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734 Official Jouriial of tlic Eiiropcaii Coiiimuiritics .

16.8.67 . (IFFlCiAI. 1 O U R N A l . O F T H E EUROPEAN COMMUN1Tlh.S No 19611

",a, -
of 27 June 1967 i

o n thc approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relatipg to thc

classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substanqees =-.?


THE COUNCIL ü V THE EUKOPEAN ECONOMIC Directive must be restricted to thc approxiiiiatioii of
COMMUNITY, provisioiis relating to daiigcrous substances;

HaviiiS rcgard to thc Treaty establishing thc Wircrcns in view of thc cxtciit of. this field and the
Eiiropcnii Ecoiioiiiic .Community, and in particular many detailed m a s u r e s which will be required for
Article 100 thereof; ' the approximation of all..thc proyisions relating to
dangerous substances, it,yould apIjenr advisable to
Having regard to tlie proposal from thc deal first with the appry.xinia<i'n.of laws, rcgiilatioiis
Commission; and administrative ;p.rovisi,Qns relating to thc
classification, packaging and labelling of dangcroirs
substances and to dcal in latcr directivcs with thc
Having rcgard to the Opinion of the European approximation of thc provisions relating to thc usc of
Parliament'; those dangerous substanccs and prcparations if it is
establislicd thnt thc diffcrenccs siicli
Having regard to tlic Opinion of thc Ecoiionlic niid provisions directly affect thc cstablishnicnt or
Social Comniittcc2; functioning of the common market;

Whereas any rules concerning the placing on the Whereas the approximation of national provisioiis
market of dangerous substances and preparations which is laid dowii by this Dircctivc docs not
must aim at protecting the public, and in particular prejudice application of the provisions of Articles 31
workers using such substances and preparations; and 32 of the Treaty;

Whereas the differences bctwrcn the national

\provisions %of thc six Mcmbcr States on the HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:
classificatioii, packag~ing and labelliiig of dangerous
substances and prcparations hinder trade in these Article 1

substniiccs and preparations within thc Community

and hence directly affect the cstablishment and 1. The purpose of this Dircctivc is to approximate
functioiiiiig of tlic coinnion markct; thc laws, regulations and administrativc provisions of
tlie Mcmbcr States on:
Whereas it is thercforc iiccwary t o rewove such
Iiiiidraiiccs; wlicrcas this cnuils approximating thc - classification,
laws, rcgiiiatioiis niid administrative provisioiis oii - piickiigiiig, atid
classification, packaging aiid labelling;
- labelling
Whereas, in vicw of tlic preparatory work still to bo of dangerous subsranccs which. arc placcd on the
carricd out, the approxiniatioti of provisions relating market in thc Mcmber States of thc Community,
to dangerous prcparations will havc to bc dealt with
in later directives; whereas thcrefore tlie present 2. This Directive does not affect the provisions
-- relating to:
I OJN o 209. 11.12.1965, p. 3133165, (a) nicdicinal products, niîrcotics and radionctivc
OJNu 11, 20.1.1966, p. 143/66. substaiiccs;

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. .-I

Officinl Jotirtial of the Eur»peaii Coiiiiiiunitics 235

(h) tiic ciirriagc of dangerous substances by rail,
road, iiilniid waterway, sea o r nir; liquid substiitices aiid prcpnrations having a flash
(c) iiiiiiiitions aiid objects coiitainiiig csplosivc point hct\vccii 21° c dlld 55" c;
iiiiittcr in tlic foriii of igtiitcrs or nrotor fiicls.
(cj toxic:
.I. This Dircctivc dors iiot apply to claiigcrotis substitiices aiid prcparntioiis which, if thcy arc
substances cxportcd to third countries. iiilialcd or tnkcii internally or if they pcnetratc
the skin, inny involvc scrious, acute or chronic
4. Articles 5 to 7 of this Directive do not apply to Iicalili risks aiid even dcatli; .
coiitaincrs for gascs which arc compressed, liqticficd (f) Iiarmfiri:
o r dissolved uiidcr pressure. .e-\ . Ix

substances niid -preparations which, if they arc

iiilialcd o r tnkcn .iiircrna'tly or if they pciictrqtc
tlic skin, may in\iaivc liinitcd hcalth risks; ?
Article 2
(g) corrosive:
1. For tlic purposes of this Directive:
substanccs aiid prcpnrations wliicli may, on
(a) ' s ~ b ~ t t ~ incalis
ti~e~' conract with living tissues, destroy thciii;
chcniical elcniciits aiid their conipounds us tlicy (h) irrìfrrit:
occur in the iiiitüïiìl state or as prodiiccd by
industry; non-corrosive substanccs and preparations which,
through iiiiincdiatc, prolonged or repeated
(b) 'yrcparatiorrs' iiic;uis coiitnct with thc skin or niucous tncmbranc, can
inixturcs or soliitioiis coniposcd of two or niore ciiusc iiiflainniation,

2. The following substances aiid preparations arc Article 3

'dangerous: within the mcatiing of this Dimtive:
\ 6 '(a) cxpìosiue: Tlic cliissificittioii of dangerou.; sithstaiiccs according
to the greatest iicgrcc of hazard and spccific naturc of
siibstaiiccs aiid prcparntiotis wliich niay explode tlic risks slinll bc bascd o11thc categories laid down
imdcr tlic cffcct of flanic o r which arc more in Article 3.
scnsitivc to shocks or friction than
Article J
(b) osiáisirrg:
substanccs and preparations wh'ich give risc to Aiiiics I to this Directive gives the list of dangerous
highly csotlicrniic reaction when in contact with substances classified in accordancc with the
othcr substances, particularly flanimable provisions of Articlc 3.
( c ) easily flarnnia6le:
- siibstaiiccs atid preparntions which may
bcconic hot and finnlly catch fire in contact Mciiiber Stntcs sli;ill take all necessary iiicíisiircs to
with air at nnibicnt tcnlpcraturc without any wswe that dnngcroiis substances cannot bc placed
application of eiicrgy, or . on thc ninrket uiilcss the strength aiid impcrincability
- solid substanccs and prcpnrations which niay of thcir packaging siitisfics tlic following
rcqitircniriits, aiiy packaging nicetiirg thcse
rcadily catch fire aftcr brief contact with a
source of ignition iiiid which contiiiuc to burn ' requirements being regardcd as adcqiiatc:
or to be consunicd aftcr rcnioval of the
source of ignition, or 1. Thc packiigiiigs niust be so arrctriged and,fiistciicd
- liquid substances and preparations haviiig a 2 ns to prccludc any loss of thc contents; this
requireniciit docs iiot apply where special safeti
flash point below 21' C, or
- gaseous substances atid preparations which
devices arc prcscribcd;
are flammablc in iiir at iiornial pressure, or 2. Thc materials coiistitutilig the packaging and
- substances and preparations which, in contact fastenings must not bc Iiabíc t o attack by tlic
with water or damp air, cvolvc highly coiitents, or linblc to form harmful or dangerous
flnniniablc gascs iii diingcrous quantities; coiiipoiiiids with tlic contciits;

- .
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B/EEC 67 3404579 0003869 b

2.36 Official Journal of thc European Communities . 0,


3. 'The packagiiigs and fiistciiinas intist he strong and 3, If the packaging is accoppanictí by advice on
solid throughout to ciisurc that they will tiot safety prccnutioiis rclqting to, thc USC of tlic
looscii .irid will snfclg nicct the normal strcssrs suhStaiiccs, the wording of this shnll, in conformity
snd strains of handling:. with thc rcfcrciiccs contaiticd i i i tlic list in Annex f,
Iic tiitmi froni Atiiicx IV to this Directive,

