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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 3 Human resource management

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyen Hung Nguyen Student ID GBS18656

Class GBS0710 Assessor name Nguyen Thi Ngoc Quynh

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand
that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P5 P6 P7 M4 M5 D3
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

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I. Introduction:
Human resources are resources for all, including physical and mental strength. Physical strength depends
on human health, standard of living, income, diet, work style, rest, etc. Therefore, human resources
management is closely related to activities. , Policies and policies. Management decisions are relevant and
affect the relationship between the business and its employees. Human resource management requires a
strategic vision and is closely related to the company's operating strategy.
II. Body:
Vietravel is a company specializing in organizing domestic and international travel. Their goal is "to bring
sublimated emotions to customers." Vietravel became a companion for travelers on all journeys and created
good value. In Vietravel, tourism is not only a journey of discovery, but also a journey of sharing. It expresses
a special impression of the Vietravel brand through three brand attributes: professionalism, bringing
customers a sense of sublimation. Brings attractive added value to tourists after each trip.
LO3. Analyze internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-making, including
employment legislation

1. Internal:
Regarding internal factors, the company has employee benefits:

• There are many different bonus levels in the year such as May 13, Tet, holidays, etc.
• Bonus beyond the plan.
• Bonus exceeding business targets.
Travel assistance:
• Company employees are supported to buy tours for themselves and their relatives once a
• On special occasions, the company will offer travel coupons to employees.
Job support:
• Tailoring uniforms for employees.
• Supplying all necessary equipment at work.
• Cosmetic makeup allowance for female staff, shoe polish for male staff, etc.
• Per diem.
Healthcare and life:
• Regular health checkups for staff each year.
• In addition to Health Insurance under applicable law, employees are supported to buy
additional health care for individuals and family members, as well as birthday gifts and
Training and developing:
• Organize training or teambuilding programs for company groups in special ways.
• Organize training courses to improve professional skills for employees in each employee
• Hold 'star rating' competitions to improve the professionalism of tour guides and sales staff.
(Vietravel, 2019)
2. External:
For external values, the HR department should consider issues such as technology, language,
society, etc.The external values will affect the company's development goals in future. For example
our language, our company is a travel company, so we will focus on hiring guides with good
communication skills and know many different languages.
Identify the key elements of employment law and its impact on HRM decision making.

Occupational safety and health at the workplace and the Law: You are responsible for the health and safety of
everyone affected by your business. Evaluation steps include:

Conducting health and safety risk assessments. You need to conduct and maintain a risk assessment whether you
are a large business, a small business or even a single business with one employee. Conducting a risk assessment
will help minimize the risk of affecting the environment or employees, who come in contact with your business and
business. First, it is important to maintain regular checks to ensure your business complies with occupational safety
and health requirements.

Occupational health and safety policy - An environmental, safety and health policy is a unique plan for your business,
detailing how you will manage Issues related to environment, safety and occupational health.

A policy should:

• Indicate your business commitment to managing the risks.

• Inform corporate employees about their responsibilities.
• Explain the steps they need to take to fulfill their responsibilities.
You also need to comply with the law to reduce the damage your business causes to the environment. This includes
the following areas:

• Waste or recover toxic or dangerous waste

the release of air into the air
• Storing, discharging or recovering business waste properly
• Wastewater disposal
• Pack (, 2019)

Minimum wage:On November 16, 2018, the Government issued Decree No. 157/2018 / ND-CP stipulating
the regional minimum wage applicable to employees working under labor contracts. Specifically, the
minimum wage applied from January 1, 2019 is prescribed as follows:

- VND 4,180,000 / month, applicable to enterprises operating in localities of region I;

- The level of VND 3,710,000 / month, applicable to enterprises operating in localities of region II;

- The level of 3,250,000 VND / month, applicable to enterprises operating in the area of region III;
- The level of VND 2,920,000 / month, applicable to enterprises operating in localities of region IV. (,

Basic rights of employees : A job subject to the terms of an employment contract cannot be inferior to the
provisions of the labor law. Employees have the right to fair and equitable compensation. Pay at least once a month,
in fixed and predefined intervals. Working conditions must conform to the legislation on occupational health and
safety. Employees are entitled to annual leave, continuous leave, and paid time off. (20 days leave - if the employee
works less than 10 years, 26 days if working at least 10 years). Employees have equal rights in the performance of
tasks, especially for equal treatment between men. time maternity leave. Employees, including foreigners, are
entitled to join trade unions.

Basic obligations of employees : Comply with working time regulations in the agency. Compliance with labor
regulations Compliance with work safety and health principles and principles (including work performed in a manner
consistent with safety rules and regulations, ensuring appropriate conditions with machinery, equipment, tools,
equipment and workplace order, immediately notify the supervisor when an accident or danger may occur.) Pay
attention to the Agency's interests and assets. protect, keep confidential the information disclosed, may cause
damage to the employer. In principle agency cohabitation in society.

