ACTION PLAN Jan 2022-Dec. 2022

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3 .


3. A. Details of targeted mandatory activities by KVK during Jan. 2022-Dec.2022

No. of OFTs No. of Farmers Crops Livestock
Area No. of No. of unit No. of
(ha) Farmers Farmers
09 42 Farmer & 8 45.2 ha. 145 2.0 ha. & 20 30
Animals Animal

CFLD – NFSM Project

Area (ha) No. of Farmers
20.0 50

Training Extension Activities

No. of Courses No. of No. of activities No. of participants
112 1940 362 5439

Seed Production (Qtl.) Planting material (Nos.)

Vegetables Hybrid Napier
400 20000 -

3 B Abstract of interventions to be undertaken

S. Thrust areas Crop/ Identified Title of OFT Title of FLD if any Title of training Extension Supply of seeds, Title of
No Enterprise problem if any for extension activities planting Training, if
personnel if any materials etc. any
1 Intercropping Sugarcane Intercropping Assessment - Importance of Field day Seed of Importance of
system of suitable intercropping in Moong/Urd intercropping
intercrop sugarcane + in sugarcane +
with S.cane Moong/Urd & Moong/Urd &
in spring Sugarcane as Sugarcane as
season compare to sole compare to
crop sole crop
2 Varietal Paddy -Use local To assess - Evaluation of - Seed Promotion
assessment varieties & the improved of Variety
low adoptability varieties of
production of newly paddy & seed
released production
scented rice technique of
variety for paddy
3 Varietal Wheat -Poor quality Assessment - Wheat varieties - Seed Promotion of
assessment seed & low of new high & seed prod. Variety
of Variety production yielding tech. of wheat DBW - 303
due to old wheat
varieties for
4 Varietal Tomato -Poor quality Assessment - Varieties of - Seed Promotion of
assessment seed & low of new high Tomato Variety
of Variety production yielding Pusa Hybrid
due to old variety of -2
5 INM Paddy Low yield of Assessment - Importance of Fertilizer INM
paddy due to of nutrient in micro nutrients in
imbalance paddy crop paddy crop
use of on the basis
fertilizer of soil test.
6 RESOURCE Wheat Low organic Assessment - Importance of Waste Importance of
CONSERVATION matter in of organic organic matter in decomposer organic
soil due to matter in soil soil for wheat matter in soil
burning of crop. for wheat
residue. crop.
7 Management of Mango 1.Low 1.Evaluation 1 Planning & 1 INM in
orchards. income from of layout of commerc Labour cost
orchards intercropping mango/ guava ial fruits
system of
under mango 1. Nutrient
orchard management
2.Assessmen in mango
2.Low yield t of canopy 2 Rejuvenation
due to old management of mango
age of plant techniques of orchards
old orchard
3 Fertilizer
of Mango
in Mango

8 Promotion of ICM Mustard -No - Demonstration of Crop production Field days -Seed Importance of
application HYV+ weed & technology - Sulphur sulphur &
of Sulphur Sulphur application - insecticide Weed
& - Fungicide management
No use of in mustard
9 Weed management Paddy Infestation of - Control of weed Weed Field day Weedicide - Integrated
weed in management management in weed
paddy field through paddy management
Pyrazosulfuron 10
WP@ 375 gm/ha.
10 Weed management Wheat Infestation of - Control of weed Weed Field day Weedicide - Integrated
weed in management management in weed
wheat field through wheat management
Carfantazone 50
w.p. @ 20 gm/ha.
11 IPM Paddy Brown plant - Demons. efficacy Integrated pest Field day Insecticide IPM in paddy
hopper of Buprofezin 25 management
SC @ 1lit./ha.
(Two spray)
12 Balance use of Paddy Imbalance - Use of water Importance of Field day Water Balance use of
fertilizers use of soluble fertilizers Water soluble soluble fertilizers
fertilizers in paddy fertilizer in paddy fertilizer
13 Balance use of Wheat imbalance - Use of water Balance use of Field day Water Balance use of
fertilizers use of soluble fertilizers fertilizer in wheat soluble fertilizers
fertilizer in wheat fertilizer
14 Promotion of Paddy Low yield - To demonstrate the High yielding Field day Seed High yielding
HYV (Varietal due to old increase yield variety and
Evaluation) variety of through newly seed
wheat released variety of production
basmati rice (Pusa tech. of paddy

15 Promotion of Wheat Low yield Demo. of HYV High yielding Field day Seed High yielding
HYV (Timely due to old of wheat variety and seed variety and
sown) variety of (DBW187) production tech. seed
wheat of wheat production
tech. of wheat
16 Diversification in Marigold Low yield Introduction of Fertilizer Field day Seed Fertilizer
Farming systems due to old marigold variety management in management
variety of Marigold crop. in Marigold
Marigold crop.
Nursery raising of
marigold Nursery
raising of
17 Diversification in Onion Low yield Introduction of Fertilizer Field day Seed Fertilizer
Farming systems due to old Onion variety management in management
variety of onion crop. in onion crop.
Nursery raising of Nursery
onion raising of
18 Diversification in Garden Intercropping Intercropping of Sowing Field day Seed Sowing
Farming systems Pea garden pea with techniques of techniques
sugarcane Garden pea. of Garden
19 Diversification in Potato Intercropping Intercropping of Management of Field day Seeds Nursery
Farming systems potato with crop residue raising of
sugarcane cucurbits
20 Promotion of Okra Low yield Introduction of Fertilizer Field day Seed Fertilizer
HYV (Varietal due to old Okra variety management in management
Evaluation) variety of okra crop. in okra crop.
21 Weed management S.cane Infestation of - Control of weed Weed Field day Weedicide - Integrated
weed in management management in weed
Sugarcane through Sugarcane management
Metribuzon @
1 Kg/ha.
22 Feed and Fodder Barseem Use of Local - Use of improved Fodder Field day Seed Green fodder
technology variety variety of Barseem production production
techniques techniques in
whole year
23 Feed and Fodder Oat Use of Local - Use of improved Fodder Field day Seed Green fodder
technology variety variety of Oat production production
techniques techniques in
whole year
24 Animal Nutrition Buffalo Less lactation - Use of mineral Feed and fodder FLD and Mineral Role of
Management period due to mixture management Training mixture mineral
not use of mixture for
mineral control of
mixture sterility
3.1 Technologies to be assessed and refined
A. 1 Abstract on the number of technologies to be assessed in respect of crops in
respect of OFT
Thematic Cereal Oil- Pulses Commercial Vegetable Fruits Flowe Plantation Tuber Total
areas s seeds crops s r crops crops
Varietal 2 - - - 1 - - - - 3
Seed/plant - - - - - - - - - -
Weed - - - - - - - - - -
Integrated - - - 1 - - - - - 1
Integrated 1 - - - - 1 - - - 2
Integrated - - - - - - - - - -
Mushroom - - - - - - - - - -
Drudgery - - - - - - - - - -
Farm - - - - - - - - - -
Post harvest - - - - - - - - - -
Integrated - - - - - - - - - -
Integrated - - - - - - - - - -
Resource 1 - - - - - - - - 1
Small scale - - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 4 - - 1 1 1 - - - 7
A.2 Abstract on the number of technologies refined in respect of crops:

Thematic Cereal Oil- Pulses Commercia Vegetable Fruit Flowe Kitche Tube Total
areas s seed l crops s s r n r
s garden crop
Varietal - - - - - - - - - -
Seed/plant - - - - - - - - - -
Weed - - - - - - - - - -
Integrated - - - - - - - - - -
Integrated - - - - - - - - - -
Integrated - - - - - - - - - -
Mushroom - - - - - - - - - -
Drudgery - - - - - - - - - -
Farm - - - - - - - - - -
Post harvest - - - - - - - - - -
Integrated - - - - - - - - - -
Integrated - - - - - - - - - -
Resource - - - - - - - - - -
Small scale - - - - - - - - - -
GRAND - - - - - - - - - -
A.3 Abstract on the number of technologies to be assessed in respect of livestock
Enterprises in OFT -
Thematic Cattle Poultry Shee Goat Piggery Rabbitar Fisherie Total
areas p y s
Evaluation - - - - - - - -
of Breeds
Nutrition 1 - - - - - - 1
Disease of - - - - - - - -
Value - - - - - - - -
Production 1 - - - - - - 1
Feed and - - - - - - - -
Small scale - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 2 - - - - - - 2

