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Tariq Plastico System Flow :


 Our mode of business is Plastic Polymer Business / Plastic Dana. Which belong will be trading
approach in business and fallow FIFO costing method.
 We deal in whole sale are retail business (Bags/Kg).
 Our Unit of Measurement is 25-Kg Bag.
 We have 3 difference Category of Stock one is Virgin/Imported we call it Natural , Second is
Recycle we call it Waste & Thirty is Colour when we send Virgin/Imported Martial to one of
vender to colour the stock and its send us back.
 We make sale as these Ledger account “Cash Sale / Cash Retail /Online Sale / Mobile Account


 Sale Officer 2 (Should have not asses their clients of each other)
 Accounts Officer 1 (Auditors)
 Admin Account 2


 Monition in Retail Stock

 Managing the Postdate Cheque
 Vender Database
 Customer Database
 Credit customer Database

Purchased Process:
1. Minimum Order Voucher
a. Stock in Warehouse + Stock in Shipment = Total Stock we have – Minimum Stock Assign
=Stock to Order.


 Report showing the stock to order

 Auto Reminder of Purchased

2. Purchased Order Voucher

a. Date
b. Vender Name Only
c. Teams and Condition / Days
d. Freight Charges
i. Lording
ii. Freight Charges
iii. Total Rate on Freight
e. Quantity
f. Brand/Description
g. Grade
h. Each Unit Rate
i. Amount
j. Example: 100 bags PP Sabic 575 (100 Is Quantity / Brand/Description is PP Sabic / Grade
is 575)


 Report showing Periodic items Purchased not entered within 4 days.

 Report showing all Purchased converted to Purchased

3. Purchased Voucher (Should be auto call)

a. Date
b. Vender Name Only
c. Teams and Condition / Days
d. Freight Charges
i. Lording
ii. Freight Charges
iii. Total Rate on Freight
iv. Reference Number
e. Quantity
f. Brand / Description
g. Grade
h. Each Unit Rate
i. Amount
j. Example: 100 bags PP Sabic 575 (100 Is Quantity / Brand/Description is PP Sabic / Grade
is 575)


 Vender Contact Detail

o Name
o Land line #
o Cell #
o Postal Address
 Periodic Vender Purchased Ledger
 Periodic Ageing Report (Combine)
 Periodic Ageing Report (Due amount till dated)
 Vender Balance Summery
 Auto due reminder

4. Transfer of Stock Voucher (Difference Ware House / Delivery Order Voucher)

a. Reference ( Purchased**)
b. Date
c. Quantity
d. Brand / Description
e. Grade
f. Reaming Quantity available on that reference


 Ware House Stock Ledger Report

 Individual item stock Report
 Summary of Difference warehouse Stock

5. Sale Return Voucher & Claim Voucher (Should be auto call from Sale number / reference)
a. Date
b. Vender Name Only
c. Teams and Condition / Days
d. Freight Charges
i. Freight
ii. Reference Number
e. Quantity
f. Brand / Description
g. Grade
h. Each Unit Rate
i. Discount
j. Amount


 Sale Return / Claim Description Report

 Sale Return / Claim Summery Report

6. Receipts Voucher
a. Reference # (auto)
b. Vender Name
c. Mode of Payment
i. Mobile account (Jazz Cash)
ii. Mobile account (Easy Pisa)
iii. Cash
iv. Online
v. Thi-PT-TRT
vi. Post Dated Cheque (PDC)
d. Amount


 Periodic Summery of Payment Made.

Sale Process:

7. Sale Order Voucher

a. Date
b. Customer Name Only
c. Teams and Condition / Days
d. Freight Charges
i. Freight Charges
e. Quantity
f. Brand/Description
g. Grade
h. Each Unit Rate
i. Amount
j. Discount
k. Example: 100 bags PP Sabic 575 (100 Is Quantity / Brand/Description is PP Sabic / Grade
is 575)


 Report showing Periodic Items Sale not entered within 4 days.

 Report showing all Sale Order converted to Sale

8. Sale Voucher (Should be auto call)/ Sale Can be enter direct as well
a. Date
b. Customer Name Only
c. Teams and Condition / Days
d. Freight Charges
i. Freight
ii. Reference Number
e. Quantity
f. Brand / Description
g. Grade
h. Each Unit Rate
i. Amount
j. Discount
k. Example: 100 bags PP Sabic 575 (100 Is Quantity / Brand/Description is PP Sabic / Grade
is 575)


 Customer Contact Detail

o Name
o Land line #
o Cell #
o Postal Address
 Periodic Customer Purchased Ledger
 Periodic Ageing Report (Combine)
 Periodic Ageing Report (Due amount till dated)
 Customer Balance Summery
 Auto due reminder

9. Gate Outwards Pass

a. Reference ( Purchased**)
b. Date
c. Quantity
d. Brand / Description
e. Grade
f. Reaming Quantity available on that reference


 Ware House Stock Ledger Report

 Individual item stock Report
 Summary of Difference warehouse Stock

10. Sale Return Voucher & Claim Voucher (Should be auto call from Sale number / Reference)
a. Date
b. Customer Name Only
c. Teams and Condition / Days
d. Freight Charges
i. Freight
ii. Reference Number
e. Quantity
f. Brand / Description
g. Grade
h. Each Unit Rate
i. Amount
j. Discount


 Sale Return / Claim Description Report

 Sale Return / Claim Summery Report

11. Sale Voucher

a. Sale Name
b. Mode of Receipts
i. Mobile account (Jazz Cash)
ii. Mobile account (Easy Pisa)
iii. Cash
iv. Online
v. Post Dated Cheque (PDC)
c. Amount


 Periodic Summery of Payment Made.

Inventory Report Required:

a. Inventory Ledger
b. Periodic Summery Profit wise inventory Report
c. Periodic Detail Periodic Summery

Accounts Report Required:

a. Post Dated Cheque Report
 Periodic Summery of Post Dated Cheque we have.
 Periodic Summery of Post Dated Cheque Bounce
 Periodic Summery of Post Dated Cheque parcel payment
b. Trail Balance Report
 Periodic Summery of Trail Balance
 Working Trail Balance
c. Cash Flow Statement
d. Income Statement
e. Profit Report
 Sale Wise
 Inventory wise
 Customer Wise
 Sale category wise

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