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Title: Procuring Entity Supplier

Technical Proposal Ethiopian Roads Authority VALUE Engineering PLC

1.1 Project background information

In order to have a firsthand appreciation of the site and look into potential issues that may affect the preparation of
the RFP as well as its financial offers, a team of professionals has conducted a site visit of the area. The Site visit
was led by experienced Resident Engineer and Material Engineer, who are incidentally staffs of VALUE
Engineering PLC at Bahir Dar- Tis Esat road project, who has extensive experience in road construction works.
The team that visited the site include:

Personnel site visit Experience of person Remark


The visit was conducted on December 13, 2020. Therefore, supported by pictures, this section presents the
Consultant’s appreciation of the Site.

1.2 Project description and access

The Durbete – Kunzila - Gelago – Metema - Road Project, Lot 1: Durbete – Kunzila – Shaura –
Finjit –is a link road that joints to two trunk roads of Addis-Bahirdar road to Gondar to metama
road. Guder part of the road that is covered by the scope of this particular project starts at the
outskirt of Seyo town and is entirely located within Oromia Regional State. The total project length
within this scope of service is about 90Km. The road traverses through multiple towns and villages
as well as, as it is within the Guder –Feto Irrigation water reservoir.

The project site is accessed from its end at Guder town (the shortest distance from Addis Ababa or
at its start point either through the road to be constructed itself (still the shortest distance) or from
Seka side from Jima town.

Figure XXX: The Seka – Atango – Alga – Seyo – Shenen – Guder Road Project Courtesy of
ERA and Google Earth TM

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
Title: Procuring Entity Supplier
Technical Proposal Ethiopian Roads Authority VALUE Engineering PLC

0+000( dur-bete) 0+…….

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
Title: Procuring Entity Supplier
Technical Proposal Ethiopian Roads Authority VALUE Engineering PLC

1.3 Networking with other road (transport modes)

As noted above, the Seyo-Shene- Guder road is the continuation of the Seka – Atango – Alga –
Seyo – Shenen – Guder road project which is part of the road that joins the Addis-Jima-Metu and
Addis-Ambo-Nempto trunk roads. Within the segment, the road joints to multiple rural roads most
of which are built by the Universal Rural Road Access Program.

1.4 Traffic flow on the road

From observation on the Site Visit day, responses from the local community and as can be
witnessed by the road condition itself, the Durbete – Kunzila –Shaura – Finjit it a relatively lightly
trafficked road with public transportation (busses,bajaj) and (construction) trucks making the major
component of the traffic. Non-motorized traffic such as cart, pack animals and horses appear to
make significant component of the commuting traffic particularly near semi-urban settlement.

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
Title: Procuring Entity Supplier
Technical Proposal Ethiopian Roads Authority VALUE Engineering PLC

@km 8.4 @km 13.2

Busses (left) and trucks (right) make major component of the motorized traffic with currier trucks also present

1.5 Terrain condition and climatology

Traversing through Woreda’s of the West Gojjam Zone the Durbete – Kunzila –Shaura – Finjit
terrain can be categorized into two main sections. The section from Durbete to Kunzila
predominantly traverses through a flat and rolling terrain whereas from kunzila to end of the project
mountainous terrain dominated and relatively small stretch of rolling terrain exists. According to
the site observation from Km 0+00 to Km 63+000 is a combination of flat and rolling terrain ,From
km 63+00 to km 114 is a combination of Mountainous and rolling terrain and from Km 114 to km
135 is predominantly mountainous and escarpment terrain is observed. There exists numerous major
wereda and kebele seats along the road namely Durbete, Dilamo(Lalibela), Yismala, Liben,
Sankara, kunzila , Dengel ber,Shaura and Finjit Town/Kebele Section.

Flat terrain Mountainous

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
Title: Procuring Entity Supplier
Technical Proposal Ethiopian Roads Authority VALUE Engineering PLC

Flat and rolling Box cut

In terms of climate, the road predominantly traverses through dega and woyna dega climatology.

1.6 Conditions of Existing Road Condition

i. Geometric conditions:
Congruent with the train classification, the existing road has sharp and switchback curves at the
mountainous and escarpment terrains and is predominantly tangent with big radius curves in the
rolling ones. Similarly, it also has steep grades in some of the escarpment and mountainous terrains.

