Biosecurity:: Shore Up The Weakest Links On Your Farm

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Pork Checkoff
August 2019 • VOL. 15, NO. 2


Shore Up the Weakest Links on Your Farm

hen it comes to biosecurity, there are many
common protocols that should be followed “... farmers have to review and determine
on every farm. But still, one size doesn’t fit all.
Success depends on tailoring biosecurity for every site, their farm’s risk level, which will drive how
with everyone knowing and carrying out the plan.
“The temptation is to create a laundry list of biosecurity
and what biosecurity steps need to be taken.”
steps, hand it to employees or growers, and check that off – Lisa Becton, DVM, Pork Checkoff
the to-do list,” said Lisa Becton, DVM, director of swine
health information and research for the Pork Checkoff.
“The hitch is that priorities may be unclear, and people court said. “Of course, with larger facilities closer togeth-
may feel overwhelmed so they do little or nothing,” Bec- er, the infection pressure per square mile has increased.”
ton said. “Biosecurity measures are somewhat universal That includes more pigs, people, vehicles, equipment,
for disease prevention, regardless of the pathogen. But insects and more risk events, according to Clayton John-
farmers have to review and determine their own farm’s son, DVM, Carthage Veterinary Services, Carthage, Illinois.
risk level, which will drive how and what biosecurity steps “A pathogen doesn’t care how it gets into the farm. It
need to be taken.” will exploit whatever access you give it,” Johnson said.
By identifying risk events or vulnerabilities – the weak-
est links – within a production site, a producer can break Draw a Strict Line of Separation
biosecurity into manageable pieces and address specific “If you don’t have a ‘line of separation’ on your farm
needs. and maintain it, you don’t have biosecurity,” Becton said.
Two principles guide on-farm biosecurity, according to “In fact, you may need to set up several lines within a site,
Jean-Pierre Vaillancourt, DVM, a biosecurity expert at the because biosecurity is not just about exposure from the
University of Montreal. 1) Reduce the source of contamina- outside, but also the lateral spread of disease.”
tion through materials, animals, people, equipment, etc. 2) At its most basic, a line of separation designates the
Separate affected animals from healthy ones. outside (contaminated) area and the inside (clean) area.
“Producers should separate the outside from the inside Think in terms of drawing a line in the sand – a point at
to prevent the pathogens from reaching animals,” Vaillan- which certain parties must not cross.
Continued on page 2
Continued from page 1 Pick the Low-Hanging
For example, identify a line where the animal transporter Whether you’re drawing up a new biosecurity plan or
is not to cross and where farm or market personnel are to re- revising a previous one, you need to involve your herd
main. If a barn worker does cross it, they cannot return to the veterinarian and employees in the barn, according to
clean side. The separation line must be clearly marked, with Jean-Pierre Vaillancourt, DVM, University of Montreal.
individuals made aware of where it exists in every situation. “Let everybody contribute biosecurity ideas,” Vail-
Lines of separation for transporters might be at the cab of a lancourt said. “Not only will it give them ownership,
truck, the back of a trailer or a loading chute. Within a produc- it will build trust. Unrealistic expectations lead to
tion site, the shower or bench entry would be the ‘dirty’ side, non-compliance. If something is too complicated or
while the shower exit would represent the clean line. Another doesn’t makes sense, it will not get done.”
line could be a designated driveway that feed trucks must use And people will make mistakes, noted Derald Holt-
to control traffic flow and potential exposure. kamp, DVM, Iowa State University.
The take-home message? Approach every contact with a “It’s important to have layers of biosecurity to pro-
site or market as if it could contaminate a truck, trailer or herd. vide redundancy,” Holtkamp said. “When mistakes are
The one time you don’t follow biosecurity rules could be the made at one layer, there is another layer to prevent an
time when your herd will get sick. outbreak. A biosecurity system with multiple layers is
more likely to be robust enough to tolerate mistakes.”
Zeroing in on Biosecurity Risks “There is some low-hanging fruit that can bump
Identifying risk events commonly associated with disease up your farm’s biosecurity,” he said. “Concentrate on
outbreaks has been a priority for Derald Holtkamp, DVM, pro- inexpensive things that are easy to do.”
fessor, veterinary diagnostics and production animal medicine, These include the following steps that all pig farms
Iowa State University. Starting in 2013 with a grant from the should be addressing at a minimum today.
Iowa Pork Producers Association, he developed a disease out-
break investigation system for use by trained veterinarians. 1) Define the first clean/dirty line.
Further support from the Swine Health Information Cen- “This starts with the walls surrounding the pig barns,”
ter has expanded the effort, including making the materials said Clayton Johnson, DVM, Carthage Veterinary Ser-
