychologically meaningful and encourages truthfulness.

• The schedule should begin with questions that are interesting

and, motivating and not too sensitive.

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Developing Interview Schedule cont…
• When a first draft of the instrument is in reasonably good
order, it should be reviewed by experts.

• After the feedback from the various experts, a revised version

of the instrument can be pretested to the small sample of
individuals (usually 10 to 20) who are similar to the actual

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