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
Title: Procuring Entity Supplier
Technical Proposal Ethiopian Roads Authority VALUE Engineering PLC

ii. p
According to the Geological map of Ethiopia by Geological Survey of Ethiopia (19960)of Ethiopia,
the Seyo-Shene- Guder road passes through the of Alluvial and Lacustrine deposit formation (Q)
and the Jimma Volcanics at its start traverses through Makonnen basalts and end points with
trachyt or trachyte basalt (Nc) formation.

In line with the above geologic formation and as confirmed by the design report, the road passes
with multiple subgrade soil extensions. In general, the subgrade soil has high CBR strength from
start of Seyo town (about Km 4) to Km 55 where the road is designed to CBR of 8%. On the other
hand, the road traverse through particularly weak subgrade from Km 75 to Km87 where the design
indicates subgrade to be 3% only.

Wusha tirs village Dur-bete

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
Title: Procuring Entity Supplier
Technical Proposal Ethiopian Roads Authority VALUE Engineering PLC

Box cut at km……. Yismala giorgis at km 32

Basically the road is gravel wearing standard road with the exception of the town sections
constructed with surface treatment .At the time of the visit, the majority of the road part which are
gravel wearing is in good conditions beside currently maintenance are being undergoing on
relatively damaged section .however the surface treatment in the town sections are in poor
conditions depicting variety of pavement failure such as potholes, raveling, cracks and etc.

Dur-bete Maintainance at km 44

Km 17.8 @km 81.5

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
Title: Procuring Entity Supplier
Technical Proposal Ethiopian Roads Authority VALUE Engineering PLC

iii. Side ditches, protections and minor structures

The road from Durbete to kunzila traverses in a relatively stable alignment where no major land
slide can be expected to be a threat. Whereas the road section from Durbete to finjit traverse
through a mountainous to escarpment terrain where landslides and erosions are expected, however
as per the site visit no major landslides or erosions are observed, most of the side and box cuts back
slopes are stable. In fill sections, two major failures were observed at the time of visit. The first one
is at km 56+567 where the gabion constructed to support the side slope has been failed and can’t
serve anymore and the second failure is at km 78+890 , the fill on the slab culvert shear of the slab
into two .In regards to structures, obviously, there are multiple minor structures (pipes and slab
culverts). While the ditches, absence of water erosion protection measures at places where it needed
and at the swampy are generally in good condition, they are scoured at some sections and totally
missing/silted at some sections.

@km 62……. gabion structure @km 61.2

Km 59.2 @km 2.1

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
Title: Procuring Entity Supplier
Technical Proposal Ethiopian Roads Authority VALUE Engineering PLC

Km 28.1 @km 13.2

iv. Conditions of major structures

There are multiple rivers found along the road corridor Seyo-Shene- Guder catchment is dominated
by Guder River. Related with it, all the bridges in the road are found at between Guder and Enchini
towns with all rivers being tributary to the famous river. Including one slab culvers, there are four
major rivers within this stretch of the road. However, it is worth noting that, by converting the
existing slab culverts, the designed road has six bridges. The following Table presents detailed
observations of the bridges under their current conditions.
structure characteristics General characteristics

 Dimensions
 Clear span:38m
 Approximate coordinates: km 13+700  Clear width: 7m
Kilki river Bridge  Abt. height (both) 5m
 Wing wall length (all): 7m
 Arrangement:
 Straight
 Structure type: Singe span T-girder bridge +
 Super structure: T-Grider concrete bridge
 Railing: Concrete post and rail
 Substructure: Masonry abutment and pier
 Wing wall: Masonry wing wall
 Foundation type: Concrete footing

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
Title: Procuring Entity Supplier
Technical Proposal Ethiopian Roads Authority VALUE Engineering PLC

 Superstructure:
 Good condition/no visible distress
Existing Condition

 Wing wall and abutment:

 Abutment in good condition/no visible crack
 Wing wall in good condition/no visible crack
 Substructure/foundation:
 No visible scour,
 Joints/connection:
 No visible distortion or displacement
Approach, River, Bed and Bank

 Approach:
 Gentle slope approach on horizontal curve
 River at crossing
 Approximately straight
 Bank:
 Gorge and stable bank
 Bed
 Stable (with minor silt) river bed




The structure is generally in good condition with no visible damage or distress. Contingent on
detailed investigations and analysis, structure could be kept.