Article 7
1. híciiilwr States sliall tiikc sll iicccssiiry Iiieiisurcb
tociisurc tliiit higsrous substances caniiot bc placed 1. Where the piirticülfirs rcqtiircd by Article (i
on tlic niiirkct iiiilcss the Iabclliiig on thcir packaging appear on a Iabcl, thnt label must bc placed on o ~ i c
sntisfics tlir íoili,\vilig rcqiiircniciits. or niorcc surfaccs of clic pqcknging s.o that it can bc
read horizontally whcn tlic p a c h ~ cis set dowii
iiarinally. The dirn&s$n$ of,thc labcl inust not he
less than thosc of a stándard'A 8 sheet (52 X 74 mm),
but thcrr is 110 ohlibation. thnt it cxcccd thosc:of a
- the IlilIlle of tliL substiiiice, standard A 5 slicct (I48 x 210 nim). Ench symbol
m i i s cover ci least one-tenth of the surfacc arca of
- tlic origiii of the siilistfiitcc, tkc label. T h e entire surface of the label must stick
to tlic inimcdinte packaging of the substance,
- tlic danger s p i b o l and indicatioii of daiigcr
involved in thc use of the substance,
2. A label shall nor bc rcquircd whcrc the
- dareference
to the special risks arisiiig froin stich particulars are clearly printed on thc normal
packaging as specified in paragraph 1,

(a) the name of the suksraiicc niust bc one of tlic 3. The particulars on tlic packaging or o11tlic label
terms listcd in Aniiex I to this Directive; must be printed in clearly legible and indcliblc
characters so as to ensure that thc symbols and

\ ' ' (b) the indication of origiti must include the name
and address of tlic manufacturer, tlic distributor
or the importcr;
indications of dnngcr and thc refcrencc to special
risks arc sufficiently prominent,

4. Member States niny make the placing OII the

(c) the following syiiibols aiid iiidicntioiis of diiiigcr market of dangerous substances in thcir territories
arc to be used: subject to the use of tlic natioiial laiiguagc or
languages in the labclling of these substances.
- explosive: an exploding bomb (E)
- oxidisitrg: a flame over a circlc (O) 5. T h e obligations of paragraphs 1 to 4 concerning
lalclling shall be regarded as being satisfied where a
- L'CT)' /lm1m6le: a flame (F) container is dispatched bearing a label complying
with the dispatch requirements and whcrc this Iabcl
- toxic: a drath's liead íwd cross- displays the appropriate symbol laid dowa in Article
bones (T) 6 (2) (c). This derogation shall not apply to
- imiiifril: ;I St. Andrew's Cross (XII) cotmiiiers which arc inside othcr coiitnincrs.

- corrositv: tlic .symbol showing thc

Jaiiiagiiig cffcct OC any Article 8
nzid (C)
- irritmrt: i\ St. hiidrcw's Cross (Xi) Mciiiicr States niay

l h c symbols iiiust coaforiii to thosc iii Aiiiicx If (a) pcrniit the labclling required by Articlc 6 to be
to this Dircctivc; they shall bc printed iii b'ack affixed in some othcr appropriate nianiicr on
on ail oraiigc-ycllow background. pitckagiiig too sinall to allow Iitbcllinl: in
accordance with Article 7 (i) ot (2);
(d) The nature of the special risks iiivolvcd hi using
the substances niust be indicated by one or more (b) by way of derogation froiii Articles 6 aiid 7,
of the standard phrases which, iii conformity pcrmit tlic packagiiig of dangcrous substairccs
with tlic refcrciiccs contailied in tlic list in Aniicx which arc tieithcr csplosivc nor toxic to hc
i, itrc sct out iii , h C X III to this Directive. uiilabelled, or to bc labelled in some other way if

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Official Journal of the European Communities .
. .-, 23;

they contain such small quantitics that there is no

danger to workers or otlicrs,
'íhcy shall forthwith inform'th'e'Commission thereof,
-*-% .
Article 11
Article 9
This Directivc is addressed to the Member States.
Mcmbcr Stntcs shall inform the Conimission of all
laws, regulations and administrativc provisions which
they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.
Done a t Crussels, 27 June 1967, .

Aiticle 10 .--'z. P. .
:y' , FG the Council
Mcmbcr Statcs shall adopt the mcasures needed in
order to coniply with this Directive and shall apply .. f'- .-*
. . I
~ . The President

them by 1 January 1970 at the latcst. a R. VAN EULANDE''

Annex I to this Directive is not reproduced in this edition as its repeal and replaceincnt are
provided for in the Proposal for a Directive submitted b the Commission to the Council on
30 December 1971 and published in the Official Journal althe Europeati Comntrrnities, No C 34
of 7 April 1Y72, page 11.

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238 Official Joiirnd of the European Communities

ANNEXE II - ANLAGE Il - BIILAGE 11 - A L L E G A T 0 If - A N N E X 11

E o

Explosif Comburant
Explosionsgefährlich Brandfördernd
Ontplofbaar Oxyderend
Esplosivo Comburente
Explosive Oxidising

. .*I

Facilement inflammable L

Leicht entzündlich “-
Licht ontvlambaar ..:- SI
Facilmente in fiammit& * -5

I I Easilyflammable ~


Toxique Cornsif
Gift Atzend .
Vergiftig Corrosid - I

Tossico Corrosivo .---

Toxic &KOSiVC


Nocif Irritant
Gesundheitsschädlich Reizstoff
Schadelijk Irriterend
i\ t Nocivo kntante
u Harmful Initant

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EC b7/54B/EEC b7 m 3 4 0 4 5 7 9 0003872 b a ,'. ? - :

Official Journal of the European Communitics 239


Nature des risques particuliers attribués aux substances dangereuses


Bezeichnungen der besonderen Gefahren bei gefihrlichen Stoffen


Aard der bijtonder? p a c e n toegeschreven aan gevaarlijke stoffen


Natura dei rischi specifici attribuiti alie sostanre pericolose


Nature of the special risks attaching to dangerous substances

. .*>

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EC b7/598/EEC 67 3904579 0003873 B W '

240 Offisini Jourrinl of the European Cornmunitics 1

_ .- 5 -

R I Explosif à i'btnt SCC.

In trockcncni Zustand cxplosionsfihig,
In drogc tocstarid ontplofbaar.
Esplosivo a110 stat0 sccco.
Explosive when dry.

R 2 Risqiic (I'cxplosioi\ pnr IC choc, In frirtioii, IC fcu ou ailtrcs sourccs d'ignition,

Durch Schlag, Rcibiiiig, Fcucr odcr andcrc Ziindqucllcn cxplosionsfihig,
ûntploffingsgcvanr door schok, wrijviiig, vuur of andere ontstckingsoonaken.
Rischio di esplosionc pcr urro, sfregamento, tuoco o altre sorgetití d'ignitione.

Risk of explosion by shock, friction, flame or other sourccs of ignition.
R 3 Grand risqiie d'cxplosion par le choc, la friction, le feu ou outres sourccs d'ignition,
Durch Schlag, Reibung, Fc .er odcr andcrc Ziindquellcn lcicht explosionsfiihig.
z t Gruot ontploffingsgevanr door schok, wrijving, vuur of andere ontstekingsoor~akcn.
Elevato rischio di esplosionc per iictc, sfregamento, fuoco o altre sorgenti d'ignizione.
Extreme risk of cxplosion by shock, friction, flame or other sources of ignition.