A.4 Abstract on the number of technologies to be refined in respect of


Thematic Cattle Poultry Shee Goat Piggery Rabbitar Fisherie Total

areas p y s
Evaluation - - - - - - - -
of Breeds
Nutrition - - - - - - - -
Disease of - - - - - - - -
Value - - - - - - - -
Production - - - - - - - -
Feed and - - - - - - - -
Small scale - - - - - - - -
TOTAL - - - - - - - -
B. Details of On Farm Trial:
Sugarcane crop (Season - Zaid 2021)
Particulars Contents
Assessment of intercropping of Moong / Urd with Spring S.
Problem diagnosed Low income due to Sole crop of S. cane
Micro farming situation Irrigated condition
Details of technology T1 : Farmers practice (Sugarcane alone)
identified for solution T2 : Sugarcane+ Moong /Urd
No. of farmers 03
Replications 03
Critical inputs Moong seed/ Urd seed @ 15 kg/ha .
Production system Paddy-Wheat- Sugarcane
Source of technology IISR, Lucknow & SVPU Agri. & Tech., Meerut
Total Cost Rs. 8000/-
i. No. of tillars (Main crop)
Observation to be ii. Cane yield (q/ha)
recorded iii. Inter crop yield (q/ha)
iv. Economics.
Name of Scientist Dr. Laxmi Kant, SMS/Assit. Prof. (Plant breeding)


Paddy crop (Season - Kharif 2022)
Particulars Contents
To assess the adoptability of newly released scented rice variety for
higher yield.
Problem diagnosed Low yield of old scented rice variety
Micro farming situation Irrigated upland condition
T1 – Sharbati (Farmers practice)
Details of technology T2 – PB- 1728
identified for solution

No. of farmers 05 (Plot size -800 m2/treatment)

Replications 05
Critical inputs Seed of variety PB-1728
Production system Rice-wheat
Source of technology IARI, New Delhi
Total Cost Rs. 1800.00
Observation to be No of tillers/m2, No. of grain/ear, 1000 grain wt., yield (q/ha)
Name of Scientist Dr. Laxmi Kant SMS/Assit. Prof. (Plant Breeding)


Wheat crop (Season - Rabi 2022-23)
Particulars Contents
Title Assessment of new high yielding wheat varieties for NWPZ.
Problem diagnosed Low yield of wheat varieties due to Karnal bunt and yellow rust.
Micro farming situation Irrigated
T1 – Farmers practice (PB-550)
Details of technology
T2 – DBW - 303
identified for solution
No. of farmers 05 (Plot size -1600 m2/treatment)
Replications 05
Critical inputs Seed of DBW 303 @ 100 kg/ha.
Production system Rice-wheat
Source of technology Pusa, New Delhi
Total Cost 6700.00
Observation to be Tiller/plant, 1000 grain wt., yield (q/ha), Cost of cultivation, BC
recorded Ratio, Acceptance
Name of Scientist Dr. Laxmi Kant, SMS/Assit. Prof. (Plant breeding)


Paddy crop (Season - Kharif - 2022)
Particulars Contents
Title Assessment of nutrient in paddy crop on the basis of soil test.
Problem diagnosed Low productivity of paddy due to imbalance use of fertilizers.
Micro farming situation Irrigated condition.
Details of technology T1 : Farmers practice (120:60:40:0) N:P:K:Fe
identified for solution T2 : Nutrient management on the basis of soil test.
No. of farmers 05
Replications 05
Critical inputs FeSo4 (Ferrous sulfate) @ 6 Kg/ha.
Production system Rice -Wheat
Source of technology SVPUA&T, Meerut
Total Cost Rs. 500/- approx.
i. Effective tillers per meter row length.
ii. 1000 grain weight (g)
Observation to be iii. No. of grain/ear.
recorded iv. No. of tillar/hill
v. C:B ratio
vi. Yield (q/ha)
Name of Scientist Dr. Ashok Singh, prog. Assit. (Soil Science)


Wheat crop (Season - Rabi 2022-23)
Particulars Contents
Title To assessment of organic matter in soil.
Problem diagnosed Low organic matter in soil due to burning of residue.
Micro farming situation Irrigated condition.
Details of technology T1 : Farmers practice (Burning of crop residue)
identified for solution T2 : Waste decomposer
No. of farmers 10
Replications 10
Critical inputs Waste decomposer
Production system Rice -Wheat
Source of technology IARI, New Delhi
Total Cost Rs. 1000/- approx.
i. Organic matter before and after
ii. Effective tillers per meter row length.
Observation to be iii. 1000 grain weight (g)
recorded iv. No. of grain/ear.
v. C:B ratio
vi. Yield (q/ha)
Name of Scientist Dr. Ashok Singh, prog. Assit. (Soil Science)


Tomato crop (Season - Rabi 2022-23)
Particulars Contents
Title Varietal evaluation of hybrid tomato
Problem diagnosed Low income from Tomato
Micro farming situation Irrigated condition.
Details of technology T1 : Farmers practice (Raja)
identified for solution T2 : Tomato Pusa Hybrid -2
No. of farmers 03
Replications 03
Critical inputs Seed
Production system Rice -Wheat
Source of technology IARI, New Delhi
Total Cost Rs. 8500/- approx.
i. Cost of cultivation

ii. Net profit (Rs/ha),

Observation to be
iii. Production q/ha.
iv. B:C ratio
v. Acceptability of technology
Name of Scientist Dr. Virendra Pal, SMS/Assit. Prof. (Horticulture)
Mango crop (Season - Kharif 2022)
Particulars Contents
Assessment of canopy management techniques of old orchard of
Problem diagnosed Low yield due to old age of plant
Micro farming situation Irrigated condition.
Details of technology T1 : Farmers practice (Zero pruning)
identified for solution T2 : Centre opening system of canopy management
No. of farmers 03
Replications 03
Fungicide (Copper Oxichloride) and Potassium 1kg, Zinc 250
Critical inputs gm, Copper 250 gm, Sulphur 250gm & Boron 250 gm per
matured plant above 40 years of age
Production system Rice -Wheat
Source of technology CISH, Lucknow
Total Cost Rs. 7500/- approx.
i. No of fruits/plant

ii. Maturity duration

iii. Yield q./ha.
iv. Cost of cultivation
Observation to be
recorded v. Net profit (Rs/ha),
vi. Production/ hac
vii. B:C ratio

viii. Feasibility of technology

Name of Scientist Dr. Virendra Pal, SMS/Assit. Prof. (Horticulture)


Buffalo (Season - Kharif 2022)
Particulars Contents
Evalution of different feed supplement to check the infertility in
milch animals.
Problem diagnosed Infertility
Micro farming situation Crop production and animal husbandry.
Details of technology T1 : Farmers practice (Use of common salt)
identified for solution T2 : Dewormer + Mineral mixture + Fertisule
No. of farmers/Animals 05/05
Duration 60days
Critical inputs Dewormer , Mineral mixture, Fertisule
Source of technology IVRI, Izatnagar , Bareilly/NDRI, Karnal
Total Cost Rs. 6000/- approx.
i. Annual calving
Observation to be ii. Milk production
iii. C:B ratio
Name of Scientist Dr. P.K. Madke, SMS/Assit. Prof. (Animal Science)


Buffalo (Season - Rabi 2022-23)
Particulars Contents
Assessment of conventional and Bye-pass protein to enhancing
milk yield.
Problem diagnosed Low milk yield and income due to conventional ration feeding
Micro farming situation Mixed farming
Details of technology T1 : Farmers practice (Conventional feed Use of choker
and cakes)
identified for solution T2 : Use of Bye-pass protein @ 3 kg/day/animal
No. of farmers/Animals 03/03
Duration 60days
Critical inputs Bye-pass animal feed
Source of technology IVRI, Izatnagar , Bareilly/NDRI, Karnal
Total Cost Rs. 12000/- approx.
i. Onset of estrous period
Observation to be ii. Milk yield
recorded iii. Concentrate saving
iv. C:B ratio
Name of Scientist Dr. P.K. Madke, SMS/Assit. Prof. (Animal Science)
3.2 Frontline Demonstrations
3.2.1 FLD on Oil seeds & Pulses under NFSM Project
A. Oil Seeds:
Crop Variety Thematic area Technology Critical input Season Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated and year ( ha) farmers identified
Mustar R.H – Integrated crop To demonstrate the - Use of HYV Rabi 20.0 50 - Yield
d 0749 / As management HYV (RH-0749), - Water soluble fertilizer 2022-23 (q/ha.)
per Sulphur application - B:C ratio
@ 5 Kg/ha.
availability (@ 25 Kg/ha.) & - Sulphur application @
Aphid management in 25 kg/ha
- Monocrotophos 36%SL
Mustard crop.
@ 15 lit/ha.
- Mencozeb75% WP @
2.0 Kg/ha.
- Budget required
Rs. 180,000/-

