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Regulation –2017

Programme (s) Semester Course Code (s) Course Title


CO306.1 Understand the basic concepts of field theory.
CO306.2 Understand the constructional details and principle of operation of DC machines.
CO306.3 Understand the constructional details and principle of operation of Transformers.
CO306.4 Analyse the performance of the DC Machines under various operating Conditions using their
various characteristics.
CO306.5 Evaluate the performance of Transformers using phasor diagrams and Equivalent circuits.
CO306.6 Select appropriate DC motor as well as to choose an appropriate method of Speed control for any
industrial application.

PART A - 2 Marks BT CO
1. List the sources of electromagnetic fields. R CO306.1
2. Points P and Q are located at (0,2,4)and (-3,1,5).Manipulate the distance vector A CO306.1
from P to Q.
3. State the properties of electric flux lines. U CO306.1
4. Obtain the unit vector in the direction from origin towards the point (3,-3, 2). E CO306.1
5. Name few applications of Gauss law in electrostatics. AP CO306.1
6. Distinguish between transformer emf and motional emf U CO306.1
7. State Coulomb’s law. R CO306.1
8. Compare the equi-potential plots of uniform and non-uniform fields. U CO306.1
9. State Ampere’s circuital law. R CO306.1
10. Sketch Gauss law for the magnetic field. U CO306.1
11. Compose the advantages of analyzing energy conversion devices by field A CO306.2
energy concept
12. State Faradays law of electromagnetic induction. R CO306.2
13. Define winding factor R CO306.2
14. State the principle of electromechanical energy conversion R CO306.2
15. Distinguish between statically induced emf and dynamically induced emf U CO306.2
16. Formulate synchronous speed. Write the expression also. R CO306.2
17. Define pole pitch and chording angle. U CO306.2
18. Why synchronous machine does not produce torque at any other speed? Justify. E CO306.2
19. Write the application of single and doubly fed magnetic systems? AP CO306.2
20. Why do all practical energy conversion devices make use of the magnetic field AP CO306.2
as a coupling medium rather than electric field?
21. Discuss why the external characteristics of a DC shunt generator are more U CO306.4
drooping than that of a separately excited.
22. Discuss the purpose of yoke in dc machine. U CO306.2
23. Justify why the air gap between the pole pieces and the armature is kept very A CO306.2
24. Integrate the characteristics of all DC generators in a single graph. E CO306.4
25. Summarize the application of various types of generators. AP CO306.6
26. Write the requirements of the excitation systems? U CO306.4
27. Explain critical resistance of a DC shunt generator. C CO306.4
28. What is the purpose of equalizer bar in parallel operation of DC series A CO306.4
29. The series field winding has low resistance while the shunt field resistance has E CO306.4
high resistance. Why?
30. Define Commutation and Commutation period. U CO306.4
31. Define back emf in a DC motor. R CO306.3
32. List the application of various types of DC motor. AP CO306.6
33. Sketch the circuit model of various types of motors. A CO306.2
34. Justify why the starters necessary for starting of DC motors? U CO306.2
35. How to reverse the direction of rotation of DC motor. AP CO306.2
36. Show at what load does the efficiency is maximum in DC shunt nmachines. A CO306.4
37. Criticize “belt drive not suitable for DC series motor, why?” U CO306.6
38. What will happen to the speed of a DC motor when its flux approaches to A CO306.4
39. What are the functions of no-volt release coil in a three point starter? U CO306.2
40. Mention the effects of differential compounding and cumulatively compound R CO306.4
on the performance of DC compound motor.
41. Why is transformer rated in KVA? Justify. R CO306.3
42. What is ideal transformer and draw its phasor diagram R CO306.5
43. How do you reduce leakage flux in a transformer? U CO306.5
44. What are the causes of stray losses? U CO306.3
45. What is the turns ratio of transformer? A CO306.3
46. What are the roles of tertiary winding in transformer? A CO306.3
47. The emf per turn for a single-phase 2200/220V, 50 Hz transformer is 11V. E CO306.3
Calculate the number of primary and secondary turns.
48. What happens if DC supply is applied to the transformer? AP CO306.5
49. Deduce the regulation of a transformer. E CO306.5
50. What is the purpose of conducting an open circuit test? A CO306.5

PART B - 16 Marks BT CO Marks

Questions can be either one division with 16 Marks or (10+6) Marks or (8+8) Marks