R 4 Forme des scls mftalliqucs explosifs très sensibles.

Bildet hochcmpfindliche explosionsfähige iyetallsalzc.
Vormt zccr gcvoelige ontplofharc metäalzouten.
Forma sali metallic¡ molto scnsibili.
Forms very sensitive explosive metallic salts.

i! 5 Danger d'explosion sous l'action de la chaleur.

Beim Erwärmen cxplosionsfähig.
Ontploffingsgcvaar door venvarming.
Pericolo di csplosime per riscaldamcnto,
Heating may cause an explosion.

R 11 Peut provoquer un incendie,

Kann Brand verursachen. *
Kan brand vcroonakcn.
Pu0 provocare un incendio,
May cause fire. 2

R 12 Favorise l'inflammation des matières combustibles.

Feuergefahr bei Bcrührung mie brcniibarcn Stoffen,
Bevordcrt de ontbranding van brandbare stoffen.
Pu0 provocare I'accensione di matc:ie combustili.
Contact with combustible matcrial may cause fire,

R 13 Explosif en mklange avec dcc matières combustibles.

Explosionsgefahr bei Mischung mie brennbaren Stoffen,
Ontploffingsgevaar bij menging met brandbare stoffcn. . .
Esplosivo in mescolanza con materie cotrbstili. 1

Explosive when mixed with combustible material,

~ - :
:.. ti
R 21 Inflammable. 3 =i


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Official Jouriial of thc Europcan Cornmunitics 24 I
R 22 Tris inflaniiiiablc. .
tcicht entriindlich.
Licht ontvlambaar,
'Volto infianimabile.
Very flanlmabíe,

R 23 Extri.nienient iiiflaiiiiiiahlc.
Zccr licht ontvlamh,iar,
Altamenrc infiammabilc,
Highly flaniniablc,

R 24 Gaz liqu6fié inflamniab!c.

Brennbares Flüssiggas.
Ontvlambalir tloeibaar gas. P

Gas liqiiefatro infiammabile,

Flariimable liquefied gas.

R25 Gaz liqiiéfié très inflammablc,

Leicht entziindliclies FlÜssiggas.
Licht ontvlambaar vloeibá,ur gas.
Gas liquefatto molto hfiamniabilc,
Very flammable liquefied gas.
R 26 Gaz liqiikfié cxtrihcmcnr inflaminable, I...?

Hninefitziindliches Flüssiggas. ?

Zcer licht ontvlanibaiir vloeibaar gas. . ..

Gas liqircfatto altanirnte infiamniabile, - .:- .s\,
High flammable liqiiefied gas.
'rr' -1' *

R 27 Liquide inflammable miscible avec !'enti,

Brennbare Flüssigkeit mischbar mit Wasser.
Ontvlambare vlocistof mengbaar met water.
Liquido infiamniabile rniscibile con l'acqua.
Flammable liquid miscible with water.

R 23 Liquide inflammable non niiscihle avec l'eau,

*.'\ .
Brennbare Flüssigkeit nicht mit Wsset mischbar, t <
Ontvlambare vtoeistof niet mciigbasr met water.
Liquido infianimabile non niiscibile con l'acqua.
r '

'I*'j. ".
I?: *
. .
- . *..
Flammable liquid immiscible with water.

R 29 Réagir violemment en contnct avec l'eau cn digageant des gaz inflammables.

Reagiert heftig mit Wasser unter Bildung brennbarer Case.
Rcagccrt heftig mec water onder vorming van brandbare gassen.
Reagisce violentc.. lente a contatto .con I'acqua liberando gas infiammabile.
Reacts violectly with water liberating flammable gases.

R 30 Peut exploser cn mélange avec des substances comburantes.

ExplosionsfäniE in Mischung mit brandfördernden Stoffen.
Ontploffingsgev:,ar bij menging met oxydcrende stoffen,
Pericolo di esplosionc SL=M¿ScOlatO coli sostanre comburent¡,
-, Explosive when mixed - A h oxidising substances,


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242 Official Journal of tlic Europcan Cornmunitics

R 31 Spontaniiicnt iiiflatiiiiiablc dans l'air,

Sclbstciitzilndlich an dcr Luft.
Otitbrandt vantclf in de lidit.
Spoiitatieniiicntc infianimabilc nll'atin,
Spontancously flaminablc in air.
,,a." .
R 32 Explosif cn contact ou sans contact avec l'air.
Mit Lind olinc Luft cxplosioiisfähig,
ütitplofbnar nict cn zondcr lucht.
Esplosivo a contatto o scnza contatto con l'aria.
Explosivc with or without contact with air,

I< 33 h46langc vnpciir-air explosif.

Dnnipf-Lufrgcmisch cxplosionsfähig.
Damp-luchtmengscl is ontplofbaar.
Miscela vaporc-aria esplosiva.
Vapour-air mixturc explosive.

R 34 Mdlangc gaz-air explosif.

Gas-Liiftgeniisc!! cxplosionsflhig,
Gas-liichtmcngscl is ontplofbaar.
Misccla gas-aria csplosiva,
C a s 4 mixture cxploslvc.

R 35 Susceptible de former des pcroxidcs explosifs,

Kann explosionsfahigc Peroxide bilden.
Kan ontplofbarc peroxiden vormen.
Susccttibilc di fo:niarc pcrossidi esplosivi,
May form explosive pc:oxides.

R 5: Poussikes nocives. 1
Gcsundheitsschzdlicher Staub.

Schadclijk stof.
?ohcri nocive.
Harmful dust.

R 52 Poussières toxiqucs, *
Giftiger Staub.
Giftig stof.
Polvcti tossichc.
Poisonous dust.

K 53 ïoxique par contact nvcc In peau.

Giftig bei Bcrühntng mit der Haut.
Giftig bij aanraking met dc huid.
Tossico a contatto con la pelle.
Poisonous by skin contact.

R 54 Siibstancc nocive par ingcction.

Gesundheitsschädlich, besonders bein1 Vctschlucken.
Schadelijk bij opname in de maag.
Sostanza nociva 'per ingdonc.
Harmful siibstance if taken internally.

1 Voie R 65 --
Siehe p, 6.5 -- Zic R 65 - Vedasi R 65 - See
R 6.

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Official Journal of the' European Communities 243
R 5s' Kisqiic d'cnipoisoniicmcnt gravc cn cas d'ingcstion.
Eriistc Vcrgiftungsgefahr bcim Verschlcckcn,
Ernstig vcrgiftigingsgcvanr bii opname in dc maag.
Rischio gram di avvclcnan~cntoin caso di ingcstione.
Scrious risk of poisoning if taken ititcrnally.