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field days 01 Jan/Feb.2023 40
2 Farmers training 02 Oct./Nov.2022 40
3 Media coverage 02 - -
4 Training for extension functionaries 01 Sept.2022 10
Sponsored Demonstration C-FLDs under NFSM
Sl. Crop Area (ha) No. of farmers
1 Mustard (Rabi 2021-22) 20.0 ha. 50
TOTAL 20.0 ha 50
3.2.2 FLD Other than oil seeds & Pulses
FLD No. - 1
Crop Variety Thematic area Technology Critical input Season Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated and ( ha) farmers identified
Padd Pusa-1509/ As Weed Weed Weedicide Pyrazosulfuron Kharif 6.0 15 - Grain yield
y per availability management management in 10 WP @ 375gm/ha. 2022 q/ha.

paddy through - Weed

Pyrazosulfuron Total cost : Rs. 20000/-
- Economics
10 WP @

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field days 01 September 2022 20
2 Farmers training 01 Aug.2022 20
3 Media coverage 01 - -

FLD No. - 2
Crop Variety Thematic area Technology Critical input Season Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated and year ( ha) farmers identified
Whea HD2967/ As - Weed Weed management Weedicide - Rabi 6.0 15 - Grain yield
t per availability managemen in wheat through Carfantazone 50 WP. 2022-23 q/ha.

t Carfantazone @ 20 gm/ha. - Weed

50WP. @ 20 gm/ha.
- Economics
- Total cost : Rs.

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field days 01 Feb./March 2023 20
2 Farmers training 01 Oct.2022 20
3 Media coverage 01 - -
FLD No. - 3
Crop Thematic area Technology Critical input Season Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated and year ( ha) farmers identified
Paddy - Integrated pest - Control of Brown - Buprofezin 25 SC Kharif 4.0 10 - Insect
management plant hopper Total 8.0 Lit. 2022 infestation%
through Buprofezin - Total Cost Rs. 3000/- - Yield(q/ha)
25 SC @ 1lit./ha. - Economics
(Two spray)

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field days 1 Sept. - Oct.2022 30
2 Media coverage 1 - -
3 Farmers training 1 Aug.2022 20

FLD No. – 4
Crop Variety Thematic area Technology Critical input Season Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated and ( ha) farmers identified
Padd PB - 1509 INM - Nutrient 18:18:18 N:P:K - Kharif 6.0 15 - Tillers/m2
y management through 12.5 Kg/ha. 2022 - No. of
water soluble @ Rs. 100/ kg. grains/spike
fertilizers (18:18:18) Cost – 1250/- ha. - 1000 gm
N:P:K in paddy @ Total cost – Rs. 7500/- grain weight
12.5 Kg/ha - Grain yield
- Economics

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field Day 01 September 2022 20
2 Farmers training 01 April/May 2022 20
3 Media coverage 02 - Mass

FLD No. – 5
Crop Variety Thematic area Technology Critical input Season Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated and year ( ha) farmers identified
Whea HD-2967 INM - Nutrient 18:18:18 N:P:K - Rabi 6.0 15 - Tillers/m2
t management through 12.5 Kg/ha. 2022-23 - No. of
water soluble @ Rs. 100/ kg. grains/spike
fertilizers (18:18:18) Cost – 1250/- ha. - 1000 gm
N:P:K in wheat @ Total cost – Rs. 7500/- grain weight
12.5 Kg/ha - Grain yield
- Economics

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field Day 01 Feb. 2023 20
2 Farmers training 01 Nov.2022 20
3 Media coverage 02 - Mass
FLD No. - 6
Crop Variety Thematic area Technology Critical input Season Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated and year ( ha) farmers identified
Pusa 1718/ Varietal To demonstrate the Varieties: Pusa 1718 / Kharif 4.0 10 - No. of
Paddy other high Evaluation increase yield other high yielding 2022 grains/spike
yielding variety through newly variety - 1000 grain
released variety of Total Rs. 15000/ weight (g)
basmati rice approx. - Grain yield
- Economics

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field day 01 September 2022 20
2 Media Coverage 02 -
3 Farmers training 01 April/May 2022 20
FLD No. - 7
Crop Variety Thematic area Technology Critical input Season Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated and year ( ha) farmers identified
DBW 187/ Varietal To demonstrate the Varieties DBW 187 / Rabi 4.0 10 - No. of
Whea other high Evaluation new wheat variety other high yielding 2022-23 grains/spike
t yielding variety (DBW – 187) for variety - 1000 grain
higher yield. Total Rs. 15000/ weight (g)
approx. - Grain yield
- Economics

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field day 01 February 2023 20
2 Media Coverage 02 - -
3 Farmers training 01 Jan.2023 20
FLD No. – 8
Crop Variety Thematic area Technology Critical input Season Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated and ( ha) farmers identified
S.can CO 0238 Weed Weed management in - Weedicide - Zaid 6.0 15 - Yield (q/ha.)
e management S.cane through Metribuzon 2022 - Economics
Metribuzon @ 1 Kg/ha. @ 1 Kg/ha - Diameter

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field Day 01 Feb. 2022 20
2 Farmers training 01 Nov. 2022 20
3 Media coverage 02 - Mass
FLD No. – 9
Crop Variety Thematic area Technology Critical input Seaso Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated n and ( ha) farmers identified
Marigol Pusa Varietal Introduction of marigold Seed 1.5 Kg/ha. Kharif 0.8 10 - Cost of
d Narangi evaluation variety. Rs. 6750.00 2022 cultivation
- Gross
- Net Return
- C:B Ratio
- Yield

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field Day 01 Aug. 2022 20
2 Farmers training 01 Sept. 2022 20
3 Media coverage 02 - Mass
FLD No. – 10
Crop Variety Thematic area Technology Critical input Season Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated and ( ha) farmers identified
Okra Pusa A -4 Varietal Introduction of Okra Seed 12.0 Kg/ha. Kharif 0.8 10 - Cost of
evaluation variety. Rs. 7000.00 2022 cultivation
- Gross
- Net Return
- C:B Ratio
- Yield

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field Day 01 Aug. 2022 20
2 Farmers training 01 Sept. 2022 20
3 Media coverage 02 - Mass
FLD No. – 11
Crop Variety Thematic area Technology Critical input Season Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated and ( ha) farmers identified
Onion Agrifound Varietal Introduction of Onion Seed 12.0 Kg/ha. Rabi 0.8 10 - Cost of
dark Red evaluation variety. Rs. 9600.00 2022- cultivation
23 - Gross
- Net Return
- C:B Ratio
- Yield

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field Day 01 Dec. 2022 20
2 Farmers training 01 Jan. 2023 20
3 Media coverage 02 - Mass
FLD No. – 12
Crop Variety Thematic area Technology Critical input Seaso Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated n and ( ha) farmers identified
Garde PS - 10 Varietal Intercropping of garden Seed 80 Kg/ha. Rabi 0.4 05 - Cost of
n Pea evaluation pea with sugarcane. Rs. 10000.00 2022- cultivation
23 - Gross
- Net Return
- C:B Ratio

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field Day 01 Dec. 2022 20
2 Farmers training 01 Jan. 2023 20
3 Media coverage 02 - Mass

FLD No. – 13
Crop Variety Thematic area Technology Critical input Season Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated and ( ha) farmers identified
Potato Kufri Varietal Intercropping of potato Seed 14 q/ha. Rabi 0.4 05 - Cost of
Chipsona - evaluation with sugarcane. Rs. 10000.00 2022- cultivation
1 23 - Gross
- Net Return
- C:B Ratio

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field Day 01 Dec. 2022 20
2 Farmers training 01 Jan. 2023 20
3 Media coverage 02 - Mass
FLD No. – 14
Enterpris Breed Thematic area Technology Critical input Seaso No. of No. of Parameter
e Demonstrated n and animals, farmer identified
year poultry s
. etc.
Buffalo Milch Animal Enhancement milk Mineral mixture Kharif 20 10 1. Milk
cattle/ Nutrition production in milch Albandazole 2022
2. Proper
Buffalo Management buffalo . heat period.
4. Economics
(B:C ratio)

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field Day 01 Sept. 2022 20
2 Farmers training 01 Aug. 2022 20
3 Media coverage 02 - Mass
FLD No. - 15
Crop Thematic area Technology Critical input Season Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated and year ( ha) farmers identified
Oat Feed and Fodder Use of High yield Variety : (Kent)/ As per Rabi 1.0 ha 10 1.Production
technology Variety availability 2022-23
2. Yield /ha.
Seed Req: 100 kg 3. No of cutting
Total Rs : 5000 /- approx.

