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Poad\nq Exam

A Readthe ExamReminder.what woulo ldentifyingkeywordsin questions

in eachquestion?
underline Rememberthat with multlple'matching tasks,it
is a good ldeato underine the importantwordsin

Thenreadthe text quickly,beforegoing backand

B Now complete the Exam lask.
scanningeachparagraphto find the important
in{ormaiionyou underlinedin the questions.

Runningfor their lives

PuAn;rqis a qreotwoy Io keepfL. we askedJov, p"opleta tell v. ababttheirexperie\ces. Vt
A but I love it.There are quit€ a lot A (
Suehasbeenrunning for as of barefoot runners here and
long as shecan remember. they have ev€n organised
Shehas alwaysbeensporty,
but now shefinds that
runningis her main exercise. c
'There'sno needto pay for a simon saysthat running
gym,and the only equipment has chaneedhis life.He
you needis a goodpair of can run a distanceof
running shoes.Thereareno 400meuesfasterthan
excuses youjust Put on your most ofhis friendsa! the
tracksuit,warm up and off runningtrack,although
you go.Youcan go runningwheneverit suitsyou, even he only took up the spo{ a
in the dark if you havesomereflectiveclothing.Thebad few yearsago.He is hoping
weatherputs somepeopleoff,but norme.I can run m to improve his speed enough to
snowwith specialspikeson my sho€s.'Su€is always enter intemational competitions
pusningnerse.fnaroerard nassrarr"dhil.running and has ambitions to break records.
recently.'It's reallydifficull at first,but running up hjlls This wouldbe an achievementfor any youngperson,
is excellen! makesyour legsvery strong.Even but the amazingthing aboutsimon is that he has
goingdownhill is not as easyas it might seem;you hav€ neverhadlegs.'Iwear artificiallegswhich w€re
to keepyour bodyupright and not go too fast orbraketoo speciallydesignedfor running.Theyarelighter than
mu-h - ve .akenDa,Lrn hjl- runningracesand - m reallv rne onesI wear for wdlkingand I -an run a' fast ds
nlp,c.n u,iih mv nr nacc' many able-bodiedathletes.Runningis my life;it's such
a great feelingl'
lacktook up runnins two yearsago,but sufferedinjurjes D
until he tn€d runningbarefoot.'lt'ssurprisinghow clare hasjust returnedfrom a thirty
easyit is to run barefootonceyou get usedto it.The kjlometrerun. she'sbeentraining
humanbodywasbuilt to run without shoes,and you forthe AthensMarathonfor about
run in a differentway when you arebarefoot.Theball five months.'Youhaveto build
ofyour foot,the paitjust behindyour big toe,hits the up the distances siowly. My
groundfirst,whe.easif you haveshoeson, the heeioften trainer's advice is to increase
absorbsa lot ofthe shock.I the distance by no more than
stadedrunningalonglhe ten pe.cent each week. I slait€d
beachandvent on to tun offrunningjusl a few kilom€tres a
through fields and on soft week and now I'm running about
ground. Now I can even 5 4 k i l o m e l r e sa w € € k . I h a d a l o t o f
run barefoot on concrete, difficulty at first \!ith sore ieet, and I
which is good because need to buy new runrirg shoes every
I live in New York City.
You have to watch and wjll be ead.g a:.: ofcarbohydrates
whereyou arest€pping in th€ week b.:..E r.:ace. as rhis is
of coursebecauseyou
don't haveshoeslo rhis q.ll b. -i. r:: -i: sre has run
protect you.I get
som€ strange looks
:!::::: ::::. : r.:i :: i':l be the most
Exam Task
':- aregoingto readar artlce abo{rtfourpeoplewho enjoy.unning.Forquestions
-3cse from the parasraphs(A-D).The paragraphsmaybe chosenmorethanonce.
- whjch paragraph(s) do you read about
: : : r s o n w i ' t ha d i s a b i i t y ?
--- eo-e dho h.s b-- rurr r 9 for ra"; years^
E-i _
-: m p o r t a n c eo i a t r a l n i n gp r o g r a m m e ?
: ' . r e n i t e c h n i q u e sn e e d e df o r r u n n l n g ?
;::.ia diet requirements?
: - : c l e m s t h a t r u n n i n gc a n c a u s e ?
- : r c o n v e n i e n t a n di n e x p e n s i v reu n n i n gl s ? * 4'*" :, t
1 ',= 'i4'

A Complete the sentenceswith these words in the correct form.
examine forbid have lose presc.ibe recover treal lwist
Albert is very unheathy and needsto we ght.
h e r a n k l ew h l e s h e w a s p a y i n gt e n n i s . ,
an X-rayto seeifthe bone sbrolen.
Youcan somell resseswith naturalrenrediessuch

Maryis sti from her coldi evenaftertwo weeks.

The doctor declded to antibloticsfor my chestlnfection.
smokinganywhere in the hospltal.
b The n!rsewil me today, but I can't start the treatment

3 Completeeachsentencewith the words given.

talf n9 to hispatientlsurgeon, ward)
2 F r e s hf o o d i s h i g h i n andusuay contains no . (additives, vitamins)
3 Beforethe , wasgivenan (injection,operation)
checkedmy eyesandthen the g a v e m e a n e a t i n gp l a n .
dietician, optician)
i rliar rfo r.. .la^r T^1.\! A,.l > a r o u n dh i s h e a d a n d h a d t o w a k w i t h a
bandage, crutch)
helpsto re:x the mind,whie - isverygoodfor lmprovlng

gymnastics, meditation)
I pharmacistcouldn't read the doctor's writing on the for my
medi€ation, prescription)
: ',4yhomemade flu wo 1,.s-l . bL. n i da ,s rer,ay, lJ or d havea
:. protectmyselfagainstflu in the Juture.(remedy,vaccination)
words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write eachword next to the corred sentence.
'iithegym, p r e f e r wkai n go n t h e t r a i n e r t rou n n i r g .
, a m i e i s s t a y l n ga t h o m e t o d a y b e c a u s eh e h a sa h i g h w o u n d .
i . d ' o p p e d t " e t a b l e t o r h . o o a d b o e r ' e 'b 9 L o e .
b e s tt h i r g a b o u t m e a t i s t h a t i t i s h j g h i n p r e s e r v a t i v e s .
:3:tunately, the treadmill wasn't too big to swa low
/ : u s h o u l da v o l df o o d t h a t h a sa l o t o f w e i g h t s l n i t .
'./y temperature
advlsed me to drink nrore water.
^ e n u r s ed r e s s e dt h e p r o t e i n w i t h a b a n d a g e .

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