R 56 Risquc d'cnrpoisonnciiicnt grnvc par inhalation ou ingcstion,

Ernstc Vcrgiftiitrgsgcfahr bcint Eiiiatiiien oder Verschluckcn'
Ernstig vcrgiftigingsgcvaar bij opname in de maag of hij inademing.
Risclrio di avvclenainctito grave pcr inalahne o ingestione,
Scrious risk of poisoning by inhalation or scvallowi~g.
. r '.A,

R 57 Substaiicc nocivc par ingestion ct par contfict avcc la pcaii. - i

GcsoiidhcitsschZdlich, besonders beim Verschluckcn iind bei ßedhrung mit der Haut,
Schadclijk bij opnamc in de maag en bij aanraking rnct dc hgid,-
'>?> .
Sostaíiza nociva per ingcstionc cd a contatto con la pelle,
Harnihl substance if takcn intcrnally and if in contact with the skin.
R 58 Risquc d'cmpoisonncnicnt grave pat inhalation, par ingcstion OU par contact BVCC
la pcaii.

Ernste Vergiftungsgcfahr beim Einatmen, Verschluckcn oder bei Bedihning mit der
Emstig vergiftigingsgevaar bij opname in de maag, bij inadcming of bij aantaaking mct
de huid.
Rischio di avvelcnamento gravc pcr inalaiione, ingestione o per contacto c6n la pelle.
Serious risk of poisoning by inhalation, swallowing or skin conta'c't.'
* e: ., b:. ,

R S9 Gaz nocif, I.? . .d..

Gcsundhcitsschädlichcs Gas.
:. - r
i"* .

Schadelijk gas.
Gas nocivo.
Harmful gas.
R 60 Caz toxiquc.
Giftiges Gas.
Giftig gas.
Cas tossico,
Poisonous gas.
I\ 61 Gat très toxiquc.
Hochgiftiges Gas. .
Zeer gifiig gas.
Gas molto tossko.
Highly poisonous gas.
n 62 Gaz inodore nocif.
Gesundheitsschädlichcs geruchloses Cas.
Schadclijk rcukloos gas,
Gas nocivo inodore.
Harmful odoiirless gas.
K 63 Gaz inodore teès toxiquc,
Hochgiftiges geruchloses Gas.
Zeer giftig reukloos gas.
Gas inodore molto tossico.
Highly poisonous odourleso gas.

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244 Official Journal of clic Europcaii Conimunitiss

R 64 ?apcurs iiocivc5.

Gcuiiidhcitssch;idlichc Dampft.
Schadclijkc dmpcii.
Vapori nricivi.
Harinfiil vapoiir.

R 6.5 Vapcirrs ct poussihrcs nocivcs. I

CicsriiirlhcitsgchQdlichcrDnnipf iitid Staiih.
Schadclijkc diinipcii cn schadcliik staf,
Vaperi c polvcrc ilocivi,
Hnrnrfiil vnpour and dust.

It 66 Bnict des vapeurs toxiqiics.

Glfrige Dampfc,

c c c h giftigC damp ,if.
Eniette vapori tossici.
Gives off poisonous vapours.

R 67 h c t des vapeurs t r b toxiqiics,

Hochgiftige Danipfc. 6

Gccft zcer giftigc damp af.

Diffonde vapori molto tossici,
Gives off vcry poisonoiis vdpoitrs. F

R 68 En contact avcc k a u , dégage un gaz toxiquc.

Entwickelt iii Bcriihrung mit Wasser giftigc Gasc.
Gccft hij aaiiraking mci water cen giftig gas af.
A cantatto con acqua, libcra un gas tossico.
Contact with water lihcrntes B poisonous gas.

R 69 EII coiitact avec l?eau, digage iin gaz trEs toxiquc.

Eritwidtclt in Bctiihrung mit \Va?assci hochgiftige Gase.
Geck hi] aanrnking niet water cen zccr giftig gas af.
A contatto con acqua, libera un gar molto tossico.
Contact with water libcratcs a highly poisonous gas.
- (?3.

R 70 En contact PVCC un acidc, d6gagc tin gaz toxiqiic.

Entwirkclt in Bcriihriiiig mit Saiire giftigc Gnsc.
Gecft bij aanraking mct ziiur ecn giftig gas af,
A contntto con acido, libera tin gas tossico.
Contact with acid liberates a poisonous gas.

.P 71 En contact avec un acide d6gagc un gaz tres toxiquc.

Entwickelt in Berührung mit S h e hochgiftigc Gasc.
Gccft bij aanraking met zuiic ccn zecc giftig gas af.
A contnttv con acido, libera un gas molto tossico. ; 4 -

Contact with acid liberates a highly poisonous gas.

I Ce risque ne doit ¿tie indique qu?au cas ob I?itat phydquc de la substance peut donner lieu b der Cmanrtionc
de pouriihrcs.
Diese Gefahr niuC nur dand bcicichnet wcrden, wenn dcr Stoff zum Verstauben neigt.
Dir gevaar mnet allcen wordcn vermeld, indicn dc %t6fnciging tot iiuivcn gecft.
Qucsro tischio dcvc csrerc indicato ne1 caso in cui lo stat0 fisico della sostanza potlrbbé d u hog0 a dcllc
emaniiioni di polver¡.
T h i s risk iiwd be indicated only in cam where the physical statc of the substance is &u& as to givc rise to dust.

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OffisidJournal of thc Europcati Communitics 245
R 81 Provoque des btiiliircs,
Verursacht VcrbrcnniingcnlVcflrriin~cil,
Cteeft hrandwondcn,
Provoca ustioni,
Causes burns.

R 82 Provoque dc gravec briilurcs. ..

Verursacht schwere Vcrbrciinungcn/Vcratsungcii. -
Gccft ernstigc brandwondcn. .._
Provoca gravi ustioiii.
Caiises scvere burns,

It 83 Irritant pour In peau et les yeux,

Reizt Haut und Augen.
Prikkclt huid en ogcn.
Irritante per la pelle e gli occhi.
Ciiuscs irriratiori of skin and eyes.

R 84 Irritant pour la peau, les yeux et les voies respiratoires.

Reizt Haut, Augen und Atemwege.
Prikkelt huid, ogen en adernhalingsorgancn.
Irritanti: per la pelle, gli ocAi e le vie respiratorie.
Irritating to skin, eyes and respiratory systcni,

0 a


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Conseils de prudcncc conccrnant les substances dnngercuscs


Sichcrheitsratschl5gc f i r getahrliche Stoffc


Vcilighcidsaanbcvelingcn mct betrekking tot de gevaarlijke stofferi


Consigli di prudcnza riguardanti IC sostanzc pcricolose


Safcty advicc concerning dangcrous chemical substanccs

. .

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Official Journal of thc European Communities 247
A. --Conservation

s 1 Conscrvcr CC produit sous cl6

Untcr Vcrschiulf aufbewahren,
Achtcr slot bewaren.
Conservare questo prodotto rinchiuso sutto chiavc,
Kccp this material locked up.
. ‘/,
S t Conserver cc produit hors d c la portfc des cnfants. i
Darf nicht in dic Händc von Kindcrn gclangcn.
ßiiiten bereik van ’.indcrcn bcwarcn. , _
- ., t t
Conscrvarc questo prodotto fuori dalla portnta dci bambini:+- \>

Keep this matcrial out of reach of childrcn.

s 3 Conserver ce produit sous cl&,hots dc la portde dcs enfants.

Unter Verschluß mkcwahrcn und nicht in die Hiinde von Kindern gelangen
Achtcr slot hewarcn, buiten bcrcik van kinderen,
Conservare qucsto prodotto rinchiuso sotto chiavc fuori dalla portata dei
Keep this material locked up and out of reach of diildrcn. .

*,’Y .
s 4 Conscrvcr ce produit sous l’eau; il s’enfi.tmme immédiateineqf4 y a k l
Entzütidct sich an der Luft, deshalb unter Wasser aufbcwalpd. i .o .