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field days 1 February 2023 20
2 Media coverage 1
3 Farmers training 1 Nov. 2022 20
FLD No. - 16
Crop Thematic area Technology Critical input Season Area No. of Parameter
Demonstrated and year ( ha) farmers identified
Berseem Feed and Fodder Use of High yield Variety : (BL-42) Rabi 1.0 ha 10 1.Production
technology Variety Seed Req: 55kg 2022-23
2. Yield /ha.
Total Rs : 5000 /- approx. 3. No of cutting

Extension and Training Activities

S.No. Activity No. of activities Month No. of participation
1 Field days 1 February 2023 20
2 Media coverage 1 - -
3 Farmers Training 1 Nov. 2022 20
3.3 Training (Including the sponsored and FLD training programmes):
A) ON Campus
No. of Participants
No. of Others SC/ST
Thematic Area Grand
Courses Mal Femal Femal
Total Male Total Total
e e e
(A) Farmers & Farm Women
I Crop Production
Weed Management 01 18 - 18 02 - 02 20
Resource Conservation Technologies 04 72 72 08 08 80
Cropping Systems 01 18 - 18 02 - 02 20
Crop Diversification - - - - - - - -
Integrated Farming - - - - - - - -
Water management - - - - - - - -
Seed production - - - - - - - -
Nursery management - - - - - - - -
Integrated Nutrient Management - - - - - - - -
Integrated Crop Management 01 18 - 18 02 - 02 20
Fodder production - - - - - - - -
Production of organic inputs - - - - - - - -
II Horticulture
a) Vegetable Crops
Production of low volume and high value
- - - - - - - -
Off-season vegetables - - - - - - - -
Nursery raising 01 17 - 17 03 - 03 20
Exotic vegetables like Broccoli - - - - - - - -
Export potential vegetables - - - - - - - -
Grading and standardization - - - - - - - -
Protective cultivation (Green Houses,
- - - - - - - -
Shade Net etc.)
b) Fruits
Training and Pruning 01 17 - 17 03 - 03 20
Layout and Management of Orchards 01 17 - 17 03 - 03 20
Cultivation of Fruit - - - - - - - -
Management of young plants/orchards - - - - - - - -
Rejuvenation of old orchards 01 17 - 17 03 - 03 20
Export potential fruits - - - - - - - -
Micro irrigation systems of orchards - - - - - - - -
Plant propagation techniques - - - - - - - -
c) Ornamental Plants
Nursery Management - - - - - - - -
Management of potted plants - - - - - - - -
Export potential of ornamental plants - - - - - - - -
Propagation techniques of Ornamental
- - - - - - - -
d) Plantation crops
Production and Management technology - - - - - - - -
Processing and value addition - - - - - - - -
e) Tuber crops
Production and Management technology - - - - - - - -
Processing and value addition - - - - - - - -
f) Spices
Production and Management technology - - - - - - - -
Processing and value addition - - - - - - - -
g) Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Nursery management - - - - - - - -
Production and management technology - - - - - - - -
Post harvest technology and value
addition - - - - - - - -

III Soil Health and Fertility

Soil fertility management 01 18 - 18 02 - 02 20
Soil and Water Conservation - - - - - - - -
Integrated Nutrient Management 04 72 72 08 08 80
Production and use of organic inputs 01 18 18 02 02 20
Management of Problematic soils - - - - - - - -
Micro nutrient deficiency in crops 01 18 18 02 02 20
Nutrient Use Efficiency - - - - - - - -
Soil and Water Testing - - - - - - - -
IV Livestock Production and Management
Dairy Management 03 54 - 54 06 - 06 60
Poultry Management - - - - - - - -
Piggery Management - - - - - - - -
Rabbit Management/goat - - - - - - - -
Disease Management - - - - - - - -
Feed management 01 18 - 18 02 - 02 20
Production of quality animal products - - - - - - - -
V Home Science/Women empowerment
Household food security by kitchen
gardening and nutrition gardening - - - - - - - -

Design and development of low/minimum

cost diet - - - - - - - -

Designing and development for high

nutrient efficiency diet - - - - - - - -

Minimization of nutrient loss in processing - - - - - - - -

Gender mainstreaming through SHGs - - - - - - - -
Storage loss minimization techniques - - - - - - - -
Value addition - - - - - - - -
Income generation activities for
empowerment of rural Women - - - - - - - -

Location specific drudgery reduction

technologies - - - - - - - -

Rural Crafts - - - - - - - -
Women and child care - - - - - - - -
VI Agril. Engineering
Installation and maintenance of micro
irrigation systems - - - - - - - -

Use of Plastics in farming practices - - - - - - - -

Production of small tools and implements - - - - - - - -
Repair and maintenance of farm
machinery and implements - - - - - - - -

Small scale processing and value

addition - - - - - - - -

Post Harvest Technology - - - - - - - -

VII Plant Protection
Integrated Pest Management 02 36 36 04 04 40
Integrated Disease Management 02 36 36 04 04 40
Bio-control of pests and diseases - - - - - - - -
Production of bio control agents and bio
pesticides - - - - - - - -

VIII Fisheries
Integrated fish farming - - - - - - - -
Carp breeding and hatchery management - - - - - - - -
Carp fry and fingerling rearing - - - - - - - -
Composite fish culture - - - - - - - -
Hatchery management and culture of
freshwater prawn - - - - - - - -

Breeding and culture of ornamental fishes

- - - - - - - -
Portable plastic carp hatchery - - - - - - - -
Pen culture of fish and prawn - - - - - - - -
Shrimp farming - - - - - - - -
Edible oyster farming - - - - - - - -
Pearl culture - - - - - - - -
Fish processing and value addition - - - - - - - -
IX Production of Inputs at site
Seed Production - - - - - - - -
Planting material production - - - - - - - -
Bio-agents production - - - - - - - -
Bio-pesticides production - - - - - - - -
Bio-fertilizer production - - - - - - - -
Vermi-compost production - - - - - - - -
Organic manures production - - - - - - - -
Production of fry and fingerlings - - - - - - - -
Production of Bee-colonies and wax
sheets - - - - - - - -
Small tools and implements - - - - - - - -
Production of livestock feed and fodder - - - - - - - -
Production of Fish feed - - - - - - - -
X Capacity Building and Group
Leadership development - - - - - - - -
Group dynamics - - - - - - - -
Formation and Management of SHGs - - - - - - - -
Mobilization of social capital - - - - - - - -
Entrepreneurial development of
farmers/youths - - - - - - - -

WTO and IPR issues - - - - - - - -

XI Agro-forestry
Production technologies - - - - - - - -
Nursery management - - - - - - - -
Integrated Farming Systems - - - - - - - -
XII Others (Pl. Specify)
Crop improvement
Varietal description and production
technology of field crop 05 90 90 10 10 100

Varietal description and production

technology of oilseeds and pulses crop - - - - - - - -

TOTAL 31 554 0 554 66 0 66 620

Mushroom Production
Integrated farming
Seed production
Production of organic inputs
Integrated Farming (Medicinal)
Planting material production
Protected cultivation of vegetable crops
Commercial fruit production
Repair and maintenance of farm
Nursery Management of Horticulture
Training and pruning of orchards
Value addition
Production of quality animal products
Sheep and goat rearing
Quail farming
Rabbit farming
Poultry production
Ornamental fisheries
Para vets
Para extension workers
Composite fish culture
Freshwater prawn culture
Shrimp farming
Pearl culture
Cold water fisheries
Fish harvest and processing technology
Fry and fingerling rearing
Small scale processing
Post Harvest Technology
Tailoring and Stitching
Rural Crafts
(C) Extension Personnel
Productivity enhancement in field crops
Integrated Pest Management
Integrated Nutrient management
Rejuvenation of old orchards
Protected cultivation technology
Formation and Management of SHGs
Group Dynamics and farmers
Information networking among farmers
Capacity building for ICT application
Care and maintenance of farm machinery
and implements
WTO and IPR issues
Management in farm animals
Livestock feed and fodder production
Household food security
Women and Child care
Low cost and nutrient efficient diet
Production and use of organic inputs
Gender mainstreaming through SHGs
Any other (Pl. Specify)
G. Total 31 554 0 554 66 0 66 620

