Neuroscience: Inside Listening and Speaking 3 Unit 7 Answer Key

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Inside Listening and Speaking 3

Unit 7 Answer Key




Page 74
A. Use the target words, or forms of them, from the Word Form Chart to
complete the paragraph.
1. perception
2. adapting
3. stress
4. create
5. involved in
6. perceiving
7. creative

Page 75
B. Some words have multiple meanings. For the target words below, match the
dictionary definitions with the example sentences.
area (noun)
1. b
2. d
3. a
4. c

stressed (adjective)
1. b
2. a
3. c

Page 75
C. Match each phrase with dominant to the correct example sentence.
1. c
2. b
3. a


Page 76
Mark each sentence as T (true) or F (false). Work with a partner. Restate false
sentences to make them correct.
1. T
2. F; A person can have amazing math skills and have an IQ under 50.

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Inside Listening and Speaking 3
Unit 7 Answer Key

3. T
4. T


Page 77
Apply A. Watch the video again and complete Section B.
Topics: vision
Example 1: impossible to drive and talk on cell phone at the same time
Example 2: high-stress office environments



Page 78
A. Use the target words, or forms of them, from the Word Form Chart to
complete the paragraph.
1. crucial
2. visual
3. intense
4. clarify

Page 78
B. Cross out the word or phrase in parentheses with a different meaning from
the others.
1. an involved
2. listening to
3. adapt
4. stressed

Page 79
C. Work with a partner. Read each incomplete sentence and identify the
“whole” and the “parts” of the topic. Complete the sentences. Some sentences
require the word “comprise” by itself, while other sentences require the
passive collocation “to be comprised of.” Be sure to use the correct form and
tense of “comprise” and “to be.”
1. comprises
2. were comprised
3. is comprised of
4. are comprised
5. are comprised

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Inside Listening and Speaking 3
Unit 7 Answer Key


Page 80
Work with a partner. Answer the questions about the study session.
1. Yes, they found it interesting.
2. Physical exercise and brain games.
3. No, some exercise is better than others for the brain. The type that makes us
breathe more is better.
4. In general he does not think they are helpful.


Page 81
Apply A. Listen to the review session again. Write down the clarification
phrases you hear.
Answers will vary. Possible answers below.
Asking for clarification:
I was hoping you could help me clarify something . . .
Do you remember what he was saying about exercise?
Is that what you understood, too,
What was he saying about that . . .
I was trying to remember . . .
What questions did you write down?

Giving clarification:
I think he meant that . . .
For example,
Yes. That’s exactly it.
I remember he said that . . .
Yeah, I agree . . .
I wrote down that . . .
That’s right!
That’s what I understood, too.


Page 82
Apply A. Cross out the h in he and show the link with the word before it.
1. I think he meant . . .
2. I think he was . . .
3. I know he meant . . .
4. I know he said . . .

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Inside Listening and Speaking 3
Unit 7 Answer Key

5. I thought he said . . .
6. I thought he meant . . .

Page 81
Apply B. Go online to listen. Repeat the phrases from Apply, activity A. Focus
on the reduction, and make a smooth word connection.
1. think | think he | think he meant | I think he meant . . .
2. think | think he | think he was | I think he was . . .
3. know | know he | know he meant | I know he meant . . .
4. know | know he | know he said | I know he said . . .
5.thought | thought he | thought he said | I thought he said . . .
6. thought | thought he | thought he meant | I thought he meant . . .


Page 83
A. Go online to watch a video about a study that tested whether brain games
make us smarter. Use the Cornell Method to take notes in Section B.
Answers will vary. Possible answers below.
Section B
• Point of the study was to see if brain games actually improve brainpower.
• Control group results: 4.6 score six weeks ago and 4.8 now.
• How did they affect overall mental abilities?
• Brain trainers average of 4.6 same as control group before and a 4.9 now.
• Direct comparison shows no statistical difference.

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