ûntvlamt onmiddellijk in de lucht, daarom ondcr water bèwarcn.;”

Conscrvarc qiicsro prodotto sotto acqua; s’infiamnia subita all’arh.
Kcep contects under wntcr; ignites immcdiatcly in air,

s 5 Conscrvcr dims un endroit frais,

Kühl aufbewahren.
Op ccn koclc plaats bcwarcn.
Conservare in iuogo fresco.
Store in a cool placc.

S 6 Tenir á l’écart de tout loc~ld’habitation.

Von Wohnplätzen femhaltcn.
Vcrwijderd van woonruimtcn opbcrgcn.
\ Conservarc in luogo lontano da locali di abitazionc.
Store away from living quarters.

s 7 Conserver ce produit sous l’eau,

Inhalt unter Wasser aufbewahren.
Onder water bewaren.
Conserrare questo prodotto sotto acqua,
Kecp colttents under watcr.

S 8 Gviter toute élévation de tempbrature.

Temperaturethöhung vermeiden.
Temperatuiirvcrhoging trcrmijdcn.
Evitare ogni aumento di temperatuta.
Prevent overheating,

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248 Official Journal of thc Europcaii Cornniunitics

B. - Rlcipicnts

s 11 Tenir I'cmballape bien fernid,

BchLltcr dicht geschlosscii hsltcii,
In goed geslotcn vcrpakking hcwnrcn.
Mantenere I'imballnggio ben chiuso,
Kecp containcr tightly closed.

s 12 Tenir l'emballage bien fcrmi et dans un endroit Sec.

Bchilter trocken und dicht geschlossen halten.
Droog en in goed gesloten verpakking bewaren,
Mantencic !'imballaggio ben chiuso c in hogo aschitto.
Keep container dry and tightty closed,

S 13 Tenir l'emballage bien fcrmd et dans irn endroit frais,

Dehiltcr dicht geschlossen und kiihl halten. in gocd gcslotcn vcrpakking hcwareii.

Mnntcncre I'¡rnbnllagg¡o ben chiiiso e in Iirogo fresco,

Keep container tightly closed and in a cool place.

S 14 Tcnir IC rici icnt hcrmkiqucment fcrmr', dans un endroit frais et l'kart de

tout local d'E;)abitation.
Behalter dicht gcschiosscn halten _und kühl und fern von WohiipI2tzen auf-
in hermetisch gesloten verpakking en kocl bewaren, verwijdcrd van woon-
Mantcnerc il recipiente bcn chiuso, in hIOg0 fresco e lontano da Iwaii di
Keep container sealed, in ii cool place, away from living quarters.

s 1s Tcnir IC ricipicnt hern16tiqiieincnt fermé et dans un endroit frais et bien

Bchältcr dicht gcschlosscn halten und an einem kühlen, gut gelüfteten Ort
In hcrmctisch gcslorcir ycrpakking, kocl en op ceii gocd gcventilcerde plaats
Mantciierc il rccipiciitc crnleticmiciitc chiiiso e in luogo-fresco c ben ventilato.
Keep container scaled and ia n cool well-ventilated

S 16 Tenir le récipient hernidtiquemcnt fermd et dans un endroit biet; ventil6

Bch2ltcr dicht geschlossen halten und an einem gilt gcliifteten Ort aufbe-
In hcrmctisch gesloten vcrpakking op een gocd gcventileerde plaats bewaren.
Mantenere il rccipicntc ernicticamente chiuso c in luogo ben ventilato.
Keep containcr scaled and in a well-ventilatcd placc.

S 17 Maintenir IC pr6duit humidc, dans un endroit frais et tenir I'ernballage bien

Bchälter dicht geschlossen, Behälterinhalt feucht und kühl hilt& & ~.
Dezc stof nict laten uitdrogcn, kocl en in goed sesloten Ferpa$$lng bewaren,
Mantenere il prodotto urnido, in laogo fresco, con l'iml&llagg(o.ben &¡uso,
Kcep container wet in a cool place and keep container sëaíed.
.. ....

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Official Joiirnal of thc European Cornmunitics 249
S 18 Evitcr I'acch de l'air et de I'humidit4.
Zutritt von Luft lind Fcuchtigkcit vcrhlndcm,
Toctrcding van Iiichr ci1 vocht vcrniijdcn,
Evitarc il contntto con l'aria d I'uniiditA,
Kccp air and nioisturc out.

S i9 Nc pas fcriiicr hcrni6iíqiiciiiciit le rdcipient.

ne'iiltcr nicht gasdicht vcrxhlicflcn,
De verpakking nict hcrnietisch sluitcii.
Non chiuderc crmeticamcntc il recipiente.
Do not kccp the container sealed.

C. - Précautions
Voorzorgsmaarregelen L


s 21 Ne pas manger et ne pas fumer pendant l'utilisation.

Lei der Arbeit nicht essen oder rauchen.
Niet cten en nict roken onder het werk.
Non fumare e non mangiarc durante I'impicgo.
When using do not eat c smoke.

s 22 Ne pas fumer pendant l'utilisation,

Bei der Arbeit nicht raudien.
Niet rokcn onder her werk.
Non fumare durante I'impiego,
When using do not smoke.

S 23 Ne pas rejeter les rdsidus A I'lr',out.

Nicht in das Ahwasser gelangcn lassen,
Afval niet in de gootstcen werpen.
Non gettare i residui degli scarichi.
Do not emptv into drains.

S 24 Ne jamais verser de Peau sur ce produit.

Niemals Wasser hinzugieBen,
Nooit water op deze stof gieten.
Non versarc mai acqua SU queso prodotto.
Never add water to this product.

Ne pas cons:rver ni transporter avec d'autres explosifs.

Von anderr.n Explosivstoffen fernhalten.
Van andere springstoffcn verwijderd houden.
h o n conscrvare né trasportare con altri esplosivi,
Store and transport separately from other explosives.

Ne pas conserver N transporter avec des explosifs d'amorçage,

Von Zündsprengstoffen fcnihalten,
Van inlcidingsspringstoffen verwijderd houden.
Non conservare né trasportare hsieme con detonatori.
Do not store or transport with dctonators.

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.. - :.


Official Jouriiiil of the Europcan Cornmunitics

-. 5-


r .

5 27 Prendre des mesures contre les décharges dlcctrostatiques, =: .. _,-.

- !
MaRnuhmcn gegen elektrostatischc Aiifladringen treffen.
Maatregclcn nemcn tegen clektrostatischc ontladingen.
Adottare provvcdimcnti contro le scariche clettrostatichc,
Takc piccautionary nicasiircs ngninst static discharges.

S 128 Bviter le choc et IC frottement.

Schlag und Reibung vermeiden,
Schok en wrijving vermijde: .
Evitare l'urto e 10 sfrcgaiitciito.
Avoid shock and friction.

\ i\ ?.c S 29 Enlevcr avec prkaution le coiltenu d'emballages endommagés.

Inhalt zcrstörter Packungen sorgfältig bt.dtigcrt.
Dc inhoud van bcschadigde verpakking voorzichtig emit nemen,
Toglierc con precauzionc i1 contenuzo da imballaggi danneggiati,
Carefully remove contents from damaged containers.

S 30 Bvacucr soigneusement lec rbidus à l'kart des plantations.

Abfille fern von Nutzpflanzen vergraben.
Afval zorgvuldíg begraven, ver van alle beplantingen.