B) OFF Campus
No. of Participants
No. of Grand
Thematic Area Others SC/ST
Courses Total
Male Female Total Male Female Total
(A) Farmers & Farm Women
I Crop Production
Weed Management 01 18 - 18 02 - 02 20
Resource Conservation
Technologies 04 72 72 08 08 80
Cropping Systems 01 18 - 18 02 - 02 20
Crop Diversification - - - - - - - -
Integrated Farming - - - - - - - -
Water management - - - - - - - -
Seed production - - - - - - - -
Nursery management - - - - - - - -
Integrated Nutrient Management - - - - - - - -
Integrated Crop Management 01 18 - 18 02 - 02 20
Fodder production - - - - - - - -
Production of organic inputs - - - - - - - -
II Horticulture
a) Vegetable Crops
Production of low volume and high
02 34 - 34 06 - 06 40
value crops
Off-season vegetables 01 17 - 17 03 - 03 20
Nursery raising 02 34 - 34 06 - 06 40
Exotic vegetables like Broccoli - - - - - - - -
Export potential vegetables - - - - - - - -
Grading and standardization - - - - - - - -
Protective cultivation (Green
- - - - - - - -
Houses, Shade Net etc.)
b) Fruits
Training and Pruning - - - - - - - -
Layout and Management of
- - - - - - - -
Cultivation of Fruit - - - - - - - -
Management of young
02 34 - 34 06 - 06 40
Rejuvenation of old orchards 01 17 - 17 03 - 03 20
Export potential fruits - - - - - - - -
Micro irrigation systems of orchards - - - - - - - -
Plant propagation techniques - - - - - - - -
c) Ornamental Plants
Nursery Management 01 17 - 17 03 - 03 20
Management of potted plants - - - - - - - -
Export potential of ornamental
- - - - - - - -
Propagation techniques of
02 32 - 32 08 - 08 40
Ornamental Plants
d) Plantation crops
Production and Management
- - - - - - - -
Processing and value addition - - - - - - - -
e) Tuber crops
Production and Management
technology 01 17 - 17 03 - 03 20

Processing and value addition - - - - - - - -

f) Spices
Production and Management
technology 02 34 - 34 06 - 06 40

Processing and value addition - - - - - - - -

g) Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Nursery management - - - - - - - -
Production and management
technology - - - - - - - -

Post harvest technology and value

addition - - - - - - - -

III Soil Health and Fertility

Soil fertility management 01 18 - 18 02 - 02 20
Soil and Water Conservation
Integrated Nutrient Management 04 72 08 08 08 80
Production and use of organic
inputs 01 18 18 02 02 20

Balance use of fertilizers

Micro nutrient deficiency in crops 01 18 18 02 02 20
Nutrient Use Efficiency - - - - - - - -
Soil and Water Testing - - - - - - - -
IV Livestock Production and Management
Dairy Management 03 54 - 54 06 - 06 60
Poultry Management
Piggery Management
Rabbit Management /goat
Disease Management 03 54 - 54 06 - 06 60
Feed management 04 72 - 72 08 - 08 80
Production of quality animal
V Home Science/Women empowerment
Household food security by kitchen
gardening and nutrition gardening
Design and development of
low/minimum cost diet
Designing and development for high
nutrient efficiency diet
Minimization of nutrient loss in
Gender mainstreaming through
Storage loss minimization
Value addition
Income generation activities for
empowerment of rural Women
Location specific drudgery reduction
Rural Crafts
Women and child care
VI Agril. Engineering
Installation and maintenance of
micro irrigation systems
Use of Plastics in farming practices
Production of small tools and
Repair and maintenance of farm
machinery and implements
Small scale processing and value
Post Harvest Technology
VII Plant Protection
Integrated Pest Management 02 36 36 04 04 40
Integrated Disease Management 02 36 36 04 04 40
Bio-control of pests and diseases - - - - - - - -
Production of bio control agents
and bio pesticides - - - - - - - -

VIII Fisheries
Integrated fish farming
Carp breeding and hatchery
Carp fry and fingerling rearing
Composite fish culture
Hatchery management and culture
of freshwater prawn
Breeding and culture of ornamental
Portable plastic carp hatchery
Pen culture of fish and prawn
Shrimp farming
Edible oyster farming
Pearl culture
Fish processing and value addition
IX Production of Inputs at site
Seed Production
Planting material production (Horti.)
Bio-agents production
Bio-pesticides production
Bio-fertilizer production
Vermi-compost production (Horti.)
Organic manures production (A.S.)
Production of fry and fingerlings
Production of Bee-colonies and wax
Small tools and implements
Production of livestock feed and
Production of Fish feed
X Capacity Building and Group
Leadership development
Group dynamics
Formation and Management of
Mobilization of social capital
Entrepreneurial development of
farmers/youths (Agro.)
WTO and IPR issues
XI Agro-forestry
Production technologies
Nursery management
Integrated Farming Systems (Agro)
XII Others (Pl. Specify)
Crop Improvement
Varietal description and production
06 108 - 108 12 - 12 120
technology of field crop
Varietal description and production
technology of oilseeds and pulses 01 18 - 18 02 - 02 20
Varietal description and production
02 36 - 36 04 - 04 40
technology of cash crop
TOTAL 51 904 - 904 116 - 116 1020
Mushroom Production
Integrated farming
Seed production 03 24 - 24 06 - 06 30
Production of organic inputs 01 08 - 08 02 - 02 10
Integrated Farming (Medicinal)
Planting material production
Vermi-culture 02 16 - 16 04 - 04 20
Protected cultivation of vegetable
Commercial fruit production
Repair and maintenance of farm
machinery and implements
Nursery Management of
Horticulture crops 02 16 - 16 04 - 04 20
Training and pruning of orchards
Value addition
Production of quality animal
Sheep and goat rearing 01 08 - 08 02 - 02 10
Quail farming
Rabbit farming
Poultry production 01 08 - 08 02 - 02 10
Ornamental fisheries
Para vets
Para extension workers
Composite fish culture
Freshwater prawn culture
Shrimp farming
Pearl culture
Cold water fisheries
Fish harvest and processing
Fry and fingerling rearing
Small scale processing
Post Harvest Technology
Tailoring and Stitching
Rural Crafts
TOTAL 10 80 - 80 20 - 20 100
(C) Extension Personnel
Productivity enhancement in field
crops 03 24 - 24 06 06 30

Integrated Pest Management 01 08 - 08 02 02 10

Integrated Nutrient management 06 48 - 48 12 - 12 60
Rejuvenation of old orchards 01 08 - 08 02 - 02 10
Protected cultivation technology 01 08 - 08 02 02 10
Formation and Management of
Group Dynamics and farmers
Information networking among
Capacity building for ICT application
Care and maintenance of farm
machinery and implements
WTO and IPR issues
Management in farm animals 03 24 - 24 06 - 06 30
Livestock feed and fodder
02 16 - 16 04 - 04 20
Household food security
Women and Child care
Low cost and nutrient efficient diet
Production and use of organic
Gender mainstreaming through
Any other (Pl. Specify) ICM 01 08 - 08 02 - 02 10
Crop Improvement (Extension
Varietal description and production
02 16 - 16 04 - 04 20
technology of field crop
Varietal description and production
technology of oilseeds and pulses
Varietal description and production
technology of cash crop
Nursery Management
TOTAL 20 160 - 160 40 - 40 200
G. Total 81 1144 - 1144 176 - 176 1320
C) Consolidated table (ON and OFF Campus)
No. of Participants
No. of Others SC/ST
Thematic Area Grand
Courses Mal Femal Femal
Total Male Total Total
e e e
(A) Farmers & Farm Women
I Crop Production
Weed Management 02 36 - 36 04 - 04 40
Resource Conservation Technologies 08 144 - 144 16 - 16 160
Cropping Systems 02 36 - 36 04 - 04 40
Crop Diversification - - - - - - - -
Integrated Farming - - - - - - - -
Water management - - - - - - - -
Seed production - - - - - - - -
Nursery management - - - - - - - -
Integrated Nutrient Management - - - - - - - -
Integrated Crop Management 02 36 - 36 04 - 04 40
Fodder production - - - - - - - -
Production of organic inputs - - - - - - - -
II Horticulture
a) Vegetable Crops
Production of low volume and high value
02 34 - 34 06 - 06 40
Off-season vegetables 02 34 - 34 06 - 06 40
Nursery raising 02 34 - 34 06 - 06 40
Exotic vegetables like Broccoli - - - - - - - -
Export potential vegetables - - - - - - - -
Grading and standardization - - - - - - - -
Protective cultivation (Green Houses,
- - - - - - - -
Shade Net etc.)
b) Fruits
Training and Pruning 01 17 - 17 03 - 03 20
Layout and Management of Orchards 03 51 - 51 09 - 09 60
Cultivation of Fruit - - - - - - - -
Management of young plants/orchards - - - - - - - -
Rejuvenation of old orchards 02 34 - 34 06 - 06 40
Export potential fruits - - - - - - - -
Micro irrigation systems of orchards - - - - - - - -
Plant propagation techniques - - - - - - - -
c) Ornamental Plants
Nursery Management 01 17 - 17 03 - 03 20
Management of potted plants - - - - - - - -
Export potential of ornamental plants - - - - - - - -
Propagation techniques of Ornamental
02 32 - 32 08 - 08 40
d) Plantation crops
Production and Management technology - - - - - - - -
Processing and value addition - - - - - - - -
e) Tuber crops
Production and Management technology 01 17 - 17 03 - 03 20
Processing and value addition - - - - - - - -
f) Spices
Production and Management technology 02 34 - 34 06 - 06 40
Processing and value addition - - - - - - - -
g) Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Nursery management - - - - - - - -
Production and management technology - - - - - - - -
Post harvest technology and value
addition - - - - - - - -

