ECT (Electro Convulsive Therapy)

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ECT(Electro convulsive therapy)

Electro convulsive therapy is a method of treatment in which convulsion is produced by passing
small amount of electric current to the temporal region of the brain to produce a granmal type
of seizure for bringing about therapeutic effects.
• To help to treat the patient’s psychiatric disorder.
• To treat the certain mental illness (e.g, psychosis, server depression with suicidal tendency)
when the drug therapy falls.
Parameters of electrical current applied
• Voltage 70 to120 volts.
• Duration 0.3 to 0.7
Types of seizure produced
• Grandmal seizure tonic phase lasting for 10 to 15 seconds.
• Clonic phase, lasting for 30-60 seconds.
Frequency and total number of ECT
• Frequency :two to three times per week.
• ECT is usually given twice per week.
• Major depression with sucidal tendency , psychotic /delusional features.
• Severe catatonia (functional) with stupor, with poor intake of food and fluids.
• Previous effectiveness of E.C.T.
• Sever psychosis (schizophernia:catatonic and paranoid type or mania)
• Organic mood or psychotic disorder.
• ECT is safer in pregnant women.
• Unsatisfactory response to drug therapy ,or when drugs are contraindicated or have serious
side effects.
• Advanced age or medically frail patients whose risks of standared anidepressant.
• Patient prefeencce.
• Raised ICP
• Cerebral aneurysm
• Cerebral hemorrage
• Brain tumor
• Acute MI
• Congestive heart failure
• Pneumonia or asortic aneurysm
• Retinal detachment.
• Memory impairment
• Drowsiness, confusion, and restlessness, poor concentration, anxiety.
• Headache,weakness, fatigue, backache, muscleaches
• Dryness of mouth, palpitation, nausea,vomiting
• Unsteady gait
• Tongue bite and incontinence.
• Pre treatment
• Intra treatment
• Post treatment
Rest from Mental heal and the nursing Rachana sharma,page no 268

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