Elirniniare i rifiuti lontano dalle coltivazioni,

Keey residues away from vegetation.

D. - Emmagasinage
Stock keeping

S 31 Tenir a l'écart des aliments et des boissons.

Von Nahrungsmitteln fernhalten.
Venvijderd houden van cet- en drinkwaren.
Mantenere lontano da alimenti e bevancie.
Keep away from foodstuffs and beverages.

S 32 Manipuler fe récipient avec prudence.

Behälter vorsichtig behandeln,
De verpakking voorzichtig behandelen. I '..e,

Maneggiare il recipiente con cautela. t

Handle coiitainer with care.
.I.- r;'
.l. . ->
s 33 Ne pas forcer la soupape,
Ventil nicht mit Gewalt öffnen.
Het ventiel niet met geweld openen.
Non sfonare la valvola.
Do not s h a h the valve,

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Officiai Journal of the European Communities 251

s 34 'Jlaccr la bouteille dcboiit et l'ouvrir evcc prudence.

Flasche aufrccht heltcn und vorsichtig Gffnen. ~~

Ples rcchtop zcttcn en wonichtig opcncii.

Mcttcrc In bonibola iii picdi ed nprirla con cniitcla.
Piacc thc cyliiidcr upright nnd open with cnrc.

s 3.5 Tcriir n I'i.cnrt des acidcs.

Nicht mit Siuren zusnmnicnbringen.
Vcrwijderd houden van zuten. .
..a1 .
Maiitcnerc lontnno dngli acidi. it

Keep away from acids,

s .
.*. fk
s 36 Tenir l'abri de la chulcur, des flammes et des dtinccllcs. c.;.' -*. - 5 ?
Von offenen Flammen, Wirmcqucllcn iind Funken fernhalten;-
Verwijderd houden van warmte, open vuur of vonken,
Tenere lontano da1 calore, dalle fiamme e dalle scintille,
Kccp away from heat and sourccs of ignition,

s 37 Tenir à l'kcart des flammes ct des étincelles.

Von offenen Flammen und Funken fernhalten.
Vcnvijderd houdcn van open vuur en vonkcn. r

Tenerc lontano dalle fiamme e dalle scintille, .-y. ;i. '

I.*. .
Keep away from sourccs of ignition. -y-. L '
;u : .A
S 38 Tcnir 1 l'écart des matièrcs combustibles. :. -

Voii brcnnbaren Stoffen fernhalten.

Verwijderd houdcn van brandbsre stoffen.
Tenex lontano dalla mamie conibustibili.
Keep away from combustible mateiid.

s 39 Tcnir à l'écart des matières comburantes.

Von brandfördernden Stoffen fernhalten.
Verwijderd houden van oxyderende stoffen.
Tenere lontano dalle materie cornburenti.
Store away from oxidising substances.

S 40 En hiver, éviter que I'eau des récipicnts ne gèle.

Im Winter Einfrieren des Wassers im Behälter verhiiten.
In de winter zorgen dat hct water in de vcrpakking niet bewiest,
D'inverno evitare che I'acqua dei recipienti geli,
in winter prevent the water in the container from freezing.

S 41 Manipuler le récipient avec extrême prudence.

Behälter mit aufierster Vorsicht behandeln.
De verpakking met uiterste voonichtighcid behandelen.
Manipoìare il tecipieilte con estrema cautela.
Handle container with extreme care.

S 42 Tenir à l'écart des métaux et des sels métalliques.

Von Metail und Mefallsalzen fernhaiten.
Verwijderd houden van metaal en metaalmuten.
Mantenere lontano dai metalli e daí sali metallid.
Storc'separately from metals and metallic salts.

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EC bï/548/EEC 67 3 4 0 4 5 7 9 0003885 4 W

252 , Official Journal of thc Europcan Communities

\i ,:

. E. - Inhalation

s 51 Eviter dc respircr les poussieres.

Staub nicht einatxsn.
Inademen van stof vermijden.
Evitare di respirare le polveri.
Avoid breathing dust,

s 52 Eviter de respirer les poussi¿r< 1 et les émanations.

Staub und Dampfe nicht einatmen.
Inademen van stof en darnpen vermijden,
Evitare di respirare le polveri e le emanazioili. .
Avoid breathing dust and fumeshipour.

s 53 Eviter de respirer les émanations.

Dampfe nicht einatmen.

InLemen van dampen vermijden.

Evitare di respirare le cmanazioni.
Avoid breathing fumes/vapour,

s 54 Eviter de respirer les gaz.

Cas n i d t einatnien.
Inademen van gas vetmijden.
Evitare di respirare i gas.
Avoid breathing gas. . 5

s 55 Eviter de respirer les vapeurs, même si l’odeur n’en est pqs perceptible.
Ddmpfc nicht einatmen, auch wenn kein Ceruch wahrnehmbar, ... si
Inademen van dampen vermijden, zelfs wanneer geen reuk wodrwaarge~omen.
dvitare di respirare i vapori anche se nessun odore è awertito.
Avcid breathing vapour even if the smell is not perceptible.

S 56 Eviter de respirer les gar menie si l’odeur n’en est pas perceptible.
Gas nicht einatmen, auch wenn kein Geruch wahrnehmbar,
Inademen van gas vermijden, zelfs wanneer geen reuk wordt waargenomen.
Evitare di respirare i gas anche se nessun odore k avvertito.
Avoid breathing gas even if the smell is not perceptible,

s 57 Eviter de respirer les poussiètes’et les brouillards de puIvécisa$o?

*-‘Y2‘. &.-.
* .
Staub und Sprühnebel nicht einatmen. *;J, r?‘ .
Inademen van stof en spoitnevcl vermijden. - _
r .

Evitare di respirare IC polveri c le nebbie.

Avoid breathing dust and spraymist.

5 58 Pendant les fumigations, éviter de respirer les fumées,

Beim Versprühen (Vernebeln) die Dämpfe (Nebel) nicht einatmen.
Bij vernevelen, inademen van de nevel vermijden.
Durante le fumigazioni, evitare di respirare i fumi.
During fumigation avoid breathing fumes.

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EC b 7 / 5 4 B / E E C 67 m 3404579 000388b b

.-- f;
..$b-. _’
Officinl Jouriinl of thc European Cornmunitics e ,
? 25s

S 59 En CAS d‘cxplosioii, Cvitcr dc rcspircr les fiinibcs.

Kith ciiicr Esplosioa Schwaden iiicht ciiiatnicii,
Na CCII oritploffiiig iiindciiicii van dc rook vcrniijdcii.
hi c ~ s odi cspiosionc cvitaic di rcspirarc i íiimi.
Avoid brciitiiing tlic funics if ni1 cxplosion occiirs.

i:. - Contact

S 61 Bvitcr IC contact vcc Ia p bu.

Ilcriihriing iiiit dcr Hniit vcrnicidcir,
Aaiiraking nict dc huid vcrmijdcn,
Evitarc il contatto coil la pcllc.
Avoid Contact with skiii.

S 62 Bviter IC contict avcc Ics ycus.
Bcriihrung niit den Augcn vermcidcii.
Annraking met dc ogen vermijden.
-. Evitarc il contatto con gli occhi.
’6 ?I;
Avoid contact with cyes.