available on its website at Holtkamp also is vices. “The inside is clean; the outside is dirty. Be strict
evaluating risk events within a database to identify patterns. that crossing the line requires some level of hygiene.”
The effort started with porcine reproductive and respiratory Painting door frames and concrete or designating
syndrome (PRRS) outbreaks. Now, with 19 outbreak investiga- areas with colored duct tape provide visual reminders.
tions under his belt, Holtkamp has found some commonalities
Employee entry, removal of culls and scheduled repairs are 2) Keep up with maintenance.
events most frequently rated “high risk” for biosecurity, Holt- Good maintenance goes hand in hand with a solid
kamp noted. But the frequency of most any event increased the biosecurity plan. When equipment breaks down or
farm’s disease risk. The outbreak investigations have improved feed bridges, it’s easy to break biosecurity rules.
PRRS biosecurity strategies and shed light on other risks. “Or you may need to bring someone in from the
“The more disease investigations we do, the more insights outside for the repair, and because you think they
we gain and the more data we collect,” Holtkamp said. “This don’t have much exposure to pigs, you bend the
helps producers refine their biosecurity plans.” rules,” Holtkamp said. “Don’t reduce your focus on
Collective Momentum Needed to Protect U.S. Herd
Johnson said that on the farm, on a daily basis, “It’s hard to
know when you’re the biosecurity hero, that you did some-
thing correctly to prevent an outbreak. So, it can be hard to
maintain urgency.”
He added, “But with domestic diseases, such as PRRS and
porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and the global threat of Afri-
can swine fever (ASF), it’s everyone’s responsibility to embrace
the urgency. Start by picking a link in the chain that you’re
going to work on today and build from there.”
It’s also critical to be transparent and collaborate.
“If you have a secret sauce for biosecurity, share it,” John-
son said. “If something like ASF isn’t enough of a common en-
emy to unite us to share best practices, I don’t’ know what is.”
For producer resources and tools about increasing your
farm’s biosecurity, visit and search for “biosecurity.”
3) Check for leaky bins. 7) Avoid mistakes bringing in supplies.
In line with maintenance, ensure that feed is not The pass-through windows, UV chambers and
spilling out and building up under bins. It’s an invita- disinfectant rooms for incoming supplies are common
tion for birds, rodents and other wildlife. It may cost areas for mistakes.
some money to fix, but so does the wasted feed. “We get addicted to those magic areas,” Johnson
said. “Just because you send items through doesn’t
4) Share farm rules with incoming crews. mean they are magically clean.”
While onsite workers should know the biosecurity All surfaces need to be exposed. For disinfection,
rules, occasional visitors, such as vaccination and contact times matter and that differs by the disinfec-
loadout crews or repairmen and technicians, pose tant. Everything coming into a barn should be ad-
higher risks. Johnson suggests calling ahead of time dressed, but some prioritization is helpful, Johnson
to explain the biosecurity rules, including how to enter noted. For example, the new microwave purchased
the farm, what clothing/showering requirements are in for the lunchroom is different than the welder bor-
place, and how to recognize the clean/dirty lines. rowed from another site.
“A 15-minute phone call goes a long way in helping
crews comply with biosecurity rules,” Johnson said. 8) Follow biosecurity plan when
“Be sure someone onsite confirms it gets done.” removing culls and mortalities.
“Both are high-risk events, and respecting the
5) Prioritize loadouts. clean/dirty line is a must,” Johnson said. “For culls,
Prioritize clean trailers for the first cut of market apply the staged loading concept. If rendering is
hogs because there are not enough truck washes, required, an off-site pick-up location is important, but
time or personnel to wash, disinfect and dry every recognize that it’s contaminated and your vehicle will
truck/trailer every time, Johnson says. be too. After all, the rendering truck has known expo-
“You have another four to five weeks to empty the sure to ‘sick pigs.’”
barn, so you don’t want to expose the remaining pigs Although not a low-cost solution, both veterinarians
to a disease that could cause some serious conse- recommend prioritizing biosecurity when designing
quences,” he said. “Staged loading is another idea new production sites/buildings or when remodeling.
gaining traction (see sidebar).” “Sometimes changing behavior will only go so far
without a design change,” Johnson said.
6) Provide showers: yes or no.
On sow farms, showering in and out is a fixture, but
it is less common on growing-pig sites.
“A shower’s not necessary, but you should change
into dedicated farm clothes and shoes and wash your
hands,” Johnson said. “Emphasize hand washing and
honor all clean/dirty lines. If there is a shower, its ef-
fectiveness depends on how it is used, its location and
flow from clean to dirty sides (including towels – clean
side only), how clean it is and how it’s supplied.”