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
 Dimensions
structure characteristicsGeneral characteristics  Clear span:13meter
 Clear width: 7.5m
 Approximate coordinates:km 18+960  Abt. height (both) 6m
 Zabzi river bridge  Wing wall length (all): 5m
 Arrangement:
 Skewed

 Structure type: Sing span RC slab bridge

 Super structure: Concrete slab
 Railing: Concrete post and steel rail
 Substructure: Masonry Abutment
 Wing wall: Masonry wing walls
 Foundation type: Concrete Footing

 Superstructure:
 Good condition/no visible distress
Existing Condition

 Wing wall and abutment:

 Abutment in Good condition/no visible crack,
pill-off, honey comb, etc
 Wing wall in good condition
 Substructure/foundation:
 foundation
 Joints/connection:
 No visible distortion or displacement
Approach, River, Bed and Bank

 Approach:
 Gentle slope approach on horizontal curve
 River at crossing
 Straight (but skewed) crossing
 Bank:
 Stable and gorgy bank
 Bed
 Stable river bed


 The structure is generally in good condition with no visible damage or distress. However, it is a
narrow single lane structure which doesn’t comply with the project’s width requirements.

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
 Dimensions
structure characteristicsGeneral characteristics  Clear span:17meter
 Clear width: 7m
 Approximate coordinates: Km 79+020  Abt. height (both) 2.5m
 Tekem river bridge  Wing wall length (all): 6m
 Arrangement:
 Straight

 Structure type: Sing span slab culvert

 Super structure: Concrete slab
 Railing: Concrete post and broken railing
 Substructure: Masonry Abutment
 Wing wall: Masonry wing walls
 Foundation type: Concrete Footing

 Superstructure:
 Good condition/no visible distress
Existing Condition

 Wing wall and abutment:

 Abutment in Good condition/no visible crack,
pill-off, honey comb, etc
 Wing wall in good condition
 Substructure/foundation:
 Scour foundation
 Joints/connection:
 No visible distortion or displacement
Approach, River, Bed and Bank

 Approach:
 Gentle slope approach on horizontal curve
 River at crossing
 Straight (but slightly skewed) crossing
 Bank:
 Stable and flat bank
 Bed
 Stable river bed



 The structure is generally in good condition with no visible damage or distress. Contingent on
detailed investigations and analysis and satisfaction of geometric requirements, structure could be

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
General characteristics
 Dimensions
 Clear span:24m
 Approximate coordinates:km 81+800  Clear width: 7.3
 Wer river bridge  Abt. height (both) 1.8m
 Wing wall length (all): 1.5m
 Arrangement:
 Straight
structure characteristics

 Structure type: Singe span T-girder bridge

 Super structure: T-Grider concrete bridge
 Railing: Concrete post and rail
 Substructure: Masonry abutment
 Wing wall: Masonry wing wall
 Foundation type: Concrete footing

 Superstructure:
 Good condition/no visible distress
Existing Condition

 Wing wall and abutment:

 Abutment in good condition/no visible crack
 Wing wall in good condition/no visible crack
 Substructure/foundation:
 No visible scour,
 Joints/connection:
 No visible distortion or displacement
Approach, River, Bed and Bank

 Approach:
 Slope approach on a straight
 River at crossing
 Approximately straight
 Bank:
 Flat and stable bank
 Bed
 Stable river bed



 The structure is generally in good condition with no visible damage or distress. Contingent on
detailed investigations and analysis and satisfaction of geometric requirements, structure could be

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
1.7 Soil Geology and Construction Materials

As noted above, according the geological map of Ethiopia, the Seyo-Shene- Guder area is
dominantly covered by Alluvial and Lacustrine deposit formation (Q) and the Jimma Volcanics
at its start traverses through Makonnen basalts and end points with rachyt or trachyte basalt (Nc)
formation. Congruent to these formations, Seyo-Shenen the section of the road endowed with
abundant material source with considerable hauling distance and appears to have a relatively
good source of potential base course, asphalt and concrete quarries, sub-base material. From
different study of the project area and the characteristics of the nature of similar project areas in
the vicinity, the following observations in terms of key construction material sources are made:
A. Gravel borrow sources
There are multiples sources which are already being used as a gravel wearing course sources
which may be suitable for subbase as well. However, although there are multiple gravel sources
which potentially could be used as source of material, there is difference in the availability,
from Durbete to kunzila sources can’t be found by the road side but from Kunzila to Finjit
source could be easily accessed from the cut sections and road side . Generally, there is no
scarcity of natural gravel source along the whole road corridor.