S 63 Buitcr IC coiitact avec la peau ct les ycux.

ficrührung niit Haut und Augcn vermeiden.
Aanraking nicî huiù en ogcn vcrmijdcn.
Evitarc il contatto con In pelle e con gli occhi,
Avoid contact with skin or eyes.

S 64 Evitcr le coiltact avcc la peau ct les ycux surtout lonqu’il s’agit de solutions
Bcriihrung niir Haut iind Aiigcn vcrmcidcn, bcsoiidcrs bci Vcnveiidung
iiihaitigcr Lösungcn.
Aaiiraking nict huid cn ogcn vcrniijdcii, word van oplossing in dic.
Evitarc il coiitatto coil i i i pcìlc c gii occhi soprattutto quando trnttasi Ji
soliiaioni oleosc.
Avoid coiitact with skiii or eyes cspccinlly whcii irsiiiy solutions in oil.

S 65 Evitcr IC coiitact avcc In pc,iu, les ycus ct Ics vCtciiiciits,

llcriiliriiiig init Haiit, Aiigcii iiiiil Klcìduiig vcriiicidcii.
h i i r a k i i i g nict Iiiiid, ogcii cri klcdiiig verniiiúcii.
Evit,irc il coiitntto con !a pelic, con gli occiii c coil yli iiidiiiiiciiti.
Avoid coiitact witli skiti, cycs and clotliing,

S 66 Eii CJS d e contact avcc la peiiu, arroscr avcc dc i’cbihi ct llc pr6fircncc avcc
iinc solution Jc siilfntc dc cuivre er cnicvcr les particuics solidcs,
Bei ßcriihruiig rilit der Haut; iiiit Wasser odcr Kupfcrsiilf;itlösiiirg spülcii iiiid
fcstc Tcilchcn ciitfcrncir,
ßij nanraking iiict dc huid, spoclcii i w t \v.\tcr OC iicvcr i w t ccii kopcnuiht-
oplossiiig cn dc v.istc dccitjcs dic op dc huid kicicn vcnvijdcrcii.
In cilso di coiitntto con la pcllc, iavarc con acqiia, c, prcfcribiliitciitc, coli iiiln
soliirioiic di solfato di ram, iiiloiitaiiiindo IC pnrticcllc solidc,
Iii ciisc of contact with skin drench with \vatCr or prcfcrably with copper
sulphate solution. Remove solid particles.
. CI

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EC b7/54A/EEC b7 3LiOLi579 0003887 8

4i ûfiicial JoLiriial of the European Coiiimunitics

67 Eil ciis de ccmact avcc la peau nu Ics ycux, moscr aboiidapicnt avec de I'&w.
Spriricc auf die Haut oder iii ¿ic Augcn griindlich mit .Wasser abspiilen 'k
Uii aaiirnkiiig nict huid of ogcii, grondig nict water afspoclcn, r ~ - : 5
> W .

i n EJSO di cotititto con la pcllc c con gli occhi, Iavare abbondaiitcnicntc coil
Iii ciise of coiit.ict with skin o r eyes, rinse with plciity of watcr,

S 68 Evitcr IC coiitdct BWC ICs i i i h i i s oll Its S C ~ Siiiiiikiiix.

ikriihriiiig iiiit hlctdlcii odcr aiiorgiiiiisdicii hlzcii vcriiicidcii,
.'.mt;ikiiig iiiet iiictalcii of niiorgiiiiischc mitci1 vcrniijdcii.
Evitiirc il cuiitiitto coi1 i nictaili c coil i sali iiiiiicriili. IP

Avoid contact with iiictals or iiiorgaiiic salts. \:. .

G. - Protection individuelle
Pcrsönliche Schukmaßnahmcn
Pcrsoonlijke beschcrmhg
Protezione individuale
Pcrsonal protection

S 71 Eiilcvcr inini6diaternciit tout vètemciit souilk

Scschmiitztc Klcidiing sofort auaielien,
Vuile kicdiiig dadclijk uittrckken.
ï'oglicrsi di dosso immedi;itamcntc gli induiiieiiti iiiibrattiiti,
Iakc off immediately all contaminated clothing.

S 72 Lors de l'utilisation, porter un vêtement de protection.

Bei der Arbeit Schutzkleidung tragen.
Gedurciidc het wcrk beschcrmcnde kleding dragen,
iiidossarc un abita protettivo durante l'ímpiego,
When using wcar protcctivc clothing.

s 73 Lors de l'uti!isation, p6ïtCr u11v6tenicnt de protection et des giint5 iniperiii6ablcs.

Bci dcr Arbeit ScliurAleidiiiig iind undurchläss:~~ Handschuhe tragen.
Gedurcnde het werk bcschcriccnde kleding en ondoordringbare handschocneii
iiidossatc un abito protettivo e i guanti impermeabili durante l'inipiego.
Whcii tising wear protective clothing and inipcrmcable gloves.

s 74 Lors de I'iitiIisntioii, sc protfger fiii nioycii d'titi iiiasqiic cfficacc.

Ilci der. Arbeit wirksanics Atenischiir~ger~t tragen.
Gcdiirciidc hct wcrk ecii dochiiatig nkiskcr dragcii,
Usarc iiiiischcrii prcltcttiva cfficacc duraiitc l'iiiipicgo.
When using wear aii efficicnt respirator.

s 75 Lors ùc l'utilisation, porter un niasque efficace et des gaiits inipcriri&.-.,s.

Ilsi Jcr Arbeit wirksaiiics Atcnischutzgcrit und uiidurchliíssige Handschuhc
Ccdurcndc hct werk ccii doelinatig niaskcr en oirdoordriiigbare handschociicn
Usarc niaschera protettíva cfficacc c i gumti it-.ficrmeabili diirantc I'iiiipiego.
IVhcii iisiiig wear aii efficient respirator and impermeablc gloves.


Copyright European Union/Commission Legislative Documents

Provided by IHS under license with EC Sold to:Kentz Group, 441694
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale,10/12/2008 02:11:53 MDT
' EC 67/54ei/EEC 6 7 M 3 4 0 q 5 7 7 O003888 T W

. -.e*

ûtficial Journal of tlic Europcnn Conitiiuiiitics L

- .
s i(> imr\ tie ~'iiti~isntioiiiiicii vciitiicr ic íoc,ií oii SC
..--. iiioyci>d*uij
.' ?i
niasqiic cfficacc, ._
Aiisrcicheiidc Liiftiiiig aiiwciideii odcr wirksaiiics r\tcnischirtsgcriit tragcii,
Gcdiirciitii* Iiet wcrk aotgcii vuor ccir gocdc vciitrlatic sun dc wcrkplnats of
ccii docliiiaiig niaskcr dragcii.
Vciitilarc il IocnIc e protcggcrsi coli iiii,i iiiasrlicra cffisiicc tlririiiitc I'iiiipicgom
\\'licit this iiintcria! is iiscJ cficctivc vcntilatioii niust bc providcd or nii
cfficiciit respir'itor must bc worii.

s 77 h r s de l'iitilisiitioii, portcr tlcs Iiiiicttcs tlc protection. r

Sdiiiubrillc tragen,
Driiag bij hot wcrk ccii vcilighcidsbril. . P*.$_ . .
: c;' i ,
i'ortnrc occhiali di protezioiic diiriititc I'iiiipicgo. ,.? - /?*
\Vhcii usiiig wear safcty goggles. :. ..
*- ... . ..
I .

s 78 h i cas de d6giigciiiciit de poussikre, sc proteger au riioycii d ' iiiasqiie

~ cfficiicc.
ßci Staiibeiitwickliiiig wirkmics Atcriischutzgeriit ttagcn,
Ecri doclniatig masker dragcii als bii Iiet gchruik stof ontwijkt.
Sc si liberano polvcri dixante l'impiego protcggcrsi con iiiia niaschcrn cfficacc.
if dust cscapcs wear an efficient respirator,

H. - Ncttoyagc
s 91 Sc laver iniiiiPdiatciiiciit Ics iiiains nprh niaiiipulatioii.
Niich der Arbeit sofort Hziidc waschen.
Na Iict wcrk diîcct dc Iiaridcii wnsscn.
Lavarsi iiirniediatamentc IC mani dopo la nranipdazione,
Wash hands immediately after handling.