1. State and explain Ampere’s circuit law and show that the field R CO306.1 16
strength at the end of a long solenoid is one half of that at the centre.
2. (i) State and explain Bio-savarts law. R CO306.1 8
(ii) Derive an expression for the force between two long straight parallel A CO306.1 8
current carrying conductors.
3. (i) Explain the relation between field theory and circuit theory in detail. A CO306.1 8
(ii) The core of a toroid is of 12 cm2 area and is made of material with
μr=200. If the mean radius of the toroid is 50cm. Calculate the E CO306.1 8
number of turns needed to obtain an inductance of 2.5H.
4. Obtain the expression for energy stored in the magnetic field and E CO306.1 16
also develop the expression for magnetic energy density
5. (i) Explain in detail about equation of continuity. A CO306.1 8
(ii) State Coulomb’s law and derive the expression for force in vector
form and also discuss about electric field intensity due to continuous A CO306.1 8
distribution of charges.
6. Derive the expression for the magnetic force developed in multiply
excited magnetic systems. Also obtain the expression for field R CO306.2 16
energy in the system.
7. (i) Formulate the torque equation of a round rotor machine. Also
C CO306.2 8
clearly state the assumptions made.
(ii) Explain in detail about types of windings in armature. U CO306.2 8
8. Find an expression for the rotating magnetic field system for a
simplified stator core with three equally spaced windings whose CO306.2
A 16
different instance are marked off at 60deg intervals on current
9. (i) The λ-I characteristics of singly excited electromagnet is given by
i=121λ2x2 for 0<i<4 A and 0<x<10Cm. If the air gap is 5cm and a
R CO306.2 8
current of 3A is flowing in the coil, Identify (a) Field Energy (b) Co-
energy (c) Mechanical Force on the moving part.
(ii) Explain briefly the production of rotating magnetic field. What are A CO306.2 8
the speed and direction of rotation of the field? Is the speed
10. (i) Discuss the basics concept of EMF induced in the AC winding. U CO306.2 8
(ii) Explain in detail about the general analysis of electromechanical
A CO306.2 8
11. A separately excited generator when running at 1000rpm supplied
200A at 125V. What will be the load current when the speed drops
E CO306.4 16
to 800rpm if If is unchanged? Given that armature resistance=0.04Ω
and brush drop=2V. Derive the necessary equations.
12. (i) With neat sketch explain the construction and principle of operation
U CO306.2 8
of DC generator.
(ii) Calculate the emf induced in the armature of a two pole generator
whose armature has 280 conductors and is revolving at 1000 rpm. R CO306.2 8
The flux per pole is 0.03weber.
13. (i) Explain the armature reaction and commutation in detail for a
A CO306.2 8
DC machine.
(ii) A 6-pole DC Generator has 150 slots. Each slot has 8 conductors
and each conductor has resistance of 0.01Ω. The armature terminal
E CO306.4 8
current is 15 A. Calculate the current per conductor and the drop in
armature for Lap and Wave winding connections.
14. (i) Obtain the expression for the EMF equation of a DC generator. A CO306.2 8
(ii) Explain the following terms in DC generator (a) Lap and Wave
A CO306.2 8
winding (b) Compensation winding.
15. A four pole lap wounded shunt generator supplies 60 lamps of
100W, 240V each; the field and armature resistances are 55ohm and
0.18ohm respectively. If the brush drop is 1volt for each brush E CO306.4 16
formulate i) armature current (ii) current per path (iii) generated emf
(iv) power output of dc machine.
16. Describe briefly the various methods of controlling the speed of a
DC Shunt Motor and bring out their merits and demerits. Also, state A CO306.6 16
the situations where each method is suitable.
17. (i) A 230volts DC Shunt motor on no-load runs at a speed of 1200RPM
and draw a current of 4.5 Amperes. The armature and shunt field
resistances are 0.3 ohm and 230 ohms respectively. Calculate the E CO306.4 10
back EMF induced and speed, when loaded and drawing a current of
(ii) With the help of neat circuit diagram, explain swinburne’s test and
give the relations for efficiency (Both for generator and Motor). A CO306.4 6
18. A 4 pole DC series motor has 944 wave connected armature
conductors. At a particular load, the flux per pole is 0.04wb and the
total torque developed is 260 N-m. Calculate the line current taken E CO306.4 16
by the motor and the speed at which it will run with an applied
voltage of 500V. The total motor resistance is 3Ω.
19. Interpret meant by Permanent Magnet DC motor? Explain the
construction, principle, working and equivalent circuit of PMDC
U CO306.4 16
motor. And also write the advantages, disadvantages and
applications of it.
20. Explain the different methods of excitation and characteristics of a
DC motors with suitable diagrams. A CO306.4 16
21. Explain the principle of operation of a transformer. Derive its emf
A CO306.3 16
22. Develop the equivalent circuit of a single phase transformer referred
to primary and secondary. C CO306.5 16
23. (i) Explain the construction and working of core type and shell type
R CO306.3 8
transformers with neat sketches.
(ii) A 500 KVA transformer has a core loss of 2200 watts and a full load
copper loss of 7500 watts. If the power factor of the load is 0.90
E CO306.5 8
lagging, Evaluate the full load efficiency and the KVA load at which
maximum efficiency occurs.
24. (i) Derive an expression for maximum efficiency of a transformer. U CO306.5 6
(ii) A 500KVA transformer has 95% efficiency at full load and also at
60% of full load both at UPF. a) Separate out the transformer losses. E CO306.5 10
b) Measure the transformer efficiency 75% full load, UPF.
25. (i) Obtain the generalized conditions for parallel operation of
Transformer. Also explain the effect of load sharing due to A CO306.5 10
impedance variation between transformers during parallel operation.
(ii) Evaluate in brief the voltage regulation with necessary expressions. E CO306.5 6

Faculty In-charge Course Coordinator Head of the Department

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