III Soil Health and Fertility Management

Soil fertility management 02 36 - 36 04 - 04 40
Soil and Water Conservation - - - - - - - -
Integrated Nutrient Management 08 144 - 144 16 - 16 160
Production and use of organic inputs 02 36 - 36 04 - 04 40
Balance use of fertilizers - - - - - - - -
Micro nutrient deficiency in crops 02 36 - 36 04 - 04 40
Nutrient Use Efficiency - - - - - - - -
Soil and Water Testing - - - - - - - -
IV Livestock Production and Management
Dairy Management 06 108 - 108 12 - 12 120
Poultry Management - - - - - - - -
Piggery Management - - - - - - - -
Rabbit Management/goat - - - - - - - -
Disease Management 03 54 - 54 06 - 06 60
Feed management 05 90 - 90 10 - 10 100
Production of quality animal products - - - - - - - -
V Home Science/Women empowerment
Household food security by kitchen
gardening and nutrition gardening
Design and development of low/minimum
cost diet
Designing and development for high
nutrient efficiency diet
Minimization of nutrient loss in processing
Gender mainstreaming through SHGs
Storage loss minimization techniques
Value addition
Income generation activities for
empowerment of rural Women
Location specific drudgery reduction
Rural Crafts
Women and child care

VI Agril. Engineering
Installation and maintenance of micro
irrigation systems
Use of Plastics in farming practices
Production of small tools and implements
Repair and maintenance of farm
machinery and implements
Small scale processing and value addition
Post Harvest Technology
VII Plant Protection
Integrated Pest Management 04 72 72 08 08 80
Integrated Disease Management 04 72 72 08 08 80
Bio-control of pests and diseases
Production of bio control agents and bio
VIII Fisheries
Integrated fish farming
Carp breeding and hatchery management
Carp fry and fingerling rearing
Composite fish culture
Hatchery management and culture of
freshwater prawn
Breeding and culture of ornamental fishes

Portable plastic carp hatchery

Pen culture of fish and prawn
Shrimp farming
Edible oyster farming
Pearl culture
Fish processing and value addition
IX Production of Inputs at site
Seed Production
Planting material production
Bio-agents production
Bio-pesticides production
Bio-fertilizer production
Vermi-compost production
Organic manures production
Production of fry and fingerlings
Production of Bee-colonies and wax
Production of livestock feed and fodder
Production of Fish feed
X Capacity Building and Group
Leadership development
Group dynamics
Formation and Management of SHGs
Mobilization of social capital
Entrepreneurial development of
WTO and IPR issues
XI Agro-forestry
Production technologies
Nursery management
Integrated Farming Systems
XII Others (Pl. Specify)
Crop Improvement
Varietal description and production
11 198 - 198 22 - 22 220
technology of field crop
Varietal description and production
01 18 - 18 02 - 02 20
technology of oilseeds and pulses crop
Varietal description and production
02 36 - 36 04 - 04 40
technology of cash crop
TOTAL 82 1458 0 1458 182 0 182 1640
Mushroom Production
Integrated farming
Seed production 03 24 - 24 06 - 06 30
Production of organic inputs 01 08 - 08 02 - 02 10
Integrated Farming (Medicinal)
Planting material production
Vermi-culture 02 16 - 16 04 - 04 20
Protected cultivation of vegetable crops
Commercial fruit production
Repair and maintenance of farm
machinery and implements
Nursery Management of Horticulture crops 02 16 - 16 04 - 04 20
Training and pruning of orchards
Value addition
Production of quality animal products
Sheep and goat rearing 01 08 - 08 02 - 02 10
Quail farming
Rabbit farming
Poultry production 01 08 - 08 02 - 02 10
Ornamental fisheries
Para vets
Para extension workers
Composite fish culture
Freshwater prawn culture
Shrimp farming
Pearl culture
Cold water fisheries
Fish harvest and processing technology
Fry and fingerling rearing
Small scale processing
Post Harvest Technology
Tailoring and Stitching
Rural Crafts
TOTAL 10 80 - 80 20 - 20 100
(C) Extension Personnel
Productivity enhancement in field crops 03 24 - 24 06 - 06 30
Integrated Pest Management 01 08 - 08 02 - 02 10
Integrated Nutrient management 06 48 - 48 12 - 12 60
Rejuvenation of old orchards 01 08 - 08 02 - 02 10
Protected cultivation technology 01 08 - 08 02 - 02 10
Formation and Management of SHGs
Group Dynamics and farmers organization
Information networking among farmers
Capacity building for ICT application
Care and maintenance of farm machinery
and implements
WTO and IPR issues
Management in farm animals 03 24 - 24 06 - 06 30
Livestock feed and fodder production 02 16 - 16 04 - 04 20
Household food security
Women and Child care
Low cost and nutrient efficient diet
Production and use of organic inputs
Gender mainstreaming through SHGs

Any other (Pl. Specify) ICM 01 08 - 08 02 - 02 10

Crop Improvement (Extension
Varietal description and production
02 16 - 16 04 - 04 20
technology of field crop
Varietal description and production
technology of oilseeds and pulses crop
Varietal description and production
technology of cash crop
Nursery Management
TOTAL 20 160 - 160 40 - 40 200
G. Total 112 1698 - 1698 242 - 242 1940

Details of training programmers attached in Annexure - 1

Practicing Farmer Rural Youths
Subject On Campus Off Campus On Campus/
Off Campus
Crop Production 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 - - 1 -
Plant Breeding 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 - 1 1 1
Plant protection 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - - -
Soil Science 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 - - 2 -
Horticulture - 2 2 - 2 4 5 3 - - 1 1
Live Stock Prod. 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 - 1 - 1
Total 7 9 8 7 11 1 1 13 - 2 5 3
2 5
Grand Total 31 51 10
Sponsored Extension Functionaries
Crop Production 1 - - -
As per H.Q.’s direction
Plant Breeding -do- 1 1 1 1
Soil Science -do- 2 1 1 1
Plant Protection -do- - - 1 -
Horticulture -do- 1 1 1 1
LPM -do- 1 1 2 1
TOTAL - 6 4 6 4
Grand Total 20
3.4 Extension Activities (including activities of FLD programmes

Nature of No. of Farmers Extension Officials Total

Extension Activity activities Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Field Day 05 125 20 145 - - - 125 20 145
Kisan Mela 01 400 50 450 15 02 17 415 52 467
Kisan Ghosthi 01 400 50 450 15 02 17 415 52 467
Exhibition 01 400 50 450 15 02 17 415 52 467
Film Show - - - - - - - - -
Farmers Seminar
Group meetings 01 40 - 40 05 - 05 45 - 45
Lectures delivered 10 200 20 220 100 - 100 300 20 320
as resource
Newspaper 50 - - - - - - - - Mass
Radio talks 05 - - - - - - - - Mass
TV talks 02 - - - - - - - - Mass
Popular articles 02 - - - - - - - - Mass
Extension 05 - - - - - - - - Mass
Advisory Services
Scientific visit to 50 250 - 250 50 - 50 300 - 300
farmers field
Farmers visit to 200 800 25 825 75 - 75 875 25 900
Diagnostic visits 10 250 50 300 - - - 250 50 300
Exposure visits 02 100 - 100 - - - 100 - 100
Ex-trainees 01 50 - 50 03 - 03 53 - 53
Soil health Camp 03 300 100 400 - - - 300 100 400
Animal Health 01 100 - 100 - - - 100 - 100
Agri mobile clinic
Soil test campaigns 02 300 20 320 25 - 25 325 20 345
Farm Science Club
Conveners meet
Self Help Group 01 10 10 20 - - - 10 10 20
Mahila Mandals
Celebration of 03 150 30 180 05 - 05 155 30 185
important days
Krishi Mohostva
Krishi Rath
Pre Kharif 01 100 25 125 - - - 100 25 125
Pre Rabi workshop 01 100 25 125 - - - 100 25 125
PPVFRA workshop
PMFBY Sammelan 02 200 25 225 05 - 05 205 25 230
Soil Health card 02 300 20 320 25 - 25 325 20 345
Any Other (Specify)
Total 362 4575 520 5095 338 06 344 4913 526 5439
3.5 Target for Production and supply of Technological products Jan. 2022 to Dec. 2022
Sl. No. Crop Variety
Wheat WB-2 200 q
OILSEEDS Mustard RH -0749/ Available variety 100q