• Obligations towards employers : Giving new employees a job is known about the tasks, how to work at
the assigned position, and what the employee is entitled to do. Ensuring safe and healthy working
conditions, conducting systematic training on labor protection. Pay your salary on time and in full.
Employees have the right to know their documents and methods of calculating wages. Pensions for sick
leave must not exceed 35 days per year. Create favorable conditions for staff to improve their professional
qualifications. To respond to the extent that workers' needs are possible, objectively and fairly assess
employees and the performance of their jobs. Create conditions for employees to set up their organizations.
, record documents related to the labor relationship and personal data of employees. I work or end the
labor contract must issue a certificate immediately afterwards (this certificate is not related to between the
employee and the employer, have they paid all together) Notify the employee of the right to appeal to the
labor court - what is the labor court? . Respect the dignity and other personal good of employees. .
(, 2019)

Discrimination laws : Businesses, no matter how small, need to know about the Employment Discrimination Law.
Recruiting managers and HR professionals, in particular, should be noted. It is illegal to discriminate in many job-
related fields. Employers must take prudent measures to ensure that the decisions they make in any aspect of
employment are legal, ethical and supported by lawsuit and patent documents. grant. Employment discrimination
laws are clear when stating that employment discrimination is unacceptable and illegal. In particular, companies
cannot legally discriminate against people based on age, race, gender, religion, pregnancy, place of origin and
disability. How the laws applied are so different. (The Balance Careers, 2019)

Employee relationship: The communication between leaders and employees not only reflects the culture but also
the factors that affect the success of the company. Some of the following actions will help communicate effectively
between leaders and employees. Explain the company's policies and leadership: Employees have the right to know
what their company is doing, their safety and development prospects, promotions and salaries. In addition,
knowledge and understanding of the company will help build employee confidence. Every employee is a
spokesperson: Every employee in the company can be a spokesperson, promoting their company, as long as they
are provided with enough information, especially those who interact with customers. Such as secretaries,
accounting, customer service, drivers, sales, ... Update relevant legal information: When new laws are enacted,
supplemented, amended, affecting public companies. Companies should organize staff to learn and discuss how to
do it. Create harmony between employees in the company: Misunderstanding, jealousy can occur between new and
old employees. This bad situation can be solved by media. For them to work together, company leaders must
establish their unity on the basis of their corporate culture. Feedback and results: It is possible to foster better
relationships with employees by making them feel that their right ideas are listened to and acknowledged by the
leader. Employee benefits: Salaries, bonuses, training plans ... must be clear and reasonable to receive the support
of employees. (, 2019)

Training packed :

Tour guides are one of the potential professions and are particularly attractive to young people today. Tour guides
are users who have chosen to introduce and resolve languages. They like various types of tourists sightseeing tours,
such as cultural heritage, historical figures or traditional places of interest, festivals in specific areas. The job of a
tour guide is to guide visitors when they visit a certain land. Their task is to introduce visitors to the geography,
history of the country's development or some other places of interest, and to introduce specialties in that country.

We will design the training package for 1 year:

First skill: language, body language, comunication skill .

We focus on improving the language and communication of the guides. As for the language, we will have staff who
learn a lot of languages to communicate with foreign tourists. In terms of communication skills, we will provide in-
depth training for this skill for guides to communicate with visitors in the most natural way. This training is scheduled
for 6 months.

Second skill: understanding of geography, history, etc of the countries where the company cooperates.

We will organize courses on history, geography, dishes of the country. to introduce visitors to the cultural values,
famous mon cuisines of that country, and to give visitors the best experience. After this course the guides will gain
knowledge about different countries, this course will last for 3 months.

Third skill : survival skill.

We will send staff to take survival courses in case you have booked an adventure tour. After this course, the staff
will be able to gain survival skills in poor conditions such as forests, mountains, etc. This course will last for 3 months.

Training courses will be held every 2 years. These training courses are repeated because we want our employees to
master the skills to best serve our customers. After these training courses, the company will gain more profits, and
the name of the company will be more widely known. As for the employees, they will improve their communication,
language, and basic survival skills.
III. Conclusion:
To sum up, in the company the employers have to make a good working environment for the employees can freely
working, developing and expressin ideas. Beside that, we need to consider in the obligation and the employees
relation in the company. For about the trainning package, we intensely trainning for the tour guide in Vietravel
company, because they are the person who work with the passengers in the trips and help them to gain the valuable
knowledges after the tours and find the best cuisine in every nation they come.

References list:
1) Vietravel. (2019). PHÚC LỢI VIETRAVEL - Vietravel. [online] Available at:
vietravel-35A5219F/vi [Accessed 19 Dec. 2019].
2) (2019). An toàn và sức khoẻ lao động tại nơi làm việc và Luật pháp. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 19 Dec. 2019].
3) (2019). Lương tối thiểu tại Việt Nam. [online] Available at:
S3jDrIA#N%C4%83m_2019 [Accessed 19 Dec. 2019].
4) (2019). Nghĩa vụ và quyền của người lao động và người sử dụng lao động khi ký hợp đồng
lao động - Migrant VN. [online] Available at:
dng-va-ngui-s-dng-lao-dng-khi-ky-hp-dng-lao-dng.html [Accessed 19 Dec. 2019].
5) (2019). Đầu tư cho mối quan hệ với nhân viên - Cẩm nang tuyển dụng. [online] Available
at: [Accessed 19
Dec. 2019].
6) The Balance Careers. (2019). Learn What Laws Make Discrimination in Employment Illegal. [online] Available
at: [Accessed 19 Dec. 2019].

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