“You need a series of failures for a disease outbreak

to occur. A robust system can tolerate mistakes,
because if one layer fails, you have backups.”
– Derald Holtkamp, DVM, Iowa State University.
Rethink the Clean/Dirty Line Expanding on a
with Staged Loading Tip from the Danes
It’s clear that people entering a hog barn
Transporting live hogs presents a The Chute: is a leading biosecurity risk factor. The
significant biosecurity risk, with more The second dirty line is the last door Danish bench system is one of the solu-
challenges than solutions. But “staged you can shut between the loading tions that U.S. pork producers, particu-
loading” is a method that veterinar- chute and the barn/pigs, Johnson larly sow farms, began adopting about
ians Derald Holtkamp is researching noted. One person remains in the five years ago.
and Clayton Johnson is applying on loading chute to accept pigs from the Today, Derald Holtkamp has zeroed in
some farms. barn and to move them up into the on a revised version that he has wit-
“It’s a low-cost fix, and a way to add trailer. This person does not enter the nessed as shown above.
another layer to the process,” Holt- barn until loading is complete and fol- “The first layer upon entry is a ‘booty
kamp said.” lows all entry procedures. station.’ The person sits down on a chair
with their shoes on a rug and places a
Here’s how it works: The barn: booty over their shoe,” Holtkamp said
Two (or three) people in the barn “They then step off the rug and repeat
The truck: move pigs out of pens and down the the process for the other shoe. The
Inform the truck driver about the aisle to the door/loading chute. The booty station serves as the first layer.”
procedures before arriving. Always door will shut so pigs cannot backtrack. From there, the person walks to a
consider the truck dirty, so the first
bench, removes the booty-covered
dirty line is the back of the trailer. The equipment: shoes and swings their legs over the
The driver backs up to the loading Sorting boards, paddles, any equip- bench to the other side, being careful
chute and can only enter the trailer, ment needed to move pigs remain not to set their socked feet down on
preferably through a side-entry door. within the assigned clean or dirty side. the dirty side of the bench. Boot jacks
You can require the driver to have a “On many farms, this should be bolted to the floor allow shoes to be
side-entry, Johnson said. The driver relatively easy to adopt,” Holtkamp removed without touching them.
must change boots/clothes per farm said. “It’s not 100%, but it adds an- “The bench serves as the second layer,
protocol. other layer.” and finally, the shower is the third layer,”
Holtkamp said. “The key to all of this is
keeping the areas clean. The booty sta-
tion really helps with that.”
It All Hinges on People How Has the Threat of ASF
Biosecurity training and auditing get a lot of lip service, Changed the Game?
but what do they really mean?
“The important point is to train frequently and formally, “Even though African swine fever (ASF) is not now nor
not just for new hires and not a topic over lunch,” said ever has been in the United States, the expanded global
Derald Holtkamp, DVM, Iowa State University. “Put it on a threat demands razor sharp attention,” said the Pork
schedule; otherwise it’s easy not to follow through.” Checkoff’s Lisa Becton, DVM. “On the plus side, steps
This is especially critical because of the labor shortage that we currently employ to prevent other diseases will be
and high turnover rates challenging agriculture today. important to protect against ASF.”
“When we talk about training, we’re talking about Of course, there are some additional steps that pig
changing habits,” said Jean-Pierre Vaillancourt, DVM, Uni- farms are starting to put in place.
versity of Montreal. “Never underestimate the importance
of talking to employees and sharing knowledge.”
■■ No international visitors – It’s best not to allow any
Also, remember that you’re training adults, he said. international visitors onsite, says Derald Holtkamp,
“They want to know why you’re asking them to do some- DVM, Iowa State University. As for U.S. personnel
thing,” Vaillancourt said. “They want to know about disease who have visited ASF-affected countries, five to
transmission and the impact on the farm, the animal and seven days of downtime is a must.
themselves. After all, they’ll be dealing with the aftermath. “It’s the showers during that time that are important,
Give them tools to succeed. Establish markers so that you because we know the virus survives a long time,” he
can identify progress or where to make changes.” said. “Also, no shoes or clothing from ASF-affected
Be sure to communicate often and thoroughly that every- countries, even items that were not worn on pig
one matters. farms, can come onto a U.S. farm.”
“When it comes to compliance, we know that people Add a question to the visitors’ log specific to travel in
doing the most basic jobs tend to consider themselves so ASF-affected countries for anyone entering the farm.
unimportant that if they don’t follow procedures, it may ■■ No pork foodstuffs on the farm – “ASF is different
not matter,” Vaillancourt said. disease-wise; it survives in processed and dried
Whether you talk about monitoring or auditing pro- pork for a long time,” Holtkamp noted. “Seriously
tocols, both involve observing, correcting the process if consider catering lunches as an employee benefit
needed and confirming what’s right. Also, audits have to and as a biosecurity measure; it gives you control.”
be done by someone with authority. ■■ Increased insect control – Although soft ticks
“The goal is continuous improvement, so it’s equally (Ornithodoros) associated with ASF transmission are
important is to get feedback from people in the barn,” not a concern domestically, biting flies and ticks can
Vaillancourt said. “Find out why something isn’t getting serve as a mechanical vector.
done or working and be willing to make adjustments.” “We need to up our game on insect, pest and
Finally, have employees sign a form following training or rodent control,” Holtkamp said.
an audit, which further emphasizes its importance.
■■ Increased farm security – Consider perimeter fencing
and security cameras to monitor activity. At the very
least have gates that someone can’t simply drive
around and doors with keypad access, Holtkamp said.
Becton also advises building your farm FAD awareness:
■■ Know the clinical signs of ASF, and other foreign
animal diseases (FADs) and how to determine if
something is not right. (Available at
■■ Pre-Identify a herd veterinarian to contact and assist
if you suspect clinical signs of an FAD.
■■ Post important contact information by the farm
phone, including names of herd, state and USDA
veterinarians, in case of an animal health event.
“Have a current premises ID number for the site where the
pigs are located – not at a main office or house,” Becton
emphasized. “Use that PIN now for all animal movements
and lab submissions and sign up for the Secure Pork
Supply plan at”

