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Communications Strategy Proforma

1. Background/Rationale
Provide a brief situation analysis explaining the context in which the communications
will take place. Outline what events or actions have occurred to give rise to this
planned activity. How does this fit with other relevant Government communications

2. Research
Has research of any kind been done to support the rationale for the campaign? Is
any supporting research, qualitative or quantitative, available for review? Summarise
the overall conclusions of any relevant research.

3. Aim/Objectives
The Aim should clearly follow from 1. above.

Objectives should be clear, concise and achievable outcomes that are capable of
being measured, tracked or evaluated. How the objectives align with major
Government policy frameworks, or communications priorities/themes?

4. Target audience
The communications activity should be able to identify a clearly defined audience or
set of audiences and demonstrate how the objectives relate to each.

5. Key messages
What are the key facts, thoughts or ideas that this activity seeks to impart? Given that
humans can only recall a small number of facts or impressions from any activity of
this sort, what are the facts or impressions most crucial to achieving the objective?

6. Issues
What issues will need to be managed as part of the project? What is their likely
impact? How will they be managed?

7. Methods/tools/media

What elements comprise the communications activity? What media/tools will be

used? What disciplines (eg PR, event management, advertising, direct marketing)
are to be employed? Will an agency or other supplier be engaged to assist in any
part of preparing or implementing the plan? If a creative treatment (i.e. copy, layouts,
mock-ups or a script) has been developed, attach it to the submission for
consideration. Do all components comply with communications policies and
guidelines (for example, the Victorian Government Guidelines for Advertising and
Communications)? Are they environmentally and socially responsible?

8. Budget
What is the total cost of this activity and what is the breakdown of costs by
component activity? What is the source of funding and has it been approved? Is this
the optimal use of resources given all the available alternatives? Is this an
appropriate use of public monies? Is this an appropriate use of natural resources and
public monies?
9. Timings
When is this activity likely to begin? Over what period will it continue? What other
relevant Government activities or events will coincide with this activity?

10. Evaluation
How will this activity be measured against its objectives? What methods, qualitative
and/or quantitative, will be employed to assess the performance of the campaign?
What benchmark (eg results of previous similar or comparable activity) can we use to
assess the success or otherwise of this activity?

11. Accountability
Who will be responsible for the performance of the activity against its objectives?
When will a report on campaign performance be available?

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