OTHERS Dhencha Local Green
(Specify) Manauring

Sl. No. Crop Variety Quantity (Nos.)
FRUITS Papaya Pusa Nanha, Taiwan 1000


Tomato Swarna Deepti & 2000
Swarna Anmol
Onion Bheema Red & Bheema 7000
Dark Red
Marigold Pusa Mosmi, Pusa 10000
Total 20000.00
Sl. No. Product Name Species Quantity
No (kg)

Sl. No. Type Breed Quantity
(Nos) Unit

Pig farming

3.6. Literature to be Developed/Published

(A) KVK News Letter (Date of start, Periodicity, number of copies to be published etc.)- Yet to be

(B) Literature to be developed /published

Item No. of copies

Research paper each scientist 02
Technical reports 35
New letters 15
Technical manual all discipline 05
Poplar articles 20
Extension literature 25
Other (specify)
Total 110

(C) Details of Electronic Media to be Produced

S. No. Type of media (CD / VCD / DVD / Title of the programme Number
1 CD/Audio-Cassette Vermi-Compost/Pressmud composting 01
2 CD/Audio-Cassette Balance Nutrient-management in Rabi 01

3.7. Success stories/Case studies identified for development as a case. 02

a. Brief introduction
b. Intervention
c. Output
d. Outcomes
e. Impact
i) Social economics
ii) Bio-Physical
f. Good Action Photographs

3.8 Indicate the specific training need analysis tools/methodology followed for
Practicing Farmers
a) PRA
b) Group discussion
c) Interviews.
Rural Youth
a) PRA
b) Group discussion

In-service personnel
a) Departmental Meetings
b) Group discussions.

3.9 Indicate the methodology for identifying OFTs/FLDs

For OFT :
i) PRA
ii) Problem identified from Matrix
iii) Field level observations
iv) Farmer group discussions

For FLD : Nutrient management in Sugarcane, Paddy & Wheat, Control of blast disease in
paddy & Weed management in paddy/wheat.
i) New variety/technology
ii) Poor yield at farmers level
iii) Existing cropping system

3.10 Field activities

i. Name of villages identified/adopted with block name (from which year) -
S.No Name of scientist Village Name Block
1 Dr. Ashok Singh Atoota Simmbhawali
2 Dr. P.K. Madke Kaniya Simmbhawali
3 Dr. Laxmikant Upeda Hapur

ii. No. of farm families selected per village : 10

iii. No. of survey/PRA conducted : 01
iv. No. of technologies taken to the adopted villages 02
v. Name of the technologies found suitable by the farmers of the adopted villages:
vi. Impact (production, income, employment, area/technological– horizontal/vertical)
vii. Constraints if any in the continued application of these improved technologies

3.11. Activities of Soil and Water Testing Laboratory- NA

Status of establishment of Lab:

3. Targets of samples for analysis:

Details No. of Samples No. of Farmers No. of Villages Amount to be realized
Soil Samples

4.1 Functional linkage with different organizations

Name of organization Nature of linkage

Diagnostic survey, Participation in Kisan Mela, Kisan
Deptt. of Agriculture
Gosthi, Advisory service, Training and field day.
Diagnostic survey, Participation in Kisan Mela, Kisan
Deptt. Of Horticulture
Gosthi, Advisory service, Training and field day.
Participation in Animal Health camp and Pashu Palak
Deptt. Of Animal Husbandry
Gosthi, advisiory services.
Deptt. of soil conservation Participation in training programme & advisory services.
IFFCO/KRIBHCO Participation in training programme
NSC Seed production programme
NGO’s Participation in training programme
Participation in Farmer’s fair, training prog., technology &
SVPUA&T, Meerut
Financial support and technology (Newly released
varieties and crop management)
Technology (Newly released varieties and crop
4.2 Details of linkage with ATMA
a) Is ATMA implemented in your district Yes
Sl. No. Programme Nature of linkage
1. Kisan Gosthi Participation as resource person
2. Field Day Participation as resource person
3. Kisan Mela Participation as resource person
4 FLD Participation as resource person
5 Validation trials Participation as resource person
6 Farmers training Participation as resource person
7 Exposure Visit Participation as resource person

4.3 Give details of programmes under National Horticultural Mission

S. No. Programme Nature of linkage

4.4 Nature of linkage with National Fisheries Development Board

S. No. Programme Nature of linkage
5.0 Utilization of hostel facilities
S. No. Programme No. of days
6.0 Convergence with departments :

7.1. Details of the programmes being implemented by your KVK in partnership with other
Name of Programme Main Institution (IARI, DBT, Budget
S. No. Duration
DST, UPCAR, etc.) (in lakh)
1 F.T.T. UP Govt. 6 days 0.40

7.2. Brief achievements of above collaborative programmes

S. No. Name of Programme Salient achievement Impact of the programme

8.0 Feedback of the farmers about the technologies demonstrated and assessed :
Feedback of the farmers will be taken.

9. 0 Feedback from the KVK Scientists (Subject wise) to the research institutions/universities :
Feedback from the KVK Scientists will sent to the University.
Annexure - 1
Details of Training Programme
(i) ON Campus training for Practicing Farmers and farm Women

Subject Title Date Clientele Duration Venue No. of Participants Number of SC/ST
in days M F Total M F Total
Ist Quarter
Crop i. Intercropping Urd / moong in spring sugarcane. 10 March 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
ii. Conserve and decompose the crop residual for in 25 March 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
riching in organic carban in soil.
LPM i. Care and management of calf during winter season 11 Jan. 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
Soil i. Use of water soluble fertilizers in wheat. 8 Jan. 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
science ii. Importance of micro-nutrient management 10 Feb. 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
in S.cane.
Plant i. Integrated disease management in sugarcane 19 March PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
Protection 2022
Plant i. Roughing technique in wheat seed production 20 Jan. 2022 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2

Subject Title Date Clientel Duration Venue No. of Participants Number of SC/ST
e in days off/on M F Total M F Total
IInd Quarter
Crop i. Inter cropping of urdbean in S.cane ratoon. 06 April PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
ii. Production technique of direct seeded rice. 21 May 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2

Livestock i. Urea treatment of poor quality roughages like wheat 13April 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2

straw and paddy straw.
Soil i. Soil sampling techniques and its importance. 15 May 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
ii. Use of bio-fertilizer in paddy nursery.
10 June 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
Plant i. Integrated insect & disease management in 18 April PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
protection Cucurbits crop.
Plant i. Seed production of Urd & Moong bean 16 April PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
breeding 2022

Horticultur i. Method of sowing of watermelon. 10 May PF 1 On 17 - 17 3 - 3

e 2022

ii. Planning & layout of mango/ guava orchard 20 June PF 1 On 17 - 17 3 - 3

Subject Title Date Clientel Duration Venue No. of Participants Number of SC/ST
e in days M F Total M F Total
IIIrd Quarter
Crop i. Weed management in paddy 25 July 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
Livestock i. Importance of Mineral mixture in dairy animal . 17 July 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
Soil i. Importance of water soluble fertilizer in paddy. 15 Sept. 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
ii. Importance of sulphur in oilseed crop production.
25Sept. 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
Plant i. Integrated insect management in Urd 16 Aug. 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
Plant i Seed production of scented rice. 15 July 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
Horticultur i. Nutrient management in mango 17 Aug. PF 1 On 17 - 17 3 - 3
e 2022

ii. Nursery raising of cauliflower 17 Sept. PF 1 On 17 - 17 3 - 3

Subject Title Date Clientel Duration Venue No. of Participants Number of SC/ST
e in days M F Total M F Total
IVth Quarter

Crop i. Conserve and decompose the crop 10 Oct. 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2

residual for in riching in organic carban in soil.
ii. Improved varieties of wheat under timely 05 Nov. 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
sown condition and their production techniques
LPM i. Balance feeding of cattle and buffaloes. 6 Oct. 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2

Soil i. Crop residue management. 21 Oct. 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2

Plant i. Integrated insect & disease management in m 16 Nov. 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
Protection rabi pulses.
Plant i. Seed Production of Toria / Mustard 06 Oct. 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
Breeding ii. Identification of high yielding & disease 15 Oct. 22 PF 1 On 18 - 18 2 - 2
resistant variety of sugarcane.