5 92 Sc lavei. imniidiatciiiciit les inaíiis et IC visage B licai s;tvoniiciisc après

Nach dcr Arbeit sofort Gesicht iind Handc mit Scik waschen,
Na het wcrk direct gczicht cii handcn wiisscn iiret watcr cii zcep.
Litvarsi ii!iincdiataiiiciitc IC iiiniii c ii viso con aqua c saponc dopo la
\Viish face and hiiiitls with sonp arid water iiiiiiicdiatcly after haiidlhrg.

s 9.3 Lnvcr ahoi,diininicnt h I'cnii IC sol et Ics objets soiiillis par ce prodiiit.
Vcrsdiiiriitztc GegciistHiidc ritid FiiDhodcn gniiidlich mit Wasscr iib\\~iischcii.
Vcroiitrcinigdc vtrorwcrpci\ ci\ vlocren nict uccl watet nfspoclcii.
Liiv;irc ncciir,itaiiicntc con acqiia il paviiiictito r! gii oggctti iiiibrattiiti dit
qucsto prodotto,
\Viish :Iiorouyhly with w t c r the floor iiiid a11 ubjcsts coiitiiiiiíiintcd hy this
in;i tc r ia1

s Y4 Eiiiploycr les ~noyciisprticrits polir ncttuycr IC sol ct les objcts soiiillk

prodiiit. 3
piir CC

I.'uBL~odeii iiiid vcrsrhiiriit~tc Gcgciistiindc tiiit dcii vorgcschencii Mittclii

Gcbriiik de voorp Lhrcvcii niiddclcii vow hct scliooiiiiinkcii vail vlocrcn ci1
verontreiiiigdc .vo"r ,t.pcii.

Usarc i iiicrzi pi ' ,posti per pulirc Il paviiiiccto c gli oggctti iiiibrattati da
qucsto prodotto.
Use the incaiis provided to clcaii the floor and all objccts coiitaiiiiiiatcd by this

Copyright European Union/Commission Legislative Documents

Provided by IHS under license with EC Sold to:Kentz Group, 441694
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale,10/12/2008 02:11:53 MDT
Off icial J oii rna I of t Iic Eurogcaii Coiti i11 uiii tics
i. .- Incendie
Vcrhnltcn bei ßriindcn

S IOI iiii c,v, ~l'iiicciitlic,Cvitcr d'ii*lidci*les fiiiiicch.

lit1 i\f,iil~lf~ill
kciiicn I~niicliciii,iiiiirii.
Iii gcv,iI von Iir;iiiiI iiitidciiicii viiii rook wriiiijilcii.
III caibo tl'iiwiidio cvii,irc di ildiire i fiiiiii.
III ciisc trf firc, avoid brcathiiig fiiiiics,
* "P,

s 102 SI IC piiospiiorc brUic, iirroscr nvce di1 I*C>,UIc t Cvitcr iic rc+pircr ICYfiÌiiiCcs.
üiic fois IC fcii i'teiiit, coiivrir ríc wblc o i i CIC tcrrc iiioiiil12ss.
i\rciiiicirdcii Pl;osplior niit \Vasscr Iöschcii, dic D'Biiipfc iiiclit -Li;itii$h; riach
iiciii Lij~clic~idcs FciicrS mit fciichtciii Sntid odcr fciichtcr F.r<lcybdcckcn-.j
ih~aiidciidcfocfor nie; witcr hliisscii CII iiiedciiicii vnii rciok vcrinijdcir. Danriin
ufdckkcii iiicc i i x zaiid of ii;\ttc awdc.
SC il fosforo briicin, iiioiiclxc con ncqiiii cd cvitnrc di rcspiriirc i h i . Spciito
il fuoco, copiirc con sahbia c con terra bngiinta.
Drciich burning phosphorus with water niid avoid brcatliiiig fiinics; wlicii firc
is cxtiiiguislicd, covcr with wct m i d or carth,

!i103 Eii CAS d'iiicciidic, Ctciiidrc avec les i i i o p i s approprik. Nc jaiiinis iitiliscr
dc I'cnu,
ini ßimdfall niit dciii dafiir vorgcscliciicii Fciicrlijsclicr liiscliei~. Kciii W-itsscr
vcrwciidcii. *\: . X' ~

i\ij brand iiimiiicr water gcbri~ikcii;bliisscii nict dc gC5# * c b1iisiiiidhClci~.

!f-I 1'
1ii ciiso d'iiiccncíio, spcgiicrc con iiiczii ndntti. Non iisnrc ninjacqii?Q .
I i i c;isc of firc, usc approprintc cqiiiptneiit. Ncvcr iise wntch~k-". .z- ' .

S i04 En cas d'incendie éteindre avec les moyens appropriés.

ini Brniidfnll niit dcii dn .iir vorgesehenen Feiicrlüscliiirittclii Iöschcn.
Bii braiid bliissen niet dc gcschikte blusiiiiddelen.
in caso d'iiiccndio spcgiicïe con mezzi ndatti.

in case of fire, use appropriatc cquipr..ent.

i., - Secours médical

Arztliclic MaSnahmen
Doktcr's hulp
Ricorso al mcdico
% First Aid
5 t
s 108 h i cils dc iiiulaisc fnirï nppcl nii iii£Jc*-iiiet Iiii iiioiitrcr ccttc hiyiicttc.
Uci Ci *wolilsciii dcii Arrt aufsuclicii iiiid ihiii dicscii \Variixcitci acigcii.
itaadpi,;g de dokrcr als nici1 xicli o i i ~ c voclt
l ci1 Iiiiit Iiciii dit ctikct ï h i ,
I i i ciiso rIi iiialcsscrc risortcic nl iiicdico iiiostraiidoCli qiicsta ctirlictta,
if p i i feci iiiiwcll call a doctor aiid show Iiiiii this liibcl.

S 1 í ~ h i cas d'ncciciciii fiiirc nppcl d'iirgciicc aii iii6dcciii ct Iiii nioiitrcr ccttc
lìci Uiifiillcii sofort &ir ArAt riifcii iiiid ihm ilicscii Wnriizcttcl zcigcii,
Uij onycvni oiiiiiiddcllíjk ilc doktcr latcii koiiicii ci1 Iiciii dit ctiket Intcit zicii,
iii c.iso di infortiiiiio ricorrerc iiiiiiicdintanicnte nl nicdico niostrandogli
qucsta ctichctta.
iir ciisc at accìdciit call n doctur Lnincdiatcly niid show hìni this Inbcl.

Copyright European Union/Commission Legislative Documents

Provided by IHS under license with EC Sold to:Kentz
-. Group, 441694
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale,10/12/2008
-L 02:11:53 MDT

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