B. Rock sources
Again, whether as a source of rock for concrete works, base course or asphalt aggregate production of for
use in masonry and gabion works, contingent on respective tests for characterization, the area has plenty
of available source of rocks.

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
Masonry rock stocked by local community from collection of sporadic sources produced at near by
C. Water source
As noted above, there are plenty of water resources are readily available as the places are
endowed with many perennial rivers. The major rivers in the project stretch are. Interviews with
the local people also shows that they major rivers are perennials, the while there are also some
seasonal rivers.

First river @km 13.8

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
@km 19.3 @km 28

@km 61 @km 71

@km 75 @km 79

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
@km 82

Possible water sources: Ula river-Left and Bene river -Right

D. Sand source
The project location is well known for lack of sand sources and there was no possible sand
source observed along the road alignment. However, with no prejudice to the fact that
satisfaction of testing has to be ascertained and the fact that they are found sparingly, the local
community uses river sand brought from dengel ber .

1.8 Settlements (Towns and Villages)

As noted above, the Durbete – Kunzila – Shaura – Finji stretch of the road traverses through
Woreda’s of West Gojam and Gonder Zone. Within these woreda’s the road passes through
multiple tows (include the four woreda seats) and kebeles/villages.
Zone Towns/Kebeles Accessed by the road project

West Shoa Durbete,Dilamo,Yismala,Liben

Zone ,Sankara,Kunzila,Dengelber,Shaura,and Finjit

In terms of relevance for both the construction consultancy services, any of Kunzila town is most
suitable for camp locations from which services and minor supplies can be acquired from Bahir
dar . However, for the duration of the mobilization period (during which time the consultant is
expected to accommodate his staff), may be Durbete town could be the best source of good

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
@km 0+000 @km 32

Km 42 @km


Sample town along the road: Guder town at the start-Amdo University Guder Camps (left) and Shenen town (right)
1.9 Land use pattern and ecology

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
The West Gojam Zone through which the road traverses is known to produce various crops. The
major production of the area is cereals such as wheat, teff, barely, beans etc. depending on the
projects stations. At some stations, farmers produce different crops even using irrigation as
witnessed during the site visit (which was conducted not at the rain based production seasons). In
addition, as noted above, the Tana Lake mainly used for irrigation based production at some part
of a significant portion of the road.

Sample land use pattern: Maiz (left) and sugar cane (right) being cultivate through irrigation

Guder-Feto Irrigation Project; Project camp (left) and dam under construction (right)

Ecologically, in terms of flora, the area is covered with diverse trees and vegetation. Eucalyptus
trees, tsid, hydenia abissinica, zembaba, bamboo, etc form the major part of the trees.

Sample flora cover of the area: Thick forest near Kerker (left) and Bamboo trees (right)

1.10 Right of way obstructions

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
The existing Durbete – Kunzila – Shaura – Finji appears to have a standard width and in most
parts of the rural sections, appropriate ROW protection has been maintained. However, as it is
observed from the site visit, while houses, fences, utilities, tress and other belongings may be
needed to be relocated (along the existing route) in the villages and town sections. In the rural
section farmed land, trees and some utilities may be needed to be relocated. Also there are
claimed ‘quarry sites’ being operated by the local youth along the roadway.

Sample Pictures showing Status of Obstruction within RoW limit in Town Sections

Trees along the road (left) and utilities at some places (right)

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020
Sample pictures showing rural potential ROW obstructions

Name: Dr. Solomon Sertse

In the capacity of General Manager
Signed: ______________________________________
Duly authorized to sign the Bid Proposal on behalf of: VALUE Engineering PLC
Dated on 9th Day of June 2020

Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Seyo-Shenen-Guder Road Project

May, 2020

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