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Regulation – 2015 / 2016 /2017 (Delete whichever is inappropriate)

Programme (s) Semester Course Code (s) Course Title


CO308.1 Understand the significance of measurements and functions of instruments [R,U]

CO308.2 Explain the working principle of analog meters for power and energy measurements [U,AP]

CO308.3 Comprehend the measurement of electrical, mechanical and thermal parameters using
suitable instruments. [U,AP]
CO308.4 Identify the application and operation of optical and biomedical instrumentation systems

PART A - 2 Marks BT CO
1. Define static sensitivity. R CO308.1
2. Define transformer ratio of an instrument transformer. R CO308.1
3. List the static characteristics of instrumentation system. R CO308.1
4. List the dynamic characteristics of instrumentation system. R CO308.1
5. Define creeping in energy meter. R CO308.2
6. Define damping torque of an instrument R CO308.2
7. Define resolution and precision U CO308.1
8. State any two applications of CT and PT. U CO308.2
9. List the applications of the measurement systems. R CO308.1
10. State the reason for two types of error in potential transformers. U CO308.2
11. What is a transducer? Give an example U CO308.3
12. Enumerate the basic requirements of transducer. R CO308.3
13. List the desired properties of thermocouple metals. R CO308.3
14. Differentiate accuracy and precision. A CO308.3
15. List the factors to be considered for selection of transducers. U CO308.3
16. How is linearity of a transducer specified? U CO308.3
17. What are active and passive transducers? R CO308.3
18. Distinguish between static and dynamic characteristics of transducer. A CO308.3
19. Write two examples of active and passive transducers. R CO308.3
20. Define active and passive transducers. R CO308.3
21. List the types of manometers. R CO308.3
22. Mention two advantages of RTD R CO308.3
23. How to minimize null voltage in LVDT? U CO308.3
24. Define Gauge factor. R CO308.3
25. List the types of strain gauge. R CO308.3
26. Differentiate between Thermistor and RTD. A CO308.3
27. What is the name of the amplifier employed with piezoelectric accelerometer? AN CO308.3
28. Mention the property that enables variation of resistance with temperature in a R CO308.3
29. What is lead wire compensation in RTD? R CO308.3
30. List of the types of thermocouples. R CO308.3
31. Mention any four optical transducers. R CO308.3
32. What is Seeback Effect? R CO308.3
33. Draw the symbolic diagram LED & photo diode. R CO308.4
34. List out the applications of optical instruments. R CO308.4
35. Draw the characteristics curve of UV visible spectrophotometer. U CO308.4
36. Define the interferometric techniques. R CO308.4
37. Define IR spectrometry. R CO308.4
38. What is the principle of LASER? R CO308.4
39. Differentiate LED and photo diode. U CO308.4
40. Differentiate between external pacemaker and implanted pacemaker. U CO308.4
41. Draw the block diagram of a bio-telemetry system. U CO308.4
42. Illustrate single channel telemetry. AP CO308.4
43. What are the applications of biotelemetry? U CO308.4
44. What is biotelemetry? U CO308.4

45. List the three types of lead systems used to record electrocardiograms. R CO308.4
46. What is the purpose of incubator? R CO308.4
47. Give the origin, amplitude and duration of the different waves in ECG. U CO308.4
48. Sketch a typical ‘PQRST’ complex waveform with respect to ECG. AP CO308.4
49. State the difference between stethoscope and sphygmomanometer. U CO308.4
50. List the advantages of Clinical thermometer. R CO308.4

PART B - 16 Marks BT CO Marks

Questions can be either one division with 16 Marks or (10+6) Marks or (8+8)

1. (i) Explain the functional elements of an instrument with neat block R CO308.1 10
diagram representation.
(ii) Explain the dynamic characteristics of an instrument in detail. R CO308.1 6

2. (i) With a neat circuit and phasor diagram, discuss the construction and U CO308.2 16
operation of single phase AC energy meter.
3. (i) Discuss with neat diagram, the construction and working principle U CO308.2 16
of attraction and repulsion type Moving Iron instruments .Give the
advantages and limitations of such instruments.
4. (i) Sketch the basic construction of PMMC instrument. Develop the U CO308.2 16
torque equation for a PMMC instrument and show that its scale is
linear if spring control is employed.
5. (i) Write short notes on Current Transformer U CO308.2 8

(ii) Explain the static characteristics of instrumentation system R CO308.1 8

6. (i) Explain the various classification of transducers with examples. R CO308.3 8

(ii) Describe the different criteria for selection of transducer for a AP CO308.3 8
particular application.
7. (i) Explain construction and working of LVDT U CO308.3 8

(ii) Derive the expression for Gauge factor. AP CO308.3 8

8. (i) A strain gauge has a gauge factor of 4. If the strain gauge is attached AP CO308.3 8
to a metal bar that stretches from 0.28 m to 0.285 m when strained,
what is the percentage change in resistance?. If the unstrained value
of gauge is 350 ohms, what is the resistance value of gauge after the
application of the strain?
(ii) Write short notes on piezoresistive accelerometer. U CO308.3 8

9. (i) Describe the construction and working of Resistance U CO308.3 8

(ii) Write short notes on piezo capactive accelerometer. U CO308.3 8

10. (i) With neat diagram explain the principle, operation manometer. U CO308.3 16

11. (i) With neat diagram explain in detail about bourdon tube and its U CO308.3 16
12. (i) Describe the RTD and explain how it can be used to measure U CO308.3 16
13. (i) Explain the construction and characteristic of Thermistor. What are U CO308.3 16
its applications?
14. (i) Explain the working principle and construction of a thermocouple? U CO308.3 16
How are thermocouples calibrated?
15. (i) Explain the principle of operation and types of LED. A CO308.4 8

(ii) Explain the principle of operation and types of photo diode. U CO308.4 8

16 (i) Explain in detail about laser and their characteristics. U CO308.4 16

17 (i) Explain with neat diagram of UV visible and IR spectrometry. R CO308.4 16

18 (i) Explain in detail about Interferometric technique. U CO308.4 16

19 (i) Write notes on U CO308.4 16

a) Accelerometer
b) Interferometer
20 (i) Write notes on U CO308.4 16
a) Radiation pyrometer
b) Pressure thermometers
21 (i) Discuss how the various physiological parameters can be monitored AP CO308.4 16
and usage of telemetry as an emergency tool.
22 (i) Describe the different lead systems in ECG Wave form recording. AP CO308.4 8

(ii) Draw an ECG of a normal person, labeling the critical features and AP CO308.4 8
explain the working of an ECG machine.
23 (i) Illustrate the different modes of operation of cardiac pacemakers. AP CO308.4 16

24 (i) Draw the block diagram of a bio-telemetry system and explain the AP CO308.4 8
functional elements.
(ii) Explain the electrical nature of natural pacemaker. AP CO308.4 8

25 (i) Sketch the block diagram of automated electro sphygmomanometer A CO308.4 16

for blood pressure measurement and explain its operation.

Faculty In-charge Course Coordinator Head of the Department

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