(ii) OFF Campus training for Practicing Farmers and Farm Women
Subject Title Date Clientele Duration in Venue No. of Participants Number of SC/ST
days off/on M F Total M F Total
Ist Quarter

Crop Ratoon management of sugarcane crop 28 Jan. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2

Production tech. of inter crop in spring sugar cane 03 Feb 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
LPM Symptoms, prevention and control of FMD disease 07 Feb. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Mastitis diseases in milch animals its causes and 15 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Soil i. Importance of micronutrients in sugarcane. 11Jan.2022 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Science 20 Feb. PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
ii. Soil sampling techniques and its importance
Plant Technique and importance of Seed treatment in 12 Feb. PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
zaid crops
Protection 2022
Plant i. Technology of quality wheat seed production. 12 Feb. PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Breeding 2022
ii. Technique of roughing in wheat seed production
17 March PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Horticultur i. Weed management in Onion crop 16 Jan. PF 1 Off 17 - 17 3 - 3
e 2022

ii. Sowing /transplanting of cucurbitaceous crops 19 Jan. PF 1 Off 17 - 17 3 - 3


Subject Title Date Clientel Duration Venue No. of Participants Number of SC/ST
e in days M F Total M F Total
off/ on
IInd Quarter
Crop i. Production technology of late planted sugarcane. 10 April PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
LPM Green fodder production throughout the year 12 May 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Management of milking animal during summer 20 June 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Balance ration for milch animals and heifers 29 June 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2

Soil i. Role of INM in S.cane. 15 April 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2

Plant i. Integrated insect management in sugarcane 25 May 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Plant i. Seed production of Moong bean. 08 May 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
ii. Seed production of basmati rice. 23 May 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2

Horticultur i. Cultivation of Bhindi on ridges. 15 April PF 1 Off 17 - 17 3 - 3

e 2022

i. Preparation of nursery for early Cauliflower. 16 May PF 1 Off 17 - 17 3 - 3


i. Sowing technique of summer Radish. 19 June PF 1 Off 17 - 17 3 - 3


i. Sowing techniques of Banana. 22 June PF 1 Off 17 - 17 3 - 3


Subject Title Date Clientele Duration Venue No. of Participants Number of SC/ST
in days off/on M F Total M F Total
IIIrd Quarter
Crop i. Production technology of intercropping in 20 Sept. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Production autumn Sugarcane
Role of Sulphur & thinning practice in mustard 28 Sept. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Horticultur i. Fertilizer management in Marigold crop. 16 July 22 PF 1 Off 17 - 17 3 - 3
i. Preparation of nursery in Tomato crop 13 Aug 22 PF 1 Off 17 - 17 3 - 3

i. Fertilizer management in Mango orchard 25 Aug. 22 PF 1 Off 17 - 17 3 - 3

i. Nursery raising of Marigold 19 Sept. 22 PF 1 Off 17 - 17 3 - 3

i. Sowing techniques in Gladiolus flower crop 25 Sept. 22 PF 1 Off 17 - 17 3 - 3

LPM Effect of deworming in farm animals 14 July 2022 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2

Infertility management in dairy animal. 11 Aug. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2

Feeding management in dairy animal. 13 Sept. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2

Soil i. Technique of vermin and Nadep compost 17July 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2

Science production Use of sulphur in pulse crops.
ii.Water management through mulching 02 Aug. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Plant i. Management of termite in kharif crops 20 July 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Plant i. Seed production of scented rice. 28 July 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
ii. Identification of off-type plant & their roughing
06 Aug. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
technique in basmati rice.

Subject Title Date Clientele Duration Venue No. of Participants Number of SC/ST
in days off/on M F Total M F Total
IVth Quarter
Crop Production technology of timely sown wheat 25 Oct. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Weed management in wheat 4 Dec. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Horticultur i. Sowing techniques of Garden pea. 15 Oct 22 PF 1 Off 17 - 17 3 - 3
i. Garlic plantation on ridges 17 Nov.22 PF 1 Off 17 - 17 3 - 3

i. Rejuvenation of mango orchards 18 Dec. 22 PF 1 Off 17 - 17 3 - 3

LPM Care and feed of newly born calves. 08 Nov. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2

Care of milch animals and calves in winter season. 12 Dec. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Soil Science i. Importance of water soluble fertilizers in rabi 29 Oct. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
crops .
16 Nov. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
ii.Water saving techniques Importance of soil testing.
Plant i. Management of early and late blight disease in 18 Dec. PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Protection potato 2022
Plant i. Identification of high yielding sugarcane variety. 07 Oct. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
Breeding ii. Seed production of mustard. 16 Oct. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
iii. Importance of isolation distance in wheat 06 Nov. 22 PF 1 Off 18 - 18 2 - 2
seed production.

ON Campus/ OFF Campus : Vocational training programme for Rural Youth (ON/OFF Campus)
Subject Title Date Thrust Area Clientele Duration Venue No. of Participants Number of SC/ST
in days M F Total M F Total

IInd Quarter
LPM Dairy Farming. June 22 Promotion of Dairy farming RY 5 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
Plant breeding Cucurbits veg. seed June 22 Promoting seed production RY 5 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
production technique
IIIrd Quarter
Crop Mushroom Prod. Sept. 22 Technique of compost RY 5 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
production production for Mushroom.
Soil Science Nadep & Vermi July 22 promotion of organic manure RY 5 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
compost production
Production Aug 22 Organic manaure RY 5 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
technique of BGA
and Azola.
Horticulture Nursery mang. of July 22 Nursery management RY 5 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
cucumber and
capsicum cultivation
and tomato under
Plant Breeding Basmati rice seed 24-29 Seed Production RY 5 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
production Aug. 22
IVth Quarter
Plant Breeding Technique of quality Seed Production RY 5 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
wheat seed
Nov. 2022
Horticulture Rose & Gerbera Protected Cultivation RY 5 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
production under Nov. 22
poly houses
LPM Poultry production Dec. 22 Techniques of Poultry RY 5 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
(iii) Training Programme for Extension Functionaries
Subject Title Date Clientele Duration Venue No. of Participants Number of SC/ST
in days M F Total M F Total

Ist Quarter
Crop Production technology of intercrop in spring 23 Feb. EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
Production sugarcane 22
Horticulture Intercropping vegetable with spring sugarcane 6 Feb. EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
LPM Feeding management of Goat. 15 EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
Soil Science Importance of Nadap and vermin-compost for 21 Jan EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
soil health. . 2022
Use of fertilizers on the bases of soil test. 22Feb. EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
Plant Breeding Radish seed production technique. 10 Jan. EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2

Subject Title Date Clientele Duration Venue No. of Participants Number of SC/ST
in days M F Total M F Total
IInd Quarter
LPM Management of milking animal during summer 19 May EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
season. 22
Horticulture Selection of plant and planting technique of 6 June EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
Guava 22
Soil Science Importance of soil testing in crop production. 10 June EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
Plant Seed Production of moong bean.. 15 May EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
breeding 2022

IIIrd quarter
LPM Importance of vaccination in farm animals 25 Aug. EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
Importance of mineral vitamins in animal feeds 26 Sept. EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
Soil Science Use of sulphur in oil seed crop. 19 Aug. EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
Horticulture INM in commercial fruits 8 Aug EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
Plant Use and Importance of bio pesticides on crop 10 Aug. EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
Protection production. 22
Plant breeding Seed Production of scented rice. 04 Sept. EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2

IVth Quarter
LPM Use of mineral mixture and its importance for 9 Nov. EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
milch animals 22
Soil Science Use of water soluble fertilizers in wheat. 10 Nov. EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
Horticulture Nursery raising of cucurbits 16 Dec. EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
Plant Breeding Seed production technique of wheat. 14 Oct. EF 1 On/Off 08 - 08 2 - 2
Action Plan for DFI Villages (Jan. 2022- Dec. 2022)
Name of other
Present status of Major Market FPO involved (State
Name of villages
Plan of action for DFI implementation interventions linkage formed Deptt./ Central
of planned work undertaken established or not? govt. Deptt./
Private org.
1) Kaniya  Training Programmes – 10 Technology
Kalyanpur  Technology Demonstrations – 50 Demonstrations
Block-  Gosthi – 12 - Intercropping
Simmabhawali system
2) Harsingarpur - Cultivation of
Block- Hapur Marigold
Selection of
farmers for Next Other Yes, local Yes State Department
calendar year interventions
- Backyard
- Beekeeping
& Mushroom

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