For more resources, go to

Inside: With ongoing threat of African swine fever, step up biosecurity on your farm.

National Pork Board • P.O. Box 9114 • Des Moines, IA 50306

U.S. Vigilant as ASF Marks One Year in China

A year has passed since China acknowledged the presence of African swine fever (ASF)
in its swine herd. More than 40 countries have reported the deadly virus either in wild
or domestic pigs during the past five years, according to the World Health Organization for
Animal Health. Keeping U.S. pigs free of this ongoing threat hasn’t been easy, and doing
so successfully has taken an integrated, collaborative approach, according to National Pork
Board President David Newman, a pork producer who represents Arkansas.
“We are definitely in a better position today to deal with the threat of ASF than we
were a year ago,” Newman said. “That said, we can never be too prepared with a dev-
astating disease like this. What I like though is how our industry has pulled together over
the past 12 months in the spirit of collaboration to get the job done.”
The Pork Checkoff has taken a leading role in collaborating with multiple government
and industry partners to protect the United States from ASF. Primary partners in this
effort include USDA, the National Pork Producers Council, the North American Meat
Institute, the American Association of Swine Veterinarians and the Swine Health Informa-
tion Center. The American Feed Industry Association also has played an essential role on
“We are definitely in a feed biosecurity issues.
“Collectively, we’ve increased our defenses against ASF and other costly foreign animal
better position today
diseases,” Newman said. “When you consider our progress and what’s on the horizon in
than a year ago to deal terms of tools to help every U.S. pig farmer fight threats such as ASF, it’s reassuring.”
with the threat of African For producer resources and tools about ASF, including more tips on increasing your
swine fever.” farm’s biosecurity, visit and also search for “biosecurity” at

David Newman, National This special-topic newsletter is sent periodically to you by the Pork Checkoff.
Pork Board President Editor: Jan Jorgensen • Contributing Editors: Marlys Miller, Mike King
© 2019 National Pork Board, Des Moines, Iowa USA. This message funded by America’s Pork Checkoff Program.

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